Damian Wayne


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Name: Robin, Son of the Demon, the True Son of the Bat, the New Boy Wonder

Age: 14

Secret Identity: Damian Wayne

Faction: Teen Titans


~ Skilled Martial Artist: Trained by the League of Assassins, Damian has stated he knows just as many martial arts as Batman and can use them more effectively. This may be a largely overstated comment but one should not ask for verification. Damian may not be physically tough but he knows how to control his weight and has stated that he knows, "one thousand ways to kill a man." Damian's training has made him a formidable hand-to-hand combatant able to defeat or hold his own against multiple opponents, armed opponents or skilled hand-to-hand combatants

~ Hearing: Damian has exceptional hearing. He is the only Robin ever allowed to fight with a hood, since he proved he could fight without seeing anything. He beat up his opponents just by listening to how they moved

~ Stealth: Damian was able to sneak into Gotham City and furthermore into the Batcave virtually undetected until he felt necessary. Of all the Robins, Damian may be the one that is the most silent

~ Regenerative Healing: While Damian doesn't posses the ACTUAL ability of regeneration, his mother, Talia ah Ghul, has prepared various cloned organs for Damian, in case he is in critical condition

~ Strength Level: Damian possesses all the strength of a normal human male who engages in intense regular exercise

~ Analytical skills: As the son of the 'World's Greatest Detective' Batman, Damian must have been given some training in the arts of being a detective. Throughout his appearances Damian has shown some detective skills in the field whether that's with a partner or just on his own

~ Mimicry: Damian can imitate anyone's voice and speech patterns perfectly as he imitated Tim Drake's voice in order to gain access to the Batcave

~ Business Management: Trained by his mother and the League of Assassins in the way of controlling a company with an iron grip. Even as a young boy he knows that in business there are wars and even in war there are assassins. Damian is involved with the Wayne Enterprises' board members. He even intimidated the board members by tracking down financial irregularities within the Wayne Enterprises' accounts

~ Acrobatics: Damian is very acrobatic due to training with the League of Assassins

~ Swordsmanship: Damian assaulted both Tim Drake and Bruce Wayne on separate occasions with his sword, apparently the same sword used by Ra's ah Ghul. Although Damian no longer uses his sword he may be unmatched with one if armed correctly

~ Artistry: Damian is considered as skilled with a brush as he is with a sword


~ Damian posses all the weaknesses of a regular male human

Personality: To put it simple, Damian is a self important, aggressive, and violent person. Although, he has showed plenty of care towards his father, mother, and Dick Grayson (Nightwing)

Bio: Batman was not aware of Damian's existence for a considerable time. Genetically perfected and grown in an artificial womb, Damian was intended to be a formidable warrior. He was raised by Talia and the League of Assassins, in which he becomes a talented martial artist by the time he is a pre-teen, at which time Talia reveals Damian's existence to his father and leaves him in Batman's custody in an effort to disrupt his work. Precocious, spoiled, and violent, Damian battles Robin (Tim Drake), whom he wants to replace as his father's sidekick, and sucker punches him off the T-Rex in the Batcave. Grounded by Batman, he escapes, dons a variant Robin costume made of Jason Todd's old tunic and assorted League of Assassin gear, and gets into a fight with and decapitates the villainous Spook. Although misguided and malicious, Damian seems to genuine in wanting to aid his father's war on crime.
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