Dakora Aura: [RavenTail]


Always Sick

  • 311lxli.png

    Dakora Aura

    Age: 19


    Queen of the Heavens





    Hair Color:


    Eye Color:





    Dakora's personality is calm and controlled even when beaten in a fight. It's very hard to impress Dakora or to get her attention, she's not much a romantic but this young lady can be easily swayed by a smooth talker. Is easily bored, and dislikes small talk that have no value to her. She is shy and often uses this calm facade to hide it, secretly she enjoys the attention of others.

    Dislikes: People commenting on her hair color, wearing glasses, vanity, wasting money, shoes, pointless conversation, not fond of Blue Pegasus members, thieves, clothes that cover more than 50% of her body

    Likes: Win her heart with a banana smoothie.

    Loves fruit, smoothies, small animals, traveling, new things, cheeses, wing fish and all wing fish dishes, being barefoot, smooth talkers

    Guild Info

    Guild: Raven Tail

    Guild Rank: A-Class (Has the ability to be an S-rank, but is annoyed by the tedious trials)

    Guild Mark: Grey, Left (Exposed) shoulder

    Guild Tenure: 1 year

    Opinion Of Guild:

    "There are too many rules to follow."

  • Celestial Keys

    Anyone may control them if they want to.

    Silver keys

    Ursa minor

    Ursa Minor

    A small bear-like celestial spirit that is a little more than a foot tall. Stubborn and moody. Dakora's favorite spirit, often seen by her side even when not summoned. Makes soft 'Mar mar' sounds.

    Appearance: It's body is soft and the texture of a marimo moss ball with thicker, green vegetation growing over its upper body like a hooded coat. On top of it's head grows a large red mushroom that emits puffs of spores.

    Known Abilities: Can produce puffs of spores from the mushroom on it's head, yellow spores for paralysis, blue spores for sleep, green spores for poison. All effects are temporary and fairly weak, lasting no more than an hour depending on the person. Uses long branch-like claws to cling onto the target's head, then releases spores.

    Weaknesses: When put near water it gorges itself till it grows up to 8 feet tall. Becomes slow and lazy and too big to be flung at a person's head. The mushroom on its head remains the same size.

    ~~Other keys will be uploaded soon~~


    Description Vulpecula (Hates nicknames) has served Dakora and her sister since they were little, has been their cook and chaotic friend. He would continually rant about fashion, clothes and all the wonders of the human realm, often bearing gifts from the celestial world to force on Dakora. He is the reason why she hates Blue Pegasus, for he blathers about his previous summoners, their beauty, and their beautiful home. Although his cooking magic includes a large arsenal of blades and fine cookware, he values their quality too high to subject them for battle usage. Since he gathers all the ingredients for meals himself (and that Dakora refuses to pay for his expensive garnishes) he is paid with time to wander in the human realm. 1-2 hours for each meal prepared for her. He is proud of his long hair, long nails and bushy tail, even though Dakora thinks that 'it is unsanitary for a cook'.

    Gender: Male

    Height: 6'2

    Personality: Cocky,vain and mischievous, enjoys torturing Dakora and running amok in the human world. Often laid back and casual with wild habits, knows he can't die. Frets over Dakora's clothes.

    Likes: Dakora , clothes, himself, Blue Pegasus members, cooking, cute girls, fashion, being summoned, human culture, Aries and Virgo, his hair, his nails

    Dislikes: Dakora's clothes, rain, being commanded


    Cooking Magic: Prepares various meals for Dakora in return for time in the human world.

    Requip: Contains a large storage of cooking equipment to use, has a large wardrobe.

    Weaknesses: Cutting his hair or cutting his nails will cause the spirit to sulk to the point of depression, highly susceptible to poison, can not resist temptation or well offered deals, will run amok as soon as he's let out of Dakora's sight, has a nasty and sudden temper.

    Leo Minor



    Lion Minor (nickname Michi) is the latest key that Dakora has acquired, apparently a very close friend of Vulpecula and Nikora, (he obsesses over her cute form and puts her into many dresses.) Often mistaken for an exceed due to her cat-like appearance. Communicates with gestures and single words, intelligent but very reserved. Never gets mad.

    Gender Female

    Height (Approx the same as Happy)

    Personality Loyal and innocent, she doesn't say much, child-like.

    Likes: Unkown

    Dislikes: Unknown (Most likely wouldn't say)


    Starlight- Can create balls of light as large as a lacrima to several orbs that look much like a shower of small stars. Used for dark places, or festivals.

    Weaknesses: Elements of air and water, relatively light and can be blown away easily. Little combat use.


    Gold Keys

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DARN IT... now i gotta go to the store and buy some color pencils...

T-T Ms Kin of the one.. Can i borrow like 5$ (us dollars)
... i was seriously about to go to the store and look for magic paint >.>

NICE ONE KIN :five: troll lolz:bigsmile:
Celestial spirit list updated, working on Leo minor right now. I changed Canis Major key into Vulpecula so no conflicts would occur when the Oriental Zodiac dog came in.
Rei is screaming and going berserk just from wanting to hug her... -calm down Rei... OMG DONT SHOOT YOUR CREAT... *pow*

Rei will hug you new kitty

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