Daicetta‏: The Impure City

I'm just gonna be the comic relief guy that lightens the mood a bit... so ...<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/9c4507a3fa5a6ef1e8818e53bb126e8b4cad5b19_1.jpg.3fa058dd4e2c39e93d19e8749f3a8d73.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46768" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/9c4507a3fa5a6ef1e8818e53bb126e8b4cad5b19_1.jpg.3fa058dd4e2c39e93d19e8749f3a8d73.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 9c4507a3fa5a6ef1e8818e53bb126e8b4cad5b19_1.jpg
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[QUOTE="Zaffre Blue]She could choose not to talk to most people instead of being completely mute and have a leg deformity and limp seriously instead of not being able to walk at all.

That "and" doesn't tell me wheelchair is fine, it tells me to change both the wheelchair and the lacking of a voice...

[QUOTE="Zaffre Blue]it's too much of along the lines of typical evil genius for me.

I don't know of any villains that are bored with their life, so they just go ahead and enjoy the lives of others, with some occasional and slight manipulating to simply add something enjoyable... Villains I know about do things on large scales that generally ruins lives and everything, not a day-to-day excitement kind of level that may or may not just make a few people angry and ruin their day.

[QUOTE="Zaffre Blue]Eliciting the fact that we haven't seen your CS and haven't had a good idea of how and why that happened

As for that, you can't quite see the sheet if you just shoot everything down, now can you...? The fact of not having seen the sheet being one of your reasons makes no sense... How can having yet to see something be a reason to shoot it down...?


rapjack123 said:
xD no not that you were getting intense or anything just thought that might cheer everyone up ^_^
Not really easy to cheer up a Kiyoko affected by a headache... Hope it's at least not bad enough to where I'm being irrational on my reasoning and all that though, since when I feel like shit, I tend to become a shitty person...
Penance said:
Please leave me out of this. Thank you.
I was talking about singing "Fergalicious" with me, not trying to drag you into our discussion . Sadly, I don't think now is the time to bust into a choreographed reciting of one of Stacy Ann Ferguson's biggest hits, so I shall let you get back to your *insert activity here*.
[QUOTE="Zaffre Blue]I was talking about singing "Fergalicious" with me, not trying to drag you into our discussion . Sadly, I don't think now is the time to bust into a choreographed reciting of one of Stacy Ann Ferguson's biggest hits, so I shall let you get back to your *insert activity here*.

I'm busy fighting a shy person who keeps electrocuting me over a piece of pizza I threw acid up on ok? I'm busy
Penance said:
I'm busy fighting a shy person who keeps electrocuting me over a piece of pizza I threw acid up on ok? I'm busy
That's lovely, get back to that and I'll hold up fort.
*----------RANT WARNING----------*

@Zaffre Blue[/URL] knows it) because I keep offering help to someone who ignores it and then beats themselves up over being "Uncreative" or a "Bad person" because to me it sounds like you want everyone to pity you when I already offered help. We also have tried to reason peacefully with you SEVERAL times now. If you would like to leave then I make that choice up to you. I just hope that you understand 2 things before you go:

1. We are the Gm's, anything we say goes. I'm not trying to be like a dictator but it is stated in the site rules that as Gm's we can chose what to have and what no to in our RP, no questions asked. I have quoted an instance where someone in another RP of ours respectfully acknowledged this after my "Ranting" about their character.

@Zaffre Blue[/URL] too) skilled in making OCs and can make a decent one in about 10 minutes that includes a bio if you would just let others and myself HELP you. If your strong enough to say things like:

StoneWolf18 said:
2. Why ignore my and others help!?! You were struggling after I had stated time and time again, others as well that we would offer help but you ignored it! Then you beat yourself up about it after for not having a good character. I am (@Zaffre Blue too) skilled in making OCs and can make a decent one in about 10 minutes that includes a bio if you would just let others and myself HELP you. If your strong enough to say things like:
The only thing I was struggling with was height and such. We weren't even on that subject. The problem here is that so far, I haven't even seen room left for discussion or anything.

StoneWolf18 said:
We wouldn't judge you for that nor make you feel like you are worthless for asking.
Kinda did make me feel worthless when all my ideas were shot down, no questions asked. The reason I feel like leaving is because this whole time, not once did you even want to work out the details or anything; it was just "no sob stories", even though I said it wouldn't be a sob story at all. Not to mention there wasn't any discussion on it from you (though Zaffre did attempt it, and I apologize for not joining you in that discussion) regarding it either, just you assumed it was going to be a sob story kind of thing even when I said several times it wouldn't.

StoneWolf18 said:
Look. Your making this more difficult than it really is. I'm getting bitchy (And @Zaffre Blue knows it) because I keep offering help to someone who ignores it and then beats themselves up over being "Uncreative" or a "Bad person" because to me it sounds like you want everyone to pity you when I already offered help. We also have tried to reason peacefully with you SEVERAL times now. If you would like to leave then I make that choice up to you. I just hope that you understand 2 things before you go:
Not once did I call myself uncreative or a bad person. I simply stated myself what you apparently seemed to be saying; my ideas aren't good for this RP, and I should just give up on my ideas because I can't come up with anything for it. That's basically what I got out of you shooting down my ideas. Also, I wasn't beating myself up, and I definitely don't want people to pity me. "Reason peacefully"? There was no reason, just you blatantly putting everything in stone.

You don't want a sob story, so you put it in stone that my idea with the wheelchair, regardless of the fact it doesn't at all have to be a sob story, is not allowed because of ways, which I wasn't doing, could be sob stories and everything. Apparently-- and please note the use of a word that's from third-person and not a word that can be used in a definite and know-all way --you don't want humans to have anything decent, so you set in stone that age is everything with magical abilities, and that it doesn't matter how long they've been actually practicing it.

In another (but still related) note, I was simply stating my opinion when I talked about how the limitations were a bit too much, so in no way do you need to pull out the "I'm the gm" card, because that honestly makes you look like an asshole who can't accept opinions for what they are; mere statements regarding one's views and thoughts on something, which generally aren't the truth. Never did I set in stone that your limitations were too much, now did I? For the record though, I don't think it's right for most things to be set in stone.

StoneWolf18 said:
1. We are the Gm's, anything we say goes. I'm not trying to be like a dictator but it is stated in the site rules that as Gm's we can chose what to have and what no to in our RP, no questions asked. I have quoted an instance where someone in another RP of ours respectfully acknowledged this after my "Ranting" about their character.
Even if the site names what the RP gm's say as what goes, it's still not right to just force that unreasonably. I think that a good gm would at least go into discussion regarding things that a person isn't happy about, like limitations on something. Not calling you a bad gm, it's just it would be really appreciated by people to have things like that at least open for discussion as to the reasoning behind things set where they are.

Also, once again, really hating this headache. With this headache, I can willingly admit that at least a third or half of this argument is my fault in terms of it having started. Hopefully when this headache's gone and done, I don't look back at it and have the urge to call myself an idiot until I actually become an idiot who accepts anything said to them. I'll go ahead and apologize in advance too, just in case the headache turns out to be the source of my possibly irrational arguing.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]I think that a good gm would at least go into discussion regarding things that a person isn't happy about, like limitations on something.

Trust me, we have tried. With any questions you have please pm us both.
Zaffre Blue]VAMPIRE LORE IS HERE [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5663-plaguedwithinsanity/ said:

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Haha yeah. I just looked at the Lore section and was very disappointed as it wasn't there lol

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Plagued, would you like to be the leader/ deputy of a clan? If so please pick up or downtown. Downtown is a huge ally of "The pack of Quarried Stone" or my pack basically

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