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Futuristic ₩Ɇ ฿ⱠɆɆĐ ₣ⱠɆ₴Ⱨ, ฿Ʉ₮ ₣ØⱤ₲Ɇ ₴₮ɆɆⱠ Lore

Stricken Steel

On the moon, drinking sparkling water.
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Hello! Welcome to the Lore chat for ₩Ɇ ฿ⱠɆɆĐ ₣ⱠɆ₴Ⱨ, ฿Ʉ₮ ₣ØⱤ₲Ɇ ₴₮ɆɆⱠ!

Welcome to New York, It is the year 2077. Rated Number 234 In WORST Places to live in 2076. This city is both for Big Dreamers and Small Dreamers. Most people either enhance themselves with Cybernetics and or Plastic surgery as well. Others use technology to rebel and use it as weapons of destruction. Some even protect their turf and start gang shootouts.

There are Two Large Companies That Operate In The Big Apple:

Antech: Specializes in the productions of Firearms, Vehicles, Building Materials, etc. Antech Stands with the Streets and people of the poorer regions of New York. Their weapons and such are very reliable and very cheap to afford.

Gen10 Enterprises: Unlike being like Antech it is the complete opposite. The Company is made up of Corrupted and Self-serve Officials who just send soldiers onto the streets of New York. Their weapons and vehicles are not as reliable and are very expensive to afford.

The Resistance: The Resistance is basically a group of 'good' people and or rogues who fight against the forces of Gen10 Enterprises. Some live in the Sewers and or Brooklyn.

But It is not me who must make the choices here, It is YOU that must make the choices.
Would you be a kind-hearted hero? Or will you be corrupted by the sins of money?

You can be many things here in NYC and many jobs are yours to take with the flick of a Pen.
Well Known Locations

Pop's Cafe: A small Cafe that serves beverages and smaller Baked goods. It is located near Central Park and had been the Victim of Many gang shootouts.

The Void: A Bar and a Gentlemen's club is in the back. The Bar serves Wings, Beers, and Many more things! Near The New Empire State Building.

Brooklyn: A place where Many Open Air Street Markets, Crime-Lords, Gun-Shops, are located. Also contains a few Apartments that are still standing. If you do come here make sure you have a weapon and know how to fight.

The New Empire State Building: This was Built onto the Empire state building. The Tower extends to the near edge of space and transports ships and people back and forth. Also has some great artworks from like...The 1930s? Maybe? If it fell it would be a huge loss to everybody. So nobody has tried to sabotage it before.
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