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D&D Roleplay: Soul Of The Dragons (Currently Requesting RPers)

I'm unsure if this is how you would like to do it or if it's what you were thinking, but I would suggest:

A D6 dice plus 10 (Roll a 6-sided dice and add 10 to that), and that would be the players hit points they start out with.

And every character can be given 8 points to spend in whatever category they want starting out (adding 1 or 2 points per level gained to spend in any category they want). However, once they are spent, they cannot be undone (or 'unlearned' character-wise, so they can't just switch the stat over and must stick with what they have).

Different stat suggestions to put these points into can be:

(Attack) Atk: I don't think this needs an explanation, lol

(Constitution) Con: HEALTH

(Dexterity) Dex: Simply put, the speed

(Intelligence - Booksmart/Helps Magic) Int: The smarter the character, the more spells and combos they can perform!

(Wisdom - Street Smarts/Find away around town) Wis:

Targeting: For archers and far range attackers of the sort, they would prefer high targeting to even hit the target accurately.

(Charisma) Char: How much people like and listen to a character.

Perception: How fast a character can catch on to something, and notice their surroundings. Perception can also be used if a character is searching for something, they can roll a D6 plus the stat, and if it's high enough, the can find it. If not, they're out of luck!

You can set stats to a max to where once reached, they cannot gain any more points to spend (also to keep one character from completely overpowering another in level or abilities -- unless they encounter an inexperienced (new) player who doesn't have the stats to match their stats and could ultimately loose that match, or maybe they are the same level, but they still don't have the same stats in agility as the other character. So they aren't as fast. Players could also have the option to roll a D6 dice PLUS their stat in which they wish use to overpower something/someone else.

Example: Fred has a dexterity stat of 56. Joe has a dexterity stat of 54. They both might be racing... Naturally, Fred would win. However. The player for Joe can challenge this. So both players roll their D6 dice (if they so wish), and add it to their stat. Fred rolled a 2, so he has a dexterity stat of 58 for that duration of the roll. Joe rolled a 6, and his stat is now 60. Joe would win the race. :3

Get creative though! Dexterity can be used for MANY things/scenarios, even thieving. xD

A turn based might even be possible for how you plan to do things. So everyone rolls, and the highest number rolled would get to move first and the lowest number rolled would go last. Those who tie can decide between each other who would move first, or roll again until one gets higher.

A D20 dice (20 sided dice), could be chosen for the amount of gold gained per mission (unless it's already pre-set. In which players would roll for their character separately. Rolling a 20, they would get 200 gold (or 2,000, this can be flexible and what not). Heck, they could roll a 20, get 200 gold and then roll a D6 and add the 5 they rolled as an extra 50 bucks or something).

Upon request, players can ask to have some sort of special ability that they would like their character to have (Maybe, or they can just throw it in and be happy campers, lol). So I would also suggest an ITEMS category. So players can keep track of what they have on them, what they've gained on their journeys, and as a side note maybe for other players to look back on and plan. This can include weapons on said character, personal trinkets, and whatever really! Maybe adding a description of what each item is or does will also help. Which this brings up another point!!

Weapons! How much damage will a weapon do if it hits!? And if it misses, what will it do to the surrounding scenery and players if it does anything?! Roll a D6 plus 2 (or the stat you're going for), sometimes roll twice for those with dual weapons so one blade might do more damage or if one misses. And how many bows and arrows will a player have on them? They won't have infinite! This can be set in stone, or rolled for how many they start out with.

TRAITS: What a character is capable of! Their powers! Doesn't necessarily mean magic! A player might have an ability to where they can give another character of their choice a turn (for example, a bard), by singing an inspiring song. Or if you're going for a little more free range without the turn based... It empowers their allies and makes them stronger for a round!

SPELLS/MAGIC: Haha, yep! (Might wanna make a MANA section for those with magic, a D6 plus 10 for that as well I would suggest for starting out). Can a character spew water around, put another to sleep... mind control... Anything magical related, what's that magical character's powers?!

And another thing to maybe consider: Should they start out with any special powers in their specialty class?? OR!! Should they earn powers by leveling up every 5-10 levels? Maybe there are no levels...? Maybe a character learns something abnormal through sheer luck, traveling, becoming an apprentice... endless possibilities! xD

ABILITY: An example of this is what a character already starts out with. A rogue for example: Could be great at pick pocketing, lock picking or a stealth attack... They can choose 2 of these abilities, create their own, and/or gain the other through the course of the story.

FAME: Simply stated: What a character has done (Good or Bad), to get known. The more a character is known, (the more people will recognize them and come to them for help, a challenge, an arrest.... etc). Maybe they set the Queen's castle ablaze... Or maybe they saved her from the fire!

And as for races... Anything really within reason! Have fun and let the people have fun creating! But having a dragon-born human with vampire abilities that raise the dead at the power of their soul, flaming eyes, a rainbow tail and ice claws seems a bit much (I tried thinking of something insanely crazy, lol, but I'm on my logical side at the moment, not creative XDDD).

There can be the standard classes such as rogue, warrior, and mage for those that want to start simple. Although, it can also be fun to play a gnome, kahjit, Deidra, angel, spire mage, necromancer, bard, gunslinger... etc. The possibilities are endless! It kinda goes hand in hand with the races, just have fun with the different special abilities. Of course this doesn't mean that if they're a spire mage they HAVE to specialize in magic... It's just something they're normally best at. Said Spire Mage could be an awesome dual wielder and prefers not to use their magic for some strange reason of a backstory! All boils down to character creation. ^o^

I'm so sorry. I wrote A LOT!!! I hope that wasn't too much, hope I gave ideas and helped!! XDDDD I was unsure for what kind of world you were going for, so I basically spouted everything that came to mind... I think I listed everything that came to mind for STATS, as I think I interpreted correctly above.
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Pumpkinsisi said:
A D6 dice plus 10 (Roll a 6-sided dice and add 10 to that), and that would be the players hit points they start out with.
And every character can be given 8 points to spend in whatever category they want starting out (adding 1 or 2 points per level gained to spend in any category they want). However, once they are spent, they cannot be undone (or 'unlearned' character-wise, so they can't just switch the stat over and must stick with what they have).

Different stat suggestions to put these points into can be:

(Attack) Atk: I don't think this needs an explanation, lol

(Constitution) Con: HEALTH

(Dexterity) Dex: Simply put, the speed

(Intelligence - Booksmart/Helps Magic) Int: The smarter the character, the more spells and combos they can perform!

(Wisdom - Street Smarts/Find away around town) Wis:

Targeting: For archers and far range attackers of the sort, they would prefer high targeting to even hit the target accurately.

(Charisma) Char: How much people like and listen to a character.

Perception: How fast a character can catch on to something, and notice their surroundings. Perception can also be used if a character is searching for something, they can roll a D6 plus the stat, and if it's high enough, the can find it. If not, they're out of luck!

You can set stats to a max to where once reached, they cannot gain any more points to spend (also to keep one character from completely overpowering another in level or abilities -- unless they encounter an inexperienced (new) player who doesn't have the stats to match their stats and could ultimately loose that match, or maybe they are the same level, but they still don't have the same stats in agility as the other character. So they aren't as fast. Players could also have the option to roll a D6 dice PLUS their stat in which they wish use to overpower something/someone else.

Example: Fred has a dexterity stat of 56. Joe has a dexterity stat of 54. They both might be racing... Naturally, Fred would win. However. The player for Joe can challenge this. So both players roll their D6 dice (if they so wish), and add it to their stat. Fred rolled a 2, so he has a dexterity stat of 58 for that duration of the roll. Joe rolled a 6, and his stat is now 60. Joe would win the race. :3

Get creative though! Dexterity can be used for MANY things/scenarios, even thieving. xD

A turn based might even be possible for how you plan to do things. So everyone rolls, and the highest number rolled would get to move first and the lowest number rolled would go last. Those who tie can decide between each other who would move first, or roll again until one gets higher.
I Can't Decide With D6+10 Dice Systems With D20 Dice Systems

Maybe I Might Have A Poll Of What Is Better
You could use both systems, but use them for different specified things (like making a tab that explains how/when to use either dice), but if using one standardized system would be easier overall to use, then a poll would probably be best to see what players would feel more comfortable with.


I believe at the moment it is still under construction (or PreDev mode- predevelopment- as stated above), so no one can officially join at this time as a RPer, but looking for ideas.

@Connor Smith
So um I have never played d&d but I want to get into it, and I decided I would look here for someone who could help me
Still open like the thread states? If so what rules and CS format?
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