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Closed cycho's coding lab (MOVING THREADS)

Mobile friendly.

Goddess of Innocence

Talia (tah-lee-ah)
"Lemurs are cute, no?"

basic data
dominion: dreams, innocence, youth, imagination
age: n/a
gender: none, but appears most often in a female body

sexuality: pansexual
height: 5'4"
-hot chocolate on rainy days
-horror stories
-freezing temperatures
-nagging 'adults'
theme: searching

relationship: single
crush/interest: none as of now
communication status: talks easily with others, but is usually withdrawn due to tired nature
- does dream walking count (ability to enter others' dreams/nightmares)
- ignoring 'boring' orders
- wildly creative
- gives literally the best hugs
bio: A child of Eirene (goddess of peace), Talia was born during ancient times, when the world was busy with war and tainted with agony. She arrived almost unknown, planting seeds of youth and joy in new generations, as her mother had instructed her. Talia remembers little of her past, choosing instead to bask in the light of day and sleep away the times in which there is large conflict. She rarely chooses to truly help one side of conflict and remains a neutral bearer of small joys. (there was that one time in which she screwed things up, but she doesn't want to talk about it just yet)
personality: Talia is a very care free person, who has her priorities terribly out of order. She's an upbeat spirit who wanders around, leeching energy from others and bugging them with childlike innocence. The girl is persistent if needed, but generally tends to go with the flow. She is easily frustrated if things don't go her way and her childness can irritate a poor soul if one does not know how to properly keep up with her or entertain her. Talia dislikes being serious, tending to give off a dark energy when her mood is down. (happens rarely, thank gods)
[Fieldset=Goddess of Innocence][row][column=span4]
[B][COLOR=rgb(102, 0, 51)][SIZE=4]Talia (tah-lee-ah)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=#b30059][I]"Lemurs are cute, no?"[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][border=0px]
{slide=[bg=#5D4157][COLOR=#ffffff]basic data[/COLOR][/bg]}[COLOR=#5D4157][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3][B]dominion:[/B] dreams, innocence, youth, imagination
[B]age:[/B] n/a
[B]gender:[/B] none, but appears most often in a female body[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3]sexuality:[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3] pansexual[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#5D4157][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3][B]height:[/B] 5'4"[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
-hot chocolate on rainy days
-horror stories
-freezing temperatures
-nagging 'adults'
[B]theme:[/B] searching[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
{slide=[bg=#A8CABA][COLOR=#ffffff]social[/COLOR][/bg]}[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3]relationship:[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3] single[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3][COLOR=#5D4157][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3][B]crush/interest:[/B] none as of now
[B]communication status:[/B] talks easily with others, but is usually withdrawn due to tired nature
- does dream walking count (ability to enter others' dreams/nightmares)
- ignoring 'boring' orders
- wildly creative
- gives literally the best hugs [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3]{/slide}

{slide=[bg=#CAD7B2][COLOR=#ffffff]background[/COLOR][/bg][/SIZE][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/FONT][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/SIZE][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/FONT][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/SIZE][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/FONT][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][SIZE=3][FONT=Raleway]}[/FONT][/SIZE][B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3]bio:[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3] A child of Eirene (goddess of peace), Talia was born during ancient times, when the world was busy with war and tainted with agony. She arrived almost unknown, planting seeds of youth and joy in new generations, as her mother had instructed her. Talia remembers little of her past, choosing instead to bask in the light of day and sleep away the times in which there is large conflict. She rarely chooses to truly help one side of conflict and remains a neutral bearer of small joys. (there was that one time in which she screwed things up, but she doesn't want to talk about it just yet){/slide}[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
{slide=[bg=#EBE3AA][COLOR=#ffffff]personality[/COLOR][/bg]}[B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3]personality:[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3] Talia is a very care free person, who has her priorities terribly out of order. She's an upbeat spirit who wanders around, leeching energy from others and bugging them with childlike innocence. The girl is persistent if needed, but generally tends to go with the flow. She is easily frustrated if things don't go her way and her childness can irritate a poor soul if one does not know how to properly keep up with her or entertain her. Talia dislikes being serious, tending to give off a dark energy when her mood is down. (happens rarely, thank gods) {/slide}[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
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Mobile Friendly!

not up for grabs
hey there guys
hey there guys
hey there guys
hey there guys
hey there guys
hey there guys
hey there guys
hey there guys
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Mobile friendly, but scrolling is finnicky.

F a u n || F l o r i a n

Full Name: Florian Ethers
Official Title: The White Hare
Nickname: Ian (used only by those close to him)
Age: 23

H I S T O R Y​
Florian was born in Faun, a young boy with unusual snow white hair and odd powers. A child without a father nor a mother, he was placed into his grandmother's care until the age of 5. At this age, Florian had shown unnatural gifts, not those of a Bearer, however. He sought the apprenticeship of the Oracle, who gladly took him in. Thus began a rigorous training, as his found power was balance of all four elements. He became a prodigy, mastering earth/fire/water/air under the Oracle's aid. He had completed full training at the age of 20.

However, at that time, Florian's grandfather passed, leaving him emotionally shattered. It rendered him unable to fight against the siege that was planned. The Sanctuary was raided, and lives of many Balancers were lost until they eventually prevailed. After the battle, he helped his fellow magic users to rebuild Sanctuary, placing the powerful binds warding against evil intent over the world of Faun. Now regarded as a higher power within the world, Florian sees to keeping the balance of Faun with the other members of Sanctuary. He has been a Protector since and is known as one of the most powerful magicians in Vestari. Recently, he has been tasked to guide the Bearers to the New World.
Florian is a quite vibrant fellow, with a strong outlook on life. He lives in the moment, often sneaking out from his post whenever he can to travel in the more scandalous parts of Faun. The man's confidence is exuding, allowing him to charm or flirt openly, swaying the minds of others with his words.

Florian loves dance, and uses it during festivals to seduce unaware individuals. (He has no preference of gender.) The boy can be harsh at times when not giving off his playboy vibes, especially when he is frustrated. Florian is accustomed to getting what he wants, and often times does not like to use force. He has a rather placid temperament and speaks rather lazily to others around him.
-Mind Binds (the ability to control a person's mind, works only on those who cannot resist)
-Cosmetic (the ability to alter his face temporarily, as well as others)
-Earth Magic (has the most difficulty with this one)
-Fire Magic
-Water Magic
-Air Magic
(his power can fluctuate and he can only control two elements at a time)
-Hand to Hand Combat (knives, he owns two that he keeps with him at all times, in case magic could not be used)
-Persuasion (comes with the personality)
-Nimble (due to lithe body, helps agility)
View Towards Worlds
Aster: A beautiful place that has many a pretty man or woman. If possible, he'd run away to Aster every night he could for the parties.
Veyn: He finds their people too serious and detests the smell of fish.
Newt: A sad place for war, as their technology is admirable.
Faun: A homeland that is both a bit boring and cozy.

-Dessert Wine
-Himself (he's a painful narcissus)

-Uptight Personalities
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Not mobile friendly..


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus finibus sit amet purus a ultricies. Vestibulum pellentesque tempus ante at dictum. Ut et metus tempor, dignissim tellus quis, mattis felis. Maecenas id nunc facilisis, faucibus ipsum non, congue enim. In egestas lacus vel dui tempor tincidunt. Cras varius eleifend fermentum. Sed vel orci tortor. Curabitur consectetur fermentum nisl aliquam varius. Phasellus dapibus, neque a sodales iac mue tempus ante at dictum. Ut et metus tempor, dignissim tellus quis, mattis felis. Maecenas id nunc facilisis, faucibus ipsum non, congue enim. In egestas lacus vel dui tempor tincidunt. Cras varius eleifend fermentum. Sed vel orci tortor. Curabitur consectetur fermentum nisl aliquam varius. Phasellus dapibus, neque a sodales iac mue tempus ante at dictum. Ut et metus tempor, dignissim tellus quis, mattis felis. Maecenas id nunc facilisis, faucibus ipsum non, congue enim. In egestas lacus vel dui tempor tincidunt. Cras varius eleifend fermentum. Sed vel orci tortor. Curabitur consectetur fermentum nisl aliquam varius. Phasellus dapibus, neque a sodales iac mue tempus ante at dictum. Ut et metus tempor, dignissim tellus quis, mattis felis. Maecenas id nunc facilisis, faucibus ipsum non, congue enim. In egestas lacus vel dui tempor tincidunt. Cras varius eleifend fermentum. Sed vel orci tortor. Curabitur consectetur fermentum nisl aliquam varius. Phasellus dapibus, neque a sodales iac mue tempus ante at dictum. Ut et metus tempor, dignissim tellus quis, mattis felis. Maecenas id nunc facilisis, faucibus ipsum non, congue enim. In egestas lacus vel dui tempor tincidunt. Cras varius eleifend fermentum. Sed vel orci tortor. Curabitur consectetur fermentum nisl aliquam varius. Phasellus dapibus, neque a sodales iac m


[centerblock=80][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/iSQq5a/Untitled.png[/img][div=background-color:#C6C3B2; padding-top: 10px;][div=padding:5px; background-color:#E64646; height:15px; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; font-size:10px;]CODING BY CYCHOTIC[/div][/div][div=padding:15px; background-color:#060910; color:#ffffff;][bg=transparent; overflow:hidden; height:300px; width:100%; padding:5px;][bg=transparent; height:300px; width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0px][font=Abel][row][column=span6]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus finibus sit amet purus a ultricies. Vestibulum pellentesque tempus ante at dictum. Ut et metus tempor, dignissim tellus quis, mattis felis. Maecenas id nunc facilisis, faucibus ipsum non, congue enim. In egestas lacus vel dui tempor tincidunt. Cras varius eleifend fermentum. Sed vel orci tortor. Curabitur consectetur fermentum nisl aliquam varius. Phasellus dapibus, neque a sodales iaculis, erat sapien porttitor lectus, et accumsan mauris sapien ullamcorper leo. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque auctor finibus vulputate. Nunc nec euismod orci, vel congue felis. Nunc consectetur vehicula ex. Praesent massa sem, dapibus quis vestibulum eget, sollicitudin id lectus.

Sed sed iaculis nulla. Fusce vel pulvinar turpis. Curabitur elementum metus vehicula velit facilisis dignissim. Aliquam posuere massa neque, sed malesuada ex tincidunt quis. Cras at risus nisl. In quis sem fringilla, eleifend arcu sed, dictum tortor. Donec accumsan orci libero, nec maximus risus porta eget. Fusce vitae turpis pretium, rutrum est laoreet, tristique ipsum. Morbi eros dolor, cursus vestibulum erat vel, tincidunt laoreet libero.

Curabitur hendrerit quis quam eu consectetur. In cursus quis quam ultricies tristique. Integer tempor metus ut tincidunt varius. Suspendisse sodales suscipit libero sed egestas. Pellentesque viverra erat quis quam pretium dignissim. Integer iaculis lobortis porta. Nullam cursus pharetra felis sit amet pellentesque. Pellentesque pharetra faucibus ante, consectetur lobortis lacus iaculis id. Donec quis lectus in lacus mattis pellentesque. Curabitur in erat semper, tincidunt sapien id, consectetur leo. Nunc et libero vestibulum, sodales odio quis, pulvinar purus. Proin fermentum blandit tempor. Suspendisse a tristique quam. Quisque a neque at ex pretium feugiat. Donec mollis a est laoreet laoreet.

[/column][column=2][div=background:#C6C3B2; color:#060910; padding:10px; width:125px; text-align: left; font-size: 12px; text-transform:uppercase;] [b]Status[/b]
Affinity: [/div][/column][/row][/font][/bg][/bg][/div][/center][/centerblock]
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Not mobile friendly..

Big Titles are cool
I would suggest doing a small description here, a little tldr, that's all! Scrollie just in case tho.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer at ornare velit. Donec nec tellus sapien. Etiam faucibus fermentum sapien. In mollis quis neque interdum interdum. Proin mattis accumsan interdum. Sed ac hendrerit turpis. Aenean turpis lacus, tempor nec odio ac, rutrum semper nisl. Integer convallis venenatis ante in pulvinar. Pellentesque enim enim, blandit a enim ut, lacinia venenatis eros. Duis ut massa sollicitudin, pharetra odio eget, venenatis quam. Aliquam eget lacus erat. Donec elit magna, faucibus ac diam at, pellentesque lobortis arcu. Morbi sagittis mauris ut lacinia aliquam.

Big Titles are cool when wide

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer at ornare velit. Donec nec tellus sapien. Etiam faucibus fermentum sapien. In mollis quis neque interdum interdum. Proin mattis accumsan interdum. Sed ac hendrerit turpis. Aenean turpis lacus, tempor nec odio ac, rutrum semper nisl. Integer convallis venenatis ante in pulvinar. Pellentesque enim enim, blandit a enim ut, lacinia venenatis eros. Duis ut massa sollicitudin, pharetra odio eget, venenatis quam. Aliquam eget lacus erat. Donec elit magna, faucibus ac diam at, pellentesque lobortis arcu. Morbi sagittis mauris ut lacinia aliquam. Nunc placerat lacinia nulla laoreet venenatis. Phasellus urna ante, tincidunt condimentum felis sodales, tincidunt posuere metus. Donec dapibus accumsan nibh, nec ultrices nunc finibus quis.

Vestibulum interdum aliquet ligula in lobortis. Aenean eu eros vitae mauris pulvinar facilisis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse sed justo aliquam, blandit orci eget, mollis ipsum. Nam ullamcorper auctor tellus, quis bibendum nunc egestas eget. Suspendisse neque augue, facilisis vitae maximus non, porttitor sed ipsum. Nulla nisi metus, tincidunt in est vel, sodales porttitor ligula. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut in felis dolor. Curabitur consequat accumsan pellentesque.

Nunc commodo ac nunc et cursus. Vestibulum pulvinar urna id libero consectetur, in maximus mauris congue. Nam volutpat scelerisque augue, in hendrerit nulla viverra nec. Praesent eu ullamcorper lectus. Donec non orci condimentum, malesuada nisl vel, scelerisque magna. Maecenas faucibus, ipsum nec hendrerit congue, eros velit gravida elit, ut elementum mi odio at massa. Nulla ut ex consequat, molestie nunc ac, tempor diam. Phasellus posuere ipsum justo, sit amet volutpat magna efficitur vitae. Suspendisse maximus eu neque id imperdiet. Vivamus pulvinar, felis sit amet fermentum sodales, enim orci condimentum justo, quis sollicitudin odio neque id libero. Nunc tincidunt efficitur augue, eu accumsan ipsum imperdiet eget. In blandit ligula eros, iaculis vestibulum sem sagittis eu. Curabitur quis nulla pretium, gravida massa vel, hendrerit quam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

code by cychotic

[div=border: 1px dashed #556270; background-color:#ffffff; padding: 20px;][div=background-color:#BD2702;padding-left:30px;padding-right:30px;padding-top:30px;padding-bottom:30px; color:#F9EBBA; font-family: Abel; font-size: 16px; text-align:left;]
[row][column=span5][left][img]http://placehold.it/150[/img][img]http://placehold.it/150[/img][img]http://placehold.it/150[/img][/left][/column][column=span3][div=background-color:#F9EBBA; padding-left: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; color:#556270; margin-right: 50px; margin-left:15px; text-align:left; text-transform:uppercase;; font-size: 24px; border-bottom: 5px solid #BD2702;][font=Oswald]Big Titles are cool[/font][/div][bg=transparent; overflow:hidden; height:100px; width:100%; padding:5px;][bg=transparent; height:75px; width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0px] I would suggest doing a small description here, a little tldr, that's all! Scrollie just in case tho.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer at ornare velit. Donec nec tellus sapien. Etiam faucibus fermentum sapien. In mollis quis neque interdum interdum. Proin mattis accumsan interdum. Sed ac hendrerit turpis. Aenean turpis lacus, tempor nec odio ac, rutrum semper nisl. Integer convallis venenatis ante in pulvinar. Pellentesque enim enim, blandit a enim ut, lacinia venenatis eros. Duis ut massa sollicitudin, pharetra odio eget, venenatis quam. Aliquam eget lacus erat. Donec elit magna, faucibus ac diam at, pellentesque lobortis arcu. Morbi sagittis mauris ut lacinia aliquam. [/bg][/bg][/column][/row][/div][div=background-color:#556270;border-top: 3px solid #f9ebba; border-bottom:3px solid #f9ebba; padding-left: 10px;padding-right:10px; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom:10px;text-align:center;][img]https://destinationcapecod.s3.amazonaws.com/includes/img/placeholders/800x150.gif[/img][/div][div=background-color:#BD2702;padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px; color:#F9EBBA; font-family: Abel; font-size: 16px; text-align:left;]
[div=background-color:#F9EBBA; padding-left: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; color:#556270;text-align:center; text-transform:uppercase; font-size: 24px; border-bottom: 5px solid #BD2702; margin-left: 200px; margin-right: 200px;][font=Oswald]Big Titles are cool when wide[/font][/div][bg=transparent; overflow:hidden; height:200px; width:100%; padding:5px;][bg=transparent; height:200px; width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0px]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer at ornare velit. Donec nec tellus sapien. Etiam faucibus fermentum sapien. In mollis quis neque interdum interdum. Proin mattis accumsan interdum. Sed ac hendrerit turpis. Aenean turpis lacus, tempor nec odio ac, rutrum semper nisl. Integer convallis venenatis ante in pulvinar. Pellentesque enim enim, blandit a enim ut, lacinia venenatis eros. Duis ut massa sollicitudin, pharetra odio eget, venenatis quam. Aliquam eget lacus erat. Donec elit magna, faucibus ac diam at, pellentesque lobortis arcu. Morbi sagittis mauris ut lacinia aliquam. Nunc placerat lacinia nulla laoreet venenatis. Phasellus urna ante, tincidunt condimentum felis sodales, tincidunt posuere metus. Donec dapibus accumsan nibh, nec ultrices nunc finibus quis.

Vestibulum interdum aliquet ligula in lobortis. Aenean eu eros vitae mauris pulvinar facilisis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse sed justo aliquam, blandit orci eget, mollis ipsum. Nam ullamcorper auctor tellus, quis bibendum nunc egestas eget. Suspendisse neque augue, facilisis vitae maximus non, porttitor sed ipsum. Nulla nisi metus, tincidunt in est vel, sodales porttitor ligula. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut in felis dolor. Curabitur consequat accumsan pellentesque.

Nunc commodo ac nunc et cursus. Vestibulum pulvinar urna id libero consectetur, in maximus mauris congue. Nam volutpat scelerisque augue, in hendrerit nulla viverra nec. Praesent eu ullamcorper lectus. Donec non orci condimentum, malesuada nisl vel, scelerisque magna. Maecenas faucibus, ipsum nec hendrerit congue, eros velit gravida elit, ut elementum mi odio at massa. Nulla ut ex consequat, molestie nunc ac, tempor diam. Phasellus posuere ipsum justo, sit amet volutpat magna efficitur vitae. Suspendisse maximus eu neque id imperdiet. Vivamus pulvinar, felis sit amet fermentum sodales, enim orci condimentum justo, quis sollicitudin odio neque id libero. Nunc tincidunt efficitur augue, eu accumsan ipsum imperdiet eget. In blandit ligula eros, iaculis vestibulum sem sagittis eu. Curabitur quis nulla pretium, gravida massa vel, hendrerit quam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
[size=2]code by cychotic[/size]
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Not mobile friendly!

main rp | characters | ooc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Fusce nec odio vel mi sollicitudin maximus. Etiam vel ex rutrum, vulputate lacus quis, semper dolor. Etiam at congue dui. Maecenas dolor dui, aliquet in nunc id, mattis fermentum lacus. Mauris sed augue et nisl tristique euismod. Aliquam in ullamcorper augue, facilisis vehicula elit. Donec vitae arcu volutpat, venenatis nibh cursus, consectetur nisl. Aenean ut diam magna. Phasellus gravida sem vel orci laoreet, ac euismod diam semper. Sed in tellus mollis, feugiat nulla id, porta massa. Ut fringilla magna vel turpis venenatis, et malesuada felis malesuada.

Praesent mollis tellus luctus tortor scelerisque finibus. Curabitur nibh nisi, pulvinar sed augue nec, convallis feugiat augue. Donec rhoncus vulputate volutpat. Sed eu bibendum dolor. Vestibulum ultricies lacus lectus. Cras dolor nunc, aliquam at commodo et, viverra sed odio. Proin sit amet augue ac nulla cursus bibendum. Etiam mattis aliquam rhoncus. Vivamus dui mauris, hendrerit lobortis eleifend eu, eleifend vitae ligula. Suspendisse cursus eget ex sed aliquet. Donec massa libero, eleifend in ante at, fringilla iaculis nisl. Nulla auctor erat risus, in mollis arcu ullamcorper quis. Nunc sollicitudin elit eu lacinia egestas.

Morbi tortor elit, eleifend vitae arcu vitae, vehicula mattis purus. Ut in risus euismod leo egestas sollicitudin. Donec libero quam, malesuada scelerisque lectus eget, egestas consectetur sem. Nam et dui non risus ornare hendrerit nec quis lacus. Praesent ut fermentum mi, eget venenatis mauris. Donec pretium finibus massa, in maximus elit. Nulla nec porta mauris. Pellentesque molestie sapien sit amet est porttitor, sed posuere nisl vehicula. Sed suscipit, mi at feugiat convallis, quam dolor venenatis lectus, in ultricies leo tellus ut leo. Vestibulum ornare vel nisi in mattis. Aenean lorem felis, volutpat pretium euismod sed, gravida non augue. Aenean et odio tristique, elementum ex eu, dapibus lorem.

code by cychotic

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

[div=background:url(https://www.toptal.com/designers/subtlepatterns/patterns/zwartevilt.png); padding-top: 0px; padding-left:30px; padding-right: 30px; padding-bottom:5px; text-transform:uppercase;color:#ffffff; text-align: right;][div=background:#ffffff; padding-left: 10px; padding-right:10px; padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom:6px;color:#3C3D36; text-align: left; width:200px; box-shadow: 1px 5px 1px #000000; font-size:28px; text-transform:uppercase;][font=Teko]TITLE OR MAYBE A NAME[/font][/div][font=Roboto Condensed]main rp |  characters  |  ooc[/font][/div][div=background:url(https://bgfons.com/upload/paint_texture2118.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%; padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:20px;padding-left:40px;padding-right:40px;][div=background-color:#FFD700; padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:20px;padding-left:20px;padding-right:0px; font-size: 14px;][row][column=span5]
[bg=transparent; overflow:hidden; height:350px; width:100%; padding:5px;][bg=transparent; height:350px; width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0px][font=Roboto Condensed]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Fusce nec odio vel mi sollicitudin maximus. Etiam vel ex rutrum, vulputate lacus quis, semper dolor. Etiam at congue dui. Maecenas dolor dui, aliquet in nunc id, mattis fermentum lacus. Mauris sed augue et nisl tristique euismod. Aliquam in ullamcorper augue, facilisis vehicula elit. Donec vitae arcu volutpat, venenatis nibh cursus, consectetur nisl. Aenean ut diam magna. Phasellus gravida sem vel orci laoreet, ac euismod diam semper. Sed in tellus mollis, feugiat nulla id, porta massa. Ut fringilla magna vel turpis venenatis, et malesuada felis malesuada.

Praesent mollis tellus luctus tortor scelerisque finibus. Curabitur nibh nisi, pulvinar sed augue nec, convallis feugiat augue. Donec rhoncus vulputate volutpat. Sed eu bibendum dolor. Vestibulum ultricies lacus lectus. Cras dolor nunc, aliquam at commodo et, viverra sed odio. Proin sit amet augue ac nulla cursus bibendum. Etiam mattis aliquam rhoncus. Vivamus dui mauris, hendrerit lobortis eleifend eu, eleifend vitae ligula. Suspendisse cursus eget ex sed aliquet. Donec massa libero, eleifend in ante at, fringilla iaculis nisl. Nulla auctor erat risus, in mollis arcu ullamcorper quis. Nunc sollicitudin elit eu lacinia egestas.

Morbi tortor elit, eleifend vitae arcu vitae, vehicula mattis purus. Ut in risus euismod leo egestas sollicitudin. Donec libero quam, malesuada scelerisque lectus eget, egestas consectetur sem. Nam et dui non risus ornare hendrerit nec quis lacus. Praesent ut fermentum mi, eget venenatis mauris. Donec pretium finibus massa, in maximus elit. Nulla nec porta mauris. Pellentesque molestie sapien sit amet est porttitor, sed posuere nisl vehicula. Sed suscipit, mi at feugiat convallis, quam dolor venenatis lectus, in ultricies leo tellus ut leo. Vestibulum ornare vel nisi in mattis. Aenean lorem felis, volutpat pretium euismod sed, gravida non augue. Aenean et odio tristique, elementum ex eu, dapibus lorem.[/font][/bg][/bg]

[size=2]code by cychotic[/size]

[/column][column=span3][border=0px][accordion=100%]{slide=[bg=#ffffff][color=#333333][font=Roboto Mono][size=5][center][img]http://highlandcatholic.breezi.com/attachments/apps/509c51ff1c83bb535500016a/entries/509d5a771c83bb3fcc000156/fields/picture/attachments/13524895919569_project_placeholder.230x230.jpg[/img][/center][/size][/font][/color][/bg]}[bg=#ffffff][font=Roboto Condensed][bg=transparent; overflow:hidden; height:200px; width:100%; padding:5px;][bg=transparent; height:200px; width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0px]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.


{slide=[bg=#ffffff][color=#333333][font=Roboto Mono][size=5]title[/size][/font][/color][/bg]}[bg=#ffffff][font=Roboto Condensed][bg=transparent; overflow:hidden; height:200px; width:100%; padding:5px;][bg=transparent; height:200px; width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0px]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.


{slide=[bg=#ffffff][color=#333333][font=Roboto Mono][size=5]title[/size][/font][/color][/bg]}[bg=#ffffff][font=Roboto Condensed][bg=transparent; overflow:hidden; height:200px; width:100%; padding:5px;][bg=transparent; height:200px; width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0px]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

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wow, your code is beautiful! this is crazy... i love the pictures and color palettes you use! keep it up, cychotic c;
So far not mobile friendly, WIP.

-heavy wip-

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In volutpat ultrices libero, ac tempus sapien gravida eget. Quisque commodo convallis felis a venenatis. Vivamus quis cursus purus. Morbi rhoncus feugiat ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu viverra ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam pellentesque tellus nec risus consequat, a rutrum sapien sagittis. Proin tincidunt facilisis eros a sodales. Phasellus ex sem, accumsan eget turpis non, semper blandit diam. Vestibulum tincidunt lorem porta orci pellentesque lacinia. Duis a nisi ex.


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Mobile Friendly; but the scrolling is a bit finicky on mobile. Should work perfectly on desktop displays.

T H E - C L A S S - C L O W N

Name: Grant Laurel
Age: 18
Date of Birth: April 1st
Ethnicity: English/Canadian
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: Humor; flirting; exaggeration; causing trouble; the smell of coffee; naps; books (he studies, for good reason)
Dislikes: Bacon; snobs; boredom; being ignored; complete silence; motorcycles
Quirks: Weird obsession with the scent of freshly brewed coffee (he always smells like it), tends to be drawn to things he can't have, has a weird habit of biting his lips when nervous/frustrated, licking them when aroused/amused/flirtatious
Eye Colour: Dark, Golden Brown
Hair Colour: Chocolate Brown
Weight: 150 lbs
Height: 5'10"
Body Type: Lean, Lanky, With a small bit of muscle
Tattoos: Small, black 'X' on his lower right abdomen.
Piercings: None
Relations: WIP
Being the class clown, Grant is a humorous fellow who often draws people in with silly pranks and jokes. He seldom is serious, preferring to bask in the light of teasing and flirting, even in rough times. The teenager is smart, but prefers to keep that on the down-side, letting others believe he cares little about school. Grant is easily frustrated, getting flummoxed because of the simplest of failures and relies heavily on what others think. However, he uses said frustration to egg on his jokes.

Grant would much rather laugh at himself to cover up his embarrassment, which is apparent in the reddening of his skin due to his race. Given Grant's open and carefree personality, he often draws people to him like a magnet. This being said, Grant does not have many close knitted relationships; there are not many who are able to tolerate his humorous nature 24/7. His social tendencies consist of him floating from clique to clique, not having a true place to stay.​
Grant was born in a quaint town within England, to his English mother and Canadian father. The boy's parents loved him with utmost passion, giving support to his endeavors as long as they were reasonable as well as moral. He lived in a flat with his parents til the age of 7, where he was sent off to study at a rigorous boarding school. During the time at the school, Grant quickly became popular, his humorous yet quick personality drawing in a large amount of people to his person. As a young scholar, Grant excelled in his classes, wanting to make his parents oh-so proud for raising a fine man. However, his mother passed away due to cancer as he was entering his first year of high school, a tragedy that left him broken for quite a while.

The young boy did not lose his personality, however. Rather, he became furiously motivated to keep his mother's standards of him alive. He would become successful, a man who could do his mother proud if she were still alive. But the scene around England no longer held promise for him, and so his father allowed him to travel, living dependently in America. Grant made fast friends, but no bond was as close to those he had made in his home country. He was left with the title of Class Clown, taking his daily dose of joys from hearing the laughs of his classmates. With no need to flaunt his talents nor stick to one group, Grant quickly became bored, honing a rather questionable habit of wishing for the things that did not belong to him. In his 3rd year, the male's habit sky rocketed, leaving him somewhat emotionally damaged.

Yet he continued his acts, harboring his behaviors inside until one day he may let them loose to relieve himself.​

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Not an inkling of this is mobile friendly.

A Posh Landing Page

link link link
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam congue lacinia lacus, a venenatis lacus pellentesque ut. Curabitur sit amet aliquam ante, eget fermentum ante. Mauris condimentum ullamcorper rhoncus. Integer finibus pellentesque felis nec commodo. Aliquam orci nisl, facilisis nec mi vel, feugiat interdum felis. Nam varius libero eget lacus bibendum ultricies. Nullam porta laoreet vehicula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus vehicula leo molestie cursus vehicula.

Nunc ut dapibus metus. Etiam lobortis non dui vel hendrerit. Pellentesque lobortis, mauris ac egestas posuere, sem massa feugiat enim, et ultrices arcu sem id nibh. Pellentesque auctor eros neque, sed efficitur orci elementum a. Curabitur eget eros quis massa vehicula mattis sagittis eget nisi. Vivamus vitae est a urna cursus euismod in eget ipsum. Aenean in consequat eros.​
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam congue lacinia lacus, a venenatis lacus pellentesque ut. Curabitur sit amet aliquam ante, eget fermentum ante. Mauris condimentum ullamcorper rhoncus. Integer finibus pellentesque felis nec commodo. Aliquam orci nisl, facilisis nec mi vel, feugiat interdum felis. Nam varius libero eget lacus bibendum ultricies. Nullam porta laoreet vehicula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus vehicula leo molestie cursus vehicula.

Nunc ut dapibus metus. Etiam lobortis non dui vel hendrerit. Pellentesque lobortis, mauris ac egestas posuere, sem massa feugiat enim, et ultrices arcu sem id nibh. Pellentesque auctor eros neque, sed efficitur orci elementum a. Curabitur eget eros quis massa vehicula mattis sagittis eget nisi. Vivamus vitae est a urna cursus euismod in eget ipsum. Aenean in consequat eros.​
coding by cychotic
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Not even close to being mobile friendly, sorry guys!



coded by cychotic


coded by cychotic

In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum is a filler text commonly used to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation. Replacing meaningful content with placeholder text allows designers to design the form of the content before the content itself has been produced.

The lorem ipsum text is typically a scrambled section of De finibus bonorum et malorum, a 1st-century BC Latin text by Cicero, with words altered, added, and removed to make it nonsensical, improper Latin.

A variation of the ordinary lorem ipsum text has been used in typesetting since the 1960s or earlier, when it was popularized by advertisements for Letraset transfer sheets. It was introduced to the Information Age in the mid-1980s by Aldus Corporation, which employed it in graphics and word-processing templates for its desktop publishing program PageMaker.

In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum is a filler text commonly used to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation. Replacing meaningful content with placeholder text allows designers to design the form of the content before the content itself has been produced.

TRES - In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum is a filler text commonly used to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation. Replacing meaningful content with placeholder text allows designers to design the form of the content before the content itself has been produced.

The lorem ipsum text is typically a scrambled section of De finibus bonorum et malorum, a 1st-century BC Latin text by Cicero, with words altered, added, and removed to make it nonsensical, improper Latin.

A variation of the ordinary lorem ipsum text has been used in typesetting since the 1960s or earlier, when it was popularized by advertisements for Letraset transfer sheets. It was introduced to the Information Age in the mid-1980s by Aldus Corporation, which employed it in graphics and word-processing templates for its desktop publishing program PageMaker.

TRES - In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum is a filler text commonly used to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation. Replacing meaningful content with placeholder text allows designers to design the form of the content before the content itself has been produced.

The lorem ipsum text is typically a scrambled section of De finibus bonorum et malorum, a 1st-century BC Latin text by Cicero, with words altered, added, and removed to make it nonsensical, improper Latin.

A variation of the ordinary lorem ipsum text has been used in typesetting since the 1960s or earlier, when it was popularized by advertisements for Letraset transfer sheets. It was introduced to the Information Age in the mid-1980s by Aldus Corporation, which employed it in graphics and word-processing templates for its desktop publishing program PageMaker.

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Mobile Friendly; but the scrolling is a bit finicky on mobile. Should work perfectly on desktop displays.

Mood: Neutral
Location: Pool
Currently: speaking to Arabella

coding by cychotic

Grant Laurel

Grant blinked at her words, not expecting her to be so forgiving. "You're too good for me, you know that?" he chuckled, brushing his hands through her hair. It was as if nothing had changed for just that moment. As if he was...happy, maybe even restored. But something nagged at the back of his mind, coaxing him into his turbulent state.

Loyalty and honesty. He had already failed her in those two things, and a pang of hurt started from his heart. He hummed, willing the emotions away, letting himself succumb to the childish tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Grant refused to let himself slip away this time. He could give that much to her, at least. Grant would give her the whole truth when he gathered the courage. He let himself believe that things would work out for him. The two of them. Us.

"How about we have a little picnic tonight?" he suggested, letting his arms fall. He rose, grabbing his towel from the other chair. "To, you know, catch up and stuff?" His cheeks pinked with slight embarrassment; it was a bit odd to just suddenly ask for this. But Grant needed it; they both did.

He dried himself, wrapping the fabric against his body and made his way back to Bella, kneeling next to her chair. "Sound good?"

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Mobile Friendly; but the scrolling is a bit finicky on mobile. Made for GiantSugarCake GiantSugarCake




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce convallis scelerisque odio, in tristique mi consequat nec. Mauris sodales magna augue, ac lacinia nunc bibendum et. Curabitur sed nulla nunc. Donec finibus vulputate scelerisque. Nunc euismod pharetra tellus vitae faucibus. Maecenas et ornare nibh, et rhoncus erat. Fusce bibendum libero felis, ut varius massa pretium vitae. Donec euismod turpis vel quam sodales convallis. Aenean bibendum feugiat sapien sit amet eleifend. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur et sapien vitae ligula elementum vehicula.

Vestibulum velit elit, rhoncus vel nibh in, aliquam pretium urna. Quisque elementum tempor velit. Quisque imperdiet a risus a scelerisque. Nulla placerat, augue eget malesuada commodo, ligula risus laoreet nisl, ac finibus arcu metus a ipsum. Phasellus luctus tristique risus id ultricies. Vivamus interdum feugiat lorem at molestie. Phasellus imperdiet semper lorem, ac volutpat libero accumsan sed. Quisque malesuada dictum mauris at consectetur. Maecenas et posuere augue.

Vivamus in augue in neque dignissim egestas eget sit amet quam. Duis bibendum nunc fermentum blandit vestibulum. Sed nec cursus nisl. Cras pellentesque facilisis neque eu iaculis. Curabitur sit amet felis sed risus laoreet consectetur. In mi nulla, fringilla eu euismod maximus, finibus egestas nisi. Etiam non elit quis nunc mollis congue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce convallis scelerisque odio, in tristique mi consequat nec. Mauris sodales magna augue, ac lacinia nunc bibendum et. Curabitur sed nulla nunc. Donec finibus vulputate scelerisque. Nunc euismod pharetra tellus vitae faucibus. Maecenas et ornare nibh, et rhoncus erat. Fusce bibendum libero felis, ut varius massa pretium vitae. Donec euismod turpis vel quam sodales convallis. Aenean bibendum feugiat sapien sit amet eleifend. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur et sapien vitae ligula elementum vehicula.



coding by cychotic
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Mobile Friendly; but the scrolling is a bit finicky on mobile. Should work perfectly on desktop displays.




[ # my own personality ]

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.

[ # this is my history ]

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.

coded by cychotic
[div=background-color:#EEEEEE; padding-left:50px; padding-right:50px; padding-top:25px; padding-bottom:25px;][row][column=span2][center][div=background:url(https://www.global-journey.com/images/200x200.gif); padding:3px; border-left: 4px solid #615348; border-top: 4px solid #615348; border-right: 4px solid #615348; border-bottom: 4px solid #615348; background-position: 50% 50%; height: 165px; width: 165px; margin:auto; color:transparent;].[/div][div=background-color:#FF6798; height: 6px; width:179px; color:transparent; margin:auto;]/[/div]
[size=6][font=Oswald]N A M E T H[/font][/size]

[div=background-color:#FF6798; width:169px; padding:5px; color:#ffffff; font-size: 13px; text-align:center; margin:auto;][font=Abel]L I N K S[/font][/div][div=background-color:#ffffff; padding:7px; border: 2px solid #615348; width: 161px; margin-left: auto; margin-bottom: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 0px; color:#615348; font-size: 10px; text-align:left;][FONT=Roboto Mono]-ee
[column=span4][div=background-color:#ffffff; border-bottom: 8px solid #FF6798; padding: 10px; font-size: 14px; color: #615348;text-transform:uppercase;][font=oswald][ # my own [i]personality[/i] ][/font]
[size=3][font=Roboto Mono][bg=transparent; overflow: hidden; height: 150px; width: 100%; padding: 0px][bg=transparent; height: 150px; width: 100%; overflow:auto ; margin-right: 0px]
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.

[div=background-color:#ffffff; border-bottom: 8px solid #FF6798; padding: 10px; font-size: 14px; color: #615348;text-transform:uppercase;][font=oswald][ # this is my [i]history[/i] ][/font]
[size=3][font=Roboto Mono][bg=transparent; overflow: hidden; height: 150px; width: 100%; padding: 0px][bg=transparent; height: 150px; width: 100%; overflow:auto ; margin-right: 0px]
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.

[column=span2][div=background-color:#FF6798; width:169px; padding:5px; color:#ffffff; font-size: 13px; text-align:center; margin:auto;][font=Abel]D A T A[/font][/div][div=background-color:#ffffff; padding:7px; border: 2px solid #615348; width: 161px; margin-left: auto; margin-bottom: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 0px; color:#615348; font-size: 10px; text-align:left;][FONT=Roboto Mono]Name:
[/font][/div][size=1]coded by cychotic[/size][/column][/row][/div]
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Mobile Friendly; but the scrolling is a bit finicky on mobile. Should work perfectly on desktop displays.


For as long as the citizens of Astrid have remembered, the Sentinels of Talorn have guarded the mysterious door leading to a terrifying unknown. It's program is a great presitge; any who manage to pass its hard trials to become on of the revered gain an incredible amount of pay for their duties.

It keeps them obedient, it keeps their hatred for whatever lies on the other side fresh. However, recent events have shown what lies on the other side, humans. Creatures with no special talents save for their wit and will. With the arrival of a new species, the Sentinels have labelled the Intruders as worthless and tainting.

Their main purpose has been torn from them, and in this action a new one blossomed. With hatred fueling their fire, Sentinels now are ordered to hunt down Intruders and bring them in for interrogation.

They patrol the doors, infiltrate the darkest areas of the city, and will stop an nothing to ensure their world is void of such a species.

Sentinels share a common hatred of humans and have skills in combat. There are wealthy and consist of two main sub-classes. Infiltrators, who work undercover to unearth those humans in hiding, and Patrol, who guard the gates with ferocity unmatched by others.

Hated by Sentinels and welcomed by Revolutionists, Intruders are humans that have found their way to Talorn through the Door. Usually, they appear by accident, having little knowledge of Talorn.

If smart enough not to be captured by the Sentinels, they usually find refuge with Revolutionists. Most of the humans have gone into hiding within the Bunker, while others are hidden with the city of Astrid with a wealthier member of the Revolution.

They are average, with no special ability and are shunned by may around them. In the world of Talorn, they have only their will and ability as a human being to survive.


Those who write their own stories without choosing to dabble in the affairs of Intruder, Revolutionist, or Sentinels reside in the category of the bystanders.

These are citizens who live their lives as they see fit, choosing not to acknowledge the door or participate in the battle between government/people.

In Astrid, these are the creatures that make peace, being neutral in conflict and choosing to carry out their own lives, their own story. Although at times, they may be unfortunately involved, they generally do not care about the threat of humans. There's not much to say about them except that they are swayed by only their wills.


Warriors of change, Revolutionists are scattered about Tarlon with a hatred for the sly and greedy government. They offer aid to humans who seek refuge against the raking eyes of Sentinels.

Long before the door, they were extremely active, launching riots and attacks.

However, they were completely silenced once the King's father took over. The Revolutionists were forced into hiding, still harbouring their disdain for the government. Whenever possible, they will choose to defy and will skirt around the law to keep their connections open.

A majority of the Revolutionists live in the Bunker and some special few house Intruders.

coding by cychotic
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Mobile Friendly! Character sheet template; beware of finnicky scrolling on mobile.





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eros tellus, feugiat ac eleifend vel, cursus eget metus. Donec nec dolor nulla. Quisque at risus eu elit congue dapibus at nec massa. Aliquam ac felis nunc. Sed sed risus ut arcu congue posuere id ut sapien. Nunc sodales aliquet pretium. Nunc accumsan augue lacus, sit amet venenatis nulla placerat laoreet. Fusce posuere volutpat lectus, eu lobortis nisi interdum ut. Sed quis pulvinar justo. Cras consequat urna risus, vel scelerisque nunc porttitor eu. In pretium vitae orci sit amet hendrerit.


Etiam efficitur, nisl sit amet ullamcorper elementum, felis turpis porttitor nisi, a scelerisque augue nulla et arcu. Aenean ut erat at libero placerat vestibulum at a lectus. Curabitur at ipsum aliquam, ultricies nisl fringilla, sagittis lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque gravida mauris vel ante dapibus molestie. Sed sollicitudin nulla non nisi eleifend feugiat. Integer consectetur ex vel quam sagittis laoreet. Curabitur consequat lacus sed fermentum sodales. Pellentesque at pretium dui.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eros tellus, feugiat ac eleifend vel, cursus eget metus. Donec nec dolor nulla. Quisque at risus eu elit congue dapibus at nec massa. Aliquam ac felis nunc. Sed sed risus ut arcu congue posuere id ut sapien. Nunc sodales aliquet pretium. Nunc accumsan augue lacus, sit amet venenatis nulla placerat laoreet. Fusce posuere volutpat lectus, eu lobortis nisi interdum ut. Sed quis pulvinar justo. Cras consequat urna risus, vel scelerisque nunc porttitor eu. In pretium vitae orci sit amet hendrerit.

Etiam efficitur, nisl sit amet ullamcorper elementum, felis turpis porttitor nisi, a scelerisque augue nulla et arcu. Aenean ut erat at libero placerat vestibulum at a lectus. Curabitur at ipsum aliquam, ultricies nisl fringilla, sagittis lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque gravida mauris vel ante dapibus molestie. Sed sollicitudin nulla non nisi eleifend feugiat. Integer consectetur ex vel quam sagittis laoreet. Curabitur consequat lacus sed fermentum sodales. Pellentesque at pretium dui.



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Scars, If Any:
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coding by cychotic

[centerblock=95][div=background-color:#EAE5EC; padding:20px; text-align:center;][bg=transparent; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px white;padding:3px;text-align: center; color:grey;center; font-size:32px;][font=Coda]FULL NAME[/font][/bg]

[div=margin: auto; padding-left: 50px; padding-right: 50px; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; background: linear-gradient(to top, #eae5ec, #DEECEC); color: grey; box-shadow: 0px 3px 3px #deecec; padding: 14px; border-top: 3px dotted white; border-bottom: 3px dotted white;][left][row][column=span3][bg=transparent; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px white; color: grey; border-bottom: 3px solid #F0C9CA; width:70%; padding:3px;][font=Coda][size=6][fa]fa-th[/fa] - BASIC[/size][/font][/bg][bg=transparent; font-size: 12px;]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eros tellus, feugiat ac eleifend vel, cursus eget metus. Donec nec dolor nulla. Quisque at risus eu elit congue dapibus at nec massa. Aliquam ac felis nunc. Sed sed risus ut arcu congue posuere id ut sapien. Nunc sodales aliquet pretium. Nunc accumsan augue lacus, sit amet venenatis nulla placerat laoreet. Fusce posuere volutpat lectus, eu lobortis nisi interdum ut. Sed quis pulvinar justo. Cras consequat urna risus, vel scelerisque nunc porttitor eu. In pretium vitae orci sit amet hendrerit.


Etiam efficitur, nisl sit amet ullamcorper elementum, felis turpis porttitor nisi, a scelerisque augue nulla et arcu. Aenean ut erat at libero placerat vestibulum at a lectus. Curabitur at ipsum aliquam, ultricies nisl fringilla, sagittis lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque gravida mauris vel ante dapibus molestie. Sed sollicitudin nulla non nisi eleifend feugiat. Integer consectetur ex vel quam sagittis laoreet. Curabitur consequat lacus sed fermentum sodales. Pellentesque at pretium dui.

[img]http://www.values.com/assets/your_photo_here-3787d738d74295a33f783015c625c5ae.png[/img][div=margin: auto; padding-left: 50px; padding-right: 50px; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eae5ec, #DEECEC); color: grey; box-shadow: 0px 3px 3px #deecec; padding: 14px; border-top: 3px dotted white; border-bottom: 3px dotted white;][left][row][column=span5][bg=transparent; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px white; color: grey; border-bottom: 3px solid #D8B7D6; width:95%; padding:3px;][font=Coda][size=6][fa]fa-street-view[/fa] - ABILITIES[/size][/font][/bg][bg=transparent; overflow: hidden; height: 150px; width: 100%; padding: 0px][bg=transparent; height: 150px; width: 100%; overflow:auto ; margin-right: 0px; font-size: 12px;]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eros tellus, feugiat ac eleifend vel, cursus eget metus. Donec nec dolor nulla. Quisque at risus eu elit congue dapibus at nec massa. Aliquam ac felis nunc. Sed sed risus ut arcu congue posuere id ut sapien. Nunc sodales aliquet pretium. Nunc accumsan augue lacus, sit amet venenatis nulla placerat laoreet. Fusce posuere volutpat lectus, eu lobortis nisi interdum ut. Sed quis pulvinar justo. Cras consequat urna risus, vel scelerisque nunc porttitor eu. In pretium vitae orci sit amet hendrerit.

Etiam efficitur, nisl sit amet ullamcorper elementum, felis turpis porttitor nisi, a scelerisque augue nulla et arcu. Aenean ut erat at libero placerat vestibulum at a lectus. Curabitur at ipsum aliquam, ultricies nisl fringilla, sagittis lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque gravida mauris vel ante dapibus molestie. Sed sollicitudin nulla non nisi eleifend feugiat. Integer consectetur ex vel quam sagittis laoreet. Curabitur consequat lacus sed fermentum sodales. Pellentesque at pretium dui.

[/bg][/bg][/column][column=span3][bg=transparent; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px white; color: grey; border-bottom: 3px solid #F0C9CA; width:70%; padding:3px;][font=Coda][size=6][fa]fa-bars[/fa] - MISC[/size][/font][/bg][bg=transparent; overflow: hidden; height: 150px; width: 100%; padding: 0px][bg=transparent; height: 150px; width: 100%; overflow:auto ; margin-right: 0px; font-size: 12px;]

[font=Coda][size=5]PHSYICAL TRAITS[/size][/font]
Hair Colour:
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Scars, If Any:
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[/bg][/bg][/column][/row][/left][/div][color=grey][size=1]coding by cychotic[/size][/color][/div][/centerblock]
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just popping in to say that your coding is absolutely gorgeous lowkey blessing my eyes and i'd honestly use this anytime because wow~!
Not mobile friendly.

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.



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