Cupcakes, Rainbows, Unicorns and Yaoi!!!


Junior Member
Okay first the 'bad' news: I lied...This roleplay actually has nothing to do with cupcakes, rainbows or unicorns.

(Sowwy...But it got your attention right? *hopeful smile* o(^~^)o )

Anyways this is a plot I've just had the urge to do recently for some reason. Oh btw the good news: there is yaoi (! ^_^ !) (it could be an mxf but I want to do it as mxm)

I don't have a fancy nicely written out plot but the main idea would be like there's this rich guy, late teens or early twenties, who finds this homeless guy around the same age as him and offers to take the guy home and let him stay there. The catch is that the homeless guy ends up having to serve the rich guy (and then over time they fall in love and yah yah yah our roleplay~)

It would kind of work out being a richXhomeless/poor and masterXslave type pairing (I guess that's kind of explained in the plot though o_o) We can work out the details and stuff if needed, I'd love to have your input as well

Hit me up with a reply or pm if your interested :)
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