• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern [CS] Suncrest Complex - Reboot


    • Eleanor (Ellie) May
      Name: Eleanor May
      Nickname/Allies: Ellie
      Age: 20
      Height: 5’7”
      Weight/Body Shape: 172 lbs
      Description: American, Caucasian, Brown, and Hazel eyes.
      Gender: Female
      Sexuality: Straight
      Job: College Student and Barista
      Apartment: Unit 1201

      A selfless young lady who finds any way to make life livable for everyone she can help. Enjoying what Suncrest has to offered her, growing up in the vast Apartment Complex, it was a lot. She has seen it evolve to what it has become today. Yes, she has money, but to her, it’s not her’s to claim. Any money her Aunt and Uncle give her is always used for her education, never to use on herself. Instead, she get's her spending money from working at the Cafe located on the ground floor of the building.
      Selfless, Optimistic, Soft Spoken, and Strong

      Likes and Dislikes:
      +Aunt and Uncle
      +Hanging out with Friends
      -Rude People
      -Rainy Days
      -Being Lost

      Background: At the age of five, Eleanor’s parents suffered through a grave accident, taking them from her. She was taken in by her Aunt Marion and Uncle Jeff, as they were her last relatives that could take care of her. They could never have a kid, so they treated her like their own. She had a well-off life, having everything given to her, even when she didn’t need or wanted to be a burden. Now, attending Seaside University, she works at the Cafe found on the Apartment Complex and normally is spends her free time at the beach on her days off.


      Have any family members?
      “Just my aunt and uncle.”
      Jeff Whitefall
      Marion Whitefall
      Any pastimes activities?
      “I tend to go to the beach to surf. On rainy days, I stay around the Apartment to read or hang around with Lexi and her kitten, Sammy.
      Do you have a pet?
      “I wish! My aunt and uncle are both allergic and I don’t want to burden them…”
      Current standing in your job?
      “I don’t actually need to work, but I like to make my own money. As long as it doesn’t interfere with my education, I will continue to work at the Cafe.”
      How many are in your current apartment?
      “Just three.”

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    • Graeme Grove
      Graeme Grove.jpg
      Basic Information

      Name: Graeme Grove
      Age: 29
      Height: 6'5"
      Weight: 215 lbs.
      Physique: Oval body type. Capable of holding his own in a fight, and enduring pain others would crumble to. Easily can carry heavy things despite his small looking frame, and is able to run surprisingly fast.

      Graeme is an adaptive man, as required from his dangerous side job. He is alert because being surprised in his life often leads to the hospital or a grave, and he is calm because panicking can get him killed. He is disciplined and efficient, both skills he obtained in his earlier years of a past job. Graeme is both firm and flexible, sticking to a decision till the end, or until a better choice is available. He can be gentle if the situation calls for it, as not all situations he’s placed in require force. He is humble, as he rarely brings up his title and never boasts his strengths. He is loyal to those who have earned his respect or service, and as such is very passionate towards those individuals. In social situations Graeme is relaxed. Graeme acts as a neutral force, and when working he is obedient. He is quiet and questioning, never taking things at face value. In dire situations Graeme becomes a whole different person. He becomes blunt and callous towards others. His actions become careless and cold. He becomes compulsive, deceitful, and in some cases destructive. He acts extreme and hostile and he is completely vindictive.

      At the age of sixteen Graeme was forced into his father’s career of mercenary work. Being taught by his father in extreme conditions for the next two years, he learned the tricks of his father’s trade. After completing his training, he began his own mercenary work. The job took him anywhere and everywhere, and throughout his days he made a name for himself unlike his father’s. He keeps post of his mercenary days secret, as he has left it behind since for a more peaceful life. When first arriving in Seaside he reconnected with his childhood friend Maxine. He learned of her gang, The Royals, and learned of the uniqueness of the city itself. He joined The Royals, quickly becoming Maxine’s trusted second, and took note of anything peculiar that happened in the news. Although he left his mercenary life behind, he has definitely not left the dangerous lifestyle behind, as being in a gang in this city is more dangerous than one might assume. Now days he aimlessly wanders the streets of the city, keeping to himself and running various favors for his acquaintances. Occasionally he’ll stop in at the Dierfiur Bar for a drink and some relaxation.
      RP Related Info

      Sexuality: Heterosexual
      Job: Mechanic / Gangster / Ex-Mercenary
      Residence: An abandoned complex somewhere in the main city.

      Likes & Dislikes

      +The Wilderness
      +Calm Days

      -Personal Threats
      -Prolonged Conflict

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  • ~Marco Galbo~


    Nickname/Allies: Galbo





    Currently Unemployed


    Marco is sarcastic and witty with a snarky "in-your-face" attitude, yet makes it up with his goofy, fun-loving and brazen personality. He's a very social, confident and outrageous person who loves to be out and about, whether it be going on an adventure, getting rowdy at a huge party, or even performing wild and reckless stunts that could potentially land him in a hospital bed. He can be a good leader, but due to his quick temper and audacious nature, he is bound to make foolish decisions. He has a penchant for causing mischief, and has made himself infamous for his elaborate pranks. However, no human is perfect, and Marco is no different. Despite having many good traits, Marco can be boastful and cocky at times, expectantly when he's proud of something he did, and can be a d-bag towards those he hates. Marco's sarcasm and jokes can be either a source of comedic relief or a way top piss people off, and when confronting someone he either hates or is causing him trouble, Marco's sarcasm can land him with a black eye at times.

    - Italian food
    - Parties
    - His Friends & family
    - Pranks & mischief
    - Video games
    - Snakes (Namely Anacondas)
    - Rough housing
    - Adventure
    - Jazz
    - Dogs
    - Cats
    - Mainstream music
    - Politics
    - Rich people
    - Being made fun of
    - His anger issues

    Born in the streets of New York, Marco's father went to join the army, abandoning him and his mother. Because they were very poor and had to live in a small, cramped apartment room in one of the rougher streets of the city, Marco had to learn how to deal with the local thugs of his neighborhood, while developing what would be his natural talent of pulling off pranks. Though life was tough, he and his mother made it work, with Marco being grateful to still have his mother when his father left. However, Marco was unaware that his mother was, in truth, torn to pieces by what her husband did, and during her time at work, she dated a handsome, wealthy, and flirtatious man named Jayden. Though what started as a good relationship, would soon take a turn for the worst when Jayden started to show his true colors; he was an arrogant and spoiled moron who only became rich by smooching off of his father's wealth. At time point, though Marco never likes to talk about the circumstances for it, he moved in with his uncle and aunt, and worked to move away from the bully he became when living with Jayden and tried to get his life back together. Unfortunately, because Marco showed no interest in getting a job, his aunt kicked him out of the house, prompting the young man to look towards "unconventional" means of acquiring the money to get through life. However, after a run in with a gang run by a wealthy man with an unhealthy obsession with animals, Marco would find himself in a good delivery truck to the Suncrest Complex. Though unsure of what this new adventure will have in store for him, Marco had always found thrill from adventure. Let's just hope that he doesn't get himself into any trouble...

    - One time, Marco stole a police car and began to drive it all around town. Although he ended up crashing it, he managed to slip away unnoticed.
    - Marco loves food, so much in fact that he's capable of eating a meal meant for a full family.
    - He likes to play Warhammer: Fantasy Battles with Richard, and owns an army of Beastmen in which he bought using his allowance.
    - His idol is Gabriel Iglesias.
    - He claims to be an amazing cook, but most of the meals he makes end up tasting like burnt rubber.

    Have any family members?
    My guy, you're talkin' to an Italian! Of course I've got folks in my family! I live with Uncle Jeff and Aunt Jodi, while my dad is off fighting in the army. My mom... well, theres nothin' much about her to say, but I've got eight other uncles, six step brothers, four step-sisters, and my grandparents.
    Any pastimes activities?
    Dude I am like the literal king of pastimes activities! All-night parties, road trips, screwing around, you name it! I mess around all the time! Hell, I could do it for money!... I don't, but I could.
    Do you have a pet?
    My uncle and aunt own a bloodhound named Denis, who acts more like a cat than like an actual dog. I hope to fancy myself with a green anaconda someday; I'll probably name it Kai.
    Current standing in your job?
    Heh heh... yeaaaaaah I'm kinda unemployed right now. That's why aunt Jodi kicked me outta the house to begin with! Luckily, though, Abigail is hooking me up with some place called the Suncrest Complex. Sounds like one of those lousy hotels you see rich people going to, but I shouldn't complain; if I didn't have Abigail helping me, I would be living in a dumpster!
    How many are in your current apartment?
    I've got no idea. Hopefully I get a room all to myself, though.
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  • Name: Steve Freeling
    Nickname: Stevie, he's also been called "Pretty Boy"
    Age: 32
    Height: 6' 3½" (1.92 m)
    Weight/Body Shape: 181 lbs.

    He is a Caucasian American with blue eyes and dark brown hair that appears black 95% of the time. It's been remarked upon how much he looks like his mother; when he was younger, he even had her blond hair until it darkened. He has a deep, authoritative voice that has caught several off-guard.
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Job: Stock Associate at Walmart
    Apartment: Unit 505

    He's friendly, he's cool-headed and snakes scare the living hell out of him. When angry, he usually stays calm and walks away - unless someone's seriously crossed the line. Don't tell him all of your business; he doesn't want to know. When he asks something important, don't try to dodge the question; he hates that. He doesn't try so hard to control what his daughter watches, which some don't agree with. He's bothered by his previous marriage to the extent that he often sits around thinking about it.
    Likes and Dislikes:
    +'80s and '90s Movies
    -Most of Today's Movies
    Steve had a fairly normal childhood out in the suburbs, one that had a healthy dose of R-rated action movies and Superbowl Sundays. He always made good grades, too. In high school, he played both football and baseball. This was also where he met a girl named Charlotte. Everything seemed perfect, but Steve's family warned him that she was up to no good. He didn't listen and later married her. From early in the marriage, she was a control freak. She wanted to move from southern California to New York, so Steve did what she wanted. They have a daughter, Jodie, who is eight years old. After a short time of being married, Charlotte showed her true colors. She turned out to be very abusive. She never passed up an opportunity to slap Steve's face or call him and their daughter "stupid." She would also consistently get sloppy drunk and cheat on Steve. She would also attempt to beat Jodie. Upon finally having taken the abuse for too long, Steve divorced her after seriously laying into her for all the things she'd done. Knowing she would never let them leave while she was awake, Steve waited until she slept, took Jodie, rented a U-Haul and left for California. Basically, he moved here to get away from his crazy, abusive ex because she said one place she would never go is back to California and since he never wanted to leave in the first place.
    He chews his tongue when he's bored.
    Have any family members?
    "There's my 8-year-old daughter Jodie and she's with me. Mom and Dad are still living out in Simi Valley. My sister Chris is, too."
    Any pastimes activities?
    "Reading books. Watching movies. Swimming. Sometimes just goin' for a little ride."
    Do you have a pet?
    "We have a Golden Retriever named Stanley."
    Current standing in your job?
    "It keeps a roof over my daughter's head and that's all that matters."
    How many are in your current apartment?
    "Just me and my daughter."
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  • sean_3zpb.jpg

    *DISCLAIMER: He's slender, and definitely not as muscular as the picture says he is. Just imagine this face on someone like Jaden Smith, but slightly more muscled than Jaden Smith in this case.*
    Name: Aubrey-Jesse Akil Graham
    Nickname/Allies: A.J., Akil,
    Age: 24
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight/Body Shape: Slender, Muscular
    Gender: Cismale
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Job: Rapper, Philanthropist
    Apartment: Unit T01
    Aubrey is a very sarcastic individual when it comes down to it. He shows small glimpses of an energetic personality, slipping up when something intrigues him. Aubrey tries to control his degree of loudmouthing, and refrains from "over-talking" as he fears it'll lead to him using his Pandora's box that lies beneath his nose. Insulting people comes naturally for him and so holding that back seems to be quite the task. Once you get to know the young man though, you see that he's actually rather nice... maybe not to the level of general standard, but with what he's been through, a downright improvement. Over the years, Aubrey has developed a strong loyalty he berates himself for, and fails to let down whoever he's trying to help no matter what the cost may be. In spite of the tough guy facade he puts on, he hates himself for getting emotionally attached to certain people, forcing him to help them even if it's against what he's previously said. Vices of Aubrey are also that he's very possessive over things and at time people. All in all, if he's a total jackass, just know he cares.
    Likes and Dislikes:
    • +Helping friends and family
    • +Gangster rap
    • +Basketball, NBA, Allen Iverson
    • +Platinum records
    • +Drugs, alcohol
    • +Late night pizza, ramen noodles, or burgers
    • -Disloyalty
    • -Dull situations and people
    • -Being told what to do
    • -Restrictions
    • -Polygomy
    Aubrey was born in the mean streets of L.A. where you'd have to hustle your way to live. His father had left his mother when he was born, leaving the nineteen year old who'd been kicked out of her home for said baby to starve alongside Aubrey. Annabelle skipped college/university for her son, her resume only consisted of having high school level knowledge. Instead of sulking in her lack of education though, Annabelle Graham had chosen to push the universe to it's limit, finding and working day and night jobs, hours of shifts to take care of her boy. Still, though, Annabelle couldn't avoid the gangs that haunted L.A., crips, bloods, Mexicans, etc.had flooded the streets. Every night they had truly was a blessing.

    Through school Aubrey hadn't much help at home which heavily reflected onto his grades. He average a C+ for his first grade year, and with his mother unable to afford a tutor, no help could aid him when he was constantly home alone. Instead, he too pushed the universe, reading books from the library, studying sheets after school, etc. His grades pushed up and by the sixth grade he'd averaged an A- for the whole year. Aubrey had always been a popular fella at school as well though, his coaches stating that if he hadn't gone into music, he could've become a basketball or american football player by the time he was of age. Instead, during his school career, Aubrey had used making music as a means of escaping his tough environment. He'd taught himself to play the piano and drums, soon the saxophone, and finally began writing his music. The fast and quick pace, yet memorable lyrics of rapping intrigued the young man which led to his decision of becoming a rapper.

    By the tenth grade, Aubrey had made a soundcloud name for himself but couldn't be taken seriously as a cause of his age. He was able to make little money in the streets for his gigs though, and took on some of the family wages. All seemed to pan out for the Grahams, Aubrey working alongside his mother to keep a roof over their heads. Soon it'd be grade twelve graduation where Aubrey had been second best student to the valedictorian of their class. He refused to go to college but instead stayed back with his mother, and was contacted by his current manager, Jonathan Goode. He used his first paycheck to move his mother out of the ghetto they'd lived in, relocating to a home near the current Suncrest. Moving from place to place on tours and so on, Aubrey has just recently dropped a new album dubbed, 'Running in Place,' a piece that described how hard it was for him to improve in his old home, feeling as if he was running in place. He's moved to Suncrest Complex for a short break while the song blows up.

    • Aubrey does have some former gang "friends" who may hold grudges against the hip hop sensation
    Have any family members?:
    Annabelle Graham: Mother, 43 years old, Alive and Healthy
    Any pastimes activities?: Skateboarding, writing songs,
    Do you have a pet?: Mason, albino leopard gecko
    Current standing in your job?: #1 on Billboard 100, Previous album went platinum
    How many are in your current apartment?: 1
    Anything you would like add?: N/A
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  • gkSVsYr.jpg

    "Greeting you would be a waste of my breath."

    Amara Colt

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Straight

    Height: 5'2

    Weight: 96 lbs

    Occupation: Novelist & Nurse on the side

    Apartment: Studio 208

    Her entire wardrobe is pretty much a sea of darkness. Black everywhere with the occasional splash of dark tones like maroon and navy. She usually wears lace gloves, and her presence can be seen as somewhat eerie. Her eyes are a deep scarlet red, but she's no vampire. No, contacts do all the effects for her. Naturally her eyes are a smoky gray, not that anyone would find out. Her milky fair skin is sensitive to the touch. Her body is thin, don't expect to see any muscles. She rarely wears tight clothing, but if she did, shes definitely has a more defined ass compared to her smaller chest

    With an attraction to the obscure, eerie antiques and spooky legends are enjoyable. You can place her in the creepiest place ever and she will feel right at home. Hanging around and observing the atmosphere in uncanny settings is not foreign to her. Sometimes she even claims she can speak with ghosts. Struck with depression, she dabbles in self-harm occasionally. However, most of the time she tends to write her feelings out into her novels. In a way her depression fuels her career, so she's never tried to seek help for it.

    Amara is known to be quite the pessimist, and this can often cause a rift between others and herself. She prefers not to engage in lengthy conversations with others, but when she does her words can often come out slashing like a knife with a voice as sweet as candy. She cares not for filters and says directly what comes to her mind. In fact, she doesn't seem to care for much at all in the world. Relationships are merely fleeting to her, and shouldn't be taken seriously.

    Good luck getting a reaction out of this girl. Nothing appears to frighten or embarrass her. Even drawing a smile from her lips proves to be difficult. Feelings aren't lost to her, but she isn't very expressive. She also won't go out of her way to aid someone, especially a stranger. She will gladly watch you perish if you don't ask for assistance.

    More to be revealed...

    *The obscure
    *Horror films

    -Watching TV

    Amara's parents died on their way to an over-seas business trip. The airplane crashed and every passenger perished. For as long as Amara can remember, she has been suffering with depression. She feels lonely and worthless. After her parents passing at age 13, she went to live with her grandmother. Writing stories and poems in her free time, her grandmother urged her to publish her work. Once she did it took a few years to kick off, but now she has a stable career as a novelist. Amara isn't the most famous, but very popular among the horror and psychological theme novels. She goes under the pen name "Cryptic Heart". So nobody really knows what she looks like.

    She chose to move to Suncrest after her grandmother passed away. Her manager is a lot like a second mother to her, and advised her of the location.

    You might also wonder how a woman that adores death so much must work as a nurse on a few night shifts. Actually, it is exactly due to the reason she loves to witness death that she works part time as a nurse. People die all the time at hospitals. She doesn't mind helping people who need medical attention, but unless she's told to save someone's life, normally she won't.

    Other Questions​
    Have any family members?
    Halsey Colt-Grandmother (Deceased)
    Thom Colt-Father (Deceased)
    Marina Colt-Mother (Deceased)

    Any pastimes activities?
    -Listening to music
    -Researching superstitions and legends

    Do you have a pet?

    Current standing in your job?
    Award-winning horror novelist and part time nurse mostly on night shifts

    How many are in your current apartment?
    Theme Song​



    "If you entertain me well, I just might remember your name."

    Kira Zen

    Age: 21

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Height: 5'3

    Weight: 103 lbs

    Occupation: Dark Web Weapons Dealer/ Waitress at Dierfiur Bar

    Apartment: Studio 203

    Short spiky multicolored hair, Ares has quite a punkish sense of style. She's not afraid to wear outfits that show off her curves, but often dresses in layers. Her hazel eyes are decorated with pale peach pink shaded contacts. She has quite the demanding authority aura around her, warning others she isn't one to mess with.

    Although Ares is outgoing and talkative, she's not always the nicest. She has a very quick temper, and don't think about sneaking up behind this girl, she will punch you a good one. She's very territorial, so when she finds someone she likes (whether it be friend or crush) she glares at anyone who tries to get close to them. Impatient, she makes a fuss if things take too long. Ares can also be kind of clingy and touchy, maybe even overly loving such as hugging strangers and kissing her friend's cheeks. She's easy to compliment or please, and once you gift her with gifts or compliments she will love you long time. But this also stands as a double edged sword. Cross her once and she won't forgive easily.

    This woman only bows down to others that have earned her respect. Which numbers are scarce. She's a thrill seeker, and will take up any challenge given to her. But don't be so trusting of this woman. She's deceptive and conniving.

    More to be revealed...

    *Video Games
    *Going to the shooting range

    -Long Tasks

    Ares grew up in a music oriented family. Although music has resonated within her soul, she's never actually been interested in pursuing a musical career. Her family has always been looked upon as the perfect prestigious musicians, but for as long as she can remember her brother has been abusive towards her and her siblings. Her parents merely turned a blind eye to the matter. As soon as she turned 18 Ares left her house to live on the coast, reinventing her insecure and weak self.

    Only a few people know her real name is Kira, mainly those who handle any record documents. To others, she's known as Ares. And she gets temperamental if one would ever call her Kira. Shortly after living at Suncrest, she ran into a guy that introduced her to the dark web, and all it had to offer. Now through him her major occupation is being a weapons dealer. She gets the weapons from him, and then sells them online. Her waitress job is merely a cover up.

    Other Questions​
    Have any family members?
    +Aisha Zen-Mother-Alive
    +Connor Zen-Father-Alive
    +Lisa Zen-Sister-Alive
    +Jaydon Zen-Brother-Alive
    +Kyle Zen-Brother-Alive
    +Saren Hyatt-Cousin-Alive

    Any pastimes activities?
    -Playing video games
    -Going to night clubs
    -Cruising in her motocycle

    Do you have a pet?
    White and cream colored bunny named Vanilla

    Current standing in your job?
    As far as anyone knows she's just a waitress

    How many are in your current apartment?
    Theme Song​


    "It's important to be strong, while staying true to yourself."

    Saren Hyatt

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Height: 5'5

    Weight: 100 lbs

    Occupation: Voice Actor and musician

    Apartment: Single Floored Penthouse 1202

    She can be seen wearing designer clothing whenever she goes to work. Yet when she is home, comfortable loose clothing are her go-to attire type. You can always see Saren with headphones on listening to music. Amethyst eyes are caressed by her creamy skin tone, and she jogs every evening to keep her body toned. She emits a rather dignified, yet inviting aura.

    She also has tinted dark purple bangs that frame her face.

    Saren is a very easy going person. Once she has set her mind on something nothing can veer her from her path. She's always trying to stick up for what she believes in and won't take no for an answer. She's quite refined and mature, as her etiquette classes taught her to be. She can play many roles, and sometimes finds it hard to feel relaxed and be her true self around others.

    She's used to constantly being judged, but tries not to let the pressure get under her skin. As social as she is, she needs some alone time to de-stress otherwise she will explode, and nobody wants that. Her love for animals is way up there, and she highly despises those who wrong them.

    Saren doesn't like to participate in activities that might be considered dangerous or thrill seeking. Though she does enjoy a horror movie every now and then, even if they don' t particularly frighten her. She also likes to push others out of their comfort zone.

    Though she can defend herself alright, she mostly has a guard around to look after her. Only when she leaves the premises however. She's well known, but not extremely famous.

    More to be revealed...

    +Video Games
    +Falling asleep to the sound of falling rain
    +Watching action and horror films
    +Fantasy novels
    +Taking evening runs
    +Ambitious people

    -Impatient people
    -Being treated as a helpless girl


    Saren was raised by her single father, as her mother had died giving birth to her. Her father was a wealthy business man, owning a popular hotel chain. At the time it was decided Saren would be the heir to the business. But after a few years of faking smiles and taking business etiquette classes, Saren couldn't stand the thought of committing her entire life to something she found to be entirely boring and monotonous. After breaking the news to her father, disappointed as he was, he wanted her to fulfill her dreams. One night a popular boy band Ace were resting in one of their hotel's before a performance, and Saren's father pulled some strings, Saren's fame started that night as a ghost writer for the band. Later becoming public and increasing her popularity as a song writer, which then paved her a path where she became a well known voice actress.

    She recently decided to move out on her own, abandoning her studies to work full time as a voice actress and music producer. She rented an apartment away from her father, in Suncrest Apartment Complex. Though she could probably manage fine on her own paycheck, she still gets checks from her worrisome father.

    She also funds the local animal clinic and volunteers there regularly.

    Other Questions​
    Have any family members?
    +Aster Hyatt-Father (Alive, travels around many countries for business purposes)
    +Elena Hyatt-Mother (Deceased)

    Any pastimes activities?
    +Listening to music
    +Playing Video games
    +Exploring, teasing others
    +Volunteering at animal shelters

    Do you have a pet?
    Miniature Australian Shepherd named Zara

    Current standing in your job?
    Famous actress, musician on the side

    How many are in your current apartment?


    "It might hurt a little at first...the tattoo."

    Ian Lassiter

    Age: 24

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Straight

    Height: 6'0

    Weight: 130 lbs

    Occupation: Cyber Security & tattoo artist at Evolve on the weekends

    Apartment: Mixed Unit 508

    Standing at 6'0, Ian has a toned figure painted honey peach. His golden eyes are fierce and striking, much like his roughly styled hair that seems to fall back into place no matter how much he moves. You'll find a dragon tattoo along his left forearm. Ian prefers to lounge around in T-shirts and hoodies. Rarely will you ever find him wearing shorts.


    Ian is a man who, if angry, would be passive-aggressive instead of voicing or acting on his anger. He’s never actually been in a serious fight before, so he avoids them if he can. Following orders is something Ian is akin to, and he rather enjoys being bossed around as long as it gives him something to do, as he bores easily.

    Much of a pessimist, he's often calculating everything that could go wrong in his life. He can be flirtatious at times, but normally refrains. It's hard to get this guy nervous or flustered, he's far too sadistic personally to waver so easily. If it's not related to technology, he is prone to forgetting, just like anyone's name. He is very attracted to cute things, especially fluffy cats.

    More to be revealed...

    +Cute things
    +When others gift him with food

    -Hot weather
    -People who talk too much


    Ian grew up in a normal family, average pay, the works. He was pretty content with the majority of his childhood, he was a popular guy, had many girlfriends, not that he was the best of boyfriends though. So absorbed in electronics, he may as well have married his laptop. He went to college to major in cyber security, and after completing his degree, he now works for the government to defend against cyber attacks. Not to mention his expertise is called upon at times to do some special hacking.
    He has recently moved to Suncrest Apartment Complex to live along with his younger 19 year old brother Warren. His parents are currently living in Hawaii for work. They are biologists. If Ian had to be honest, he's always late on paying rent. Not because he can't afford it, but because he often forgets the due date for rent. His younger brother pretty much looks after himself, doing most of the cooking for both of them. Because lets face it, Ian can't cook to save his life.

    He began tattooing around 19, and it's more of a hobby for him. But he's rather good at it, so he works at the nearby parlor on weekends.

    Other Questions​

    Have any family members?
    Greg Lassiter-Father (Alive)
    Irene Lassiter-Mother (Alive)
    Warren Lassiter-Little brother (Alive)

    Any pastimes activities?
    +Video Games

    Do you have a pet?
    +Black cat named Saber
    +Orange, gray, and white cat named Alec

    Current standing in your job?
    +Second year working for the government
    + 8 months working at Evolve's tattoo parlor

    How many are in your current apartment?

    Theme Song​


    "Feel free to call me anytime, I'll always answer."

    Warren Lassiter

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Height: 5'8

    Weight: 125 lbs

    Occupation: None, attending cinematography school

    Apartment: Mixed Unit 508

    Warren normally keeps to free-flowing clothing, like baggy hoodies and loose tanks. Sometimes he wears flannels. Accessorizing is always a must as well. Warren normally spends forever on his hair, spiking it to his taste. He appears as the gentle, playful type. You normally will see him wearing glasses because without them he is blind.


    Warren is open and friendly. He even comes across as more reliable and responsible. A gem at cooking and cleaning, Warren is the perfect house maid. Large messes and disorganization bug him, and, he would definitely be pegged as OCD. He's a big fan of lists and charts as well. A terrible liar, he sticks to speaking the truth.
    Being an open book doesn't bother him. However, he hates being teased, and will get extremely flustered. Warren tries to flirt, but normally it comes out awkward.
    He tries to help others whenever he can, and enjoys filming others. You can find him around the complex and town filming.

    More to be revealed...

    +Small animals
    +Sunny days

    -Not being able to figure something out on his own
    -When people tease him


    Warren lived a pretty normal life, coming to move in with his older brother in order to attend the university in the area. His brother mostly provides the money for the apartment. He has always had a dream of becoming a director since he was little. And moving to the coast provided more opportunities for him. He used to be rather shy as a younger boy but has grown into having a warm and inviting presence.

    With the help of his brother's computer skills, he has created an online website dedicated to the life of Suncrest, filling it with interesting stories and videos he's taken around the complex.

    Other Questions​

    Have any family members?
    Greg Lassiter-Father (Alive)
    Irene Lassiter-Mother (Alive)
    Warren Lassiter-Little brother (Alive)

    Any pastimes activities?
    +Organizing things
    +Being helpful
    +Filming/interviewing others

    Do you have a pet?
    Not personally, but Ian's pets that reside in the apartment as well

    Current standing in your job?

    How many are in your current apartment?

    Theme Song​

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  • Character Application
    Name: Alexander Hastings
    Nickname/Allies: Alex, Sasha
    Age: 26
    Height: 6’1”
    Weight/Body Shape:150lbs
    Description: American, Caucasian Redhead, Green Eyes

    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Straight
    Job: Part time student, Chief Editor for Black Bird Games
    Apartment: Unit 501

    Personality: An imaginative young man that searches for inspiration in almost everything in life. He tries to live by the motto “If you’re not having fun, are you even really living?” Life isn’t a game to him, but he does like to have fun above all else. Despite the money he has, it’s really not all that important to him. He genuinely tries to get along with people,and has a kind word for everyone, but he has a habit of spacing out mid sentence as a new idea grips him.

    Likes and Dislikes:

    +The Beach
    +Rainy Days
    -Loud People
    -Horror Films

    Background: Alex grew up in Seaside with a really normal childhood, or as normal as once could have here. When he turned 18 he left to go to college in New York City, he wanted to be a writer. It was there that he learned about his love of tabletop games and his fascination with mythology grew, and he somehow gained the nickname Sasha through one of his Russian transfer friends. He graduated summa cum laude in four years and put in an application to Black Bird Games (an up and coming gaming company based in California). He was accepted and over the next 6 years worked his way up to chief editor, under the penname Sasha Berringal. It was around this time that BBG really took off, becoming the second biggest company for tabletops, in the US behind WotC and third in the world! He spent another two years in the main office before the CEO decided it was fine if he worked from home, as long as he met his deadlines. Now, on top of his duties, he's decided to enroll part time in Seaside University to get a degree in mythology. He's pretty sure it'll help him in his career.

    Extra: Sometimes, when I’m trying to think I play the violin, but have a habit of leaving my windows open. If it’s too loud just tell me and I’ll try to play quieter. Coming back to Seaside after time in more “normal” places, I’ve started thinking about making a game based around Seaside.

    Have any family members? My mum and dad are still kicking around somewhere, always off on some new adventure now that they’ve retired and my baby sister just started college, though she went overseas for it. Italy is beautiful this time of year according to her, though I’m pretty sure it’s always beautiful

    Any pastimes activities? I play the guitar and violin! On top of editing the game books, I’ve also been known to play one or two. Can’t really get into the material if you aren’t willing to experience it!

    Do you have a pet? Two actually! A border collie named Athena and my pomsky Titania, both girls obviously

    Current standing in your job? Pretty solid, some of the workers say that I’m the reason we really took off, but I know it was a group effort.

    How many are in your current apartment? 3 currently if you include my two girls, but in terms of people it's just me.

    Anything you would like add? Not now, but probably more to come
  • Nicholas 'Spook' Sterling

    Nicholas Sterling


    Just turned 18


    101 pounds

    Very skinny and lanky but toned

    Spook looks like your typical emo kid,
    really. He has a pretty, somewhat delicate face and large, expressive eyes that are always rimmed in black. His eyebrow, lip and tongue are pierced, and rumour has it he's got a hidden tattoo somewhere on his back or chest (something which his fangirls often argue over). His complexion is pale and often looks sickly under poor lighting, and the eyeliner conceals near permanent dark circles that have taken up residence under his eyes. Nick is fairly short and noticeably underweight, which is rather typical for his 'type' though not the healthiest or most lively of physiques. While his eyes are naturally a bright metallic golden yellow, he often wears blood red and glowing neon contacts on stage, and plain brown ones while out in public to avoid recognition. He dresses like any other emo kid, though in more expensive clothing due to his wealth. Tight jeans, skulls, stripes, lots of accessories, band shirts and an entire wardrobe of black, basically.



    Famous Musican (lead singer of rock band)


    Nicholas Sterling is overly emotional, but tries (and sometimes fails) to hide this fact behind a wall of cool, cynical indifference and sarcasm. Despite living a life of fame, Spook is not particularly social and is known by his fans and the media alike for being a mysterious and elusive celebrity. He isn't very cheerful and rarely smiles or laughs publicly, unless it's smugly and at someone else's expense. Despite his depressing personality and bad attitude, he can be likable and even borders on kind if he gets to know you, though this will take effort and more than a little luck on your side. Winning Nick over isn't easy, as his life experiences have lead him to believe most people trying to get close to him are only interested in his money or fame (and in many cases he'd be right). The young star does find his fans amusing, and will usually tease them mockingly but always stops for a photo or autograph. Those who are particularly patient, enjoy his dark fashion choices and morbid sense of humor may end up having a snarky emo friend for life. If he trusts you and you hurt him however, the walls will come down and you might just catch a glimpse of what a sad and troubled young man Nicholas really is... and that for all his feigned indifference, he cries very easily. If you care about him, the best thing you can do is let him come to you, much like an aloof and rather moody housecat, and maybe dry his tears if he'll let you... oh, and give him sweets. He loves sweets.

    Dark and creepy things
    Morbid jokes
    Being sarcastic
    His fans
    Sugar, sweets and candy

    The paparazzi and magazines
    People who are more interested in his personal life than his career
    Romance, and especially seeing happy couples
    Being touched

    The early years of Nicholas Sterling weren't particularly interesting, nor is the teenage star proud of them. He was the accidental result of a one-night stand, but that didn't make his young mother love him any less. Though they were broke, she tried her very best to keep things stable for her son. They mainly lived in basements and low budget housing, but Nicholas still had a fairly innocent childhood.

    Things got worse when he went to school, as he was often bullied and had difficulty making friends and fitting in. He learned from a young age that it was better not to care, and had mastered the art of hiding his emotional nature behind a wall of icy indifference by the time he was in middle school.

    But if elementary and middle school had been difficult, high school was a thousand times worse. Spook refused to act or dress like the crowds, which made him even more of a target. His interest in music and unpopular tastes did win him a few friends, though they were all outcasts like him. Nick recorded his first song at 14, but didn't receive much attention until he was 16.

    Things turned around for him after he formed a more permanent band and released a very successful album. Turning his nickname nof Spook into a stage name, he quickly gained popularity amongst the alternative crowd. A bit overwhelmed by his sudden fame, he had a tendency to hide from the cameras and would even stay out partying all night before a performance. Fortunately, he managed to balance his wild side and never went too far... or so the media believes. His scars would say otherwise, but that's not a story he'll ever share.

    Nick eventually dated an up-and-coming singer named Vivienne, though it didn't last and the resulting dramatic breakup caused the teen to swear off relationships for life.

    He purchased his current apartment only a week after turning 18, and is currently taking a month off before he's set to return to the studio.


    Have any family members?
    Yes, but he hasn't kept in contact with them

    Any pastimes activities?
    Songwriting and drawing, mostly. He also likes to go clubbing, but uses a fake ID and hates being recognized while doing so. Reading scary stories and watching horror movies is one of his more mundane pastimes

    Do you have a pet?
    Yes, a cat named Lyric, and a tarantula named Fluffy

    Current standing in your job?
    Lead singer of a famous rock band, he's taking a short break between touring and recording

    How many are in your current apartment?
    Just him

    Anything you would like add?
    Here's the new and improved Nick, as sulky and emo as ever but slightly less romance-phobic


  • Genevieve Delroyes

    "Kind of odd"

    • e5d4db421f00497e68f88427ce352c80.jpg

      Name: Genevieve Delroyes

      Age: 25

      Height: 5'9"

      Weight: 150lbs

      Body Shape:
      Tall with a slight hourglass figure

      Gender: Female

      Sexuality: Pansexual

      Owner of metaphysical supply shop along with fortune telling in said shop

      Apartment: Unit 506

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