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Fandom [CS]Naruto The Next Generation - The Fallen Shinobi

Th3 Jok3r

Are you serious?


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[div=padding:5px; height:580px; width:100%; overflow:auto][div=background-color:White; opacity:0.6; width:90%; height:120px; overflow:auto; padding:10px][row][column=span4][color=Black][B]NAME[/B] Name Here
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[B]ROMANTIC ORIENTATION[/B] Romantic Orientation Here[/color][/column][column=span4][color=black][B]BIRTHDAY[/B] mm/dd/yyyy
[B]BIRTH VILLAGE[/B] Birth Village
[B]CURRENT VILLAGE[/B] Current Village[/color][/column][/row][/div]

[font=Rock Salt][size=6][color=White]PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS[/color][/size][/font]
[div=background-color:White; opacity:0.6; width:90%; height:250px; overflow:auto; padding:10px][color=black][B]EYE COLOR[/B] Eye Color Here
[B]HAIR COLOR[/B] Hair Color Here
[B]HEIGHT[/B] Height Here
[B]WEIGHT[/B] Weight Here

[font=Rock Salt][size=6][color=White]MENTAL CHARACTERISTICS[/color][/size][/font]
[div=background-color:White; opacity:0.6; width:90%; height:250px; overflow:auto; padding:10px][color=black][B]LIKES[/B] 3 Likes
[B]DISLIKES[/B] 3 Dislikes
[B]FEARS[/B] List Three Fears
[B]STRENGTHS[/B] List 2 Strengths and describe them
[B]WEAKNESSES[/B] List 3 weaknesses and describe them

[font=Rock Salt][size=6][color=White]SHINOBI CHARACTERISTICS[/color][/size][/font]
[div=background-color:White; opacity:0.6; width:90%; height:250px; overflow:auto; padding:10px][color=Black][B]Rank[/B] Genin/Chuunin/Jounin/S-Class
[B]AFFILIATION[/B] Hidden Leaf Shinobi or Akatsuki
[B]ACADEMY GRADUATION AGE[/B] Age of graduation
[B]CHUUNIN PROMOTION AGE[/B] If applicable, age of promotion
[B]SENSEI[/B] If applicable, who is your sensei.
[B]CHAKRA POOL[/B] How much chakra do you have, 1 - 10, 1 like Rock Lee, 10 like Naruto.
[B]CHAKRA CONTROL[/B] How much control do you have on your chakra?.
[B]CHAKRA NATURE[/B]What is your chakra nature?
[B]KEKKEI GENKAI[/B] 2 Per Character
[B]WEAPONS[/B] Does your character use any weapons?
[B]CUSTOM JUTSU[/B] Has your character developed some custom jutsus?[/color][/div]

[font=Rock Salt][size=6][color=White]HISTORY[/color][/size][/font]
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HISTORY 3 Paragraphs Minimum
PERSONALITY 1-2 Paragraphs Minimum

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Ketsueki Akama
NAME Ketsueki Akama
AGE 17
BIRTHDAY 06/21/----
BIRTH VILLAGE Konohagakure

EYE COLOR Brown (Ketsuryugan: Red)
HAIR COLOR Platinum Blonde
HEIGHT 5 '11
WEIGHT 158 lbs
Ketsueki stands at the height of five feet and eleven inches and weighs one-hundred-fifty-eight pounds. Ketsueki also has platinum blonde hair, and dark brown eyes. Ketsueki is generally known for wearing the colors red and black in every outfit, because the red matches well with the Ketsurygan. Ketsueki has some slight muscle but is more of a ninjutsu than a user of Taijutsu. When on missions from the ANBU Black-ops Ketsueki is well known for wearing a black and red mask, that has an eye that is clawed.


Even though Ketsueki's muscles are not apparent, doesn't mean he cannot stand a chance in a hand to hand combat situation. Ketsueki is also known for training alone, which is why he is always in shape, because he doesn't have wait for others. Ketsueki's skin is dark in comparison to his hair, and his skin is rough, callouses can be found on both right and left hand; this is why he wears gloves.

LIKES Alone Time | Darkness | The Quiet
DISLIKES Large Groups of People | Over sensitive people | Loudness
FEARS Death | Becoming a freak of nature | Loving someone
  • Persistence - You finish what you start. You will work towards goals despite the challenges that you might face along the way.
  • Prudence - You’re a careful person. You think things through and consider all the options before you say or do things.
  • Callous – They are hardened to emotions, rarely showing any form of it in expression.
  • Hard – A person who is difficult to deal with, manage, control, overcome, or understand.
  • Humourless – The inability to find humour in things, and most certainly in themselves.
  • Perfectionist – A propensity for being displeased with anything that is not perfect or does not meet extremely high standards.
Ketsueki is accustom to working alone or in extremely small groups. This is because of the way he was raised, he was alone, with no one to play with or someone to take a liking to; other than the Eighth Hokage, but he doesn't count. Ketsueki also deals with abandonment issues, ever since he was told that his family literally gave him because they were not permitted to have to children, or rather two males. While Ketsueki tries to address his issues he also very persistent; he is always making sure everything is done to very end, and that it is perfects because he thinks everything through and all the ways of doing it. Ketsueki rarely shows emotion and comes off as cold around others, while he tries to show emotion it just never ends well for him, he rather stay quiet emotionless than being saw as a freak.

Ketsueki can also be very difficult to work with, that is why he either works solo or in a extremely small group, as people can tell if he is being serious or not. He never sees jokes, and when he makes jokes people don't understand him, he also don't find humor in small things or large things of importance.

RANK Jounin | ANBU Captain
AFFILIATION Konohagakure Shinobi
SENSEI Arashi Sēji [Former]


CHAKRA NATURE Fire (Affinity), Wind
KETSURYUGAN The Ketsuryūgan is a dōjutsu kekkei genkai, which appears in certain individuals of the Chinoike clan. The Ketsuryūgan is recognised by its reddish colour, giving a special appearance for the users of this dōjutsu, characterised as holders of "eyes as red as blood". The Ketsuryūgan confers genjutsu casting abilities. Its power earned it comparison to the Three Great Dōjutsu.

The Ketsuryūgan also gave the users the ability to manipulate the user's blood, or more accurately the iron in the blood, allowing the user to not only manipulate their blood, but any liquid with high iron concentration.

SCORCH RELEASE Scorch Release (灼遁, Shakuton, Viz: Scorch Style) is a combined nature transformation kekkei genkai made up of techniques that mix fire and wind-based[1] chakra to create scorching heat which is capable of heating up an enemy to the point where all the liquid inside their body evaporates, killing the victim and leaving them as a desiccated corpse.​
WEAPONS Ketsueki is known for carrying dual blades, in which the blades are made from black steel.
Scorch Style Twin Fire Blades - C Rank - Ketsueki created this jutsu a year after he was promoted to chuunin. It allows the user of the technique to send their chakra to twin blades - this means the blades must be made out the same metal as in the case of Ketsueki's blades. Ketsueki's ability allows him to pass his flame to the sword.

Scorch Style Phoenix Feather Barrage - A Rank - Ketsueki created this jutsu when he became a member of the ANBU Black-ops. It takes complete and utter focus to successfully use this move, the user must not move. It shoots between 5-20 small fire bombs into air, even though they are small they still pack a punch, especially when in close range to each other.​

The Akama Clan is a branch off of the Chinoike clan tree, that his the Akama clan can gain the Ketsuryugan. Going all the way back the Great Ninja War, there were rumors that the Chinoike men were impregnating Akama clan women, but it was all a rumor until it was confirmed twenty years after the Forth Great Ninja War when an Akama clan member unlocked the Ketsuryugan. The clan was a part of a small village thirty miles away from Konohagakure, and that is where they stayed until the year twin boys were born, but one didn't make it . . . so they thought. During the night of the summer solstice the mother of the twin boys took the youngest one Konohagakure and asked the Eighth Hokage to watch out for him, seeing that Akama clan only allowed one male per family, so she had to hide the other child.

Ketsueki was born a day before the summer solstice, and was abandoned by his own family because of traditions. As Ketsueki grew up he was always a thorn in Eigth Hokage's side, but he didn't seem to mind this whatsoever. As he aged, he drifted away from his only parental figure, he felt like he was a burden and he refused to feel like that any longer. At the age of seven Ketsueki was permitted to enroll in the academy, he tried to be top of his class at everything from ninjutsu to basic taijutsu, and he preformed well. When he turned nine he graduated from the academy, he didn't want to complete the academy early to look like an over achiever; he became a genin. Up until the age of eleven he didn't know his surname, he so desperately wanted to know so he required the help of the Eighth Hokage., who did tell him where he came from, and he couldn't go there ever. That was the day they he learned the reason his family abandoned him, and the same he unlocked the Ketsuryugan.

When Ketsueki turn twelve he particpated and passed the chuunin exams. People around the village knew of him, and why people called him the Red Eyes of the Leaf. At the age of fifteen he was promoted to the rank of jounin, and soon after invited to join the ANBU Black-ops. He worked with the ANBU for a very long time a total of two years, and gaining the title of ANBU Captain. He is currently still a member of the ANBU, and one of the many leaders that they have. Til this day he has never laid eyes on the Akama clan house, and if he did . . he doesn't know what he would do.

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NAME Haigara Yoruichi (Clan name, First name)

AGE 27




BIRTHDAY 06/13/----

BIRTH VILLAGE Konohagakure




HAIR COLOR Ash blonde

HEIGHT 169.1 cm

WEIGHT 62.7 kg

Yoruichi is an attractive ash-blond woman of average height (169cm) and possesses a lithely-muscled figure. She has a scar running horizontally on the left side of her forehead and another vertically down her left cheek, cutting through the center of her eyelid. Both faintly pink scars intersect near the end of it close to her left temple. Her shoulder length hair is normally tied up at the back of her head into a secure bun, while her parted fringe is done up in a bundle, held by two miniature kunai, both with red thread at the end, on each side. The part of her hair that isn’t tied is left to frame her face, reaching past her chin. The left sidebang is thicker than the right in order to cover the ends of the scars.

Yoruichi’s preferred attire is a black battle kimono made from ballistic fibre without a right sleeve and exposing her right leg all the way to the middle of her upper thigh, decorated with dark auburn flowers of the Haigara Clan, held together by a wide red obi from her ribcages down to her waist. Beneath, she wears tight black shorts. On her right arm she sports a detached sleeve that goes from her wrist to her mid-biceps. She also wears fishnet stockings and black kunoichi half-shoes that reach just below the knee. She’s often seen smoking a kiseru (a thin pipe), a trait she shares with a few older members of her clan. When the kiseru is not lit, it will still be in her hands or tucked in her obi. It is a hard blackwood pipe fused with chakra-conductive metal, meaning she can use it as a weapon as well, which is one of the reasons she brings it with her all the time.

Physical Strengths:
Ninjutsu: 10/10 – She has perfect mastery over her bloodline, and as such do not require handseals for them. In addition to that, she has strong affinity with doton and futon jutsu, the lower-ranked ones she can perform without seals as well. Her near-perfect chakra control over a large reserve means she can pull off higher-ranked techniques with the least amount of chakra needed to achieve the same effects.

Taijutsu: 7/10 – Due to her slender physique and short height, she relies more on agility and speed rather than strength. She only knows the clan taijutsu, which relies on short bursts of Haiton to keep the enemy on their toes. However, due to her speed and agility, opponents are hard pressed to catch her unless they are on par or better, allowing her to land more hits before her defence is broken through.

Tessenjutsu: 10/10 – Probably the only close-combat weapon she has a prodigious skill in, to her immense irritation. If hard-pressed, she can wield a blade or staff, but anyone who knows more than the basics can easily beat her, therefore, the only hand-held weapon she keeps on her are her dual tessen.

Physical Weaknesses
Genjutsu: 3/10 – She can recognise and break illusions, but anything above C-rank takes a lot longer. In addition, she doesn’t have an active enough imagination for a successful B-rank as enemies would know right off the bat that it is a genjutsu, so she doesn’t use anything over a C-rank.

Long-range combat: She mostly specialises in medium to short range combat and doesn’t really do stealthy. She can be silent if she wants to, but more often than not, she fails to suppress her chakra to avoid detection, so she doesn’t bother anymore. Her lack of long-range techniques make her unable to engage anyone who specialises in that area as it will be more difficult for her to close the distance. But when she does, then the difficult part is over.


LIKES Reading fiction texts, engaging in clan business, people with guts and brains

DISLIKES Traitors, those who see the world in black and white, commiting the same mistake twice

1)Death by torture
2) Being severely crippled, enough to be forced into early retirement
3) Commit an act bad enough or make a bad decision resulting in multiple, evitable deaths of her fellow Konoha shinobi

Mental Strengths:
1) Able to think on her feet in the heat of battle
2) Works hard to eliminate personal flaws as best she can. Even as Clan Head and jounin, she firmly believes that there’s still things to learn and skills to polish every day. No one’s perfect, after all.
5) Has patience in spades

Mental Weaknesses
1) Blunt, straightforward in speech and mannerism.
2) Awkwardness in expressing her feelings aloud: Having been made to grow up fast and with a lack of people to hold normal conversations with, Yoruichi has grown accustomed to keeping her feelings to herself and speak in a distant manner, even to her brother. When she tries to give heartfelt compliments, she becomes tongue-tied and awkward. This has resulted in a strained relationship between Tenma and herself as he believed she sees him as nothing more than another Clan member, but whenever she tries to convince him otherwise, the conversation turned strained. The same applies to her shinobi friends. Although she accepts their invitations to hang out now and then, she is not the greatest conversationalist when it comes to small talks.
3) Has a tendency to over-estimate her opponents and under-estimate herself. This doesn’t usually happen, but when faced with someone she knows outclass her (like an S-Class), she tends to second-guess her actions.

As someone who gave up everything that means to be a woman in order to protect her Clan during the later period of the War and their wellbeing after, Yoruichi is dead serious at all times, even when making dark jokes or finding herself in a comedic situation. She is usually not very talkative when it comes to small talk and counteracts all kinds of provocations and threats with a relentless offensive physical reaction, especially when it is directed towards family and friends. Any jokes, threats or insults directed to her would be met with a deadpanned stare and dry replies. As a consequence of that character trait, she doesn't hesitate for a moment to give someone a knock on the head with her kiseru, or throw senbon in their direction if the perpetrator is an ally.

Yoruichi generally portrays a very tough and ruthless front, believing that showing otherwise in public would result in being taken advantage of. And since she is the Head and thus, representative, of the Clan, her actions will affect those of her people. If she wants other shinobi to respect and trust the Haigara Clan, she cannot show weakness or signs of turning against the Hokage. The only ones who know about and have seen the caring, compassionate woman beneath are her clan and team members. Beyond her harsh and naggy exterior, however, she is kind at heart despite multiple attempts to smother it. When she stumbles into a situation where a comrade needs her help she doesn't hesitate to give it, though her facial expression rarely changes even then, giving no indication of her thoughts or motives. Like most Konoha shinobi, she prizes teamwork highly, having experienced beforehand multiple times what tremendous results having good teammates yield.

Having been groomed from a young age to take over her father’s position, Yoruichi grew to be rather intellectual after years of intensive study of clan politics, history, leadership and finance. This led her to become rather refine in speech, choosing her words with care and speaks in a formal tone towards friends and family alike, whether she is complimenting or criticizing them. She carries herself upright, her bearing regal. Every movement seem effortlessly graceful and her steps are light and silent, akin to a feline’s. The typical aura she gives off is hard and no-nonsense. Although the Head of a Clan with a Kekkei Genkai and prone to be treated with respect and faced with status privilege, she sees herself as just another shinobi within the Clan. Sure, she is their de-facto leader, but she is also a kunoichi and she wasn’t about to hide behind others. If they were to go into battle, she would be at the lead. Her status as Head also results in her being rather hard on herself, often wondering in the dead of the night “what if”? Could she have done things differently? Would things have turned for the better if she took the alternative? Nonetheless, in spite of her self-doubts, she stands fast by her decisions, believing it is the best she could have made, and if she proved to be wrong, she would shoulder the consequences without fuss and try to make the most of the situation.

She respects good leaders and admires those with courage to stand by their beliefs, no matter if the world is against them. Like many shinobi, Yoruichi views the world not in black and white, but varying shades of grey. She doesn’t believe in true good or evil, only the nature of the person’s motivations behind their actions, and the consequences of their actions. As a result, right and wrong only exist in context to their actions. One can’t be labelled wrong if they were ordered to kill a friend, after all. That was loyalty to their Kage. Execute the guy if you wish, but he cannot be called ‘bad’. A woman of simple tastes, Yoruichi likes to read fiction of any genre in order to wind down or take her mind off matters for a while. She absolutely abhors traitors and betrayal, and doesn’t take kindly to people who commits the same mistake twice, including herself.

A different side of Yoruichi can be seen when she comes in contact with alcoholic substances. She has a very low alcohol tolerance, needing only a small amount of strong sake to get drunk. While drunk, she tends to display an extremely giggly nature, laughing at every little thing but not talking in coherent sentences. However, after resting, she weirdly shows no visible signs of a hangover even if she doesn't remember her actions before blacking out.

Fighting Style: She prefers to make the first move, usually by combining a wide array of low-chakra cost Haiton and Doton to disorientate her opponent(s) before they can get close. If they manage to escape that barrage, then she will engage them in close-quarter combat with her pair of tessen and Futon and/or Haiton. Her taijutsu is incorporated in her tessenjutsu.


Rank Jounin/Clan head

AFFILIATION Konohagakure Shinobi



SENSEI Nara Shikamaru

CHAKRA POOL How much chakra do you have, 1 - 10, 1 like Rock Lee, 10 like Naruto.

CHAKRA CONTROL How much control do you have on your chakra?.

CHAKRA NATUREFuton (Wind), Doton(Earth), Yin

Haiton, or Ash Release gives the individual the ability to infused earth or sand with the user’s chakra, turning it into ash for wielding. The amount and range of the created ash depends on the individual’s chakra reserve and control over it, as every minute of maintaining the ash will sap chakra. The maximum range of this ash ever recorded is as far as the person’s eyes can see, for manipulating it requires the user to be able to see where they are sending it. Of course, if one’s sense for chakra is incredible, one would be able to manipulate the ash as far as they can sense. Perfect mastery means it takes her only a second to convert earth/dust/sand into ash and she can manipulate it fast and easily. She can also infuse her other affinities with the ash. Unfortunately for her, she is no sensor, meaning her max range is limited by her vision.
Kekkei Genkai related weakness: When her ash is infused with doton/futon nature or both, the ash is become weak towards ration/katon.

WEAPONS Dual tessen, senbon, kunai, kiseru (sometimes)

Haiton: Tsunomuchi (Spiked whip: C-rank) – Ash coils around the individuals’ hands and fingers in the form of spiked whips. It can lash out at the opponent during intervals in close-combat and can coil around the individuals’ hands to form a protective spiked layer.

Haiton: Haikagura (Ash cloud: C-rank) – Creates a cloud of ash that spreads over an area (distance can be controlled), blocking the vision of anyone caught inside. If breathed in, it will build up and clog their throats and lungs, slowly suffocating them.

Haiton: Tatsumaki (Ash storm: A-rank) – Creates a huge hurricane of ash that can be split into two smaller ones. Infused with other affinities like futon, its attack power is much fiercer, with capabilities of tearing skin off flesh. Akin to a sandstorm, it blocks vision further than what’s right before you and makes breathing rather difficult. It is also capable of sweeping individuals up and tossing them around.

Haiton: Haihaka (Ash tomb: B-rank) – It is a slow technique in that it develops layer by layer. Ash flakes begin to stick on the target(s)’s skin, coating it in a thin layer and hardens. If the target fails to get the ash off before it hardens, it will stay attached to their skin until the jutsu stops, the user runs out of chakra or uses another Haiton technique. Once the first layer is on, the second layer forms and hardens, then the third, fourth, fifth, and so on. With every layer, the target’s movements becomes more and more encumbered (think being coated in layers of cement). If the target’s mouth and/or nose is covered by hardened ash, it might suffocate them. The jutsu targets one person at a time whenever it is used, but can be overlapped to a max of three times. While they can use this move consecutively thrice without ending the technique, usage of any other Haiton will break all three at the same time. (Adding Earth nature into this technique merely increases the density and hardness of the solidified ash).

Earth Barrier: Tidal Wave – B-rank: This is a one direction stone barrier the height of 3m made out of three adjacent walls that forms in front of its user and shoots forward in a tidal wave-like movement, crushing all in its path until the chakra behind its creation in depleted. It cannot change direction and will only head in the path its user aims it in. However, its width is changeable according to its user's desires, and the three parts can be separated to head in three different directions if so desired.

Earth Spikes – C-rank: The user unleashes a row of short, sharp earth spikes towards the enemy in a straight line. Depending on chakra input, range can be from 1m to 100m.

Rock Spears – C-rank: The user causes several rock spears to protrude from the ground to skewer the opponent. These spears will even pass through obstacles and lengthen themselves to reach their target.

Wind Blade Barrage – B-rank: Derived from the Lightning Cutter technique, this allows the user to create several small kunai or senbon size blades with the same long-ranged cutting effects to shoot towards the opponent. The range of its cut depends on the amount of chakra the user puts behind it, and each individual wind blade can vary even if they are all created at the same time. As a result, it is unpredicatble and difficult to evade. On the other hand, it requires a lot of concentration to pull the different cutting lengths off and thus, it is only used to fire off small amounts if engaged in close-combat. (Yoruichi’s tessen is made from chakra-conductive metal, meaning she can fire off jutsus using her weapons as a medium.)

Coil of Wind – C-rank: By swiping one or both tessen before her, it creates a strong gust of wind that will blast towards the opponent. By using both tessen and rotating her wrist in a semi-circle, the gust of wind becomes defensive instead of offensive. It creates a wind barrier around her that is able to deflect any projectiles unless it is infused with chakra (or one of the Seven Swords).


Before one look at Yoruichi’s past, one must also learn about her ancestors and how their decisions affected the future of their descendants at present. Haigara Fuzen, the Eleventh Head of the Haigara Clan, was always one for fighting against the stiff, unyielding and frankly restricting nature of Iwagakure’s system, both civilians and shinobi. He recognised that the continuous conscription of civilians with a lick of chakra and lack of traders would end up hurting the Village itself, not at all helped by the Tsuchikage’s nearly-obsessive need to one-up the other Major Villages, especially Konohagakure. Being one of the founding clans and thus a member of the Council, he had many a times tried to get his Leader to see reason, but have failed on all accounts. The last straw was the forced enlistment of Kekkei Genkai civilians, amongst them his cousin, someone with terrifyingly good grasp of genjutsu but was too sickly to keep up with others in the Academy, hence his life as a civilian. Needless to say, his cousin didn’t survive his first C-rank mission.

Absolutely livid by the blatant throwing away of lives, Fuzen decided to round up his Clan and leave Iwa. To do otherwise would be to break the Clan’s motto of “Family First”. The Clan’s leaving was not abrupt, but more gradual so by the time anyone realised what was going on, they were well on their way to Konoha. The deal Fuzen struck with the Hokage all those weeks back was more to the Sandaime’s favour, nevertheless, the Clan Head had no choice but to accept. He was rather desperate, after all, and his Clan was by no means a big one. They had only seventy-odd members in total, only one-third of which are active shinobi. The children and their mothers were the first to leave, and the last to depart was the jounin-level members. Three years of careful planning and execution, the Haigara Clan eventually settled in Konoha during the ten-year peace (post-Second War and pre-Third War), claiming the southern-most border as their territory. Of course, the shinobi of Konoha were wary of the former-Iwa Clan, especially one who wielded a Kekkei Genkai and were participants of the First and Second Shinobi War against Konoha. The members were met with distrust and alienation, but the Haigara persisted, determined to prove they had burned the bridge between the Clan and Iwa. It took a decade and countless successful missions before they were a grudgingly accepted presence. Of course, their participation in the Third Shinobi War bearing Konoha's hitai-ate helped their integration immensely. By the time the Fourth Shinobi War came around, they were proudly integrated into Konoha’s history. However, now another challenge emerged: the political battle between Clans within the Village. It wasn’t too crucial for Clans like the Haigara, who didn’t bother vying for more power than what they earned, but Council matters were another issue.

Born as the second heir in the early years of the Hachidaime’s reign, Yoruichi was a relatively bright child due to ignorance of the wider, realistic world of shinobi life. Her brother, Raizaku, who was six years her senior, took care of her whenever their parents left on missions that took them away from home for days on end. Having spent most of her early childhood around her older brother, it was not at all strange that she would look up to Raizaku as both a role model and her closest confidant. As soon as she reached her fourth birthday, clan tradition meant that she would begin her kunoichi training, starting from simple chakra control lessons and learning to wield Haiton, their clan’s Kekkei Genkai. Now ten years old and officially a genin, Raizaku was busier than before, but he never failed to find time in his schedule at least once or twice a week to help Yoruichi with her training. At this young age, Yoruichi already had a clear aim in life. To become a strong kunoichi, strong enough to stand by her brother’s side and assist him in any way as best she could when he took over their father’s position as Clan Head. Raizaku did not object, knowing that there would be no persuading her otherwise. Instead, he shared whatever little knowledge he had about being a better shinobi with her whenever he could, further deepening the bond of friendship, siblingship and understanding that connected them since her birth. On the days Raizaku left with his team on message runs and other tasks suited for lower ranked shinobi, Yoruichi trained herself to exhaustion, striving to improve faster in order to graduate from the Academy early and be of use.

A month and two days after her fifth birthday, Raiga and Yoruichi personally witnessed the arrival of their new baby brother. Father was not present, having been sent on a six-month long mission to Fire Country’s border outpost just weeks ago. Staying in the corner of the room as mother’s screams echoed around the compound, Yoruichi clutched her older brother’s clothes tightly in her fists, staring wide-eyed as the wrinkly, red baby was cleaned and wrapped in a clean strip of linen. Their younger brother was held firmly in the midwife’s clutches, and Yoruichi was thrown into confusion as the other two assistants began yelling. She could only watch, tucked into her brother’s side, as medics poured into the room and her mother’s face steadily lost colour. At the age of five, she did not truly understood that her mother was dying of blood loss. But her brain comprehended that no living person’s skin should be so white, eyes so glassy and body so still. She could feel Raizaku’s arms tighten around her as his own breath trembled and broke. What was meant to be a day of celebration turned into a day of mourning. For five months, the three siblings were found everywhere together. Yoruichi clinging onto Raizaku as the two did their best to take care of their unnamed younger brother while still grieving for their deceased mother. Their father came back one night in the sixth month to a dead wife, a grieving household, a nameless infant and two depressed children.

Slightly less than one year later, Yoruichi’s healing heart took another devastating blow. Raizaku’s chuunin team with their jounin leader was acting as a decoy for an important scroll to be directly delivered to the Hokage. Decoy scroll retrieved and on their way back to the Village, the enemy shinobi ambushed them, killing the entire unit, Raizaku included. None of their bodies were recovered. Instead, all their father got was a bloodstained hitai-ate and a letter of condolence, citing the important role Raizaku played in the successful retrieval of an A-rank package. The words were stilted, hollow and meaningless. Yoruichi didn’t cry even as a few tears slipped down her father’s cheeks. Mere waterworks couldn’t express the sorrow drowning her being. The next day, she demanded a meeting with the Elders in order to request their blessing to take Raizaku’s position as the heir. However, having a female as the Clan Head was unprecedented within the Haigara Clan, but Yoruichi was unmoveable in her resolve. As a compromise, she had to give up her ability to bear children, as her main responsibility had to be the well-being of her Clan, first and foremost. Her younger brother Tenma would be responsible for continuing the line instead.

Her father, driven by the fear of losing his only daughter and next heir, began training her harshly in the clan’s techniques, pushing her to the very edge when he discovered her aptitude for ninjutsu. While Raizaku was a genius, their father had always held his training back. He was but twelve years of age. In his eyes, his eldest son was not ready to delve further into the more complex and harder techniques. His hesitation most likely cost him his son’s life. No more. Yoruichi might be younger, a girl, and less talented, but he was not going to withhold anything from her. It would kill him if she were to die an evitable death. The result of his decision to impart everything to his daughter meant that training was often harsh and brutal, leaving her bloody and bruised at the end, but she gritted her teeth and endured. Raizaku died for the Village, and he desired to become not just any old Clan Head. He had big dreams of removing the patriarchal view of the Clan and to allow the integration of civilian or shinobi with no bloodlines as potential spouse rather than arrange marriage between other Clan shinobi. Now with him gone, she took it all upon herself. As her father was mostly absent except when it was time to train, she grew closer to the other clan members who took over looking after her and Tenma. Hence, the start of her unwavering devotion towards her clan.

At the age of 7, she graduated from the Academy and was put under the command of Nara Shikamaru, former Jounin Commander. With all Clan kids in the squad, Shikamaru-sensei was not hesitant in putting them through trial after trial, gauging their strengths and weaknesses and fixing their flaws. During this period of time and up til the present, the desperation for survival and the sheer amount of close calls throughout her experiences spurred her onwards in skill and abilities, earning her chuunin rank at eleven on the field for successfully covering a retreat. . It was this very skirmish between vindictive Iwa troops and Konoha’s forces that her father fell. The body could not be retrieved as they were too busy fighting for their lives and retreating. Young as she was, she acquired a name on the battlefield due to her constant usage of Haiton (Ash Release). Not big enough to make her known, but enough for her to be listed in Iwa’s Bingo Books as a relatively low-level threat.

As a team they grew closer, staying together from genin through to jounin. Unfortunately, due to her position as Clan Head, she was not able to follow her teammates into ANBU. Yoruichi was instigated as the Nineteenth Head of the Haigara Clan and the next four years were filled with clan politics, meetings with advisors and the Elders. At the age of 15, she eventually participated in the jounin test and passed.

Now, at the age of twenty-seven, there are talks – whispers – of the revival of an enemy long thought dead and gone. But memories of the devastation this enemy managed to bring upon Konoha have not faded entirely. Yoruichi knows this – have read texts on it – which is why even at peacetimes, she ordered the younger members of her Clan to continue using the wartime training regimen. It was both a matter of Clan pride and preparation for the future.

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Arashi Sēji
NAME Arashi Sēji
AGE 21
BIRTHDAY 01/28/yyyy
BIRTH VILLAGE Konohagakure

EYE COLOR Sage Green
HEIGHT 4 ‘11 (114.89 cm)
WEIGHT 92 lbs (41.73 kg)
Arashi stand at four feet and eleven inches, and weighs ninety-two pounds. Arashi has red-brown hair and sage green eyes. Arashi has a quiet tone voice, and smells of cigarettes. Arashi has quite a lot of muscle, and is well defined in tone. You will recognize her from the slashed hidden leaf headband.

LIKES Lord Seventh | Toads | Training
DISLIKES Lord Eighth | Lazy people | Ramon
FEARS Lord Seventh's Death | Being Alone | Losing
  • Alertness – Being aware of what is taking place around me so I can have the right responses.
  • Diligence – Investing my time and energy to complete each task assigned to me.
  • Indifferent – The trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally, remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern. Having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless.
  • Judgemental – Inclined to make and form judgements, especially moral or personal ones, based on one’s own opinions or impressions towards others/practices/groups/religions based on appearance, reputation, occupation, etc.
  • Pest – One that pesters or annoys, with or without realizing it. Nuisance. Annoying. Nag.
Arashi is indifferent to the cause that she is fighting for. She’ll do it just to please the others. She is quite judgemental when it comes to the others in the group, she believes that they do some messed up things to get what they want done, whether it would be killing another person, or just leaving a path of destruction in their paths. She also tends to pest the others, and she is not knowing of the behavior - nor does anyone tell her about it. She is always on alert, and her surrounding will always be clear, unless there is fight a mist. She dedicates her time and energy to get done what is assigned to her, even if she doesn’t kill someone or leave a path of destruction.

Rank S-Class
SENSEI Uzumaki, Naruto (Deceased)


CHAKRA NATURE Lightning(Affinity), Water, Earth
SAGE MODE Even though not classified as a kekkei genkai, it is list here.
Sage Mode is an empowered state that can be entered by blending natural energy with one's chakra, creating senjutsu chakra. Sage Mode allows users to tap into the natural force of the world, opening up new techniques to them and allowing them to power up existing ones with the new senjutsu chakra. Arashi took notes from the Seventh Hokage on how to use sage mode in battle, using the shadow-clone technique.

STORM RELEASE Storm Release is a combined nature transformation kekkei genkai made up of techniques that mix lightning and water-based chakra to create energy beams that can be guided towards the enemy.​
WEAPONS Nothing but kunai

Arashi was born fifty-nine years after the fourth great ninja war. She was a loner in the village, seeing that both of her parents had died shortly after she was born. When she six-years old she was told she could enroll in the academy, and that is precisely what she did. By the age of eight she was genin. She went on several missions, and her mentor was someone everyone looked up too; the Seventh Hokage. He had decided to take on one more group of kids before he passed.

Arashi wanted to learn the toad sage mode, and she asked Naruto about it. He said that it would be difficult, but most definitely doable. After two long years of training she had finally master toad sage mode, and took notes right from her sensei’s book: using the shadow clone jutsu to use sage mode during battle.

When she turned twelve she entered the chuunin exams, and passed with flying colors, to become a chuunin. She was youngest the village had seen in quite some time. At the age of fourteen she was promoted to jounin, and later to the ANBU Black Ops, she had learned that she could harness the power of the storm release kekkei genkai, and later was known as the Storm Sage.

Arashi later disbanded from the village, cutting all ties. This was after the death of her sensei the seventh hokage. She had no reason to stick around, no family holding her back. Soon she found herself mixed in with a group called the Akastsuki, they wanted to make the world great again, by recreating it. Was that even possible? She knew of the previous Akastsuki and what they did, she thought maybe this group would be different, and actually accomplish what they set out to do.

It has been about year since she has left the village, and she is growing close to people that she currently surrounded by, she just hopes that they won’t use her for he ability. . .
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NAME Kurosuki Ginsaki (Clan name, First name)

AGE 32



BIRTHDAY 02/25/----




EYE COLOR Steel grey


HEIGHT 174cm


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Ginsaki, standing at the height of 174cm, is relatively tall and slender with lithe muscles. He wears his long, straight, light blue hair up in a high ponytail, with a brown leather strip to hold it firmly in place, the end of his ponytail reaching just past his shoulder blades. His eyes are heavy-lidded and deep steel grey. Callouses from decades of sword-wielding lines his palms and he has multiple scars decorating his body, the most prominent being a line of three scarred puncture wounds starting from where his left shoulder and neck meets. Being apprentice of one of the Seven Swordsman of the Mist, he carries himself regally and his steps are silent and prowling. His twin swords (Kiba) are generally strapped to his back as he find unsheathing them from this angle is faster than from his waist. He has a brace of senbon strapped to his metal-plated leather vambraces around each forearm as well as a pouch of kunai strapped around his right thigh. He wears the standard issue high damage-absorbent shinobi top, pants and sandals beneath his favourite high-collar black long coat. However, he has modified his coat so that he can turn it inside out and change it to the typical Akatsuki black with red clouds. His Akatsuki ring is yellow, with the kanji for 'south' etched on it.

PHYSICAL STRENGTH Ginsaki is not physically strong, so his taijutsu is mostly footwork based, which he incorporates into his kenjutsu style. He is, however, very agile and flexible, something that is usually seen in a kunoichi rather than a shinobi. Together with his primary lightning nature, he can run circles around his opponents and dodge like nobody's business. He channels most of his lightning jutsu through his chakra-conductive swords, Kiba, while he will use handseals for some of his more complex genjutsu. He has fine control over his chakra, which allows him to utilise the minimum amount for maximum effect and conceal his presence so utterly that only trained sensors with a finely honed sense can detect him, and only when he is using chakra.

PHYSICAL WEAKNESS As stated above, he is not physically strong and his chakra reserves is nothing to boast about, sitting at the level of an average jounin. He cannot belt out B-rank or higher jutsu continuously like a few other members of the Akatsuki and doesn't engage in long-range combat unless strictly necessary or in a dire situation (he doesn't have many long-ranged ninjutsu anyways) as he very much prefers to get up close and personal to watch the light fade from his opponent's eyes.


LIKES 3 Likes

DISLIKES 3 Dislikes

FEARS List Three Fears

1) Combat experience: One didn’t live as long as three decades being an active ninja in a village like Kiri without having something to show for it. While he might not be as powerful as some of the younger bloods out there, he has gone through countless missions and lived to tell the tale. Hence, his battle knowledge and combat experience is able to pull him through when fighting someone much less experienced than him, no matter how much more powerful they may be.
2) Determined and motivated: If he locks his sight on something, he rarely loses his goal, more so if it is something he desires with his entire being.
3) Strong control over his emotions: While he has a quick temper, his mental control over his raging emotions allows him to still be able to think and function at least semi-logically and not be totally carried away.

1) His need to prove himself as a great swordsman and thus worthy to wield Kiba is a character flaw that results in him needing to push himself to the brink of exhaustion when looking to perfect another kata, and if faced with another swordsman of a 'worthy' enough level, makes him unable to back down, even if his life is at stake.
2) His competitive nature in fighting often leads to him drawing battles out with worthy opponents rather than going straight for the kill, which at times, he can’t really afford to do so.
3) He functions under a “strong survive, weak dies” mindset in battle. Teammates they may be, but if they can’t keep up or take care of themselves, well…it’s their problem. If they survive, congratulations, they learned that they need to polish their skills.

Ginsaki is passionate about the things he likes to do, and what he firmly believes in. He is not patient and has a short-temper when dealing with things other than what he knows best: stalking and assassinating, although that attribute has curbed slightly with age. However, like his steady and unwavering handle with a blade, he has a firm control over his temper and anger. So while he falls into one of her raging moods, he can still think fairly clearly and will only lose control (breaking things, firing at a target/inanimate object) when there is a possible outlet to vent at. Ginsaki is also rather crass and blunt with his words, not seeing the point in sugar-coating his honest opinions, even if it is directed to his superior.

Ginsaki is also slightly eccentric. Most of the time he is apathetic and seemingly contend on going with the flow, visiting nearby Villages under disguise to pass the time and gather information if there is anything interesting happening in the area. He is extremely loyal towards those who has earned his trust, respect and friendship. He is also quite inquisitive and if something catches his interest, he will obsess over it until he has solved the puzzle (so to speak).

Ginsaki generally shows a playful attitude during battle, albeit slightly bloodthirsty, toying with his opponents and showing joy in it. He is known to never miss his prey as long as he can move, he will exterminate all of his opponents and will pursue any who has survived if he can. He sometimes develops a liking for those that can stand their ground against him and prove a challenge, which he shows by bestowing upon them a nickname he creates on the spot. Despite his vicious nature in battle, he would show respect towards those whose fighting skills and courage that meets his liking. However, if the person only shows skills but no courage or courage but no skills, he harbours an immense dislike towards them, citing them as cowards, or useless shinobi canon fodders. Due to obsessive pursue to get better and better, he has all but forgotten everyone has to start somewhere, even himself.


Rank S-Class




SENSEI Houzuki Suigetsu

CHAKRA POOL How much chakra do you have, 1 - 10, 1 like Rock Lee, 10 like Naruto.


CHAKRA CONTROL How much control do you have on your chakra?.



KEKKEI GENKAI The Kurosuki Clan do not have any Kekkei Genkai, but they have their Clan kenjutsu style.

KENJUTSU – KUROSUKI CLAN (Yokoushi Mai-ryu) Shifting Dance Style
First Kata - Name: Kōtei no Enbu 皇帝の円舞 (lit: Dance of the Emperor)
Form: This battle sword style, is mostly used for counterattacking and self-defense. It relies mostly on agility and perception, forcing the user to look with not only the eyes but with their ears. The style has three stances:
Stance One, Balance: The user takes an archer's position, and line up their blade with their least dominant arm, the hilt held with the dominant hand. They position their bodies in a horizontal way, attempting to leave no room open for them to be left unguarded. This is to balance their weight so they will not trip when they need to pivot to dodge.
Stance Two, Control: The user refines themselves in a pseudo-Iaijutsu stance, prepared to have the utmost control over the flow of the battle. They must also reign in chaotic emotions in order to have a clear mind when they need to listen out carefully for their opponents' positions and look for openings when attacked.
Stance Three, Endurance: The user, once the opponent leaves an opening, it must be exploited with a swift, vertical jab, perpendicular to their shoulder joints. The aim to these movements are to render the enemy useless, leaving them disabled, but alive to survive. Should the fight carry on longer, the user must condition themselves to endure. It is not meant for killing.
When these are executed, they remain in the same pivot point or pivot area, in order to dance around their opponent. Every slashing point is supposed to make their mark, although can be disrupted should the opponent be too fast to dodge or counterattack themselves.

Second Kata - Name: Niitomai, (lit. Twin Bladed Dance)
Form: This extremely offense-centered style of Kenjutsu requires two swords for it to work properly, and it does not have a set starting or end position like the first kata. Speed is its main component, with agility coming in at a close second. Its perfected use usually involves one bombarding their opponent with precise Kenjutsu attacks from all directions, leaving them little to no time to react. Every blow the opponent does manage to throw at the user will mostly be dodged or parried in a way that opens up an opportunity for another attack coming from that user. It is hard to master, but once it’s mastered, the trouble will be worth it.
Third Kata – Name: Sasori no Dagekimai (lit. Scorpion’s Strike Dance)
Form: This kata is a mix of defense and offense that can be used with one or two swords. It relies on speed first and foremost and the firmness of one’s stance when in the defensive position. It has two stances, the strike and the block.
Stance One, Strike: The user does not need to settle into any set stance. As long as the blade(s) is positioned low, wrist loose and blade held behind their backs, they can strike out straight towards the opponent from any direction. Like a scorpion’s tail, the user brings the blade up from behind their backs, striking high and precise in one quick forward motion. This move can be done multiple times in quick succession even when their feet is moving. Like a dance, the user twirls and sidesteps around or circling the opponent as they strike.
Stance Two, Block: If the opponent manages launch an attack during the time in which the user is about to launch an attack, in the middle of an attack or directly after the strike, this position would allow the user to switch instantly from offensive to defensive if they cannot dodge in time. The user clamps up instantly, firming their muscles and locking their joints in a way that doesn’t allow accidental shift or jarrings when the opponent’s blow hits. The blade(s) is held vertically in a slightly lose grip so minute movements to fully counter the opponent’s strike can be made.

WEAPONS Kiba – one of the Seven Swords of the Mist, shinobi wire, standard kunai and senbon.

-Lightning Blade Barrage
(C-rank): Derived from the Lightning Cutter technique, this allows the user to create several small kunai or senbon size blades with the same long-ranged cutting effects to shoot towards the opponent. The range of its cut depends on the amount of chakra the user puts behind it, and each individual lightning blade can vary even if they are all created at the same time. As a result, it is unpredicatble and difficult to evade. One the other hand, it requires a lot of concentration to pull the different cutting lengths off and thus, it is only used when pushed into a corner.

-Lightning Static Field (B-rank): This is a close-range technique. With the user at its centre, it can go up to a maximum of 25m radius, creating an electrostatic field that shocks the opponent the moment they touch the ground within (or hovers 5m above) this field.

-Lightning Barrier: Tidal Wave (C-rank): This is a one direction lightning barrier that forms in front of its user and shoots forward in a tidal wave-like movement, electrocuting all in its path until the chakra behind its creation in depleted. It cannot change direction and will only head in the path its user aims it in. However, its width is changeable according to its user's desires.

-Genjutsu: Nail Binding (C-rank): The user summons large white spikes to impale any opponent caught within the technique from all directions, making the target feel pain and paralysis when hit. Of course, as it is an illusion, no wounds would be there when the gen jutsu breaks but the phantom pain will linger.

-Genjutsu: Lightning Flash (D-rank): Combining both Yin and Raiton nature, this illusion acts like a flashbomb. A pillar of lightning flashes, blinding those caught off-guard.



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Kai Uchiha
NAME Kai Uchiha
AGE 18
BIRTH VILLAGE Konohagakure

Kai is a tall but lanky type of person, so if you walked up to him you wouldn't be able to tell if he was actually strong or not. Kai usually wears his tan hoodie wherever he goes as it has the Uchiha symbol on the back and he holds dear to it. He keeps his sword that was gifted from his mother before her death on his back, as he keeps a seal wrapped around his wrist were he can summon ninja stars.

LIKES Fighting, Training, Strong Enemies
DISLIKES Unfair fights, Spicy food, Bullies
FEARS Spiders, Death, losing
+ Speed/Keen Senses: Very agile person, on top of that he has very keen senses as he can hear the slightest footstep from a mile away.
+High Determination: a quality that makes you continue trying to do or achieve something that is difficult
-easily lets his guard down
-Not the best in the books but is like a genius when it comes to battling
-doubtful towards others
PERSONALITY A very calm person who generally takes many things lightly. He rather not get involved with other peoples problems, he can be very selfish at times when he doesn't want to be bothered. Sometimes can be very self centered and self absorbed as Kai only thinks for himself most of the time. If you where to come to him and say hi he'd look at you to see if you're worth talking to. He genuinely hates drama and can not stand it at the upmost, but enjoys to fight. Showing stronger people his power enlightens him which makes him a very competitive person, and hardly ever ask for help.

Rank Jounin
AFFILIATION Hidden Leaf Shinobi
SENSEI Yamma Uchiha



CHAKRA NATURE Air, Fire,& Lightning
KEKKEI GENKAI Sharingan& Swift Release- is a combined nature transformation kekkei genkai that can be used to move with instantaneous speed, granting the user an advantage over opponents with more strength than speed, such as users of Chakra Enhanced Strength. This nature therefore renders the user invulnerable against most taijutsu.
WEAPONS Kunai's, Ninja Stars, a sword gifted from his mother, Smoke grenades
CUSTOM JUTSUWind blade: By controlling his chakra to either of his arms allows him to swipe and create a slash of powerful wind.

Kai was raised by his mother and his mother alone since his father was no where to be found. His mother always told him that his father would come back to see Kai but Kai couldn't sit there and believe her. Even as a kid he always questioned his mother about his father, till on his 10th birthday she was killed by assassins. The incident still is left in mystery but Kai is raised by an old man who found Kai out in the woods. The old man goes by Yamma and he trains and raised Kai as if Kai was his own child.

When Kai turned the age of 5 his mother would take him out every morning and night before his bed time and train him to become a man. Surprisingly the teachings from his mother, Kai took them in deeper then any other student would with their master. Then soon being founded by Yamma he grabbed Yamma attention because his agile movements and being a very quick learner. Only training with Yama for 3 months Kai got the grasp of handling his sharingan so that it didn't take so much chakra, the only thing he could not obtain was the Mangekyō Sharingan since Kai has not been pushed to the brink of pure darkness.

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Samiya Tenra
NAME Samiya Tenra
AGE 27

BIRTHDAY 10/14/----

HAIR COLOR Dirty Blond
125 lbs
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Samiya poses an appearance of dignity, of elegance, and of power. Her stature, her figure, her clothing, and her accessories: all of it contribute to a look of power that she has gained over the years. Even among nobility, Samiya fits right in. If not in power, she does so rightfully with her appearance. She holds a high stature for a woman; something inherited from her parents and forefathers with their occupation as Ninja monks. Furthermore, quite an evident portion of her flattering appearance is from her highly defined figure. Such a figure is made apparent by her clothing choice, revealing a shapely waist, notable bust-size, and slender arms and legs.

In terms of facial appearance, Samiya demonstrates somewhat soft facial features: a relatively circular facial structure, fair skin, a thin nose and thin lips. Her lips are kept somewhat distinctive with light red lipstick, although not too distinctive, but enough to make them appear as a light contrast with her face. This is reinforced by a small brush of slight blush over her face, enhancing its glow and making people entranced into listening to her. Furthermore, Samiya has relatively dark blond hair. Her hair is described as soft, but with sufficient volume. It reaches down to her lower back and is tied in a simple ponytail, with two bangs reaching down to her shoulders, and her fringe being in a simple "princess" style. She is around about 5'4 and weighs around 125'6lbs


  • Training
  • Strong people
  • Darwinism
  • Using the weak.


  • Depressing people
  • Losing
  • Weak people
  • Small spaces
  • Kakorrhaphiophobia (Fear of failure or defeat.)
  • Gamophobia (Fear of marriage.)
  • Merinthophobia (Fear of being bound or tied up)


  • Ruthless: No matter who she fights whether it's a child or an elite ninja she fights always at full strength not holding back no matter what.
  • Goal Oriented: She has a goal in mind and is not going to stop until she completes it, no matter what happens to her she needs to and is willing to complete this.

  • Mean-spirited: She is naturally mean to anyone without even trying to be making team work hard for her.
  • Darwinism- She refuses to work with anyone she finds weaker than her and believes that the weak have nothing better to do than to be used by the strong.
  • No mercy- Whether it's a friend or a foe if you get caught up on the bad side of Samiya she will aim to kill. Also, she has no qualms about attacking her allies if they happen to get caught up in one of her attacks.

PERSONALITY Samiya has an extremely ruthless and coldblooded outside. She strongly believes in the concept of social Darwinism, where the weak exist for the benefit of the strong, and generally appears devoid of compassion or mercy. She also believes that Darwinism was the reason a lot of her clan members lost their life's as instead of using the weak to benefit their clan they chose to stick to themselves and rely on only their own clan for food, whether it came from theft or if someone made it themselves but yet if they used the idea of Darwinism they would have had more than enough food to go around.

If they is one thing Samiya hates it people that are depressed the main reason is the fact that at her young age she has what no family members left and the only people that look after her are a handful of old men and women and yet she's happy as can be, sure she admits she very cruel and cold-blooded but when you feel your the only hope for a whole clan wouldn't you be, she had decided that no matter what she must live whether that means she must kill everyone or thing that gets in her way she is more than willing to do so.

She only has one thing in mind and will do anything to achieve it which, to most at her reasonably young age this would sound like a too big of a burden, but it's one she has chosen to take on. Her one dream is to make her clan what it once was and bring it back to how it was when she was born. A strong clan full of pride in themselves rather than the few depressing old men and women moaning about their losses and the fact that this clan is doomed.

Rank S-Class
SENSEI Chōjūrō


Boil Release:
The Boil Release is a nature kekkei genkai and is created by combining fire and water chakra to create a powerful corrosive vapor capable of melting almost anything. The user is also able to control the range of the vapor and the level of the vapor's acidity.

WEAPONS She carries the normal collection of ninja tools along with two swords.


Boil Release: Acidic Skin Technique:
Class: Supplementary
The user converts every ounce of chakra in their body into a lethal, extremely low pH acid. Having being coated with this acid, everything from the user's blood, sweat all the way to their saliva becomes dangerous and corrosive, forming a fearsome nightmare to any close range combatant.

Boil Release: Artful Mist Technique:
Class: Supplementary
The user boil their sweat so to emanate a large amount of an extremely acid vapor. After all the sweat evaporates from their body, the user can control the steam so that it surrounds their body, creating a kind of steam armor capable of melting any type of object. As the Skilled Mist Technique, using this technique, the user can control the ph level of the steam cloud around them to become immune to its acids effects. One of the disadvantages of this technique is that dehydrates the user since they boil their own sweat beside increasing its body temperature.

Boil Release: Boil Dragon Bullet Technique:
Based on the water release technique of the same name this technique will heat up surrounding water particle into a mist using fire chakra the user will then shape the mist into a dragon(s). The user will then make the dragon(s) head towards the intended target(s).

Boil Release: Hiding in Steam Technique:
Class: A-Ranked
After activating the Hiding in Mist Technique proceeds to increase the acidity of the water vapor surrounding her thanks to the technique. In doing so, the technique becomes lethal in its composition, to the point where most structures begin to degrade thanks to the tremendous power of the technique. Despite the technique's usefulness, it can quickly cause harm where Masako does not wish for it to occur, and thus, she utilizes it only in situations where she knows that nobody else will be harmed. Notably though, is that due to the composition of the steam being originated from the Hiding in Mist Technique, it can be swatted away and neutralized with much more ease than any other Boil Release Ninjutsu. However, thanks to the instantaneous effects of the technique, individuals can rarely stand up against it.

Boil Release: Execution by Kiss
Class: B-Ranked
By Kissing a target Samiya can exhale her Boil Release into the target's mouth causing it to go down their throat and begin melting their internal organs.

Boil Release: Corrosive Geyser Landmine:
Class: A-Ranked
The user concentrates Boil Release chakra into the ground, creating acid landmines underground. Should the target step on one, a large geyser of acid will burst up from underneath them, melting them down to nothing.

Boil Release: Steaming Danger Tyranny
Class: S-Ranked
The user switches the steam in her Steaming Danger Tyranny Clone into Boil Release steam instead. When the Clone makes contact or is activated, it releases a huge mist that melts everything it touches. The user can set different Acid levels for different Clones, showing her unique chakra control.

Boil Release: Acid Rain Technique
Class: B-Ranked
This technique creates rain clouds that produce a dissolving acidic rain. It is capable of dissolving both organic and inorganic material, including chakra defenses. The technique has an inherent disadvantage in that its effects are indiscriminate, limiting its usage to areas that do not contain allies. Though the mist is corrosive to all around it, the user is in immune to it. Can only be used in outdoor locations.

Samiya was born into the Tenra clan, a clan formed in the village hidden in the mist and has always been a part of its community as one of the richest and most powerful among its ranks...until recent years. The number of the Tenra clan dwindled with most dying from a strange disease that seemed to only target the Tenra and then they were an infertility problem where only one in fifty of the women of this clan could have a child. It was expected that seeing all the Tenra would be gone as not enough males were still living and healthy within the clan. Just when the clan had lost all hope Samiya was born a blessing the first child in nearly two years born to a Tenra women. She was a ray of hope and next in line to be the Tenra head, so as expected she was spoilt by nearly every Tenra man and women. She still went through extensive training even before entering the academy mostly to train her Kekkei Genkai as a main branch member she needed to know it.

Everything was great in Samiya life she was happy no ecstatic about life it was almost as if nothing could slow her down life she was on top of the world until she heard her father talking about arranged marriages or more exactly her marriage. It was because they had never been a women head of the family so her father wished for her to marry a man who could take over as the head and her mother agreed with it. Samiya being only twelve at this point didn't really know what to think from what she had just heard. Samiya simply thought on the idea of marriage and her mother started to give her lessons on proper manners for when the marriage occurs. After thinking about the whole situation she knew that she wanted to deny the idea of marriage and keep practicing her ninja arts she did her best to avoid anything to do with the whole situation and went solely focusing on her ninja arts, graduating from the Ninja Academy in the same year.

She was put on a team and the leader was the sixth Mizukage. He trained her and his team well and within the next two years are the first Chuunin promotion event she attended she passed with flying colors. It was around this point at fourteen when her father demanded that she had to get married with the next two years and Samiya refused his request outright. At this point, the Tenra clan numbers dwindled massively with only around three people of childbearing age. Another two years past and Samiya was promoted to Jonin and yet her father was still demanding that she gets married after refusing once again her father give her a choice. Marry or don't bear the Tenra name, her father smirked at this believing that he had her cornered however she did something unexpected the choice to not bear the Tenra name, now exiled from the remained of her clan she could solely focus on her training.

As the years went past Samiya now at aged 26 had been on several missions however things were different, she was cold and ruthless she felt like her clan needed changing, the leadership was going to kill it faster than this disease was...something had to change she knew that. One night she reentered her clans living area again for the first time in around 11 years. She went from house to house using her boil release to fill the house with a highly acidic mist burning the clan members alive. She ended up killing all the clan members but herself. Now as the sole survivor she knew what she had to do, leave Kirigakure then reform the clan and bring it to new heights. So after this event, she left Kirigakure and became known as an S-class Missing Nin. Within the next year, she was recruited by the Akatsuki.
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Park Tsung
NAME Park Tsung
AGE 29
BIRTHDAY 1/23/----
BIRTH VILLAGE Konohagakure

WEIGHT 118 lbs
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Park possesses blue eyes and forehead length, blue hair with bangs that are usually covering most of his forehead. He wears a hoodie with the face of a tiger on the back., blue jeans that while in combat he folds one leg half way up to his lower leg. and dark colored sneakers. Park is quite muscular, having trained in martial arts since the age of five. Despite being more built than most people his age, he is still rather short - only topping off at five feet six.

LIKES Training, Spicy food, Winning, Helping people
DISLIKES Sweet Food, Losing, Bad food
FEARS Gephyrophobia (Fear of crossing bridges), Illyngophobia (Fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down) and Scotomaphobia (Fear of blindness or not being able to see.)
Hard worker: Park is someone who likes to work as hard as possible, he trains daily, does jobs that no one else wants anything he can do he will do.

Helpful: Park likes to help other whether it's simple by helping someone carry the shopping or assisting a friend in battle.

Untrustworthy: Park is naturally a liar, he does it for fun and just overall doesn't stop no matter what even on serious matters.

Obsessive: Park is obsessive which means once he finds something or one to obsess about he doesn't stop while sometimes it's a good thing it mostly is a bad thing.

Arrogance: Park believes he is the best at what he does while he knows he has weakness in some fields he believes that no one can beat him in his field of expertise leading him to be way overconfident when fighting in the Taijutsu field.
PERSONALITY Park, like many in his family, believes in working incredibly hard to get things done. He likes to work incredibly hard, and rarely takes the 'easy' route when going about his day to day activities, only breaking this trend when absolutely necessary. He is known to always finish what he starts, and often goes well out of his way to see things done, and will even cause this way of doing things to extend to others around them, picking up their slack and finishing whatever they were doing. Of course, this doesn't extend to his enemies trying to kill him, or anything so ridiculous, but many would say he may be obsessed with 'completion'.

Unlike his father, however, he is prone to lying. In fact, he has a habit to lie about things that he otherwise would not need to, sometimes even hindering many people around him. While he's not exactly stuck on lying, regardless, the sheer volume of lies he does spout happen to make those who have heard of him consider him a hard person to believe about anything, even simple things like his own name. However, when he does choose to tell the truth, it is typically in situations that are important (as he sees it), and so he isn't completely impossible to believe or depend on...just very hard to.

Park is also fairly laid back, despite his normally hard-working demeanor, causing him to not take many actual jobs that are offered to him (or at least wishing he could avoid them) and spending a lot of his free time simply relaxing. This part of him simply means that he's calm and cool in most situations, and even allowing him to remain perfectly calm in ever the worst sort of situations; it allows him to think through circumstances easily enough, and even fight pat grief in order to see the real answer to what he should do.

Park is, naturally, incredibly obsessive; when he likes something, he obsesses over the thing continuously, never wavering from what he wants to do with it, but also to the point that he will put all of his effort into it, often leaving him drained and exhausted. Or often to the point where he finds himself unable to complete tasks that the had set out to do prior to obtaining a new obsession, often leading to him obsessing over the thing he had forgotten about in order to obsess over the thing he finished. This has a constant trend of making him fairly odd in a relationship, and he often ends up coming off as slightly 'crazy' to those who don't know him all that well.

Funny enough, Park is also incredibly confident, well on its way to arrogance. He believes he is truly good at what he does, and often finds it hard to understand when others best him. While he can be aware of those stronger, he often figures that it's only because he had failed to train just hard enough, and opts to focus on training, even more, working himself to exhaustion, and often keeping him from doing much else but train. Often times, it is hard to get him out of this train of thought, and he often finds himself struggling with trying to work with others in any capacity that said they were even. As a result, he tends to be a loner, often spending his time alone due to many not being able to handle his superior attitude.

Despite his faults, however, Park is not a bad person; he does not wish any ill will on anyone other than his worst enemies, and will often do what he can to help inspiring individuals along the way. He tends to be very helpful, indeed and tries to help others as much as he can without making it hard for himself, which he often fails at due to his inherent nature. Much time is spent on others, despite the way he acts, and he often takes on burdens that could be seen as far too much for a single individual, much less an entire group.

Rank Jonin
AFFILIATION Hidden Leaf Shinobi
SENSEI His father (deceased)
CHAKRA POOL How much chakra do you have, 1 - 10, 1 like Rock Lee, 10 like Naruto.

CHAKRA CONTROL How much control do you have on your chakra?.

CHAKRA NATURE Fire release

Tsung Ssam-Su Taijutsu:
Due to the Tsung's clan natural weakness in ninjutsu, he decided to make a Taijutsu to try and recover that, its name is Ssam-Su. It is a style made to hurt the external of the body not the inside unlike the gentle fist is. It is emphasized in strong, fast kicks and employs many takedowns to knock the opponent off their feet by kicking the foot or grappling in a certain way to trip the opponent it also uses arm work along with full body techniques. It was only recently by Park and is still heavily a work in progress with each user taking it a different way. (While not technically a Kekkei Genkai it works best here.)

Military Rations Pills
Paper bombs


Class: Supplementary ranked
Awareness is a technique that reads the muscles of an opponent by touch, usually around the wrist area, in order to predict their next move. It has its limitations, however as it is unable to predict simultaneous attacks and the user has to be touching the opponent. It also only works on Taijutsu.

Class: D-Ranked (Classed as the starting point for Tsung Ssam-Su Taijutsu with training this can be classed as high ranked)
Yeokchook is a kick that has gathered force through rapidly spinning on a central point. It's a kick that uses the sole of the foot.

True Nullifying Spin:
Class: C-Ranked
True Nullifying Spin is a technique that gathers its power from firmly burying one's foot into the ground and sending the resulting force up to the knee, pelvis, waist and then to the tip of the foot which executes Yeokchook. When being performed a swirl of wind is generated around the user and then concentrated around the leg and it generates a massive tornado after it connects with the opponent or target.

Facial strike:
Class: D-Ranked
Facial Strike is knee attack to the opponent's head. It can be used repeatedly in quick succession row. Due to being Taijutsu, it can only be used at a close range, it also leaves the user on one leg giving the opponent a way to easily trip them.

Fishing Hook:
Class: C-Ranked
Fishing Hook is a type of joint-lock technique. The user catches the opponent's attacking leg, jumps, and wraps their legs around the opponent's attacking leg, ending in a form of a leg-lock

Inward trip:
Class: D-Ranked
Inward Trip is a technique used to make the opponent lose balance. It is done by kicking the back of opponent's knee.

Lowest roundhouse kick:
Class: C-Ranked
The lowest roundhouse kick is a technique that compensates for kicks that primarily targets the middle to upper body which made it predictable. This move is usually performed to dodge an opponent's attack at the upper body by ducking to the ground. Using this force the user does an 180° spin sweep kick that is parallel to the ground aimed at the opponent's feet.

Step-in Upward kick:
Class: B-Ranked
Step-in upward kick is a kick that slams an opponent downwards. It allows the user to aim for all three points of their opponent: the top, middle, and bottom. As it is a Taijutsu it can only be used at close range and if the opponent catches the leg it can be countered.

Three-pronged strike:
Class: A-Ranked
Three-pronged strike is a kick executed three times in a row either from left or right, followed straight away from the opposite direction, then from behind. If the victim flinches and tries to evade by going back damage increases. It aims at the opponent's brain with the first and second kick and finishes the opponent with the third. It can however, be counted if the victim has the guts to not flinch or move back but instead move closer the kick misses and gives the perfect chance to counter

Sky Strike:
Class: C-Ranked
Sky Strike is performed by raising one's leg and bringing it down upon an opponent, in another word, an axe kick.

Leg Lock:
Class: C-Ranked
Leg Lock, despite its name, is an armlock technique, done by grabbing the opponent's arm with both of the user's hands. Its use is as leverage for techniques like Knee Kick or whole body techniques like Nirvana.

Knee Kick:
Class: C-Ranked
Knee Kick is a technique where the user bashes their knee into the opponent's face. It is used in combination with Leg Lock in order to gain leverage for such a strike and also as preparation for Nirvana.

Class: A-Ranked
Nirvana is a whole body technique that bashes the opponent's face with the user's knee combined with the user's weight. Park used it after the combination of Leg Lock and Knee Kick for correct formation of him and his opponent and Inward Trip to drop his opponent while his knees crush his opponents face.

Roundhouse Kick and Scythe:
Class: B-Ranked
Roundhouse Kick and Scythe is a technique where the user fakes a roundhouse kick and uses it to hold the opponent's neck with their knee joint. The user uses the momentum from a roundhouse kick to flip the opponent around and pin them on the ground with one leg.

Ssam-Su Secret Technique Fifth Degree Flame Murder:
Class: S-Ranked
Fifth Degree Flame Murder is a technique that combusts high air pressure by grinding the ground. The user can guide the fire created by kicking it towards the enemy. While people often believe it uses chakra it is, in fact, a full Taijutsu based attack.

Ssam-Su Secret Technique Fifth Degree Flame Murder stage 2:
Class: S-Ranked
Fifth Degree Flame Murder stage 2 is a technique that uses the fire of Inferno Kick by kicking it twice in a row upward, trapping the opponent in a circle of fire.

Ssam-Su Secret Technique Fifth Degree Flame Murder Ultimate Secret Art Inferno Nirvana kick:
Class: S-Ranked
Fifth Degree Flame Murder Ultimate Secret Art Inferno Nirvana kick is the third and final stage of Fifth Degree Flame Murder. The user concentrates the fire and raises their legs, creating a giant blade of fire, then the user brings it down to the opp onent.

Combat Pulse:
Class: B-Ranked (This depends on a users chakra control so for most people it would only be a D-Ranked)
Combat Pulse is a technique that sends pulse of chakra to damage the opponent. First the user positions their hand(s) to their target and unleashes the chakra. When used a print of the user's hand briefly forms on the point of contact, sending them flying away. This attack deals internal damage and was made to deal with armor.

Low Kick
Class: D-Ranked
Low Kick, as the name implies, is a kick to the lower part of the body, either the thigh or calf. It is used to disrupt someone's balance or break their legs.

Class: A-Ranked
Axe, as the name implies, is a type of axe kick. First, while in the air, the user performs a front flip, bringing the heel of their kicking leg down upon an opponent. If the user's heel hits the ground, a huge upward wave of air will be created, lifting any opponents up from the ground and leaving them open to further attacks. This technique can be used against multiple opponents.
Ground Drawer
Class: A-Ranked
Ground Drawer is kick that grinds the floor with the user's foot tip while spinning. It can be used for multiple purposes, like attacking the knees of an opponent or nullifying a wind-based attack.

Rising Back Kick
Class: B-Ranked
Rising Back Kick is a technique that is performed when the user turns their back on their opponent. The user, while their back is facing the opponent, turns while kicking the opponent in the head.

Park was born to the small but mighty Tsung clan. The Tsung clan is well known for its genius in Taijutsu but its complete and utter weakness bordering inability in both Genjutsu and Ninjutsu. From a very young age, Park began his training from his father focusing solely on Taijutsu as many of his Clan did. Park, however, struggled to find the Strong Fist style something that suited him, he did however like parts of the Strong Fist mostly the kicking as his legs were always much stronger than his arms but the Strong Fist had several punches that he just completely and utterly failed at sure he could perform them but they weren't strong.

As his training continued he never got any better his muscles got bigger and he got stronger but his Taijutsu never increased much due to Strong Fist style in his eyes. So Park began to do his own training on the side focusing less on his punches and much more on his kicks as well as joint-locking something the strong fist never used. Park slowly but surely began making his own combat style his own Taijutsu style. The first time he ever showed his new Taijutsu style to his father, his father was shocked the style worked extremely well for Park compared to the Strong Fist his father, to say the least, was impressed as his son knew what his weakness was and how to use them as his strength.

As the years went on Park finally joined the Academy, it was always his dream to become a shinobi and this was his first step to doing it. His total lack of both Ninjutsu and Genjutsu earned him humiliation but he didn't care, he was going to do this using his own strengths Taijutsu and hard work. His hard work, determination, and Taijutsu paid off he scored near perfect results in his studies and Taijutsu but a lot to be desired on in his Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, he was no total genius that's for sure. Despite his shortcomings, he managed to graduate from the Academy at the age of fourteen mostly due to his inability to perform Ninjutsu and Genjutsu otherwise he would have most likely passed years before.

Park was put on a team with a run of the mill Jonin nothing too special but not one that was weak, to say the least, this Jonin, however, was a bad pick for Park as he focused on both Ninjutsu and Genjutsu but never really trained in his Taijutsu skills which made Park confused on why he was chosen to lead him but never questioned it. As Park went on several missions he and his team passed them well. It took the sensei three years before he even considered them for the Chunin promotion exam but once he did the three passed it easily. With that Park and his team became Chunin and soon after Park was promoted to Jonin after his excelent service record.

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Tetsuyo Hiyashi
NAME Tetsuyo Hiyashi
AGE 28
BIRTHDAY 10/11/----
BIRTH VILLAGE Ishigakure - Hidden Rock Village
CURRENT VILLAGE Konahagakure - Hidden Leaf Village

WEIGHT 178 lbs
Tetsuyo is 6'0" weighing in at almost 180. He possesses a muscular physique pitted with scars and burns from a lifetime of warfare. One such scar can be seen across his face, branching from above his left eye to the base of his left cheek, giving his face a surly and worn appearance despite his young age of 28. His battle attire is slightly different from what you see above. Instead of just one shoulder guard, Tetsuyo wears two, and instead of a bare, wrapped chest, he wears a chest plate that matches the shoulder guards in color and style. Tetsuyo also carries a sword on his back, the type of sword being a Tachi, a traditional Japanese long blade.

  • The three ninja vices
  • Staying busy
  • A good sparring session
  • Killing
  • Being ordered around like a lackey
  • People who take themselves too seriously
  • A great ninja war
  • Seeing friends die
  • Growing old
  • Strong willed, doesn't get demoralized easily + high frustration tolerance
  • Intelligent and analytical, capable of breaking down situations quickly and understanding the best course of action
  • Not very intuitive in social situations, more of a head over heart kind of person.
  • When his frustration tolerance is broken he can turn into a hothead, and his violent, reckless side can appear.
  • Easily distracted by the vices of life.
Tetsuyo is past the point where he wants to prove himself in battle. Many younger shinobi crave battle to prove their talents. Tetsuyo craves peace. He's seen and participated in violent skirmishes and small scale warfare and experienced first hand the horrors of killing. He has committed unspeakable acts in the name of the mission and in the name of survival and wants nothing more than to uphold peace. To Tetsuyo, warfare and killing are a last resort, only to be used when absolutely necessary. Some have labelled him soft, unwilling to fight, but the reality is that he has seen enough of violence and believes that negotiation and the power of the spoken word and the pen should always trump the power of the sword. In a way this is selfish, for the main reason he has a pacifist streak is more due to his own past, and his fear of reliving that past. That being said, when the lives of his comrades and friends are on the line, he is willing to fight, and to kill in order to protect them.

Tetsuyo has a dry personality, he doesn't joke much so when he does it's unexpected and therefore can possess all the more impact. He doesn't have the somber, angry streak like Sasuke, instead he is more of an aloof and quiet sufferer like Kakashi. He speaks when he has something to say and is always curt and polite. He isn't anti-social however, just a little on the closed side.

Tetsuyo isn't a happy man, he doesn't wake up every morning with a smile on his face, ready to take on the world. Instead he wakes up in a cold sweat, his dreams filled with the faces of dead friends and slain enemies, of his mother right before her death. His outward appearance is aloof, airy, floating about, the reality is a hell of a lot more depressing. He's a damn good actor though, so most people can't get a view on the internal turmoil.

He uses a lot of his free time screwing around for lack of better words. He drinks a lot when he isn't working, and gambles when drinking. He does tend to train hard for several hours a day though, he knows that staying sharp is important but he doesn't let work get in the way of having fun like some other shinobi.

Rank Jounin
AFFILIATION Hidden Leaf Shinobi
CHAKRA POOL How much chakra do you have, 1 - 10, 1 like Rock Lee, 10 like Naruto.

CHAKRA CONTROL How much control do you have on your chakra?.


  • Wind
  • Fire
  • Earth
  1. Slipstream - By combining the forces of fire (for heat) and wind, Tetsuyo can create extremely fast air currents. He can also alter air density to reduce drag and increase air density to give himself more maneuverability. By using this technique he can move at extremely fast speeds in the air while also retaining some directional capability. There are ten gears that he can reach, each one possessing a higher speed than the last, these gears are measured in "Mach" and go from level 1 to level 10. The higher the mach, the faster Tetsuyo travels, allowing him to inflict more damage and dodge attacks more effectively as Mach is increased. Some drawbacks exist however. For each Mach gained, a level of maneuverability is lost, furthermore, as speed increases, the strain put on the body increases. Factors such as G Force, air pressure, heat from air friction and impact force on attack increase with each level and can eventually become lethal. For example, at 10/10 it is a fatal technique to use, for instance, if Tetsuyo strikes a target at Mach 10, he will rip his arm off in the process and cause massive damage to his body. In almost all cases he will die if he uses M10 in combat, and in every single case he will inflict serious damage to himself, generally the permanent type. M10 is a suicidal trump card, designed to be and unstoppable move capable of ending a fight near 100% of the time in exchange for the life of the user, similar to Gai's Eighth Gate. At M8-M9 it can still be fatal but it's survivable, at 6-7 it's a damaging technique to the user but not at a lethal level. M5 or M6 and lower is usually the practical level used by Tetsuyo. An additional feature is movement chaining. When using slipstream, at the low to mid range, he can create multiple streams to chain movement, also, because he is able to create pockets of both dense and light air, he is able to change his movement trajectory, making him difficult to hit when in flight.
  2. Magnet style - Combining wind and earth chakra to tap into magnetic fields. At Tetsuyo's level he is only able to move things that have a considerable level of magnetic attraction such as a sword, shuriken or anything containing iron/nicket/cobalt etc. in a high concentration. Any kind of earth that contains high levels of iron or another magnetic metal such as nickel can also be manipulated. Tetsuyo carries a weapon summon scroll to summon controllable ninja tools and also carries a large pouch of iron dust that can be used as a weapon or a shield.
WEAPONS A blade called a Tachi, it's a curved longsword. A pair of brass knuckles as well.


  1. Slipstream shotgun - This jutsu is a physical combat technique that uses the slipstream kekkei genkai to deliver powerful physical blow to a target at incredible speed, at mid-high levels matching the movement speed of the legendary third and fourth Raikage.
  2. Slipstream Boulder- Tetsuyo uses this technique by activating the weighted boulder jutsu in the split second before striking the target. He increases the weight of his fists ten fold to deliver devastating hits.
  3. Slipstream Slash - Same as the above, but with a sword doing the damage.
  4. Slipstream Bullet - By coating his arm in the iron dust he carries he can pierce through armored targets.
  5. Mach 10 - A suicidal move used only as a last resort. In Mach 10, Tetsuyo can move faster than any ninja in history aside from the fourth Hokage (a true teleportation technique). In exchange for his life, Tetsuyo can use this attack and will land an extremely powerful strike at a near 100% success rate. When combined with Slipstream Bullet, this is almost always a killshot. However, the G-Forces and impact on the body when the hit lands is enough to cause death within seconds of impact.
  6. Guided Ninja Tools - By using his magnet style he can control the trajectory of ninja tools. He can control any metal based ninja tool for 50 feet, and those that he summons (he has marked them with magnetic marking techniques) for 150 feet.
  7. Black rain - If soil has high enough magnetic material, he can create "clouds" from the ground, he can then rain the iron/cobalt/nickel/etc. down on targets in order to capture or kill depending on the shapes/density/speed of the iron particles.
  8. Slipstream Dragon - By sending a fireball technique into a slipstream, Tetsuyo can deliver blasts of fire to an opponent at a very high speed.
  9. Flame tornado - By creating a twister using his slipstream ability, then injecting the fire into the twister, Tetsuyo is able to create a flaming cyclone to trap and burn a target.


Tetsuyo's backstory begins in the Hidden Rock Village, a small ninja village located between the Land of Earth and the Land of Wind. In this small, poor and desolate village, Tetsuyo was born. Not to a rich family of nobles or a merchant family or a pair of village Jounin, but to a single mother, a widow of war who had lost her husband, Tetsuyo's father, a village Chunin, to the fire of conflict. As his mother slaved away at two jobs to put food on the table, Tetsuyo followed in his father's footsteps and entered into the academy against the wishes of his mother.

With dreams of making it big as a village Jounin he worked tirelessly and soon graduated from the academy, becoming a Genin and beginning his work as a Hidden Rock Village shinobi.

Unlike larger villages that can make adequate earnings from reputable clients, the comparably tiny Hidden Rock Village formed contacts with less reputable individuals and organizations in order to generate a stable source of income. Because of this, Tetsuyo became, in essence, muscle for criminal elements. His work was less of the idealized "fight the bad guys" and more of the "go collect money from this guy, he owes us" or "go handle our rivals, kill everyone associated with them" or even "Kidnap these people, we can turn a profit if we sell them". His job was bloody, and amoral, but he was young, and idolized the superiors who gave him his amoral orders, and so, for a time, he thought little of what he was doing.

As Tetsuyo grew older, becoming a Chunin and a young adult capable of forming his own conclusions, he realized that what he was doing was terrible, that the missions he was given were suited for hired thugs, not shinobi, that instead of making the world a better place, he was actively worsening it. He came to the conclusion that his life was a lie, that he was little more than hired muscle for bookies, murderers and opium pushers.

Upon coming to this conclusion, he decided to leave his village, to find another village that would take him, or, if that were impossible, to become a rogue ninja and live his life as a civilian, far from those who would recognize him as a rogue. He convinced his mother to leave with him and, when the night came on a cold winter day after weeks of preparation, they fled their village.

It only took one day for pursuers to catch them, and in the conflict, even the talented Tetsuyo failed to protect his mother who died during the fight. In his rage he killed those who had tracked him down, and moved on in mourning.

Months later he arranged a meeting with the Village Hidden Leaf Village. He explained his past and the atrocities committed by his old village. He explained that his village operated outside of reputable lines, and that he had become rogue in order to escape a life of mindless violence and crime pushed onto him by the Stone's system of indoctrination. He begged and pleaded for a chance to use his power for something good. After a demonstration of his talents, along with lengthy interrogations (including a mind search using mind penetration techniques) he was marked as clean (not a spy) and brought into the fold as a Konoha Chunin. After several years with Konoha, he became a valued and trusted Jounin of Konoha.

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Keisuke Ogawa
NAME Keisuke Ogawa
AGE 21
BIRTHDAY 10/07/----
BIRTH VILLAGE Misc. village from the Land of Fire
CURRENT VILLAGE Konahagakure - HIdden Leaf Village

HEIGHT 5'10"
WEIGHT 160 lbs
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Keisuke is a man with an average build. He lacks the muscle of a taijutsu brawler, yet lacks the agile slim frame of a more movement based fighter. His physique is plain, no cuts or six packs to be found, just an average build. At 5'10 he isn't a man with imposing height, so the mixture of average height and average build gives off a very average vibe, just like everything else in his life. His eyes are a soft and dull green that welcome eye contact, and his hair is fair and long, adding to the non threatening air that surrounds him.

He generally dresses in the way pictured above. He prefers to cover himself up rather than to show any skin, so seeing him in shorts or a T shirt would come to a surprise to anyone who sees him consistently. Keisuke is a fan of earthy colors such as the dark greens shown in the picture above. He also mixes in earthy browns and dark blues into his dress with regularity. When in on a mission he generally wears a flak jacket underneath his cloak.

His left arm is always covered up as shown in the picture. Underneath the cloak it is wrapped in bandages. According to him the arm was burned badly in his early childhood and therefore he keeps it hidden from sight, using seals underneath the cover of his cloak rather than outside where others can see (this also gives him an advantage as others cannot see his seals)

  • A nice relaxing night of reading/enjoying a nice meal
  • Being in/around nature
  • Other people, of all types, he tries not to judge
  • Being the center of attention
  • Being asked to do things that are difficult as he has confidence issues
  • When people ask about his history/past. He likes to talk about the future, not about what lies in the rearview
  • Failing in big moments
  • The chunin exam
  • Fighting a strong opponent
  • A strong sense of community service and a strong connection with those who he works with. He believes in the way of the shinobi and in protecting the village.
  • Very booksmart, understands the technical aspects of jutsu, tactics, poisons, traps etc.
  • Lacks confidence and as such is prone to fail in big moments
  • Fears physical conflict, both out of self preservation and because he doesn't want to hurt people, which is why he hasn't passed the Chunin exam
  • Overthinks situations instead of acting on his instincts
PERSONALITY Keisuke is a person who is well liked and friendly with everyone, the kind of guy who's an acquaintance of everyone and a true friend to only a couple of people. His kindness is too kind, artificial in the eyes of some. Perhaps it's just a weird vibe he gives off. Nevermind that, at the end of the day he is the first and last guy to give praise, support and condolences. He's the #1 moral support shinobi in the village. He's the kind of guy to offer his help to anyone, to give the shirt off his back, to stay up late helping a friend study etc. That's the kind of guy Keisuke is, but again, to some people it comes off as artificial, some people feel that something is off.

Keisuke has confidence issues. He has issues believing in himself when it comes to combat especially, which is why he has failed the Chunin exam twice, and has, over the past five years, declined to take it every time despite the fact that at this point he would likely pass the exam with his intelligence, physical development and experience when compared to other Genin (he's 21 after all).

Keisuke fears failure, and because of this, he is timid to take risks and make moves that others will take. He relegates himself to be a cheerleader of sorts, watching other surpass him, happy to be a village Genin, rescuing cats from trees and maintaining public grounds.

Rank Genin
AFFILIATION Hidden Leaf Shinobi
CHAKRA POOL How much chakra do you have, 1 - 10, 1 like Rock Lee, 10 like Naruto.

CHAKRA CONTROL How much control do you have on your chakra?.

CHAKRA NATUREWater nature + Lightning nature
WEAPONS A single Katana + various ninja tools

  1. Water Bullets - By collecting water molecules at the tips of his fingers, Keisuke is able to fire "water bullets" capable of piercing through flesh. This technique can be lethal if aimed correctly.
  2. Hydro Current - Keisuke first summons water to soak the battlefield, he can then discharge electricity into the soaked area and transmit electricity to targets. This technique is only strong enough (at this point) to stun opponents.

Keisuke was born in a small village about thirty miles from Konohagakure. He was born into a simple family that lacked the instability of many families in the Naruto-verse.

His father was a custom potter who crafted high quality goods for wealthy patrons and his mother was a florist who created custom boutiques. Neither were pulling in massive amounts of money, but at the same time it was a comfortable arrangement, one that allowed the family to live well and support a trio of brothers.

Keisuke, was the youngest of the three brothers, and both in real and imagined ways he was always in the shadow of his seniors. He could never match them at anything no matter how much effort he poured into the pursuit. After seeing his eldest brother graduate with fanfare from the academy, Keisuke decided to enter into the academy himself in order to prove that he too could do something of note. After a couple years of growing and nearing the age of entry, Keisuke entered into the academy and began his training as a Konoha shinobi.

As a student, Keisuke was downright brilliant, capable of understanding complex content quickly. In the classroom he was a prodigy, but as a shinobi, being a classroom star means little if you can't match book learning with on the field production, something that Keisuke could never do. Whether it was skirmishes with other students in the academy or practical tests where a technique had to be completed in order to pass, Keisuke could never quite reach the potential his teachers believed he possessed, and soon enough it became a consistent issue, that despite his intelligence, Keisuke would likely never become more than a Genin, if that.

After two years at the academy, from ages 11-13, Keisuke finally passed the Genin exam, barely, with some nudging from the teachers as he was borderline. Thus he began his eight year tenure as a Konoha Genin, handling the kind of D rank missions only suitable for a ninja as useless as him.

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