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CrystalFalls x Refaulted

Favorite Units?

  • Elimo

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  • Lancia

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  • Eltri

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  • Tiara

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  • Rashil

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  • Aisha

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  • Il & Mina

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  • Kikuri

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  • Sefia

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  • Themis

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  • Golem

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  • Copra

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  • Eze

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  • Lance

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  • Magress

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  • Selena

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  • GX

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  • Zephyr

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  • Lico

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  • Reeze

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  • Serin

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  • Ramna

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  • Farlon

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  • Ophelia

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  • Luly

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  • I ran out of choices...

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Geil scrunched up his nose. "Personally? I don't think I would like it that much. I have enough trouble keeping my breath in water, and that will just freak me out. I couldn't stand being trapped in water, even if I have the ability to breath in it. Just a comfortability thing." He lifted her cloak, examining the fabric. "Neat..." He stared curiously at it.
"It's pretty neat. But the downside is that I have to keep Selena in play. Or everything will just melt into a puddle of water." Genevieve shrugged, grinning at Geil. She though Siren would be pretty cool. It would be soooo useful to travel through lakes and the like. But Siren herself isn't that good, so she would stick to Selena.
Geil nodded, watching the Units cut down the horde that had seemed so large only a few minutes ago. "I see..." Once the group of Goblins had finally been crushed under the strength of Verica and Selena, Verica disappeared, obviously not fond of having nothing to fight, which would only end up in him attacking Genevieve and Selena.
"Your units are... blood thirsty." Genevieve stared at the place where Verica was a second ago, chopping down goblins for fun. The moment the goblins were gone, Verica also left. "You should have more friendly units. They're better for your health, both mentally and physically."
Geil chuckled. "See, I know that. Verica is the only one I have trouble with. All my other Units like May and Sergio are friendly with me, though Sergio can be a little...cold." He snickered at is pun, then coughed. "Alright, well...should we keep going?"
Genevieve sweatdropped at the bad pun. Selena poked Geil in the back with her sheathed sword. "Is this guy serious?" Selena asked, staring at Geil with a deadpan face. "I'd love to see him get Copra." Genevieve snickered. "Come on, let's go! And my units, except for one anti-social Lily, and one violent and destructive Fairy, is pretty friendly."
Geil felt the blunt end of a sheath poke him in the back. He turned to look at Selena, eyebrows raised. He had heard of Copra before, and from what he heard, he did indeed want him. A defensive Unit in case he couldn't dodge an attack. "Well...that's good. That you have friendly Units. I'm not sure about one of mine, but the rest are alright."
"Copra is soooo boring." Genevieve whined. "My cousin has him, and the guy is pretty much a hotel, albeit a traveling one. He doesn't even talk to you, until you reach the second evolution." Copra was a hulk of ice and metal in her opinion, just like Darvan and Golem. And extremely horrible attack. And speed. And kind of useless BB because you don't know when the boss will unleash its AoE.
Geil shrugged, shoving his hands into the over-sized pockets of his robe. "So what if he's boring? He can take a hit. That's what I need one my team right now. All my Units are a little too squishy." Geil spun the small box that resided in his pocket. It barely fit the palm of his hand, and one of the Summoner's back at the Capital had given it to him as a late birthday gift.
"Squishy. Your units are squishy. That's not something you find out everyday." Genevieve rolled her eyes. If you said that units were squishy, then the only non-squishy units would be Behemoth, Golem, Dravan, and Copra. "That's why you have healers. It helps your squishlessness."
Geil nodded, noticing the irritation drawn on her face. "I do have a healer. May. She helps out a lot. It's just...I dunno, I like being on the defensive and taking my time to attack. Copra would be an awesome member for that. Then Sergio for damage, and May for healing. All set and ready to dance."
"Defense is boring. Higher attack and speed is more my style. If you attack faster, then there will be no time for you to be on the defensive." Genevieve gestured, making random motions with her hands. "Since the boss will die faster, all you need is a healer for emergencies."
Geil frowned. They both seemed to have different viewpoints on the matter of what type of strategy worked better. He enjoyed the defensive side because he enjoyed wearing down enemies. She, on the other hand, seemed restless and wanted to just sweep through everything with raw power at her fingertips.
"Oh come on, don't frown. Attack is not that horrible." Genevieve pouted at him, stick out her tongue. She didn't care that much about their different viewpoints, since both would get the job done anyways. Attacking faster would result in lesser damage, and it would be easier to repair.
Geil sighed, rubbing his forehead with his hand, and cooling it with the ice. "I never said it was horrible. Without it, we wouldn't be able to defeat all of these guys. I'm just saying I prefer a higher chance of surviving through grit shielding." He continued walking, wary of his surroundings in case they got jumped by anything.
"Well, you also have a higher chance of surviving by killing to monster faster, so it wouldn't have more chances to attack." Genevieve shot back, grinning at the exchange. Selena walked beside her, slashing at the occasional Burny or Goblin. "Having a shield is nice, but they are usually too slow. See how far you can travel with Copra, Golem, or Darvan in one day."
Geil sighed. "I'm just saying. I have my preferences, you have yours. I'd rather be able to have the chance to analyze the situation behind a defensive force. But to each his own."
"Well, everyone to their own!" Genevieve said cheerfully, ducking as a Thief Leon leapt out at her. Ice Selena slashed at the other unit, going on the offense as Genevieve went on the defensive. "A little help here? This is taking too lon-" she slipped under the blow as Thief Leon tried to slash at her again.
Geil watched her get attacked by the Thief, lifting his hand as Verica made a comeback. HIs greedy and wrathful smile lit up his face as he ran at Leon, blades making a metallic clang sound. "Brave Burst: Crazy Slash!" Verica started wailing on Leon's daggers, forcing the Unit back.
"Bloodthirsty much?" Genevieve mumbled, staring wide-eyed as Verica slashed at Leon mercilessly. Selena stood to the side, stabbing and slicing at Leon whenever Verica stopped.
Geil nodded, sighing. "I've been trying to figure out what makes Verica so angry, but all I get is an earful about wanting to fight some 'puny little minnow not expecting a stab'. He's hard to get in touch with." Verica swung again, hard, but was too slow as Leon swung and hit Verica's stomach. Verica only smiled more wrathful, and doubled his efforts in fighting.
Genevieve stared at the mentioned unit doubtfully. In her opinion, some of the units were downright creepy (Mad God Zebra). And the mock units scared the living daylights out of her. "Apparently we are all fish," Genevieve sweat dropped, staring in partial horror and partial amazement at the fight.

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