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Fantasy Crystal island for special students

the problem is I cant imagine that my character wouldn't have his own place so he doesn't have much of a need to pop up at the house
Eh if im in the wrong position or you dont want me in a certain place please do tell. Im a reasonable person and last thing i want to do is ruin you guys time. You guys seem like good rpers and especially kind ones too . I have not rped like this in a long time more or less rped with people that are all strangers (No offense) to me , And this is not to call attention on me its just my way of saying try to bare with me if my character runs into yours . I encourage criticism if anything , Or any suggestions whether it may benefit my skills as an rper or makes your rp much more enjoyable.
Texangamer Texangamer Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Bishop Bishop Tetro Tetro Agent23 Agent23 @Dargo EndemicWolf EndemicWolf The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 And anyone else who is in the rp
Well it’s still presently night so since ur character is a teacher you could could go by misako’s house, since she’s the only other adult atm
so schools out but that doesn't mean you can't hang there, there are the fancy dorms with some people or the one for broke students. my characters at the later if you wanna hang out. just come and knock on the door too the room
hmm...ive decided I wanted to make myself a student, but I have a question for everyone - I plan on my character effectively being an amnesiac who was discovered by a character and sorta came to the school coz they didn't know where else to be. would anyone want to be said character who discovered them?

also, SakuraBlossom28 SakuraBlossom28 , preeetty certain this is open

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