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Fantasy Crystal island for special students (characters)



The Cutest of the Damned
Roleplay Type(s)



history (optional)




other (anything else)








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Name: Misako
Age: 27
Personality: cold, mean, strong willed. Lazy, proud.
Powers: Devour, she has the ability to bite through virtually anything and the stomach to eat almost anything. Although sometimes her diet does include other hybrids.
Other: panther hybrid
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Name: Alexander Bishop

age: 17

history (optional): Alex grew up in a small rural town in the back end of nowhere. This let his powers flourish on there however he kept to himself mainly, so his social skills are somewhat lacking. His mother kept him on the straight and narrow no matter how mischievous he got. The moment she found out about a school for other kids just like him, she packed his bags and sent him off.

personality: Alex is rather easy going and simple individual. However he tends to get bored quickly and can get up too no good in no time flat.
Doesn't help he's never really had any friends.
Machines don't count.

powers: Arcane Engineering. The art of changing matter into whatever the user desires. Alex has focused on using it to make and fix various machines. This skill however requires that an adequate amount of mass be supplied and the user have plenty of energy in there system.


other (anything else): He usual has some sort of weird engine part that he tinkers with when he gets bored
Name karumi

age 12 turning 13

history (optional) TBR


powers she don't know her powers haven't come in yet but she's a panther like her mother and she likes hybrid meat


Other- She is the daughter of Misako
Name: Delta Easton

Age: 18

Powers: Water Manipulation (she's also able to turn it into a gas or ice)

Personality: Just like water Delta is rather carefree, not on to worry about the insignificant parts of life. Kind of go with the flow per say. But don't get her mixed up with someone who is clueless, she's far more observant than you'd think. She just doesn't show it. Though there is more to this girl than she gives off. Such as her stubborn, hardheaded times when there is something that she just won't quit. Which is why she also practices her electric guitar whenever she can. Trying to perfect playing it. Oh, Delta also loves to sing. Sometimes she'll make up her own concerts that involve her given powers as well.


History: Delta grew up rather normal, even with her powers. Her mother homeschooled her for the longest time in both normal schooling, and training her daughter to use her gift properly. During that time she also took guitar lessons as well as singing lessons. Since Delta was young she was rather passionate for the musical arts. So her parents paid for private lessons to allow their daughter to embrace her passion. And give her that small sense normality.

Other: nope

Name: Levi Jackson

Age: 16

Species: Human/ Lion hybrid

Powers: Retractable nails (grow 3 inches then go back to normal size), teeth grow sharp and canines get to be 4 inches, inhuman strength (basically able to throw a 200+ pound man with minimal struggle)

Personality: Levi is a rather cold person. Preferring the solitude life style as a lone lion, but also likes to know that he is alpha. Even if his cockiness gets him knocked down a size or ten. Alligator mouth overloads hummingbird butt as the old saying goes. True Levi might be physically strong, but coming up with effective plans that involve a strategy is a major no go. Hence if he fights it's on pure instinct alone. So when one notices that they'll seize the opportunity to come out on top.
Though if one does manage to weasel their way into this kitty's heart they'll figure out that he might become a little bit too protective and loyal. He'd practically throw himself into danger if need be.


History: What hasn't happened at school stays where is belongs, anywhere but there.

Other: Nope
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Name: Kiba Snow

age: 16

history (optional)

personality: easy going, lazy.

powers: ice


other (anything else): wolf hybrid
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Name Isabella

age 15

history (optional) She lost her family in a car crash right before she was going to start school she was in a bad accidnt a drunk driver crashed into her parents car she is still dealing with the pain of losing her parents she only talks to her cousin and the dorm lady mistako

personality shy, scared to speak to others, likes playing the piano but afraid of her meomries of her parents, talking about her past, crying, loves cooking, likes training



other (anything else) Her cousin is Delta
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Name: Kiro Averion

Age: 28

History: Kiro came from a poor family and people treated them like trash. He hated how others saw them and did everything he could to change this. He spent his life working multiple jobs just to pay for his education and after a while, he was able to get his family out of the slums. He even created his own business selling unique fashion and tech. When his business was stable he decided to spread his knowledge to people like him. So he went to Crystal Island to teach.

Personality: Kiro tries to be kind to everyone but won't lie to you so he can be a little blunt. He likes it when people try their hardest and hates when people don't give him respect. If you do get on his bad side expect to get a very cold shoulder from him.

Powers: Basic wolf senses and aspects. Plus, he can control the weather. With this, he can make it snow in a room, make lightning strike wherever he wants, and other stuff.

Subject: Science


Other: Arctic Wolf
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Name: Kiro Averion

Age: 28

History: Kiro came from a poor family and people treated them like trash. He hated how others saw them and did everything he could to change this. He spent his life working multiple jobs just to pay for his education and after a while, he was able to get his family out of the slums. He even created his own business selling unique fashion and tech. When his business was stable he decided to spread his knowledge to people like him. So he went to Crystal Island to teach.

Personality: Kiro tries to be kind to everyone but won't lie to you so he can be a little blunt. He likes it when people try their hardest and hates when people don't give him respect. If you do get on his bad side expect to get a very cold shoulder from him.

Powers: Basic wolf senses and aspects. Plus, he can control the weather. With this, he can make it snow in a room, make lightning strike wherever he wants, and other stuff.

Subject: Science


Other: Arctic Wolf

Name: Raven Crost
Power: able to move metal as if it were water.
Type of hybrid: Vampire bat (and yes she does have wings.

Info: Raven grew up in a smaller village to the far south of the schools location. The villages main export was metal due to the mine and to all the villagers ability to craft with metal. Making sculptures or figurines to be crafted and exported to other areas. The mine also housed precious metals like gold and silver which were crafted into jewelry.

The Lone Wolf

Jern (pronounced like yearn) Ulvenson.

Lone Wolf.



He is a human/wolf hybrid.

He is heterosexual.

Jern is a teacher at the school - specifically, engineering. He is sometimes brought in as a Maths substitute, though - but only if he isn't busy. Similarly, if he isn't busy he runs an after school class to help students if they need it with any of his lessons.

Jern is friendly enough, but he is fairly solitary. He has many friends, but no real 'best friends' so to speak. This is simply because of who he is.

He is fairly charismatic, and enjoys talking with wit, but he isn't particularly fond of getting close to someone - at least, he appears that way. There doesn't seem to be any real reason for it, it just happens to be his 'lone wolf' personality. Perhaps he doesn't want commitment, perhaps he doesn't want to be bogged down by others, perhaps he doesn't want to be hurt - not even Jern could tell.

When it comes to his work - and as a direct correlation his teaching, however, he is very stern. He does not wish to be, and he still can have a laugh, but discipline is very important with a subject so dangerous like Engineering. All it takes is one mistake for a drill to go through a hand, after all. Or worse.

Physical Description
Jern is Northern, and it clearly shows in his physique. Years of intense engineering work has given him an incredible muscled body that most men would kill for. He radiates masculinity, perhaps because of his wolf genes, and has very little flab on him. His eyes are a piercing, cold blue and his hair is a deep brown, almost a black. He keeps a finely trimmed beard that he is fairly proud of. While he doesn't have the ears of a wolf, he does have the tail of one. Drooping almost to the floor, coming from his lower back, is a thick, bushy brown wolf tail.

He usually wears overalls and steel capped boots, considering what he does, but when he isn't teaching in the workshops he prefers to wear a suit and proper formal wear. When he isn't needing his suit, however, he prefers to wear a trench coat styled coat, with simple jeans and a thick jumper. He usually isn't seen far from his lucky blue tie headband, though.

Jern likes his work, and the odd bit of humour, but not much else.

Jern dislikes large crowds of people he doesn't know. He also hates to be called 'Sir' in class - he wasn't knighted, after all.

Jern does not have any phobias - at least, that he knows of.

Although not really a mannerism, Jern smokes when he feels the need to have some time to think. He isn't addicted, per say, and usually a pack of cigarettes will last the week if not the month.

Jern was born to a fairly hidden family, who lived in the Northern forests by themselves. From an early age, Jern learned about the troubles with the world, but also learned many important life skills. When he started to grow into adulthood, Jern made the important decision to try and get a proper job, as opposed to living off the grid, and thought engineering would do him.

It was a struggle, with the racism he received, but he soon flourished way beyond that of regular humans. He had a knack for engineering that no other student possessed, and climbed up the academic ladder with incredible ease.

In what felt like no time at all, although it was over a decade later, Jern walked out of his university with a Masters degree. However, he knew that he was never going to get a good job, despite his qualifications, so decided to go into teaching at a school with people like him.

His family live in the cold, harsh wintery lands of the north, and have little communication with Jern nowadays ever since he left to become an engineer.

Jern has a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering, and a Foundation Degree in Electrical Engineering. Not to mention the prerequisite degrees he also has in those subjects. In short, he is probably one of the most engineering minded hybrids going.

While he smokes, he does not smoke often enough to be really addicted to them. Since he only uses cigarettes to relieve stress, he can go for months without feeling the urge to smoke. Either that, or he is strong willed enough to be able to resist the temptation.



Jern, due to his upbringing, is quite good at surviving in the wilds. He has learned how to hunt, how to fight, how to start fires, how to cut trees...he knows how to do a lot of things. Of course, he is also very good at Maths, being able to get pretty accurate estimations on fairly tough sums, and knows how to use a myriad of tools with efficiency.

However, he has a secret ability. He can create wormholes at will. He can either use this ability to link two places he remembers with a portal, creating easy travel back and forth, but can also create portals to pocket dimensions he has created. In these pocket dimensions, he has control over basic properties like gravity or control over basic things like the atmosphere, but stored in them he has a myriad of things ranging from several workshops equipped with lathes, drills, grinders and so on to even things like battleships and tanks.

Being a half wolf, he also can move, run and react faster and jump higher. He has slightly enhanced senses, although nowhere near that of an actual wolf, and can tolerate the cold better.


Jern carries little on him, except a few basic tools if he is wearing his overalls, but has a myriad of things in his pocket dimensions.


None. He isn't one for love, you see.

Significant Other(s)

Other Significant People
None. Other than his family, and a few nameless friends in the local area, he sticks to himself.

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Name: Zack Gytsu

Age: 16

Personality: Zack is what one would consider outgoing and a little bit talkative at times. He loves talking about comics, anime, and other geeky stuff he finds amazing having multiple action figures and accessories around his dorm. Zack is protective of those he holds dearest and is a huge soccer fan often wearing jerseys of his favorite players.

Powers: Zack possesses a superhuman body that allows him to work on a much higher physical level then a normal human. His strength, speed, and durability are much higher then any regular person making it hard to take him down.

Faceclaim 1.jpg

Name: Phoenix Duntelo

Age: 28

Personality: Strict, upfront, but most of all he is immensely loud often getting angry at students not paying attention in class and isn't scared to embarrass students in class. He believes in discipline above all else remaining loyal to his own teaching conduct no matter the situation. However, his strict nature comes from his desire for all his students to eventually leave the academy as more mature and respectable people. He is not a fan of students abusing their powers and will quickly discipline those who would. Outside of class he is rather more calm and down to earth speaking in a more welcoming tone then he usually would. Despite his upfront nature Phoenix is kind and thoughtful pushing the kids to be the very best so that they'll make it in the world where people like them are often frowned upon.

Powers: Phoenix possesses the ability to produce flames and steam from his body and to manipulate those very flames to his will. He is also immune to any heat based attack due to the nature of his power.

Subject: Combat and power control

Faceclaim 2.png
Name: "Eh.. My full name is Shen W. Reverend. You can call me William if you want to, But i prefer Shen."

age: "I've been 29 since my last birthday."

history: "Do i really need to tell you my history?" He said and huffed shortly after, "Alright it all started with the first Reverend family name announced back in the neolithic age- Oh you my histroy? Well you should've just said so . You see my family has always been obsessed manipulative with their powers. Don't get me wrong i am Not calling them users ,but the word makes sense with abilities to control. Our powers always differed from each other. For example my Mother has the power of Cryokinesis While my Fathers goes with Pyro ,And Yeah you can already see the romance they had. Anyways back to story my little brother was born with Hydrokinesis. My power completely differs from theirs, Eh i still voided the question but you see i would tell you some of MY history but i would just be going on and on about my teenage years."

personality: "Hmm, You guys really ask alot out of me. WELL if you want to find out we can go out for a drink i suppose? " He smirked before sitting back in his chair . " I like to think of myself as a comical sort of guy. Sometimes serious, And mostly funny. Eh. You'll learn as i roam the halls of the school. OR IF i roam the halls."

powers: " I knew you were going to ask. My power is Illusion. Its a strong power i hold, and im not bluffing. I rarely use it . Its only temporary but its controls your senses for a moment .
Pulls at your nerves so to say.. Dont worry its not permanent. Short term definition Its the ability of deception."

Subject: "Eh i always had a thing for history. Its never changes ya know? If that spot is taken ill gladly Take Anatomy and or Bio."

Ignore the Gun.

other (If you dont like him i can change him out i have another character Idea, Eh if the illusion ability seems over powered ill dull it? And last thing if nothing makes sense ill explain or edit it .)​
Name: "Eh.. My full name is Shen W. Reverend. You can call me William if you want to, But i prefer Shen."

age: "I've been 29 since my last birthday."

history: "Do i really need to tell you my history?" He said and huffed shortly after, "Alright it all started with the first Reverend family name announced back in the neolithic age- Oh you my histroy? Well you should've just said so . You see my family has always been obsessed manipulative with their powers. Don't get me wrong i am Not calling them users ,but the word makes sense with abilities to control. Our powers always differed from each other. For example my Mother has the power of Cryokinesis While my Fathers goes with Pyro ,And Yeah you can already see the romance they had. Anyways back to story my little brother was born with Hydrokinesis. My power completely differs from theirs, Eh i still voided the question but you see i would tell you some of MY history but i would just be going on and on about my teenage years."

personality: "Hmm, You guys really ask alot out of me. WELL if you want to find out we can go out for a drink i suppose? " He smirked before sitting back in his chair . " I like to think of myself as a comical sort of guy. Sometimes serious, And mostly funny. Eh. You'll learn as i roam the halls of the school. OR IF i roam the halls."

powers: " I knew you were going to ask. My power is Illusion. Its a strong power i hold, and im not bluffing. I rarely use it . Its only temporary but its controls your senses for a moment .
Pulls at your nerves so to say.. Dont worry its not permanent. Short term definition Its the ability of deception."

Subject: "Eh i always had a thing for history. Its never changes ya know? If that spot is taken ill gladly Take Anatomy and or Bio."

Ignore the Gun.
View attachment 374974

other (If you dont like him i can change him out i have another character Idea, Eh if the illusion ability seems over powered ill dull it? And last thing if nothing makes sense ill explain or edit it .)​

Youll good you can join in =D
Name: Kale

Age: "I was told to tell people I am twenty."

History: TBR

Personality: "I'm nice, pleasant, likable, agreeable, personable, congenial, amiable, affable, genial, friendly, charming, delightful, engaging... Oh, those are all synonyms..."
Kale is a very simple minded individual with tendencies as odd as their own simplicity. Kale is a friendly soul but can become serious on the drop of a dime if the situation calls for it. Kale doesn't tolerate blatant disrespect or disorderly conduct from anyone and believes all matters can be dealt with peacefully and with words. Kale is very curious by nature and finds enjoyment in experiences, mainly physical ones.

Powers: "I'm like a rock person."
Kale can create, manipulate, and become any gem, crystal, or rock. Kale's stamina, strength, and physical endurance is heightened to the degree that they can bend metal like it's clay and run for days at a time if desired.

Subject: "Words." English


Kale stands at 7 feet tall

Other: Crystal Human Hybrid, Non Gendered
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Name: Gaijeel Turok

age: 49yrs

history: Gaijeel wasn't always as much of a animal as he is today. As a child he only had the ears and tail of a tiger. But as he grew older he began to give into his instincts slowly but surely changing both his body and mind into that of a Siberian tiger. Yet eventually he wandered into the jungles of Africa where he encountered the Ko' Loch clan. A tribe of ancient people who were hybrids with exclusively big cats. They immediately recognized Gaijeel as a man and not a beast and set out to help him learn to control his instincts And apply them to his everyday life. He returned to civilization a new Cat earning fame as a professional fighter for a decade before retiring and being offered a job at the academy as a teacher.

personlity: Gaijeel is a very relaxed individual who when not teaching can be found on the roofs lounging in the sun. He seems not to have a worry in the world and is always trying to make bad jokes and liven up the situation. There are rare occasions where he becomes more serious and aggressive, and while terrifying, they are few and far between. Luckily his temper comes with some warning, he usually emits a low growl when frustrated.

Primal form (natural)- having the form of a half tiger half man has its perks. Gaijeels senses of Sight, Smell, and Hearing are at far beyond superhuman levels. He can detect and identify scents from up to a mile away, can hear the heartbeat and slightest movements of his "prey" for up to 300 yards, and can see the slightest details from great distances even in the night. When paired with his training his strength and speed are well beyond human limits as well. He is strong enough to shatter steel and stone, and fast enough to leave afterimages. While his body is quite tough, his durability is his lowest trait only slightly above the average humans. Lastly his claws and teeth are very strong capable of puncturing steel, if they should break he is capable of growing new ones in a few days.

Focused instinct (learned)- the Ko' Loch tribe teaches one to control their instinct, allowing ones body to act without thought. This allows Gaijeel to react to threats he cannot perceive, even when sleeping or unconscious. He rarely puts thought into his action as it slows him down. While a very effective means of both defense and offense it can be trumped by things that move significantly faster than he does, and his attacks won't effect things significantly more durable than steel.

Subject: Instinct Control, Survival, Advanced Cqc, and field trips.


other: He wears only his ceremonial Ko' Loch Journey clothes (the loincloth and armor.)
Name Kimberly Lizzy Anderson

age 19

history TBR

personlity Hyper, Loving, loves books, she tends be shy, has hard time trusting people

powers She can tranform into a tennager or any animal

Subject she don't teach but she's a libririan


other: she don't have a place to stay so when she graduated to decided to become a librain at her old school
Name: Yuri Akai
Age: 17
Hybrid: cat
Powers: empath, he can read a persons feelings
Personality: playful,aggressive at times, he can be shy until he knows you.

Name: William Harris: 'Liam'


history (optional): Adoptive child of an affluent New York family, while he loves his parents, he has never trusted them enough to intentionally share his gift. Liam presents a facade of charm and likability to his family and has perfected his ability to control his rage when antagonized in this environment. After so long of hiding, he finally convinced his parents to send him to an 'elite boarding school.'

Personality: While quiet in unfamiliar situations, once Liam becomes comfortable his personality ironically shines through. His friends would describe him as dark, witty, sarcastic, and funny. Generally, Liam can be described as approachable and friendly, he does have a tendency towards unpleasantness when aggravated or surrounded by what he perceives to be ignorance.

powers: Darkness manipulation; has the ability to create and/or use shadows/darkness to produce absolute darkness

and manipulate the properties of shadows to produce the ability to teleport from one shadow to another.


Name: Grim S. Reaper

Age: 18

History: Grim was born into a single mother family that was very kind, and loving, but he didn't accept it. He was known as the black sheep of his family ever since he was born, meaning that he was different from them. Grim was given the powers like a demigod, most likely from his missing father that his mother would never talk about. People around his neighborhood didn't like him, and created stories about him to hide their children away from him. Soon enough, his family became tired of his dark and hatred attitude and sent him off to a school to learn his powers.

Personality: Grim is a big introvert with very bad anger issues. He doesn't understand compliments, since he was never given any as a kid. Grim is very intelligent as well, but won't ever help anyone else with anything. He can be very harsh, showing no mercy to anyone fighting him. Grim also doesn't understand emotions, so any type of bright feeling inside of him feels weird. Grim tries to detach himself from people, but deep in his heart, he just wants to feel wanted.

Reaper's Scythe- Grim will always, and forever, have a scythe named, "Reigning Slash" in a form of a metal pole. He is able to use his powers of death to manufacture the blade part. The more power he uses, the stronger the blade gets, but the more weak Grim gets.
Death's Hands- Grim is able to use these giant shadowy hands as a way to fight, which helps to powerhouse anything. Sadly, Death's Hands can only be used for just a short amount of time before having to disappear.
Guns of Hades- Grim uses these two guns, "Mercy" and "Fear", to shoot out his foes. The bullets are made up of death bullets, which poisons foes. The guns are only allowed to have 10 rounds before disappearing.

Appearance: tumblr_lyaanlrFdG1r3nno4o1_1280.jpg

Seria Moeruhi
Seria Moeru is a former teacher from another school, the Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds. She was transferred to Crystal River Highschool for curious reasons and upon request. Compared to the students from the Euphorian Highschool in Japan, she wanted to see how the students are in other schools. Enough about her reasons in transferring, it's time to get to her history. She's been alive ever since medieval times and demon attacks. She was born in a kingdom with no one to raise her until she was taken in by the military due to her display of magic power which killed a stray demon. She was then part of the Demon Slayers at the age of 16 but had a thing for absorbing energy. She absorbed too much demonic energy to the point she had a demonic aura and an emotionless face to where her fellow humans turned on her and attacked. She was then taken by the Goddess of Inception, Natsumi for correction. She gave her a new identity and put her back into Earth to defeat more demons. However upon meeting the Goddess again, she had turned fallen for interfering with human mortal activity. Seria began to take care of Natsumi as long as possible while she was still conscious. She served under her for more power against the demons. Though upon a Demon Raid, she was defeated by high ranking demons and sealed away in a dragon's den for later use. The plan was that the demons could corrupt her again to aid them, but a dragon came to its den and fought them off and ended their campaign. The demon's campaign was unknown. This dragon, Perkasaiga, saw Seria with high potential and dedicated to protect her while she was sealed away until the seal breaks and she awakes. Natsumi was also present, having wondered where her favorite human went. She found her but so many centuries had passed already. When she found the dragon and the sealed Seria, Perkasaiga was already dying and Seria was still in the finest condition. Perkasaiga requested that she'd break the seal and give his power to Seria. Once she did that, the dragon passed away and Seria was turned into a child. During that she lost her memories of all that had happened. When she awoke in modern times, Natsumi acted out as her mother and raised her. Though as Seria grew older, she began having questions of her power and how she was exactly born. A pair of special humans, Elliot and Elaena Rillas, had the ability to dream communicate and dream manipulate. They befriended her and got her drunk somehow. They heard her mention her missing memories and Elaena wanted Elliot to help her recover her memories. As he did so, Elaena took them to the dream realm so they could take all the time they wanted. It was a lengthy ride with ups and downs but when they recovered all the memories they could, Perkasaiga's power awakened and it was now under Seria's control, blazing hot flames, dancing at her will. When she became a teacher, she taught history. Now she's here in Crystal River Highschool and is ready to take any job they assign her to. She's only had a year of experience.
Seria is casual and carefree. She can be very chill and it's kind of hard to piss her off, unless you take a drastic measure. She's a gamer as well and very good in the arts of fire magic. She can be very open at times and loves to have a friendly spar. She can also get very passionate at times but she mainly teaches because she wants to meet new people. If she were to be challenged, she'd ask for a time and place and she'll show up.
Her powers is quite easy to explain. Flames that can incinerate a body into nothing. She can control this power so it only harms and not incinerate. Only a few burn marks here and there. She also has the power to heal using her flames. Her flames can be used offensively or for medical uses. It cures illnesses and heals the body. Well, at that point she's probably just gonna use her magic energy so it doesn't look like she's trying to burn you alive. From her training at the Euphorian Highschool, she's extremely strong to the point she would have to hold back in a fight to not kill anyone. Since Perkasaiga was an extremely powerful dragon, her power is about the same. She has control over her powers and won't go over kill for any reason unless it was a Demon Invasion.
Assured, she will not use all of her power against students or coworkers or anyone who don't seem very large mass annihilation threatening.
Also due to with her own power, she can summon runic weapons and runes themselves. As well as her demonic energy still lingering around, she has that too. The demon energy is mostly dark energy that tears anything apart. But she will probably not use it often. It is only rare that she will.


Awakened Perkasaiga's Full Power

The markings on her leg, arm, pendent and sword are marks of Perkasaiga.
Odd her clothes may be, it doesn't matter much to her because she thinks showing off these markings are cool.
She sort of considers herself as a delinquent seeing that she doesn't care about formalities and loves a good fight.
She never gets cold because of obvious reasons.
When she isn't all fired up, her hair is tied up and there are two braids coming from the tie. When she gets fired up, the tie is burned away and her braids are undone.
Her hair color is red but becomes a fiery color theme due to Perkasaiga's power surging through her. It also glows so when there's blackout, it's really no problem to her. She just flares up her hair.
She likes to drink rum. Even in front of her students.

"I've made more mistakes than any man, woman or child on this planet. But here's some advice that will prove useful. Knowledge can only take you so far, it is up to you to take the first step."

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Name: Natesh

age: 102 : 16

history: Natesh was kept in a facility away from normal humans and her family with others like her but the caretakers where not kind people. Being mistreated frequently because of what she was made her in to the jaded person she is today with lack of trust in others. She had a sister that lived in the facility with her but the smol one was extremely weak and didn't live past 6 years old but she did live as happy a life has Natesh could give her. The few friends she did have back then had eventually betrayed her in one form or fashion to better their own lives in the facility which lead her to lose all hope in other people. After several years the facility announced that we where being sent away to a place where we wouldn't disrupt the normal populace.

personality: Natesh is a very reserved person and has a negative perception of other people. She tends to keep to herself as not to get terrible involved with another person. Natesh dose not have friends she has acquaintance and allies, nothing more. Natesh loves animals and you can see her kind heart when ever she is caring for them or generally being around animals. Natesh only uses her abilities when she has to because she doesn't wish harm on other beings but will not hesitate to defend her self. she doesn't lose her temper easily but when she does she tends to loss control of herself and go on a rampage of fury.

powers: Fore site- The ability to see in to the future depending on magical strength

Blood Manipulation- The ability to control the blood of other creatures

Vampiric Healing- The ability to take another creatures life force to heal the user

Shape shift- The ability to change forms

Beast Summon- The ability to some a beast to serve the user, the beast strength is based off of the users magical strength

Element Fire- Has any unusual strong connection to fire and has a natural defense against fire attacks

Rampage Of Fury- Loses temper and self control vanishes which allows her magic to run wild with no rhyme or reason.


other: The Gold earnings in Natesh's ear has defense abilities

Natesh is a Forest dwelling creature mixed with a human. her exact species is indeed unknown.

hates pasta....


Name: Verde

age: 26

Verde was born in a religious town. But he never really felt at home he would always walk yonder towards a abandon rundown Libary. Where he would read all the Books on science, Math,History, and Physic's but he still felt like their was more to this world when he was exploring the basement Verde then discovered old notebooks with different recipies to alchemetic creation's. He was thrillied and rushed towards his mother and Father and the Mayor. But when he showed them what he discovered they called it the devil's writing. Verde was shooked why would they be so afraid of the writing and circles. Everyone in the town said that he is going down the wrong path and he was put on trial everyone was calling him the Anti christ. But the oldest Elder of the Town said (no he is just a Arcane Alchemist i seen the young boy his eye's shined when reading and learning new things.) after a few discussion's they left them alone and the Elder took him to the old libary where he found the note book's and he was told ( what you found is the greatest discovery in this town but they all rejected my long hours of research because they where afraid of this ) The elder then drew the Alchemy symbols and started to transmute This was when Verde new he wanted to learn and master Arcane Alchemy. after years studying and traveling he ran out of money and got a job in a School to help childeren learn and see the gleem that the elder saw in him and maybe find a apprentis like he did and teach him about Arcane Alcemy.

personlity: Childished at times he likes to mess with his student's and show them that their is more than one way to find the answer's but when someone is messing around with his friends and people he calls Family he calm's down and reads the situation and then simply explain's that he is going to make you into his next experiment with the smile of a mad Scientist.

powers: Transmutation of Arcane Alchemy. ( can only work when he has the exact amount to do the transmutation), and Chakra Inteligence. ( everyone has chakra inteligence but not everyone can get past level two but Verde is level 5 he will explain the rest to his student's.)

Subject: Science and Physic's


other: Texangamer Texangamer if you don't have enough teacher's but if you do i can make a student instead​
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Name: Alexander Snow

age: 34

history: prior to his employment Alexander served in the military as a field medic. He’s seen any plausible injury during his service and due to that has grown just as cold. That aside his skin is extremely thick and higher caliber weapons up to .50 caliber wouldn’t pierce his skin.

personality: cold, serious, blunt

powers: suture, he has the ability to sew any substance or material together

Subject: schools medical chief


other: Alexander is a shark hybrid.

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