Cry of death


The real Warchief of the Horde
This is the cry of death official rp. The scene for LEG is everyone is doing their normal activities at the main base but they are called for a meeting in the hall near the center of the building. For the empire you can either be at the main headquarters waiting to talk to the emperor for a mission or out doing scouting. The mercenaries can really be doing anything such as asking to be a part of either group for pay or such. The time is sunrise December the 1st. Lets get started shall we? Also, unless you really don't like doing this, can you go for a more first person type speaking? I just think it adds more flavor to a rp. Just asking unless you don't want to.



"Hello mam, can I put an announcement on the intercom? I need you to tell everyone in the nearby facilities to gather on the main island for a meeting concerning our next move. Can you do this please?" The lady at the counter nodded and said exactly that into the intercom. I was glad we might make some progress for once. I walked out of the building and made my way to the bridge to the next island. As I was on my way I tilted my head to look at the ocean and sky to the west. I brushed my blonde hair out of my eyes and took in the full affect of the scenery. "I can't believe on the other side of this beautiful thing is the destruction of all we know..." I Shook my head, bringing me back to reality and arrived at the center island. I opened the door and looked around, this will be plenty of space. My podium was in the center and I made my way to it but not without shacking a little from nervousness. "I hope everyone arrives soon."

(Also if your confused about the main 'good' guy base it's a bunch of small islands linked by bridges which are close together.)
I grunted softly as the sun interrupted my sleep and stretched with a yawn. Guess I need to move... I thought to myself. People tend to do that after being alone for a time and I was no exception even if I didn't resemble a person at the moment. I had been cat napping, literally, in a tree for the night. Jumping down from my high branch, I shifted as I hit the ground. My jacket's slightly torn hem flapping in the wind as I stood and shook out my white hair a bit. My red eyes scanned the area for food to snatch or hunt. Spotting a vender with a stand over flowing with fruit, I waited for the right moment then slipped two apples into my large pocket and bit into another. Another second later, I was invisible. Not literally this time, but if someone were to walk right next to me they wouldn't see me. I had blended into the shadows and made my way towards one of the bridges that connected the areas. I had gotten bored of daily life yet again and was searching for something to do.
(I have never tried 1st person, but I think it is worth a try, so I'll bring Stayne into the RP at a later time.)



I awoke from my dream of the boy that I fought several days ago.
"Well, I had too much fun fighting him. It's a shame he refused to come with me," I said smiling. After getting up, I realized I was invisible. I liked to make myself appear invisible when I sleep since you would never what is after you out there in the world at night. And there was no point for secrecy, so I snapped my fingers and I became visible again. I still had some fruit left over as rations while I was on my way here, so I grabbed myself a green apple and put it into the brown pouch attached to my pants while eating away at another green apple. I was already crossing one of the bridges, making my to the main island.


"....just another dream again..." I woke up panting heavily, at least i didn't overslept this time i thought. Everyday i would have the same dream of people screaming, crying or maybe dying, what did it mean you ask? I have no idea. I made my way to the window and saw the sun rising up, another day ahead of me maybe something good would happen, I hope. After fixing my clothes i tied my hair in a ponytail, well it looks honestly good for me actually, i had long dark hair with golden streaks and silver eyes. Some people mistakes of me being blind well, im not! While going outside to take an everyday morning stroll she would see people passing through the bridge. "what's going on..." because of her curiosity she made her way to the bridge wondering what would happen.

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