

Previously StriderClaus
Name: Crow

Age: Unknown, believed to be functionally immortal

Quantity: about a dozen confirmed sightings. Wether this is the same Crow or different crows has yet to be determined

Ranking: 4, never to be engaged under any circumstances

Controllable: Yes

Appearance: Lanky, almost starved humanoid body, with a head that resembles the skull of a crow, an animal spoken of in history books. Feathers adorning waist that cover genitals 

Height: 8 ft

Weight: Unknown, who really wants to try and put that thing on a scale?

Behavior: A lone wanderer by nature, a crow scares off larger predators, eating scrapes from carcasses, rotten fruit, and assorted dung. At this moment in history, it is only known to eat things that are dead. A crow will hunt its prey till death, and let it rot before choosing to eat it. Even then, it may not eat the entire carcass. Believed to not require sustenance, just enjoys it

Special Abilities: Hallucination- Crow gets inside of your head. Makes you see your worst nightmare visible to you, and drives you made. Say you were scared of fire. He may make the forest look to be on fire and give you a small pond to leap into for safety. Little do you know, this 'pond' is a cliff he just made you leap of off

Ward-the crow is a very fragile beast by nature, and thus can be very easily hurt. To keep itself from being eaten, it scares off larger monsters, clearing the area around him for about a mile

Backstory: In the old days of humanity, man kind attempted to reclaim an old city. History labeled it as Chi Ca Go. The city was abondoned, of humans and monsters alike, putting the group on edge. While searching the streets, the found a man, pale as the moon, skinny as a twig and hairless. The men approached him slowly, thinking he was a survivor. When Crow turned, the screams were heard for miles.

Captian Lastimosa made it back from the expedition. When questioned by Dr.Monroe I, all he could say was quoted from an old poem. "Nevermore, nevermore."

Weak Spot: A crows body is extremely fragile and easily broken. The problem is seeing through your hellscape to land a hit

Extra: Do not engage. I can not stress this enough


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