Crossing Fields


Needs some Roleplays

I. Introduction

Welcome to the Sign-Up section! In this section I will be judging your entry based on your submission. The criteria will not be excessive as this is a causal role-play. However there will a couple of rules to follow in the sign-up section:

  • Only one character submission is allowed.
  • The male-female ratio must be fairly reasonable, please check the table if you are planning to submit a character sheet.
  • Keep chat in the OCC section.
  • Read the Overview/Location section before submitting.

Now that we have that taken care of the rules we can proceed to guidelines. This is optional to read if you are experienced as a roleplayer. But, I strongly encourage anyone less experienced to take a look at it.

II. Character Guidelines

  • Remember that this a causal role play your character does not need to have a dramatic backstory.
  • They should be a rounded character, which means that they have different aspects to them.
  • Make sure that you follow the outline if you miss anything I will PM to revise it.
  • I will be judging your submission on the personality / background. If I find it lacking i will PM.
  • This is mainly a romantic roleplay, your character can be a loner but they should interact with other characters.
  • Make sure that your character is original from others, submitting a cliche character will not be accepted.
  • Have fun with your writing! You can use your own personal experiences to add towards your character.

III. Character Sheet ( Male to Female 7:6 Any Gender Allowed)

Knock yourself out with this section, you can place it any order you would like. But, make sure that you have everything listed before submitting. Or put WIP if you are still working on it. I will also list down the gender ratio if there is too many female or male submissions.


Appearance: * You can use any pic, but provide a short description along with it. *



Age: * 15-18*



Personality Strengths:

Personality Weaknesses:

Hobbies ( opt. ):



Crush ( opt. ):



Club: ( Max 2, read setting/locations )

IV. Character Database

( Credited to @Larry for his excellent work.)

This is the character database, it contains an overview of all of the current characters. It will be updated as more CS submissions are posted.



V. Activity Log

Here's the activity log, this is on a google doc so check out the link.
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The thing I am most ignorant about is myself.

Username: Iallcsz

Name: Leah Scarlett

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Nationality: French-American

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

  • 4YF3Kd3_D2U.jpg

    Leah has a height of 5'7, and weighs 135 pounds. She dresses oddly, only wearing winter themed clothes. Such as, trenchcoats, coats, scarfs, and sweaters while wearing pants or a skirt below. She usually switches her contact which changes her eye color. She keeps them in her pocket, and developed a habit of stuffing her hands into them. Leah is sloppy with her apperance, forgetting to mantain her hair, and iron her clothes. Her hair becomes tangled which is an annoyance for Leah. She cuts her hair sometimes with a blade making it uneven.

    Leah also wears a pair of headphones around her neck usually listening to music. She wears her headphones at all times even in when she is in class. Her favorite attire is wearing her cordovan colored trenchcoat, along with her white scarf, and grey skirt. Despite Leah's disregard for looks, her complexion is surprising bright. Leah's apperance gives the impression that she is somwhat disorganized and uncaring. Her clothing also makes her presence stand out even more. Her choice of clothing is also accompanied by her mannerism. Leah is careful not to provoke anyone and avoid trouble. This results in her leaning over slightly when she sits down. Overall, her apperance reflects herself bizzare, uncertain, and passively calm.

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Username: The One Eyed Bandit

Name: Ellis Reeve

Gender: Female

Age: 17


Standing at 5'7", Ellis is a girl of a rather average height, an weighing in at around 120lbs, usually, she would present a rather indistinct, forgettable image. However, she makes up for this in multiple ways. The first thing one would notice, is her rather long, reddish brown hair, often kept in a roughly put-together ponytail that falls well past her shoulders, ending slightly above her waist line. Complementing this are her eyes, taking of an similar, if not the same, hue has her hair presenting her with what could almost be considered a color scheme, naturally. In regards to her expressions, one could call Ellis rather striking, specifically striking in the manner of being stuck by a baseball bat. Her expressions only ever seem to range from bored to disinterested to arrogant, and, finally, to annoyed. While this undeniably isn't one of her more attractive features, it does tend to leave an impression on others as time goes on.

In terms of dress, Ellis seems to prefer desaturated, subdued colors. She favors either dressing to one of two extremes, namely, she will often cover herself almost entirely, wearing heavier, winter jackets along with a pair of trousers, shoes, and occasionally a pair of gloves, or, dressing in an urban style, wearing not more than a hoodie, a singlet and a pair of shorts, sometimes even going without so much as a pair of shoes or sandals.

Nationality: American / Japanese

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality Strengths: Confident - Highly Intelligent - Undaunted - Knowledgeable

"I'm smarter than you. Deal with it."

Academically, Ellis is one of the top students within Colonial High, and a literal genius, bolstering an IQ of 164, even when taking into account students from higher year levels. She has a talent for just being able to 'get' things, often being able to grasp a subject or concept that others may have to study for hours to nail down, just by having it explained to her once, and, due to this She can usually breeze through her studies with little effort on her part, much to the chagrin of several other students of Colonial High. That being said, despite his grades he holds very little interest in the majority of her subjects, taking most of them because of her confidence in her ability to breeze through them with little effort. The one subject she seems to hold any level of investment in is English, indeed, it is likely the only class you could catch her actively paying attention in, assuming that she doesn't already know what's being taught, which, more often than not, is indeed the case.

Aside from her academic skills, she is well known around school for her undaunted attitude. She rarely ever shows concern that her performance at whatever it is she happens to be doing will be anything less than perfect, in fact, she barely even considers the possibility that she could fail at any given task, the past few years, nay, near her entire life being filled with success after success. Alongside this, for better or worse, comes a rather blunt personality in general. She isn't the type to hold back her thoughts, more oft than not being one of the domineering members of a conversation, regardless of who the other participants happen to be.

Personality Weaknesses: Arrogant - Blunt - Apathetic - Easily Bored - Cynical

"Meh. Not like they're even that bad."

As previously mentioned, she is more than a little bit blunt. She'll speak whatever happens to be on his mind regardless of the situation, or who she's talking to, paying little heed to to how uncomfortable, or infuriated his words may cause someone to become. Due to this she often has a hard time keeping friends, usually driving them off at some point or another from him, rather common, habit of outright insulting someone over the slightest discrepancy. On top of this, his confidence has lead into an strong sense of arrogance. She holds the belief that, should she try, she could rather easily surpass the few students in the school who hold higher grades than his, being fully convinced that she is by far the most intelligent student within Colonial High.

Other than this it should be noted that Ellis holds a level of disinterest in her surroundings that borders on apathy, something clear from her usual weary, monotone manner of speak that almost always persists, save for when she is either writing, or pissed. While, aside from a habit of teasing, she isn't the type to actively go out of her way to harm someone, she also isn't the type to go out of her way to help someone, she'd rather save a few minutes getting to her lunch spot than give a hand to someone being bullied. Additionally, her social skills aren't exactly up to stuff. Not to say that she's a shy individual, she's far from it, but, as you likely have an idea of by now, she isn't exactly the nicest of people. Furthermore, Ellis holds an extremely cynical mindset. She mistrusts others, being convinced that those who have tried to befriend her since her entrance into high-school only do so to gain something or another.



July 17th, the beginning of Ellis's life, can, and has been described as many things. Born in a hospital of no real importance, within a town of even less, even the birth itself was for the most part, decidedly average and uninteresting. Following this trend, nothing of particular interest happened during the first months of her life. But, as time went on, she began to show a significantly increased rate of mental development, already beginning to display levels of comprehension on par with the typical child of twenty-three months by the age of one. Of which her parents, as one would imagine, were elated, but, due to her still young age, they decided to leave things unreported for the time being.

Entering kindergarten, Ellis often found herself being showered by praise from her parents, and, had come to accept it as a sort of norm. Not to be disappointed, the effort she extended in class, alongside her above average comprehension abilities, quickly netted her a spot as the 'teachers pet' of her kindergarten. However, with both she and her classmates still being of a young age, she was thankfully spared from the spite and teasing that could be expected from children of a slightly more advanced age. As she advanced into primary school however, things were set to change. Continuing her conquest of the education system, Ellis consistently found herself as the top scoring student among her classes, and, at this point in her life, actually putting in the extra effort to help it stay that way. Unfortunately though, with their growth in age other children also became bolder, beginning to tease her for her studious ways. Starting off as nothing of any concern, Ellis ignored it for the most part, simply going on with her usual routine. But, as the years when on those who chose to harass her would only worsen in their attempts, going out of their way to publicly embarrass her at any given opportunity. And Ellis, currently being a much, quieter, shyer girl than she currently is, wasn't one to go out of her way to stop them, simply taking it for as long as she could hold out. For most, one would find a breaking point amongst all this, but, Ellis was fortunate enough to be blessed with an anchor to help her work through those difficult times. A boy, a friend, a best friend, who stood with her through thick and thin, without a single care as to the ridicule that he would take on as her associate.

Moving on to middle school though, he found her friend lost, his parents moving off to some far off region of Canada. With his loss, and her attendance of the same school as many of her previous peers, she retreated into the world of writing, as both a genuine interest, and an escape from her school life. Things however, would only continue to worsen. While most who had once partook in her harassment and grown enough to move on, a select few still were determined to keep up their ways, and, despite the greatly lessened participants, those who remained grew increasingly malicious with their torments. As things worsened, she grew increasingly attached to her writing as a sort of security blanket, this though, would only lead her to finally reach a point at which she would break. Eventually catching on to her habit of writing, her bullies began to use it as a target, stealing and destroying a, rather lengthy, story she had been naive enough to work on at school. Almost immediately Ellis began to dissuade them, intentionally distracting herself in class as to purge herself of her title as a teachers pet. This, did seem to work for a short while, but, as a major test came along, Ellis still found herself passing with ease, something that would only cause to further irritate the bullies. As this carried on, things slowly began to quick back up where they had left off. This, the final straw so to speak, began her from the shy bookworm Ellis once was, into the girl she is today. As a result of the resurfaced bullying, Ellis began to develop an increasingly pessimistic view of the world. The way she saw things, whether she would tend to her academics, or whether she ignore them in their entirety, she would suffer for it. So, as one last attempt, she tried to fight back. Surely enough, whether it was due to her intelligence, or her knack for writing, she was able to give back to the bullies with ease, aggravating them into a full blown physical attack, leading to their expulsion.

With the quick success of this method, Ellis soon began to take it on as her primary way of being, no more would she allow herself to be the weak, quiet little girl that was easy to pick on, and no longer would she hold her tongue and thoughts at bay. By the end of middle school, she would have become a completely different girl than the one who had entered it. Intelligent and Abrasive to a fault, she would no longer be found tormented during her free-time or the like. Moving into high-school, little changed. She maintained what had once only been a defense mechanism, willfully ignoring most of what was to be said in classes, and never went back to the girl she had once been. Sure, she wasn't set to make any friends the way she behaved, but, to her, that would only be giving people a chance to put her through what she had in the past. Truly, the only thing that really remained from her past self was her love of writing, even going on to have a few of her works published, at the age of fifteen. Her application to The Refugee of Eleven was one that had been unexpected. Most would figure the girl to be uninterested in such things, but, for reasons known only to her, she applied for a stay at the prestigious camp, and, with her grades, regardless of the effort put into them, there was no way she would be refused entrance.


"I'd rather this list was only two entrees long..."


In contrast to her lousy disposition towards school, and rather abrasive personality Ellis is an avid writer. She often spends many an hour weaving her own fictional worlds and stories, it not being uncommon for her to outright lock herself in her room, spending her time finishing off the latest chapter of a novel, in rather than say, sleep, or making her way to school. Speaking of which, the masses of effort than Ellis avoids placing into her schoolwork, often instead finds itself present in her writing, so much so that, despite her age, two of her novels, both being apart of a romance series, have been published, the first enjoying moderately good sales, and the second making it to #4 on the best sellers chart. Due to her use of the pen name Auria Kaname, this is only known around the school by the few who actually talk to the girl, and, after their experiences, most of which are unlikely to spread rumors of another one of her successes.


Now, when it comes to art, hobby is a rather strenuous term to call it, rather, she only repeatedly takes part in the activity out of stubbornness. Her artistic skills, in case you haven't caught on, are rather horrid, to the point where she somehow mangles to screw up her attempts to draw even stick figures. Now, usually, Ellis would outright abandon the activity altogether, but, due to her tenancies to include illustrations within her novels, she is determined to improve her artistic skills, if for no other reason than having to deal with an artist during her writing process.

Alas, in the four years she has been trying, she hasn't come any closer to improving her skills.

~Jogging and Running~

There isn't much to be said about this one. Ellis, despite her desire to just lock herself up in her room writing, has enough pride to keep in a fit state of body, or at least, to prevent herself from gaining weight. It is simply a hobby developed from routine, her only opinion on the activity being that of it being a decent way to wind down, or work through writers block.


Through no choice of her own, for the past six years Ellis has regularly attended an acrobatics class as one of her mothers attempts to provoke her into fostering more friendships, alas, as of yet, this has not borne fruit. Concerning this, Ellis surprisingly does not keep up her usual routine of succeeding at everything she attempts. Not to say that she is outright awful at the sport, but rather, she is decidedly average, the only outstanding strengths she displays, being outweighed by either another weakness, or her generally disinterested attitude towards the sport, though, she must admit, alongside her habit of jogging, it is rather handy when it comes to getting away from the people she pisses off.


"Eh... This stuff is pretty OK"

  • Writing
  • Baths
  • Subdued Colors
  • Asian Food
  • Reading
  • People who think they're smarter than her. More specifically, she likes putting them in their place.
  • And lastly, Sweet Food, especially Stick Biscuits


"This stuff though? It sucks."

  • Swimming, (She can't swim)
  • Sleeping
  • Waking Up
  • Violence. It's not that she hates it, but she has absolutely no idea how to defend herself against it.
  • Soap Operas
  • Bullies
  • She can't deal with Sour Food, so yeah, that.
  • Caves, they terrify her.
  • Horror Movies. See above.

Clubs: None

Crush: Currently, nada, none, zero, zilch.

Timezone: NZT -13GMT​
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Everything you can imagine is real.
Pablo Picasso


Username: Shadow Naoto


"Punk fashionista~!"

Sylvia is a shorter young woman, with wild, pink hair tyed up in pigtails. Her nose is elegantly curved, and she has neat, white teeth which she brushes obsessively. Her eyes are a duller shade of bluish grey. She's a very expressive person, and you can often read her like a book, unless she's acting, which she does rather well. Her expressions are mostly on the extreme side. When she's happy, she'll grin brightly, and when she's down or sad, she'll be pouting and making it noticeable. Her skin is on the fair side, and she hardly has any blemishes or scars on it. Her complexion is healthy. She has soft curves, and her hands and fingers are very elegant.

Her style is mostly ornate, with pinks and reds and blacks. She often wears pleated skirts, or leggings. Popular patterns with her are skills, hearts, crowns, and bats. She wears necklaces and rings and bracelets whenever she gets the chance. She really likes wearing thigh high socks. In the colder seasons, she'll wear fluffy, furred coats. In the summer, she simply likes to wear skirts.


"Sylvia's the name, art's my game!"









"I like both genders, so no one is safe!"


Personality Strengths

"I'm the best in the business! Chic, cunning, overall amazing!"

Sylvia is mentally sharp. She's very clever and is a fast learner. This makes her good at hatching plans and finding loopholes if necessary. She picks up on lessons quickly, and can easily memorize and reiterate them if necessary. She's also a very good actor, and can lie easily without flinching. Her acting skills are very extensive, and she can fake accents if it's required of her. She's excessively creative, and always finds new ways to do something. Outside of that, she's very sociable and witty. People are often charmed by her friendliness and that way that she'll adjust her speaking patterns to make them more comfortable. She pays careful attention to what makes her friends uncomfortable, and is quick to avoid whatever does make them uncomfortable. She's thoroughly compassionate about what she does, and what she wants to do as a career. She's hardworking, dedicated and would do anything to achieve her goals. Her art is one of the most important things to her. And she's always looking to improve her skills.

She gets her work done in a timely fashion and never procrastinates. She's boisterous whenever cheering on a friend, and would defend her friends to the death if needed. If one of her friends is bullying, she won't be afraid to attack whoever is hurting them. Sylvia is resourceful, and independent, and will often figure out how to do things on her own. She doesn't try to be agreeable or friendly with everyone around her, and knows who to stay away from.

Personality Weaknesses

"Me? Weak in anything? Hah, that's a good one! I'm unstoppable!"

Sylvia is very competitive. She's constantly comparing herself to other people, to the point where it's a bit unhealthy. She's always aspiring to be the best in her field, and whenever she sees someone who she considers to be better than her, she works to best them. She works herself endlessly, and has even done so to the point where she's passed out. Sylvia is honestly impatient. When she feels something is taking too long, then she'll lash out. No matter who it is, she'll lash out at them if she's impatient. She gets very hostile whenever someone is late to a date or appointment with her. Her pride is immense, to the point where she has a little too much of it to be healthy. She does believe herself superior to numerous people. She isn't discreet about when she doesn't like someone, which can often result in unnecessary arguments. Rather than ignoring someone she doesn't like, she can move to attack them or insult them directly. She does have a temper, and can wind up speaking before she thinks her words through completely. If someone is annoying her, she'll definitely scold or verbally attack them. She is very easily provoked.

When she's upset, everyone around her can tell by how she complains. She holds grudges for an extended amount of time.


"Numba one artist!"

Drawing, painting, sketching, sculpting, cooking


"...Sweets and sleeping in!"

Cooking, sweet foods, summertime, the holiday season, warm days, sunny days


"...Peppermint and cold, mucky weather!"

Bitter foods, sour candy, candy canes, cold weather

Crush ( opt. ): None right now


"I was born and raised for greatness!"

Sylvia's mother was an artist, an a very talented and wealthy one at that. She was a woman who had cycled through several unhealthy relationships, before having her daughter with a man who left her before Sylvia was born. Although heartbroken at the way her relationships had turned out, Sylvia's mother never took it out on her. Instead, her mother's time was bent on making sure her daughter didn't make the same mistakes. Sylvia grew up a very informed young woman, with street smarts. She inherited a talent for art from her mother. Unfortunately, she inherited her father's impatience. Growing up, she was and still is one of the highest scoring students in her school. She became president of the art club, as well as the drama club, and has always managed to snag a spot in the school play. This summer she's managed to get a spot in Refugee of Eleven.

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time​
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Username: theunderwolf


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/mechanic.JPG.ad6ff3ab8849a342d2f56aaaaeeef2cc.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43295" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/mechanic.JPG.ad6ff3ab8849a342d2f56aaaaeeef2cc.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gwen stands at 5'3 and will claim to be 5'5. She is slimly muscled and seems a little fragile at first glance. A second glance shows that she is wire strong and fit with calloused hands and a steady touch. She has sharp features and dark eyes. Her haired is dyed white by dye (purposefully) and dyed black by engine grease (accidentally). She usually wears tank tops and pants with numerous pockets. She is never seen without her tool belt within arms reach.

Name: Guenevere "Gwen" Irons

Gender: female

Age: 16

Nationality: Irish

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality Strengths: Gwen is a naturally friendly person who generally loves having people around. She is ind and goes out of her wat to use her skills to make someones day better. She is naturally insightful and a lot more socially savvy then she lets on and is always willing to lend an ear to whoever needs one. She enjoys talking in general really and can always carry a conversation. Shes a die hard optimist and enthusiastic to a fault, though her energy can get away from her.

Personality Weaknesses: Gwen does not shut up. Ever. Even when she's listening to others speak, shes muttering her thoughts to herself. it gets even more overwhelming if shes amped up by something where her chatter can speed up and go off in increasingly weird ways, which bothers people. In that chatter she tends to be brutally honest when it suits her, often to a demeaning level. She gives people the hard truth in a friendly way and doesn't care about the consequences. Which she usually ignores, she can be quite oblivious to whats going on around her when she focuses on one thing, both when shes working and socially. her father often commented that when shes working the building could burn down around her and she wouldn't notice till the roof fell on her. She also hates social conflict and tends to avoid arguments and verbal fights, sometimes resorting to her fists to do so and when that wouldn't work she runs from the topic like a scared deer.

Hobbies ( opt. ): Tinkering, engineering, fixing, general mechanics, boxing and violin

Likes: Gwen's first love is to machines of all kinds, she fixes them, makes them and generally loves them. Whenever she's not fiddling with some device or another she's usually fiddling with her violin as its the only other thing that can keep her busy for any length of time. She's also what she calls a junior bartender, she loves mixing drinks of all kinds, alcoholic or not. And when she's done with that, she's more than happy to start or resolve a taproom brawl. Secretly though, she loves steamy romance novels and has a hidden stash, which will be shown to no one. Ever.

Dislikes: Gwen has extremely nervous hands and loathes not having anything to do with them, to the point of getting extremely nervous and jumpy. Just don't put tea in her hands to try and fix it. Gwen hates tea and its a huge source of frustration for her, for a reason she has yet to reveal to anyone. Gwens next hate is boring, close minded people. She hates people that don't explore and discover things as well. She finds that those people are never open to new ideas which she believes are the base of new creativity and innovation. Finally Never call her by her first name, she thinks it the most pretentious name her classics doctorate mother could give her. In addition it has gained her no shortage of Arthurian nicknames. Calling her queen is a quick way to get punched.

Crush ( opt. ): N/A yet... ;)

Background: Guenevere Irons was born and raised on the outskirts of Dublin. Her father ran a bar a block away and she was practically raised in the pub. She grew up smart and intuitive, learning to play the violin so she could earn her keep by performing for the patrons. Then her violin broke. And she fixed it. This was when she discovered her natural talent, mechanics. She quickly took to her new talent, learning how to to fix machines engines and almost anything she could get her hands on. Her talent eventually led her to being accepted into top tier private schools on scholarship and bullying by the upper class. Usually over the subject of the black engine grease in her red hair. Then she won her first barfight when customers got a little too rowdy one night at her Dad's. Then she bleached her hair and took up boxing. people haven't bothered her since. She was accepted into the camp on another scholarship, and can't wait to get out of her parents hair.

Timezone: Central -6 GMT



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/large.png.addffc4e1798bd511c330570f7527d2e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/large.png.addffc4e1798bd511c330570f7527d2e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After dawn there will be sunshine, and all the dust will go.



Appearance: Mildrith is a meek young lady, in a clever, Girl-Next-Door way. Standing at 5'4", she has a petite frame which, paired with her poor health condition, makes her appear fragile to the eyes of many. She has a somewhat tanned skin, a bit darkened from sunlight, and a few freckles on her knees and shoulders. Her hair is naturally wavy and golden, with even lighter streaks that frames her heart shaped face. Mildrith has a small chin, a somewhat pointed nose, and a mouth that is usually in a small smile. Her eyes are interesting; a color that could be called aquamarine; an intense blueish green, framed in dark blonde lashes. She uses honey colored contacts since a childhood friend of hers told her that it would match her hair. Mildrith wears simple clothing, not anything overly suggestive, nor anything prudish. She is usually seen in a tank top, paired with a cardigan, along with a long, flowing skirt and ballet flats.

Name: Mildrith Müller

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Nationality: German-American

Sexuality: Straight (Heterosexual)

Personality Strengths: Affable, Calm, Diligent,Optimistic, Sincere, Loyal, Modest

Mildrith is probably the most genuine, honest, and pure person you could ever meet. She is clever, mostly book-smart, and sure of herself. That said, she's not one to shout her opinion to the world, or boss anyone around. She prefers taking direction and following instructions, and grasping at straws and winging it makes her nervous. She isn't shy, necessarily, but she is a pushover, and people take advantage of her inability to hurt someone on purpose. She's always trying to spare someone's feelings, and that often means she struggles with breaking bad news to people. She does worry a lot about people she cares about, and much like a mother hen, will do all she can to make these people comfortable and happy. Mildrith is an extreme pacifist, hating any fighting in any way. She is slow to resort to violence even in the name of self defense, she is so uncomfortable with it. She prefers to compromise and talk people down from doing foolish things that they can't take back. She could be called a bit gullible, but it's more of a large pool of trust to draw from. She doesn't believe in always being suspicious, and doesn't hold grudges. This makes her a helpful confidant, and friend, but easily betrayed, and an easy victim.

Personality Weaknesses: Cowardly, Gullible, Timid, Weak-willed

"Once, there was a girl. And she loved others very, very much. Far more than she had ever loved herself."

Biography: The doctors said that her birth was far too fast. Her heart stopped twice during the operation, but yet she survived, living with the burden of one weak lung. Mildrith Müller was born in the summer of '97 with eyes of blue and hair as fair as the warm summer's breeze. She inherited her mother's flaxen gold locks and easy smile, while her eyes resembled her fathers'; bright and blue like the oceans that he had sailed on many years ago. The Müllers -- WIP--

Club: ( Max 2 )

Hobbies ( opt. ):







-The patter of rain

-Late movie nights

-Walking through nature

-A good book paired with hot chocolate

-Laughing with a stranger

-Jumping through the sprinkler

-Singing along to the radio

-Log cabins

-Piles of pillows and blankets


-Anything too sweet





Crush ( opt. ): No one at the moment.

Timezone: Pacific Time Zone (UTC-08:00)



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Be strong. You never know who you are inspiring.

Life is too short to limit yourself



A tall man who stands at 6'1 (1.87 metres) and weights a good 170 lbs (77 kg), his otherwise lanky built somehow made better by defined muscles and broad shoulders, both resulting from obsessive training. After all, practise makes perfect. Or at least something better than what was originally - an eerie, skeletal frame that threatened to be broken by the slightest gust of wind.

His bodily state is not the only thing the man has altered regarding himself appearance-wise. His once dirty blond hair is now replaced a pinkish red ball of fluff that he doesn't really care to tend to, unless when it comes down to its seasonal dyeing. Thus his locks are constantly tying in knots, this seemingly permanent condition of theirs only being worsened through playing sports. The situation regarding his skin is no different as Daan doesn't really bother to use any sun-cream and just leaves it tan under the blazing heat of the summer sun, that orb of fire he has become addicted to ever since taking up sports. Probably the only aspect of his outlook that has not been changed in the least are his light blue eyes, sharp and defined, adorned by elegant eyebrows, that still retain the mischievous sparkles they emitted when he was still barely a child. After all, they were his only lovable characteristic of his back then, as a thin build that made one look like a sheet of paper in profile or hair that seemed constantly filthy are not attractive in the very least.

Anyway, as with everything else, preoccupying himself with fashion and clothes in not one of Daan's priorities. His choice of clothing is on the "freer" side of things as he is always seen wearing something loose and baggy, plane and simple, to allow him to feel comfortable in his skin and a little more liberated, as we can never be completely released since we ourselves are made up of cells. Nevermind. His articles of choice are grey and white T-shirts as well as tank-tops, checkered shirts, jeans, sweatpants, sport jackets and trainers. Accessories and the sort are completely out of question, except for the occasional hairpins.

Daan Alderliesten

Identifies as male, yet doesn't mind any pronouns being used to address him and is pretty much a genderfluid individual still in the closet.


Canadian of Dutch origin

Fresh out of the closet pansexual

Personality Strengths: Ambitious, Level-Headed, Adventurous, Positive

Daan is someone who sets his goals high and shoots for them until his body starts aching and eyesight blurs out. Even after complete exhaustion, he pushes on, disregarding all the negative effects that stress might have on his physique and mentality since hard work has been his best and only ally throughout his lifespan. It has made his hands and soul rougher, tougher, able to withstand all pressure and go over the limit. He is a machine when work needs to be done and he sweats blood not for the pleasure of someone else but to better himself and himself only.

However, he would never be able to function properly if ambition was his default state so in the meantime Daan is quite the calm and relaxed person, a trait many have noticed and admire (which undoubtedly feeds his already huge ego). This helps him stay balanced and with a clear mind in order to be able to fully enjoy life - another thing he undoubtedly does. Sure, he has heard about how great pessimism is because "no matter what, you are either right or pleasantly surprised". Yet, Daan would much rather always keep his hopes up, his lips curled in a radiant cheeky smile, due to the fact that he does not fear failure. Fail once. Get back up. Fail twice. Fail better. Keep going and going and going. It's misfortune that is our lives' drive, that allows us to recognise fortune and the beauty that is around us. That's right, this world is beautiful and thus the man craves to travel it. To run away with no luggage at all and just hitch-hike around the wondrous Earth, only his adventurous and curious mind to point him in the right direction and the sun as his only companion.

Personality Weaknesses: Self-Centred, Vengeful, Cunning, Back-Stabbing

The world is Daan's amazing domain that revolves around him solely. Or, at least, this is what he believes. In his mind he puts himself first, which is good to some extend, yet when it goes over the limit of what is rational, such a thing becomes unhealthy. Unfortunately, Daan has little to no regard for others, a part of his personality he is blissfully unaware of. Other people seem to be only some shadows lurking around him that he treats lightly and thus has no trouble abandoning. Such a thing as "friendship" is something the man is yet to experience since he has only acquaintances who he would probably leave in the blink of an eye if it meant he could benefit from doing so. People to him are easy to get over. They are gullible as well. This allows Daan to use cheap tricks, something he does not regard as unfair or mean but just a means of getting what he wants and coming out on top.

However, there are, of course, occasions in which he cannot prevail and is ridiculed, beaten. Personal honour is above all in his eyes and when someone triumphs over it so unceremoniously, a grudge is fast to start growing in his heart. It is not a violent type of anger but rather a cunning one which makes him seek revenge and always carry through with his payback.


Hiking - Out of all the sports he practises - basketball, track, soccer, rock climbing - this activity is by far his favourite one, especially when done in solitude so that the mind can be set to rest. It is certainly not as intense as the other ones, and that is the beauty of it - that through such a simple action you can go to great lengths.

Travelling - The world is his domain and is it a shame that Daan hasn't gotten to explore it all. Yet, even the little he has seen so far of Europe and South America, has gotten him awfully excited for the day he will get to run away.

Languages - Despite already speaking being fluent in three (English, French, Dutch), Daan's thirst for more is still unquenched. And it probably never will be. Despite sports being his current main focus, he dreams of being a polyglot.

Photography - This is a little hobby of his he dares not share with others, as he feels he is bad at it anyway. Yet, it still is something he takes great pleasure in doing.

Likes: Going on walks, The summer heat, Freedom, Vintage Cameras

Dislikes: Being looked down on, Losing, Humiliation, Obligations

Crush: Life. Though, when referring to a person in particular, no one currently... besides himself, of course.

Background: Daan was born into a middle class family in Quebec, Canada, though both of his parents were Dutch. His mother and father were wonderful people and he lived a comfortable, average life, though an aspect of his ruined his childhood - he was born an awfully skinny, lanky boy, barely able to go outside in fear of the many stranger's judgemental gazes. Even when he did exit his home, he had to put on layers upon layers of clothing, that never seemed to be enough. He hated his body, he hated himself for looking as he did and he hated his parents for bringing him into the world looking like a walking freak-show. His scrawniness was revolting to him and only after throwing a tantrum did his parents come to acknowledge the way he viewed himself. As a result, Daan's old man took it upon himself to introduce the kid to sports. More particularly, basketball. Sceptical at first, since he believed he wouldn't ever be able to even lift the ball, Daan was surprised to see some improvement after a month of practically being forced into training by his dad. After this occurrence, his parents no longer had to push him as he took it upon himself to become better.

Practice makes perfect and by the time he was 13, Daan had become captain of the basketball team as well as had began training in many other different areas and, despite being excellent in his academic work as well, he was awarded a scholarship for his physical abilities and accepted into a private school. "Talents", some people called it, yet Daan knew it was nothing of the sort. Just hours of though work.

And even after being recognised he still kept on pushing further, as he realised he was far from perfection, and thus his life slowly began centring around training (something he currently regrets). It was even at a basketball practise that he came out in front of the whole team as being queer. "Alderliesten, what is wrong with you, boy? You are having so much trouble shooting straight!" his coach had said, to which the response was "Well, I am also having trouble being straight.".

It was maybe after this occurrence that he kind of alienated himself from others and focused a little more on himself, taking up photography in the meanwhile and realising that he didn't want to be stuck playing ball his whole life. Yet, he continued and still is abusing his "talent" and as a result got a spot in this year's Refugee of Eleven.

Timezone: UTC​




Riley is an average teenager, with quite an average to above average body. At a stature of 5'11 and weights at an estimated value at 157 lbs, he sees himself at well fitness level. The concentration of muscle mass lies at his legs though, due all the time playing soccer or hiking in the woods. Riley doesn't worry about maintaining his body image and eats whatever he wants, a fast metabolism also helps. Due to his lack of caring for his body, he doesn't do much for his sleek black hair, leaving it ruffled up most of the time unless he's going out somewhere 'important'. When it comes to clothing, Riley prefers a sleek and firm fit, settling with anything that fits those qualifications.

Name: Riley Burk

Gender: Male

Age: 17​

Nationality: American of Irish descent

Sexuality: Swinging for both of the teams, Bisexual

Personality Strengths:

Friendly, loyal, logical

Riley is extremely friendly to anyone he meets, wanting to be everyone's friend rather than anyone's enemy. This stems from how he was raised by his parents, to be nice and friendly to everyone despite how they may treat you. He always strives to be the better person. Riley loves having friends and prides himself with having creating so far few longlasting friendships throughout the years. Along with friendship, he also strives for loyalty. Doing anything he can to help a friend in need, Riley is there in the darkest of times for his closest friends. Although, people might think that Riley is foolish for thinking so highly of friendship, he's actually a logical person. His love for reading and writing leading him on a hunt for knowledge. Yes he might seem foolish for such optimistic beliefs, but knows a thing or to.

Personality Weaknesses:

Stubbornness, friendliness, blunt.

Him wanting to be everyone's friendship can come off as quite annoying to some people, they find is over friendliness overbearing. Not to mention Riley can be quite pushy when others reject his advances in wanting to be friends. In otherwords Riley doesnt like to give up, being quite stubborn. It is due to this that the teenager can also come off as annoying when he is constantly trying to get somone to be his friend, or just be simply annoying due to his jubilant attitude. Riley knows he should dial back, but he finds it hard not to be so cheerful and straightforwrd with others.

Hobbies ( opt. ):

  • Camping- Riley loves to go backpacking through the wilds whenever he has the chance and not in school

  • Soccer- Most likely, his favorite sport and enjoys to watch/play the sport, though he only plays casually and not for any competitions.

  • Writing- He is fascinating with writing: From poems to short stories

  • Swimming- Who doesn't love a nice dip in fresh cooling water?

Likes: The Wilderness, the gentle breezes of fall (favorite season), reading book of any sort, laying back to stargaze/cloud watch

Dislikes: Narcissist, closed minded people, anything bitter tasting, the color orange

Crush ( opt. ): Not a single soul at the moment, but is definitely looking.

Background: Riley was born and raised in Austin, Texas, his parents both Irish citizens but moved over to the states due to his father obtaining a high position in a law firm. His relationship with his parent's had always been great at first, they cared for Riley greatly, wanting their son to have the best life they could give him. They raised him to responsible but also fun. His favorite memories with parents always being when they would take off during the summer to go camping, whether it be at Big Bend National Park or Lincoln Forest. It due to this that he gained appreciation for both city life and the openness of the wild. It was due to the openness and loving parenting of his mother and father that Riley grow love the aspect of friendship and spending time with others. It was early on that Riley love for soccer flourished and was placed in city team where he enjoyed mingling with others. Although his team wasn't very good, he always had fun going out on the field and spending time playing with his teammates.

During the last year of middle school Riley discovered his love for reading and writing and soon found himself spending weekends in his room reading a good book. It wasn't long before he decided that he wanted maybe follow a career in publishing. When he went on into high school, he continued on his goals as well as joined the school's soccer team, making great friends along the way.

When he was in his junior year of high school, Riley came out to his parents as bisexual and they supported him just the same as they always did. He did catch some flake for it at school, but it never bothered him, he just kept doing what he had always been doing.

Currently, Riley is looking forward to attending camp and meeting new people to spend time with and bond with.

Camp: Academic/Sport

Timezone: Mountain Time Zone
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Mamaí and Móraí say I resemble the fae folk from the legends . . .
Elsi is a petite child; ae is hardly taller than five feet tall, and weighs little more than ninety-seven pounds. Ae does not possess any visible muscle mass, and is too small to possess even the hint of a male or female figure. Aer skin is quite pale; in the right lighting aer skin is paper white, broken up only by the many freckles that bespeckle aer face, torso, and limbs. Elsi has a round face, shaped slightly to accentuate aer arched brows and cheekbones. Aer nose is thin and long, the tip of aer nose is turned up and could be described as 'cute as a button'. Aer has narrow, deep set-eyes, and ae is never seen without dark circles beneath aer eyes. Aer eyelashes are thick and long -- they often stick against the lenses of aer glasses and often find their way into aer eyes -- and sections the black lashes have faded into shades of dusty gray and powdered white. Aer irises have no easily distinguishable colour; due to science ae is sure no one would care about, they have a tendency to shift shades and even entire tones in different forms of light and with emotion. Medically, however, aer possesses emerald green eyes with flecks and circles of amber. Elsi has crooked teeth despite years of braces -- her retainer broke -- and aer toothy smile is often an uneasy white due to bleach treatments. Aer has small, pursed lips that are dusty rose in colour.

Elsi was born with silver-blonde hair that never quite darkened with age. Aer hair is quite unruly, falling past aer shoulders in tight, corkscrew curls; while ae wishes to be able to something with aer hair, ae is currently unable to get it cut or -- as ae prefers -- shaven off. On occasion, ae will straighten aer hair, causing it to fall past aer waist, but ae considers this to be a bothersome and useless act.

Elsi often has a preference for feminine presentation, though this does shift from day to day.

[ I am currently working on drawing and colouring a picture of Elsi; I hope the description works until then? ]



Ae was born Elsibeth-Ana O'Braonáin




But ae goes by Elsi as it can reflect both masculine and feminine traits.



I am Zilch -- Is that a concept too hard for your feeble minds to you to comprehend.
Elsi refuses to identify with any binary gender, saying that ae is agender. But honestly, according to Elsi aerself, pronouns are often confusing and stupid; ae is willing to go by female and, as a final option, ae is willing to simply be addressed as Elsi no matter the situation.



Fifteen years old.



I am descended from the land of the fae folks.
Elsi is Irish -- specifically, the Republic of Ireland.



Elsi is asexual, though ae does acknowledge that ae have a certain attraction for individuals of all gender identities. As far as it goes into romantic attraction, ae is still questioning.


ersonality Strengths

I don't suppose that I can list my silence as my greatest strength? Hmph.

Mild-mannered; Friendly; Charming; Passionate; Clever.

Elsi is a quiet-mannered, and text-book friendly sort of girl; any explanation of the latter would require a scientific explanation that borders on robotic, and the former explanation would be a detailed report on aer preference to listen that are partially due to communication troubles. Regardless, further explanation is recommended by Elsi aerself.

Elsi has a preference for silence that is not in any way due to aer disability; by remaining silent, ae has the option to listen and learn. Through this, Elsi considers aerself to have mastered the idiosyncrasies of social interaction -- at least, to the extent that it is possible. Ae is able to read the body-language and emotional cues of another, and has a remarkable ability to outwardly emphasize with aer fellows. By applying the knowledge ae gains, Elsi is able to interact with the world on a socially required level.

Ae has become the type of girl to initiate a conversation with energetic mannerisms, and aer replies and reactions are often considered to be ' adorable ' and ' charming '. While aer processings are complicated and aer replies few-and-far between, ae does give off the vibe of a friendly soul.

Outside of social interaction, Elsi is a passionate young teenager; in some circles, aer studies and hobbies would be considered obsessive -- though ae considers these hobby-based obsessions as a positive due to the opportunities they have presented. Aer passions give aer a certain joy that ae hasn't found anyone else relates to, and helps fight off any low-moods and days of excessively low energy. [ More information in 'Likes' and 'Hobbies' ]

Elsi is, if nothing else, quite intelligent; while most would say this is due to the fact that ae was educated with this goal in mind, it is semi-obvious that this is one of aer natural-born skills. Ae is not fully aware of aer IQ -- upon receiving aer results, aer mother whisked the paper away and shredded it; all that ae knows, is that the reported number seemed to start with a number in the late-teens. Ae is known to think ' one thousand miles an hour '; ae is unwilling, and unable to slow aer thought processes. While this has led to negative side effects, it is generally viewed as one of aer intelligence-based skills. Ae is able to quite simply solve visual patterns and problems, and often finds aerself simply skipping to the solution. At times, this has lead to aer appearing as a bit of an airhead -- Elsi does not truly care, as ae views this as just another trait that causes aer to be ' adorable ' and desirable as a fellow. It is quite clear that information processing come easily to aer; to an extent, ae has a photographic memory and ae soaks in information like a sponge.

Personality Weaknesses

Athair says that I inherited my mother's paranoia and sensitivities; Mamaí and Móraí say my personality is ill.

Paranoid; Vindictive; Manipulative; Apathetic


Elsi is a paranoid and fearful creature; despite aer outward out-going appearance, on the inside ae is constantly shaken. The majority of aer paranoia is a reaction to social interaction -- specifically those that determine how well ae is able to blend in with the average crowd -- and mental harm. The slightest glare or the quietest whisper has the potential of triggering fearful thought processes; however, Elsi is some-what capable of visibly calming aerself, and works quite hard to direct aer thoughts to more logical thought processes. This has the added negative of tiring aerself out, and causing aer thinking to seem quite robotic. In general, aer understanding of aer own mental processings are quite poor, and the only capability ae has is to direct aerself to an emotional shut down.

Elsi is quite vindictive, often going out of the way to irritate those who are not considered to be aer fellows. Ae finds this to be quite enjoyable, though slightly irritating due to the cruel habits ae has formed. While Elsi is not often immediately cruel, ae is not the type to give more than one chance of redemption when ae is not in a robotic state.

Going off of the above trait, ae is considered to be quite manipulative even with aer fellows; ae may attempt to stay honest, but ae is known to be a compulsive liar. This, however, is not often noticed due to aer silence and aer attempt to keep the same persona available to the public. Ae is quite obviously not above lying, though ae will attempt to stay half-honest with those ae cares for.

Finally, ae is quite apathetic despite the fact that ae understands and is able to communicate with other humans on an above-average level. Ae cares little for the majority of human beings, and outside of social requirements, ae will attempt to project this attitude on days when ae is not doing aer best.


Ae is a fan of literary pursuits, often spending aer free time reading and, to a lesser extent, writing. The works ae reads ranges from the lightest of young adult novels to university textbooks that aer father has purchased for aer.

Ae has a natural skill for art, despite aer refusal to put above a minimum amount of effort into this. Aer discovery of this skill was due only to a wish to be well-rounded. On a similar note, any interest ae shows in athletic events is due to this same reason; this includes aer hobby of climbing and hiking.

Ae spends some time investing in the musical arts, though any person would notice that ae is in no way talented in these pursuits.


Cuddling under blankets.

Reading; Comics.

Hiking -- otherwise ae hates the outdoors.


Creativity in general.

Learning & Studying.




Eating in general.

Swimming -- ae is terrified of drowning.



Those who rival aer in any manner.

Aer sister and mother.



I doubt that this was designed to be a romantic retreat . . .
Elsi has no current crushes, though ae has aer eye on a few attractive folks.



I cannot understand why you would even remotely care about my past; I bet you only want to take a jab at the mute girl, don't you?
Elsi was born in the Irish city and borough of Kilkenny, into a highly-educated -- if admittedly chaotic -- family; aer was considered to be the product of genius and aer life-style certainly reflected this fact. As the technical youngest of the five children, and one of two biological females, ae was put through a vigorous childhood of intellectual challenge in the guise of home schooling. The majority of aer childhood not spent focusing on aer education, was spent moving between visitations to one of the two Kilkenny psychiatric wards, and the Gaelic Rose -- a chain of brewery, owned and operated by aer Mamaí and Móraí.*

Elsi's primary parental figure was aer father, a frightening and some-what strict man who was often referred to with the formal term: Athair. Aer father was a well-known educator at St. Kieran's College, and specialized in studies of advanced mathematics and sciences. Ae would never consider aer other parental figure, aer mother, as a close family relation. Known simply as Máthair, aer mother was a well-known researcher in Kilkenny; her focus of research was never entirely explained to her children and, by the time of Elsi's birth, aer mother's interest in her research began to fade. By aer fourth birthday, just as ae was entered in formal education, aer mother had begun to display the signs of severe mental illness. By the age of eight, aer mother often spent her time in the various psychiatric ward, and was unable to be considered a true guardian of her children. In time, aer maternal grandmothers began to take the place of this missing parental figure.

In regards to aer siblings, most would consider ' it ' to be statistically strange. Five short years before aer birth, aer eldest brothers were born: a pair of identical twins that took after their mother in many ways, including erratic tendencies. Aer birth, though, would be considered to be on the strange side of things. Fifteen years ago, on a cold winter night, ae was born as the youngest of triplets. The oldest of three was aer only female siblings, and aer identical in most physical ways. Following her birth, ae brother came into the world -- ae would like most to know, that he was and still is the only truly agreeable one of the siblings and aer only rival in her educational pursuits. Most obviously, aer birth followed.

However, there was a sort of complication. Whether it happened during aer birth, or perhaps it was due to aer environment, ae was never on verbal par with aer siblings. Elsi was born a practical mute, unable to speak above a hoarse, whisper -- and even that was known to cause an extreme amount of pain -- and the words ae did speak were often accompanied by a relentless stutter. Despite the fact that Elsi is a genius -- this is true in a literal sense, ae was accepted into MENSA at the a young age and has a known IQ greater than 150 -- on all intellectual levels, Elsi is incapable of verbal speech; this was quite different from aer sister. To get around verbal communication issues, Elsi has become fluent in both British and Irish Sign Language, and is on aer way to mastering American Sign Language.

As St. Kieran's College is a a secondary school purely for the education of males, Elsi and aer sister were enrolled in a private curriculum composed of rigorous studies organized by the watchful eye of aer Athair, and extra-curricular organized by aer Mamaí and Móraí. Due to this program, Elsi was accepted into the Refuge of Eleven; aer reason's for accepting would only be aer ability to escape the chaos of aer current life, and prosper without being shadowed by family relations.

*Mamaí is an Irish term of endearment for mother; however, due to sour maternal relations, aer only true mother-figure would be one of aer maternal grandmothers. This would be used untraditionally. Móraí is a similar term of endearment, specifically for female grandparents, so the remaining maternal grandmother would be called by this. If it isn't clear, they are lesbians.



Eastern Time Zone
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Username: kira blackthorn



At 5'4 and 120 lb Taylor is rather small for his age though he is also toned and lilth. With light tanned skin and messy bright red hair that goes to the middle of his neck and falls into wide green eyes he knows hes cute. He won't show it but he knows. This is helped by the three small scars on his right cheek and his punk but classy style giving him a mysterious Yet cheeky look. One he just adores by the way.

Name: Tyler Allen

Gender: male

Age: 16

Nationality: Irish

Sexuality: homosexual

Personality Strengths:

Taylor is a cheerful mischievous joker who uses his brains to his full advantage when pulling a prank. He's kind and very friendly often the first to greet someone new. He has a very open artistic mind that he shows in quirky ways. This helps his pranking. He is also very adventures and curious

All this means one thing. He gets in trouble. A lot!

Personality Weaknesses:

Taylor is a little sensitive though he hides it behind lots of colors and smiles. He hates to be alone or yelled at. Tayor finds himself incapable of being cruel no matter what someone does to him. Instead he opts to be the balance between brave and cruel. The only time he can be cruel is when someone goes after those he cares for. Then all bets are down. He's a little vain but doesn't show it.

Hobbies (opt. ):


Drawing, painting, animals, horror movies, comedies, music, violin, guitar, singing, sweets, swimming, soccer, exploring, pranking, reading, and traveling.


Being yelled at, hurt, bullies, or anyone threatening those he cares for.

Crush ( opt. ):


Taylor was born on a rainy afternoon to a bartender and a traveling journalist in South Lanarkshire, Scotland. Growing up his father was often drawn away by his job. This meant Taylor saw little of him. However this didn't really faze him as his mother cared for him enough for the both of them when he was gone.

She tried her best to get him to open up and give him what he needed all to be well while trying to keep him close to her and being able to mother hen him all the time. At the tender age of six Taylor showed off how well he understood and how smart he was when they came to an agreement. His mom would back off in public and he would try not to do dangerous stunts as well as read a kids book everyonce in a while. This didnt really work as appearently the pub his mom worked at wasnt considered a public place and, oh yah, he hadnt yet learned how to read. He quickly fixed the reading problam though. Especially when he realized how embarrassing it was when his mom read him a fairy tale in front of everyone at the pub. So at Seven he learned a new found love for reading.

Taylor probably spent more time then was healthy around adults as he found even at seven! he understood them better then other kids. Then again at that age he considered every other kid little weird demon spawns and himself as a fallen Angel. While totally ignoring the fact that he was the one labeled the demon spawn by most adults. Suffix to say... he grew out of this by the time he was eight. Mostly because it was either that or he will really begin understanding what adults are talking about. Then he really began to open up and gain friends. Though he still found himself enjoying the company of adults more.

This meant his mom quickly passed on her love of drawing in the hopes to get him to settle down and get out of her hair so she can actually work. Taylor quickly discovered he loved to draw as much as his mom and expanded it to painting because of one thing. More colors! When his mom passed away when he was ten then he used their shared love for drawing as an achor. This especially helped when his dad decided to move them from Scotland and to take him on the road while homeschooling him.

Thus, began a long five years of traveling all across the world. Doing this he became braver, wiser, and even more clever. After all how else was he going to prank other people in new countries if not in style? He also learned more about the world and began picking up new hobbies, skills, and even a couple of languages. Despite all this he still began to feel lonely as they never stayed in one place for very long. He expressed his feelings to his dad who then felt it was in his best interest if he was sent to live with his uncle. In New York. He hadn't been there before so agreed and quickly began learning the ways of New York all the while attending New York's school of the arts.

Timezone: central

Club: wip
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"Either you sink or you swim, the decision is yours."


The Servant



Felix stands at a grand 6'10 and weights a total of 210 lbs. His long straight purple hair reaches his shoulders, forcing him to pull it back every time he goes out for a swim or some simple training so that it doesn't get in his line of sight. The reason why the color of Felix's eyes seem to closely resemble that of his hair is because he wears a pair of purple contact lenses. In reality, his iris's color is a greysih tone of green.

When it comes down to his physical body Felix's skin isn't nothing to brag about. Even when he passes hours below the sun his skin always keeps a light tone, almost even pale. But thanks to all of the hours putted into training Felix has developed an ectomorph type of body build. It may just be above average and can barely be considered as muscular, but Felix doesn't seem to try to develop it any further since he claims "It's good enough to get that job done"

Felix's clothing hardly seems to variate as it usually consists of a different colored sweater, a light toned shirt, a pair of dark toned jeans and brightly colored sneakers. Occasionally he will be seen wearing tie, but this situation are pretty rare. The lack of ironing in all of his clothes has completely wrinkled them up, but Felix doesn't seem to really care about it.


Felix Hamza



Age: * 15-18*



Born in Belgium, raised in the UK


Felix may not show any sort of attraction for either genders so many classify him as asexual, but the truth is that he is pansexual.

Personality Strengths:

Calm, Kindhearted, Humorous, Determined

Even during the toughest of times Felix has learnt to always keep his chin up and keep walking without losing his cool. He always affronts his problems in a very mature way and tries to find the best way to end it. While his appearance may say otherwise Felix is truly a compassionate soul. If he sees someone in need of help he will approach them, try to assist them and after he is done Felix will just walk away like if nothing happened.

His expression may be bland, but that's not the case with his sense of humor. From time to time he will throw a terrible joke or two, but his face will always remain as neutral as always. It seems that not even he can laugh at his own jokes. If Felix likes to do something he will do everything in his power to be successful at it. It could be either a sport or a videogame, but that doesn't matter to Felix, he will try to do his best at it and won't let anything stand in his way.

Personality Weaknesses:

Oblivious, Easily distracted, Credulous, Shameless

Felix has the bad habit of unawarely pointing out other person's faults and then wondering why they get angry or sad. Even when he is being yelled at Felix just stands there, confused of what's going on.
Remember how I said that Felix tries his best with the things he likes? Well, on the other side of the spectrum if he finds an activity to be boring or not of his liking Felix will probably even get distracted by the smallest fly and simply ignore the activity all together.

Seeing how Felix has been following orders ever since he was born he has grown adjusted to the feeling of being ordered around. His inner kindness just worsens this and will most likely do anything he is told to, even if this may hurt himself.
Felix truly doesn't seem to care about what others think of him, which has lead to some pretty embarrassing scenarios. For example, when he was still 15 years old his classmates jokingly said that the next day all male students would have to dress up like a girl so Felix did so. Even when all the other students laughed at him Felix just kept walking, wondering why they were acting like that.

Hobbies ( opt. ):

-Water Polo/Swimming

"My two favorite sports by far..."


"....What?. Everything can be a hobby if you like it enough"


"In order to keep my mind away from distractions during my breaks from studying my mother taught me how to sew. I developed a strange affection for this craft after that..."


"I once locked myself inside the attic by mistake. While I waited for my parents to find me I began exploring the small room, and it was while doing so that I found a dusty book called "The Great Origami Book" so I began reading it to keep my mind busy. It took hours for my parents to find me, but by the time I stepped out of that attic I was a paper folding master."




-Listening to music

-Sunny days


-Talkative people

-His parents

-Rainy days ("I will still go into the lake, but it won't be the same...")

-Loud noises

Crush ( opt. ):

"I don't think so"


"My story? Well, I guess you could say that from the moment I was born a great weight was placed on my back: My family's legacy. My parents were always ahead of their whole class, same with my grandparents and my great-grandparents, so I guess you could that the bar was set pretty high for me...Maybe a bit too high."

"Ever since I learnt how to properly speak my parents tried to force their knowledge into my head. While all the other kids were playing with blocks I was trying to solve the Riemann hypothesis. While all the other kids were reading 'The very hungry caterpillar' I was reading Finnegan's Wake. While all the other kids were watching 'Doraemon' I was still trying to figure out what was up with 'Serial Experiments Lain'. So yeah, I didn't have the easiest life when I was a kid, neither did I have it later in life."

"I suppose that the only thing that kept me from finally snapping was my school: The Rosegarden Institution. You may think that it is my fellow students that help me out, but you would be wrong. For starters, the food there is both delicious and cheap. Every day I would throw away the lunch my mother made for me and replace it with some of the snacks served to me by the various vending machines. A bag of chips for lunch, a glazed doughnut for dessert and to down it all a can of cold cherry soda. The other reason for me liking Rosegarden so much would be the pools. Just to be clear, I always felt neutral about GYM. The only reason why I did well at it was because my parents forced me to do so, but when it came down to swimming I always felt It truly felt like all of me worries suddenly faded away and were replaced by a clear mind. Everytime I had the chance I would go for a swim, even during winter. After discussing it with the school's principal I decided to found a Water Polo team. A surprising amount of people actually decided to join, fourteen to be exact. We cold ourselves 'Poseidon's Wrath' and we were actually outstandingly good at it. The sport was undoubtedly tiring , but I always had fun with it. We are planning on actually participating in some tournaments after summer."

"I suppose that the only reason why I wanted to assist to The Refugee of Eleven was because I heard there was a beautiful lake the students could take a swim in. Seeing how the pool is now closed and I wasn't able to find any private pools close to my house I decided it was the best thing to apply to this camp"





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Finnik stands at about 5 feet on the dot, he doesn't like how short he is and would rather leave that subject alone. He usually dresses in a rather normal style, very outdoorsy in a way.


Finnik Jamerson






American-from Milwaukee



Personality Strengths:


+Great With Computers


Personality Weaknesses:

-Borderline Introvert

-More Of An Indoor Person

-Terrible At Meeting New People

-Occasionally Annoying


Finnik likes being inside and on his computer and filming/editing/publishing videos.









Outside Activities

Any Idea That Hints At Going Outside
(Except for filming a video)




Finnik was born and raised for a short period of his childhood in the state of Wisconsin, in the unlucky joke-city of Milwaukee. Finnik never had any physical redeeming qualities, but what he lacked in strength and physicality, he made up for in imagination and creativity. His parents saw this potential in him and began to start urging him to make videos and that of the sort.

Whenever Finnik turned 14 his parents shipped him off to a famous private school to help with him making a future in filming. After staying for a couple of months, Finnik knew his parents had made the right choice; he had great grades and not to mention, he was as creative as ever. After a couple of years, Finnik had heard of a very, very high-up camp which only accepts very few kids. So at the age of 16, Finnik applied for the camp, hoping that he would be able to finally have something to brag to his kids about when he has some some day.

Well, his hopes have been confirmed, he has received his letter of acceptance and he shall be going to The Refugee of Eleven. Although Finnik is happy, he hopes he isn't outside too much.




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WIP!! Be finished hopefully soon. :)

Username: JadeWuvsCookies


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images-2.jpg.9b175c0656d346d47db6f0f2e2c9d7b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43804" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images-2.jpg.9b175c0656d346d47db6f0f2e2c9d7b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jamie isn't your typical girl. She's about 5'5"-5'6" and is very sporty and loves school. Day and night sports are her life, she luckily manages to stay clean. She has long blonde hair thats a little bit shorter than her waist when take out of a ponytail. When it comes to clothes its usually shorts and a tanktop unless she's getting taken on a date she dresses very nicely. (Lets say she has blue eyes) Her blue eyes sparkle and she blushes fairly easily which always seems to stay for a day or two. Jamie says she's ugly but people insist and tell her she's more than pretty, beautiful even. Inside and out but she always denies it. She keep a purple tie around her right wrist to remember her dad who she doesn't quiet see anymore. She tends to fool around a bit.

Name: Jamie Blue

Gender: F

Age: 16


Sexuality: Bisexual/Straight *If she goes for any girls she is very, veryy picky and you'll be lucky. She's mainly one to stick with the guys*


  • Sports - Anything involving sports she's great at and will always love
  • School- Believe it or not she loves school and is always reading so she is usually makes A's and B's


  • Boys- Boys are her all time weakness. Just one stare and you got her blushing, she is also continuously crushing.
  • Friends- She only has about 2 friends because she's bad at talking to people without the same interest unless they play sports.

Hobbies ( opt. ):



Crush ( opt. ): None right now as she might have a few later


Timezone: Eastern (EST)




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Username: Narwhal




Age: 15

Nationality: American

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality Strengths:

Personality Weaknesses:






Timezone: Pacific time

Club: Academics, Mountaineering
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1af8720f_85ceda369a9829c0098d887a5f0e9d10(1).jpg.6a6dd88df6e5ea0cbf726a84908af1e9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1af8720f_85ceda369a9829c0098d887a5f0e9d10(1).jpg.6a6dd88df6e5ea0cbf726a84908af1e9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dee Jay is taller then most other in his grade standing at about 6'2" and a weight of 165 and very skinny with not a lot of strength to him. Dee Jay tends to wear the same thing a lot or at least a hoodie all the time and he is always carrying around his bag and his journal. Dee Jay has ruffled hair that seems to be always messy, he tends not to care much because he will just put a hat on it so what does he care. Dee Jay tends to not care much for his body, he has a high metabolism and is not a jock freak who does nothing but work out, he is a gamer and always will be so he is lazy per say.

Dee Jay always has slight lines under his eyes showing he does not sleep that much and his clothes always seem to have no wrinkles, he does not know why but they normally do. Dee Jay's hair is dark brown and his eye color is a nice blue. Dee Jay's skin never tends to change it is always pale no matter how much the sun beats down on it, sometimes it tans a bit but thats it.


"I never had a family, so I just tell everyone to call me Dee Jay, my initials were that..wonder what my real name was.."

Dee Jay


"Pretty sure I'm male, but what If all males were females but did not know it yet.."


Age: * 15-18*

"17 if I remember"



"Murica' or at least I think I'm from america, what if I was Jamaican.."



"I have way to many problems for people to love me, like my tendency to never sleep...maybe my OCD...yeah too much to deal with"


Personality Strengths:

Dee Jay is really nice and tends to be kind to everyone. He is not afraid to help anyone if they need it and is very smart when it comes to anything really. Electronics, auto, schoolwork but he is not top of his class because he does not put himself out there. He is stuck in the past because of his issues. Dee Jay is normally really quiet which probably is for the better. He tends to stay to the back and not be all that annoying or arrogant. Dee Jay is not afraid to protect people though, even though he sits in the back it does not mean that he does not pay attention. He hates bullies so he helps most who are bullied.

Dee Jay is very funny and talkative once you get to know him. Because of his multiple theories about random things which people find funny. He tends go off on rants about certain things like the NSA and says a lot of weird funny things in the middle of it. Dee Jay is really adventurous and loves to go off in the forest alone.

Personality Weaknesses:

Dee Jay has a lot of problems. He is an introvert that sits in the back and does not talk much or get loud. Dee Jay has OCD and not the one where you do odd stuff or clean. The unwanted thoughts part of it. He really is a spaz and tends to be quite nervous all the time for some reason. He really sucks at making friends and just all around is an odd guy. He may seem really nice but he is always nervous and asking questions. But it is because of his OCD. Dee jay always has his heads stuck in some imaginary world. Forgetting this one just so he can be happy for once so he just ignores most of life. And just trails off into his own world which may be bad.

Dee Jay has a tendency to just wander away from things when he does not like whats happening. He tends not to care much for those kinds of situations. They freak him out so he just runs away, from most bad problems other then bullying. Dee Jay is a little lost in the clouds and tends to be very forgetful. He has the attention span of a goldfish and forgets everything he just said time to time. And forgets important ideas and such because he always compulses over something, and forgets everything else. Insecure, and constantly thinks bad about himself.

Hobbies ( opt. ):

Video Gamer

Playing card games

being all around nerdy





listening to music






Hanging with friends

Small Groups


Big Crowds


doing homework

having to listen


Crush ( opt. ):

"I do like someone but I have to many problems....they should have someone better..."


"Seeing how I have no family other than my uncle and grandmother back in New York they don't really mind so I'm here for a bit with my journal and such to work on a couple cases, I am great at cases and by cases I mean just review over my parents deaths...yeah. My parents were killed when I was younger, they never found the culprit so I swore to one day find the man who did this. (P.S- He is probably part of the Illuminati or the secret KGB) But it's all in the past now, I went to a couple of foster homes, no one wanted me because I was the weird brainy kid who could never shut up and was afraid of everything so my grandma who was housing my uncle took me in, they were awesome people but it felt lonely there because my grandpa was missing and my aunt was always in and out normally drunk. I moved to escape the past other than the case, I'm still stringing that together...but one day I will figure it all out, sorry it was such a brief history."





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