Cross Novac


The one true mistake
Name: Cross Novac


Age: 16

Year: Sophmore

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: Cross is a rather dark skinned character with an athletic body at a height of 5'9 with a weight of 165 pounds. He has dark brown curly hair but keep it short and has brown eyes (oh how special). He has X scars on his deltoids and one X scar over his heart. Cross also has two linear scars on his back seeming as if he cut off wings. 

Personality: He naturally kinda and always caring. He only fights when he needs to, such as when he spars, or if you have deeply offended him. He tries to the see the light in both situation and stay fair minded. He's a big lover and doesn't care about either sex so long as its a healthy and loving relationship. 

Background: From a youth he was always interested in flying but was told by his father to follow his families path and compete in sword fighting competitions. After years of training and finally impressing his father he was granted the right to go to any school he wants, so Cross took up the opportunity to follow his true dream and fly with dragons. Out of rage, his father scarred him on his arms, to prevent him from holding onto the reigns, scarred his heart, for his enemies to know where to strike, and scarring his back to prevent him from flying. After leaving his home and staying with his older brother, who is more accepting he now begins his first year at the school with almost no knowledge of dragons.

Strengths: As mentioned before he's well taught in sword fighting and has won several compositions. He has a high pain tolerance and endurance as well as quick bursts of speed, he was trained and built to last. Has quick thinking and naturally fair minded. He's also a history nut but only for human history.

Weaknesses: Naturally is a bit of a lost cause when it comes to relationships and has issues when trying to talk to those he finds attractive. While he has high endurance and bursts of speed, he is otherwise slow. He often overthinks situations thus clouding his mind. And of course, he has almost no knowledge of dragons which also affects his history with Dragons as well.

Likes: He's absolutely interested in dragons. Loves to have a good fight, and his heart soars when someone tries to cheat. Likes to train, always wants to improve his skills in sword fighting. Likes to write when he isn't training.

Dislikes: He dislikes his father for trying to keep him away from his dream. Dislikes the thought of failing the school. Dislikes people who go out of their way hurt someone physically or mentally. Dislikes any rumors, only wants the truth.

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