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Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

What does a sword eat? Was the only thing on his mind at that moment. As yuliae woke up in her usual mood. She demanded them both to follow her to the cafeteria. Feeling a bit uneasy as he realized he'd be going with Lloyd, someone he just met and Yuliae, someone he wasn't very fond of. Well at least she didn't call anyone commenor yet. He thought to himself with a sigh. "Commenr" Christian sighed agian, spoke to soon.

She then asked for his name, and Lloyd responded to the same question a second time. He was surprised though. Surprised at Lloyds brave quip about her height. Christians stomach growled as he hoped that an exchange of fiery words weren't going to begin with yuliae taking center stage, with that hot temper of hers.

Still though in the back of his mind, the sword Lloyd was carrying, was making him feel very nervous...

@Rexus434 @kurol
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Lloyd looked behind at christian, his curious stare was looking at him. Lloyd turned around and said "what's up with that look ? " he stopped walking and waiting for an answer
At Lloyds sudden stop, Christian grinded his feet to a halt. Trying not to get to close to him and his weapon. "Um... Uh... That... That sword? What exactly is... Is it?" Strangely the sword Lloyd was carrying was making Christian so uneasy that it brought back some nervous tendencies, like stuttering. Placing a hand on his mouth he tried to shake the fear out of himself. 'What's the matter?' he thought. "It's just a sword, a piece of metal! What is causing all this fear? He asked himself.

But there was something ominous about it, something Christian couldn't put his finger on.
"oh... this little bad boy" as he points to Kaudus "You haven't been around demons most of your life have you?" he proceeded. With a serious tone he adds by saying "yes,if you can't put two and two together, Kaudus is a demon soul enchanted in the stones you see here."The sword became brighter and a low voice could be heard " Puny earthling... can't even stand my presence." with a little flash the stones became brighter and emit a heat that christian could feel.
This was a Demon?!

Christian could feel it's power emanating from the stones Lloyd had spoke of. It gave off a heat that dried out Christians throat. He swallowed to regain his voice. Was he being impacted so hard because he was so close to it, or maybe it was his lack of magic knowledge. It's not like he had a high skill in protecting himself form other people's powerful auras of magic from piercing his own.

as the sword spoke insult towards Christian, the heat from the stones became more potent with each word spoken. Christian took two steps backward, placing his hand around his other arm, trying to make himself smaller. "I... I don't think I can." He said through heavy breathes.
Lloyd puts his hand on the sword and says "That's enough!"The sword followed his command.Lloyd explains while he followed Yuliae "i found it impaled in a demon's body the size of a 6 inch knife but with every kill it was like i was feeding the sword,it grew bigger and bigger and this is what i have now."with a funny grin,witch quickly turned into a confused look and added " what i don't understand now is that the sword doesn't change anymore...anyways its not like i want it 40 foot long either." Saying this loud enough for Yuliae to hear. " I'm here to further understand my unique weapon" he added as they walked down the halls.
Troy woke to feeling of comfort. His body no longer ached and his mind felt focused. He was content until he stood and felt just how stiff his body had been. "Well, that's gonna be tough." He stretched out his body trying to loosen the muscles before he went on his way looking for Yuliae. He stopped to take a shower and change into a new uniform before he went on his way. He didn't feel two days without a shower would be good for their morale. They needed to begin training before classes and before they were going to be sent out. It would take quite a while for them to get in sync, let alone be able to fight a demon.

As the two of them chatted, Yuliae mostly blocked them out. Something about swords, demons and being hungry, she barely recalled.


After a good meal, where the chef had been kind enough to make them sandwiches and drinks, Yuliae left. "I'm finished, commoners." Yuliae patted her mouth with a silky white napkin. She left the cafeteria, leaving the two boys alone. Surely enough, in the hallways, she bumped into Troy. "Watch where you're goin-- oh, it's you, commoner," she said. "So you can barely stand, huh? You've got a lot to work on if you're going to be my partner. Come, on, do you wan tto go to the gym now, or go somewhere first?"

((Still here just waiting on @HybridxForce and the other person the two of us are interacting with whose username escapes me right now because its really early and I don't do mornings))
(Yeah I'm sorry too, Been pretty busy myself. lol but i'm back. :) )

After getting a nice meal made by the grumpy chief, who wasn't very happy too see them at the current time, Christian made a sigh of good feelings. He was happy to get something in his stomach.

Not really sure what to do now that he had found the cafeteria, he looked over at yuliaes seat where she had been siting before she left abruptly. Probably finding it beneath her to interact with such 'commoners'. Christian sighed once more. "She left pretty quickly. Hasn't anyone ever told her eating that quick will give her stomach aches." Wondering if maybe he should find her to see if she was alright. But he quickly shook the thought away. She was a student here so that probably meant she was a lot tougher built then most regular humans. Even if she did get a stomach ache it wasn't like she would show it with that pride and all.

He looked back to Lloyd still sitting across from him eating. He had sat furthest away to ensure his own health. it was amazing how easily the sword had caused Christians body to feel its aura... such heat. Which brought so many more questions. Not really sure on what to do at this point he decided he would learn more about this mysterious student. "
So the sword grew bigger, but now its stuck on this size?" That was pretty cool he thought to himself. A growing weapon. The world really was enormous and filled with things christian had never seen. "How did you find a six inch knife in a demon? What were you doing near a demon?" Very curious at the story behind it.
A little bit outside of the school, a mysterious figure sneaks out of the school, and goes down a small green hill. The sky today was beautiful bright blue, with small clouds dotting the sky. Down at the bottom of the hill was a beautiful shore, surrounded by several types of trees, and other beautiful natural plants.

The figure reaches down to the shore, and the figure takes off his hood, revealing it to be Elden. He used his tribal tattoos to sense for spiritual pools, and he found this gem right outside the school. Granted, he could be severely punished for being outside school grounds, but he had to meditate. He takes off his shoes and pants, and he changes into a swimsuit with blue and white stripes decorating the legs. He pulls out a small vial of blue paint, and he decorates his body in waterproof spiritual runes and markings. He looks out into the sea, admiring the beauty. He takes in a deep breath, and he jumps into the water. The cool, clear water surrounds Elden as he swims to the middle of the small lake. He closes his eyes, and exhales. His body slowly starts to levitate out of the water, and he gets into a meditative position, being one inch above the water. He closes his eyes, and he slowly breathes, focusing all of his magical energy into his spiritual plain. He was now in a spiritual level, and what he now saw was the spirit world, but his physical body was still in the real world, his spirit just being in the spirit world. When he saw what state the spirit world was in, he was shocked.


The bridge of the Seven Stars was destroyed, and the entire island was covered in dense fog. Elden, in his spiritual body, floats around. What happened here?! He was so confused, and then, he started to feel an ominous presence. Something else was in the fognwith him. (For anyone to interact. FYI his body is in the real world, it is just his consciousness is in the spirit world)
Gun aimed at the forehead, and sword aimed at the neck; both Kyo and Cecilia faced one another, seemingly with intent to kill. Cecilia's Geared Assassin pointed right at Kyo, and Kyo's Wither Chaos just barely reaching the tip to Cecilia's neck, both stared emotionlessly at one another ready to end the others' life at any moment should it be necessary. "You're not the brightest... Then again, neither am I..." Cecilia said monotonously. "This would appear to be rather pointless," Kyo said in a tone similar to Cecilia's. Both simply withdrew their weapons, turning and going their separate ways in the hall. The two'd been alone for just ten minutes, and the hall around was diced up from head to toe, walls punched inward as though hit by bullets, and on top of all else with two giant holes in the floor from spikes going in them, alongside there being little patches of ice all around the place.

((Yeah, just t' get somethin' in...))
(( Hi everyone! So I was thinking classes will start soon. But we still have exactly ONE day of training and doing whatever before classes begin, then in a week we begin the battle! ))
((Kinda having some random dislike toward each other between Kyo and Cecilia, so don't mind me and the fact I'll probably be havin' them miss classes due to fightin', plus going all-out during practice by trying to kill one another... xD ))
"Wait, hold your thoughts, commoner," Yuliae said to Troy. She spotted someone wondering in small aimless circles in the courtyard. She decided she'd go check, since nobody else seemed to notice him. Yuliae jumped out the window with incredible agility, landing near him.

"Elden?" she said, as she looked at the boy. He didn't respond. His body was in this world, but his eyes showed him to be far far away in an unreachable destination. There was only one way to connect. Pain.

Yuliae drew Arcana, holding the giant sword at Elden. "I'll give you three, Elden. One.. Two... Three!" Yuliae slashed Elden's leg, not deep enough to be a bad wound, but enough to get a trickle of blood flowing immediately.

The mysterious beast in the shadows started to get closer and closer, and the fog thickens every time the beast got closer. "Wanderer, leave us." Elden hears whispering in the wind, and they kept repeating, growing louder and louder, and more repetitive until..

The beast in the fog steps out, and it looks at Elden with murderous intent. Elden's spirit body froze, not being able to do anything as the horrific beast charges him. Suddenly...

His eyes shoot wide open, gasping in pain as he feels a slightly warm liquid trickle down his leg- blood. (They are in the middle of a lake don't forget)

Eldens loses his levitation, and he falls into the water, blood staining the clear blue lake. Elden's head breaks the surface as he looks at Yuliae. "Thank you so much." @kurol
Yuliae rolls her eyes at his thank you. "Whatever, commoner," he said as she crossed her arms. Then she looked back at him with a strange stare. "What exactly were you doing in the lake, commoner?" she asked as she ran her hand through the slightly red water, stained by Elden's blood. "I mean, if it's one of your weird tiger thing traditions, I don't care. But you looked... distant," Yuliae says, searching for the right word to describe his far away look. It had been as if something had consumed his soul, leaving a mindless body back here. That was strange.

Elden's eyes darken as she mentions his communication. He looks at her. "It is a tradition, meditating. I wanted to see if I could find out what my clan was attacked by. But I found something just as horrific and terrifying." His tiger Like eyes gleam as he looks in the water, his blood slowly starting to stop flowing. He looks at Yuliae. "I an still known as commoner? I wonder what I need to do to get rid of that title." His ominous voice trails across the entire lake. @kurol
"I'll stop calling you commoner when I die, okay?" Yuliae sneered with childish attitude. "But don't whine about it, it's the same with everyone. Anyway, you says something destroyed your clan? It must have been a demon... Maybe it will show it's face at the battle against demons? Then you can go wild, tiger," Yuliae grinned, mischievously. The ominous aura he was creating had no effect on her own wall of nothingness and stone and fiery temper.

The ominous aura suddenly changed to a mysterious one. It couldn't be read. Elden's eyes get silvery as he looks down at the water. "Yes, a demon for sure. But no normal demon. If I do see her, I will end her. For my tribe." He looks at Yuliae. He threw a question at her, no hostility in his voice. Just pure curiosity and little emotion. "Do you feel weak?" @kurol
Yuliae put her sword back onto her back, glaring at Elden, who was taller than her. "Weak? No! Why would I, Yuliae Montgomery, feel weak?" Yuliae said, folding her arms. Although, at times she did have a trembling feeling run through her blood. Was that weakness..? No! Yuliae shook the thoughts of her being weak out of her mind. "Sometimes... when I'm fighting, I feel slightly disadvantaged... But it's only because I take pity on my opponents as to do as much as let them win!"


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