Crimson Fate Sign-Up


Here is the page where you can sign up if you want to RP in the story "Crimson Fate". This is the basic layout:


Race: (Human, Demon, Angel, or Half-Breed [must explain a half-breed of what classes])



Abilities: (Only Demons, Angels, and Half-Breeds have special abilities)

Weapon(s): (Set in modern times, so firearms are allowed)

Short Backstory:

That's about it. I'll start off:

Name: Cide Zodd

Race: Half-Breed (Demon and Human)

Age: 23

Appearance: Purple eyes, shoulder length white hair, and he usually wears dark clothing.

Abilities: Chameleon, Cloning, Blood Reading, Extreme Speed

Weapons: Dual Swords, one named Keimeikiba, the other named Koukonkiba.

Backstory: Born of a human mother, Cide always knew he was different from everyone else. Time seemed slow to him, and he was always faster than everyone else. He also had the uncanny ability to know whatever someone had done in the past by just tasting their blood. His mother would never divulge who is father was, so he merely waited until she had accidentally cut herself and tasted her blood. From then on, he left home to seek his true father.
Name: Kota Inugami

Race: Half breed (half demon half human)

Age: 16

Appearance: demon half human/Darkness_Cloud/Decorated images/power_of_abyss_by_hizuki24.jpg

Weapons: One sword named Daichi

Backstory: Born of a demon mother he thought he was better than everyone else but he was different from his mother, he had more human characteristics than his mother, and his father looked Human. He had a normal life training with his blade and craves someone strong to fight against until he can get stronger to kill the ones who killed his parents one night.
Name: Alistar Oldspice (i like the blog, so i named him after it)

Race: resurected human (by demons, so hes like a half-breed)

Age: 390


Abilities: supreme gun-skills

Weapon(s): 2x magnums (names Claire and Dylan, after his dead children)*/revolver.jpg

Short Backstory: once a famous bounty hunter, Alistar roamed the world, from europe to america to africa, he killed thousands, but all were bandits, he never kills for pleasure, only for defence, but after a last stand with a gang of bandits, when the lawmen refused to flank the bandits, Alistar ran out of bullets, he then confronted the bandit leader in a one-shot duel, but even after winning the duel, he was beaten and hanged by the bandits, with his corpse hung on a mountain.

years later, his family came looking for him, with a contingent of southern-north-american soldiers in the civil war, only to find him dead, his family was then set upon by those same bandits, killed and hung next to their husband and father.

now, resurected by a demon, he wanders the world, seeking answers, and looking for the remains of his beloved family, in the hopes of giving them a propper burial.


Name: Liam Brotsvir

Race: angel-human halfbreed

Age: 21

Abilities: hand-to-hand fighting, as well as some Angel abilities, but not all, he is incapeable of flight and is vulnerable to physical attacks.


Weapons: iron knuckles and 2 police battons (like this)

Backstory: born with a human mother and angel father, he was shunned by all angels, his father left him, calling him "unclean" leaving him to fend for himself.

his mother died of breast cancer when he was 11, and he has refused any addoptive parents, and he has grown up with his friends, being drawn into either fight-clubs, or into drug-dealing, or into gangs.

he chose fight-clubs.

he is a fierce fighter, but outside of the ring, and when not in combat, he is quite gentle and kind, he tries to be polite, but he is not good at it, seeing as how he has had no guidance.
Name: Talhar/Tarot ( Human name / Demon name )

Race: Human who divulged himself too deep in satanic arts and now has a symbiotic relationship with a demon ( So basically a half-breed )

Age: 29 / ancient ( Human age / Demon age )


Human Appearance:


Demon Appearance:



Human: Satanic rituals, Dimensional magic to open travel through the realms, Puppeteering

Demon: Brute strength, toxic breath and blood, flight, toxic magic


Human: No hand-to-hand or weapon skills, rituals and dimensional magic can not be used instantly but take time and preparation, puppeteering can only be used when eye contact is made and can only remain 'till the 'assignement' is fulfilled

Demon: Decomposition while in any other realm than the demonic one, relatively slow

Weapon(s): Human: curved dagger and his magic / Demon: Large axe, its magic and abilities

Short Backstory:

Talhar was putting the last touches on his demonic ritual when he looked outside the castlewindow, alarmed by what he saw he sped up his preparations and continued to paint the bloodcircles on the four sides of the altar. Finished he quickly glanced around to see everything was done in order and with care. The carvings in the sacrifice's flesh were done with a steady hand and by the book, the bloodcircles and pentagrams were painted with the blood of a goat and ' the meal ' was served.

Whimpering and moaning started to fill the chamber as Talhar laughed with malice and pleasure.

" SILENCE! Be honered, you will be served to welcome the new ruler of this world. " He said with an insane look in his eyes and a menacing smile on his face.

The chained group of people against the wall started to cry, sob and moan, unable to keep quiet with their horrible fate so near them.

Talhar ignored their complaints and proceeded to stand next to the altar, hooded and holding a curved dagger straight over the female sacrifice, who had a glaze over her eyes like she was conscious but unable to do anything about her imminent demise. Talhar ofcourse knew that she couldn't resist, she was given an assignement afterall, to become the demon's sacrifice without resistance. His puppeteering magic had proven itself useful time and time again.

Chanting the necessary incantation he stood there, focusing all his power in the dagger's curved blade. The second the incantation was over he plunged the dagger straight through the bone protection of the heartarea and pierced the bloodorgan completely. It didn't take long for the effect to happen, toxic fumes started to smoke out the sacrifice's body, which manifested itself in a disgusting, vomit-inducing portrait of a putrid demon.

Talhar kneeled before the demon as it spoke.

" You have the stench of evil upon you, human. Why did you summon me? "

" I have a request, my lord. Share your powers, share them with me and I will feed you human souls untill the day I die. "

The demon cackled loud and long. This human amused him, and the deal certainly seemed beneficial to the demon.

" What's in it for you? " He asked with a smile that beared his rotten teeth and ruptured his green, oozing flesh.

" I can use your power for my own agenda, as long as I provide you with death, decay and agony of human souls. "

The demon roared with pleasure.

" Come near, I will enter your body and share my powers with you. "

Talhar hesitated slightly, he did not anticipate he would have to share his body with this monster, but he came near. He didn't have a choice, to crawl back out of it now was impossible.

The fumes started to drift towards Talhar and penetrated his body through his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Talhar was convulsing like he had a seizure 'till it was finally over.

He panted heavily and sweatbeads dripped from his face onto the cold stones as he crawled back up.

" I can't feel it. " He whined to himself. " WHERE IS THE POWER? " He shouted through the chamber.

Suddenly a toxic smell penetrated his nose, no, his mind, as a voice filled his ears.

" Call upon me whenever you need my power. Now, feed me. "

Talhar turned to the people chained to the wall as he suddenly morphed into the demon with grotesque stretching and changing of muscles and exterior.

The people with torches and weaponry nearing the castle heard screams like they never heard before from inside the main tower.

It was then that they saw the demon's face, peering out the window with a sickening smile upon his face and a human hand sticking out from between his teeth in the corner of his mouth.

The people ran, but none made it out alive. Tales of the massacre and horror still roam the country where it happened. The people who went to search for the hunting party told tales of what they saw. Some became insane, some killed themselves afterwards, but the tales remained.

Of an unspeakable horror unleashed upon the world.
Name: Akroma of Wrath

Race: Angel-Demon Half Breed

Age: 2,342

Appearance: But with black feathers.

Weapons: A poleaxe with the shaft fashioned into a rifle which shoots bullets made of condensed magic.

Abilities: Flight,magic (ice,dark,light),inciting wrath,minor telekenisis (can manipulate small items,the largest being her poleaxe)

Backstory: Akroma of Wrath was always strange. She was an Angel,ye she was the Patron of Wrath. Her father was the Sinlord Wrath,and her mother was the guardian angel to a child. She was the cause of the major conflicts across the planet,and also the individual who first told Albert Einstien the first steps to making the Atomic Bomb. Now,she wanders the planet,looking for the unjust,and exacting bloody punishment.

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