Crimson Canines (Complete!)

Vikram stared blankly at the man in front of him. Leaning back in his chair, his temper was now at an end, what with the wait. He glanced at the lady who he thought he knew, but the helmet was impossible to see through. The only thing he could think of were L's eyes boring into him. He turned back to the face the man, his dark brown irises meeting L's steely grey ones. With a sudden jerk, Vikram moved forward, placing his elbows on the table carefully, moving in closer towards L. "So you've read a lot right? What did that tell you? A lot about our ways, maybe. Our customs, our rituals, our culture, but did you ever get to the real details? Nobody writes about those. It's just murmurs and whispers, since we aren't allowed to talk about it, but I know, I know for sure. I was told before coming here." He slammed his fist on the table.

But now it seems like my work wasn't enough. And now do you know what will happen?" Vikram's hands were on the table, facing down, almost claw-like. His back arched with seeming madness, and his eyes seethed with fear., and widened, "They'll come after me. Not just anyone, oh no. They'll send them."

The two lady soldiers swiftly lifted their guns up at Vikram's face when he made the sudden movement; L, who didn't even flinch, just sat there unperturbed gazing steadily at Vikram.

"And by 'them', you mean assassins?" said L as if they were discussing the weather.

"Probably making their way now to give you a slow agonizing death? . . ." L leaned back against the chair, looking bored. "Typical . . . Maybe I should save them the trouble and give you to them as a peace offering, Vikram. I don't even know what you want, what you're fighting for . . . as it stands, you're useless to me alive, you're just an acolyte who wasn't important enough in your order, unless you can prove me wrong?"

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Vikram's eyes flashed, "You think you know everything. What do you know about peace, or even interacting with my cult. They're more terrifying people than you think they are. And I'm not just any acolyte, I was sent here with the task of bringing the Crimson Canines base down, and even if I haven't done much harm yet, deliverance is not far, and I know way more about that than you." Now a slight smirk drew its way across Vikram's face, and his shoulders visibly relaxed.

"You wouldn't just throw away an asset without knowing it's value. You're smarter than that, and right now I'm the only one who has any idea what's going on in the shadows, with the exception of Zharkov, though I doubt he'll talk. People that high up generally have... ways of escaping", he opened his mouth and tapped on his teeth. "I hope you kept him under close watch."
"Actually, we've got about twenty-four other assets." said L, now looking even more bored. "We did a background check of all the Crimson Canines soldiers ever since Barrigith and we found a lot of rats. With a much higher rank than you, I might add . . . So, how valuable are you, if you are actually valuable?"

L looked at an old classic wristwatch strapped to his left hand as though counting the time. "So far, you haven't told me anything concrete, no names, nothing useful . . ."

"Well that sure as hell was exciting." Connor said as he clambered out of the Rook after docking it for repairs and general maintenance. "How about we don't do that again any time soon, or with more of ours backing us up. Yeah?" He was getting tired of being outnumbered or outgunned, and in this latest mission it happened to be both. "If the flayers weren't bad enough, now we got the ruskies pissed at us for some reason. I need something to eat."
Caine docked his mech as crews got to work to rub out his fresh set of battle marks. He took pride in the weathered look of his mech, he wore it as a badge of honor for all the missions he's seen, and as a mark of shame for all the ones he shouldn't have survived. He hackles at Connor's comments as he climbed out his own mech.

"You think was bad? Ever tried fighting off a hive of chain beetles after killing their queen? They try mating with whoever killed the queen because they're now the queen."

"Well..." Stuttered Vikram, "I can tell you one thing for sure. You know the titans Aya was talking about? If you've really read our legends you'll know that there's something much bigger coming, and it can destroy us all." He was blinking rapidly as he spoke, and gulped, sweat forming on his brow.

He looked at the two ladies on either side as if looking for reassuarance, "Why don't you give me one chance? You know for sure that all my ties with the past are now severed, whether I like it or not, and my loyalties lie only with you." He paused and looked down, "If not for you per se, at least for the guys I've been working with. They're a bunch of good guys, and there's very few things I wouldn't do for them."
The lady soldier with the dual pistols, tilted her head slightly to look at L, who was surveying Vikram with his chin resting on his entwined fingers.

"Very well." said L finally. "Tell me more then about this bigger thing that's coming, where it is, what it is, and all the names of the Brotherhood you know, especially your leaders. Might as well take this betrayal all the way through . . . In exchange we'll give you protection, a new face . . . I'm offering you plastic surgery and a voice change."

He had one of the female soldiers retrieve a tablet that contained an unfinished map of the world and all the names of the Crimson Canines soldiers with pictures, and asked Vikram to point out members of the brotherhood.

(OOC: @thespacekid, if you wish to time-skip, like I'll have L come out and reveal stuff to The Boss, we can do that.)
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Vikram rested his head between his heads. The entire room was silent, and they were only waiting for him to point out who the people were. Is it worth it? But who will I be betraying, my cult, or myself? He mused quietly. He sighed, defeated, and pulled the tablet close to him.

(OOC: @Zer0 Go for it.)
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Six hours later, Vikram's head was bagged again as he was calmly escorted back to his cell.

When the black bag was removed, he was once again locked inside his small room with its barred transparent walls, a single toilet, a water fountain, and a simple comfortable bed with a fluffy pillow.

Beside the locked transparent door was a tray of food, no utensils. For some reason his prison meals had been great. Today it was crispy chicken with buttered mashed potatoes lathered in gravy, a hot bowl of mushroom soup, and a cold drink of red iced tea.

Apart from his handcuffs being loose, the lock on his door was also a joke. Security was loose too, just one chubby bored soldier who kept on playing games on his communicator.


When he was out of sight, L limped through another set of doors where The Boss was waiting. L's two guards followed him; the lady with the dual pistols removed her black helmet, shaking out long brown hair. The helmet was too tight and had been squashing her nose for the past six hours.

"You're dismissed." L told the other lady, who saluted then left the three alone.

L turned to the brunette who was rubbing her nose to its proper length. "Did you believe Tandon when he said that there's very few things he wouldn't do for you and his squad?"

"I'm not sure, sir." said Artemis, not meeting the Director's eye. "I visited him once after he got a beating for standing up for me . . . he seemed genuinely happy to see me then. He saved me too when I was being constricted by a razorsnake on my first day."

"That could've been just a ruse . . . something to gain your trust . . ." said L. The Boss was just casually listening to them, but Artemis had a feeling that he was trying to discern how honest her words were.

"I know, sir. . ." said Artemis sadly. "The way he smirked when he talked about how he knew a lot about bringing our base down seemed like his real face . . ."

L didn't answer immediately, but looked at The Boss and gave him a questioning look. The Boss just nodded.

"We'll put him to the test." L told Artemis. "We'll deploy your squad on a simple assignment. If Tandon proves trustworthy, good. If not . . . we'll hand him over to his brothers."

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Vikram pretty much knew he could get out of he wanted to. It was easy enough, the guard would be easily intimidated, and he could make a run for it, but was it worth it? He wondered. He picked at his meal slowly, thinking about the possibilities. It was very likely that L was keeping an eye on him, and would know instantly if he was out, but was he really that high of a priority? Maybe it was a test - all this loose security, and these chances to escape, one mistake and his efforts would be stopped permanently.

He looked down at his meal. It was surprisingly fancy for a prison meal - he'd heard stories of how prisoners were starved with bread and water locked far away, and here was, sipping on ice tea and eating mushroom soup of all things. His mind went back to the irrigation room. The lady soldier who was there.. It couldn't be anyone else. Why was she helping him though, he wondered, and now what would she think?

He blinked. She was probably behind all the good food being provided! He thanked her profusely in his head, and continued with his meal in that quiet prison chamber.

Retrieval Mission: Christmas Decorations

During the recon mission in the mountains, the team learned that Vikram had been a traitor and was part of the Brotherhood of the Six Divines.

The cult's archdeacon, Major Zharkov from Russia's Panzer Ursa, struck an alliance and a deal with Liam, the leader of the androids, to have the titans destroy the U.S. army stationed in Vulca. In return, the Russians would help Liam blow up the Crimson Canines mother base and the U.S. mother ship, but they were foiled and captured by the Hurricane squad.

During interrogation, Vikram revealed that assassins from the brotherhood will be coming to silence him now, since he turned up in the mountains when he wasn't part of the cult's operation. He decided to change sides and give up the names of all the members of the cult secretly planted inside Crimson Canines.

Now, a week has passed and The Boss decided to test Vikram's trustworthiness.

It is the winter season and inside mother base and the civilian outpost, there is a buzz of Christmas is in the air. The mess hall had already been decorated with shimmering lights and the soldiers were all happily discussing their plans for the holidays and looking forward to visiting their families.

Meanwhile, the squad was assembled inside the National Museum in the Civilian Outpost in Lysaur Valley four days before December the twenty-fifth for a simple retrieval mission.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I am Mr. Bhram, the curator of the National Museum." he said smoothly to everyone. Mr. Bhram was a portly man with a face like a cunning weasel. He wore a monocle on one eye and spoke in an oily voice with a pompous air.

"I wish to hire you all to retrieve three ancient Christmas decorations for me in a ruin my workers have been excavating for the last three days. You see, it is infested by chain beetles, and so it's too dangerous for us to enter.

"You will of course be rewarded handsomely, as long as the decorations are in not too shabby a state."

Retrieve: x1 Plastic Christmas tree, x1 Reindeer, and x1 small Angel statue

Ruin is dark mostly with enclosed rooms and narrow corridors, with possibilities of booby traps. The chain beetles come in hordes and secrete a corrosive acid.




Note: The moment the queen is killed, the killer becomes the new queen and all the beetles will try to mate with him.

(OOC: @CkSmalling, @thespacekid (better wear a disguise. By the way, is your character willing to undergo surgery for face and voice change?), @Orpheus, @Beowulf, @DJGomez, @LocoBlock.

Make the final changes to your character sheets, everyone.)
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Jace goes into the bathroom and disguises as a member of the cult leaving a small spot that had the Crimson Canines logo on it. Jace walks in to the main room again and in his worst Russian accent possible. "Hey comrades I am ready for battle. No are you not."
"Professor, i have a question if i may. Normally when people are digging up for lost ancient artifact, there is usually a backstory and some importance to them. Now the items you have sent us to retrieve, what are their importance and where did they come from? I just have a knack for some ancient items so i would like to know a bit more if i may. Or should i see you in your office? either works for me." Robert said as he straightened out his shirt.

"huh i never knew you had a thing for ancient things. That is how do i put it.." Assassin said as she wrapped her hands around his.

"Nerdy? Yea i get that alot-ish." Robert said as he carressed the back of her hand.

"Your words not mine." She said to close up the topic.

When Jace walked in there was silence among some of the squad in the National Museum for about ten seconds.

Artemis face-palmed, then glanced at Vikram to see how he would react; Hikaru and Grizzly Sloth's mouths twitched as if they thought it was funny; Panzer Dragon who was with them looked surprised; and Komodo Rhino just joined Robert in the conversation with the curator.

"Er, why is everyone silent?" asked Mr. Bhram politely and he peered curiously at Jace. The news about the cult and Russia's operation in the Barrigith Mountains had not been released to the public and so he did not understand.

Komodo Rhino coughed meaningfully. "About Robert's question, Mr. Bhram."

"Oh, yes, these ancient items are decorations made around the twentieth century, two million years ago." said the curator, turning to Robert. "I have rich clients who love collecting these sorts of things and I restore and sell these artifacts to them."

@CkSmalling, @thespacekid, @LocoBlock
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'Okay then. That's was all i needed to know then. So when do we begin with the artifact hunting. Oh wait is there a deadline as to when we are supposed to have the artifacts?" Robert looked at Grizzly with some piercing eyes.

'Why so concerned on when we get back? I'm sorry do you have something important to do?" assassin asked as he squeezed his arm while flashing a very sexy smile.

"There are 2 ways i can answer that question. I can tell you where i will take you for dinner in five days since the restaurant has a limited number of days i can postpone our table..sorry..chef's table or i can surprise you when we get back. The decision is yours." Robert said without hesitation.

Assassin looked at the professor as she loosened her grip on Robert. "So do we have a deadline professor?"

Caine walked into the muesam room to listen to the brief. And mentally cringed at Jace's stupid comment. He gave a love smack on the back of his head and shook his head at him to not do it again. The mission seemed simple enough until the guy mentioned Chain beetles.......

"Great......I don't recall hostile archaeology being in the job description.....And you realize how territorial they are right?"

Connor gave a look that said 'well shit' to Caine at the mention of chain beetles. He did his research since he mentioned it, and he didn't like the look of the buggers. They all secreted poison, and no one would want to kill the queen because then they'd be mobbed by the workers and humped to death. "Well there's no time like the present I guess. I'll get the Rook ready to go."
"Five days will do, Mr. King." said Mr. Bhram simply. "Though, with your record, I wouldn't be surprised if you finished it in a day." he laughed airily. "Everyone who's anyone knows how your squad took on the sky-whale. I'm sure chain beetles are just a warm-up to you fine ladies and gentlemen."

"We won't let you down, Mr. Bhram." said Artemis, shaking the curator's hand.

It was still snowing lightly when they stepped outside into the busy Christmas street. Some people, kids especially, stared and pointed at their group, or raised their phones and took pictures on the spot.

"Ooh! Mom, look! Soldiers!" said one little boy in a blue winter jacket, all starry-eyed as he clung to the coat of his mother.

A group of teenagers, mostly girls, approached Simon and very politely asked if they could have a picture with him.

Artemis told the squad to rendezvous tomorrow in Mecha Hangar 18 at 600 hours and suggested they pack thermals and NVGs. Then she and Panzer Dragon escorted Vikram back to HQ, and into the Brig.

@CkSmalling, @thespacekid, @Orpheus, @Beowulf, @DJGomez


Simon didnt mind the bit of publicity as he agreed to a small selfie with the young girls. Thoughit suprised him how almost all the time in his lifetime he is usually surrounded by women funnily enough, he didnt takle this to heart though and proceeded to the rendevouz point. Gear all wrapped up in a nice bowtie and ready for a Christmas Jamborie. Didint think he'd be preparing for a mission for christmas, But being in his position what did he really expect? he met up with the others and suprisingly he seems to be the first one there.


When Artemis strode inside Mecha Hangar 18 early the next day, she was pleasantly surprised to find it oddly quiet and almost deserted except for a few sleepy engineers doing some early repairs and some disgruntled Crimson Canine soldiers getting ready for some early morning flight exercises.

Artemis, cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled, "Echo!"

Her voice reverberated around the massive hangar, but didn't echo back. Snow was still falling lightly outside the massive hangar doors. She spotted Simon who was earlier than anyone else and decided to sneak up on him.

She tip-toed quietly until she was behind him. Then, holding her breath and positioning herself to the right, she pointed her finger beside his right cheek an inch away and out of his sight, then barked in her most authoritative voice. "Strangecraft!"



Meanwhile, in the Brig, after Vikram ate an early breakfast (smoked bacon, eggs, rice, and coffee), the door of his cell opened and Panzer Dragon strode in with the usual black bag used to blind Vikram whenever he went in and out of the Brig, a new suit, smoke grenades, and a pair of dual blades.

"This is your new gear," said Panzer Dragon, placing them on the edge of the bed. "They look different, but they have the same properties as your old one . . . Same with your mech; different but with similar parts.

"Gear up and let's go. It's time to live up to your words."

(OOC: @thespacekid, Panzer Dragon will be escorting your character. You can also be sure that they've placed something in your new gear and mech that would activate if ever your character tried to do something suspicious)
"Thanks for the compliment i guess. the sky whales were a bit of a challenge but we managed to pull through. It was an exciting mission and i am hyped for the beetles. Hmmmm i wonder if they are edible. Okay now i need help. We will do out utmost best to acquire the artifacts. If we find anything else, we will pass it by you...for the price..." Robert said as he shook Professor Bhram's hand.

"If you find any jewelry, they are mine. Just so you know. Now shall we go? there is a movie i have been wanting to watch tonight. You up for a marathon?" Assassin said as she led Robert towards her room.

"Now you are speaking my language. Also we can order in food from the place i love. They have some wait.. THE BEST apple pie i have ever taken. And some three layer burgers to die for. please do not get me started on the fries. You should try it. Just no hogging on the food though." Robert said as they both laughed.

"I am not making any promises just keep that in mind."


Robert and Assassin both woke up, took their early morning breakfast at his favorite cafe and headed towards Mecha Hanger 18. They were just in time to hear Artemis shout 'Echo' instead of 'Hello' or something of the sought.

"Robert, did you ever realize we have one weird boss" Assassin asked as she laughed at the shouting.

'Oh yea. She is one weird captain i can tell you that. She is good at her role as the leader. i am always honored to serve under her since our first mission with the bloody apes." Robert said calmly.

"Ooh yea those blue blooded sonsofbitches. Forgot she saved my live. and you of course. Hey Artemis!!!!!!!!!" Assassin shouted near Robert's ear making him yell in displeasure.

Jace walks in just as Assassin makes that comment. "Well you have one weird boyfriend." He looks around and sees the others there. "I'm guessing I'm the only one that wakes up in the morning and doesn't need coffee?" Jace realizes that he is the worst dressed soldier for the cold in skin tight clothes with no padding. "Artemis are you okay this morning?" Jace goes over the normal inspections hes supposed to do in the place as an officer every day. "Well I have to do inspections real quick so let me do that."

@CkSmalling @Zer0
Connor enjoyed the small amount of attention he got feom the public, especially from the enthusiastic kids. He even posed for a picture or two, lifting the kid up and easily sitting him on one arm. He was a bit jealous of Simon, who seemed to get the ladies easier then him, but that was a small thing, and he quickly got over it.

The next morning, Connor came trudging in looking as if he was about to fight old man winter and a yeti at the same time. "You know, I don't mind winter to much, got fires to sit next to and blankets to wrap up in. But take those away, and all you got is snow and cold." He didn't like the cold, as was getting more and more obvious with each winter or arctic mission. He was always a bit of a grump until he warmed up. Speaking of, he walked over to the bay with the Rook in it, felt the cold metal, shivered a bit, and started the engine right up. "Let's get you warmed up so the heater's working nice and good." he muttered as he climbed back out so he could attened any pre-mission meetings that may occure.
Vikram grinned at Panzer, "Don't worry, I won't run away. Where can I go anyway?"

The walk to the Hangar was awkwardly silent but he couldn't find the words to break the tension. When they entered the Hangar they saw the rest of the team members, and he could feel Panzer breathe a sigh of relief. He walked up to the where Simon, Artemis, Robert, Jace and Connor stood. His gaze was centered on the ground but he brought his eyes up to meet those of his members.

"So guys, I'm sure you've heard the news aaand I know you might be angry at me, but all I can say is that I'm sorry things went the way they did." He toed a stray nut on the ground, "Besides, I've left that life behind now."

@Orpheus @Zer0 @CkSmalling @LocoBlock @Beowulf

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