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Fantasy Creepy-Pasta School

Hera walked into the school, looking around. Her eyes were completely white at the time, since she was nervous. "Really hope somebody is nice here!" She said quietly to herself, watching some people go to their dorms. Some of these kids seemed really unusual... and she meant it. But she wasn't going to judge. All she wanted was to feel safe in this school, and that was all.
Alex bumped into Hera and blushed slightly before standing up straight, his cat ear poked out from under his hat and his tail swished behind him.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" Hera said, turning to look at Alex with a smile. She noticed his cat eat and tail, and was curious by this.

Justin strolls around the school, whistling that same annoying song he whistles. He flips through the pages of his book that appears to have way more pages than it seems, Justin just so happens to stumble upon a new girl,

"And who is this?" He asks as he closes his book with a loud THUD and tucks it into his jacket.​

Justin sighs deeply,

"Not you, I already have your information, I meant the girl." He says as he turns his attention towards the girl,

"I don't think I know you, and that's saying something." He lets out a snicker and shakes his head,

"Anyways, are you a descendant of Herobrine?" He asks before pulling out his book again.​
Sits in hallway bench chewing on sum deer jerky 
Sits in hallway bench chewing on sum deer jerky
Bonnie: *he walks out of the office, after getting registered to go to this school* -_- Why... do I have to be here... ;-; *sighs and looks down at his schedule* Oh... wonder were that is .-. *starts wandering around the school lost* Great >_<
(One person needs to learn how to RP here, another REALLY needs to learn how to RP here.)
(I'm just assuming your talking about me right?... I'm use to it... -_- and I apologize that my Roleplaying skills are HORRIBLE... even though I've been roleplaying since I was eight, but does that matter?! NO! ^-^)
(It's ok, at least you're not as bad as Shimmer. But I'd suggest you drop the stars and the faces when RPing.) 
(Read my post and use that as an example.)

Bonnie Sighs,

As he walks out of the student office with his new schedule in his right hand staring down at it

"Why must I be at this school?..." he rolls his eyes and looks back at his schedule

"Wonder were that is.." Bonnie soon starts wandering around the school lost, looking for his first period class.


(Hey, Is that better?)

(WAY better. Just remember that it doesn't have to be perfect, but some people might've told you to correct it later on, I'm just trying to let you know beforehand.)
(Thanks! and I understand, MANY people could of possibly been mean about it when they told be to correct it later on ;-; ... Also Thanks again for telling me! ouo/)
(Welcome, I came here from Roblox and I also had to adjust from one-liners and such. Now I'm an intermediate RPer.)
(Shimmer, that's not what I mean, it's just that you type in the First-Person and you sometimes have quotes on what your character is saying and sometimes you don't. Again, I'd suggest reading either my or other people's posts to understand how to RP better and for people to more likely accept you in RPs.)
a young boy is wondering outside of the school with a letter that says { ACCEPT ME PLEASE OR I WILL EAT A BABY, P.S MY NAME IS FLAK }
I post in fp to put more of me into my rp and i forget the "" sometimes 
Gets sick of these ppl gos back to ebonys room to wait for her

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