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Fantasy Creepy-Pasta School

He watched his classmates as well as the teacher, afterwords raising his hand. "So.....the only rule is that their is no rules?" He asked the teacher, already feeling the insanity in his mind starting to stir. 'Calm......calm......just calm down, nobody will hurt me, and I will not hurt nobody......just stay calm and don't use it unless needed be....' His thoughts, running through his mind as he quickly calmed himself down, with keeping his breathing paced as to make sure the other students did not notice.
Ebony walks out of her classroom towards her next one smiling at the boys in the hallways she saunters into her next class and adjusts her skirt so it shows of her but she walks over to Shimmer and sits on his lap her legs in the splits over his torso and purrs seductively into his ear "Hey cutie want to come into my dorm after class," she purred before shoving her tongue into his mouth and then kissing his cheek,
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Hi cutie so is the answe yes or no she said starting to sway on his lap shoving her tongue back into his mouth and massaging his back. She them sauntered up to the front of the class towards the teacher she dropped her top slightly and then hugged the teacher pressing her irresistible figure against hers she laughed and walked away.
"Well eb if u want to hang we could and the name us shimmer" 
Got wp be back in about an hour (rl) 
Heads down to wp room checks the board (Alin,shimmer-yard detail) "great just what i wanted not!!" 
"God hate yard work" walks in coverd in dirt "now got to find eb"
Ebony skips her last class and approaches Shimmer "Hey cutie want to come to my room," she says while her skirt slips up higher so hardly any skin is covered she then kisses his hand before dragging him along to her romantic themed room
"I was gonna take a shower Eb" 
"Im really dirty" 
"Is there a shower in ur room" 
"And im kinda smelly" 
Pulls ur skirt down a lil so the others dnt see the goods
Alex walked into the class room wearing his top hat, his long reddish-brown hair was slightly covering his eyes. He spotted another similar to him and sat down two seats away from him, his purple eyes sparkling as he adjusted his glasses.
Ebony gestured to her ensuite yeah let's shower she said stripping to her bra and underwear and pulling Shimmer into a steamy embrace she kissed him before pulling him into the shower.
"U shower in clothes thats cool 
The warm running water felt good over his sore fit body it smelt of roses
Only when I'm around perverts like you she said knowing he was staring at her chest she wished he would stop staring. 
But his gaze was lowering slowly towards her lower region she thrust towards him but she had a knife in her hand she stabbed him blood overflowing the shower she wasn't a slut she was a siren
"Ouch" hholdingg the wound that really hurt the wound starts to heal "what the hell was that for damn" 
"Not a perv just when a female plays like u do what am i sopose to think
She pulled the dagger out and held it to his throat and stabbed him killing him slowly by sexy you were staring for two long
"I do not enjoy being stabed it really hurts!" 
U cant kill me you dnt know how but quit stabbing it hurts 
"Starting to get pissed"
Come here she says pulling him onto her bed he is obvioulsy staring at her she puts kisses down his neck and climbs on top of him. (Fade to black) (want to continue in pm or are you uncomfortable)

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