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Realistic or Modern Creek {Closed.}


The Short Emo

This is a very story-driven experience.

This is horror genre.

*The camera's only video starts playing. Its just talking and a black screen. The words are muffled, and then the black is lifted to reveal a car interior with two guys. The one in the passenger, starts laughing "I had the lens cap on!" They both start laughing as the scenery outside the car comes to a stop. The man in the passenger, a blond wearing a black t-shirt grabs the camera and the screen blurs until it's lifted up and refocuses. It's an average forest. Nothing abnormal. The man you recognize as the driver, with slicked black hair and a navy blue jacket, walks in, followed by the cameraman. They walk right next to a creek. They walk along it to a small well. The navy jacket guy drops a twig in. Nothing happens. They continue walking, and the sun starts to set. The camera light flicks on. The blond one speaks up "Look at this!" The camera leans down with him, and a hand reaches to pick up an arrow on the ground, when a splash can be heard. The camera lifts up. "Keith? You alright?" The camera moves toward the creek. Its very shallow. "Keith? The water isn't good for the camera, I can't go in there...." The camera leans toward the bank, and there's a large group of twigs with an arrow sticking out. There is a whizz by the camera, and an arrow causes a splash in the stream. The camera whizzes around to reveal a silhouette, just when that happens another whizz and the camera falls to the ground. A large splash is heard.

(You can find this camera In-RP and it will help you IF you can.)

Why are you at the creek?

What brought you here?

Don't you know it's dangerous...?

Probably Not.

Good Luck.

Character Sheet



Physical Appearance:





Inventory: (No weapons)

Add Important Details Here:

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Hi..This looks really interesting, but I'm not sure I'll be a good rp partner. If anyone else joins the rp, can I watch how you interact with each other to try to get a feel for how people roleplay on this site?
I am interested to join! But I really don't want people to back out. (Aka terrible, rotten, no-good roleplayers, I see you) 
Giggle, hair flip, anyways... will it be camera style the whole time or just 3rd person pov ?
Name: Adam

Age: 22

Sexuality: Gay

Image: Spanish, brunette, brown eyes, stubble. Short and stocky.
Clothes: Thick warm black hoodie. Grey fleece pajama pants. Stylish brown boots. 

Persona: Cynical, borderline nihilistic, prankster who overthinks everything from politics to holographic universes. 

Bio: College drop out who works for family landscaping company, insomniac who escapes to the wilderness to recover. 

Inventory: Green Jeep Cherokee with 3/4 fuel. Tent. Lawn chairSleeping bag. Blankets and pillows. Cooler filled with ice, stainless steel thermal bottles of water, and a glass container of vodka. Assorted snacks like granola bars, trail mix, and beef jerky. Matchsticks. Propane lantern. Flashlight. 

Details: Insert tentative history here for other roleplayers who want to go camping with Adam! 
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I'm interested however I do have a question: Can I be a ghost that helps to mess people up/possess them/kills them?
Name: Amy Leanne

Age: 16 

Physical appearance: image.jpeg

Clothing: Standard grey hoodie, baggy Guns N' Roses t-shirt. For legwear, she wears scruffy jeans with the bottoms tucked into her socks. Also keeps her reading glasses on her forehead.

Sexuality: Asexual 

Personality: Timorous, shy, can be easily persuaded.

Bio: High school nerd with pressure from her family to get a boyfriend or girlfriend. While she is with someone, Amy knows that she, herself, is asexual but she doesn't want to break her partner's heart. 

Inventory: Mobile phone, reading glasses, purse, antihistamines.

Important details: 

. Slight trust issues with strangers.

. Amy has a cat and pollen allergy, which is a slight problem because her partner has a lot of cats.
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@Rock And Roll Boy  Accepted!

Character Sheet

Name: Alexander Fiker

Age: 20

Physical Appearance: Short black hair, 5'11, White, Bluish Green Eyes and a small beard.

Clothing: He has a white hoodie with a galaxy FOB logo, blue denim jeans, brown boots, and a cross necklace.

Sexuality: Hetero.

Personality: Alex's core personality traits are Charming, Loyal, and Overprotective.

Bio: A college student taking some time away from school to take photos of nature and earn some cash.

Inventory: A backpack with a few granola bars, a water bottle, a map of the area and a camera.

Add Important Details Here:

-Doesn't sleep well, frequent nightmares

-Has a cold at the time of the RP.

Name: Shinoa Hasegawa

Age: 24

Physical Appearance:



Note: Character's hair is purple, but style is retained!



Sexuality: Hetero

Personality: Kind, Gentle, Patient are her well-known personality traits

Inventory: Medium-sized Purse with her Cellular Phone, Make-Up, Wallet (with her I.D), water bottle, four granola bars, her favorite purple bow

Add Important Details Here:

-Had intended to give her baby up for adoption, but decided to keep the baby

-Baby Daddy has decided he does not want to be apart of the child's life (God knows what happened to him)

-She is 35 Weeks pregnant


-Its a boy!

-Currently dealing with Antenatal depression

-Height: 4' 11"

Ohhhh, I hope I did well, sorry for all the big pictures!!! </3
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Name: Sybil Breen

Age: 19

Physical Appearance: Sybil is below average in the height department.  She stands at 5'1" with a slight frame.  Her hair reaches the small of her back when let loose, but she usually has it tied up.  Her hair is thin, it's flaxen color contributing to her general pallidness.  Her eyes are round and exceedingly dark brown.  Her nose is thin and short.  There's a scar across her chin that almost reaches her bottom lip.  Her shoulders and knees are especially dusted with freckles.

Clothing: She has a plain black hoodie, denim shorts, black hiking boots, a backpack, and a silver ring on her right hand pointer finger.

Sexuality: Hetero

Personality: Sybil is cautious.  It's hard for her to experience trust right off the bat, and she often comes off as jumpy and unsure.  She's sensitive to the environment and to the feelings of others.  She usually strives to be objective and rational.  She admires genuineness in people, and when she feels safe with someone it's significant to her.

Bio: She's recently experienced some turbulence in her life and nature has always been where she's sought for clarity.

Inventory: In her backpack she has a flashlight, a journal, a few pens and pencils, a cell phone, trail mix, and a couple water bottles.

Add Important Details Here: She was raised in a very superstitious home. 
Chapter 1: The Beginning of Your End

~Alexander Fiker~

   I walked towards the trail, over grown with leaves. It was a good first shot. No idea what I'm getting into. Might be the best of the day. I'd kneel down, setting my backpack on the ground, and fish out my camera. I'd flick it on, and lift it to take the shot. The picture was pretty nice. Might sell for a decent price. Might even keep a copy myself. I'd slip the camera back in my pack, zip it up, and sling it back over my shoulder. One step foward, a breath of fresh air. Calming. Off I go.

[For your first post just do your character beginning the trail, the order you post is the walking order.]
Pulling beside the creek, Amy's partner parked her car whilst she, herself, undid her seatbelt and tried to exit the car before her girlfriend grabbed her hand gently. "Where are you going, sweetie? I thought we were just going to cuddle up and enjoy the view". 

"I've changed my mind, I'm going for a walk. With or without you". With that remark, Amy left the vehicle, slamming the door behind her, strolling off to somewhere. It wasn't long before she stumbled across... a trail of some sorts.

Parking the Green Jeep Cherokee in the parking lot, he's decided to wander about and find the perfect campsite. But apparently people do not come here to camp. At all. It's just a random woods where people jog or walk down their trails. None of his friends got back to him about it anyway. Disappointed, he walks further down the trail -- derring-do. 

A Blue Chrystler Town & Country also pulled into the parking lot. Young expecting mother Shinoa Hasegawa had decided to take one last trip before she has her baby. It wasn't exactly a trip, but she had decided to go sight-seeing pretty much, since she won't have very much time when the baby arrives. It took her a bit of time to get out of the car. Her shoes were also pretty comfortable and she put on her hat and slung her purse over as she got out of the car. Looking down at her belly and putting her hands on her back, she sighed. Currently, she was thirty-five weeks pregnant and expecting a baby boy. "Hopefully you won't be too rowdy today. Please be nice to Mommy." She mused, talking to her unborn child before starting her way down the nearest trail.

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