Create your own alien species~


One Time Luck
So I guess introductions are needed here...

Greetings everyone.
Alright, so the idea behind this post is that, soon, me and a friend of mine on here will be doing a collab project for a Sci-fi adventure. The thing is, so far there is only three playable races available, and unfortunately, it doesn't seem like that much of an option for other role-players. So, we decided to do something...

We're asking for other's input to include in the role-play!~
That's right, we're turning to the community to see what everyone comes up with, and to also see how each person deals with the opportunity presented.

So, let's get started.


  • Rule 1: This thread is made specifically for creative purposes. So please, do not troll anyone just because you didn't like their idea! If you provide any criticism, try to keep it constructive.
  • Rule 2: Do not steal other's creation without asking the creator!
  • Rule 3: There will be a rating system (for when you reply to other posts), which will be the following:

So, for this section, you will rate the above post based on the, well, creative thoughts put into their post! For example, if the poster went above what was required of them (say, put in some brief history of their species) , it will help them tremendously! Names, description, and that sort of thing will go here.

You may be wondering, 'wouldn't this be in 'CREATIVITY' , well, it can be. The purpose for this section is based on the idea itself. Let's say someone makes a species that is based around an actual culture. It may not be that 'unique' . But, if they were to take an aspect from it, ex. Ninjas or Samurai based, and added their own twist to it, then it will be more 'unique'!
-Overall Idea

And here is where you will give your opinion on the idea. But please, keep it constructive! IF you have a suggestion, make sure to list it here!

-Each section will be rated 1-5-
1. Needs a lot of improvement
2. The idea is there, but it isn't fully 'there'
3. Good Idea. Your idea is developed and solid, and can either deal with more work or is fine the way it is
4. Great idea! You're just one 'teeny' step away from perfect
5. Grand idea! Has a strong founding, very creative and unique, one of it's kind.

  • Rule 4: We are all here to have fun, so please do not purposely be hateful.
  • Rule 5: Have fun, and be creative!

Here is the layout for your posts~
Name: (this is where you will list the name of your species, be it silly or not~)
Home Planet: (name of the planet your species belongs to, can also include any geographic features, topographic areas, or anything else regarding the appearance, ex. 2 Suns, Green water, etc.)
Culture: (This is where you will explain the culture of the species. Remember, the more unique, the better!)
Appearance: (Go crazy here, and anything is possible. Please be sure to list anything specific about your race!)

Also, depending on feedback, your alien species may appear in a roleplay as a playable race!~

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So I guess introductions are needed here...

Greetings everyone.
Alright, so the idea behind this post is that, soon, me and a friend of mine on here will be doing a collab project for a Sci-fi adventure. The thing is, so far there is only three playable races available, and unfortunately, it doesn't seem like that much of an option for other role-players. So, we decided to do something...

We're asking for other's input to include in the role-play!~
That's right, we're turning to the community to see what everyone comes up with, and to also see how each person deals with the opportunity presented.

So, let's get started.


  • Rule 1: This thread is made specifically for creative purposes. So please, do not troll anyone just because you didn't like their idea! If you provide any criticism, try to keep it constructive.
  • Rule 2: Do not steal other's creation without asking the creator!
  • Rule 3: There will be a rating system (for when you reply to other posts), which will be the following:

So, for this section, you will rate the above post based on the, well, creative thoughts put into their post! For example, if the poster went above what was required of them (say, put in some brief history of their species) , it will help them tremendously! Names, description, and that sort of thing will go here.

You may be wondering, 'wouldn't this be in 'CREATIVITY' , well, it can be. The purpose for this section is based on the idea itself. Let's say someone makes a species that is based around an actual culture. It may not be that 'unique' . But, if they were to take an aspect from it, ex. Ninjas or Samurai based, and added their own twist to it, then it will be more 'unique'!
-Overall Idea

And here is where you will give your opinion on the idea. But please, keep it constructive! IF you have a suggestion, make sure to list it here!

-Each section will be rated 1-5-
1. Needs a lot of improvement
2. The idea is there, but it isn't fully 'there'
3. Good Idea. Your idea is developed and solid, and can either deal with more work or is fine the way it is
4. Great idea! You're just one 'teeny' step away from perfect
5. Grand idea! Has a strong founding, very creative and unique, one of it's kind.

  • Rule 4: We are all here to have fun, so please do not purposely be hateful.
  • Rule 5: Have fun, and be creative!

Here is the layout for your posts~
Name: (this is where you will list the name of your species, be it silly or not~)
Home Planet: (name of the planet your species belongs to)
Culture: (This is where you will explain the culture of the species. Remember, the more unique, the better)
Appearance: (Go crazy here, and anything is possible)

Also, depending on feedback, your alien species may appear in a roleplay as a playable race!~

Name: Verde
Home Planet: Juliet-3
Culture: There are a total of five factions. They each control a fifth of the planet. The capital of the Verde people, named Verde-Prime by discoverers, is in neutral territory. Representatives of all five factions meet there for joint decisions. They are incredibly xenophobic, and when anything new is discovered, it is either thoroughly investigated or annihilated. A very militaristic society as well, they have learned better than to provoke war with another faction. Each faction is strong enough to hold off against the other four for long enough to annihilate the entire planet. This keeps them in a peace via mutually assured destruction. However, being at peace for over 200 years has led to a more stable peace.
Appearance: Green, photosynthetic humanoids. Green eyes, see-through skin with a green tint, and body structure equivalent to a human.
Name: Verde
Home Planet: Juliet-3
Culture: There are a total of five factions. They each control a fifth of the planet. The capital of the Verde people, named Verde-Prime by discoverers, is in neutral territory. Representatives of all five factions meet there for joint decisions. They are incredibly xenophobic, and when anything new is discovered, it is either thoroughly investigated or annihilated. A very militaristic society as well, they have learned better than to provoke war with another faction. Each faction is strong enough to hold off against the other four for long enough to annihilate the entire planet. This keeps them in a peace via mutually assured destruction. However, being at peace for over 200 years has led to a more stable peace.
Appearance: Green, photosynthetic humanoids. Green eyes, see-through skin with a green tint, and body structure equivalent to a human.
Creativity: 2
Uniqueness: 3
Overall Idea: 3
I like the possibilities for tension if two players from different factions meet, I also like how there's no war because of mutually assured destruction, which I suppose means the planet is ripe for someone to mess around with and get them all killed, which would be interesting to see be played out. What I think you could improve on is what kind of weapons they use, as well as what their planet is like. One question I have is if they unite against common threats or do they all have their own space wars going on? Or maybe no wars and just very specific about what symbol you have on your shirt?
End Edit.

Name: The Ug'Ma
Home Planet: Ni'Delor. A planet rather tame compared to Earth. It has temperatures that range from 40°f-120°f, with cold nights and hot days. The foliage sticks to the cooler side of the color spectrum and the action lies closer to the ground. The planet is about 3/4 the size of Earth, the gravity is less as well. Most animals on this planet are docile. The terrain has quite a few mountain ranges. The Ug'Ma have settled most of the planet. They have several space stations orbiting the planet that are used for interplanetary and intergalactic diplomacy and spaceports to and from the planet. The planet's main exports are livestock and robotics. The planet is ruled by a council, they have colonized two other planets within their star system. The planet attempts to be diplomatic but other races are intimidated by their appearance.
Culture: The Ug'Ma are a species of intelligent aliens that take pride in their ability to enhance their bodies through the use of cybernetic technology in conjunction with biological engineering. They considered a non-augmented being of their species to be a disgrace. They have no biological links to those they were created by, instead creating new members from a template left behind by the unknown beings who originally created the Ug'Ma. Children are raised in a nursery, maintained by other Ug'Ma, for 25 years where they learn how to further augment themselves, as well as other skills deemed necessary to prosper off planet. After the nursery, all Ug'Ma are required to spend 5 years off planet before they are free to create offspring or do as they please. Naturally, an Ug'Ma will live to be 150 years, though this timeframe has been extended through augmentation. They have no concept of gender. They are very competitive with each other.
Appearance: A standard Ug'Ma is a biped who heavily relies on it's long arms to support itself in order to achieve maximum speeds of about 20 mi mph. The standard height for a matured Ug'Ma is 4'8" while resting on its arms. While standing on its two hind legs, it can reach a height 6 inches taller than normal. Their front legs have hands with four fingers, one of which is an elongated thumb, used to grasp onto things. Their bodies are covered in a thick fur that ranges from light purple to bright green in color (cool side), often combining two adjacent colors. They have eyes sensitive to light, able to see infrared light as a sort of overlay to normal vision. They have 4 eyes, two frontward facing, two more to the sides. They have a hearing range that is half of a human's, on the high pitched side of it. Their overall facial structure somewhat resembles a cat. They are carnivores. A standard Ug'Ma weighs about 90 pounds. Their bones are strong, their bodies agile, their bodies are cold compared to a human's. Much like snakes, they depend on an outside source for heat.
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Will edit with the person above me ratings (I think I have to do that)

Yes, you do have to rate the above post, so it can help improve upon the idea~ Also, thank you for the details in your post, since I realized I could have done better with the descriptions on the layout!~

Creativity: 2
Uniqueness: 3
Overall Idea: 3
I like the possibilities for tension if two players from different factions meet, I also like how there's no war because of mutually assured destruction, which I suppose means the planet is ripe for someone to mess around with and get them all killed, which would be interesting to see be played out. What I think you could improve on is what kind of weapons they use, as well as what their planet is like. One question I have is if they unite against common threats or do they all have their own space wars going on? Or maybe no wars and just very specific about what symbol you have on your shirt?
End Edit.

Name: The Ug'Ma
Home Planet: Ni'Delor. A planet rather tame compared to Earth. It has temperatures that range from 40°f-120°f, with cold nights and hot days. The foliage sticks to the cooler side of the color spectrum and the action lies closer to the ground. The planet is about 3/4 the size of Earth, the gravity is less as well. Most animals on this planet are docile. The terrain has quite a few mountain ranges. The Ug'Ma have settled most of the planet. They have several space stations orbiting the planet that are used for interplanetary and intergalactic diplomacy and spaceports to and from the planet. The planet's main exports are livestock and robotics. The planet is ruled by a council, they have colonized two other planets within their star system. The planet attempts to be diplomatic but other races are intimidated by their appearance.
Culture: The Ug'Ma are a species of intelligent aliens that take pride in their ability to enhance their bodies through the use of cybernetic technology in conjunction with biological engineering. They considered a non-augmented being of their species to be a disgrace. They have no biological links to those they were created by, instead creating new members from a template left behind by the unknown beings who originally created the Ug'Ma. Children are raised in a nursery, maintained by other Ug'Ma, for 25 years where they learn how to further augment themselves, as well as other skills deemed necessary to prosper off planet. After the nursery, all Ug'Ma are required to spend 5 years off planet before they are free to create offspring or do as they please. Naturally, an Ug'Ma will live to be 150 years, though this timeframe has been extended through augmentation. They have no concept of gender. They are very competitive with each other.
Appearance: A standard Ug'Ma is a biped who heavily relies on it's long arms to support itself in order to achieve maximum speeds of about 20 mi mph. The standard height for a matured Ug'Ma is 4'8" while resting on its arms. While standing on its two hind legs, it can reach a height 6 inches taller than normal. Their front legs have hands with four fingers, one of which is an elongated thumb, used to grasp onto things. Their bodies are covered in a thick fur that ranges from light purple to bright green in color (cool side), often combining two adjacent colors. They have eyes sensitive to light, able to see infrared light as a sort of overlay to normal vision. They have 4 eyes, two frontward facing, two more to the sides. They have a hearing range that is half of a human's, on the high pitched side of it. Their overall facial structure somewhat resembles a cat. They are carnivores. A standard Ug'Ma weighs about 90 pounds. Their bones are strong, their bodies agile, their bodies are cold compared to a human's. Much like snakes, they depend on an outside source for heat.
They unite for common interests, hence the 200 years of stronger peace. Given enough time, it could be possible they could unite entirely. They're all, however, not very space-capable. Against a common outside threat their xenophobia would band them together tighter than anything else could.
They use laser weaponry that takes time to charge but has a very damaging effect on whatever small orbital ships or satellites they have, and smaller, more portable laser weapons on the ground.
Their planet is similar to earth. They have no deserts, however, and very few large bodies of water. Instead, the water is mostly stored in groundwater and in the clouds. The planet has many forests and canyons, and for a planet housing a photosynthetic race it is very well shaded. They've adapted to also eat vegetables and fruits on their world because of this.
Name: Bread Mansters
Home Planet: The Planet of Breadmania
Culture: The Bread Mansters are a unique species, they celebrate things crushing non-bread objects or species. Mating is made by eating eachother senseless, a law made in Breadmania, is that if having sex with a non-bread object, it's called Bread-ality. A terrible thing to commit.
The Bread Warrior. (yes they are edible, a weakness which costed them their extinction on planet Earth.)

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