Crazy Gonzu [Whispers of Heresy]


Name: Crazy Gonzu (aka Cathak Jekih; The Everyday Man)

Concept: "freed" dynast

Age: 32

Caste: Night

Motivation: Find the purpose of his renewed existence (and a better motivation, while he's at it.)

Theme song: River of dreams - Billy Joel

Beign born a bastard on an already shameful family from house Cathak, Jekih’s chances for the terrestrial exaltation were considered to be basically null. He was instead raised more akin to a servant, a fairly educated one, but still to be considered as someone who would never be blessed by the dragons and achieve the bar set by the princes of the earth.

Pushed around since he could remember, he soon learned to stay out of the way to avoid trouple, and when it was necessary to comply to the orders of those that had earned their status. Don’t interfere, you’re just a mortal, just sit quietly and listen, that the chosen of the dragons are talking, follow them without hesistation.

His weaks attemps to escape this life only lead him to a tougher place: the army. On a brighter side, Jekih had been decently educated, and years of tolerating, evading and resisting mockery, scorn and abuse from his “peers†at the House had maded him an skilled an talented...mortal. He steadily gained recognition by the generals as he grew older, demostrated by beign handpicked as a scout and trooper for one of the first diplomatic envoys to the Mahnakee Nation... under the charge of an old familiar face from his childhood. A distant cousin and Ivory Dragon, Cathak Chenow.

Jekih could only roll his eyes and let out a resigned sigh. This would not end well.

And it seems that fate certainly agreed with him on this one. Cathak Chenow soon proved to still be the arrogant and spoiled bully that had fractured Jekih’s arms a good number of times in the past. No a fiber of compassion or empathy on his body, and beign sent off to make contact with the insular tribe of Jupiter, this seemed more to Jekih and many other soldiers as a way to knock some sense into the misbehaved Earth aspect. Unfortunately, Cathak Chenow never saw it that way.

The fateful night actually took longer to come to realization; it certainly seemed that the Taknaht tribe had more patience that which they were credited for. The small group of soldiers was easily trapped by a large band of infuriated tribesmen at an unexpected time. With no sign of the commander and the lapdogs that had gained his favor with praises, the ones left behind could only curse the treason and hold as well as they could.

Jekih’s anxiousness growed by the minute, his mind constantly trying to find ways to outmaneuver the assailants at least for enough time to retreat or excuse the actions of his bullheaded and prick of a commander, all that, along with the resentment felt over him as his exalted kin, his own secret guilt for not beign worthy enough to be born into a better lineage, the responsability he felt to ensure the safety of his comrades at arms, and treir continued frustrated plans trying to excuse themselves to the Taknaht were starting to weight on him. We was overwhelming himself, extenuated both in mind and body.

It was the sudden death of the last comrade, a soldier he has helded on great esteem, that finally cracked open his mind, with a golden mist expanding inside his mind, soothing his thoughts and his worries.

“And? Who cares? Certainly not us, do we?â€

He started laughing like a maniac. Things got hazy from there, ending up on him waking up on a quiet beach near to Port Calim. He has been wandering the nearby countryside ever since, the neat appareance and trimmed beard he sported before grown into a mass of untammed mass of hair. All that along with a low chuckle muttered by his lips. And a strange feeling of freedom on his soul.

Strength â—â—â—
Dexterity â—â—â—â—
Stamina â—â—â—

Charisma â—â—
Manipulation â—â—â—
Appearance â—â—

Perception â—â—â—â—
Intelligence â—â—â—
Wits â—â—â—â—


[F]Martial Arts â—â—â—â—â— (Disarming â—)
Melee â—
Thrown â—

[F]Integrity â—â—â—
[F]Performance â—
[F]Resistance â—â—â—
Survival â—

Lore â—â—

[Caste]Athletics â—â—â—
[Caste]Dodge â—â—â—â— (Unarmored â—â—)
[Caste]Larceny â—â—
[Caste]Stealth â—â—â— (Unassuming â—)

Linguistics â (Native: High Realm; Learnt: Low Realm, Riverspeak)
[F]Socialize â—â—


Second Integrity Excellency

First Dodge Excellency

Third Stealth Excellency


Shadow over Water

Leaping Dodge Method

Reflex sidestep Technique


Easily Overlooked Presence Method

Solar Style

Fists of Iron Technique

Celestial Monkey Style

Monkey Tail Distraction Strike

Body of War Meditation
Join Combat:


Dodge DV 8 unarmored, 7 armored

Parry DV 6

Soak: B/L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 6

Parry MDV 2


Compassion â—â—â—

Conviction â—â—

Temperance â—â—â—

Valor â—

Virtue Flaw Overindulgence


Willpower: â—â—â—â—â—â—â—


Permanent: â—â—

Personal: /13 (4 Committed)

Peripheral: /30 (0 Committed)

Artifact â—â— (Orichalcum Bracers)

Manse â—â— (The Monkey Stone)

Resources â—â—â—
Bonus Points (15/15)

2 - Martial Arts 4 & 5

2 - Resistance 2 & 3

1 - Dodge 4

1 - Socialize 2

1 - Performance 1

2 - Willpower 7

4 - Dexterity 4

2 - Specialties

Experience Points (0/20)

- 2 exp awarded (16/03/10)

- 4 exp awarded (23/03/10)

- 2 exp awarded (29/03/10)

- 2 exp awarded (04/04/10)

Unspend: 16 exp

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