Story ~Count the Stars~ [T-M][Prologue 3/28]


Netherworld Overlord
They say one event can lead to another and another and another, until things are spiraling out of control. That one little thing can lead to something huge. Something massive. That someone that seemed inclusive could effect more people than you know. That one person's choice can lead to many people making a choice as well, not always one they might have thought to choose.

I know that this is true. What happened that day. That warm, spring day in the park between three friends. It lead to major events in the town and other places as well. Three people's one desicion to lie about something, effected thirty different people majorly and plenty others minorly. They did not know it at the time. They thought that it was the right thing to do. And it was. For some of us at least. For others... well they weren't as lucky.

If I had known it would of happened like that. That in one year my life would be turned on it's head, I might have made different choice. I might have done things differently. I might have warned them. But I had no idea what was going to occur. No one was prepared.

In the end I got off mostly unscathed. I was one of the lucky ones. But in a way I was not as well. I may have been lucky, but some close to me weren't.

What happened to me? To them? What was the small event? The little lie? What was the spark that sent us all on fire?

I guess I have to start at the beginning. It's not a tale I'll tell lightly. Some of it will be easy. Some of it hard. But I guess in the end, it should be told. I just hope you're willing to listen. Not all of it will be easy to take. Things will happen that you may not like, will not like. This is not a happy tale. Few live happily ever after.

Are you still listening? Good. Then I will begin.

"There is no way you are dating her!"

Alan Hoax just looked at his friend. He wasn't sure why he had told them. Well Melissa wasn't that bad. She was usually laidback about such things. But Tyler? Well it wasn't a mystery why he kept so much from his best friend at times. He had a habit of talking.

Tyler Jonstruen had been Alan's best friend since fourth grade. Back then they were both annoying, childish gingers, one with freckles, the other with bright blue eyes that caught people's attention. Eventually Alan had dyed his hair brown and his freckles faded. Tyler had his original red hair, cut short, and his eyes remained the same bright blue. Tyler would have been the more attractive one if he wasn't so short at 5'1". He was althletic and his skin had a tan color to it. Alan was a bit pale, but his height and skinny built had some girls heading his way too. As for personalities well...

"Why? Is it because I am so unappealing to girls? Or is it because it's Wendy McCullen that is currently my girlfriend?"

Melissa scoffed. Melissa knew Alan since diapers since they were second cousins. Alan and Melissa went back and forth from being friends to just cousins, but he knew that she always had his back. Although it was her personality that usually made them split for times. Melissa could be a *****, but she was a nice person deep down.

"What? Now you too?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Yeah you didn't have to," Alan responsed. "Listen it was Wendy who asked me out. I wasn't about to turn her down."

"You should of! Wendy is not only out of your league, but she's...she' mean."

"I hang around Melissa. No one can get worse than her." Melissa gave Alan a nasty look, but he ignored it. It was true after all. Besides Wendy wasn't as mean or bitchy as people saw her. Alan had liked Wendy for some time. She was pretty and occasionally sweet as well. "I'm happy that she asked. At least I am dating someone."

Tyler waved a dismissive hand at the comment and Melissa smirked. She too was taken and had been for some time. It surprised Alan at first of who it was. Mark Howe. A shy, clumsy kid two years her minor. People were shocked to find out. Tyler had muttered that it figured she'd go after someone so submissive.

"She couldn't deal with a guy who would boss her around. She wears the pants, dude." Alan had to admit it was true.

"So have you told anyone else," Melissa asked. Alan shook his head. "I'm sure she told her friends. But otherwise we haven't gone public yet. But she did allow me to post it on Facebook. So I'd thought I would do that today."

"You know what you should do right?"

Alan looked at Tyler. He had an eager and mischiveous look on his face. Alan was worried. "No. What?"

"Put you're in an open relationship."

"What," Alan and Melissa both said. Alan was surprised and Melissa looked digusted. "Dude. Why would be want to put that? Are you already getting jealous?"

"I'm not jealous and I was thinking it'd be funny. You know."

Alan did not know and he wasn't about to go along with the suggestion. He didn't want Wendy to get the wrong idea. "Tyler that is just stupid. Me and Wendy are in an exclusive relationship, not an open one. Why would I put that?"

"As a joke. Come on. You have to test her sense of humor. And you can change it later. No one needs to know really. And if you change it back to normal, even if people did see it, no one is going to go after you."

"I don't think he needed to worry about that part," Melissa said. Alan gave her a look and she smiled at him, shrugging. "It's true."

"Are you agreeing with him? That I should do this?"

Melissa shrugged again as if she could care less what he did. Alan thought about it. He knew that it was wrong, stupid and was going to cause problems, but....

"Fine. But if I do this, you have to talk to Tanya. Ask her out to coffee."

Tyler shook his head. He knew that Tanya was the last person he'd want to talk to let alone ask out. But he could see the conflict as well. Eventually Tyler nodded.

"Fine. It's a deal."

They shook on it and Alan looked at his phone. He hesitated. He did not think Tyler would agree, but not that he did Alan wasn't going to go back on his word. He made the relationship status change. He knew he could fix it in ten minutes, giving Wendy time to see it.

But Wendy would not be the only one to see it. And in those minutes that it remained Alan had started it. The first domino fell. Soon the rest would follow.


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