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Fantasy Cosmic Truffle



Darkness Comes
Truff Truff

IntroThe wind snapped at the trees, causing a symphony of brushing leaves. Dew shone like miniscule gems of the earth’s fur, its color verdant. Blazing down with glory, the sun greeted the early risers, the men and women preparing for the Bracken. This ritual done by every warrior of the tribe would prove who was worthy to live among them, but the beginnings of the ceremony would start much later in the day. Tables filled with wooden bowls and plates lay out, the fresh morning beginning with a voluptuous meal. A warning call blared throughout the village, waking the clan to come and begin the festivities. Children, elders, and warriors alike lifted their heads from their pillows, grinning at the horn, for deep in the forest lay a brood of ferocious pests, the enemies of the clan, and the day ahead would bring pain to many of them. All rose, bearing their fur skirts and tops, a few older members brandishing weapons with a bright stone, or tying on necklaces with a shiny gem. A light rapping sounded on the door of a small hut, the owner a young adult who’s life was bout to change.


Deep in the forest, beyond the bushes with blue leaves, a pack of wolves lay, sleeping away their worries and strife. Each one bore a stone on their body, all different in some shape or form, but all holding the same purpose. A king looked over these few gathered, his long white muzzle swiveling back Andy forth. Today was the day.

Today, he would have to keep his people close. Today, he would have to be aware at all times. Today, tears would be shed. Because he knew, to the far side of the forest was a tribe of savages, who, once a year, gathered their growing soldiers and took out to his lands in search for something to kill. Every year without fail he had seen his own kind slaughtered and stripped of their gems, all for the glory of these disgusting humans.

Turning, he looked back into his cave, his den. In the back was a young adult wolf, her chest slowly rising and falling as she slept. Growling softly to himself, th king of the Verdulfs promised hies daughter would not become a victim of their games... no matter what the cost.
Today was the day. It came every year and every year tears were shed by the pack. Lucina had memories of mothers, fathers, and children mourning their lost loved ones. She had never understood the senseless violence, why they would take the lives of beautiful souls, for what? A stone? Her mother’s words echoed in her mind every year. This was one big mess, she would say, we have to find peace for our people. Her father had grumbled in the past and still grumbled when Lucina repeated the words.

He was incredibly protective of her, for good reason, although it left her feeling quite trapped. Lucina wanted to travel and discover what was beyond the forest. She dreamed about the things she might find, although until they found peace, it was much too dangerous for a wolf to wander by themselves through the forest. It didn’t stop her from arguing with the king over her plans.

This was an argument Lucina would put on hold for today, for the sake of her father and her people. She awoke, but didn’t open her chocolate eyes. Everyone knew what day it was and she wasn’t quite ready to face the events yet. Her body stirred in the back of the cave as sleep slowly drained from her and her dreams fading into memory. Today was the day and they had no choice but to face it.
“Torian! It’s time!” A muscular warrior lady knocked on the door again. Inside, a tall blonde man arose from his bed. He sighed, running a hand through his long hair.

Today was... awful. “TORIAN!” He growled at the voice. “Lady Ina... Stop speaking.” He walked to the door, opening it and looking down at her. The woman smiled. “Oh look at my dear, handsome nephew!! Today is your day... you know the Chief is looking for an heir... he has no sons or daughters...” She smiled. He growled, among the door on him.


The king trotted back, looking over his daughter lovingly. She looked so much like her mother. He missed his mate so much... it hurt everyday. He would never allow that to happen to his daughter. Leaning down, he licked her ear. “Lucina.”
Lucina blinked sleep from her eyes and moved to a sitting position, her paws delicately next to each other in front of her. Her father greeted her with sadness in his voice. Today was a sad day for many, including her strong father. She looked at him with big brown eyes. They were the same deep, chocolatey color as her mother's. Lucina used to remember imagining them as pools of creamy chocolate when she was a child. "Father. Today will be hard. We must remember what mother said." Lucina also shared her mother's fierceness for fighting for peace. No matter how many times her father stamped it down, it still remained like the ambers of a fire.
Staring into the reflection of water in a full basin. Running his finger down the green marks on his skin, he sighed. It had taken too long to reach this point. This day, that everyone cheered for and dreamed of, had taunted him for years on end. Torian stood, stripping off his clothes and slipping into new ones.

Opening his wooden chest, he pulled out the armor he had made himself by hand. The beautiful green and gold colored pieces fit perfectly over his muscular body as he slid into the separate parts. Once he was completely covered, he returned to his chest, kneeling. A carved name sat in the lid, and he read it over and over. “Laila...”


He laughed, walking over and nuzzling her. “I can’t believe you would mention your mother...” He chuckled again, licking her ear. “No, I do. You share so much of her passion and looks. Today is not a day for to think her thoughts, though. They will be hunting Lucina... hunting for gorgeous beasts like you, hoping to tear you life from your body and rip your stone from your corpse.” The truth was ugly, but he needed her to understand. “Today is no joke, and it is not a day to show how you feel, daughter. Today, you must hide. To make sure of this, I forbid you from leaving this place, as king of the version.” His eyes demanded obedience.
Lucina moved away from her father. "This was the day she said those words, year after year. Don't let your memory fool you." There were those embers again, refusing to be stamped out. His words were harsh and ugly, although the truth. She wasn't denying that it was ugly. She was saying that seeking peace may do some good for both parties. She was silent after his words, knowing that it would just result in an argument. But his next words caused her lips to curl up in disgust, revealing her sharp teeth.

"I'm not allowed to leave?" There was that trapped feeling again, except now she was actually trapped.
He ran his fingers over the name, then closed his eyes. Removing the blanket that had laid under his armor, a magnificent bow and quiver of arrows appeared. Lifting the pair, he slid them over his shoulders and walked out of his hut.

Beautiful decorations were everything, painted rocks signifying the gemstones of the wolves sat on strings, hanging between every home. Children played in the streets, their faces and the faces of their parents already painted in preparation of the ceremony. Torian’s face would not be painted until their Chief set them off to hunt, where he would then don the colors of his parents’ gemstones and cross into the Deep Forest where he would obtain his own gem. He couldn’t wait.


“And where is she Lucina? She is dead.” He snarled right back at her. “Yes. You are staying here.” He barked at her, raising his head high. “I am you father, your alpha, and your king. You will obey me. I will return later with food... now STAY.” He snarled, then turned and trotted our.
Lucina didn't step down like the others did when her father snarled. She stood strong and maintained eye contact with him. These kinds of scuffles between king and princess made other pack members uncomfortable. Lucina could tell some agreed with her but wouldn't dare let that be known in the presence of their alpha. When he left, she pranced around the cave. "I am your father, your alpha, and your king." She mocked quietly. "You will obey me bleh blah bleh".

Where she wanted to go, there would be no one to rule over her. No one would be her king. Beyond the forest, there were things they didn't know about and Lucina would be allowed to be in charge of herself.
“Young and old, warrior and student, rise! It is time for the BRACKEN!!” Everyone in the village had assembled into a large group, all seat on the ground before a large rock. On it now stood a tall man with a colorful headless of feathers and multiple stones, his staff raised high in the air. The staff was a mark of his status as chief, being the only weapon that held a stone of two colors. The black and silver gem shimmered under the sun’s rays when he lifted it up. Everyone became silent as he raised his free hand. “It is time to let our young king grow into full warriors and prove their dedication to this land, to our people!! They have trained their entire lives for this moment, and I know they will not fail...” ani’s gaze drifted over the crowd and his eyes met Torian’s for a moment. “Warriors!! Rise! Best it the colors on those hunting today!!” Older warriors, almost all parents of those they weee marking, turned to their children and colored their faces with special paint. The colors flower as they did so. Torian picked up a bowl, painting the two colors on his face, alone. Once they finished, they raised a fist to the sky. “Good luck. Be strong and be swift... AND NOW!!! LET THE HUNT BEGIN!!!” Someone handed him a horn, and he blew it. With loud yelps and shouts, the painted warriors took off, some alone and some in groups. Torian adjusted his bow, walking out of the camp.


The forest shook at the sound of the horn, and every Verdilf shivered. They hid themSelves as best they could, some foolish ones preparing themselves to catch a Titan instead of being caught. Little did they know that the their whole forest had been set up with various dangerous traps. The Verdulf king looked up from the pack he stood before. He had left Lucina hours ago, but still worried for her. He turned his head in the direction of her home. “Make the right choice my daughter...” He knew she couldn’t hear him from so far away, but he hoped she would do as he said.
Lucina looked up from where she was when the horn sounded. She hadn't listened to her father. Not many would be shocked that she ventured off into the forest. She had wanted to visit her favorite place, a beautiful clearing with a small, crystal clear pond. Lucina was just going to be out until the horn sounded. She was close enough to her home to make it back before the Titans even made it half way there. No matter what she preached, she knew today was dangerous. It was going to be fine. She turned and quickly took of through the woods towards her home.

Lucina was swift as she ran through the forest. She was almost home when everything turned to a blur. She let out a quiet yelp and found herself looking at the world upside down.

She had been trapped.
His bow drawn, Torian carefully made his way through the Deep Forest, the home of the Verdulf. Cold eyes examined the plants and trees, searching for a hint of a beast. He had hunted for almost all his life, making this ceremony easy for him. He had taken down Shadow Bears, huge bears that could teleport through shadows, bigger than most Verdulf’s were described as.

Pushing aside some foliage, he frowned. Heavy breathing and struggling entered his ears. Something is stuck...
Stay calm. Stay calm and quiet. That was what Lucina told herself. She was sure there was going to be a Titan coming to check the trap sooner or later, but she wanted to make sure that was later. She would make as little noise as possible.

Lucina did keep her calm for the most part. She shifted from wolf to human. As a human, her gem was on her hand. Maybe the trap would be easier to get out of as a human. But it seemed to make it worse. Her dark curls were caught in it so she shifted back to a wolf. Then human. Then wolf. She had worked up a breath as she shifted back and forth, trying to come up with different ways to get out. She froze at the sound of something near.
The shifting sound stopped and Torian frowned. It knows I’m here. Pulling himself up into a tree, he slid down a thick branch, then drew his bow. Taking a deep breath, he wrapped his legs around the branch and let himself fall. Now upside down, he growled. Two of his fingers released the arrow, the final staying in place. His eyes widened as they met those of the wolf. The trapped wolf.

He jumped down, landing on his feet. Sliding his bow back over his shoulder, he walked over and squatted in front of the Verdulf. “Didn’t see the trap coming, huh?”
Lucina's brown eyes met those of a human. Great. This was great. She couldn't help but think about her father when he discovered she was no longer at home or when she never came back. This human was going to kill her, but she would not give him the pleasure of seeing her afraid of him. When he dropped down and spoke, she continued staring at him. Of course she didn't see the trap coming. If she had, it would've been avoided. She blinked and took a breath in, giving another mild attempt at getting free.
He held out a hand as she wriggled. “Sh sh. No don’t move. There are stone hooks on these wires. They will bite into your skin and not let go. That’s the way we designed them.” Looking over the beautiful wolf, he smiled a bit. “Most of my people say you are savages... but I have heard stories that you can speak. Can you?”
Lucina knew about the stone hooks. She had been poked by a few in her human form. She stared at some more as he asked questions. Was he really going to question her before stealing her stone? She got a really sick one didn't she? She narrowed her eyes in a you've got to be kidding me way. Savages? That's what they were called? She wasn't sure if how wolves communicated to each other could be understood by humans. Lucina decided maybe she could talk her way out of this and maybe he would listen if he was looking into a face like his own.

She shifted to her human form. Which was just as stuck as her wolf form. "Of course we can speak, what is wrong with you?" She let out a breath as she looked at him. "Listen I'm not one to beg for my life but could you please...it wouldn't be very warrior like to kill me when I'm helpless would it?"
He smiled grimly as she gave him a look. I got a dumb one eh? Maybe i’ll Let it go and give it some time to get away before I kill it. Nodding to himself, he stood up. “Alright wildly, good still and I-“ He jumped back when she shifted, his bow somehow in his hands and drawn. He snarled softly. Looking her up and down, he couldn’t believe his eyes. She actually shifted... right in front of me.

“I didn’t expect you to... do that. That was a dumb decision.”
Lucina looked at him, keeping fear from her eyes still. "What the stupidest thing I've done today is venture away from my home." She struggled again, even against his word. The trap cut her soft skin and she stopped. She looked at him again. She was afraid, whether or not she showed it. "I don't want to die." She spoke softly to him.
His eyes met her’s. Pausing, he slowly lowered his bow. Something about her, something about her voice... Growling, he flipped his dagger from his boot. “Hold still.” He went around her, pulling her close to him. “If you move, the wires will tighten and suffocate you.” Moving his knife to her next, he began cutting the tight strings.

He couldn’t believe himself. Not only was he speaking to a Verdulf, he was helping one.
Lucina tensed when he took out a dagger and pulled the trap closer to him. Was he actually going to kill a defenseless Verdulf? She felt ashamed for him if that was the case. Some warrior. But he began cutting at the strings instead. She kept her breath shallow and still, afraid to move. When the last string was cut, the trap dropped her onto the ground with a thud.

Lucina let out a groan of pain from the fall and mumbled a curse word. She pushed herself up from the ground and turned towards the man. He was only a couple inches taller than her. If they were to have a fight, it would be ideal for her to be in her wolf form. But her human form could put up a decent fight. She stood before him, body tense and brown eyes large, in silence. Did they part ways? What if he followed her?
He cut the strings with the utmost care, watching her fall to the ground with the broken trap. Admiring her human form, he looked her over. She had tan skin and beautifully curly hair, her curvy build very attractive. Uninterested, he looked down on her, not offering a hand of help.

When she stood, he continued to look down. He was silent as they stood there. Suddenly he grabbed her hand, lifting it up. “This is your Oid... is it not?” He bidding to the stone on her hand, the wed being a name his people used for them.
Lucina's expression changed when he grabbed her hand and lifted it up. It changed from fear to one of slight insult as he spoke about the golden gem on her hand, calling it a strange name she had never heard before. The gold was the same as the gold that formed a ring around her dark pupils and dissolved into the chocolatey brown. It accentuated the warmth of her skin and, as others in her pack said, the warmth in her personality. She pulled her hand away from him and cradled it against her chest with her other. She could feel her heart beating.

She stood up straighter. "It is." She ran her fingers over it as she spoke. "It is part of me."
He didn’t move when she pulled away, seeing how she pulled it to her heart. “You know what us Titans do with those, don’t you?” He took a step forward, his voice completely neutral. It was hard to tell if he was threatening her or merely asking a question of of curiosity. The lime green in his eyes met her golden brown ones.

Torian knew how to kill this young Verdulf. He knew how to take her down, strip her of her life, and tear that gem from her hand. He knew that his people expected him to bring them a gem by sundown, and that if he didn’t, serious consequences would follow. His knowledge had no sway, however, when he spoke to this girl. Maybe he would kill her, but not now.
Lucina didn't move back when he stepped towards her. She didn't break eye contact either. She wasn't sure if he was trying to threaten her or just asking a question, but she would answer. "I do know what you do." They all knew, but Lucina had spied on them once or twice, without her father's knowledge, obviously.

"Do you know what they mean to us?" She kept her brave stance as she posed this question to him, "Not the purpose they serve, but their meaning?"
“They help you transform, and they help you use a small amount of magic. They’re precious stones that are more valuable and not durable than any material found in the ground.” He took Her hand again, running his rough fingers over the smooth gem.

“No. I don’t. I can guess they’re very important. So important you would be willing to kill innocent children to return the ones that have been stolen.” He didn’t looks up at her as his neutral voice continued to speak.

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