Coraeva "Cori" Yalow


Awesome Sauce

Coraeva Yalow



  • Nickname, Gender, and Age

    Cori is a female, and is 16 years old.

  • Species

    Rusalka. "The Rusalka's deadly power resides in her embrace. As a water spirit, to embrace a Rusalka is to drown. Rusalki possess fairy glamour and enchantment, using it to secure their human prey. The Rusalki can also hypnotize with her singing, luring victims to their doom. In some legends hearing the laughter of a Rusalka is fatal. Rusalki do have one beneficial power, mainly that of blessing or fertilizing the ground they walk upon. Any area of dirt or field that a Rusalka has tread upon will be especially fertile the next growing season." - || however, her laughter is not fatal, although it is annoying to some people for being high-pitched. Cori hasn't mastered the glamour or enchantment, so she'll probably not use that.

  • Sexuality and Grade.

    She's a bisexual 11th grader.

  • Personality Overview and Bio

    Cheerful but pessimistic, sarcastic at times, a bit depressed) || She lived in Russia but quickly fled as soon as her parents heard about this school. The school she went to found out about her being a rusalka (hence her missing school in autumn and winter originally) and kicked her out. 

  • Other

    Other: Her hair is always wet, which explains the messiness of it. Salt and iron can repel her away, but won't kill her. 


Sorry for the insanely big picture. >.<  (found a smaller one lol)
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