Cool Kids

Geun Sae

I would crawl belly deep through hell

Age: (Fifteen/Fourteen)


Personality: (At least twelve sentences)




Theme Song:

What color is the Sky?:
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"FUCK. I'm so perfect." - Kordana Iris Bloom
Name: Kordana Bloom

Age: 17


Kordana towers over most other girls at the height of 5'9. Perhaps this is why they're scared of her. She has black eyes (The iris is literally black. She does not have bruised eyelids), arched eyebrows, manicured nails, and dramatic makeup. She has a unique sense of style and changes it as often as she dyes her hair. Her hair is currently slime green with baby pink highlights in a curled updo (basically the picture with green hair, just with pink highlights).


Personality: Kordana can be described as one word: Fierce. She doesn't take no for an answer and has a commanding force about her. She hates to be disobeyed and makes sure the consequences are severe if someone does so. She's known to be extremely violent and anyone who gets in a fight with her doesn't come out looking pretty. Kordana is known to be unusually cruel to her grunts and most grunts are afraid to be "hers". Kordana is extremely conceited and looks at herself as a goddess. She's sort of delusional and believes her and the "cool kids" are above everyone else. She's very much going to enjoy the night kids kill each other for a chance to join them. She's a smart girl with a silver tongue and an iron fist. Her cockiness may get her into trouble though. She seems to only care about herself and she's sort of nervous about this night. If something goes wrong she'll end up blaming everyone else and wouldn't feel any remorse. She's a primadonna and likes to make sure the spotlight is always on her. She sort of likes that she's the only female in the "Cool Kids" and would prefer it stays that way. It makes her that much more desirable. She seems to be disconnected from the fact that tonight she's watching children kill each other and that she may get into trouble for making them. She's known to lead boys on and fuck them over in the end. She tends to stay away from love. She seems to have a general disregard for human life and emotions. She only cares about her friends and drugs. She's addicted to alcohol and is nicknamed "The Alcoholic Beauty Queen" at the school. She's a shitty person in general and would do anything to save her own ass. This may get her in trouble one day...


Skills: Kordana is a very charming young girl and has a strong will to survive in a world that is unknown to her. She tries to use her cute smile and quick words to get her out of situations. She's taken gymnastics for most of her life and is a very nimble, flexible girl. She's also been the lead flyer in the cheerleading squad so she's very small but has a lot of muscle.

Weaknesses: Kordana is extremely cocky. She's self-centered and can't take orders. She's very delusional and some may even call her insane. She's also a recovering alcoholic. She has extreme anxiety that can strike at any moment. She'll randomly be doing something and leave the room because she felt like she was being watched. Her anxiety makes her imagine things and makes her feel like she's going crazy.



Being in charge




Pissing people off


Messing with boys' heads

The spotlight




People above her

People she thinks are ugly


People that aren't cool


Being alone (Silence and being alone make her feel uneasy)

Not having her phone

Feeling defenseless

Not having her anxiety medication


Theme Song:[media]

What color is the Sky? "Green, like my weave, bitch you know."

I wasn't sure if the cool kids were a bit older than the grunts or not so I made a judgement call. Let me know if you want me to change anything!
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"I'm the coolest, don't mess with me, homo." Ricki


Ricki "Slick" Pronza






If you had to describe Ricki in just one word, it'd be 'Bigot'. He's racist, fascist, and people somehow admire him; some mysteries are too strange to solve. As you may be guessing, he has anger problems, mostly due to being spoiled and getting everything he wants. Ricki hates most people since he sees them lower than his own stature and despises anyone who says that they are better than him. Ricki wouldn't be a complete douchebag without having a sick sense of humor, but it really isn't humor as much as it is simple statements that he says that expresses his hate for humanity and different people/races/cultures. Not only is he a racist bigot/fascist, but he's a womanizer as well, Ricki likes to run around with different girls and have lots of "Fun" with different girls, sometimes at the same time.

But, Slick does have some likeable things about him.... Alright, I lied, he's just an all-around asshole who doesn't really have any redeeming qualities about him. Ricki's parents are very rich which is what gives him so much power, he can use however much money he wants to bribe teachers or kids whenever he wants. People envy Ricki intensely due to his hateful charm and large amounts of money, but the cool kids around him seem to be completely fine with him, mostly because he's just like them and they associate with him. Ricki sometimes wishes that he was less rich, but he quickly dismisses those thoughts and ones like it, this simply adds to how much of a douchebag Ricki is. He thinks that everybody loves him but he would be terribly mistaken if he were to hear what the lesser kids around him say.


Can knock the head off of a scrawny emo with just one swing of a bat.

Has an amazing rapping talent.

Actually a good pick-up artist.



Anger Problems

Not Very Agile

Usually lets his anger get the best of him.


+Hot Girls



+Loud Music


-Other Races




Theme Song:


What color is the Sky?:

The sky is black since you're looking into space. But most people say it's green.
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Coraline "Cora" Wyndehært

Pronunciation: [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=12px][B][I]('CORA-LINE WIND-HEART')[/I][/B][/SIZE][SIZE=12px][B]


Age: Thirteen

Role: Grunt

Appearance: Saying that Coraline is a pretty girl definitely wouldn't be an understatement. She sports short and curly red hair that ends at about hip-length, with ringlets and curls to behold. With bright and ambitious green eyes and fairly dispersed and scattered orange freckles, she seems to be like a character right out of any Irish fairytale about a wondrous girl. She favors wearing loose and more girly clothing, such as knit sweaters and v-necks to reveal whatever a thin Irish girl is capable of having. One object that sets Cora apart from that fairytale is her silver septum piercing, stealing all of her contained innocence based on appearance. She stands at a decent 5'5 and supports a more lanky and thin figure, rather than one that is girly and 'voluptuous', weighing only around 100lbs. With a rather immature and childish body, Coraline really only has the soft features of her (cute and soft) focal and (rather quiet) personality areas going for her pertaining means of attraction.

Personality: The best phrase to describe Coraline would be that she is very in tune with her surroundings. She plays more of the observer role than a speaking one, mainly because she is one that is practiced in taking in a lot of information about people (and sometimes using it against them) and often being able to read people on barely the first or second meeting. She is generally seen as very soft-spoken or mute because of her trying to take in all information possible about the people she meets. She is also a very crafty individual and is quite organized, as well as one for a big imagination. Cora is quite kind and loves to do what she finds to be a hobby of hers. She likes to take notes on practically everything, and considers many things before participating in something, whether that be a risky event or something more secure. Another interesting fact about her is that she absolutely loathes liars, and has some sort of skill that entrances people to only tell the truth to Coraline. She does not trust easy, and tends not to let other people into her personal life, that being a good explanation for both her lack of friends as well as that significant other. She loves to learn and will do anything for such knowledge. Despite that, however, she will fail to be persuaded by anyone who tries to do so. She is very intelligent, as well as both street-smart and book-smart. She had to learn how to adapt to the world fast, even though she had still become a pawn of enjoyment to the Cool Kids and eventuality degraded to that of a Grunt, her dissociative disorder making it easy to manipulate her feelings.


Coraline was an only child, one with parents who constantly worked and never had time for her. She earned her ideals and abilities in her crafty and imaginative nature from having to entertain herself all day, because of lack of interaction with her parents. Nobody knows the real reason, but it is thought that her dissociative identity disorder stemmed from lack of both friends and others to interact with, thus forcing her to create another form of an individual to talk/play with. But, for the longest time, she was regarded as a mute, not wanting to reveal her made-up persona. This began at age 5 and finally played out and ended by her mid teen years. Before then, Cora had talked to herself constantly to remain entertained, and had even fabricated both full on conversations and arguments with that other personality. It was later found out that her other part of her was both a 'play-mate' as well as her storage for many provoked emotions such as anger, irritation, and oppression. As listed, none of these emotions of this character of hers were positive, which was why that remained as merely a separate personality entirely.

Over the years—yes, the mute ones—Coraline had been known as the "odd quiet girl", and she knew that perfectly well. What everyone else didn't know, however, that the suppressed personality of her other self had began to further strengthen itself. A little less than occasionally, her dissociative persona would lash out at people, and she had been thought of as one to get physical rather than verbal—and that was never supposed to be part of her personality—so those her age would fear her or just plainly dislike her for this being an additional reason. This, of course, was never Cora's fault, her separate personality acting out in destructive ways merely because the girl could not express herself any other way because of her more mute status. Because of her past, she lacked proper social skills with others, in a way so that even her other personality wasn't getting much attention either. As time went on, her personality had fabricated into other things, sometimes threatening to become a part of Coraline, or perhaps force certain thoughts into her head. She had tried her best to force out this unwanted-yet-previously-loved persona.

At the age of 15, she finally could not take such abuse and torment from her other self, so she had spoken for the first time in over 10 years. This was another breakthrough in the girl, so her parents had finally admitted her for institutionalized, because they weren't of favor of such a child so they wanted her to be 'fixed'. Of course, they did now know that one could just not fix a mental situation such as Cora's, so heavy treatment was what needed to be done. She had then spent 3 years in the unforgiving surroundings of a psychological institution, finally released once she had turned 18 and signed her own consent form and waiver. Little did her psychologists know, however, that she had never been cured. Her separate persona had merely locked itself away into the deepest recesses of Coraline's mind, only to be released by the girl herself in desperate times of need such as loneliness or stress. Its main personality of its own self remained how it had been originally, however. Anger, irritation, and oppression, only now to have additions being pain, self-consciousness, animosity, and slight instability/insanity.

Finally in control of her own life, Cora spent her time as a new adult thinking, thinking about her treatments, all the unforgiving and not-trusting people she had met, and finally had a new perspective on the world when she had been a mute. She had learned tremendous amounts of both herself as well as her surroundings, and had decided that was what she wanted to do with her life. Coraline wanted to be able to read people further, understand them and pick at the most oppressed thoughts in their brain and dissect their problems and disorders. She strangely favored this topic, despite loathing it from as those in the mental institution had done to her. Despite that, she found human behaviors absolutely fascinating: how they act and how they react from the cerebrum and cerebellum, how they use their brains and how they work via their sensory strip, how emotions furl and unfurl by the limbic system, the key points of anger and how that is stimulated from areas such as the amygdala. Coraline wanted to read, read, read all about it and learn all she could, because she believed such mental and psychological information and knowledge was of utmost power. Because if you knew how the brain worked and its functions, you could pretty much control anyone and everyone. But soon had she been informed that since she had spent so long in an institution, she had to go back to high school and take the twelfth grade to earn her diploma.

Greatest Strength:Have an organization issue? Leave it all to Coraline, and it will be organized by color, name, file number, section, etcetera. Have a mysterious character you want to know more about? Introduce him/her to Coraline, and portions of their personality and/or daily life will begin to unfold right before your eyes.

Greatest Weakness: Her diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder(AKA multiple personality disorder) tends to be one of her greatest weaknesses, because the certain state of mind can cause Coraline to behave erratically when swapped. She is usually able to control the other part of her from unearthing, but stress and anxiety levels can cause her personality to change completely.




"They are someone to keep an eye on and must be read further before taking any future action."
Coraline Wyndehært

(List to be created in the future/upon future interaction)

Theme Song:

Resuscitate — Fireflight

What Color is the Sky?:

"Last time I checked, the sky was green, just like my favorite color."
Coraline Wyndehært

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

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Walt Foster

Age: 17



You know how your parents always lecture you to not hang out with the Kid down the street who hangs out in the park? It's kids like Walt's fault they say that. Walt's parents are the type of parent's you wish you had, but after ten minutes you get tired of. His parent's are rather filled to the brim with cheap whiskey or at some strangers house in bed with somebody who they don't know. Walt is dark, his mind reflecting that of a never ending hole of darkness and covered fear. His mind works like that of shark. Not bothering to reason, deal, or offer anything to anyone other then himself. His view on life can be summed up in a four word phrase. Survival of The Fittest. If your not fit, smart, or attractive enough to get through what life has for you, then just give up. That's where Walt he comes in. Walt is smart. real smart. He knows how to affect and lower people based on even the most minuscule of things. he knows how to balance and unbalance the social ladder, and leave it to him to rearrange the entire thing.


Mental torture. While Walt may not be the inhuman to torture somebody physically, well not yet, he know's how to torture them psychologically. Nothing messes somebody up more, then someone else, reaching in to dark and unraveled parts of the brain, only to have someone pluck them out and show you them face to face.



Your only as bad as you can portray yourself. Deep inside Walt, there is a spot softer than wet bread. If one was able to get to that soft spot, Game Over.


+ His Shotgun named "Oswald"

+ Violence

+ Classic Rock Music

+ Soda

- Wimps

- Rules

- Overprotective people

- Sunshine (He Loves Rain)


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[QUOTE="Jaw Breaker]

Walt Foster

Age: 17



You know how your parents always lecture you to not hang out with the Kid down the street who hangs out in the park? It's kids like Walt fault they say that. Walt's parents are the type of parent's you wish you had, but after ten minutes you get tired of. His parent's are rather filled to the brim with cheap whiskey or at some strangers house in bed with somebody who they don't know. Walt is dark, his mind reflecting that of a never ending hole of darkness and covered fear. His mind works like that of shark. Not bothering to reason, deal, or offer anything to anyone other then himself. His view on life can be summed up in a four word phrase. Survival of The Fittest. If your not fit, smart, or attractive enough to get through what life has for you, then just give up. That's where Walt he comes in. Walt is smart. real smart. He knows how to affect and lower people based on even the most minuscule of things. he knows how to balance and unbalance the social ladder, and leave it to him to rearrange the entire thing.


Mental torture. While Walt may not be the inhuman to torture somebody physically, well not yet, he know's how to torture them psychologically. Nothing messes somebody up more, then someone else, reaching in to dark and unraveled parts of the brain, only to have someone pluck them out and show you theme face to face.



Your only as bad as you can portray yourself. Deep inside Walt, there is a spot softer than wet bread. If one was able to get to that soft spot, Game Over.


+ His Shotgun named "Oswald"

+ Violence

+ Classic Rock Music

+ Soda

- Wimps

- Rules

- Overprotective people

- Sunshine (He Loves Rain)



the fact that you're using gifs from "the 100" make me so happy
[QUOTE="Jaw Breaker]

Walt Foster

Age: 17



You know how your parents always lecture you to not hang out with the Kid down the street who hangs out in the park? It's kids like Walt fault they say that. Walt's parents are the type of parent's you wish you had, but after ten minutes you get tired of. His parent's are rather filled to the brim with cheap whiskey or at some strangers house in bed with somebody who they don't know. Walt is dark, his mind reflecting that of a never ending hole of darkness and covered fear. His mind works like that of shark. Not bothering to reason, deal, or offer anything to anyone other then himself. His view on life can be summed up in a four word phrase. Survival of The Fittest. If your not fit, smart, or attractive enough to get through what life has for you, then just give up. That's where Walt he comes in. Walt is smart. real smart. He knows how to affect and lower people based on even the most minuscule of things. he knows how to balance and unbalance the social ladder, and leave it to him to rearrange the entire thing.


Mental torture. While Walt may not be the inhuman to torture somebody physically, well not yet, he know's how to torture them psychologically. Nothing messes somebody up more, then someone else, reaching in to dark and unraveled parts of the brain, only to have someone pluck them out and show you theme face to face.



Your only as bad as you can portray yourself. Deep inside Walt, there is a spot softer than wet bread. If one was able to get to that soft spot, Game Over.


+ His Shotgun named "Oswald"

+ Violence

+ Classic Rock Music

+ Soda

- Wimps

- Rules

- Overprotective people

- Sunshine (He Loves Rain)



I never thought I'd see someone else who likes The 5678's.
• Name: Butch B. Reaver

• Age: 14

• Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.74a3e41ac89903ecc34080ed385df96d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53520" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.74a3e41ac89903ecc34080ed385df96d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He stands at 4'9 and weighs 82 pounds. He's pretty scarred and ripped for the most part. He had bark blue eyes, but constant eye injury caused them to look darker than usual.

• Personality/Bio: Butch 'Behemoth' Reaver was an adopted kid from Eastside Oakland CA. His parents usually have no clue as to deal with him personally, since he is completely weird and unfit. Awkward in every sense of the word, it wasn't long until the "Cool Kids" found and made him a grunt. They loved his style, along with how well he could take a beating. Whenever a 'Cool Kid' would 'Lose his Cool', they would beat Butch repeatedly until he was close to death. Butch see's it as a way he could become a man. Being completely young, and without much parental influence; the Cool Kids are all he has to teach him right from wrong. Everything being wrong, minus getting beat up on. He's, for the most part, filled with multiple personalities. After receiving his new name from the Cool Kids; he took to living on his own, eating scraps wherever he could survive. His mental and physical state normally would demand medical attention; but for a boy who had been beat up since he was 6, pain is weakness leaving the body. It's only a matter of time before he wouldn't feel pain anymore, the Cool Kids tell him everyday.

He's a nice kid to be sure, always helping out those in need. Loyalty is something he was never taught correctly however; and he sees it in a whole new light. Being homeless at a young age would turn anyone into a slightly charismatic character if it meant begging slightly to survive. He would take an opportunity to join the Cool Kids any day of the week, and wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who stood in his way; period. He has a rare case known as Stockholm Syndrome, meaning he has fallen down to a point where he feels happy about being taken advantage of, and is eternally grateful whenever a Cool Kid does anything nice for him; including getting hit.

• Skills:

+ Fighting

+ Able to withstand most physical damage, as long as it isn't life threatening.

+ Oblivious to common fear of inflicting pain, and receiving it.

+ He's very much in shape, despite being almost broken from head to toe.

• Weaknesses:

- Mentally unstable

- Even though his bones are naturally harder due to abuse; certain parts of his body will never heal.

- Ignorant to most of the world, due to being young and sheltered.

• Likes/Dislikes:

+ Getting hit

+ Cool Kids

+ Hurting other people

- Boring situations

- Country music

- People who look at him with fear in their eyes.

• Theme Song:


What color is the Sky?: "Check down, not up... Very Green." - Butch



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[QUOTE="Kai Ghoul]• Name: Butch B. Reaver
• Age: 14

• Appearance:

View attachment 122623

He stands at 4'9 and weighs 82 pounds. He's pretty scarred and ripped for the most part. He had bark blue eyes, but constant eye injury caused them to look darker than usual.

• Personality/Bio: Butch 'Behemoth' Reaver was an adopted kid from Eastside Oakland CA. His parents usually have no clue as to deal with him personally, since he is completely weird and unfit. Awkward in every sense of the word, it wasn't long until the "Cool Kids" found and made him a grunt. They loved his style, along with how well he could take a beating. Whenever a 'Cool Kid' would 'Lose his Cool', they would beat Butch repeatedly until he was close to death. Butch see's it as a way he could become a man. Being completely young, and without much parental influence; the Cool Kids are all he has to teach him right from wrong. Everything being wrong, minus getting beat up on. He's, for the most part, filled with multiple personalities. After receiving his new name from the Cool Kids; he took to living on his own, eating scraps wherever he could survive. His mental and physical state normally would demand medical attention; but for a boy who had been beat up since he was 6, pain is weakness leaving the body. It's only a matter of time before he wouldn't feel pain anymore, the Cool Kids tell him everyday.

He's a nice kid to be sure, always helping out those in need. Loyalty is something he was never taught correctly however; and he sees it in a whole new light. Being homeless at a young age would turn anyone into a slightly charismatic character if it meant begging slightly to survive. He would take an opportunity to join the Cool Kids any day of the week, and wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who stood in his way; period. He has a rare case known as Stockholm Syndrome, meaning he has fallen down to a point where he feels happy about being taken advantage of, and is eternally grateful whenever a Cool Kid does anything nice for him; including getting hit.

• Skills:

+ Fighting

+ Able to withstand most physical damage, as long as it isn't life threatening.

+ Oblivious to common fear of inflicting pain, and receiving it.

+ He's very much in shape, despite being almost broken from head to toe.

• Weaknesses:

- Mentally unstable

- Even though his bones are naturally harder due to abuse; certain parts of his body will never heal.

- Ignorant to most of the world, due to being young and sheltered.

• Likes/Dislikes:

+ Getting hit

+ Cool Kids

+ Hurting other people

- Boring situations

- Country music

- People who look at him with fear in their eyes.

• Theme Song:


What color is the Sky?: "Check down, not up... Very Green." - Butch

(Ahhh he's so cute! ♥)

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way



"Die for me."

  • Name: Bella Williams


    Age: 14


    Bella has a medium length jet black hair that reaches down until her shoulder, it's ends are usually curled up neatly. She also have a very pale freckled skin and it's paired with a set of black orbs. She stands at the height of 4'7 and weighs 83pounds. Her body isn't very suitable with carrying heavy stuffs but she can whack your head with a single hit- as long as her weapon is suitable for it.

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Ravian said:


"Die for me."

  • Name: Bella Williams


    Age: 14


    Bella has a medium length jet black hair that reaches down until her shoulder, it's ends are usually curled up neatly. She also have a very pale freckled skin and it's paired with a set of black orbs. She stands at the height of 4'7 and weighs 83pounds. Her body isn't very suitable with carrying heavy stuffs but she can whack your head with a single hit- as long as her weapon is suitable for it.

I love that movie
Ravian said:


"Die for me."

  • Name: Bella Williams


    Age: 14


    Bella has a medium length jet black hair that reaches down until her shoulder, it's ends are usually curled up neatly. She also have a very pale freckled skin and it's paired with a set of black orbs. She stands at the height of 4'7 and weighs 83pounds. Her body isn't very suitable with carrying heavy stuffs but she can whack your head with a single hit- as long as her weapon is suitable for it.

This movie was so creepy but I loved it omg
Name: Sasha Rosealey (Sasha/Rose)

Age: Fifteen.

Appearance: Sasha is on the smaller side, registering at 5'4" and looking small enough that a strong breeze might break her in two. Sasha has dirty blonde hair that ends at about her collarbone or so, and basic brown eyes, though they're anything but boring. The eyes are the window to the soul, after all, right? And her's give you a peak at how smart she really is. She has a scar on the inside of her right wrist.

Personality: (At least twelve sentences)

Sasha is nothing but a scared little girl.

Wrong. Sasha is anything but that. Enough fire in her to start a riot, she won't back down, even if she is scared, which she is right now. I mean, can you blame her, with other people trying to kill her? She doesn't want to hurt anybody, but if that's what it costs, to get out of this alive, then that's what she'd do. She could go to therapy later, but she never said goodbye to Jace, her little brother.

Sasha is smart, though more street smart than anything. She's a really good liar, and a pretty clean shot when it comes to a bow and arrow. If she thinks she can trust you, she might mellow out some, but most likely, she still won't trust you completely. In the right conditions, she is a really sweet girl, willing to help out without being asked, and helping with anything she could.

Maybe that's why the Cool Kids picked her, they figured she'd be an easy target, the first one out. But she was determined not to be the first one dead and gone, she couldn't let her blood be the first one spilled, she wouldn't let Jace down. Anyway, Sasha doesn't drop her guard often, but when she does, she tends to hum to herself and examine her hands really close.

Sasha doubts she'll make it back home, but her motto is 'fake it til you make it' and it's worked for her in the past, so might as well try it again. She wants the spot, even if she knows how twisted these people are. She's sick of being bullied by them, and she feels like she's a rubber band about to snap, and all she wants to do is avoid that, but she may need that frustration now. If you can trust her and she trusts you, she is a very good friend.

Skills: Lock picking, being really good at math, archery, lying, and getting into small spaces.

Weaknesses: Being cornered, outnumbered, over analyzing things, not having a plan.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Oceans, drawing, archery, competitions, volleyball, the color orange. Dislikes: Spiders, (but not the big ones. little ones.) messiness, blood, chainsaws, and clowns.

Theme Song: Fire, Fire, by Flyleaf.

What color is the Sky?: Green. (Also, I'll be finishing this tonight, but I need to go to the store. Is that okay?)
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[QUOTE="Miss Graceful]Name:
Age: (Fifteen/Fourteen) Fifteen.


Personality: (At least twelve sentences)




Theme Song:

What color is the Sky?: Green. (Also, I'll be finishing this tonight, but I need to go to the store. Is that okay?)

Yeah, but if somebody else finishes their Sheet first I'll be accepting theirs instead.
Name: Theo Wilhelm, but they call him Noiz, as an insult to the fact he doesn't talk.

Age: Fifteen


Noiz has the strangest sense of fashion, which is mainly why he's a grunt, he's too strange to have any friends. He doesn't have the piercings shown in the picture, and is slightly underweight for his height, 130 pounds to his height of 5'9.

Personality: Noiz is very quiet, in fact he never talks. He was known to get in a few fights when he was younger, and he always won, but recently he's stopped. He became a grunt mainly because he could, and he was done bothering with all the fights. He pretty much hates everyone, and is always ready to fight if pushed. As he doesn't talk, nobody knows anything of his life outside of school, and he'd prefer to keep it that way. He doesn't have any care for other people, and lacks care for himself as well. Some people interpret his lack of care for himself as masochism, but they would be wrong. He's a bit of a sadist, as he really enjoys seeing others in pain, and it also amuses him when others seem worried about his lack of reaction to pain. He's fighting for the place in the cool kids, mainly because he's been bored recently, and also because he wants to pick up fighting again.


Noiz is very good at hand to hand combat.

Noiz' lack of care for his own safety means he is very violent and quick to take action.


Noiz often underestimates his injuries, meaning he can leave dangerous wounds that could kill him.

Noiz is known to not part much attention to things, meaning he may not notice noises or things out of the corner of his eye.


Noiz doesn't like many things, at all. He loves music, and he likes computer games and coding. He used to like fighting, but now he's neutral. He hates people really strongly, especially his family.

Theme Song:


What color is the Sky?: The colour of his brilliantly horrible clothing, green.
I'll go ahead and make a grunt CS then make an Opening Post! :3

(This my friends is what you call a quickly written character)

Name: Perry Hicks

Age: Fifteen



His personality is hard to capture in just a few sentences, but one of the easiest traits to write about him would be his comedy. Even in the darkest of situations he'll find the time to crack a joke. Perry is extremely Naive. He's just to kind to see anyone as a liar or a bad guy. He's always there for the people around him, he takes his friendships seriously and will always be there to protect his friends. Perry is most often curios, constantly taking advantage of time to find answers. In fact, his curiosity often gets in the way of his logic, leading to 'incidents' most of the time. Despite being in pretty goof shape, Perry almost never uses his physical abilities to his greatest extent. His reason for being a grunt just goes to show how tremendously powerful the grunts are. Their reason? Because they Can


Perry, despite barley using them, has pretty good physical abilities. He's able to run, jump, and throw like a captain of a team. His reason for never using them is unknown.


He's surprisingly easy to push around. For a man his size, he's about as easy to squish as an ant.


+ Humor

+ Peace and Quiet

+ Swimming

+ Art

- Violence

- Loud Noises

- Crowds

- The Spotlight

Theme Song:


Opening is up ya'll!
[QUOTE="Miss Graceful]Name: Sasha Rosealey (Sasha/Rose)
Age: Fifteen.

Appearance: Sasha is on the smaller side, registering at 5'4" and looking small enough that a strong breeze might break her in two. Sasha has dirty blonde hair that ends at about her collarbone or so, and basic brown eyes, though they're anything but boring. The eyes are the window to the soul, after all, right? And her's give you a peak at how smart she really is. She has a scar on the inside of her right wrist.

Personality: (At least twelve sentences)

Sasha is nothing but a scared little girl.

Wrong. Sasha is anything but that. Enough fire in her to start a riot, she won't back down, even if she is scared, which she is right now. I mean, can you blame her, with other people trying to kill her? She doesn't want to hurt anybody, but if that's what it costs, to get out of this alive, then that's what she'd do. She could go to therapy later, but she never said goodbye to Jace, her little brother.

Sasha is smart, though more street smart than anything. She's a really good liar, and a pretty clean shot when it comes to a bow and arrow. If she thinks she can trust you, she might mellow out some, but most likely, she still won't trust you completely. In the right conditions, she is a really sweet girl, willing to help out without being asked, and helping with anything she could.

Maybe that's why the Cool Kids picked her, they figured she'd be an easy target, the first one out. But she was determined not to be the first one dead and gone, she couldn't let her blood be the first one spilled, she wouldn't let Jace down. Anyway, Sasha doesn't drop her guard often, but when she does, she tends to hum to herself and examine her hands really close.

Sasha doubts she'll make it back home, but her motto is 'fake it til you make it' and it's worked for her in the past, so might as well try it again. She wants the spot, even if she knows how twisted these people are. She's sick of being bullied by them, and she feels like she's a rubber band about to snap, and all she wants to do is avoid that, but she may need that frustration now. If you can trust her and she trusts you, she is a very good friend.

Skills: Lock picking, being really good at math, archery, lying, and getting into small spaces.

Weaknesses: Being cornered, outnumbered, over analyzing things, not having a plan.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Oceans, drawing, archery, competitions, volleyball, the color orange. Dislikes: Spiders, (but not the big ones. little ones.) messiness, blood, chainsaws, and clowns.

Theme Song: Fire, Fire, by Flyleaf.

What color is the Sky?: Green. (Also, I'll be finishing this tonight, but I need to go to the store. Is that okay?)

*excited squee*

You like Flyleaf? :D

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
*excited squee*
You like Flyleaf? :D

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

I haven't been able to listen to most of their stuff yet, but yes! c:
[QUOTE="Miss Graceful]I haven't been able to listen to most of their stuff yet, but yes! c:

My favorite is their first album, their self-titled debut.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way


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