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Realistic or Modern Cool Kids

Geun Sae

I would crawl belly deep through hell
Sorting Day. Exactly Four hours until the doors would open. Each cool kid was to secretly deliver a note to each Grunt of Summers Secondary School. Perry would receive his in his Gym Locker. Caroline's was to be delivered in her Math textbook. Butch, was given his note in 3rd period. Walt was to pass it around the class multiple times before having it land at his desk. Bella would have hers taped to her sneakers right after fourth period gym. For Sasha, the note was placed in her lunch box. And for Theo, the note would land coincidentally on a dollar bill on the sidewalk. The note suspiciously would read,

Dear, (Insert name here.)

You are a Grunt. A filthy, disgusting, sad, Grunt. And just because we
REALLY don't like you, does not mean we are not willing to give you a chance.

Recently, Walt, Slick, and Kordana have felt like the 'Cool Kids' are missing someone. So we decided, lets give the grunts a chance. Out of the six of you, one of you will be given the chance to be apart of the Cool Kids.

All you have to do, is show up at the School's library at 7:00. The doors will be open. The grunts will play a game, and If you win the game, you will be apart of the Cool Kids.

The choice is yours. You decide.


The Cool Kids.

Walt sat impatiently in his chair. His fingers wrangled around the trigger of his shotgun. How many more minutes until the firs grunt arrives? His eyes scanned the room. First landing on the greasy eel that was Slick, then on the Evil Beauty that was Kordana. He dropped the gun to the ground before standing to his feet, a box of cigarettes in his hands. "Slick, where did you put the boxes?" Walt could feel the cold drop of sweat run down the back of his neck. Everything needed to be perfect, one screw up and the three of them would be charged with murder. "The boxes with the weapons where are they?" He muffed before sticking an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

Walt felt his stomach drop back to where it was when he saw the boxes near the corner of the table. "Never mind, they're right here." He lifted them. Six brown cardboard boxes, each with a different size, each with the name of a grunt written on them. "Kordana set them out on the table." Walt's commands were a result of his fear of being caught. Everything could go wrong. But he wasn't going to let that happen
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Kordana chose to ignore that she had just been ordered around. She realized that Walt was stressed out and rolled her eyes. "Will you please calm down? They'll be here. And besides, it's not like we can get in trouble YET. None of them are dead yet." Kordana spoke it in a tone that could be described as a mixture of pure sweetness and lethal venom. It's how she spoke every word that dripped out of her mouth. She seemed to float over to the box of weapons and picked them up. She dropped them onto the table and returned to her chair. She kicked her feet up onto the table and rolled her head back. She grabbed her headphones and plugged them into her iPhone. She tapped loudly at the screen due to her long nails and a few seconds later music could be heard blasting from her headphones. She was getting bored. She looked around and clicked her nails on the table. She grabbed her phone and stood up. "Ugh I'm getting bored. Where are these little shits? I wanna have some fun already." She put her right leg onto the chair and bent over to re-lace her pink Doc Martens. She grabbed her phone and checked out how she looked. Her hair still looked impeccable and her makeup was fine. She put her phone away and sat back down. She began to twirl a strand of slime green and pink hair between her delicately manicured fingers.

Kordana managed out a groan and stood up. She twirled around once and asked, "So who do you want to win tonight? I kinda hope it's Perry. He's a little cutie and if he was older it would be SO much fun to toy with him. If it's not him I want that little freak Noiz to win. Kid isn't too annoying. He never fuckin' talks though. That's a little creepy." She stretched out her hands and glanced at her matte black nails. They looked like claws. She nodded her head to the music playing on her iPhone and smiled.

She pulled a joint out of her purse and rummaged around in the purse for her lighter. She grabbed it and lit her joint. She began to smoke and offered it to Walt after two puffs. "You need to relax, my friend. Take it." She sighed and sat on the table. She kicked her legs back and forth and adjusted her crop top.

"What about you, Slick? Who do you want to win? What's going on in that twisted little brain of yours?" She smiled and pursed her lips. She took her lipstick out of her purse and applied a fresh black coat to her lips. She thought it would make her look intimidating. She also liked the deep black color. It looked good on her lips. She licked her lips once and rolled her head back.​
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Ricki stands at one corner of the security room, his brand new bike sitting directly in front of him. Ricki had taken the liberty of drawing a swastika on a metal plate which he had fastened strongly in front of the handlebars. "Ha, you need glasses there, bug eyes?" Ricki chuckles at his own crack before beginning to test the spokes and turning ability of the bike. The bike was specially made, Ricki had ordered it online with special configurations. " I think I want that girl, uh, Coraline or whatever her name is, to win. She'd probably have a good talk with me afterwards, I mean my dick, that is." Ricki laughs at his sick joke before giving off a loud WOO, the adrenaline is already flowing through him. His bike's wheels were lightweight, but they were made with a very tough rubber, the frame was made out of aluminum and the seat was made out of a nice rubber with some great stuffing, this bike was a combination of durable, fast, and comfy. There was also a small box located just below and behind the seat, this is where Ricki would keep his revolver and ammo.

He stands, "Alright, we'll do a test to see how long it'll take the cameras to catch me. I'll go out and patrol the area until the Grunts arrive, I'll even give them a little welcome." Ricki says as he picks up the bat which he had spent all last night attaching razor blades to. He grabs his bike and walks out the door. "Alright, don't forget to use the walkie talkies to communicate, alright? Now, I'll get out there and deliver their weapons." Slick says as he walks back into the room to get the weapons. He picks up a couple of the boxes, leaving the other CKs to deliver the bigger boxes themselves. "See you bitches later." Ricki says before walking out the door and puts the boxes in the bag on the back of his bike. After getting his bat, Ricki begins his ride through the school towards the front doors.

After arriving at the front doors, he retrieves a radio from the pocket of his Varsity jacket, "I'm here, and by the way I look right now, They're going to have the shit scared out of their asses just by looking at me." Slick takes his bat and leans it against his, now parked, bike. "Hey, Walt, remember that small boombox I got taken up that I forgot about? Go get it and bring it to the security room, would you?" Ricki asked and began the tedious task of waiting. His stance was that of a person who meant business, a person whose demeanor couldn't have been any other's apart from Ricki's; very intimidating, dark, and absolutely fucking waiting.
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Walt giggled at Slick's remarks. The greasy eel was at it again. Walt slowly brought the lighter to where his lips wrapped around the cigarette before lighting the end of it. "Ricki, do me a favor, right after you give 'em their weapons, send them to the library." His voice felt dry, no questioning why. His fingers raised to the cigarette before pulling it out and huffing out a cloud of smoke. His palms felt dry, it felt impossible since he was sweating so much. Such an event, Six enter, one can leave, it would be a great event in Summers Secondary school history. He turned to Kordana, a crude look of happiness on his face. "Drugs are bad for you.." He giggled at his own cute little remark. The situation was in need of more jokes. "Yeah, I'll be there in just a second." Walt turned to his partner in crime before giving her a wink.He jumped towards the door on his way to the security room. He griped a flashlight before heading into the halls of the now dimly lit school. His walk quickly became a run as he continuously checked his watch in hopes of not missing the grunts.

Her stomach dropped as she read the note, filling with dread. She shouldn't do this, she should just go home and make Jace dinner, like always. But this sounded like a challenge, and competitions were something she did enjoy. So hell, why not? She didn't suspect the murder aspect, though getting a chance to be one of the cool kids sounded too good. There had to be a catch, there normally was.

Sasha ignored her common sense as mounted her bike and started peddling, though she wasn't in a huge rush to get there. Still, she somehow managed to arrive somewhat early. Brown eyes scanned the steps of the school, catching the dimming light as they moved right. Somehow she didn't spot anybody. But after all, they were supposed to meet in the library for this game.

Sasha frowned a little, just standing there. She still had time to back out. She could still make a break for it. Once more ignoring everything in her that screamed for her to leave, she put the kickstand down and left the bike there, hooking her thumbs through her belt loops as she made her way to the front steps, looking to see if she had missed somebody out here.
Kordana was the only one who remained in the library. She grinned and took Walt's seat. She propped her legs up on the table and continued smoking her joint. "More for me I suppose." She said to no one in particular. She reached for her Benelli M4 shotgun and gripped it tightly. She would at least scare the shit out of the grunts. "Roll that spaceship we bout to get lifted." She sang the trashy lyrics quietly to herself and continued to smoke. Eventually she finished and she threw it out. "Where are these fucking grunts?! What the fuck!" She yelled and slammed her fists on the table. She thought of how she was gonna beat all of them for being late. Fucking idiots. She leaned back against the chair and rolled her eyes. She smoothed down her hair and smiled to herself. "God I really am so fucking adorable. Thanks parents for making me so damn cute." She scrolled through Twitter and tweeted two selfies. With in moments they were being spammed with favorites and re-tweets. "What fucking idiots. They think that retweeting my selfie is gonna make me notice them. They're scum." She spoke to herself. A bad habit she picked up when she entered high school. "I honestly am the gem of this school. I'm its pride and joy. Captain of the cheer team, lead flyer, lead soprano, what else could they want? I hope it's just as fun when I graduate." She smiled cruelly to herself and kicked her legs up again. All that was left was the waiting. (Excuse my short posts. I'm on my phone haha)
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Coraline froze when she read the note that had been mysteriously been slipped into her math textbook. Math was never a strong subject of hers, even though she was good with numbers and analyzation. She was excited to finally have a chance at being part of the popular crowd, but at the same time filled with incredible dread and horror. The Cool Kids were running some sort of 'game' for her and the rest of the grunts to play for the spot. She clenched her freckled fists tightly, slipping on her pale green backpack quickly after putting the note away in one of its pockets. The library....The library... she thought to herself as she headed in the specified destination. She adjusted her light lavender cardigan nervously, her long and thick mane of red hair ticking at her cheeks in a bothersome manner. She was wearing a white shirt underneath, as well as a knee length plaid red skirt that was able an inch above her knees. Her steps were slow and hesitant, as she could easily be ambushed by this request. She knew she wasn't like the other grunts. Coraline wasn't bloodthirsty or murderous like all the rest of them were, because she hadn't been trained that way.

Because she was new to the school from recently being released from her physiological institution, she didn't know too much pertaining such negative behaviors. She didn't necessarily see people as able to hurt others, but being in such a crazy ward, she knew humans could be driven to follow through with awful things. She had anyways been too kind for that, but here separate personality would disagree completely. Coraline's other part was exactly what the term for grunts was. It was cynical, cruel, attention-seeking, and plenty morbid and torturous. That's what made her part of the general term, to be made into the Cool Kids' play toy of sadistic enjoyment. Even though she was very quiet and a little odd, all she wanted was to fit in like anyone else. Soon enough had the redhead walked through the library doors, as silent as a cat, although she was trembling quite terribly. "H-hello?" She called out in a weak voice that reverberated through the large library.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

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"That's enough for today."

The sound of their gym teacher's voice echoed throughout the said place as Bella gave out a small sigh. She was never that athletic type, rather she was taht type who would rather read books and observe her sorrounding- waiting patiently to strike. Her black orbs looking tired and emotionless as usual as she walked towards her locker to grab her pair of sneakers. As he opened her locker, she was greeted with a bright yellow note that was pasted on her shoes. She already knew who it's from, she grabbed it and started reading the script written all over it carelessly.


Part of the cool kids...

Bella's eyes widened as the words stood out from all others for her. The cool kids, they are those trashes that kept on bullying the grunts and believes that they are highly superior than others. And she's one of the grunts. The reason why she was there, easy, all because of her parents both being serial criminals and psychopaths. Well at least that's why what people says, she doesn't want to believe it though.

"Just what kind of sick game are they planning." she asked herself before tightly clenching the paper and crampled it. The answer is already obvious, determination filled her eyes as she decided to partake on their game. Different plans already forming inside her head along with different possibilities and future happenings. Nothing can stop her, she will try and win this game. Then after she gets the spot as a cook kid, she will stop all of this nonsense once and for all. After all, those cool kids are nothing but a waste of life, space and air.


Bella arrived inside the school's library. Prepared of whatever might welcome her there.​

Ricki licks his lips when he sees Sasha, probably the only person who came in through the main doors of the school, "Well, hey there Sasha. Why don't you come on in?!" Ricki says through the large glass doors. He leaves his spot beside his bike and proceeds out of the school, "Come on inside, we're waiting." He says as he puts an arm around her and escorts her inside. "Why don't you just head down to the library and sit that pretty little ass of yours on a seat? I'll be there in a little bit so you can start getting ready for me." The smile on Slick's face was absolutely malicious with an intent to harm. He takes his arm from around her after walking her for a couple of seconds and begins to ride to the library.

Slick suddenly remembers something and reaches into the bag and retrieves a small box, he tosses it to Sasha, "
Don't open it just yet, babycakes." He says before riding off through the school once more. Ricki arrives at the security room, and so does Walt. "Wait, where's my boombox? Damnit, Walt! I told you to bring it here. Whatever, you can make sure that the cameras are working, I'll go get my BB." Ricki says, his rage showing for just a second, but quickly dying down. He rides off again through the school, braking around tight corners and stopping occasionally until he got to the teacher's lounge; inside there was a safe, and inside the safe are items that the teachers take up during class from the uncaring kids. Ricki struts in, his razor blades glimmering in whatever light there is.

After locating the poorly-made case, he takes his revolver out. "
Open-fucking-sesame." He cracks before firing two shots into the lock, the door then slowly opens. The safe's size compensates for how crappy it was meaning that larger items could be stored in it, one of these being Ricki's boombox. After locating it, he takes it out and searches through the box on his bike; Ricki finally finds what he was looking for, a cassette tape. He slips it into the boombox and presses play, the beautiful sound of hard rock begin to flow out of the speakers as Slick begins to attach the boombox behind the holding box on his bike. And with that, Ricki commences his ride to the library.

Upon arriving, Ricki kicks open the door, "
Hello and good evening, fuckers!" Ricki says, raising his voice causing an echo all throughout the large library. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite grunt? Oh, Coraline you better win or else you're not going to rest too peacefully." Ricki says, what an asshole.


@Jaw Breaker
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Noiz has just left one of the computer rooms when he notices the money on the floor, and bends down to pick it up. He notices the note instantly, and reads it quickly to find out what's going on. He immediately turns in his tracks to head to the library. It was a good thing he always stays at school late to do some coding, otherwise the fact he is still on the grounds might look strange, and the cool kids might have struggled to contact him at home, although he doubts that, they have their ways. He probably looks strange anyway, he always does, everything he does looks strange, he knows this and accepts this, it's fine.

Whilst walking he contemplates the note, 'filthy, disgusting, sad, Grunt.' He imagines other people may feel insulted by this, but he doesn't. He's known this for much longer than he has been a grunt. He's known that he's different, lower than other people, since he was about 4. It's something his parents have drilled into him, and the cool kids have just helped to confirm. As he's walking towards the library, he doesn't see anyone. As he was on school grounds already, he hasn't encountered a cool kid to be his escort to the library.

He arrives at the library quickly, running slightly to get there as it was on the opposite side of the school, and isn't sure whether he's supposed to knock or just walk in. He decides to knock so that he doesn't annoy them already, because if this is just their favourite grunt being picked, which he highly doubts, then he doesn't want to fail already. After knocking three times, he waits, leaning against the wall just outside the door.

What is this then? He can't actually think of a game the cool kids would give them to pick a new cool kid. He's honestly surprised that they are picking a new cool kid, and that it's one of the grunts instead of a new kid at the school. If five other grunts are playing, then he should won anything easily, he's quite confident in that. He may be unimportant, and lower than others, but that doesn't mean he isn't confident in beating five other people who are probably as worthless as himself. And anyway, he doesn't really care what kind of game this is, or who he's against, he's going to win, he has to.
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Sasha stiffened when she Ricki, her frown deepening. She stayed silent for awhile, though as soon as he put his arm around her and made that comment, she wedged her hands between them and shoved with all her might, glowering at him. Two little words slipped from her, and instantly she regretted them, knowing she probably shouldn't have said them. "Fuck off."

As Slick rode away, she started to relax, only to have a box thrown at her. Without thinking, her hands flew up and she grabbed it, frowning once more. She tucked it between her arm and side and kept walking, wanting to open it right then and there, but who knew what kind of trouble she'd be in if she did?

Eventually, she reached the library and went inside, standing off to the side and looking around the room, starting from the left over, and then from the top to the bottom. She did her best to ignore everybody else there, including her fellow grunts.

(Sorry this is so short, next one will be better. c: )

Kordana walked over to the doors which she had heard knocking from and pushed them open violently. She saw Noiz and rolled her eyes. "Get inside. Now. It's important." She said as she slung her shotgun around her shoulder. She strutted back inside and saw all three girls waiting for her. "Look who decided to fucking join us. You're all late. All of you. Just an FYI. You couldn't even all come at the same time? Now we have to fucking wait for the other two. Noiz! Get the FUCK in here!" Kordana spat her words at them venomously. She was irritated and she wanted them to know it. She took her seat at the middle of the tables and kicked her legs back up. She leaned forward to lace up her other Doc Martens, which had come untied as well. Her slime green and pink curls bounced as she bobbed her head to the music she was listening to. "We have something in store for all you little shits tonight. I hope my favorite Grunt wins. The rest of you... Well you can all just die or something." She smiled cruelly and knew that they didn't realize she was serious about them dying. They would all think it was a bad, creepy joke or something like that. She got up and twirled around the room to her music. She adjusted her glasses and twisted her rings around her fingers. She reached across each of the Grunts' faces and dragged her clawed nails across their faces. It was too gentle to scratch them but it would probably send chills down their spines.

She walked over to Slick and spoke sarcastically, "Slick. Where were you? There's like four of them here already. Get me the fuck out of this baby-sitting duty bullshit. I don't wanna watch them. I mean... if my fingers twitch while I'm holding my gun... I can't be held responsible for what happens. You know that. Just kidding. I wouldn't do that. Do you have a pack of gum?". Kordana walked in circles around Slick and when she stood behind him she slid her hands over his shoulders and onto his chest. She withdrew her hands and chuckled. She walked over to the desk she was sitting at before and sat back down.

She glanced at her bony manicured hands and admired her nails. She reached inside her purse and rummaged around for her make-up bag. Her bracelets clinked loudly when she withdraw her hand from the purse. It clutched a small leather bag with a metal clasp. She opened it and grabbed a few black tubes out of it. She dropped it back into her purse and laid down on the table. She kicked her legs up in the air and smiled. She took out her phone and opened the front camera. She grabbed one of the black tubes and opened them. She began to apply eye-liner and when she was finished she dropped it into her purse and shut her purse.

"You know, tonight is a night none of you are ever going to forget. I know I won't. Tonight's gonna be fun. I guarantee it. At least for me. I guess it'll be fun for Walt and Ricki too." She pointed her index finger out at each of the kids like it was a gun and pretended to shoot each of them, saying "Bang." each time she "shot" one of them. It was as if she forgot she had a shotgun in her other hands.​
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Butch almost lost his mind with joy, even being in class. He let out a yell that somewhat gave everyone the shivers.

" Yeah!!! FUCK YEAH! "

He started to slam his head multiple times into his desk, the teacher having to restrain him and drag him to the principles office. He got the letter, and he loved everything he read. It was about damn time in his opinion, even though he didn't think over about what he had to do. He had the beating deal covered already, he couldn't get hazed anymore than he already was... Right? A sinister smile crossed his face as he sat in the office, his arms crossed. He just couldn't wait till 7.


Butch was furious, he fell asleep in the 'time out' room again. Butch kicked down the door and started smacking lockers on his way toward the library. Once there; he flung open the door, walked inside, and slammed it shut behind him. He started waving his arms around violently. He was freakin happy to see the other grunts there, they always gave him sad looks whenever they did. Probably because he was always getting 'hit' or something. Butch finally settled down and shoved his hands in his pockets, forcing a big smile. He managed to let out a few words in a harsh raspy voice.

" I'm late as fuck, aren't I...? "
"Slick. Walt. Where are you two? There's like four of them here already. Get me the fuck out of this baby-sitting duty bullshit. I don't wanna watch them. I mean... if my fingers twitch while I'm holding my gun... I can't be held responsible for what happens. You know that. Just kidding. I wouldn't do that. When you come back can one of you bring me a pack of gum or something like that?" Walt lifted the walkie talkie from the counter of the Security Room. "Yeah, I'll be down there in just a sec, and by the way the final two have just arrived." He smiled before grabbing Oswald and making a dash for the library.

Perry skid onto the pavement in front of the school, landing in a brown mud filled puddle of water. The brown water sploshed against his leg, leaving a disgusting brown stain at the bottom of his pants. "Shit." Wasting no time, Perry took off to the library, sliding into the room at the very last minute. He rushed into the room and met the cold eyes of Walt, Kordana, and Slick. His blood ran cold, based on he looks on their faces, tonight wasn't going to be a fun one.

Walt slung Oswald around his neck, sporting the look of a trench coat mafia member. "Nice to see your late ass Perry. Sit down at your seat." Perry slid in to the only seat left at the table, around him, the five other grunts. Walt stared down Slick and Kordana, each wearing their own look of evil. "I'm glad to see you all here. Tonight, for the some of us, will be a fun one." His breath smelling like microwave Pizza and chocolate. "Slick, get the doors. Kordana, bring out the bag."

Walt's face contorted into a face pure joy, resembling that of a kid promised treats at a candy shop.
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Ricki's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head whenever he heard Walt give him the go. "Fuck yeah, FUCK YEAH!" He screams as he goes back out into the hall, he mounts his bike again and takes off down the corridor. Upon arriving at the doors, Ricki takes some barbed wire out of the bottom of his box and begins to wrap the door handles in it, making sure to use pliers to tighten it really good. After dealing with the main doors, he rides off to the other doors, located in the cafeteria and in the back of the janitor supply room, he does the same to both of them, all the while making sure not to cut himself while doing so.

After completing the act, Slick decides to stop by the security room one more time before heading back to the Library. He checks the cameras one more time and glances around the room, something catches his eye; inside of the case, hidden behind a couple of spray-paint cans, was a hockey mask. Ricki quickly plucks it out of the safe and takes a gander at it, after giving it a good looking-over, he decides to do something that he found hilarious. Slick came out of the security room, the mask upon his face and bearing a terrifying paint job on the front of it, including a red swastika right on the forehead. "
Time to fuck some bitches." Ricki says before returning back to the library.

Ay, yo, Walt, I'm done. Also, I locked the security room, only you and Kordana will have the main key and the spare, I'm not going to need one." Slick says, the words slightly muffled by the mask he wore. "Alright, listen here you little cumsluts, Walt here will explain what you'll have to do to roll with us. If you try escaping, your hands will be cut to shit, and I'll probably hurt more than just your hands. So don't pull a fast one on us." Slick says, he waves his bat about to try and intimidate the Grunts into submission.

Kordana strutted over the bag and crouched down. She grabbed it and slowly stood back up. She turned around and set it down on the table. She grinned and turned around. "I hope you kids aren't afraid of getting hurt." She glared over at Perry and laughed. "What the fuck? Did you shit yourself?" Kordana laughed more and clapped quietly. Kordana walked over to Butch and swung her hand so she could slap him "Did anyone say you could fucking talk? Shut your fucking mouth." She rolled her eyes and walked back over by Walt.

Kordana took out her phone and paused her music. She put her headphones into her bag and her phone into her pockets. She tapped her feet impatiently and rolled her eyes at Ricki when he walked back in with the large swastika on his mask. She glanced over to Noiz who had yet to say anything of relevance. "Why don't you talk? Like ever. You never talk. Why?" she asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

She didn't wait for a response and instead looked over to Walt. "Calm down you're gonna scare them. We need to save that for later, remember? Unless you wanna leave that to Ricki. He probably already is." She snickered and sat down on the edge of the table.​
Noiz sits with the others, as quiet as he always is. The cool kids are yelling insults, which he probably deserves, and trying to terrify them, which isn't working, so really, he couldn't care less. He's learnt to just ignore them generally, apart from when they're telling him to do something.

Of course even when listening quietly, and knowing that he actually deserves them being so rude, he still come up with sarcastic or snide responses to their comments, he just doesn't voice them. "I hope you kids aren't afraid of getting hurt." He hears Kordana say. 'You have no clue.' He thinks, sighing in his mind. 'I guess that should be concerning or something.' He adds as an afterthought, but he still really couldn't care less.

When Kordana starts complaining at him for not talking he tries his best to keep a straight face, but mentally he's practically screaming at her. 'You just complained at someone else for talking!!! What the hell is wrong with you?!?' Hopefully she won't be this horrible when he wins. Which he will definitely do. He still doesn't care what the challenge is, or what they have to do, he will win. Even after they've said the grunts will be getting hurt, he's still planning on winning. In fact, that will make it so much easier. If it's just who can cope with the most pain he knows he will win, and seeing the others in pain will amuse him no matter what the challenge is.
A smile floated on Walt's face. "I think now would make a perfect time to explain. Tonight, we play a game. A game that separates the grunts from the Cool Kids." And the living from the dead. "Pain. It's what we've put you through to entertain us. But tonight, we take it to a whole new level. Gladiator Style." He could already smell the fear on the Grunts.

"Life is full of rules. It's up to you to choose whether you follow them or not. But tonight's rule is, there are no rules. Today, you kill each other until only one is left standing." Walt's smile slowly faded to an expression of intimidation.

"As of now, any attempt to leave school ground will result in.." Walt cocked his shotgun. "Immediate, termination." Walt stared down each of the Grunts, each Grunt reviving their own look of Gruff intensity.

Kordana stood up and walked over to the Grunts. "Phones. Now." she said it in a harsh voice. She toted her shotgun in one hand and stuck out the other hand, waiting for the phones to be dropped into her palm. "He means business. Any attempt to contact the outside world will result in... well. We all know what it'll result in. One of us will shoot you and the rest of you will probably scream and cry or something stupid like that."

She glanced over to Slick, "Also, I'm sure Ricki has ways of persuading you to listen to us." She chuckled and gave the Grunts a wink. "The time has come for you to prove yourselves to us. You know what would be a real kicker? They all kill each other." She laughed and put her hand over her mouth. She composed herself and stuck her hand back out.

"Anyways, like I said. Give me the damn phones or I'll fucking shoot you." She gripped her shotgun tightly in one hand. She rolled her eyes and said to herself "That's if these fucking losers even have phones."

((People have been feeling a little sick lately so they haven't been posting. I figured I would post to let you all know that the RP is still running))​

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