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Fantasy Contractors(Open) - Rules


The unspecified man with an unspecified purpose

NO SEXUAL CONTENT: Even if this RP is for 18+ members only, the site rules won't allow any sexual content, so if you were hoping for some adult hot play, think again! EDIT: Offscreen intercourse between two characters can be implied for comic purposes, but no Onscreen sexual content or direct mention to it!

DON'T STEAL SOMEONE'S SPOTLIGHT: Some people like to have their moment to shine, I know that, but Don't interrupt some interactions just because you're iching to play, it's just rude! Wait for your turn and everyone else will respect your scene!

OOC ONLY IN THE OOC CHAT: Please, use the OOC tab for OOC chat, keep the flux and keep the plot, we all win.

IT'S OKAY TO BE EVIL: I highly recommend someone playing an antagonist, usually RPs become fun with this. You are allowed to have an Immoral, sick, twisted, gritty character, but with dept. I want an evil guy, but give him reasons and relevance. No "I'm evil because I'm evil."

OP IS A NO-P: Everyone can be a badass, but badass 24/7 ain't gonna happen. A good character has flaws.

UNDERDOGS WIN!: Better to star weak and slowly gain powers as the story progresses, face your challenges and be creative!

BAD GUYS IN THE COMMAND: The antagonist serves as a GM of the arc as long as they know that they will have to be defeated!

QUITTING AIN'T COOL: Stay active! If you have to leave then make sure to alert the others on the OOC chat!

POWERS FOR ALL: The only deviation from a realistic setting are the powers! You can choose all sorts of energy to use it. But be creative and try not to copy someone else! And give yourself a limiter,it can be overcome later, but try not to be Overpowered.

HAVE FUN: I know, that's a lot of rules, but they are here for you to have a good time!

PUT A KEYWORD IN YOUR SIGN UP SHEET:When signing up your character make sure to insert the word Springtime somewhere in your sheet
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