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Colosseum Contract


Despair :3
A tournament, hosted by an anonymous company, has created a large battle field the size of a large city in the middle of the Ocean. The combatants are all humans who have made a contract with a mythological or fabled creature. (Only one contract per available being.) Before the onset of fighting the humans may choose up to two partners to fight alongside. Keep in mind, in order to win, only one human can bring home a victory. The prize is said to be anything that person desires.

There are no rules against sabotaging or assassinating a opponent prior to a match, there are no rules against killing your opponent. The only real rules are: 1. do not hurt spectators and 2. do not harm officials.

(When under a contract you will transcend your human weakness and become one with your contract. This will take a toll on your body. The more you use it the less human you become. When a contract consumes a human entirely it is called becoming Null. The Null are living embodiments of the contract and are usually extremely aggressive. There has been no cases of a Null becoming human again.)

(xx44) Main Island


Dirigible- ARCHANGEL Could be seen flying overhead, its large body filling the sky as it sailed pass the various empty buildings below. Acting not only as a first aid station but also the ship carrying the viewers, it is seen quite often by combatants below. Able to watch the fights from the comfort of the ships, they can place bets, and even drop care packages down to their favorite fighters. Unlike with most fights however this more of a no hands barred, full scale fight on a city Island. There were no concerns for the destruction of property or looting because it was all part of the combat.

Turning gracefully in the sky it flicked on its lights downward on boats that were finally pulling in to the dock. All combatants were told they had a full 3 days to get ready before the fighting began, which would ultimately lead them to make alliances or make enemies. Each section of the city had long grooves in the ground where a immovable wall could be erected to block off and shrink the size of the battlefield. This would ensure that everyone would eventually end up in a area small enough for close quarters combat. The second reason was to deal with any potential Null showing up. Due to the size and depth of the Walls, they could easily block off any non flying Null. To deal with flying Null, a large railgun was mounted into the ocean. Hidden under the cover of water its firing speed is unmatched by any gun known to be offered currently. Upon impact it can vaporize a Null in a single shot.

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