Considering leaving...


Rider, Ranger and Roleplay Guy
I am a rather new member of this community, having joined in the middle of May. I am also rather upset at the moment.

In every roleplay I have tried to join, either my character is accepted and it dies on arrival, or it is rejected. I can't get into any active roleplay where my interests and characters are given a chance. I can't find anything to do and for these reasons I am considering giving up entirely and asking for deletion of my account here.

I feel I'm on my own. Is there anyplace I can look? Considering I've only been on here for 3 weeks I don't want to quit without even getting to experience a single roleplay while everyone else it seems gets to find their place here. Only one person replied when I made my first post introducing myself over on that board.

I am interested in many shows (Steven Universe, Digimon, Teen Titans, Star Wars/Trek, etc.), and I'm still looking for my first place to post and maybe even find a group of people I can interact with as friends. I have a type of autism, Asperger's Syndrome. I can't express my emotion very well and it makes it very hard to find friends/people to talk to anywhere, real life or on the Internet.

Any advice would be useful...
Hmm. I'm not particularly familiar with the fandom section, but if that's all you're doing, perhaps consider branching out to other things such as 1x1s or roleplay ideas that are created by the people running them?

Perhaps you might have better luck with being accepted into an active roleplay if you're in more places than one. After all, you have a better chance of winning the lottery if you buy more tickets. I honestly hoped this helped, it was the first thing that I could think of.

Also woohoo! Steven Universe!
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Well if I have any advice to give it's this : don't let other people's seeming success get you down. Chances are they have had their own moments of doubt and their own dry spells as well. It's all a part of roleplay. You'll get busy times and slow times, you'll get people that come and go for a variety of reasons.

I am currently in three 1x1s with a group in the works. That's a massive number for me and it's taken me months to get to this place. Months of waiting as my friends finished up their finals or got into the mindspace where they could post more often. Months of just putting a search out there and hoping someone responded who shared my interests.

Another thing to bare in mind is that this is an extremely busy time of the year for people IRL. They are finishing or starting school. Getting summer jobs. Going on vacation with their family.

So it could just be that they aren't able to take any new roleplays on at the moment. That doesn't mean they don't want to roleplay with you specifically just that they're busy in their real life and may not have the time.

I think a good thing to do is just post in the threads in the general and personal discussion threads if you want to get to know some of the people on the thread. People on here are very friendly and love to make friends. I don't know if a lot of people post in the introductions tbh but I know the various discussion forums tend to be pretty hopping.

Also another thing to try is give 1x1s a try. It might be easier to find one person to roleplay with right now instead of a whole group ( again because of the whole busy in IRL thing ).
You can also always try joining an RP that's already in progress. Chances are good if it's been going strong for some time, it will continue to do so.
KRPrimus said:
I am a rather new member of this community, having joined in the middle of May. I am also rather upset at the moment.
In every roleplay I have tried to join, either my character is accepted and it dies on arrival, or it is rejected. I can't get into any active roleplay where my interests and characters are given a chance. I can't find anything to do and for these reasons I am considering giving up entirely and asking for deletion of my account here.

I feel I'm on my own. Is there anyplace I can look? Considering I've only been on here for 3 weeks I don't want to quit without even getting to experience a single roleplay while everyone else it seems gets to find their place here. Only one person replied when I made my first post introducing myself over on that board.

I am interested in many shows (Steven Universe, Digimon, Teen Titans, Star Wars/Trek, etc.), and I'm still looking for my first place to post and maybe even find a group of people I can interact with as friends. I have a type of autism, Asperger's Syndrome. I can't express my emotion very well and it makes it very hard to find friends/people to talk to anywhere, real life or on the Internet.

Any advice would be useful...
You can join Where are we now? I too am high functioning autistic and I can guarantee your character will not leave or die unless YOU want it too. The whole point is to have fun and I'd love to help you feel welcome. Sincerely.
I'm on the opposite end of your issue: I joined with every intention of starting up three or four role plays right away...but time seemed to get the better of me and I just drift in an out as a lurker. I think that if you aren't finding anything that seems right you for now, try later? You don't have to delete your account; I'm certain that someone has to be interested in role playing the same fandoms as you. :)
In addition, the death rate for roleplays is super high... Maybe 1/10 roleplays make it to actual posting and people being active and continuing the story.
OzmeoTree said:
In addition, the death rate for roleplays is super high... Maybe 1/10 roleplays make it to actual posting and people being active and continuing the story.
This is so true, nothing is worse than taking several hours to BBcode and create a nice CS only for the RP never to take off.
If you enjoy Star Trek, particularly anything from the mid-late TNG, DS9, or VOY eras, I'd be happy to roleplay with you! My interests are somewhat confined as well. I have difficulty feeling engaged by most High Fantasy or Superhero-type settings due to the fact that magic can often seem nonsensical and random, even with limitations.

That said, I don't intend to mock anybody's interests. On the contrary, it's my own desire to try and have an explanation for everything that's at fault. But I won't apologize for it. It's who I am, and I'm not confrontational. In the same vein, if you haven't found your niche here, just know you're not entirely alone. The right players are out there, but if you're like me, they're going to be far outnumbered by others. You've got to dig a long time to find the treasure.

If you like Low Fantasy, though, get ready for a long, long, loooong wait. And a few High Fantasy fans sending you disparaging messages because you don't want their superhuman character in a non-superpowered setting. ._.
Maybe try looking for a 1x1 RP that suits your interests. It would put you in a position where you have to communicate with a single partner which might be a little challenging, but there's a lower chance of the RP fizzling out if you both can keep a good pace.

It seems like most RP communities are super fragmented and it just takes time to find a clique of players to roll with. So I'd be prepared to give it some time, maybe a few more weeks or so. But I can also understand if you'd rather just have closure on it one way or another.
Fantasy isn't something I'm very interested in. I do admit I like modern/futuristic roleplays, especially those that have to do with time travel. Those, I can come up with well-made characters and stories for.

Group or 1x1 is ok. It's just that 1x1s don't suit Power Rangers well, and Kamen Rider has 2-3 riders plus the enemies so they wouldn't work.
I wouldn't take it personally; most RPs rot on the vine. Persistence is often the only option, and things tend to get better once you've formed a loose bond with other users.

Although Anomaly makes a good point about joining an extant RP. Most of my RPs last for years if they survive the first month and I would hope that holds true for many others.

If you're still around next time I pitch a sci-fi RP I'll be sure to let you know - I hate seeing people left out, and my younger brother has Asperger's so I understand it can be tough.

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