Conduit Extermination Unit


Four Thousand Club


The Conduit Extermination Unit, commonly shortened to CEU, is a private military company that commonly acts as a group of freelance mercenaries. Although it shouldn't be a surprise, their main skills lie in the termination of conduit targets, but they are just as good when encountering human forces. They are widely known for their extreme effectiveness when it comes to dispatching powerful conduits, some of their higher ranking members having even gone toe-to-toe with them and won. They have only grown larger and more dangerous over the years, with their discovery of the wonder drug NoCon being one that could spell the end for conduits everywhere. Since then, they have been attempting to weaponize it and possibly take advantage of the conduit gene by further advancing their targetting systems to allow their soldiers to lock onto it. They have also been working closely with Medusa Corp. in order to secure funding for their gene manipulation and cybernetics projects.

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