Complications (ClockworkTowerSociety and Void)


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Marcus closed the last button on his tunic, knowing he'd likely be forced into wearing something more lavish, but dressing himself normally for now. Around noon, a party from Sefiron would arrive, including the Princess Aria Laurent. The woman who'd be his queen. He frowned at his reflection, not in displeasure of his appearance, but at the thought of marrying a stranger. Marcus had always been somewhat of a romantic. Sure, he'd get to know her, but there was no guaranteeing he'd like who he discovered and she could, by all rights, turn to be the evilest crone. Nonetheless, it was the weight he was born to bear, and the weight he would bear regardless of his personal feelings.

Unsurprisingly, his mood was even staler than normal, and the servants and knights kept their distance with respectful nods of greeting before rushing on their way. The cooks carried large crates of seafood and meats, running in and out of the kitchen in preparation for the days feast. The smells resonating from inside were sharp and spicy, likely utilizing the most impressive, and expensive, spices available. Roel, his personal servant, caught up with him, panting heavily. "Sire, those clothes-" Marcus interrupted him sullenly, cocking his head knowingly. "I know, you have something ridiculous for me to dress in, get on with it." Nodding so hard his neck might hurt later, the servant rushed off to fetch the said clothing. With a sigh, Marcus headed back towards his sleeping quarters.

Dressed in the furthest embezzled attire he'd allow himself to be seen in, Marcus stood at the top of the stairs ascending to the castle, watching as the Sefiron carriages puddled into the courtyard. He couldn't help but feel nervous despite his acceptance of the situation, but kept a stern face, waiting to meet his new family and hoping it wouldn't end like last time.
The people of Sefiron liked lavish affairs, and making first impressions were always important. They were a people of elaborate costumes, intricate designs and intoxicating drinks. So, it was no surprise for two dozen or so polished and primed carriages to arrive in front of the castle of Endia. Footmen were off their places before the carriage had even begun to stop, opening the doors with a fluid movement.

First, came the bastard prince. Adorned in opulent attire, including a royal blue silk coat lined with red thread. For a country so in debt, their royals were renowned for their style. However, despite the rich adornments, it was easy to see the prince's beauty. Strong features, alluring eyes, a kind smile. Enough to woo countless women and men alike.

As soon as he was out, Nicholas helped Aria, the fiancee out. She was an attractive sight. A pretty mass of golden curls and wide, blue eyes. She appeared more porcelain doll than anything, leaning heavily on Nicholas as they walked among the guards to the palace. Ciel, the youngest, a boy of barely 9 but of a mature mindset, appeared last. Straight blonde hair, wispy features, pale skin. It was no secret he'd grow up to be an insanely pretty man. And it was also no secret that one of these three was not like the other. And that one smiled the brightest.

As they approached the prince, Aria broke into a shy grin He was a handsome man. She timidly hid behind Nicholas. The man, however, was amused at the sight of the other prince. "Prince? Clown? Choose one." Aria gave him a sharp jab with her bony elbow, but Nicholas was content to taunt. He was the soon to be brother-in-law after all. He had to keep the young princeling in line. Nicholas had heard of the tragic past of Marcus, waving it off with a, "been there, done that."

"It really is an ugly outfit." He breathed, quietly, barely to be heard by anyone else. "You're not marrying my sister in that, are you?" His smile was fake, perfected for the sight of the angry crowds that gathered outside the castle, waiting for answers. Bastard son offered them sweet smiles. They talked.
The courtyard grew cramped as the people of Sefiron descended from their carriages in an orderly fashion, their extravagant clothing easily outmatching that of his own. Endia wasn't known for showing off their opulence, more angled towards blunt, basic clothing that failed when it came time to undergo a formal event. Marcus convinced himself it was something he should take pride in, that his kingdom was more focused on winning battles than hosting fancy parties. Of course, now he was going to be forced to sit through endless festivities, it came with marrying into their family he presumed. How am I ever going to get used to this? He thought to himself, feeling more uncomfortable than he had in years. Under pressure in battle or training, he wouldn't bat an eye, but this situation was starting to make him sweat.

Aria was far more beautiful than he could've wished, and he breathed a shallow sigh of relief, taking in her delicate beauty. At least she was easy on the eyes. Beside her, the bastard prince walked, darkly attractive and strangely intimidating. He'd heard stories and whispers about him, and Marcus eyed him with curiosity, wondering if they were true. He made a mental note to be careful around him, and even avoid him if possible. As both families took their places, his father Diederik began a long and unbearably boring speech about unity and peace. Marcus knew from experience that every word was a lie, as his father was always speaking about war and battle like it was the perfect pastime.

Prepared to practice his ability at sleeping while standing, Marcus glanced up in surprise when Nicholas began speaking to him. Recognizing the insult, he breathed in sharply and stared intensely across the courtyard rather than give Nicholas the pleasure of seeing him affected. "Not if I have a choice," he replied, giving the other prince a quick glance. "I didn't exactly pick these," he shrugged to indicate the clothing. He didn't return the smile, but raised an eyebrow at his expression. I can already tell this one is going to be trouble…
And trouble Nicholas would prove to be. Nicholas gave the prince not so much as a glance, ignoring his words. Not being of pure noble birth was both a blessing and a curse. Whereas, the pure Laurent children were being tutored to boredom in the empty halls of the castle, Nicholas was able to wander the spacious place. He was free to touch, kiss, flirt, pester, irritate and fight. In private, of course. Although the people of Sefiron had no acceptance for the prince in their tiny hearts. They hold a more bitter heart than my dead mother.

Aria was made to stand beside Marcus, moved away for Nicholas, as if the two were to be married that day. She smiled steadily, her gaze unwavering, but Nicholas noticed the little clench of the hand. She was nervous. She was going to faint. Aria had always been a weak child, as wispy as a willow branch. All Laurent children had been. Ciel could barely hold a metal sword and when Alistair had been alive, he often bruised his body from hits that should've been light. Great for Nicholas then, to been have of strong, toughened wench birth.

The bastard prince gave a sigh, the heat picking up. The king of Endia was known to be a shady man, but his speech was well-rehearsed, the prince could give him that. It was long, though, and Aria couldn't stand here more than forever. His foot began to tap, his eyes only on the princess. The speech wasn't going to end anytime soon. Nicholas knew it wasn't. The king would go on. They both knew what they wanted from each other. Sefiron's plentiful ports and precious gems and Endia's strength and weaponry. Woot.

"Prince Marcus, please take Aria into the castle. Preferably get a nurse to see that she gets rest, purified water and some herbs." His voice was low, but surprisingly pleading.

Marcus throughly reformed his attitude when Aria took her place beside him, she was the most important person to impress after all. Up close, her skin was virtually unflawed and her features were even more striking than they were a few paces away. However, she seemed a slightly distant, not that he could blame her, and he attempted to offhandedly comfort her by returning the taught smile. Returning his face to a neutral plaster, he kept his chin high and his gaze even, ignoring the day's heat. He was used to it by now, considering his average day consisted of training it in for hours without break or rest, aiming to reach his father's high expectations for combat.

He didn't react for a moment after Nicholas whispered his request, debating his options. Marcus indiscreetly checked on princess Aria, noting the sheen of sweat on her brow. Is she sick? He worried briefly, blinking quickly. Did they send me a sick bride on purpose or is this happenstance? Either way, he didn't want to make a scene by having her pass out in front of the audience, so he held her arm gently and turned to whisper in her ear. "Princess, I believe the heat is unsuitable for a lady such as yourself, perhaps we should take our leave for the moment?" Without giving her much of a choice or a chance to object, her led her quietly through one of the smaller doors into the castle.

Inside, the temperature was considerably cooler, and an unsuspecting servant jumped to attention when she noticed them enter, sputtering a greeting and bowing deeply. "You, fetch a nurse and a jug of water, and make it fast," he demanded, letting Aria lean against his shoulder. Marcus could't help but sigh in stress, the divination from the plan he'd imagined making him sweat more than the heat. He eased her onto one of the rough marble benches, sitting beside her and watching the hallway darkly, not wanting anyone of importance to see her in her moment of weakness.
Aria gave a thankful smile, glad to be out of the torment of the sun. As a princess, she'd never been taught combat, and in turn, to withstand extreme temperatures. She never did spend time outside in Sefiron, despite it being cooler than Endia. Her maids had advised against it, retorting, "a princess should keep her skin pure. It's what differentiates madame from the lowly servants." Ever since the ruling family had passed away about 10 years ago, Aria had a lot more responsibility placed on her. This impromptu, yet carefully articulated marriage just one of them. She sighed contentedly, shifting on the bench, head placed on Marcus' shoulder. He appeared to be a good man, she thought dryly, although the same could be said for her own father. Yet mother always wore the most modest of clothing, as if to conceal something...


Nicholas remained outside, smiling at the small crowd that had gathered and speaking pretty words in place for the princess. The crowd cheered. They didn't know his story, so they could not hate him. Nicholas appeared amused as the king approached him. Making small talk, he assured the king that the bride was fine, and that the marriage would go ahead without delay. The king appeared reassured, so Nicholas took his leave. As he turned to leave, Ciel appeared in front of him.

"Ah, the young king." Ciel narrowed his eyes at Nicholas' comment and mock bow, but said nothing. Nicholas gave up, there was nothing one could say or do to lighten Ciel. Nothing to melt the ice that covered his heart. "Olga will take care of you. Now off you go. I have to check on Aria." And with that, he took his leave, waving a final goodbye to the crowd that had come to like him. Score one for the bastard. But that smile faded as he walked into the castle. He caught sight of Aria and the prince on the bench. He walked to the pair, cute couple to be, bending down in front of the princess. Aria appeared much better, and Nicholas being assured of that, turned to the prince. "Shall we take her to her room? She needs a lot of rest. She'll be sleeping most your married life. And I don't mean the kind of sleeping
you'd enjoy."


((@ClockTowerSociety sorry about the delay!))

Marcus gave Nicholas a sharp stare, glaring up at him from beneath his eyebrows. Well isn't he a bit rash? Awful confident for someone who isn't even a pure heir. "Well, that's hardly more than my father's expecting, he'll be pleased to hear that," he countered, knowing it to be true. As long as they produced a heir or two, the King would be happy to have her sit about demurely. "But if I can help it, she'll be making herself useful. I'm sure we could teach her a thing or two about the rules of combat. Any good princess should learn to defend herself." He stated, worried that Aria's earlier display might prove that a difficulty. The stress of the day wore on him, and he quickly found himself snapping at the foreign prince.

"Shaelyn could beat half of you to the ground, and she has yet to reach her thirteenth year. But don't worry, I know you've all been far too busy partying to pick up a sword." He stated in a low tone, leaving Aria's side to be on the same level as Nicholas. Before the confrontation could continue, the clattering of armored feet echoed down the marbled hallway, and a collection of knights, boasting polished armor and headpieces, escorted his father in their direction. Before he could take notice, Marcus jumped to help Aria up, not wanting her to appear weak in his presence. Aria was still flushed, but appeared okay to stand for the moment being. He greeted his King with a shallow bow, and the knights stood at attention, their spears clacking methodically.

"Ah, what a beauty she is," the King cackled, a map of wrinkles dancing across his face as he smiled. "How are you enjoying our hospitality?" The confident man requested, though it was hardly a question considering anything but a positive answer would be a dangerous insult. Not that his own interactions with Sefiron had been exactly pleasant. It hadn't even been a whole day and Nicolas was already giving him a headache.
Headaches could easily be cured a nice hot cup of tea. But was there a way to settle feelings of annoyance? None that Nicholas knew of. The prince felt agitated, but not angry. If such ripostes were to get the best of him, he'd have long ago been driven to madness. Yet, the Endian prince making light of Sefiron's capabilities irritated the prince. Nicholas easily forgave him for such a mistake though. Royalty of the highest echelon never spoke lowly of other royals. To their faces, of course.

Aria didn't share Nicholas' resentment. She kept her pretty smile up as the king offered her a single compliment. The princess gave a quick curtesy, practised to perfection, "Thank you, Your Majesty. It is a pleasure to be here. Your country, your palace, it is splendid. I am especially enjoying the sun." Nicholas remained standing, not offering even the slightest movement of acknowledgement. He glanced between the three purely breed royals. "Isn't this palace absolutely magnificent Nicholas?"

"Ah, yes." The bastard prince tapped his foot rather impatiently, "I would be honoured to see your training facilities. I have heard they are the best in the world." Questionable sources. With an innocent smile, he added, "You see, our little island nation relies mostly on our mental abilities. From what your son tells me, our training facilities, our people, cannot match the raw strength of yours... But, then again, strength can only take you so far." He kept his tone light, twisting his words to seem like the usual teasing between friends. It wasn't.

The Laurents were at a slight disadvantage, and Nicholas knew that well. As royals, they weren't taken seriously, the oldest being only 20. They were ridiculed, mocked for being as wispy as willows. Prince Alexander was the only hope keeping the castle standing. Nicholas cursed himself for speaking. They
needed this marriage. It would perhaps be the single thing keeping their kingdom independent.

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