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Fantasy Coming Together


The Depressed Help
Four kingdoms govern the world that we know as Earth. These four kingdoms are each known for their different cultures, food, Gods or Goddesses, and the element they chose to wield. Then there are the islands that haven't been explored because of the danger and tension that hangs around them. Right now, the Four Kingdoms are in the middle of a full on war surrounded on territory, money, and the new magic that has been discovered just outside of the islands.

The Holy Kingdom believes there is one true God and worships only Him. Their sorcerers and magic item users use the element of Light, or, as they like to call it, The Holy Light. They believe that no one should comment any crimes, and, if they do, they will be judged by God and his Holy Wisdom. They follow the rules and guides that are written in their Holy Book that hasn't changed since it was discovered.

The Hells Kingdom believes in the Anti-Christ and Satan and worships them as their Gods. Their sorcerers and magic item users use the element of Death and Destruction. They believe that the meaner, more vile a person, the more righteous that person is. Those who act above the others and treat everything like the Heavens Kingdom's God is their countries God, they are issued with either torture or death.

The Aura Kingdom believes in Mother Earth, or as the other kingdoms call her, nature. Their sorcerers and magic item users use the element of Life and Healing. They believe that there is nothing wrong with not being up to date with the recent technological advances the rest of the world seems to fawn over. They believe that to be truly happy, you have to be true to yourself and to the world around you, meaning they don't have any punishments for any wrongdoings you may have done just as long as you see the error in your ways and vow to never do it again.

The Salfria Kingdom doesn't necessarily believe in the Gods and/or Goddesses of this world, but more in the science and technological side of the world. They are a rather secluded kingdom who believes more in the weapons and magical items that surround the technological element that they themselves invented. They then sell the weapons and technology that they release to fund most of the kingdom's expenses. They are, however, very strict when it comes to laws and rules but the consequences depend on the which law you broke and on the severity of the degree that you violated said law.
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