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Fantasy Coming of Storms


The Geek Shall Inherite the Earth
The land of Nefleile was once a peaceful kingdom where the inhabitants lived together in harmony and prospered, everyone who lived there was happy. At least it was before the demons came. Ten years earlier a ruthless demon warlord led a legion of demons into the kingdom and tried to overthrow the king. the king's men defeated the warlord's legion. Those who survived the king's army fled into the dark caverns of the northern mountains or scattered across the kingdom living in the wilderness like bandits where they wait for their chance too strike. Among the survivors dwells the warlord, he hides in the darkness of the Ajeln mountains and plans a dark curse that involves the breath of a dragon, the horn of a unicorn, the blood of one who is pure of heart and the infant of a princess.Will he succeed in throwing the kingdom into an eternity of darkness, famine, and death? Or will a band of unlikely heroes join together to stop him?

What is your fate in this matter?
Alice sat alone in a tavern sipping on a cup of ale. She tipped the tankard back and let the cool liquid trickle down her throat as she looked around. Alice let out a small sigh and ordered another ale from the barmaid, she had to admit she was pretty exhausted from the long day of traveling she had.

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