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Fantasy Come Winter's Light

Somewhere in Eagle's Launch, in a bar that is not quite a dive but comes close, a woman sits. The bar doesn't really look like her sort of place. In a crowd of rough types and working men, her clothes are too good, her look too perfect. This is a bar for 6's and 7's, and she's easily a 9. Where most here are stained with dirt, she is clean, where most here smoke real tobacco, she drums a thin black electronic cigarette against the bar. Already tonight she's fended off two unwanted advances, but she seems in no hurry to leave. Quite the opposite, she seems curious about the place. She asks questions, she learns the language, and the bartender is surprised to find how well she fits in after only a few hours. When she first arrived, she stuck out like a sore thumb. Now she is merely strange—but strange is not bad.

She looks to the door when it opens, as she has every time it opened tonight. But this time her reaction is different. The other times, she went back to her drink, or making nice conversation with the bartender. Now, her eyes light up, as a young man with fiery red hair walks in. She quickly turns to hide her expression, as well as the blush that's appeared in her cheeks. She waits patiently for him to take his seat not too far from her, and then let's him get a drink, watching him with a not-quite concealed stare.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," he shoots her way. Her blush darkens, and she quickly looks away, raising a hand to hide her embarrassed smile. He laughs as well.

"Sorry," she says, lifting her gaze back to him. "Been a night."

"You're not from around here, are you?" he asks, but his gaze turns to her, and they find eyes for each-other.

"No," she says. "But it's my birthday today. I thought I'd try something new."

"You birthday? And you picked this place?" he asks, glancing at her clothes and composure. She runs a hand down over the flattering, form-fitting outfit. As though she were embarrassed by how good it made her look.

"Yeah. I dunno," she replied. "I suppose I should be out with friends, but... well. Call it looking for my purpose?"

"Looking for your purpose in a bar," he replies. A chuckle comes to him. "Okay."

"Yeah," she agrees, with another embarresed smile. "But uh... I don't know. Night hasn't been bad so far. It's looking up, even." She stares at him for another long moment.

"So, what's your name?"

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18:46 <Anne> Naturally, the first thing Anne did when Sophia became part of the painting was to try poking her girlfriend through the painting.

18:46 <Trina> "No!"

18:47 <Anne> "No poking?"

18:47 <Trina> "Gods, do *not* damage the painting while she's in it!" Trina wipes sudden beads of sweat from her face. "I'm sorry. I should have warned you this might happen."

18:48 <Anne> "So, she can be affected physically even when she's inside the painting?"

18:48 — Anne rolls her eyes at herself.

18:49 <Anne> "I -would- think about kinky applications, of course."

18:49 <Trina> "No, but damaging the painting breaks the link."

18:50 <Trina> "I'd have to repaint it *exactly* as it was for it to work again."

18:51 <Anne> Once Sophia returns and the conversation turns to the potential uses of the painting, she immediately says "Wow, we could smuggle a whole tactical team in with us. Or have someone smuggle us...hey, do these things do the whole glowy thing when someone with essence detecting vision looks at them?"

18:52 <•Sophia> "I'd imagine so," Sophia says, "it's a Charm that's doing this, right?"

18:54 <Anne> "But, like, you could hide it under your shirt or something and they couldn't see it unless they pulled up your shirt, right?"

18:55 <Trina> She frowns slightly. "I used a Charm to *make* this. I'm not using it anymore. It shows up when I use my most powerful 'third eye' type Charm, but the readout is...odd."

18:55 <•Sophia> "It *could* probably be hidden, but it'd take more than just a shirt, I think."

18:58 <Trina> "You'd want to make a special carrying-case for something like this, anyway. On the other hand, it only works for people with Essence to spend, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't register to anything but the kind of Charm I used.

18:58 <Trina> "I mean, it's not an artifact, or a Charm itself. So it would fly under the radar of a lot of lesser...detections."

18:59 — •Sophia nods, "a carrying case would probably be a good idea. Or maybe something you kept in your wallet."

19:02 <Anne> "I was just thinking." And Anne pauses a bit, clearly thinking it through further. "I mean, this magical bullshit we have is something people can see when they look at us, if they have magic eyes or whatever. If I were a top level Infernal or bad guy and I was worried about Exalts or whatever sneaking into somewhere, I might screen people or employees or

19:02 <Anne> whatever for being magic."

19:02 <Anne> "Could be, we might be able to get into places we'd get picked up otherwise if we get a mortal to smuggle us, you know?"

19:03 — •Sophia nods, "yeah, they probably do, a lot of spirits can see it quite easily, and smuggling us in like that could work quite well."

19:03 <•Sophia> "Good idea," she adds and gives Anne a kiss on the cheek.

19:05 <Trina> "Huh. I was just thinking about the potential for museum robberies," Trina jokes (?). "There's his vase I've always had my eye on..."

19:05 <Anne> "Meruvian Military. We get paid to be sneaky sneaky."

19:05 <Anne> "Cuts down on the shooty shooty."

19:05 <•Sophia> "Less so to expand your vocabulary, though," she teases.

19:06 <Anne> "...given I'm around two geniuses, I should probably not go out of my way to seem any dumber relatively than I already am."

19:06 <•Sophia> "And there's an orb I had a dream about when we first started out."

19:09 <•Sophia> "So," Sophia says after a while, "wanna go back to designing tattoos?"

19:11 — Trina laughs.

19:11 <Trina> "Sure. What did you have in mind?"

19:11 <•Sophia> "Well, still just the one."

19:12 <•Sophia> "Oh, and I need to teach you to actually make the tools you'd need."

19:13 <Trina> "I'd appreciate that. This place is perfectly equipped for sculpture, architecture, pottery and painting...less so for tattoos.

19:15 <•Sophia> "OK," she says and heads back towards Trina's study, "I'll conjure tools to make a sketch of the design, and talk you through it. If you keep an eye on my Essence flows meanwhile, that should work, right?"

19:16 <Anne> "This place is huge. You don't have room for a tattoo studio, if it comes to it?"

19:17 <Trina> "You haven't seen how much space is devoted to the crafts it already has. Plus, there's the sorcery room."

19:18 <Trina> "Well, all the rooms are calibrated for sorcery, but there's one place that's especially, mm, set up for it."

19:23 <Trina> Back in the central studio, Trina clears a space on a worktable.

19:24 <•Sophia> When they return to Trina's studio, Sophia picks up a simple writing pad, "I was thinking," she says as golden Essence streams through her body, invisible to all eyes but Trina's third, "of something along these lines," she continues as the Essence coalesces into a golden pen in her hand.

19:26 <•Sophia> She starts by making a simple circle, and in one smooth motion, she makes not only one perfectly round shape, but its mirror images appear as well, and start filling out as she continues merely hinting at her intended goal.

19:26 <•Sophia> Golden light run before the black ink, lighting up the patterns before they gain permanence.

19:27 <•Sophia> In mere minutes, she has traced out an intricate pattern that would have taken hours if attempted by any other artist.

19:27 <•Sophia> (The result: http://imgur.com/8ZPiq4a)

19:32 <•Sophia> "You get it?" She asks Trina.

19:33 <Trina> "Beautiful," says Trina appreciatively.

19:33 <•Sophia> "Thanks," Sophia says with a smile, "I meant the Charm, though."

19:34 <Trina> "So did I."

19:35 <•Sophia> "Hey!" she retorts, with mock offense.

19:37 <Anne> "What, my rapture over your beauty's not enough of an ego boost, Sunset? You have to get it from other girls too?" Anne's tone is teasing and she gives Trina a wink.

19:38 <•Sophia> "Of my art!" Sophia points out.

19:39 <Trina> "OK, OK, they're both beautiful," Trina chuckles.

19:40 <•Sophia> "Thank you, now what would you do better? And should it be colored?"

19:40 <Anne> "I'm no artist but I like the color scheme you have already."

19:40 <Trina> "I'd need some time to think about it, but I agree."

19:41 — •Sophia nods, "of course. Wouldn't want to rush art. Even at 9 times the regular speed."

00:01 <•Sophia> There is an unmistakable weight to the sound of Jiji's front door slamming, and of the footsteps that follow it, even if those footsteps are made by bare feet on carpet.

00:02 <•Sophia> "Hey," Sophia calls out sounding rather down.

00:47 <Anne> Anne's probably hitting the books still. She's been treating Jiji's house like a safehouse for the most part, staying put to avoid drawing attention from the powers that may be hunting them. And for an active ex-soldier-turned-semi-politician, that means working out when people are sleeping and then filling in the gaps in her education when there's no one

00:47 <Anne> around. So Anne's curled up in the bed she shares with Sophia when she hears her girlfriend arrive and announce herself.

00:47 <Anne> At which point, Anne puts a bookmark in her text, swings herself out of bed and descends the stairway in a cluttering thump of hasty feet.

00:47 <Anne> "Is that you, Sunset?"

00:48 — •Sophia smiles at the already familiar sounds of Anne's descent. "Yeah, it's me," she replies.

00:49 <•Sophia> Likely the first thing Anne would notice is that she's dressed differently than when she left. Rather than black jeans and a crimson tank top, she's wearing an airy light blue dress.

00:49 <•Sophia> Oh, and there's a diamond ring on her finger.

00:49 <Anne> Anne springs out of the stairwell into the living room with an agility that needs no cane. She skids to a stop in front of her girlfriend and eyes her critically. "Did you doll up for me or just felt the need to be more gorgeous than usual?"

00:50 — •Sophia gives a weak laugh and puts her arms around Anne, "unexpected side-effect of dealing with faeries."

00:51 <•Sophia> "Thanks, though," she adds and places a kiss on Anne's neck.

00:51 <Anne> "Hey hey, you okay?" Anne puts her arms around Sophia's waist and kisses the top of her head. "You look like you've had iti rough. What's going on?"

00:52 <•Sophia> "Not terribly," she says, leaning into Anne's embrace, "I was just stupid and hypocritical and got into a bad argument."

00:52 <•Sophia> "Nothing really harmful or lasting, I think."

00:55 <Anne> Anne gestures to a nearby couch. "You want to sit and talk about it? Or is this the kind of thing you need to work out?"

00:56 <•Sophia> "Sitting and talking sounds like a pretty good idea," Sophia says and falls gracelessly into the couch.

00:56 <•Sophia> She looks up at Anne and gives a light chuckles, "so, the short version is that Bian gave me a ring, tore off my clothes and shot me three times in the chest."

00:57 <•Sophia> "But that's of course totally misleading and doesn't have anything to do with the actual point."

00:57 <Anne> Anne waits for her girlfriend to settle into the couch. At which point she drops down next to Sophia and drapes her legs over her girlfriend's, half-lying in her lap. Tucking her hands beneath her head and resting against one of the arms of the couch, Anne gives a great sigh of comfort. "Okay, now that I"m relaxed, let's hear the part where you get naked

00:57 <Anne> again?"

00:58 — •Sophia chuckles, "you always know how to cut to the heart of the matter."

00:58 <•Sophia> "Remember when we introduced Bian to Bran, I gave her a small glass statuette of a demon?"

00:59 <•Sophia> "Well, she bound its soul into this ring," she says, holding up her hand and displaying two slender, intwined bands of silicon holding a sparkling diamond in place.

01:00 <•Sophia> "Since she doesn't do things by halves, the ring has magic properties of its own. In particular, it lets me transform into a Wyld beast, a behemoth."

01:00 <•Sophia> "The Behemoth is a little larger than I am, thus the wardrobe malfunction."

01:01 <Anne> "Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't we getting the demon in the statue so she could give you the power to stop time? How'd this go from stopping time to turning into a monster?"

01:02 <Anne> "Oh, do I get to see the monster?"

01:03 <Anne> Anne looks amused more than anything. And slightly weirded out by the idea of a magic ring that can turn people into monsters but that weirdness seems mostly aimed at the ring and not the lady wearing it.

01:03 <•Sophia> "It also lets me stop time, shapeshift, stir up crowds and a host of other things."

01:03 <Anne> "St. Ceila Wept, that's...wow, where can I get one of those?"

01:03 — •Sophia eyes Anne with clear amusement, her bad mood from when she entered almost entirely gone. "Is it the behemoth or the wardrobe malfunction you want to see?"

01:04 <Anne> After giving the question some serious thought, Anne nods gravely and says "Yes."

01:04 <•Sophia> "Get a demon from Jiji or Trina, or learn to summon one yourself, and give it to Bian. I think she'd be happy to help you."

01:05 <Anne> "You sure the demon's going to stay bound?"

01:05 — •Sophia chuckles at Anne's entirely predictable answer. "You'll have to wait a bit on the behemoth, but we can arrange a wardrobe malfunction if you insist."

01:06 <•Sophia> "Quite sure. My Anima lets me analyze artifacts and it looks very well bound. I'll have Jiji take a look when next I see him."

01:09 <Anne> The next look Sophia gets is one of pure unbridled lust mixed with a healthy dose of admiration, fondness and love. Then the Zenith visibly shakes herself back on task. "Maybe later," she says to the offer of wardrobe malfunctioning. "So, Bian did this, huh? Where'd getting shot in that delightfully ample chest three times come in? And was she the one

01:09 <Anne> you had the bad argument with?"

01:10 <•Sophia> "She wanted to see how I reacted to getting attacked by someone I consider friendly and demonstrate that the behemoth is rather bulletproof."

01:10 <•Sophia> "She succeeded."

01:10 <•Sophia> "And yes, it was."

01:13 <Anne> "Huh." Anne muses over that for a moment. "So she's expecting us to turn traitor on each other? Or maybe she wants us to think about the possibility, as a way of dividing us up, getting us to turn on each other while looking at her as an ally to trust."

01:14 <Anne> Anne grins. "I'm not normally very devious. But some of the shit people have done to get their way in the books I've been reading are downright scary. And Bian strikes me as the well-read variety. Just makes me wonder, that's all."

01:14 <•Sophia> "She said she wanted us to be aware that others may turn our friends against us, and I think she was both honest and right."

01:15 — •Sophia nods, "and you're definitely right. People have done some messed up things for power."

01:16 <Anne> "So where was the hypocritical part in this?"

01:17 <•Sophia> "Well," she begins a little nervously, "I was scared when she shot me. I've never actually be shot at before, and never heard a gun up close like that without ear protection before either."

01:18 <•Sophia> "So I told her she had no right to shoot me even though it was perfectly safe, plus the whole being aware of possible betrayal thing."

01:19 <•Sophia> "Through the ensuing discussion," Sophia continues with her eyes at Anne's feet, "I realized that she was infringing far less on me than I am on the people who are trapped between us and the Infernals."

01:20 <Anne> That makes Anne nod and lose the playful, humorous look. "Guns are scary. Lots of people freak out the first time they're face to face with one, especially one firing at you."

01:20 — Anne has her legs draped across Sophia's lap so she wiggles her toes at her girlfriend playfully once she notices where Sophia's looking.

01:21 — •Sophia gives out a weak chuckle and looks back up at Anne.

01:21 <Anne> "Can you explain what you mean by infringing on people trapped between us and the infernals? I'm not sure what you mean by that."

01:22 <•Sophia> "I sent a letter to the leader of the Vermillion party the other day," she says gesturing at the cleaned, but not-stowed-away calligraphy set, "and I imbued it with all the Solar tricks I know."

01:22 <•Sophia> "He could no more ignore that letter than I could ignore getting shot."

01:23 <•Sophia> "And whereas I'm mostly unchanged by my encounter with a gun, his mind is changed forever."

01:24 <Anne> "Yeah, I'm not following. How is a letter like a gun? He's not hurt by the experience. He didn't suffer fear-for-his-life. He's not traumitized or in need of therapy for the next thirty years. How is it the same?"

01:25 <•Sophia> "He wasn't going to support Rosaline if I hadn't written that letter, he'd have had dreams of becoming prime minister, of leading the country. Now he sees himself as the veteran coach giving pointers to the new star."

01:25 <•Sophia> "His view of himself and the world is changed."

01:27 <•Sophia> "And when the election comes, I fully intend to do the same to every swing voter in the country. Make them cast their vote for the Vermillion Party, make them leave their homes despite rain or wind and give a vote they wouldn't otherwise have."

01:28 <•Sophia> "And of course, this is because I'm not a terrible person. If I were a terrible person, I could make almost anyone do almost anything with the swipe of a brush.

01:28 <•Sophia> "Well. I still can. I just choose not to."

01:29 <Anne> "I can see some ethical issues there, sure." Anne nods slowly. "But they're not the same issues as ruining someone's life. You're not killing them. You're not hurting them. In fact, you're arguably helping them and their environment and life outcomes will be much improved in the long run, if we pull this off. On the flip side, a gun fired at you three

01:29 <Anne> times at worst could kill you and at the very least it'll just not hurt you. There's no positive outcome in that scenario, it's all negative or neutral."

01:29 → Arynne joined (uid47865@b3a470b7.brockwell.f7109e70.com.hmsk)

01:29 <Anne> "So I'm still not sure that what you've done is as bad or worse. I'd say it's not. It's better. It's way better."

01:30 <Anne> Sprawled across the couch, and Sophia's lap, Anne scoots up slightly to make herself more comfortable. "Is there something I"m missing here?"

01:31 <•Sophia> "Normally, you'd be absolutely right, but this was a safe environment, even if I hadn't been in the behemoth shape which on its own rendered me bulletproof, I was in a part of the wyld sufficiently under Bians' control that I couldn't actually be seriously injured."

01:32 <•Sophia> "She was doing it for my own benefit, to show me the value of the artifact, and to give me a serious warning about the dangers of people close to me being turned against me."

01:32 <•Sophia> "I objected to her doing it without my consent."

01:32 <•Sophia> "But on a daily basis, I'm doing bigger things to more people without their consent."

01:38 <Anne> "I guess I don't quite see it that way." Anne runs her fingers through her brown hair, combing it out as she thinks it through. "That sounds like justification for, oh for example, someone threatening to shoot an officer in the military and saying it's hypocritical for the officer to protest because he's sent soldiers to their deaths. He had a duty, a

01:38 <Anne> commission, just like we do. If we're being realistic, there's probably no way we can pull off our rebellion without people getting killed, people who wouldn't have died if we hadn't gotten rowdy. In fact, I'd be shocked if innocents don't die directly or indirectly as a result of our actions." Anne's spine stiffens as her voice firms. "But it still

01:38 <Anne> needs to be done. We can recognize the shitty things we do and we need to remember they're shitty so we don't get comfortable with them, so they don't become easy, expedient solutions. But we still have to win this, Sophia. It's the only way to make the world better than it's been. The Yozi and their Infernals sure as hell aren't going to."

01:39 — •Sophia leans down and kisses Anne's forehead.

01:40 <•Sophia> "I know, and I agree. But I was guilty of the thing I accused Bian of. The takeaway wasn't that what we are doing shouldn't be done, rather that we shouldn't get comfortable with it. Just like you said," she adds with a smile.

01:40 <•Sophia> "That lead to the bad discussion where she argued that physical violence was better than using our powers to change people's minds."

01:40 <Anne> "If you're making people vote your way, you're making them make choices they wouldn't make. That's always a risky ethical situation. It's not the same thing as frightening them with mortal terror with a gun. And if we have to do those things, that doesn't mean it's somehow okay for people to do the same to us. If wrong is wrong, then wrong is wrong."

01:41 <Anne> "As long as that's your takeaway," Anne says, smiling a bit from the kiss.

01:41 <Anne> "Wait, what?"

01:41 <Anne> "Physical violence is -better- than making people save themselves?"

01:41 <•Sophia> "Yeah. And that was the part where I later realized I was being stupid," she says, leaning back again.

01:42 <•Sophia> "Bian's not a human. She's not even a spirit. She's a Raksha."

01:42 <•Sophia> "She's fundamentally different from us and she always will be, no matter how hard she tries."

01:42 <Anne> "Which means what?"

01:42 <Anne> "Man. What kind of existence do faeries have, if violence is better than persuasion..."

01:43 <•Sophia> "In this case that she prefers physical violence to social campaigns because it leads to technological growth and innovation, and is thus far more interesting."

01:44 <Anne> "...Well, good for her. My vote's on the outcome that gives people the most room for prosperity, safety and freedom. If curtailing a few of those things for some folks for a short time is what it takes, than that's what it takes."

01:45 <Anne> "As long as we are mindful of what we do and take steps to make sure we can minimize the impact and hopefully not have to do it again."

01:45 — •Sophia smiles, shifts to put her arm around Anne and plants a kiss on her lover's neck. "I love it when you talk social justice."

01:47 <Anne> "I could pull a Bran and be all 'Bitch, you fuck with my people I fuck you up!' and wave my hands in the air or whatever. Unlike my best bud, I come from a military tradition and we believe in deeds over words, that's all."

01:48 <•Sophia> "Nah, it's fine," Sophia says contentedly, "it was a philosophical disagreement and not one that I think is going to have a negative impact on our cooperation."

01:49 <•Sophia> "It's just something we need to keep in mind."

01:50 <Anne> "I suppose we do. Thanks for telling me about it, sweetheart. You feel good for working with Bian in the future, then?"

01:50 <•Sophia> "Yeah. She means well, is generally pleasant enough to be around and can help us do a lot of good."

01:53 <•Sophia> "So," Sophia says after a few minutes of comfortable silence, "want to see that behemoth?"

01:54 <Anne> "Hell yeah! But that's just for fun. I want to make sure you're good first. Did she say anything else that's bothering you or that you want to talk about?"

01:55 <•Sophia> "No, I'm good. Thanks for listening," she replies with a smile.

01:57 <Anne> "One of the many benefits of girlfriends; a good ear. Now, let's check this monster out!"

01:58 <Anne> "Should I get up? You need different clothes? What should I expect?"

01:58 — •Sophia disentangles herself from Anne and stands up before the Zenith.

01:59 <•Sophia> "Just enjoy the show," she says as she gathers her Essence, "and remember, the wardrobe malfunction was part of the point," she adds with a wink as her eyes start shining gold.

02:00 <•Sophia> From the ring, a thin filigree of gold starts spreading across her skin, and where it touches, the skin beneath begins glowing. She lifts up from the floor, floating a few centimeters above the ground.

02:01 <Anne> "Holy shit, she's floating. This is better than Sailor Moon!"

02:02 <•Sophia> The golden light emanating from her grows in strength, shining through the light dress, and as her presence grows, so does her physical form and she burst through the thin garment, revealing a gold-skinned form covered in intricate patterns of orichalcum.

02:02 <•Sophia> She laughs with the sound of a thousand golden bells, "way better," she says with a wide smile.

02:03 <•Sophia> The transformation process has taken no more than a few seconds, and the creature hovering before Anne is only barely recognizable as Sophia, but her smile and the look in her radiant, glowing eyes when she looks at Anne is quite familiar.

02:03 <•Sophia> "What do you think?" she asks, her voice tinkling.

02:03 <Anne> "That's uh...I mean..." Anne just gawks at the larger, golden shining Sophia.

02:03 <Anne> "...How long does it last?"

02:05 <•Sophia> "I don't actually know," she replies, "I turned it off after I had the argument with Bian and didn't test it. A while, though."

02:06 <Anne> "Good. Because I'm thinking I might need to change my underwear and thought, while I'm upstairs and undressed, you could be too."

02:06 <Anne> There's pretty much no mistaking the meaningful eyebrow waggle.

02:07 — •Sophia laughs and offers Anne her hand.

02:08 <Anne> The Zenith takes the Twilight's hand and practically pulls her up the stairs. Or at least tries to, one can only guess what the difference is with Sophia's greater size and presumed mass...

02:08 <•Sophia> The difference is actually not that great, and the fact that she's hovering makes her easy to pull. At least when she's happy to be pulled.

02:09 <•Sophia> She is laughing a bit, delighted at the Zenith's enthusiasm.

02:10 <Anne> "You're all golden and metally. If you're going to stay shiny, though, you could use a good polish."

02:10 <Anne> "With my tongue."

02:11 <•Sophia> "You'd like that?" Sophia asks, somewhat surprised as she moves her unarmored fingers over her body, "it feels rather hard and unyielding."

02:13 <Anne> "Are you kidding? You're like stupid sexy hot like this. And if you're extra durable, just means I'll have to be a bit more...vigorous."

02:14 <•Sophia> "I'm not sure you have enough vigor to give this form a run for its money," she says with a smirk.

02:16 <Anne> "If you don't have as much sensation as usually do, then switch back. Otherwise, I'll work around it. I'm Meruvian Military, Sunset, we don't avoid problems, we go through them!"

02:18 — •Sophia laughs, "oh I can feel you just fine, I just won't actually be hurt by anything... vigorous you might do."

20:21 <•Bian> Sun Tzu said: "Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

20:22 <•Bian> War, he wrote, is not attack the enemy, but to attack their strategy, and thereby to achieve victory before the first solider leaves his camp.

20:23 <•Bian> Of course, he also wrote that when fighting is sure to result in victory, a general must fight -- no matter his ruler's desire for peace. Some might observe the seeming contradiction between those two statements and dismiss his writing as grandiose nonsense. Others might say that the truth is complicated, and mortal words can offer only limited snippits of

20:23 <•Bian> the truth.

20:23 <•Bian> Bian, Anna, and Sophia have never discussed the great general's works, but if they did, they would likely have very differing opinions.

20:26 <•Bian> It is to the height of the freehold's beacon that Sophia and Anna are directed when they arrive, a long elevator whisking them up through a whimsical assortment of buildings steel and glass. The last time Sophia took this lift, it deposited her in a rather mundane conference room atop the highest floor. This time though, the lift seems to have something else

20:26 <•Bian> in mind, and when the door opens, they find themselves on a world in miniature. A great spherical room, circling a bright ball of fire in its center that clearly serves as a substitute sun.

20:26 — Sophia frowns, "that a rather peculiar way to view the world, isn't it?"

20:27 <•Bian> Beneath the hovering light are tiny little forests, continents in miniature, and oceans the size of small swimming pools. The proportions of it all are exaggerated to emphasize the pleasant climes -- beaches, most particularly, including some patches of shade.

20:27 <•Bian> There are areas where the project is visibly unfinished, rebar and plaster still visible along with exposed wiring. But it is functional at least, and near the lift, Bian waves to them from where she sits cross-legged.

20:27 <•Bian> She's not even wearing grey this time, but a lighter, blue dress that emphasizes her features.

20:28 <•Bian> "Is peculiar bad?"

20:28 <Sophia> "By no means. On contrary rather."

20:29 <•Bian> "A side project of mine. Nothing practical. An artistic endeavor."

20:29 — •Bian nods to her two guests, gesturing them out of the lift.

20:30 <•Bian> "It is good to see you both again."

20:30 <Anne> "Do you charge admission?" Anne says in a teasing tone. She steps off the elevator with Sophia, arm around her girlfriend's waist. "...I didn't think there was this much good land. Or that much beach, come to think of it..."

20:30 <Sophia> "You too. I'm sorry about how last time turned out.

20:31 — •Bian nods to Sophia, but after a moment, she speaks to Anne.

20:31 <•Bian> "It's based on a concept called a Dyson sphere. It was an abstract thought experiment in what an ideally efficient Creation would look like."

20:32 <•Bian> "Dyson was known for his imagination. He sketched out all sorts of alternate arrangements."

20:32 <Sophia> "Not an ideally efficient Creation," Sophia points out, "only a small fraction of Creation's energy budget comes from the sun."

20:33 <Sophia> "But an ideally efficient whatever that is," she says with a wave.

20:33 <•Bian> "Well it was still an interesting novel."

20:33 <Sophia> "Sure," Sophia agrees placidly.

20:35 <Anne> "I'm not sure how that would work. Where would the sun go at night? Or would you just not have night anymore?"

20:35 <•Bian> "In the book," Bian gestures up, "there was another half-shell inside the first one, with slots cut inside it. It slowly turned to block or reveal the sun, creating zones of light."

20:35 <•Bian> "But, here, the half-shell would bump your head, so."

20:36 <•Bian> "It's really more about enjoying the warm air."

20:36 <Sophia> "And showing off.

20:36 <•Bian> "No. Not really."

20:36 <•Bian> "Though I do hope you enjoy it."

20:37 — •Bian turns to face them, her hands leaving prints on the beach sand as she turns in place.

20:37 <•Bian> "I believe it's traditional to engage in small talk before we get to the point?"

20:37 <Sophia> "It is. Got any small things on your mind?"

20:39 — •Bian ponders that for a moment.

20:39 <•Bian> "Earlier."

20:39 <•Bian> "You mentioned you had a friend who had a negative encounter with one of the fae -- and that the faerie escaped."

20:39 <•Bian> "At the time, my thoughts were on other things, and it seemed a minor matter."

20:40 <•Bian> "But, with further time to reflect, I think it might be best for me to assume a certain responsibility for the actions of my distant relatives. At least enough to prevent further incidents."

20:40 <•Bian> "Could you tell me more?"

20:40 <Sophia> "Sure. It was running a minor local gang."

20:41 <Sophia> "Small stuff, protection racket, selling minor drugs and such."

20:41 <Sophia> "But serious enough for the people in its area."

20:41 <•Bian> "Oh. A commoner?"

20:41 <Sophia> "Morena, Malcolm and Kosche went out to put an end to the gang."

20:41 <Sophia> "I don't know."

20:41 — •Bian nods. "Sorry, go on."

20:42 <Sophia> "They arrived at the house they were operating out of, beat up the gangers and when Morena kicked down the door to the Faerie's room it fled from her."

20:43 <•Bian> "Ah. I see."

20:44 <•Bian> "If it's any consolation, I doubt the raksha in question actually had any influence on overall crime in the city. It likely killed or ravished a pre-existing gang leader and assumed his story."

20:44 <•Bian> "Still. I will do what I can to see them brought to justice."

20:44 — Sophia nods, "I figured as much. And thank you."

20:45 <Sophia> "I'm not quite sure this quite counts as small talk, though," she adds with a smile.

20:46 — •Bian pauses.

20:46 <Anne> "What do you mean by, assumed his story?"

20:47 <•Bian> "Faeries are a highly imitative species. We often replicate things we see without fully understanding them."

20:48 <•Bian> "For instance, when I was new to Creation, I once made a refrigerator. It was a machine that made a humm and hearing the humm made ice form over you. Because I had seen an icebox and all I understood was that there was ice on the things inside it, and that the cold was somehow related to the noise the machine made."

20:49 <•Bian> "The same goes for social relationships, or people. A faerie who does not understand how Creation works might see a drug dealer selling drugs to get money, but he doesn't understand why the drug dealer wants the money. But he'll blindly imitate it because it's interesting."

20:49 <•Bian> "That's why so many faerie tales contain stories of, for example, miserly fae who cheat and haggle mortals, but don't do anything with the money except let it pile up in a tower somewhere. It's blind mimicry."

20:50 <•Bian> "In this case, the faerie in question likely saw a drug dealer or gang leader, thought he was interesting, copied him, and then eliminated the original."

20:52 <Anne> "That...is the weirdest thing I've ever heard of. Why mimic? Why not just do your own thing? And if you are going to mimic, imitate, why not ask people what they're doing to understand it instead of just blindly doing it? Faerie can talk, right?"

20:52 <Anne> "I mean, you talk."

20:52 <•Bian> "I've had over fifty years in Creation to learn how to talk."

20:52 — •Bian replies, with a small smile.

20:52 <Sophia> "How long did it actually take you?"

20:53 <•Bian> "It's not binary. I could speak Old Realm as soon as I entered Creation. But to actually understand what the words meant instead of being a very clever parrot?"

20:53 <•Bian> "That was gradual. A decade, perhaps."

20:55 — •Bian reaches down into the sand, idly tracing designs as she talks. A circle, with five smaller circles inside it. Sophia likely recognizes it as the same iconic drawing of Creation she made in the window glass, now traced into the sand.

20:55 <Sophia> "So quite a bit slower than people, but not terribly so."

20:56 <•Bian> "If you like, though I had help. From the base staff. They taught me -- and corrected me when I learned the wrong things. Faeries in the... wild. Wild with an I. It's very easy for them to learn incorrect lessons early and then get stuck in a rut."

20:56 — Sophia nods,

20:57 <Anne> "Whoa. Okay. So if a Faerie talks, they're not actually communicating, they're just imitating? Crazy." Anne scratches her head. "We didn't get a lot of info on them when I was in the military, of course. You don't talk to a Fair Folk, generally."

20:58 <•Bian> "It's..."

20:58 — •Bian pauses in both speech and motions, taking a second to choose her words.

20:58 <Anne> "Well, we don't. Soldiers."

20:58 <•Bian> "Oh, I know. But it's not quite like that."

21:00 <•Bian> "It's that communication is more than just words. For instance, imagine if you walked in and I told you that I thought Sophia was ugly. I would be doing a lot more than just commenting on my objective assessment of her appearance. I would be insulting her, disrespecting you, and showing hostility to guests, which in turn implies things about me and how I'm

21:00 <•Bian> likely to treat you."

21:00 <•Bian> "You would, quite rightly, be upset, and possibly treat me very differently moving forward."

21:01 <•Bian> "But to someone who has never had that explained to them, the reaction seems bizarre and unconnected. A statement of observation made now results in prolonged hostile action moving forward? What will you do next? Declare war because I said the sky was blue?"

21:01 <•Bian> "Even worse, it doesn't go in reverse. I can't say that Sophia is pretty and instantly make you my friend."

21:01 <•Bian> "Faced with such a bewildering and nonsensical set of reactions, the best thing to do really is to look at a solution that works, and stick with it."

21:02 <•Bian> "It's why, when we could make ourselves look like any creature or any shape, we tend to look like the mortals and beasts of Creation. Because your bodies... work. They fit here."

21:02 <Anne> "Ironically, saying my girlfriend's pretty can also result in something negative, if I'm the jealous type or think you're hitting on her."

21:02 — •Bian smiles.

21:02 <•Bian> "Yes. Yes, that's it exactly."

21:02 <Anne> "Yeah, I guess I can see what you mean. But that just...well, comes from experience, doesn't it?"

21:03 <Sophia> "Seeing as how you were happy about her putting a ring on my finger, I'm guessing you'd be OK with that, though," Sophia says and gives Anne a squeeze.

21:03 <Anne> "Depends on the finger," Anne returns and smooches the side of Sophia's head.

21:04 — Sophia chuckles, "finger equality now!"

21:06 <Anne> "Well, you seem to have the knack of it down," she says to Bian, nodding admiringly.

21:07 <•Bian> "'Seem' is the operative word."

21:07 <•Bian> "I still have much to learn."

21:08 <Anne> "Well, that's what experience is for."

21:08 <Anne> "You know, you might try adoption sometime."

21:08 — Sophia chuckles, "you want everyone to have children?"

21:08 — •Bian smiles broader at that, and tilts her head slightly.

21:08 <•Bian> "Do you hate children?"

21:08 <•Bian> "Or do you just have very strange ideas?"

21:11 <Sophia> "She really likes children, brought up the question on our first date. Which was also the time she met my parents."

21:11 <Sophia> "Which reminds me," she says turning to Anne, "that the only member of your family I've met is Bran."

21:13 <Anne> "Yeah, we'll have to fix that sometime. If you don't mind being overwhelmed by my parents and three brothers." Anne takes the teasing about kids with good grace and says "I just meant that all of us were kids at one point and grew up. Watching a kid in close proximity growing up might give you a leg up, Bian."

21:14 <•Bian> "It's possible," Bian admits. "I'm not sure I feel ready though. I have several faerie children, but I raised them with the extensive help of my handlers and the base staff."

21:14 <•Bian> "They were raised by their grandparents, in so many words."

21:15 <•Bian> "I worry about what might happen if I tried to do it on my own."

21:16 <Sophia> "I don't think anyone's suggesting that you or anyone else raise a child entirely on their own."

21:16 <Sophia> "Getting help with these things is a pretty essential part."

21:17 <Anne> "There's enough orphans out there, I can't imagine they'd be worse off in the hands of someone who can make sure they always have food, shelter and safety to grow up."

21:17 <•Bian> "Yes, but..."

21:17 — •Bian pauses. Frowns slightly.

21:17 <•Bian> "Humans break easily."

21:17 <•Bian> "What if I broke them by accident?"

21:17 <Sophia> "I don't think that's true."

21:18 <Sophia> "Humans bend easily, but truly breaking them is another matter. We're an enduring species."

21:19 — •Bian gives a little nod to Sophia's logic, but the frown remains on her face.

21:19 <Anne> "So, has the talk been small enough to relax everyone?"

21:19 — Anne grins.

21:19 <•Bian> "I... think so, yes."

21:20 — •Bian continues after a moment: "Faerie-raised children are quite common in the threshold. Either the result of one night stands, or taken by raiders after their parents are murdered."

21:20 <Sophia> "I'm good," Sophia says, leaning into Anne.

21:20 <•Bian> "They're infamous for being human in body only. Dangerous monsters."

21:20 <•Bian> "Those stories bother me more than..."

21:20 <•Bian> "Well, they bother me."

21:21 <•Bian> "But... yes. Let us return to the topic of substance."

21:21 — Sophia nods.

21:21 — •Bian glances at Sophia.

21:22 <Sophia> "I don't think I'm in the mood to run through your gauntlet."

21:23 <•Bian> "Just as well. Even if she knows you can't actually be hurt, I don't think Anne would enjoy seeing goblins do their very best to kill you."

21:23 <•Bian> "But I feel there is a broader discussion to be had."

21:24 <Sophia> "About free will and imposing on others for their own good?"

21:25 — •Bian pauses. Her finger resumes tracing designs in the sand -- something wavy, outside the diagram of Creation.

21:25 <•Bian> "Yes. We can begin there."

21:25 <Anne> "You have a gauntlet with goblins that try to kill people who run through it?" Anne gives Bian a bit of an O.o wide-eyed look.

21:26 <•Bian> "Not a literal gauntlet, but yes."

21:26 <•Bian> "It is a broader arena, for testing the performance of combat oriented individuals in realistic conditions."

21:29 <Anne> "...Alrighty. So what's this about free will and making decisions for others?"

21:30 <Sophia> "It's the discussion I told you about which didn't end up too well."

21:30 <•Bian> "Oh her last visit, Sophia and I had a discussion on the use of essence-based abilities to influence mortals' judgement."

21:30 <•Bian> "I felt her approach was cavalier and destructive. As she said, the conversation did not go well."

21:32 — Sophia doesn't seem keen to restart that conversation.

21:34 — •Bian looks to Anne for her opinion before she goes on.

21:34 — Anne shrugs.

21:34 <Anne> "I'm not sure what approach we're talking about."

21:35 <•Bian> "Using it to make people agree with you."

21:35 <•Bian> "To bring about peace and harmony in Creation."

21:35 <Sophia> "Peace and harmony is not the goal."

21:36 <Sophia> "Lotus Eaters have peace and harmony."

21:36 <Anne> "If it minimizes casualties and prevents them from being weaponized by the enemy, sounds like an acceptable loss situation. As long as you remain conscious of the ethical implications and risks."

21:38 <•Bian> "Acceptable losses, perhaps. Conflict entails casualties. But it is a loss. Mental influence is a weapon, special only insofar as how easy it is to turn it upon the civilian population."

21:38 <•Bian> "I don't question that it was for the betterment of Creation, to use your powers upon the politicians and officials who will see your bill passed."

21:38 <Sophia> "Um, and in the fact that it doesn't actually kill people."

21:38 <•Bian> "Neither does tear gas."

21:39 <•Bian> "Or nightsticks. Or pepper spray."

21:39 <•Bian> "Take your pick."

21:39 <Sophia> "Wars are not fought with tear gas and night sticks."

21:40 <Anne> "Hold on, mental influence is a weapon? Mental influence -can- be a weapon but no, I don't agree that's the only way to look at it."

21:40 <Sophia> "That too."

21:41 <•Bian> "And how do you think the politicians of this Isle would react if they happened to be warded against your charms? If, upon answering the phone or reading your letters or, whatever you did to sway so many, a little light went on on their desk warning them that their minds were being influenced?"

21:42 <•Bian> "Do you imagine they'd be so understanding?"

21:43 <Sophia> "No. But I expect there to be fewer collateral casualties."

21:43 <•Bian> "And? Killing the prime minister with a single well place sniper would have fewer collateral casualties than overthrowing the government outright."

21:43 <•Bian> "It's still hostile action."

21:44 <Sophia> "I never said it wasn't. Nor did Anne for that matter."

21:45 <Anne> "I'm going to say something that I didn't think would be news but it might be, Bian." Anne takes a breath and says "The enemy holds our world, has held it for thousands of years, and they've done a terrible and progressively more terrible job with running the place. And we're not going to stop them without a risk for casualties. They're not going to let

21:45 <Anne> things go that easily."

21:45 <Anne> "If it's a choice between one bullet to kill one of their tools when nothing else will solve a problem vs. putting thousands of people at risk for death or worse when the Infernals wield them against us, I'll pick up the rifle and shoot that one bullet myself."

21:46 — •Bian pauses as she considers Anne's words. It is only after a few long seconds of thought that she speaks.

21:46 <•Bian> "Yes, that is true. I had you elected to kill the Prime Minister, I would condone those actions as much as I condone your actions thus far. The casualties you have inflicted are minimal, appropriate, and consummate to the gains achieved."

21:46 <•Bian> "But I am concerned that..."

21:47 <Sophia> "It's not the same, though."

21:47 <•Bian> "Because no one is harmed."

21:47 <•Bian> "Though that didn't seem to matter when I shot you."

21:48 <Sophia> "By not killing him, but changing his mind on a few subjects, we haven't hurt him nearly as much. He can still live a full and happy life that he'd have been OK with if he hadn't been prime minister."

21:48 — •Bian folds her hands over her lap.

21:48 <Sophia> "I was wrong about that."

21:49 <•Bian> "There is no right or wrong here. There are just the facts of the matter. You are, by your actions, traitors to your government, enemies of all Creation, and foes to the great ruling conspiracy. To their minds, rightly, mental influence is a form of attack, and so against each of them you have declared your intent. When their retaliation finally comes, it

21:49 <•Bian> will be swift and brutal, and you will not see from whence it comes."

21:50 <•Bian> "They will need to speak no lies to move all of Creatoin to action against you. Your actions speak for themselves."

21:50 <•Bian> "Given our situation, this is regrettable but unavoidable."

21:50 <•Bian> "I merely think it is appropriate that you be... conscious of it. And understand the implications."

21:51 <Sophia> "We are."

21:51 <Sophia> "We have been in the business of worrying about this for some time."

21:51 <•Bian> "Then what do you plan to do, when the foe is dead, the Infernals are no more, and all of Creation decries you as usurpers and terrorists?"

21:52 <•Bian> "Leave it to anarchy? Persuade them to see your point of view?"

21:52 <Sophia> "See, *this* is another crucial difference between bullets and words."

21:52 <Sophia> "We're not killing the establishment, we're co-opting it.

21:53 <Sophia> "Thus, there will be no anarchy, over a period of a few years, Creation will simply change its ways for the better."

21:53 <Sophia> "Anarchy will only come if weapons are drawn."

21:53 <•Bian> "Then Creation will continue to be ruled from behind the scenes, by an unseen elite of essence users, who feel they know what is best, and act in the name of their divine patron?"

21:53 <•Bian> "I'll just scratch 'Yozi' off the front door and fill in 'Unconquered Sun' shall I?"

21:54 <Sophia> "Because obviously people's quality of life is insignificant."

21:54 <•Bian> "It is not for you to /decide/ what constitutes quality of life!"

21:55 <Sophia> "No, it's for them."

21:55 — •Bian snaps, the surge of anger bubbling up suddenly.

21:56 <•Bian> "And when you speak to them through the establishment? The propagandists, the media, the force of law and the police with their nightsticks and tear gas? When you speak with those charms you insist are not weapons, how many do you imagine will decide differently from you?"

21:57 <Sophia> "Most of them."

21:58 <•Bian> "Then you're a fool. What if you'd been born fifty years ago? What if you were raised to believe that people of the wrong skin color were inferior? Or that atheism was the root of all social evils?"

21:58 <Sophia> "We had this conversation."

21:58 <•Bian> "What if that was the beneficent will you guided Creation towards?"

21:58 <Sophia> "And atheism isn't the root of all evil, it's just stupid."

21:58 <Anne> "At least we intend to allow people a choice. That's more than the Yozi have done."

21:58 <Sophia> "Look, Bian, I like you well enough, but I don't want to debate your straw men."

21:59 <Anne> "I'm with Sophia on that. If you have actual, specific issues that we're about to tackle or have tackled that you don't agree with, by all means, let's hear it."

22:00 — •Bian looks less than pleased with that outcome, but nods after a moment.

22:00 <Anne> "The problem with hypotheticals is that 90% of them never come true, which means you've burned up 90% of your time and energy on nothing."

22:00 <•Bian> "Sophia, at least, was completely unprepared for sudden hostile action."

22:00 <Sophia> "That's one problem. The other is that Bian extrapolates us pretty terribly in my opinion."

22:00 <•Bian> "Given your military background, I assume you're better off, Anne, but less so than is ideal."

22:01 <•Bian> "I think it would be highly beneficial for the two of you -- and others in your group -- to drill together on how to engage in combat, particularly surviving a sudden ambush."

22:01 <Anne> "The biggest difference right now between us and the Yozi, aside from the fact that we're actually human like most people in Creation, is that we're aware of our limitations. We're young, on top of not being the most powerful kids on the block. I plan to remember what it's like to be like everyone else as long as I can so they don't wind up bugs stepped

22:01 <Anne> on."

22:02 <Anne> "Yeah, we're not ready for hostile action yet."

22:02 <Anne> "Give us another few months, we'll see where we are."

22:02 <•Bian> "In another few months, you could be dead."

22:02 <•Bian> "It is only by the good grace of Creation and the enemy's blessed overconfidence that you are not already."

22:03 <Anne> "Well, we haven't gone out of our way to draw their attention either."

22:03 <Anne> "We're mostly working through proxies."

22:03 <•Bian> "*I* found you."

22:03 — •Bian points out.

22:03 <Anne> "Did you? I thought you and Sophia went back a ways or something. Or do you mean you running into Trina in the club?"

22:04 <•Bian> "I am employed," she says, "by an intelligence organization which may or may not be under the control of our enemies."

22:04 <•Bian> "What if I had not decided you were useful allies, and instead of keeping you to myself, filed a detailed report on your actions?"

22:06 <Anne> "I'm not opposed to all of us getting some combat practice in. But that said, we do have someone watching out over us. I'm going to guess he's screened you in a sense."

22:06 <Anne> "Or you wouldn't have made it this far."

22:06 <•Bian> "The Unconquered Sun?"

22:07 <Sophia> "The Sun has been quite conquered for these past five thousand years."

22:07 <•Bian> "Then, who?"

22:07 <Anne> "Jiji."

22:08 <•Bian> "And... who is this?"

22:08 <Sophia> "Someone who's been opposing the other guys for those same five thousand years.

22:09 <•Bian> "And you didn't feel the need to mention this?"

22:09 <Sophia> "Well, you didn't feel the need to mention that you were working for one of their intelligence organizations, so I don't actually feel bad about that."

22:10 <Sophia> "There are a lot of things we haven't told you, Bian. Just like there are a lot of things you haven't told us."

22:10 — •Bian lets out a slow breath.

22:11 <•Bian> "I would appreciate an opportunity\ to meet him, if you think it practicable."

22:11 <Sophia> "I'll ask him."

22:11 <•Bian> "Thank you."

22:12 — •Bian lapses into silence at that, her hands still folded in her lap, fingers laced together.

22:12 <•Bian> "I suppose then, that I must defer to your will in the matter."

22:12 <•Bian> "Please do consider my combat training facilities at your disposal however."

22:12 <Anne> "As far as meeting him goes, his will. He's got a lot more to lose than we do."

22:12 <Anne> "Thanks!"

22:13 <Sophia> "Thank you. And you don't so much defer to our will as we do not defer to yours."

22:13 <Anne> "I might have to give that a whirl sometime." Anne grins then and looks a bit eager about the prospect.

22:13 <Sophia> "We should see about fighting together," Sophia points out.

22:13 <Sophia> "I hear that's at least as important as being able to fight well alone."

22:14 — •Bian nods.

22:14 <Anne> "I'm game whenever you are, Sunset."

22:15 <Sophia> "Now?"

22:16 <Anne> "Um, I'd probably change my clothes first. Depends on what this gauntlet's really like."

22:16 <Sophia> "I'm sure Bian has an armory ready.

22:16 <•Bian> "I do. But you should wear nothing you don't usually wear, and carry no weapons you do not habitually carry."

22:16 <•Bian> "The enemy will not give you the luxury of preparation."

22:20 — Sophia nods.

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

00:12 <Anne> "Good thing I usually carry a pistol."

00:13 <Sophia> "And that I have your gift now," Sophia says with a grateful smile at Bian.

00:43 <Sophia> --------------------

00:44 <Sophia> "So," Sophia says to Anne as the, now somewhat battered pair make their way out the showers Bian's combat area included (this time), "how did you like Bian being in colors?"

00:46 <Anne> "Maybe it's better that she sticks to grey. She doesn't need any edge color can give her." Anne chuckles and pats Sophia on the back. "No worries, gorgeous, she may be eye-catching but you're the one walking around with my heart."

00:48 <Sophia> "I don't worry," she replies with a smile. "Not that I take you for granted," she adds, "I just have very high thoughts about your trustworthiness."

00:48 <Sophia> "Which of course might be a bit of halo effect coming from loving you, but not too much I think."

00:49 <Anne> "Do you think she's pretty?" Anne looks interested in the answer. Mostly because she hasn't actually thought to ask it before.

00:51 <Sophia> "Exceedingly," Sophia replies honestly, "probably the most beautiful woman I've seen."

00:51 <Sophia> "Well, to the extent that she *is* a woman, but let's save that particularly philosophical and metabiological discussion for another day."

00:52 <Anne> "I'm curious, though, when you look at her, do you see her as a woman or as something else?"

00:53 <Sophia> "Both."

00:53 <Sophia> "Well, the Essence part is not really a kind of vision, that would imply that it comes in the way of my regular sight, and it doesn't."

00:54 <Sophia> "We're just too used to thinking of sight like our primary sense to express it in other terms."

00:54 <Sophia> "I see her shape as a woman, and sense her nature as a faerie. Both are beautiful in their own way, and their interplay is quite fascinating too."

00:57 <Anne> "So, what I"m hearing is you think she's hot on multiple levels. Okay." Anne grins. "Well, I've only got the one set of senses but I think it's enough for me."

00:58 <Sophia> "Don't sell yourself short," Sophia replies with a more demure smile, "you've also got hearing smell and taste. I know you practice the latter regularly."

01:00 <Anne> "There are many amazing things the tongue is capable of," Anne says, with an air of complete innocence. "Eating food may be the least interesting application..."

01:02 <Sophia> "I've always felt that way. And that was before I learned what you can do."

01:06 <Sophia> "She struck me as quite lonely the first time I met her," Sophia says, moving on from the many fine qualities of tongues, "what do you think?"

01:13 <Anne> "Huh." Anne thinks about it. "At this point, my memory of our first encounter is overpowered by how strongly she reacted to Bran. I'm not really sure what my actual first impression was."

01:13 <Anne> "Beyond, you know, wowzers."

01:13 — Sophia chuckles

01:14 <Sophia> "Yeah, that's an appropriate reaction. I didn't mean your first impression, though. Do you think she actually is lonely?"

01:16 <Anne> "Hard to say. I don't know that I've really gotten much past the surface professionalism she projects. She's a suit, a corporate type, and she plays it as well as they do. The whole point is to be your work and keep your private life private."

01:17 <Anne> "Frankly, I think she has a lot of balls in the air and we're only one of them. It wouldn't hurt us to remember that she's got a lot going on that has nothing to do with us, including relationships, allies, maybe lovers."

01:17 <Sophia> "She went to Trina's bar alone," Sophia points out.

01:18 <Anne> "Yeah but it's like..." She thinks about it. "Officers sometimes hit a club by themselves. Because it's the only time they -get- to be by themselves."

01:19 <Sophia> "I suppose," she muses.

01:19 <Sophia> "Would you want to get to know her better socially?"

01:22 <Anne> "Sure?" Anne muses over the idea. "That's been pretty much my only contact with her thus far. Socially. But that's not that surprising, I guess. It's not like I'm expecting her to suit up and go tactical with me at some point or anything."

01:23 <Sophia> "Is that a euphemism?" Sophia teases.

01:31 <Anne> "...Actually no. Though I suppose it could have been." Anne grins. "But then, that's also seeing her socially, isn't it."

01:31 <Sophia> "Very socially," she agrees, "perhaps even supersocially."

01:32 <Anne> "It's a shame Joe and Malcom have wandered off. That leaves only Morena as someone I feel has some good solid combat experience, of a kind. For all that I don't agree with Bian's pessimism about us doing things and risking response, she has a point; most of us are no good in a fight yet."

01:33 — Sophia nods, "I've thought about it as something I should be able to do, but there's just been all kinds of other things that seemed more important at the time."

01:35 <Anne> "We're only some weeks into this after all. We just need time. We'll get there."

01:36 <Sophia> "We will. It's a hard line, though, between doing so little that we don't get caught, and doing enough that we aren't wasting our times."

19:15 <•Bian> To those who would consider themselves students of philosophy, the concept of filial piety often presents considerable difficulty. It has correctly been called an artifact of Primordial thinking—a relic, left behind by the command of the Shapers that their children should obey their every wish. And yet, it has also correctly been called a part of the great

19:15 <•Bian> wisdom of Creation. It is the means by which a mere wanderer becomes a student, and a master a sifu, their knowledge thereby to impart.

19:17 <•Bian> It is not a question that presents a simple answer, and the theory behind it is often alloyed with denser practicality. After all, adhering to -- or defying -- ones parents can have very immediate repercussions, not all of which can be seen before the moment they arrive.

19:17 Bian → •ESI

19:18 <•ESI> It is in the thread of this discussion, that Sophia and Anne's attempt to depart the Freehold is interrupted by a servant. They've already said their goodbyes, and Bian has gone on her way. And yet, this calm little man in orderly whites is waiting for them by the lift.

19:18 <•ESI> Appearing mortal, he bows to them respectfully.

19:19 — Sophia stops up and nods back to the man.

19:19 <•ESI> "Pardon me, honored guests."

19:20 <•ESI> "But the lady of the estate wishes to speak with you."

19:20 <Anne> Being spoken to is Anne's cue to pay specific attention. She's still new to the whole world of the rich with servants, or to employees in a corporation for that matter. So she blinks, shrugs and says "Sure. Does she have a name or form of address we should use?"

19:21 <Sophia> "And is this lady not Bian?"

19:21 <•ESI> He pauses, and while he doesn't frown, the quickness of his glance suggests Sophia's question took him off guard.

19:22 <•ESI> "Bian is the eldest daughter of the household, and its seneschal, but she is not the head of the family, no. Naseki is the lady of the house. Though she prefers to be called by name, or 'Doctor' if one is being formal."

19:23 <•ESI> "May I show you to her now?"

19:24 <Sophia> "You may," Sophia says, adopting some of the servant's formality

19:24 <Anne> "Well, it'd be rude of us not to pay our respects." Though it doesn't sound like a question, her glance at Sophia for confirmation is genuine. She's much newer to how politics play, or how the Fair Folk work for that matter.

19:24 <•ESI> "Thank you. This way, please."

19:25 <•ESI> The servant obviously knows his way around the compound, navigating through its maddening, wyld-twisted corridors without particular difficulty or concern. There are enough little moments -- like when he briefly trips on the stairs -- to make it clear he's mortal, but he seems to live here well enough to know the way.

19:26 <•ESI> The further he walks though, the less outwardly supernatural the environment becomes. Twisting corridors of infinite whiteboards and computers give way to near, ordered rows. Holographic displays to chalkboards. And the ever-present yet sourceless lighting to flickering overhead lamps.

19:27 <•ESI> Their journey ends at a large residential door which the servant opens, holding it aside for Anne and Sophia.

19:27 <•ESI> "Just through here," he says, gesturing into what appears to be a comfortable living room.

19:28 <•ESI> The decoration style is a bit archaic. Drab in some places, garish in others. Perhaps twenty years out of date.

19:28 — Sophia looks around for a moment, but then walks forward.

19:30 <•ESI> The sense of mundaity from the halls continues here. The living room's view is impressive to be sure -- this house must be high in one of the towers, and it looks out over the entire freehold -- but when one turns away from the glass, it is just a sitting room. There's a bright orange couch that honestly fairly tasteless, shelves full of books and

19:30 <•ESI> nick-nacks, a coffee table, a liqueur cabinet, and a TV that's so old Sophia thinks it might still contain ray tubes.

19:32 <•ESI> There are two people already there. A pair of women seated in chairs facing the window. They could be identical twins, with the same thin face and slight build, the same scuffy black hair that vaguely resembles a brush even when it's kept long, and the same posture, seated with one arm over the rest of their chair and the other in a pocket of their baggy

19:32 <•ESI> clothes. Except that is fairly young -- perhaps in her late twenties -- and has vaguely pointed ears. The other appears old, lined, with a waxen quality to her skin, suggesting mortality.

19:32 <•ESI> Both look up when Anne and Sophia enter.

19:33 <•ESI> "Oh, hello," says the older one, her voice a bit scratchy. "I thought you weren't going to make it. Please, come in."

19:33 <Sophia> "Thank you. Why woulnd't we have been able to make it?"

19:34 <•ESI> "Grabbed you on the way out the door, didn't I? I thought you'd already left."

19:34 <•ESI> "But it's all the same, make yourself comfortable."

19:34 <Anne> Anne enters at Sophia's side, arm around her girlfriend and thankful that they'd showered and changed clothes. A little more difficult to deal with the elite when one is multicolored...

19:34 <•ESI> She gestures vaguely in the direction of the couch. "You don't mind if I smoke?"

19:35 <Anne> "Go nuts."

19:35 <Sophia> "Not at all," Sophia says, returning Anne's gesture.

19:35 <Anne> "I'm Anne, this is Sophia. You're...Naseki?"

19:37 <•ESI> "Mmm," she nods. Reaching into her pocket, she pulls out a carton of old-style cigarettes and a lighter, taking a few tries to get it lit. "Doctor Naseki V'ma. But Naseki is fine. This is Jimu." She gestures at her younger, faerie doppelganger.

19:37 <•ESI> "It's nice to meet you two. I've heard a great deal about you."

19:38 — Anne is visibly unsure how to deal with the visual mismatch between setting and those in it.

19:38 <Sophia> "I'm afraid we can't say the same," Sophia says and sits down.

19:38 <Anne> "Uh, thanks. All good I hope."

19:38 — •ESI pauses, and misinterpreting Anne's expression, offers her a cigarette.

19:39 <Anne> "I'm good," Anne says, taking a seat on the couch next to Sophia, trying not to grimace at the ridiculous orange out of datedness of the whole thing.

19:39 <Anne> "Jimu," Anne adds with a nod, realizing she hadn't acknowledged the other woman yet.

19:40 <•ESI> Jimu smiles back, a bit more open and relaxed than her counterpart.

19:40 <•ESI> "Mostly," Naseki answers Anne's implicit question. "Bian can be difficult to get a straight answer out of sometimes, but I think she likes you. I certainly like what you're doing."

19:40 <•ESI> "I had a bit of an odd question for you, if you don't mind."

19:41 <Sophia> "I don't think any of us mind questions, odd or otherwise."

19:42 <•ESI> "I was hoping I could convince you two to keep a diary."

19:42 <Sophia> "Individual or communal?"

19:42 <•ESI> Naseki takes a draw off her cigarette, settling back in her chair.

19:43 <•ESI> "Individual. It's a ridiculously improper method, but Bian said I can't have you observed even if you agreed to it. Would be too obvious."

19:43 <•ESI> The thought obviously frustrates her, and she makes a quick gesture in the air, leaving a trail of circling smoke from her cigarette.

19:43 <•ESI> "It's the exaltation, you see."

19:43 <•ESI> "I'm curious what effect it has on your ongoing development."

19:44 <•ESI> "If any -- but I feel comfortable saying there's something."

19:44 <•ESI> Jimu, in the seat beside the older woman, clears her throat and sits forward: "Perhaps our guests will have significant questions before they might wish to answer such a request?"

19:45 <Sophia> "Probably," Sophia agrees, "but I don't think I'd be interested in sharing such a diary with you."

19:46 <•ESI> "And I don't suppose telling you it's for science would persuade you?" Naseki says, only briefly glancing at Jimu.

19:46 <•ESI> "Understanding if there have been any fundamental changes to your cognition might be important sooner rather than later."

19:46 <•ESI> "Plus there's a good paper or two in it."

19:47 <Anne> "Hold on, hold on, you want me to write down my day for science?"

19:47 <Anne> "Why would...wait, are you saying you think my -brain- is going to change from this Exaltation business?"

19:47 <•ESI> She chuckles. "You think it hasn't?"

19:49 <Sophia> "It certainly has indirectly."

19:49 <Anne> "Beats me. I feel pretty much like I used to."

19:49 <Sophia> "Except for a few details," Sophia says placing a kiss on Anne's cheek.

19:50 <•ESI> "Well I'm not saying you're going to grow a second head," she says lightly, and a smile comes to both her and Jimu's face when Sophia kisses Anne.

19:50 <•ESI> "But, you're a solider. I'm sure you've heard about post traumatic stress disorder."

19:50 <•ESI> "How experiences can fundamentally alter someone's behavior in ways that might not be obvious to them."

19:50 <•ESI> "Exaltation seems like quite an experiance."

19:50 — Anne actually blushes slightly at the kiss and its implications, then clears her throat.

19:51 <Anne> "Exaltation wasn't traumatic. If anything, it fixed trauma."

19:52 <•ESI> "If so, that'd be worth studying on its own, wouldn't it? Maybe the fact that you're the only ones in all Creation who don't have /some/ kind of trauma is why you're so damn nice."

19:53 — •ESI smiles again, and shakes her head slightly.

19:53 <•ESI> "But, I don't really know what I'm looking for. It's just something new, and curious."

19:53 <•ESI> "And I wouldn't mind a chance to work with humans again."

19:55 <Anne> "Has it been a while?" Anne quirks an eyebrow up and grins.

19:56 <•ESI> "Too damn long."

19:56 <•ESI> Naseki sits back in her chair, letting out a long breath.

19:56 <•ESI> "But of course, you wouldn't know that. I told you I was a doctor, didn't I? Specifically, I'm a developmental psychologist."

19:57 <•ESI> "I started my career studying how children acquire object permanence, until I volunteered for a six month special project studying faeries."

19:57 <•ESI> "That was about forty years ago now."

19:57 <Anne> "What's object permanence?"

19:58 <•ESI> Jimu clears her throat. "Fifty. And it's the ability to understand that objects keep existing even if you can't see them."

19:58 <•ESI> "Very young children and some animals will forget something exists the instant it leaves their sight," she explains, in a voice that is quicker and softer than her older counterpart.

19:59 <•ESI> "Grandmother was chosen to study us because some faeries in the wyld actually don't posses object permanence, and so it was thought that studying how we acquired it might be a foothold into a larger study."

20:01 <Anne> "So...I'm not a Wyld expert. But aren't things out there, anything that can exist does exist? Why would any faerie lack object permanence? It seems to me anything native to infinite possibilities wouldn't just lose track of something because they couldn't see it anymore."

20:01 <Anne> "And isn't object permanence in human children basically the result of brains growing up?"

20:02 <•ESI> Naseki gives Anne a narrow look.

20:03 <Anne> "Soldier," she says, as if that explains everything.

20:03 <•ESI> "Sure. And injury is basically the result of your body not working right. But there's some important details there, which is why when you get hurt, you go to a doctor instead of duct taping your arm back on."

20:03 <•ESI> "That's what 'developmental psychologist' means."

20:03 <•ESI> "I study how brains -- or minds, more generally -- grow."

20:05 <Anne> "But faerie don't grow. Do they?"

20:05 <Anne> "I mean, physically?"

20:05 — Anne eyes Jimu warily, as if she might turn into something else at any moment.

20:06 <•ESI> Jimu smiles at that -- a bright little grin, like she was in on some private joke.

20:06 <•ESI> "Well -- I /can./ But that's not quite what grandmother means."

20:06 <•ESI> "After all, your mind is still growing and changing, even if your head won't get any bigger for the rest of your life."

20:12 <Anne> "But faerie aren't physically like us, are they? What's the difference? Is it just environment then, are they otherwise pretty much human?"

20:14 <•ESI> "Sure, ask me to summarize fifty years of work over coffee," Naseki grouses, though without much genuine hostility. She takes a draw off her cigarette, and considers, blowing the smoke out towards the window.

20:14 <•ESI> "The difference between humans and faeries is like the difference between writing something by hand, and that magnetic poetry stuff stuck to the fridge."

20:15 <•ESI> "Or, writing on a computer I guess. Whatever. Easily changed is the point."

20:16 <•ESI> "Write something by hand, you /can/ change it. Erase it, scratch it out. But every time you want to change or move something, you have to fix everything else."

20:16 <•ESI> "I suppose you don't write much by hand these days. But back when we did, you could always tell someone had made corrections because there'd be skipped lines."

20:16 <•ESI> "A sentence gets shorter, but he doesn't want to rewrite everything after it, so there's a missing line."

20:17 <•ESI> "And that's humans. We change a little bit at a time, not always in ways that are totally consistent with each-other, and making big sweeping changes is hard and gradual."

20:18 <•ESI> "Faeries though. It's easy to get rid of things."

20:18 <•ESI> She chuckles, and sits back in her chair, gesturing out to the window.

20:19 <•ESI> "I remember, once, Bian was furious with one of the orderlies because he pulled he hair when she didn't sit up fast enough."

20:19 <•ESI> "It was getting annoying, and I wasn't going to transfer him away, so I just told her that if she was angry -- stop being angry."

20:19 <•ESI> "And she thought about it and went, 'Okay.' And instantly calmed down. I never heard about it again."

20:20 <•ESI> "I threw a fit when I realized we didn't have the camera rolling for that."

20:21 <Sophia> /me gives a small chuckle at that.

20:21 — Sophia gives a small chuckle at that.

20:21 <Sophia> "I can imagine her doing that. And your frustration at the lack of documentation."

20:22 <Anne> "Does that mean faerie have a harder time remembering something exists when it's out of sight?"

20:23 <•ESI> Jimu gives a small shake of her head. "It's not like that. Think of it like..."

20:23 <•ESI> "Have you ever had a friend you were away from for a long time? Maybe you knew them when you were kids but they moved away."

20:23 <Anne> "Sure."

20:23 <•ESI> "They come back, and you have this perfect image in your head of what they're like -- only to find out that they're nothing like that anymore. They've totally changed."

20:25 <•ESI> "In the wyld, change like that happens so quickly, that some simple wyld creatures have no capacity to remember the way things used to be because it's irrelevant. What does it matter that you're a cute female solider now? You'll probably be a two-headed blue male dragon in an hour."

20:25 <•ESI> "So the second you leave their sight, they forget you exist because the old you doesn't matter anymore."

20:26 <Anne> "Sounds...adaptive. The better question then is why do faerie gain object permanence in the first place?"

20:27 <•ESI> "Because of us!" Naseki gestures around the room.

20:27 <•ESI> "Because of Creation. All this crap."

20:28 <•ESI> "We don't go away if you take your eyes off us for an hour."

20:30 <•ESI> She leans forward, and gestures at Anne and Sophia.

20:30 <•ESI> "Though we do change. Hence why I wanted to see you."

20:30 — Sophia nods.

20:31 <Sophia> "And it *is* interesting. It would have been more so if we'd had our pre-Exaltation lives to compare with."

20:31 <Sophia> "But to be brutally honest, I'm not sure I want to share that much of my life with you."

20:32 <•ESI> Naseki frowns -- a bit more intensely this time.

20:32 <•ESI> "This isn't a... political thing, is it?"

20:32 <•ESI> "Bian told me you three were becoming fast friends."

20:32 <Sophia> "No, just personal."

20:33 <•ESI> "Oh well, yes."

20:33 <•ESI> She considers that.

20:33 <•ESI> "Would preserving the records work better for you? Take them, but don't hand them over. Until you're ready, or perhaps to someone other than me you trust more."

20:34 <•ESI> "It's just important to have them recorded in the moment, since your post-fact recollections will be colored."

20:34 <Sophia> "Assuming you don't have a way of accessing my records, then I would probably do that. It seems like a good thing to do."

20:35 <•ESI> "Rifling through people's private records is for spies and *young* psychologists."

20:35 <•ESI> She snorts.

20:35 — Sophia chuckles.

20:35 <•ESI> "I just want to know we're not losing the chance."

20:36 <Anne> "Yeah, I'm fine with it. I don't really have anything to hide."

20:36 <Anne> "Besides the fact that I plan to overthrow the world."

20:36 — Anne waggles her eyebrows playfully.

20:37 — Sophia chuckles.

20:37 <•ESI> "So I heard."

20:38 <•ESI> "Bian says you're a communist?"

20:39 <Anne> "I'm a what?"

20:39 — Anne laughs.

20:39 <Anne> "Well, probably not in the sense she means."

20:40 <Anne> "I'm very focused on communities, yes. On removing those things that repress the average person, which are typically government or elite power. Or maybe not removing so much as repurposing."

20:41 <•ESI> "So you're a communist."

20:41 <•ESI> Naseki gives a small chuckle.

20:41 <Sophia> "There are communists and there are communists. As I recall, there was a lot of elites and governments in communist countries that oppressed the people."

20:43 <•ESI> "Well that's certainly true."

20:43 <•ESI> She admits.

20:43 <•ESI> "So, you think you're going to do it right this time?"

20:43 <•ESI> "Like it was in the books instead of how it was in reality?"

20:44 <Sophia> "I think we're going to make something better, regardless of what books say."

20:44 <Anne> "I haven't read the books. I'm working on fixing that. What I aim to do, though, is make a better world for people to live in. More happiness, less oppression. However I get there."

20:45 <Sophia> "We're not setting out to fulfill the dreams of ancient philosophers, we're setting out to fulfill the dreams of today's ordinary people."

20:45 <Anne> "What she said."

20:47 <•ESI> She shrugs. "Power to you then."

20:48 <•ESI> "Back in the day, we were required to know all that. Reading the Grey Book cover to cover was a requirement if you wanted to get anywhere."

20:48 <•ESI> "I can still quote all that crap about workers being alienated from their labor and time value of goods."

20:48 <•ESI> "Now though, I don't have to pretend to care. I can focus on my work."

20:51 <Sophia> "You're continuing the same research?"

20:52 <•ESI> She pauses, her hands folding in her lap.

20:53 <•ESI> "I guess you could say that."

20:53 <•ESI> "How well do you know your eastern history?"

20:53 <Sophia> "Quite well."

21:20 <Trina> "...but the thing is," Trina says, looking down at the colored picture, "we need something else for the wings."

21:20 <Trina> She and Sophia are standing over a worktable in the Shining Star Ascendant, looking over one of the more ambitious of Trina's designs:

21:21 <•Sophia> "Mmm," Sophia agrees, "gossamer maybe?"

21:21 <Trina> https://mbtimetraveler.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/mike-libby-insect-lab-steampunk-insects3.jpg

21:22 <Trina> "That might work," Trina agrees with a nod. "But it should be imbued with the...the quintessence of speed. We want this to be *fast*."

21:23 <•Sophia> "Gossamer wings on a frame of Moonsilver?"

21:24 <Trina> Rather than start with something simple, like a labor golem ("I could build that one in my sleep," Trina opines), they decided to start with the most complex thing they could imagine, one of the spy/assassin drones.

21:25 <Trina> "That would do nicely. But if we want to get the venomous quality, it needs a supernaturally toxic chemical as part of the process."

21:25 — •Sophia nods, "we don't want that in the wings, though."

21:26 <•Sophia> "Demons are a good source of venom. But then, so is nature. Or Chemistry."

21:26 <•Sophia> "But I'm not sure science and Essence mix so very well. Chemical poisons may kill you, but they haven't had the time to build up the kind of motonic resonance you need to power an artifact."

21:28 <Trina> "No. And why shouldn't we want it in the wings? If we harden the gossamer enough, it could function as a throwing weapon as well." She tilts the picture a little, showing how it would look when flung.

21:29 <•Sophia> "And it'd be able to poison with a fly-by rather than being forced to stop and bite," Sophia agrees, "you're absolutely right."

21:29 <•Sophia> "We'd need something that can work with the Moonsilver in that case, another strike against a chemical base."

21:30 <Trina> "The only problem with using moonsilver is it might make the drone a little less...amenable to being used by a Solar. Though it would function beautifully for Roxy."

21:31 <•Sophia> "Possible, but Orichalcum doesn't work for something like this."

21:32 <Trina> "It might, if the other components were strong enough. But since this is our first try, I agree. We'll go with moonsilver."

21:33 <•Sophia> "So, two months ago, did you expect to be making artifact killer/spying/communication drones?"

21:33 — Trina laughs.

21:34 <Trina> "Two months ago, I was wondering if I'd be entering files on a graph and living on ramen for the rest of mylife."

21:34 <•Sophia> "Really?" Sophia asks with some surprise, "even before your Exaltation, you *were* a talented artist, weren't you?"

21:35 <•Sophia> "I know there's a lot of luck and connections going in to really making it big, but don't you think you'd have had options closer to your passion?"

21:35 <Trina> "I was good. I was very good. But that means nothing when there's hundreds of other good artists vying for recognition. And I had to eat somehow."

21:36 <•Sophia> "Mmm," Sophia says with a frown. She clearly doesn't understand.

21:37 <Trina> "Look, I'm...I'm good at *making*. Not at self-advertising."

21:38 <•Sophia> "Sure, but aren't there advertising companies and fan-community commissions and such?"

21:39 <Trina> "Again, there are a zillion people competing for those slots. And you have to know people."

21:40 <•Sophia> "You did now Amalion," Sophia points out, "and I get the impression that she liked you even before then."

21:41 <Trina> "She did," Trina admits with a smile. "But it would never have occurred to me to...to leverage that."

21:42 <•Sophia> "You were borderline starving, had a job you hated, and it didn't occur to you to ask people who liked you for help?"

21:42 — •Sophia asks incredulously

21:43 — Trina looks uncomfortable. "I didn't want to wear out my welcome."

21:44 <•Sophia> "There's a rather large body of psychological research which shows that people *like* doing other people favors."

21:44 <•Sophia> "In many cases, they like it far better than having others do them favors."

21:44 <•Sophia> "Assuming the favors in quesiton are comparable of course."

21:49 <Trina> "I...just hate asking. Or I did.""

21:50 — •Sophia frowns and nods, accepting without understanding.

21:50 <•Sophia> "You don't any more?"

21:52 <Trina> "Not so much. It's gotten...easier since I Exalted. Maybe because I have more to give back. I don't know."

21:53 <•Sophia> "That sounds reasonable. I've never worried about asking for things, but I've also always been able to repay anyone who helped me."

21:55 <Trina> "Yeah. Until now, I never had much to give." She looks uncomfortable again. "I sometimes feel like I'm still taking without giving when I look at all this."

21:56 <•Sophia> "Sharing one's things with others makes them more valuable."

21:56 <•Sophia> "And even if you still receive more than you give, that's going to change as the years start rolling by."

21:59 <Trina> "I hope so." She looks at the drawing again. "So...on a moonsilver frame we add gossamer wings, temper it in demon's venom, and start it running with that bottle of frozen lightning?"

22:00 — •Sophia nods and smiles, "I think it'll be good."

22:00 <•Sophia> "You want Moonsilver for the body as well?"

22:03 <Trina> I was thinking moonsilver body, and inner workings...gears...gadgets...little fiddly things...of blue jade." Trina's grasp of exactly what materials should be used to create something is usually brilliant, intuitive and on the mark, but her knowledge of engineering terminology is sadly lacking. "But we could also do the reverse. Jade body, silver innards."

22:03 <•Sophia> "Depends what we want, I think Moonsilver would be better for maneuverability, but blue Jade might give a better speed."

22:04 <•Sophia> "Although," Sophia interrupts herself, "The speed really comes from the engine, gears, gadgets and little fiddly things, whereas the maneuverability comes from the hull."

22:05 <Trina> "Moonsilver exo, then, and jade gears."

22:05 <•Sophia> "Indeed."

22:20 <Trina> "I shall have to summon a demon, then..." Trina looks uneasy. "I haven't done that since I called Tironie."

22:20 <•Sophia> "How's he doing by the way?"

22:21 <Trina> "Oh, fine, fine. So long as I take him out for a ride every night, he's happy."

22:22 <•Sophia> "Any amateur ornothologists who've spotted you?"

22:22 <Trina> "None yet." Trina frowns again. "I'm a little worried about what might happen this time, though. Now that my, er, former in-laws have reason to be displeased with me."

22:23 <•Sophia> "Yeah, they might not be too happy about that."

22:24 <•Sophia> "Although, I think Bran's causing much more of a stir than you flying around a bit."

22:26 <Trina> "No, I mean when I summon something else. Last time...I got an extra visitor." She stops, as if she hadn't expected to say that much.

22:26 — •Sophia blinks. "An extra visitor?"

22:27 <Trina> "I...another demon came through before the agata did."

22:28 <•Sophia> "Which demon was that?"

22:31 <Trina> "He..." Trina struggles to find words.

22:41 <Trina> "He was a young man. Like a young man. Mostly. Except for the horns and the cloven hooves. And his skin was like brass."

22:41 — •Sophia blinks, "did he dance?"

22:42 — Trina nods.

22:42 <Trina> "He wanted me to dance with him."

22:43 <•Sophia> "That's probably not good," Sophia says with concern.

22:43 <•Sophia> "Do you know if he was *actually* the Brass Dancer?"

22:44 <Trina> "He didn't seem angry. It was as if he only cared about whether my dancing skills were up to snuff. Then he went away. But that was...before Amalion jumped ship, so to speak. And no, I don't *know* if that was actually him. But I can guess."

22:45 — •Sophia nods.

22:45 <•Sophia> "There was also that hint of the Shadow of All Things in Mizu's actual shadow."

22:46 <•Sophia> "We're being watched by Them, but they apparently haven't seen fit to tell their representatives in Creation."

22:49 <Trina> "Maybe they don't care much about those guys, or what they do. They're free, they've had their revenge, they aren't interested in what happens after that. But that was before I helped one of Malfeas's souls...cut itself off. Now he's missing the most level-headed, peaceful part of him."

22:50 — •Sophia nods.

22:50 <•Sophia> "Yeah. To be honest, I'm somewhat concerned and surprised we haven't seen any fallout from that."

22:50 <Trina> "Me too."

22:52 <•Sophia> "There isn't much we can do about it at this end, though."

22:52 <•Sophia> "Other than perhaps summoning demons and asking them."

22:54 <Trina> "Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. If he shows up again...he's going to be less mellow."

22:57 <•Sophia> "Ah. Yeah, that would be exceedingly bad."

22:58 — •Sophia sighs, "does Amalion has no one she could ask? One of her former souls, perhaps?"

22:59 <Trina> "I'm not exactly sure what happened there. Neither is she, I think."

23:00 <•Sophia> "It might be good to actually find out, though."

23:01 — Trina nods agreement.
22:36 <•PaleST> There had been a few weeks-of training, of investigations and of meetings. Sangre had called over her doctor friend and a meeting place chosen, vetted by Jiji himself yet was neutral enough for all to gather. Of course, the ones in attendance included Kosche the Chosen of Endings and sweet vet as well as the otherworldly looking Bran Aniolrod. Sangre was of

22:36 <•PaleST> southern appearance. Perhaps the mingling of a northerner and southerner. The godblood clearly favored her southern heritage however. Jiji was not in apparent attendance but a cheery waiter whose face was easily glazed over was in attendance. He had somewhat familiar mannerisms to those who'd met Jiji thus far.

22:36 <•PaleST> The sneaky bastard.

22:39 — Sophia is looking around the fine establishment with an unassuming, but distinctly happy smile on her face. Her fingers are entwined with Anne's and her Third Eye open to her fellow guests, most particularly the hitherto-unknown Sangre.

22:41 — Trina is a little late, as it took a while to wash off the dust and stains of her work. She still has paint under her fingernails, if you look closely.

22:43 <•PaleST> Sangre is a godblood of some strength. She seems overall, very determined and while not eager for it, willing to fight anyone, anywhere.

22:48 — Bian arrived precisely 3min early, calmly stepping out of a black luxury car. Dressed in her usual functional grey suit, and already on her smartphone, she seems back in good spirits. If she holds any reservations about her last argument with Sophia, they don't show, as she takes her place next to the Solar and offers her a polite nod.

22:49 — Sophia gives Bian a brief smile that looks sincere, if a little schooled, and a nod.

22:56 <Morena> Well, the resident Zenith/Unconquered Sun had taken her seat next to her new friend, Sangre. She's tanned with a mop of messy dark hair, akin to a sheepdog. Morena seems pretty relaxed, given her laid back posture.

22:57 <Sophia> "Morena," Sophia begins, "I don't think you've met Bian before."

22:57 <Sophia> "She runs a startup incubator and tried to recruit me half a year ago, before all this started."

22:58 <Morena> "Nope." Morena shakes her head, causing the messy mop of hair to move with. "...I see."

22:58 <Sophia> "Her assistance is going to make a huge difference in how much good we can actually get done around Creation."

22:58 — Bian smiles softly, and nods at Sophia. "A pleasure, Morena."

22:59 <•PaleST> "My friend should be here very soon-she wanted to take care of patients she didn't want to leave hanging." Sangre stated in a calm, pleasant but well-carrying voice. She used to live elsewhere, but moved quite some time ago. Two of her friends didn't end very well.

22:59 <•PaleST> "

22:59 <Bian> "Sophia told me I would enjoy meeting you."

22:59 <Bian> "Your friend though... Sangre, was it?"

22:59 <Bian> "I don't think Sophia mentioned you."

23:00 <Morena> The Zenith looks over the god-blooded. "She's the daughter of Ahlat."

23:01 <Morena> "I helped her out, so now she's helping me."

23:01 <Sophia> "Ahlat?" Sophia asks, "remind me who that was again, I think Jiji's mentioned the name, but it's a bit fuzzy."

23:02 <Morena> She looks back over to Sangre. "Maybe you should explain? I'm bad at this kind of thing."

23:02 <•PaleST> "Ahlat was a minor god of walruses, but supportive of the sun. He saw something. It got him murdered." Sangre stated flatly. "He was also supportive of warriors and battles."

23:03 — Sophia nods.

23:03 <Sophia> "Any idea what he saw?"

23:05 <•PaleST> She sighs. "He said something that didn't make sense at all. He said he saw The Great Maker, on the dark side of the moon. Being mined for metals. How is that even *possible*?"

23:06 <Bian> "What about that doesn't make sense?"

23:06 — Bian asks, puzzled.

23:06 <Bian> "It seems fairly straightforward."

23:06 — Trina shudders.

23:06 — Sophia blinks, "how did you learn this, if it got him killed?"

23:08 <Morena> "We tracked the murderer down."

23:08 <Sophia> "Well done," Sophia says, looking genuinely impressed.

23:08 <Sophia> "That can't have been easy."

23:09 — Trina lets out a low whistle.

23:09 <Morena> She places her hands in her pockets. "I didn't do much. It was all Sangre."

23:09 <Bian> "Was the murderer a spirit? A mortal? An exalt?"

23:13 <•PaleST> "Akuma." The woman spat. "Better luck next time to her. Long as it's away from me and mine."

23:15 — Bian nods.

23:15 <Bian> "Mmmm," is all she says.

23:15 <•PaleST> A white nosed mouse squeaks by near Morena. Squeak squeak.

23:15 <Sophia> "Suppose," Sophia says, her voice sounding at once thoughtful and self-depricating, "that one wanted to mount a rescue mission to the dark side of the Moon. What would that require?"

23:16 <Morena> The Zenith looks down at the floor and reaches to pick up the mouse. "Hey there, little guy... Stay in my pocket for a little bit while we're out."

23:17 FIW → Mizu

23:17 <Trina> "A very large ship, for starters," murmurs Trina.

23:18 <•PaleST> "Flight. A good deal of secrecy and camo. And a willingness to accept you may not return. It's... still very strange there." The mouse ran up her hand-and then her arm up to her shoulder. You could almost swear the mouse was smiling. The white mouse seemed almost ordinary-if not for the sunburst of gently warm gold. A mouse of the sun.

23:18 <Sophia> "Really, I thought the Primordials could take roughly human-sized bodies."

23:18 <Mizu> A rather plain seeming tablewasher/busser clears some of the nearby tables, staying out of the way for the most part.

23:18 — Trina shakes her head.

23:19 <Trina> "It's like with Third Circles. They can project humaniform avatars, but their...core forms are something else again."

23:20 <•PaleST> Kosche looked curiously at the busser a moment and focused on the table.

23:20 <Sophia> "Mmm," Sophia muses, "ideally, one would also want a place to take said Maker that wasn't back to Creation. That seems like volountarily going from the frying pan and into the fire."

23:21 <Morena> "What's up, Kosche?" Morena looks over to the Endings with a curious expression.

23:21 <•PaleST> "Well, if we were to find Luna, we wouldn't necessarily have to." Kosche spoke up.

23:21 <•PaleST> "That's their place."

23:22 <•PaleST> "Had a bit of deja vu." She smiled slightly. "That's all."

23:22 <Bian> "You could," Bian points out, "Take him into the Wyld."

23:22 <Bian> "It is the home of the Shapers. He will be perfectly capable there."

23:22 <Sophia> "Of course," Sophia says with a smile, "then we just have to smuggle Luna into her place of power, and she'd be able to take him in and take care of the guards."

23:23 — Sophia nod at Bian's words.

23:23 <Sophia> "That's not a bad notion either."

23:25 <•PaleST> "Oh! I remembered something from class. You could do both those things!"

23:26 <•PaleST> Kosche smiled. "The moon sails partway into the wyld before it vanishes elsewhere until the next night. They talked about workers having to take cover so they wouldn't get wyld mutations or stolen by raksha!"

23:26 <Sophia> "That seems like a perfect time to strike."

23:27 <Sophia> "If we were the kind who were willing and able to rescue Luna and free Autochton in one fell swoop."

23:27 — Sophia looks around the crowd.

23:27 <Sophia> "I'm hardly the most humble of people, but that seems a bit much at this stage."

23:29 <Trina> "I don't suppose," murmurs Trina, "that there are any pictures of the far side of the Moon?"

23:30 <Sophia> "There are some public ones from the first moon probes to be sent there, but I doubt that they'll show anything of what's going on."

23:30 <Mizu> The busser walks past the waiter, nodding to him with a smile as she finishes clearing some of the tables, before grabbing a tray to bring a round of drink refills to the table. Extra hands make light work, or something to that effect.

23:31 <Bian> "Is this what we gathered here to discuss?"

23:31 <Trina> "Perhaps. But if I could study a picture of the place..." She lifts her brows meaningfully at Sophia.

23:31 — Bian asks, calmly.

23:31 <•PaleST> "My teachers always claimed that there was too much wyld radiation, that it made pictures weird." Which those early ones did show occasional visual distortions and illusions. Or so-called. Everyone knew the jungle on the moon was just a myth. The waiter smiled back at Mizu pleasantly. "But my guess..." Said Kosche. "-is no."

23:31 <Sophia> "Oh!" Sophia says at Trina's suggestion, "of course. I'll get you the best that can be gotten when we get back home."

23:32 — Trina nods in appreciation.

23:32 <Sophia> "There's no doubt that pictures have been taken, question is just how good they are, and how well hidden away from the public they are."

23:32 <Sophia> "It bears looking into in any case."

23:34 <•PaleST> A patient but firm knock came at the door.

23:34 <•PaleST> "Hello?" Came an older woman's voice.

23:34 — Trina looks at the others.

23:35 <Trina> "We *were* expecting someone else, right?"

23:35 <Sophia> "I'm not entirely sure," Sophia says and glances in the direction of Totally-Not-Jiji.

23:36 — Bian reaches into her pocket, and calmly pulls out a deck of cards. She sets the deck on the table, and turns two face up. Each one shows a warrior -- a figure clad in heavy tactical armor, like a SWAT vest. One card she leaves face up, the other she tucks into her pocket where it shows.

23:37 <Trina> "Well, whoever it is, we shouldn't keep them waiting either way," Trina says with a shrug. She goes to the door, one eye on Bian's cards. "Yes? Come in?"

23:37 — Bian tucks her free hand into her jacket.

23:38 — Sophia eyes Bian's preparations and caresses the ring on her finger.

23:39 — Trina fingers a bit of folded paper in her pocket as she answers the door.

23:41 <Mizu> The busser finishes setting out the drinks and puts the tray away with calm efficency even as the group asks over if they should be inviting in those who knock.

23:43 <•PaleST> A woman in a classic doctor's coat-badge and all-stepped in, hair salt and pepper, eyes of a vibrant blue, though not included like Mizu or Kosche's. She had a blue hue to her skin, almost a glow. To those with sight, the goddess had absolutely a sense of health and serene calm about her. "I am Dr. Vita. Yes, really." She smiles wryly. "Sangre called me

23:43 <•PaleST> here. I have something of one of yours."

23:44 — Sophia raises an eyebrow without letting go of her ring, "something *of* one of ours?"

23:46 <•PaleST> She eased off the jacket, only taking the time to pull a... sucker? out of one of the pockets. She held it in her arms and it dissolved into a blue stone that looked as if a seed was stuck in the middle. "Yes. One of yours. A fulcrum hidden in plain sight. The fulcrum of compassion."

23:47 <Morena> The Zenith looks at the woman with a raised brow. "Oh. This is a me thing."

23:47 — Bian relaxes her hand out of her jacket, and puts away the deck of cards.

23:47 <Sophia> "So it seems."

23:58 <•PaleST> She walked forward. "Four items in the greatest age of Creation were given to the sun. Of all the gifts, a spear for defense of Creation, a horn to call to gallant deeds, a shield to ward all and a wreath in celebration of the greatest of peace was held as precious to the sun king." She knelt and presented the fulcrum. For a moment, the near-shadow of

23:58 <•PaleST> indeed-a crown of olive branches were seen, the image of a brilliant youth with spear and shield in hand, a horn in a third hand, ready to be blown. An... ocean of burning acid and a... mother who rose from the depths. She wore a look of despair and bowed in defeat. A mother made of an ocean-and in that ocean floated and dissolved allies of the king lay

23:58 <•PaleST> dead. Yet he took her hands and spoke a promise. Him and her would war no more. A surrender accepted. A promise... still kept.

23:58 <•PaleST> And in a moment, the vision was gone.

23:59 <Sophia> "What... what exactly did we see? A vision from the war?"

Tuesday, July 7th, 2015

00:02 <•PaleST> "Yes. The Sea that Marched Against The Flame. She surrendered and as an act of compassion, the sun accepted her surrender. To this day, the terms of that surrender are followed... well. In spirit. The lintha are the pirate's pirates still." The goddess smiled wryly.

00:02 <•PaleST> "If ones who will always spare the young and those who do not fight them."

00:04 <Sophia> "And that power too is Morena's now?" Sophia asks with a glance at the Zenith.

00:07 <•PaleST> "In a sense. One power requires the rest. For the sun to rise once more upon this long night."

00:08 <Morena> "I have a couple of the others already..." Morena looks down at the wedding ring/shield and the whistle/horn.

00:08 <Morena> "One left to go? The spear, it seems."

00:09 <•PaleST> "The right and left hand of power guard it." The doctor stated.

00:10 <Morena> "...So, that's the one in Heaven still."

00:10 <Mizu> The busser steps back towards the table... only now, it's not the stranger. It's Mizu standing there. "Yes, The spear is left, the fulcrum of Conviction, in the hands of the Gods of Exaltation and Inheritance."

00:11 <Morena> Morena blinks. "What?"

00:12 <•PaleST> The waiter smiles wryly at the exchange, if with a hint of... not quite offense.

00:13 <Morena> "Geez, Mizu, that was you all along?" Morena lets out a sigh.

00:16 <Bian> "Mmmm.

00:16 — Bian eyes their server.

00:16 <Mizu> "Someone's gotta keep an eye on you lot." Mizu teases MOrena. "Yes, it was, I had nothing to add until now. ALthough I must admit some interest in finding the Great Maker sooner rather than later, but that's a personal thing more than anything." She pauses then takes a breath. "I've been doing some scouting while everyone else was busy too. THe heavens are a mess, admitedly, but you can still get some information out of them if you are

00:16 <Mizu> careful. That pair has... some sort of test in mind for you, Morena, and I have no idea what kind." She shakes her head. "Obviously, one of your convictions. That said..." She frowns. "I don't think I would be wrong in stating of the gods in the heavens currently, those two -might- be the strongest left. In no small part due to us ourselves."

00:18 <Morena> "A test, huh... How'd you find out about that?" Morena asks as she leans back a little.

00:18 <Trina> "All the more reason to plan this beachhead-planting thing *carefully.*"

00:19 <Mizu> "Found a small godling up there and sat on them until they talked." Mizu says this so blandly it's hard to tell she's -joking-.

00:24 — Bian nods.

00:25 <•PaleST> Kosche giggles.

00:27 <Morena> "Well, then..." She lets out another sigh. "I suppose I should take them up on their little test for me."

00:32 <Bian> "One might infer."

00:33 — Trina nods to Sophia.

00:33 <Trina> "We might want to step up production on our projects."

00:33 <Sophia> "Yes," Sophia agrees. "I think Bian can help with mass production if she's willing."

00:35 <Mizu> Mizu tilts her head. "You aren't traveling alone to it, however." The Chosen of Secrets smiles.

00:35 <Trina> "Indeed not. Sophia and I have some...ideas."

00:36 <Trina> "If you've no objections to bringing backup."

00:36 <Trina> "...that is."

00:37 <Sophia> "Maybe not for the test itself, but from what I've heard of the environment up there, a security detail might not be amiss."

00:37 <Mizu> "Besides, I want to see how the godlings react when Morena and I go strolling down a street."

00:37 <Mizu> Mizu sounds -amused- by something

00:38 <Bian> "Mmm."

00:39 <Bian> "Yes. Your projects."

00:39 <Bian> "That might be ah... prudent."

00:42 <Trina> "We're working on a stealth/bodyguard model right now, but with a proper lab and an automated production system, we think we're be able to manufacture infantry models as well. The labor/utility and messenger models can wait...oh, did Sophia not tell you guys?"

00:42 <Bian> "It came to my attention."

00:42 — Bian replies, non-noncommittally.

00:42 <Sophia> "I may have mentioned it," Sophia says, her facial expression every inch that of the distracted academic, "but there's been a thousand other things too."

00:45 <Bian> "I was ah..."

00:45 <Bian> "The designs were very artistic."

00:45 <Bian> "Elegant is the word I would use."

00:48 <Trina> "Thank you. I see no reason why something cannot be functional and beautiful at the same time."

00:48 <Sophia> "Me neither," Sophia says with a quick glance at the atypically silent Anne before returning her gaze to the assembled good people."

00:49 <Bian> "Well, I might have done it slightly differently, but I do believe I can help you mass manufacture them, yes."

00:49 <Bian> "Nothing about the design looked excessively complicated, given time to prepare."

00:53 <Trina> "Wonderful." Trina turns to Morena. "So...how would you feel--" she opens her notebook and shows a sketch of the as-yet-incomplete prototype, "--about an honor guard of Golden Sun Warriors?"

00:53 <Trina> https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e0/4f/6e/e04f6e7b1abeaea8fe266557beca5989.jpg

00:54 <Morena> "I'm not entirely sure... Wouldn't they be better used to protect you guys?"

00:56 <Sophia> "There are not a lot of places where such an honor guard could fit in. Heaven's one of them, Meruvia is not."

00:57 <Bian> "Humility is a virtue."

00:58 <Bian> "Something more... humble, might perhaps prove more effective."

00:58 <•PaleST> Sangre looked with interest at the designs. "Oooh."

00:59 <Trina> "Also...you're not the only one planning a trip to Heaven. The search for fearless, competent, immune-to-mind-control followers for such a trip has been much on my mind..." she smiles at Sangre. "You like them?"

01:00 <•PaleST> The godblood beamed. "They are quite impressive. My blood sisters would adore this armor."

01:01 — Trina beams back. "I'm glad to hear you say so. The outer casing and armor were my especial design.

01:02 <Trina> "Now...what's next on our agenda?"

01:06 <Mizu> "... SOmeone earlier commented 'if we were so bold'." MIzu closes her eyes. "My questino isn't are we that bold, my question is, is it bold enough?"
23:27 <PaleST> The teenager was poking at a pan, attempting to fry something that looked like pancakes and smelled of bananas. She was actually doing a good job of it, humming happily, a golden monkey's tail flicking around behind Roxy. She seemed more relaxed now.

23:32 <Sophia> "Hi, Roxy," Sophia says as she re-enters the house, "what are you making?"

23:33 <Anne> "Hey Roxy!" Anne grins affectionately at the teenager, having grown used to her presence by now. "Everything quiet here?"

23:34 <PaleST> "Flourless pancakes, I looked up a recipe and had to try it." She said with a content chirp.

23:34 <Trina> "Hi, Roxy," says Trina in the same breath--hey, are those bananas?"

23:34 <PaleST> She had an actually... warm smile for the two.

23:34 <Sophia> "You have something against flour?" Sophia ask with puzzlement.

23:35 <PaleST> "No, banana pancakes just sound fucking delicious." She commented in her more typically foul manner.

23:35 <PaleST> "With egg and vanilla." She sniffed, monkey ears twitching in clear anticipation. "And cinnimon."

23:35 <Sophia> "It does," Sophia agrees, her brow slightly furrowed.

23:36 <Anne> "...Coffee?" Anne hopefully pokes around the coffee maker.

23:37 <PaleST> There was a pot freshly brewed, minus a cup.

23:38 — Sophia finds cups and places them within Anne's easy reach.

23:38 <Anne> "Coffee!" Anne pours coffee into the cups Sophia procures, clasps hers in both hands, sips from it and emits a sound suspiciously similar to a kitten purring.

23:39 — Sophia smiles at Anne's sounds and takes a sip of her own.

23:40 <Sophia> "So, other than pancakes and coffee, what are you up to, Roxy?"

23:46 <PaleST> "Looking up current security protocols based in-" She starts using thick jargon that only Sophia would get related to encryption and destroying files, leaving honeypots behind. "And using those in say, renting a place. No offense to the creepy old dude... but he's creepy. And old." She sniffed.

23:46 — Sophia chuckles, "he's certainly old."

23:47 <Sophia> "Actually Anne and I were also thinking of finding another place."

23:48 <Anne> "Yeah, don't take this the wrong way, people," the Zenith says, addressing everyone in the room. "But if we're going to start serious conversation about making robot warriors and storming heaven, I think it's time to have that conversation somewhere that doesn't feel like a college apartment house."

23:48 — Trina laughs.

23:49 <Trina> "Well, there's always my workshop."

23:49 <Sophia> "Though, I think this place is probably one of the hardest ones to bug."

23:50 <Sophia> "But yeah, it's getting a bit weird living here as time goes on."

23:50 <Anne> Anne lifts an eyebrow. "You really want a bunch of Exalts and those we seem to pick up along the way coming in and out of your girlfriend's inner sanctuary?"

23:55 <Trina> "Fair point," Trina acknowledges. "Though we're going to have to spend a lot of time there anyway."

23:56 <Trina> "That is, if you really want war automatons and labor golems and whatever else Sophia and I can devise..."

23:57 <Sophia> "And those are starting to look really neat."

23:58 <Trina> She glances at Roxy with a grin. "In fact, we've started a prototype that might work best with you as controller."

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

00:01 <PaleST> Roxy's ears and tail flicked. "Go on."

00:01 <PaleST> She flipped the pancakes.

00:03 <Anne> "I don't know about the rest of you folks, but my gut tells me we can't win the war without people. Tools, machines, robots that are basically people can go a long way towards neutralizing the military superiority the enemy has but if we displaced the bad guys tomorrow, I suspect Creation would find a lot of its infrastructure collapsing. We're going to

00:03 <Anne> need to account for that. To really do that, we need people. And if we keep adding more people, as we've been doing, having somewhere central to organize them (and us) would be useful."

00:03 <Trina> "Sophia and I are working on a multiple-use flying drone, for information-gathering and, ahem, personnel incapacitation when necessary. Made of moonsilver."

00:03 <Anne> Looking surprised, Anne adds "The more I think about it, the more I feel like we need some kind of a campaign headquarters."

00:04 — Sophia nods.

00:06 <Trina> "Well..." Trina looks thoughtful. "I've been reading up. I think, if we can find an ideal location, I might be able to handle the bug-proofing myself. Just as there are spells for viewing other locations -- 'scrying' the book calls it -- there are spells to block them."

00:06 <Sophia> "That'd be very helpful," Sophia says.

00:06 <Trina> "Well, magical bugs, anyway. I presume you'd now how to deal with regular ones."

00:06 <Sophia> "I can take care of the electronic side, but I've been very worried about hte magical ones.

00:06 <PaleST> "Those words you say. They make the hacker in me raise the hackles." Roxy comments. "And also shiver in delight."

00:09 <Trina> "Oh, yes. There's a spell for creating a listening device out of Essence that looks like a dirty half-dollar. And there's another for cutting off the feed from any magical bugs or spells. The only flaw is that it needs recharging...but with time, I bet I could improve on it." Trina smiles, anticipating the complex task.

00:11 <Sophia> "Or incorporate it into an artifact?" Sophia speculates.

00:11 <Anne> "Huh. So we can replicate most of what Jiji's place can do on our own?" Anne grins in approval at her teammates. "That's the kind of thing I like to hear. So we just need to find a location. Although it'd probably help if could instead find a building that could meet our needs. Assuming, er, money isn't too much an issue."

00:11 — Anne gives a sideglance to Sophia and presumably Bian assuming she came along.

00:12 <Sophia> "Money shouldn't be too much of an issue," Sophia confirms."

00:12 <Sophia> "I can get enough for a very good start. Bian, Mizu or Jiji could help a whole lot more if they wanted to."

00:13 <Trina> "Oh yes Imagine a telescope that can see around corners and through walls, well enough to lipread, at a distance of several kilometers," says Trina in response to Sophia's earlier question.

00:14 <Trina> "The books say such devices are possible, though you'd be better at making them than I, I think."

00:14 — Sophia nods thoughtfully.

00:14 <Sophia> "Yeah, it wouldn't be simple, but I think it could be done."

00:16 <Anne> "I'm glad your magical bullshit lets you build amazing things. My magical bullshit's mostly only good for putting the head-whammy on people." Suddenly thinking of it, Anne looks curiously at Trina, Sophia, Bian, Mizu and any of the NPCs who might be here. "Anyone need anything in that area, by the way? You need people moved out of your way or recruited

00:16 <Anne> to your side?"

00:17 <Trina> "That will probably come into play once we've selected a location. You might need to apply that 'head-whammy' of yours for us to secure it.

00:17 <Trina> "As for recruiting people...bear in mind that 'people' includes more than just human. Jiji has spoken of making alliances with some of the elementals, particularly those of fire. The books say they have an affinity for the Exalted."

00:19 <Sophia> "Good to keep in mind," Sophia says with a nod.

00:19 <PaleST> Roxy flipped the pancakes onto a platter and turned off the burner, wiping down the pan and coating the thing in salt. "Yep. It's part of how I survived. Wood elementals love to grow food." She stated.

00:19 <Sophia> "Also," she adds, putting her arm around Anne, "don't sell yourself short, you can develop it in whatever direction you need."

00:21 <Anne> "Hmmmm!" Anne glances down at her own bosom, then gives Sophia a playful wink.

00:22 — Sophia chuckles and shakes her head.

00:30 <Sophia> "Not exactly what I was thinking, but if that's what you think will do the most to save Creation, I will not try and stop you."

00:38 <Anne> "Hey, if you don't think sex sells, you've never seen marketing." Anne waves off the thought, mostly because Sophia is probably more knowledgable about that topic than she is. "So, here's a bit of homework for everyone. Think about what your needs are and let's collect them up over this week while I start looking around for somewhere that meets our

00:38 <Anne> needs."

00:39 <Anne> "I'm not planning on a one-stop for-all-your-Exalted-needs kinda place. Might as well paint a bullseye on us. Most of you seem to have picked up your own assets anyway or can build them easily enough. But I'm looking for a place that everyone can get a safe, good night of sleep, have plenty of information at your fingertips and be central organizationally

00:39 <Anne> to the coalition we put together to retake our world."

00:39 <Anne> "That seem reasonable to everyone?"

00:39 <PaleST> Roxy makes childish fake retching sounds. Blech!

00:40 <PaleST> She sticks out her tongue.

00:40 <Sophia> "It does," Sophia agrees, "not sure sex sells the kind of things we want to sell, though."

00:43 <Trina> "Not impressed, huh?" Trina says to Roxy.

00:46 <Anne> "You're all making my point," Anne says, sticking her tongue out briefly. "I give a rousing request, solicit ideas, and everyone has to focus on a five second joke I made. Maybe I should give it more thought. Roxy, you can do that whole shapechangy thing. Anything in your arsenal to round a girl out?" She gives the teen a coy grin.

00:49 → Mizu (was FIW) joined

00:54 <PaleST> "Nu-uh." She stated.

00:54 <Sophia> "Be nice," Sophia admonishes Anne with a fond squeeze.

00:57 <PaleST> She looks blank a moment. "Technically yeah but nah. I'm good."

01:10 <Mizu> Mizu stumbles into the kitchen with bleary eyes. She looks like she's slept even worse than her normal lately. Which is actually a pretty high bar. It also should say something for her familiarity with the place that she can find the coffee pot and cups and pour without -really- being awake.

01:10 <Sophia> "Mizu?" Sophia asks, turning around to greet the newcomer.

01:11 <Mizu> There's a grunt of acknowledgement to Sophia before she drains half her cup, then fills it again and sits down.

01:12 <PaleST> Roxy sets down a banana pancake in front of Mizu and puts soft butter and maple syrup in front of her.

01:15 <Mizu> Mizu applies butter to pancake. And a little syrup. Then starts devouring it with a speed that might make one wonder if she's cheating time a little to do so. "S'good. Thank you." Mizu offers to Roxy. "So. what's going on this morning, breakfast club?"

01:16 <Sophia> "Discussing possible new living arrangements."

01:16 <PaleST> "Talking about a new hideout instead of the LAN party that never ends."

01:16 <Sophia> "Squatting in Jiji's place doesn't seem sustainable."

01:17 <Anne> "Not to be uppity about it but if we're really supposed to save the world, it'd be nice to do it from somewhere that doesn't look like...what Roxy said."

01:18 ⇐ Bian quit (uid80846@b3d99fe5.highgate.f7109e70.com.hmsk) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity

01:18 <Trina> "Plus, we need space for more people. We're going to have to bring in...well, followers, eventually."

01:21 <Sophia> "Mmm," Sophia ponders, "are we discussing a headquarters, or living arrangements?"

01:22 <Trina> "Both."

01:22 <Mizu> "agreed. Thus the beachhead, for one." She sighs. "And why I still am renting my apartment for two." Mizu apparently is a little more sociable after shoving pancake in her face.

01:23 <Sophia> "The beachead in Heaven?"

01:24 <Mizu> "If done right, it'll make a wonderful headquarters. With some very unique advantages. Like a very fast, relatively speaking, travel time to anywhere in Creation."

01:25 <Trina> "And it would be hard to think of a more difficult location for our enemies to monitor."

01:25 — Sophia nods. "It's great."

01:26 <Sophia> "It doesn't suit our more terrestrial needs, though."

01:26 <Trina> "No, we need to find or build a second headquarters-slash-crashspace."

01:27 <Anne> "I don't know anything about how to get into or out of Yu-Shan. Any chance of setting up some, I don't know, portal or whatever in our earth-side headquarters?"

01:27 <Trina> "If we have very specific needs, it might be easier to just...create a building. If we can find a spot."

01:28 <Anne> "With Bian, Sophia and Mizu's salary, between all of us, I think we can do better than a crashspace. I think we need to find ourselves something secure, defensible, private and still accessible to the networks of people we're going to be making use of."

01:28 <Anne> "...Okay, hold on." Anne rubs her temples and eyes Trina warily. "You can bullshit up a building?"

01:28 <Sophia> "Her girlfriend can."

01:28 <Sophia> "But that'd be conspicuous."

01:28 <Trina> "Or I could."

01:28 <Mizu> "... Girlfriend?"

01:29 <Mizu> Mizu asks as this is actually the first she's heard of it.

01:29 <Trina> "She's...been teaching me some things."

01:29 — Trina smiles.

01:29 <Sophia> "Huh, impressive."

01:29 <Sophia> "Still conspicuous as hell."

01:29 <Trina> It is that brilliant smile that always lights up her face when she speaks of her consort.

01:29 <Trina> "Amalion, Manse of Echoes Ascending. Goddess of Architecture."

01:30 <PaleST> Roxy rolled her eyes at the mention of a girlfriend.

01:30 <PaleST> "Wait, goddess?" She repeated.

01:31 <Trina> "Well...yes."

01:40 <Anne> "So you're saying she's built."

01:41 — Trina groans.

01:41 <Anne> "Have I already made that comment?" she asks Sophia. "I feel like I have."

01:41 <Trina> "Somehow, I knew you were going to say that, Anne."

01:41 — Sophia rolls her eyes.

01:41 <Mizu> Mizu tilts her head. "Why is that name not matching up with that title...?" she grumbles, but rubs her forehead. "eh, I worry too much. Glad to know we got an expert on buildings on ha-." She stops as Anne's pun hits. She sets down her fork and knife. And then just groans as she facepalms.

01:41 <Sophia> "I think you've made comparable ones, but this particular one, not so much."

01:41 <Anne> "Then it was long overdue!"

01:42 <Trina> "She was recently assigned to fill the post. Shameless nepotism," Trina grins.

01:43 <Sophia> "The best kind of nepotism," Sophia agrees.

01:51 ← Trina left (uid47865@b3a470b7.brockwell.f7109e70.com.hmsk)

01:53 <Mizu> "... ah. That'd expain that lack in education then." Mizu leans back in her chair. "so. We need to find a good spot, somewhere accessible, without it being terribly obvious. Price isn't so much an issue as traceability.

01:54 <Sophia> "Which can be compensated for by increasing the price."

23:17 <Sophia> It stands to reason that the first place on Sophia's list of possible new homes finished construction only a few months before, and that she and Anne would be the place's first inhabitants if they end up picking it.

23:18 <Anne> "So you do this a lot?" Anne asks, tagging along and, for once, slightly behind her girlfriend as she approaches the new building. "How many places have you lived, anyway?"

23:18 <Sophia> It is not quite a penthouse apartment, Sophia's stipend isn't *that* generous and she hasn't gotten serious about making her own money yet, but it's only a few floors below it.

23:20 <Sophia> "Depends what you count," Sophia says, "I've spent most of my time at my parents' estate, then there was boarding school, dorm at the Heptagram and my place in Versino."

23:21 <Sophia> "What about you?"

23:23 <Anne> "Oh, I've moved between a few different barracks depending on where I was assigned on my tour of duty. Other than that?" Anne shrugs. "Just home with my brothers and my folks."

23:23 — Sophia is dressed a bit more elaborately than is her wont. Anne happened to mention a fondness for corsets the other day, so the young Twilight has pulled a hardly-ever-used-one out from the bottom of her trunk and supplemented it with a knee-length black skirt. The look clashes a bit with the messenger back slung over her shoulder and the mandala-tattoo peeking up

23:23 — Sophia above the corset, but she doesn't mind much.

23:24 <Sophia> "What's it like living in a barracks?"

23:29 <Anne> "Pretty much like living anywhere, I guess." Anne's hands are in the pockets of her blue jeans. She's wearing a button-down cream colored top and a few nice accents like matching earrings, necklace and a bracelet but all are on the inexpensive side. "You've got a room, bathroom, closet. I always had a roommate. The barracks themselves have some nice

23:29 <Anne> public rooms for socializing or cleaning your gear or whatever, though. Not like apartments, I don't think."

23:29 <Anne> "Probably more like dorm living."

23:30 — Sophia nods, "sounds like it."

23:30 <Sophia> "So this'll be the first place that's your own," she continues, turning her head to smile at Anne. "Exciting, huh?"

23:35 <Anne> "My own my own, yeah." Anne looks over the apartment building once more before finally catching Sophia's eye. There's an approving widening of her smile at the sight of the beautiful Twilight. "Thanks for doing this, Sunset. I know we've been sleeping together for a month or so but living with someone's always a different experience. I'm glad you're

23:35 <Anne> willing to try it with me."

23:39 <Sophia> "More than willing," she responds, her smile widening before she turns her gaze back to where she's walking. "I'm not really sure what to expect. From living with someone in our own place like this," she clarifies. "I'm looking forward to it," she says and squeezes Anne's hand.

23:41 <Palemask> There's a properly-dressed woman in slightly conservative clothes-what you'd expect from someone trying to cover a cheap suit by it having old style to it some way or another to varying amounts of success. Unlike most, this woman was actually good at pulling it off due to the sleeve embroidery of zephyr dragons chasing children on clouds in three colors

23:41 <Palemask> cleverly stitched for shading. "Good morning! A pleasure to meet you." The perkiness of a salesman mixed with the manners of someone actually getting used to being around those with money and moving up in the world, perhaps. A little pin was on the woman's lapel-out of the way but one given to those whose homes had either been improved or built entirely by

23:41 <Palemask> The Sharing. Many joined. The pin more importantly was joined with one of the volunteer's pins for those who actually gave back afterwards as recognition.

23:41 <Anne> "So how big are you wanting? I don't really need much more than a place to sleep, personally. A nice common area to have friends over, a place to eat meals together or something. Though I expect we should have at least one more room so you can have an office to do magical bullshit science in."

23:42 <Anne> Anne promptly clams up on that last comment as she and her girlfriend approach the well dressed woman!

23:42 <Palemask> She is waiting before the building and seems to recognize Sophia at least. She bows respectfully, allowing them to approach at a comfortable speed.

23:44 <Sophia> "An office-slash-library of some kind would be nice, for a workshop, I think we're better off scrounging off Trina and Jiji. Other than that I agree on the bedroom and common area setup."

23:44 — Sophia glances over the woman with slight puzzlement, but extends her hand when they approach. "Hi," she says pleasantly, "I'm Sophia Beufort, we spoke on the phone."

23:47 <Palemask> She shook the Twilight's hand with clear enthusiasm. "My employer wanted to send his very best, but a fellow insisted that I go. I can't recall now quite who but I'm sure I could show you around and tell you about this lovely property. It's quite within the specs you asked for-off street parking, secured entryway, a sensible mail system-you get a bit better

23:47 <Palemask> than the P. O. boxes these places usually offer. The door locks as well are quite excellent..."

23:48 <Sophia> "And security cameras?" Sophia enquires.

00:05 <Palemask> 'Oh yes, of course. Monitered 25/14 by a well-reviewed security company by independant and trusted review boards with green stars." She stated cheerily. "There are always at least three personnel at the cameras and many go on regular beats around the campus and building." She stated. "The outside windows are bullet proof and have tested to withstand anima

00:05 <Palemask> flux."

00:06 — Sophia blinks, "that's quite impressive. And thorough."

00:09 — Sophia turns to Anne, "anything on your mind before we go in?"

00:10 <Palemask> "Safety and security is our priorities for our special ciients." She stated proudly. "A few of my company actually got to know some of theirs a few months ago with some volunteer work but recently, it's been picking up-so this location wasn't possible before. Because of the added attention of where I would volunteer, the company decided to volunteer security

00:10 <Palemask> for the build sites to prevent theft of materials and tools. It was quite a good deal."

00:14 — Sophia nods in acknowledgement of the young woman's comments.

01:25 <•Sophia> As Anne is on the balcony, admiring the view of Eagle's Launch laid out beneath her, she is momentarily too distracted to notice Sophia walking up behind her and putting her arms around the young Zenith.

01:25 <•Sophia> "Like the view?" She asks, her smile clearly audible as she practically purrs into Anne's ear.

01:27 <Anne> "Whoa!" Anne's visibly surprised, not that the gesture isn't appreciated but she was definitely absorbed in the view. But then, by now Sophia's come to realize that Anne is fairly easy to blindside. Her attention tends to be singular, focused like a laser. Case in point; the way she melts into Sophia's arms and tilts her head to murmur "Not half as much

01:27 <Anne> as I would if you were in front of me."

01:28 <•Sophia> "Patience, love," she says, clearly pleased by Anne's words, predictable though they are.

01:28 <•Sophia> "Can you imagine living here?"

01:30 <Anne> "Living where?" There's a moment when it's genuinely up for debate if Anne's paying any attention to her surroundings whatsoever. But Sophia can practically feel the playful smile on the Zenith's lips. "Oh right, this place is pretty amazing. I mean, a balcony. A balcony! You know I've never really been on one? I mean, I've seen them and all but I've

01:30 <Anne> never really been anywhere that had one."

01:31 <Anne> "Any time I've ever been high up enough to see the city, I've been visiting somewhere and had business to be about. A girl could just stand here, though, and...take it all in."

01:31 — •Sophia chuckles, "they're not exactly common in suburbia, I guess. Or on military barracks."

01:32 <•Sophia> "It helps keep things in perspective I think. It reminds us how many people there are out there who can use our help."

01:32 <Anne> "One of the things I love about you, Sunset. You never lose sight of the big picture."

01:32 <•Sophia> "When we're with the Sharing, it's easy to be happy for the handful of people whose lives get better that day, but when you look out on all of this, it's impossible to forget the thousands and millions like them."

01:33 <Anne> "...You have a point." Anne's smile fades away, not from depression but from some introspective thought as she mulls over the gap between what she's done and what needs to be done.

01:34 <•Sophia> "We need both views," Sophia continues, holding Anne a bit closer, "both the big picture and the close connection."

01:35 <•Sophia> "Just like it's easy to remember the many from up here, it's easy to turn people into statistics."

01:36 <Anne> "I guess that's part of what makes us a good team." Anne folds her hands over Sophia's where they cross over the Zenith's stomach. "Statistics are definitely more your thing. But so is me getting lost in the trees instead of keeping my eye on the forest. I'm lucky to have you. Now if only we could be lucky enough to figure out how to actually pull off

01:36 <Anne> what these people out there need."

01:37 <•Sophia> "Luck isn't going to cut it, hard work and probably a fair bit of fighting will be involved as well."

01:37 <•Sophia> "No one likes getting ousted from power, and we want to get rid of quite a few bad eggs."

01:38 <Anne> "Mind a serious question?"

01:38 <•Sophia> "Never."

01:39 <Anne> "Those people we need to oust from power. No one ever gives up power easy. So I guess I'm wondering what we do about them. Are we expecting them all to go down fighting or...what do we do if they surrender?"

01:40 <Anne> "Because, to be blunt, I keep hearing about how some of these Infernals are closer to cosmic forces than people and I can't help but wonder if we shouldn't just shoot them all just to be sure. Just to be safe."

01:41 — •Sophia keeps silent for a while, just holding on to Anne and resting her head on her lover's shoulder.

01:42 <•Sophia> "There are definitely some of them the world would be better off without."

01:42 <•Sophia> "But murdering people who surrender is not conductive to making others surrender."

01:42 <•Sophia> "And historically speaking it is a pretty bad sign if the revolution murders those from the old regime who try to make peace."

01:43 <Anne> "Don't get me wrong, I don't get my kicks from capping people. But if we don't kill them all, what do we -do- with them?"

01:44 <•Sophia> "The Wyld is a very large place, as is space."

01:44 <•Sophia> "Our Charms could probably also turn them into productive members of society, but I'm not sure how much better than murder that would really be."

01:45 <Anne> "Huh. I guess we could lock them up. Hell, if they've been able to lock Luna up, pretty sure they can be locked up in the same way."

01:46 <•Sophia> "Locking someone up forever is only marginally better than killing them, and a hell of a lot more likely to backfire," Sophia says with a sigh.

01:46 <Anne> "Call me liberal," Anne says, coughing slightly which makes it pretty clear she sees herself more conservatively, "But if they can be made useful and, you know, not killing people, that's a lot better than murder. Given enough time, they might even hit a point of net good. I'm just not sure how much I believe my magical bullshit will hold against their

01:46 <Anne> magical bullshit."

01:47 <•Sophia> "With time, effort and dedication, I'm quite sure we can wear them down if we have them in a confined space."

01:47 <•Sophia> "Keep them prisoner for a month or however long it takes and hit them with everything we've got without letting them rest."

01:48 <•Sophia> "For some of them, I think it would make them into entirely new people, which is why I said it wasn't much better than murder."

01:51 <Anne> "So, we kill them, lock them up forever or remake them. Out of a list of bad options, remaking them into people capable of being decent human beings able to have loving relationships and all that definitely sounds like the best of the possibilities."

01:51 <Anne> "What do you think?"

01:53 <•Sophia> "I agree that remaking them into new and better people is the best solution," she says, "it's just..."

01:54 <•Sophia> "I also can't help feel that it violates some fundamental rules about human behavior."

01:54 <Anne> "So does shooting people. Let me tell you something my CO once told me."

01:54 — •Sophia nods and keeps silent.

01:55 <Anne> "In the end, the only way to be an honorable soldier, a soldier you can live with being, is to shoot only when necessary. And shoot those who shot first. If not at you, at someone you need to defend and protect."

01:56 <Anne> "They started this. Their choices ruined the lives of all these people, for centuries. And they're going to keep doing it unless they're stopped."

01:56 <Anne> "And I'm a girl who can live with doing what it takes to stop them."

01:57 — •Sophia stays quiet for a while.

01:57 <•Sophia> "Imagine that we lost, and that they had had the same conversation beforehand. Like us they concluded that changing someone's mind would be the best cause of action.

01:58 <•Sophia> "Now try imagining that it was me who was turned to their cause, rather than one of them who was turned to ours."

01:58 <•Sophia> "Would you rather I was dead or working for them?"

02:00 <Anne> "I'd rather you dead than you made a monster, Sunset. No offense, and no lack of love, but I care about you and who you are too much to be okay with your body ticking along when what made you yourself was gone."

02:00 — •Sophia nods, "that's my point. Doesn't that indicate that turning them is worse than killing them?"

02:01 <•Sophia> "And remember, Exaltations like souls reincarnate."

02:01 <•Sophia> "If we have well and truly won, those new Exalts can be raised as a productive members of society.

02:03 <Anne> "This scenario, though, assumes both sides have equal weight. That both sides have good points and bad points to them. Like...I don't know, Meruvia vs. the Union of Eastern States. Where we're all people and we all want the same things."

02:03 <Anne> "I think a case can be made that what they want is negative from the point of view of pretty much every society, every rule of right and wrong."

02:04 <Anne> "By contrast, we -must- be the good guys if we're trying to stop the bad guys from doing bad things."

02:04 — •Sophia gives a slight chuckle, "that's a pretty dangerous logic, love. The kind that justifies all kinds of evil things."

02:05 <Anne> "You think?" Anne ponders. "I don't know, I thought I was being pretty big about allowing that even other nations that don't do things Meruvia's way had a valid point of view. That, patriotic though I am, there's nothing unrighteous about those folks taking care of their own."

02:06 <Anne> "They're righteous and we're righteous. Us soldiers are, anyway."

02:06 <Anne> "The people on top, though? Can there be any argument that the Infernals are righteous?"

02:06 <•Sophia> "I meant that if any action is allowed in when fighting evil, it quickly becomes hard to distinguish between those who are evil and those who fight them. At least that's the lesson of history and fiction."

02:07 <•Sophia> "I'd like to think that we were better than them, but I can't tell."

02:11 <Anne> "Well, they have no problem fragging their own guys with weapons of mass destruction. I speak from personal experience." Still a touch of bitterness there. "As long as we're not doing the same thing to the good guys, to our allies and those we vowed to protect, I think it'll be pretty easy to tell who's who."

02:13 — •Sophia holds Anne tighter. "I'm sorry, I forgot."

02:15 <Anne> "Thanks but this isn't about how I feel. Or how much I feel. It's about what's right. And, my desire to visit righteous holy destruction on whatever Infernal made that bad call aside...I think it's possible for us to have some rational, factual differences between us that anyone from any point of history can look at and see it how it was."

02:15 <•Sophia> "Yes, but not if we do anything to win."

02:16 <Anne> "I'm not proposing that we do."

02:16 <Anne> "I'm just wondering what we do when we have won. And how much our choices are limited by 'doing anything to win' we are when it comes to closing out the game."

02:17 — •Sophia nods.

02:17 <•Sophia> "I don't think we need to decide now. And I don't think we *can* decide on our own."

02:17 <•Sophia> "There are merits to both wiping the slate clean, and turning them to our cause."

02:18 <•Sophia> "Imprisoning them seems to have the bad parts of both."

02:20 <Anne> "Yeah," Anne says, the tension the conversation brought on lightening a bit as she relaxes a little in her girlfriend's arms. "I don't have any magic to figure out what's really right or wrong but we do have one thing the folks in history didn't; experience. We've seen imprisonment just means usurpation. That's one less choice to sort through."

02:21 <•Sophia> "A lot of bad people started out good," Sophia warns.

02:22 <Anne> "Well, maybe the Incarna will have an opinion. A viewpoint to offer. Not saying we do what they say or anything but, like you said, we don't need to decide now. And we don't need to decide alone either."

02:22 — •Sophia chuckles, "it's a bit surreal, asking the sun, moon and starts for advice and having them answer."

02:23 <Anne> "Hey, they haven't answered -yet-. But yeah, that sounds more like a matter of when, not if."

02:25 <•Sophia> "Well, it's not exactly an easy or safe trip to rescue any of them."

02:26 <Anne> "Sounds like life to me."

02:26 — •Sophia chuckles, "yeah, I guess it does."

02:26 <Anne> "It's not like any of us get out of life alive anyway." There's that playful tone suggesting a smile again.

02:26 <Anne> "I feel like we're making the best plans we can make, at least."

02:27 <•Sophia> "Mmmm," Sophia agrees and kisses Anne's neck as she holds her close.

02:28 <Anne> "Including finding a place to live as secure as we can be and as gorgeous as you are."

02:29 <Anne> "Not sure this place quite makes the latter but hey, you take what you can get."

02:30 <•Sophia> "I really like the look of this place, but I'm not sure there's any meaningful way to compare living spaces and people when it comes to beauty."

02:30 <•Sophia> "One thing that's bothering me, though. Is this a place where we could raise a family?"

02:31 — Anne straightens at that thought. Then at last she turns in Sophia's arms and kisses her soundly.

02:32 <Anne> "I love it when you talk sexy like that."

02:32 — •Sophia lets her hands travel up Anne's back and buries them in her hair.

02:32 — •Sophia chuckles, "I love your definitions of sexy."

02:33 <Anne> "I'd look up the word on a search engine but I'd just get hits on your name."

02:33 <•Sophia> "What do you think, though? a family has different needs than a couple."

02:35 <Anne> "And, I don't know..." Anne at last wrests her eyes away from the Twilight's face and takes in the high rise apartment behind them. "To be honest, by the time we actually have kids...I mean, my clock's got some time on it, you know? And I ask myself if I want to raise kids in this crappy world and, before, I'd have said hell yes because there weren't

02:35 <Anne> other choices."

02:35 <Anne> "But we might be on top of everything in the next few years."

02:35 — •Sophia nods.

02:35 <Anne> "I guess what I'm trying to say is, nice as this place is, I have a hunch by the time there's a baby in the nursery, we're going to be in a president's mansion or something."

02:36 <Anne> "Somewhere close to the government we've made possible by overthrowing the assholes currently running the place."

02:36 <•Sophia> "That simplifies things, then."

02:37 <Anne> "I mean, I love the idea of nesting somewhere with you. But girly as I can be about getting a place with you, maybe you're rubbing off on me. I just can't help but think of the future and the likelihood that we're not going to be here for more than few years tops. You know, unless you really want to."

02:38 <•Sophia> "There's no rush," Sophia agrees, "I just don't want to move around like crazy either."

02:40 <Anne> "Oh sweetie, I've been there. From barracks to barracks. I -like- the idea of settling down, especially now that I have someone to settle down with."

02:41 <•Sophia> "You had that before as well," Sophia says somberly.

02:43 <Anne> "But we weren't settled. Not in a position to settle. We still had years left on our tour of duty."

02:43 <Anne> "It's like, I don't know, you might date in college but you don't -settle down- in college."

02:44 — •Sophia nods.

02:46 <Anne> "Though with all this talk of settling down, I hope you don't confuse any of it for me settling. Because I'm not." She kisses Sophia on the forehead and adds "I loved Christine. Always will love her memory. But I have to look to the future. And when I do, all I see is you."

02:47 — •Sophia smiles and leans close to Anne, "when I look to the future, I can see you all the way to the horizon, and I suspect there's even more of you on the other side."

02:48 <Anne> "...So you're saying I could stand to lose a few pounds?" Anne's frown looks dour but the sparkle of humor in her eyes is unmistakable. "Jeez, I'm not -that- much bigger than you."

02:50 <•Sophia> "Alternatively, I could try gaining a few I'm sure you'd enjoy the effects of thta."

02:51 <Anne> The lusty look that replaces the mischief in Anne's eyes is utterly unmistakable. And entirely predictable. "I like you the way you are. But, you know, if it happens I'm not going to complain."

02:53 <•Sophia> "Come on," Sophia says with amusement and deep fondness, "I think we'd better go find the broker and go see one of the other places she has in store for us. Picking the first place we look at is a notoriously bad idea, even if it is great."

02:54 <Anne> "I don't know, I was the first place you looked and that's turned out -awesomely- if I do say so myself."


02:07 <Palemask> {{Directly after the meeting, Jiji disappears, though Mizu found her usual messenger bag... heavier.

02:08 <Palemask> There is no sign of outward tampering, nothing to show anything out of the ordinary save for the weight.

02:09 <Mizu> Mizu looks around to see who, if anyone, might be watching, before peeking into the bag warily. To any who took a great deal of time to look up close would realize she looks a bit like someone who hasn't slept well lately. Mostly as she hasn't.

02:14 <Palemask> Only one thing was out of place: it was somewhat thin, smaller than most netbooks and clearly made of shiny stone, flat and subtly curved.

02:16 <Mizu> Common sense wars with curiosity for a moment. Mizu finds a secluded spot to lean against a wall, before pulling out the shiny slightly rounded but mostly flat stone, keeping whatever comments she has about finding the thing solely in her own head for the moment.

02:20 <Palemask> It was one of many familiar items. She has seen it many times since *he* had taken her in, the designs somehow more visible now that it was inert. A beautiful, cool jade with glittering filigree inlaid of a curiously colorful metal. The jade itself was an alloy, looking a pale blue that wasn't possible with ordinary jade. It was well made, a thing of art.

02:20 <Palemask> It was also one of the first faces she'd ever tried to steal.

02:20 <Palemask> Jij's face masks, that is.

02:23 <Mizu> Mizu frowns and quickly puts the thing back into her bag before it can be noticed. But not even her skills at keeping her own council can keep the worried expression from her face as she exits from the resturant and picks the -fastest- way back to Jiji's place. Note this may or may not be the shortest. And it certainly is -not- the most legal route to take a motorbike down.

02:28 <Palemask> She is chased by a few security guards but they just simply have no chance of catching her.

02:29 <Palemask> Fortuitously, the mall doors were open.

02:31 <Mizu> Mizu will worry about the items that got tangled on the handlebars later. Bigger fish to fry first. not her -usual- shortcut, but at the moment, she's in a bigger hurry then her usual.

02:32 <Palemask> The home stands lit. Locked as usual. Jiji would never be so sloppy while home.

02:38 <Mizu> Mizu slows before she reaches the house itself, and in fact has the motor off and coasting as she drifts to a lazy stop in the driveway. Kickstand down. A careful approach to the back door, as he pulls out three things from her coat pocket: her key, as well as a small bit of stiff wire, and a small screwdriver, her jokingly called 'universal key' that she rarely admits to being skilled to unless caught red handed. She tries the key first.

02:44 <Palemask> It works, the door easily comes open. Hanging within view is a wooden half-mask. A mask he would wear to tea. A note is stuck to it-the yellow stickynote showing clearly his handwriting.

02:45 <Palemask> 'Find my brothers and then their unseen maker.'

02:49 <Mizu> Mizu tilts her head, and puts the mask next to its mate in her satchel. She pauses briefly, to look about with a moment of care.

03:04 <Palemask> She finds five others in varied locations-one under the sink, one on the ceiling, one hidden behind a picture that had been framed for no clear reason. It wasn't very good in any case.

03:05 <Palemask> The final was on a stair leading down.

03:05 <Palemask> ...to the basement, perhaps?

03:09 <Mizu> Mizu pauses after each mask. A pause as she recalls some of the memories from each spot. The trouble she caused at points in her life, the tasteless picture a joking gift. The fact it hangs framed likely has some meaning that eludes her right now. Finally, she descends the staircase, one step at a time, tread light as a cat.

03:21 <Palemask> The basement was for training, being unbelievably large. It was largely as she remembered. At the far end was a man that felt familiar, yet a part of her questioned that. Yet there was a sense of sameness. Same grey hair in the long, tightly-braided queue, the broad shoulders that had both trained her and wrapped injuries. There was never any hiding from

03:21 <Palemask> him. Yet the leather mask laid on the table between them. Under it was something else, the mask neatly covering it. It was old and well-used. The mask that had never been off his face the past few months. "Take it. Take if you can and tell me who made what's under it and why. That is your final test from me."

03:28 <Mizu> Mizu tilts her head and walks to the table. There's a stillness, then she picks up the mask to examine what it covers, with the wariness that only one who has been a student of Jiji for years would have.

03:59 <Mizu> Under the mask is a pair of short black metal cylinders, folded into what, at first glance, seems to be a glittering wispy framework of steel. A wire made of the same glittering and dark metals goes from the knob on the end of each cylnder. Yet, Mizu knows as soon as she sees it that it isn't what it seems. She shudders. Then with one hand placed delicately on the reflective metal, a swirl of essense as her caste marks glimmers then glows.

03:59 <Mizu> "Soulsteel for sorrows forced upon one's self and another. Starmetal to guide them back to their cause." Mizu's voice is distant, her eyes half-unfocused. "the line between the past and the present makes the awnser harder to see." She pauses, then whispers. "My former self, was the one to make this weapon of ill omen. A marriage of star-crossed fate, an expression of the final stage of the five-seasons response." She shakes her head a little.

03:59 <Mizu> "... She named it Montague-Capulet."

04:04 <Palemask> "I found it. With her ashes. And it was then that I began looking for you." He spoke softly. "With a letter ten pages on in that minute hand of hers." He stated, his back still turned. "I didn't really know how I'd react to meeting you. Or what you'd be like. There's a commonality to us Chosen of Jupiter-but not always like minds at all. Are you ready,

04:04 <Palemask> Vizier Mizu?"

04:06 <Mizu> "... do you know why she had this made?" She asks in a soft tone. "or why you found but a pile of ash and crystal?" Mizu's voice wavers... the memories are not kind ones.

04:10 <Palemask> "When she gained enlightenment for the Sapphire circle, she gave up something out of necessity. Yet even then, there was something that remained. It's time to be an adult, daughter." He turned and he was... a handsome man. An old man but still handsome and dignified, his eyes that spoke of an age no human should ever know. "I am Kejak Chejop. I was born in

04:10 <Palemask> the time of the Primoridial War. I was sent on a mission I failed. I came back to a world I didn't recognize and a lover who could never be that again. I was a stranger. And now I am dying. The time draws clear and you must find her."

04:15 <Mizu> Mizu closes her eyes, and puts the mask in her bag... before she steps forward, and perhaps does one thing that will surprise her as much as the old man in the room. A simple gesture. A hug. "... I'll find her and bring her home. That I promise."

04:17 <Palemask> He is stiff a moment. He was never quite affectionate-always a man of small but meaningful gestures. He then hugs her back. "I know. It was... my joy, bringing you up. The one light of these dark years and I am proud of the woman you have and are becoming."

04:22 <Mizu> Mizu smiles a little... then replies, in Coral of all languages. "Then let me show my worth to be, if not of blood, of spirit." Mizu sighs before drifting back to Meruvian. "This bow was crafted with a purpose...maybe she knew what was coming, maybe she didn't. But I intend to make sure at least one of its arrows finds her mark." She smiles a little... then gently holds up his mask. "... that said, it's not a fair challenge if you just -leave-

04:22 <Mizu> it lying around." She is -so- teasing the elder.

04:25 <Palemask> He smiled. "That wasn't the challenge."

04:26 <Palemask> "Believing you could simply pick it up was."

04:26 <Palemask> It's a thing that touches his eyes, something she wouldn't have known before. At once, a stranger and familiar.

04:28 — Mizu smiles. "This one isn't so bad. That one you left in my bag weighs enough I could likely use it to commit assault on someone... in fact, given how worried I was you flipped off the deep end, I might have, actually." She pauses and -blushes- I shoul d-likely- put my bike in the garage before someone asks where the odds and ends stuck on the handlebars came from?

04:33 <Palemask> He laughs at that. "Yes, you should."

04:36 <Mizu> Mizu gently flicks her wrist and the bow once again folds itself up. "... I know we have not always been the closest... but..." Mizu pauses as she reaches the stairs. "I'm glad to have been raised how I was. I couldn't imagine it any other way." She smiles and darts up the stairs to get her bike put away before it can draw comments.

04:40 <Palemask> He chuckled. Kosche is standing in the kitchen and watches her come up. "Something big just ended, didn't it?" She asks.

04:41 <Palemask> "My car's not so nimble but I found a good trick to use." She smiles wryly.

04:49 <Mizu> "...There is a saying, Kosche. All endings are just beginnings in a disguise." She smiles a little, and is still flushed. "... That said, I... think I just came face to face with something that needed to happen

04:57 <Palemask> Kosche nods. "A torch handed down."

05:08 <Mizu> "... not quite. But i won't bother with why that choice of words isn't -quite- right." Mizu laughs. "But I need to get my bike inside and start getting someof the... debris off of it."

05:09 <Palemask> She smiles and stands aside. "You're right. You're given a chance he maybe wasn't."

05:20 <Mizu> Mizu steps outside to put the bike away and pull the various odds end ends stuck on the handlebars off.


02:23 <Palemask> The Chosen of Endings brushed a stray hair from her face. "Luna." She stated calmly in that same restaurant. "She is out there and Jiji knows where. Her entrapment there is to come to an end." Her voice holds a cold certainty, distant and alien yet no hint of a lie. She simply knows it is so. "Without her help, there is... far less hope."

02:25 — Sophia nods. "We have to save her, for our sake as much as for hers."

02:27 FIW → Mizu

02:27 <Bian> "Mmmm."

02:27 — Bian says, simply.

02:28 <Sophia> "What?"

02:29 <Mizu> Mizu stares at Bian a moment. "The Silver Hunter, the Lady of Night, She who stalks the Wyld."

02:35 <Anne> "So, the stalker of the Wyld is...stuck in the Wyld?" Anne asks.

02:35 <Anne> "How'd Jiji find out where she is, in all that chaos?"

02:37 <Sophia> "With much toil and persistence. Or so I hear," Sophia says and looks meaningfully at the suspiciously familiar waiter.

02:39 <Anne> "Do we know what's holding her? Or who? Can we find that out in advance? Intelligence is always good to have before you go in shooting."

02:39 <Sophia> "She's wounded, I think. Too wounded to move, yet not enough to die. And Jiji should know."

02:39 <Palemask> The Waiter came with drinks and some tortilla chips. Seems to be a Thing the cafe does.

02:39 <Palemask> And goes.

02:40 <Sophia> "Bian might also know people who know people," she adds in the Raksha's direction.

02:40 — Sophia frowns at the waiter and shakes her head.

02:40 <Bian> "Mmm?"

02:40 <Mizu> Mizu's eyes are the eyes of someone who's seen a lot of things. She's learned a lot in the nights since her second breath. "... But what makes her most scary to those of those lands, is her ability to change. not only herself, but that which is around her. She can alter the stories. Which possibility worries you, I wonder? The idea of her wraith... or what she might visit upon you if she doesn't visit wraith?" Mizu looks to Anne, then shrugs.

02:40 <Mizu> "She's been hurt by something, I gather. Even a stalker can get wounded." Mizu pauses. "There is nothing that can be lost that cannot also be found. It's just a matter of how much one must do or undo to reveal the path. We'll ask him later."

02:40 <Bian> "No, uh..."

02:40 <Mizu> Mizu look sfrom Bian to Anne

02:40 <Bian> "I'm afraid my contacts in that arena are limited."

02:40 <Bian> "I left the Wyld some time ago, you understand."

02:41 <Sophia> "Can you get contacts?"

02:42 <Anne> "That's...cryptic."

02:42 <Anne> "Yeah, contacts, that sounds like a good idea."

02:42 — Bian smiles slightly.

02:42 <Bian> "Faerie contacts are unreliable."

02:42 <Bian> "We're an independent minded species."

02:43 <Bian> "More than that however, the Wyld is simply... well."

02:43 <Sophia> "Sufficiently unreliable that we're better off walking in blind?"

02:43 <Bian> "Suffice it to say, you'd have better luck finding a needle hurled across all of Creation than finding an object hidden in the Wyld by walking in blind."

02:43 <Bian> "It is an arbitrarily large area to search."

02:43 → Trina joined (uid47865@b3a470b7.brockwell.f7109e70.com.hmsk)

02:44 <Bian> "Without some hint of where Luna lies..."

02:44 <Bian> "We will not find her."

02:44 <Anne> "Anything in Creation that might be able to track her?"

02:45 — Bian gives a small shrug.

02:45 <Palemask> "I know where about and how to find her." The waiter stated. It totally wasn't Jiji except it was.

02:45 <Bian> "The moon, I would suppose."

02:45 <Anne> "Or do you have something more concrete, Mizu, than doing or undoing something to reveal a path?" Anne raises an eyebrow at the Vizier, her expression showing that clear answers would be very welcome.

02:45 <Bian> "Or that."

02:46 <Palemask> He holds up a bent arrow of silver.

02:46 <Anne> "...Well then. I guess we just need to know what's guarding her, what reconnaissance has been done so we can go prepared."

02:46 — Sophia frowns at Jiji, but holds her tongue.

02:46 <Mizu> Mizu sighs. "In for a penny in for a pound."

02:47 <Palemask> He hands it to Mizu. "It is not mine to hold anymore."

02:47 <Palemask> "It only works once for a person. There's a method to its story." He stated a bit stiffly.

02:48 <Palemask> "A student of my past life had to pass it to me in a roundabout manner. Thankfully, that isn't necessary here."

02:48 <Bian> "If it only works once, we shall have to strike swiftly. A thing lost in the Wyld may not be found again."

02:49 <Sophia> "Well. Once per person. There are several of us."

02:49 <Sophia> "And we don't need to strike swiftly, we need to strike decisively."

02:49 <Mizu> Mizu takes the bent arrow quietly without fanfare as she listens. Is ... did she just -blush-

02:49 — Bian glances at the Vizier to confirm that is how the artifact works.

02:49 — Trina studies the arrow thoughtfully.

02:50 <Anne> Noticing Mizu's flush, Anne eyes the arrow more closely and a bit dubiously.

03:00 <Mizu> Mizu sighs. "The story, and the method?" She finally asks, still blushing. It's obvious from the fact she's not looking at the arrow, or Jiji, or anyone else, and the expression... is that a trace of some kind of guilt about something?

03:00 <Palemask> He clears his throat. "Ahem. Well. It's... it shouldn't be needed again." He stated a bit stiffly.

03:01 — Anne trades looks with Sophia, as if to silently say "Do you know what they're talking about?"

03:01 <Sophia> "I think so. Jiji gave Mizu an artifact that will help us find Luna."

03:02 <Sophia> "As for the exact details... Jiji's being Jiji."

03:04 <Anne> "Great. Anything I should pack besides my gun?"

03:04 <Sophia> "Magic bullshit. Lots of it."

03:05 <Trina> "Any particular bullshit?"

03:05 <Palemask> "A strong mind and something to hold onto." Jiji stated.

03:05 — Sophia smiles at Anne, "I think we got the second bit covered."

03:05 <Mizu> "Also a paint set, and at least one really good story book." Mizu's tone is actually dead serious.

03:06 <Trina> "I can do that."

03:06 <Palemask> "And the worst puns imaginable." Jiji adds.

03:09 — Sophia raises an eyebrow, "I can imagine some pretty bad ones."

03:09 — Anne laces her fingers through Sophia's and squeezes tightly.

03:10 <Anne> "...Wait, puns?"

03:10 <Mizu> "Drawn and quoted?" Mizu offers as she stares at the arrow and carefully tosses it from one hand, to the other. That is when her eyebrows raise as she nearly nicks her fingers on the arrow that moves far too straight in the air, surprising the young vizier.

03:10 <Palemask> "Fighting doesn't work as usual there." He stated with a smirk.

03:11 <Mizu> "Pack my sword and a book of witty comebacks then?" Mizu states, even as she just -stares- at the arrow, then at Jiji, then at the arrow, then at Jiji again, the tilt of her head is just enough to say 'seriously?' without saying it outloud.

03:17 <Bian> "I have a vessel that might carry us there."

03:17 <Bian> "And an escort that we will like have need of."

03:17 ⇐ Kalikit quit (uid40010@b3a12376.highgate.f7109e70.com.hmsk) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity

03:18 <Mizu> Mizu stares at the arrow a moment, then looks to Bian, and grins. "Tell me, does this vessel happen to have an open deck somewhere on it?" The young vizier almost looks like she's about ready to giggle.

03:18 <Palemask> 'Likely, you will. But I will not come with you."

03:19 — Sophia nods at Jiji.

03:19 <Bian> "It can if you require it."

03:19 <Bian> "Why?"

03:22 <Mizu> "... Because, we're going to be playing 'follow hte arrow', as bad as the joke sounds."

03:22 <Mizu> Mizu looks utterly amused.

03:23 <Palemask> "It was a terrible one to play, back then." He grumbled.

03:25 <Trina> "Didn't you just say we'd need bad jokes?"

03:26 <Mizu> "The first of many."

22:15 <PaleST> The group was discussing on how to get to Luna safely and quickly-and preferably to get back quickly instead of the years it took Jiji.

22:20 <Anne> "So how does travel time work in the Wyld, anyway?"

22:20 <Anne> "Is it true you can return earlier than when you left?"

22:20 <Bian> "Yes. I can do that. But you can't."

22:20 — Bian shrugs.

22:21 <Bian> "It's the nature of the Shaped World."

22:21 <Sophia> "Can you carry information back in time?"

22:21 <Bian> "Yes, but not if that information would impact you in any meaningful way."

22:21 <Sophia> "Then it's not really information."

22:22 <Bian> "I'm not the one who shaped the world."

22:22 <Trina> "Yeah, I bet it's bound by the same laws as time travel in fiction."

22:22 — Bian replies -- a bit pointedly.

22:22 <Bian> "That's a bit of a sore spot with faeries, point in fact."

22:23 <Sophia> "How time travel is portrayed in fiction?"

22:24 <Anne> "Wait, you can't change the past because of time travel laws in fiction?"

22:24 <Anne> "How does that make sense?"

22:25 — Bian raises a hand to preclude this nonsense.

22:25 <Trina> "Well, stories have to have rules, right?"

22:26 <Bian> "When the Shapers made the world, they commanded that time should flow only in one direction. Their rules reign supreme in Creation, and over all creatures who are of Creation."

22:26 <Bian> "I am not of Creation, but if I attempted to use my powers over time to influence you, that would be contesting my own will against theirs. That is a contest I would not win."

22:26 <Bian> "So while wyld things can travel through time, the power is functionally useless."

22:27 <Anne> "Can you, like, visit the past and come back and tell us something that happened then that we didn't see? Or is that the same thing?"

22:27 <Bian> "That is possible, yes."

22:27 — Bian nods.

22:27 <Sophia> "Or can you leave now and come back tomorrow after an extensive scouting mission that would have taken us years?"

22:28 <Bian> "That is also possible. And, to be clear, how I get so much work done. You asked before how I meet with all my subordinates in a single day? It is not so much that I am in a hundred places at once, so much as that my typical day is several hundred hours long from my perspective."

22:29 — Sophia nods.

22:29 — Anne looks thoughtful, then saddened, then quiet.

22:30 — Sophia looks to Anne and gives her hand a squeeze

22:30 <Bian> "Mmmm?"

22:30 — Bian glances at Anne

22:31 <Anne> "Just unresolved stuff." Anne glances at Sophia, gives her girlfriend an apologetic smile and shrugs once. "It'd have been nice to have a way of sending Christine a note, that's all. Things I meant to say and never got a chance to."

22:32 <Anne> "Dead fiance," she adds by way of explanation for Bian.

22:32 <Bian> "Oh."

22:32 — Bian pauses. She frowns.

22:32 <Sophia> "You can still send it," Sophia says, "you just can't change the outcome."

22:32 — Bian gives a nod at Sophia, and appears slightly relieved.

22:33 <Bian> "As she says, yes."

22:33 <Anne> "And there's the trap. Of what to say without doing that. Maybe it's better to leave well enough alone." Anne looks more upset as she continues to talk, though, and finally waves her hand. "Let's get back on topic. So, you can guide us to Luna if we've got her location?"

22:37 <Bian> "Assuming the arrow works as described, yes. I can safely navigate any level of Wyldstuff. However, I would assume that Luna's resting place would be well defended."

22:37 <Bian> "That remains an unknown, though I would bring what resources I can."

22:38 <PaleST> "I must come with." The goddess of health spoke quietly from the side of their table. "I may be able to help heal her wounds."

22:39 — Sophia nods, "even if nearly no time passes between Bian arriving where Luna is and she returning to us in Creation, the situation in the Wyld might be entirely different."

22:39 <Sophia> "From my understanding, it is critical that we don't interact with Luna's Story until we're committed to helping her."

22:39 <Bian> "Luna is..."

22:39 — Bian pauses.

22:40 <Bian> "A very strange sort of creature."

22:40 <Bian> "If that is what you have heard, I would not presume to know better. She is not quite of the Wyld, nor of Creation, and I do not know how my or your powers will interact with her story."

22:40 <Sophia> "I haven't heard, I'm guessing based on my understanding of the Wyld."

22:41 <Anne> "So, anyone know of a way to do reconnaissance on her prison before we get there?"

22:42 <Bian> "None that would not risk detection by whatever guards her."

22:42 — Trina shifts. "If all the rules in the Wyld are different, will any of our powers work there correctly?

22:42 <Bian> "You are Exalted."

22:42 <Sophia> "We can force the Wyld to behave as Creation. In parts at least."

22:43 <Anne> "Alright, second question then," Anne says, glancing swiftly around her circlemates to make sure she's not hogging question-time. "Is there anything in Creation that's usually a good thing to bring on a journey into the Wyld?"

22:43 <Bian> "Cold iron."

22:43 <Bian> "Specifically, cold iron armor, weapons, earrings, and headbands. Edge your shoes with it, rim any eye coverings with it, have redundant items in case you are disarmed of the first."

22:45 — Sophia nods, "I think Trina and I can take some time to make anything we need."

22:45 — Trina also nods.

22:46 <Bian> "I have had great success lining more modern materials with a thin iron mesh on both sides."

22:46 <Bian> "You may try something similar."

22:46 <Trina> "But...if we can force our will on the Wyld, then I think I can probably make something solid enough that even Chaos can't affect it."

22:46 — Sophia nods, "I had something along those lines in mind."

22:47 <Anne> "Do they make iron bullets? I'm going to have to take a look into that..."

22:47 <Anne> "Wait, of course they do."

22:47 <Anne> "I wonder if that kind of ammunition is traced, though..."

22:47 <Bian> "I buy it in bulk."

22:47 <Sophia> "We can make some in any case."

22:48 — Bian 's cellphone goes off. An astute ear might recognize the ringtone as the theme from a certain Directorate game about falling blocks from above.

22:48 <Bian> "Excuse me. I need to take this."

22:49 <PaleST> Kosche smiled and clapped. "I think we should bring something tasty for Luna. She has been stuck there a long time. We will need to take a small trip only. And I should be able to find just the thing."

22:49 — Sophia chuckles, "I don't think that will be remotely a problem."

22:51 <PaleST> "She hasn't had prayer in goodness knows how long. Ambrosia and quintessence can be changed into anything-and food formed from the latter wouldn't last long but depending on how long the trip is, that shouldn't be a problem." The goddess mentioned. "Prayers are food for us."

22:52 <Anne> "...Does that include the sexy kind?"

22:54 <Sophia> "I would imagine?" Sophia says. "Prayer is prayer, right?"

22:55 <PaleST> Kosche giggled lightly.

22:59 — Anne snaps her fingers and says "Missed opportunities!"

22:59 <Sophia> "Are you saying we should dedicate sex to Luna?"

23:00 <Anne> "Are you doing anything else spiritually with it?"

23:01 <Anne> A playful grin spreads across the Zenith's lips.

23:01 — Sophia chuckles, "waste not, want not."

23:04 <Anne> "...okay, in the interests of not embarrassing the hell out of everyone else here, anything else constructive we should be doing before we set out?"

23:04 <Anne> "Or should we get to it?"

23:05 — Sophia looks to Jiji, "any tips from taking the trip once?"

23:09 <PaleST> Jiji takes a deep breath in and a deep breath out. "There are those by her who protect her and who will protect you from the dreams of the Nightmare Queen. She was born to defend Creation, to help rule over it and to be the night that soothes Creation from the constant light of day. But she is not going to be sane. She is saint and monster. A walking

23:09 <PaleST> contradiction and mad to begin with. Her dreams may become reality in the Wyld and upon the moon. Her servants will be much like your ally here, but different. But so potent are her dreams and pain, they cannot properly treat her great wound."

23:10 <Sophia> "*Can* we hope to actually help her?"

23:11 <Sophia> "Do we have the power now? I mean, I have some dreams of being able to cure disease and fight death itself, but curing a wounded god is a pretty big task."

23:14 <PaleST> "Together, with the fulcrum of compassion, we can." The goddess stated.

23:14 <PaleST> "We didn't have that before."

23:15 — Sophia nods. "What about our magics. Charms. Anything we should master before setting out, or during the trip?"

23:22 <Anne> "Iron bullets, my assault rifle and you fine ladies...I think I'm set. Assuming Bian's able to provide the munitions for me."

23:23 <Sophia> "If she isn't, Trina and I can make them while lining the rest of our stuff with Cold Iron."

23:31 <PaleST> "I know some techniques that can be useful-one called Creation-Preserving Will." Kosche mentioned in a soft voice, a smile on her face.

23:33 — Sophia nods. "I was more thinking in terms of helping Luna."

23:34 <Anne> "Are there Charms that can help Luna? Besides, I don't know, magical bullshit punch-the-pain-away stuff?"

23:46 <PaleST> The goddess frowned. "I know that there are different things Solars have done in the past, but mostly... it's just been so long, I don't know."

23:46 — Sophia nods. "I suppose we'll see when we get there. I'd love to be able to prepare better, though."

23:49 <Anne> "Other than iron, it sounds like we're probably good to go. Should we outfit our gear here or when we get to the border? Because I'm assuming we're going to need to leave Meruvia to get there, right? Should I look up a flight to book us on or what?"

23:50 <Sophia> "I'm not entirely sure how the geography of the Wyld works, but I think Bian has a shortcut in her compound outside the city."

23:51 <Sophia> "And if we do need to go to the border, I'll take care of the reservations. There's no way I'm flying coach."

23:52 <Anne> "Mmmm, I'd rather use Bian's compound if that's possible. One of the things I've been worrying about is that lots of iron tends to be the kind of thing that attracts notice. Leaving records behind of our trail will make it a bit easier for the bad guys to notice us, notice what we're up to and crush us like bugs."

23:52 <Anne> "I'm all for the leave-no-footprint approach if we can manage it."

00:49 <PaleST> Ring. Ring. A phone rings. The number is restricted but identified as Official Tepet Rose.

00:50 — Sophia picks up the phone. "Sophia Beufort."

00:55 <PaleST> Rosaline's voice. "It's been an interesting past few weeks, Sophia." Came the woman's voice. "You're to thank. Three different messengers have come with increasingly baldfaced threats today alone. Nothing I wasn't prepared for. I would laugh if it wasn't so pathetic. We've got them dead to rights. In two weeks, we are going to hold a press conference and

00:55 <PaleST> announce the recalls. The old farts are running scared."

00:56 <Sophia> "That's great," Sophia says with a smile obvious in her voice. "I trust none of the threats are actually serious?"

00:59 <PaleST> "Laughable. One involved calling my mother. My mother's in the south, growing gardens." The woman laughed. "No technology allowed."

01:01 — Sophia chuckles. "Have you got your ducks in a row regarding the press?"

01:04 <PaleST> "We got a line on some new folks, including a gonzo reporter who's been hitting the internet like nobody's business." She stated.

01:05 <Sophia> "Oh?" Sophia says, opening her laptop, "someone I should know?"

01:08 <PaleST> "Jinoru Grenade. He is... interesting. He's nicknamed that due to how he exalted."

01:08 <Sophia> "An Exalted gonzo reporter?" She says as she looks the man up.

01:11 <PaleST> "Dragonblood. One of the new ones. He accidentally set off an explosion, thus why 'grenade'. He's a young man, seventeen years old and very promising and professional." She explained.

01:12 <Sophia> "A professional seventeen year old? No wonder he Exalted."

01:12 — Sophia takes a look at his headlines.

01:26 <PaleST> Jinoru Grenade is a very enthusiastic dude who appears to be constantly on fire. Literally. He seems absolutely thrilled to be where ever he is taken pictures of at and known for his blustery but thoughtful coverage of whatever he finds newsworthy. He seems to have been trying to do this for years, with amateur equipment. A year before, he got sponsors who

01:26 <PaleST> hired him on a lark and he took to the opportunity well. He covers everything it seems, so long as it's factual. After his incident, he's been known for being on fire for every coverage he's done.

01:26 <PaleST> Again, literally.

01:27 — Sophia chuckles, "I can see why he gets attention. Seems to have a good head on his shoulders too."

01:27 <Sophia> "Anything I can do to help with this whole shebang?"

01:28 <PaleST> "Aim some of your friends to raise awareness to turn on the televisions that night. Or broadcast it to everyone they can. Get out the vote."

01:29 — Sophia smiles, "oh, I think I can do that."

01:30 <Sophia> "One other thing," she adds more somberly, "were any of those threats in writing?"

01:31 ⇐ Bian quit (uid80846@b3d99fe5.tooting.f7109e70.com.hmsk) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity

01:31 <PaleST> "Of course not. They're not that empty between the ears." She sounded annoyed.

01:33 <Sophia> "Hopefully they're not stupid enough to carry any of them out either. I'll make sure people have an eye on the news, you make sure there's something to report."

01:36 <PaleST> "Very excellent. How goes stuff on your end?" She asks. "Anything I should be watching for?"

01:36 <Sophia> "We might be going off the grid for a bit, but we'll make sure things go smoothly anyway."

01:36 <Sophia> "Not sure how long it'll take."

01:38 <PaleST> "Interesting. Well, I'll keep an eye on things. You still have my number, so call back when you're done with that." She spoke, sounded pleased.

01:39 <Sophia> "I will. Give 'em Hell."

01:46 <PaleST> "I plan on it. Ta." Click.

01:47 — Sophia returns her phone to her pocket and starts looking around for Anne.

01:52 — Anne appears to be curled up on a coach, reading 'The Servant, the true essence of leadership".

01:53 <Sophia> "You look good when you're studying," Sophia says with a smile after hanging in the doorway for a moment.

01:54 <Anne> "Hmmm?" Anne blinks several times, then puts her book aside and beams at her girlfriend. "Don't you look gorgeous over there."

01:54 <Anne> "And I have a lot of reading to do if I'm going to help fix the world."

01:54 <Sophia> "Actually, for the next bit of saving the world, watching TV is what's going to matter."

01:55 <Sophia> "Rosaline's holding a press conference Marsday after the next, and we want all of Meruvia watching it."

01:57 <Anne> "So is...that something I should do anything about?" Anne looks puzzled, then bemused. "I still don't really have much of a clue about what I'm doing, you know."

01:58 — Sophia chuckles, "consider it a field test. How'd you go about raising awareness about an otherwise boring press conference by a relatively junior MP?"

01:59 <Anne> "Word of mouth. Social media campaign. I'm not sure, these aren't things I've ever done before." Anne chuckles. "Honestly, my instinct is to head-whammy sky-writing pilots and have them put a message in clouds over every city in Meruvia."

02:00 <Anne> "That's probably a little higher profile than we want to go, though, eh?"

02:00 <Sophia> "Also, I'm not sure sky-writing pilots are still a thing."

02:00 <Anne> "Maybe start flash-mobs at public events that are already on the news."

02:01 <Sophia> "I wonder where we'd get the manpower for something like that," Sophia muses with a crooked smile.

02:02 <Anne> "Well, that's the thing. I'd head whammy a few and they'd do the recruiting."

02:02 <Sophia> "Don't you basically have an organization tailor made for a purpose like this at your beck and call already?"

02:03 <Anne> "...You know, you're right, I do."

02:03 — Anne thumps the back of her own head with her palm.

02:03 — Sophia chuckles, "an expert is a person who as committed every possible mistake within a very narrow field," she quotes with a smile.

02:06 <Anne> "Speaking of experts, how is our good Senator anyway? She need anything from us?"

02:07 <Sophia> "Just the attention. She's been getting idle threats from the people she's getting kicked out of office, but she's confident she can handle them."

22:12 <PaleST> The preparations for the Wyld journey were complete. Jiji advised against taking Morena-while the weaker raksha would be frightened, the strongest might make challenges of worthy adversary. Someday, Morena!

22:13 <PaleST> Someday.

22:14 <PaleST> Kosche is smiling curiously though as she accompanies them with a bit more traditional-looking blade than her boxcutter. For some reason, that shortsword looks incredibly creepy when she draws it.

22:20 <Anne> Anne's certainly up for a trip. Even if it takes some creative paperwork (or Bian cheating) to smuggle her Behemoth artifact assault rifle along for the ride. She's not carrying the thing, of course, not until they get out of sight of civilian authorities. No, Anne makes the trip in nondescript jeans and a white t-shirt with a nice tan leather coat for

22:20 <Anne> style and comfort. Perfectly ordinary.

22:21 <Trina> Trina spends most of the trip sketching, as usual. She seems to aiming at some ideal of a sword, constantly redoing and refining the image.

22:23 — Sophia has all the weapons she needs in the intricate ring on her right hand. At a glance, she looks just like any other pretty blonde rich girl out to see the marvels of the edge of the world and be back in time for drinks at the hotel.

22:24 <PaleST> Bran has declined to go with, as he doesn't want to distract their guide. He wouldn't take well to the Wyld anyway and there's more constructive things for him to do in the meantime.

22:30 <Bian> The flight there was perfectly efficient and perfectly boring. Bian booked a private jet, got proper permits with all relevant governments and organizations to enter the Wyld, and invented a plausible cover story for their expedition in the form of a number of volunteers and an extremely rich backer with a fetish for mutations. The volunteers are not in on

22:30 <Bian> the trick, and spend the entire trip gossiping about how crazy it is that they're in a supersonic jet and won't the Wyld just be amazing. The bar is open, though Bian spends the whole time on her phone.

22:32 <Bian> From there, they take a convoy of jeeps until they're past the border of reality, where Bian calls an all stop and opens her briefcase. Out of it emerges, several other faeries, all carrying cases which they open in turn. Out of those spring others, carrying more cases yet, as well as tools, parts, and machinery. From those cases spring more parts, more

22:32 <Bian> faeries, all quick at work. Soon they've assembled a gantry-way, then a launching pad. Mortals find they cannot watch it for more then a few seconds without suffering powerful headaches, while the Exalted likely find it some mix of curious and strange.

22:34 <Bian> The whole process takes a few hours. The launch pad seems to grow props, then a frame, then a deck. Then heavy vehicles roll out of the thin air, up the ramp. Goblins appear, and mortal technicians, crewing the ship. It grows from something the size of a car, to something the size of a building, and out. The ship grows into a carrier, a small facility in the

22:34 <Bian> air, crewed by mortals and faeries alike. The launch-platform disassembles, and the party is free to step aboard.

22:34 <Bian> (http://pre12.deviantart.net/8280/th/pre/i/2013/245/4/8/battleship_yamato_ii_by_gabrix89-d6kqquf.jpg)

22:35 — Sophia whistles at the finished ship.

22:36 <Sophia> "You don't do things by halves, Bian."

22:36 <Sophia> "Is there anything this ship doesn't have?"

22:36 — Bian smiles slightly at Sophia, with a hint of pride in her features.

22:36 <Anne> "...That is a hell of a thing."

22:37 <Bian> "It is what one requires, if one wishes to travel the Wyld in safety."

22:37 <Bian> "I have ensnared grander ships in the past. But, those ships did not have you aboard."

22:37 <Anne> "Huh. So back a long time ago, Solars used to be on top, right? How did their ships compare to this?"

22:38 <Sophia> "I have the distinct feeling that the worlds Wyld and Safety are not really compatible."

22:38 <Bian> "I remind you, that while faeries can live to be thousands of years old, I have not yet seen my fiftieth year, so I would be reading from the same history textbooks as you."

22:39 <PaleST> The ships of the Sun Kings would make this one look like a barge.

22:39 <Bian> "But, as I understand it, the Solars craft..."

22:39 <Bian> "Exceeded my own."

22:39 <Bian> "Considerably."

22:39 <Sophia> "We have something to live up to then."

22:40 <Anne> There's a distinct moment when Anne tries to place herself in this ship, as if she were its owner and all of its crew loyal to her. It's distinct because of the way she pales and gets wide-eyed, nearly dizzy before dismissing it.

22:40 <Bian> "Assuming we survive the trip, yes."

22:42 <Trina> A faint glow begins to emerge from Trina's sketchbook--it seems as though she has found the design she was looking for.

22:42 — Sophia takes Anne's hand as she answers Bian. "That's the only interesting assumption."

22:42 <Anne> "Bian? With resources like this...remind me what we have to offer you? Just...what, potential?"

22:44 — Bian gives Anne a funny look. Half a smile, but there's something in her eyes.

22:45 <Bian> "Yours is the power that once broke the world."

22:45 <Bian> "Or, if you prefer, a bomb is nothing but potential until it explodes."

22:45 <Bian> "It would be extraordinarily imprudent not to keep an eye on how you think it fit to use that power."

22:45 <Bian> "Besides," she adds, "it's mostly a parlor trick."

22:45 <Bian> "A proper sorcerer could do much better."

22:46 <Sophia> "Immortal beings play the long game," Sophia adds with a smile and gives Anne's hand a squeeze.

22:48 <Trina> Trina reaches into the paper -- her hand and lower arm seeming to disappear for a minute.

22:48 <Bian> "Well, you also keep terrifying friends."

22:48 — Bian adds to Sophia, with a small chuckle.

22:48 <Bian> "Shall we proceed to the bridge then?"

22:49 <Sophia> "Let's."

22:50 <Trina> "Just a minute..."

22:50 <Trina> And out it comes.

22:50 <Trina> The previous one was still somewhat...cartoonish. This one? Much less so.

22:51 <Bian> A few nearby mortals and goblins shield their eyes from the light, while Bian looks more curious than anything.

22:51 <Bian> "A fine weapon."

22:52 <Sophia> "I like it," Sophia tells Trina with a smile, "even if swords aren't really my thing."

22:53 <Anne> "Hot!"

22:53 <Anne> "Swords are totally my thing."

22:53 <PaleST> "What are the people here for?" Kosche asks in a soft voice to Bian.

22:54 <Anne> Naturally, Anne pantomimes thrusts and cuts in the air that make it clear to anyone with training that she has no idea how to actually fight with a sword.

22:54 <Trina> "Thanks! I'm trying to figure out if I can project armor or a shield this way..."

22:54 <Trina> Trina barely manages to hide her laughter at the sight of Anne's Flynning.

22:55 — Sophia chuckles at their antics.

22:55 <Bian> "They are soldiers." Bian gestures to a row of vehicles, loaded into one of the massive ships lower bays. Upon a closer inspection, they are armored transports of some kind, asymmetric to make room for a heavy support gun on the left. The goblins and humans around them are nearly all armed, and those few who are not are tending to the ship. When her eyes

22:55 <Bian> cast upwards, Kosche can see that a number of the protrusions along the ships side are turrets of a heavier kind.

22:56 <Bian> "If I were charged to guard the body of Luna, I would not leave it undefended, no matter how sure I was that it could not be found."

22:56 <Bian> "Perhaps we will find a trick, or a feint, or a spell to guard it. Or perhaps we will find an army."

22:56 <Bian> "I endeavor to be ready for all contingencies."

22:56 <Sophia> "Most likely we will find more than one thing."

22:57 <Sophia> "I approve of your conscientiousness."

22:57 — Bian nods to Sophia.

22:58 <PaleST> "I am not very strong, but I am well armed I suspect." She pats the butt of her sword. Nothing ordinary about it, actually while it's sheathed.

22:59 <Bian> "History has proven many times that an army vs an Exalt is not a fight that favors the army."

22:59 <Bian> "But in support, I think hope it will prove significant."

22:59 <Bian> "The bridge is through this elevator up here."

22:59 — Bian gestures and leads the rest of the way.

22:59 <Anne> "Everyone's carrying a sword these days. Sophia, get me a sword." The tone alone indicates this is not a serious request.

23:00 — Sophia reaches into her messenger bag and produces a high quality pen which she offers to Anne.

23:01 <Sophia> "Why make do with a sword when you can get a pen?"

23:01 <Anne> "So you're saying it's mightier?"

23:01 <Sophia> "So common wisdom holds."

23:01 <Sophia> "Though I suppose whoever said that had never been stabbed."

23:10 <PaleST> Kosche giggles. "I can fire that from a gun as a bullet."

23:16 <Anne> "...That's some crazy magical bullshit. Speaking of magical bullshit, anyone have any ETA on this little trip? Or when we hit the point when shit starts to get -really- interesting?"

23:17 <Sophia> "And can we make sure that only a very short time passes in Creation while we're away?"

23:19 <PaleST> The bent arrow was presented. "Our guide."

23:24 — Sophia looks at it skeptically, "we just have to follow that?"

23:25 <Anne> Anne looks equally skeptical. In her case, she just looks at the arrow and speaks directly to it: "Hey, how far and which direction?"

23:28 <Bian> "Shall we follow then?"

23:30 — Anne pokes the arrow with her finger.

23:33 <PaleST> "You have to cast it." Kosche guessed. "An arrow is supposed to fly."

23:33 <Sophia> "I thought that was a Sidereal job?"

23:34 <Trina> "It looks like it already is pointed at *something*."

23:39 <Anne> "Anyone got a bow?

23:41 <Sophia> "Mizu. Trina, can you draw a bow like you did your sword?"

23:42 → FIW joined (FIW@28da8113.wyng.mn.7e44e9fb.net.hmsk)

23:44 <Trina> Trina looks regretful. "I don't know enough about bows to make one. It's not just drawing a picture--you have to know every element of the weapon's construction, and then you have to know how to use it, before you can...realize its existence. Sorry."

23:45 <Bian> "I'm sure we have a bow around here somewhere."

23:45 — Bian gestures.

23:45 FIW → Mizu

23:45 <Sophia> "Sure," Sophia says with a shrug, "but it seems a bit like cheating to shoot it with any old bow. Like it would be a better story otherwise."

23:48 <Mizu> Mizu chuckles, and pulls what looks like an odd contraption made of some very dark metal, with a steel-looking framework around it. She flicks her wrist, and it expands into... a bow. A very large bow. With arms made of soulsteel, and a framework of starmetal. "A bow that has seen the suffering and end of many, to be used to prevent the end of even more suffice?"

23:49 — Sophia smiles, "yeah, something like that."

23:51 <Mizu> Mizu smiles, and ties a bit of string to the back of the arrow, an old tracker's trick for finding where one's shot went. "Well then. Let's get this party started." She heads to somewhere she can fire the arrow -forward- (or at least which way she assume is forward from) "We're off to find the lady, the wonderful Lady of Moon~" She singsongs as she draws the arrow back... and lets the bent arrow fly, pulling the spool of thread from her belt

23:51 <Mizu> along behind it.

23:54 <PaleST> The arrow veers strongly left and upwards.

23:54 <PaleST> And keeps going.

23:54 <PaleST> It eventually tugs on the string.

23:54 <Sophia> "Full speed ahead, captain?" Sophia asks Bian.

23:55 <Bian> "Such as it is."

23:55 <Bian> "Helmsmen," Bian points to the front of the room, signaling for the ship to get underway.

23:56 <PaleST> The helmsman saluted and the ship went on its way!

23:57 <Mizu> Mizu laughs as she keeps the string -tight-, or as tight as she can verse the ship's progress. "Well, if this isn't a wonderful way to travel."

23:58 <PaleST> The arrow veers in different directions as they travel with no discernable path at first. There is no rhyme or reason to its journey.

00:03 <PaleST> The ship travels for hours, Kosche looking disturbed as she looks out at the growing chaos outside the ship.

00:03 <PaleST> They went from borderlands to deep wylds.

00:04 <Mizu> Mizu takes a moment of pause in one of hte curves to flick her powerbow again, which causes it to fold back up into the compact storage. Anyone looking close at the soulsteel arms would notice its been engraved with a name. or rahter, each arm has a name on it. The upper arm reads Montague, while the lower arm reads Capulet. To be fair, Mizu herself looks... unnerved when she takes her focus off the string. "... So that's what it looks like

00:04 <Mizu> out here."

00:04 <PaleST> Things looked and sounded... deeply strange.

00:04 <Anne> "...I'm not going to go nuts looking out here, am I?"

00:04 — Sophia walks up to Kosche, smiles encouragingly and putting her arm across her friend's shoulders.

00:05 <Anne> "I should have made sunglasses out of iron."

00:05 <Sophia> "There's a pair in your bag," Sophia says with a smirk.

00:07 <Mizu> "... Ask me again when we get back if I'm still sane." She offers as her answer to Anne.

00:07 <Anne> ".....Best girlfriend ever."

00:08 — Anne kisses Sophia's cheek affectionately.

00:08 — Sophia chuckles.

00:12 <PaleST> Kosche made a small sound. "It's just..." She looked slightly panicked. *"Wrong."*

00:12 <PaleST> But she just seems to be frightened, not ill or too affected.

00:12 <Sophia> "It's alien. But it's how it is out there. And no matter how far we expand the borders of Creation, it will always be there."

00:12 <Trina> Trina is trying to sketch again. "Aaarrgh. It keeps changing when I try to draw it."

00:13 <Trina> "And I don't have the right colors."

00:13 <Trina> "Come to think...I don't know *what* those colors are."

00:15 <Mizu> "I'm pretty sure if you did know, it'd be a sign that we should be worried."

00:16 <Sophia> "This is the Wyld, so the rules might be different, but I don't see how knowing what those colors are would be a problem."

00:17 <Mizu> "Because -I- don't know what that color is, and for once, the faint sound of pages turning in my head isn't someone pulling things out... it's someone writing things down I think."

00:18 <Sophia> "Ah. I see. Then it might be problematic."

00:21 <Mizu> "So, yeah. We're in deep, following the story of an arrow, meant to find naught by the Lady of the Hunt... And I'll be very bland, I think Kosche and I are both going to feel rather unnerved until we're back somewhere a little more... solid."

00:21 <Anne> "Then I guess we'd..." Anne pauses and slowly puts on the iron sunglasses, "Better keep it real."

00:22 <Trina> Trina groans.

00:22 <Sophia> "I know a Charm that might help you," Sophia says before turning to Bian with a slight frown, "if imposing the laws of Creation won't interfere with the running of the ship."

00:22 — Sophia gives a half groan/half chuckle at Anne's antics.

00:23 <Sophia> "I could take those away as quickly as I offered them up, you know," she says with a crooked smirk.

00:24 <Mizu> Mizu laughs. "I'm alright. it's not ... dangerous.l Just... well... unnerving. I don't have good words to put it in." She pockets the metal contraption that is her bow all folded up. Yes, it's pocket sized, at least, with her big coat's pockets. "Let's just say I'm hoping not to rely on -my- magic too much here. I'm not entirely so certain it's reliable."

00:34 <PaleST> "A creation-preserving will is what we may have, but..." Kosche stated with a shrug. "Jiji probably had that too."

00:35 <Sophia> "Jiji didn't have a ship like this. Or as excellent company."

00:40 <PaleST> "He rather values his solitude. I wonder if that was the case when he took this journey himself..." Kosche pondered.

00:41 <Sophia> "It was a hell of a long time ago, he might not have had the options he'd have today."

00:42 <PaleST> Mysteries." She stated as she stared upward and sweat. She looked... offended by the sight of it.

00:42 <PaleST> "I feel like I want to punch something that can't actually be punched." She spoke in a rather disturbed tone of voice.

00:43 — Sophia nods. "A lot of our problems are like that."

00:44 <Anne> "Pick your battles, Kosche."

00:45 <Anne> "We've got plenty to fight. Let's start with the ones we have a strategy for winning."

00:45 <PaleST> "It's not like I can stab it. Nothing of that should be done here. Not by me."

00:53 <Mizu> "... Accurat eenough, at any rate."

00:54 <Mizu> Mizu looks... shaken, for a moment, then she once again composes herself. "

00:57 <PaleST> "Leakage?" Kosche asked. "Me, too. Just... different leakage."

00:58 <Anne> "...Is there something I'm supposed to be reacting to here?"

00:58 <Mizu> "I... think I need to sit down." Mizu finally says. "As for reacting to... Well, I have a new story to tell sometime, after I find approriate words to illustrate it to the point that it can be drawn."

00:59 <Mizu> "... I think I just saw the first Sunrise."

00:59 <Anne> Wordlessly, Anne hands her iron sunglasses over to Mizu.

00:59 — Sophia frowns, "I feel i may be missing the point of something."

00:59 <Anne> "I think you might need these more than I do."

01:00 <Mizu> Mizu shakes her head. "Those won't help really when what I'm seeing is coming from inside. I appreciate the thought though." She grins, and pulls out a set of normal sunglasses from her pocket. "Besides. I always travel prepared."

01:08 <PaleST> The arrow begins to point directly below them.

01:09 <Trina> "Damn 4-dimensional space..."

01:09 <Sophia> "I don't think the Wyld is so constrained. Hell, I'm sure there are genuine fractal dimensions out here."

01:09 <PaleST> Kosche hums and plugs her ears.

01:10 <Mizu> Mizu blinks. "... How long do you think it took Jiji to realize to jsut shoot the damn arrow?" She finally asks as she looks down. "I think it's obliging us, to some extent. Let's not overstay our welcome."

01:10 — Sophia nods. "Indeed not. Let's take a look at things before we do anything, though."

01:12 <Anne> "What is there to look at, exactly?" Anne says, peering into the storm of chaos clouds.

01:12 <Mizu> Mizu digs out a length of rope. "With luck? Something is -solid- below us."

01:12 <Mizu> "With extra luck, it won't be incredibly hostile."

01:13 <PaleST> A field lies below them. A perfectly ordinary, moonlit field as if by a full moon. The colors and plants are unfamiliar, but it's clearly a beautiful field with a lake lapping up on a rocky shore. There seems to be silver will o'the wisps floating around, a few people-curiously colorful but still clearly people.

01:14 <Mizu> Mizu just blinks.

01:14 <Trina> Trina tries not to chuckle. "They look like Yulmas elves."

01:14 <Sophia> "This looks too peaceful."

01:15 <Mizu> "... This looks like a trap."

01:16 <PaleST> The most interesting thing about the seemingly bucolic scene is the strong scent of blood, the scent of a wound gone bad. A few look at the incomers curiously, three of blue, red and pink-all colors you could expect to see by night. They look hungry, wild and their pointed ears and features seem very much like their fae companion in ways.

01:17 <PaleST> "Look, a snack." "Aww but Luna said not to do too much." "Do you think they still have their minds?" "Who knows?" The three talk together.

01:17 <Sophia> "Ah. Much better," Sophia says sardonically, "no longer that peaceful."

01:18 <Sophia> "So, any idea how we actually find said goddess?"

01:18 <Trina> "Maybe somebody had better explain to these fellows that we are not hors-d'œuvres first."

01:19 <Trina> "Or planning to make hors-d'œuvres out of *them* either."

01:19 <Sophia> "I'd have thought the giant flying battleship we're in would have been a good hint of that."

01:19 <Sophia> "Ah. The second less so."

01:20 <Mizu> Mizu sighs, and then, speaks in a language many would call 'dead'. "Hello out there!" She says in Old Realm. "We are quite sane, actually and here seeking Luna, the Lady of the Silver Moon. We wish no harm upon you!"

01:22 <Anne> "But we can bring it if you make us," Anne mutters to herself as she picks up her Behemoth Assault Rifle and chambers a round, just in case.

01:23 <Trina> Trina reaches for her sword, which she had wrapped up and laid aside so the light wouldn't dazzle the crew.

01:24 <PaleST> One looks at her. "Your eyes look tasty, though. Like stars and you smell of knowledge and secrets not fit for speaking. I don't think I've ever smelled something like that. Ooooooh. And bright things!" The other sighed. "Do you mean our lady harm? It is not safe to approach him in his dreams of agon."

01:24 <PaleST> *agony

01:24 <Sophia> "We want only to help her," Sophia chips in, also in Old Realm.

01:25 <Trina> "No, we don't mean to hurt her," adds Trina quickly in the same tongue. "In fact, we have a message for your lady."

01:26 <PaleST> A golden monkey streaked down the rope and cheeped at the raksha. Two cooed at her as she scampered onto Sophia's shoulder before erupting in a spiel of foul language.

01:26 — Sophia looks up at her cute shoulder monkey and smiles.

01:27 <PaleST> The tail curls around Sophia's head. "She called out to me! And everyone else! We wanna sleep at night, it's rude!" The teenager yelled.

01:28 <Mizu> Mizu closes her eyes, then smiles. "You are right, I am full of speakers not fit for speaking, much less eating. We have come to find a way to give relief to agony, and restore what should be."

01:28 <Trina> "...well, we *had* a message. That's kind of it."

01:33 <PaleST> The three spoke loudly and rapidly between one another.

01:44 <Mizu> Mizu watches the trio speak, tilting her head.

01:50 <PaleST> They seem to be arguing about it. One finally turns with a big grin. "Allow us each to feed and we will let you through. Just a little. It won't be us truculee you have to worry about. We're gods, we know you're Lawbringers, a Steward and... we aren't sure what you two are-but you've got power." They gestured to the viziers. "Your decision."

01:58 <PaleST> The three truculee begin looking terrified. "Ohhhh nooooo. We'll be good!" The younger-looking of the trio blurted out. "But we are a bit peckish."

01:59 <Trina> Trina leans toward Mizu. "Let me go first," she whispers. "I don't think they mean harm now, but that way, we can see what happens."

01:59 <Mizu> Mizu's caste mark glitters, as she sighs. "Very well." She offers to Trina, even as she just stands there for the moment.

02:00 <Trina> Trina takes a step forward. "I accept. What do I need to do?" she asks the moon elves.

02:00 <PaleST> "It's Jupiter!" "I thought she was taller..." "I thought she was supposed to be matronly..." Rude elves are rude. "A little kiss and you shall be ravished just a bit, dear."

02:02 <Trina> Trina's mouth quirks. "The last person who kissed me was a god too, but she outweighs you a bit." She leans down a bit--not far, as she isn't very tall.

02:04 <Trina> She wonders idly what the moon fae will think of her cherry lip gloss.

02:05 — Bian watches the scene around her silently.

02:06 <Sophia> "Bian?" Sophia asks softly, "is this a terrible mistake?"

02:06 — Bian gives a soft shrug.

02:06 <Bian> "It's not what I would do. But it cannot kill her, and I will be here if she suffers any significant harm."

02:07 <Sophia> "As will the rest of us."

02:07 <PaleST> A surprisingly tender kiss on each cheek, A memory of a time she looked upon an art and fell in love all over again with color and form coming to mind and then shattering away, a tear as a part of her emotions became cold. But only for a time. She senses that she can, with rest, regain that warmth.

02:08 <Bian> "I meant I'd be here to notice it was harming her. If that happens, I'll let you'll have specific feelings about what follows."

02:08 <Bian> (I assume you'll have specific*)

02:08 — Sophia nods.

02:08 <Mizu> Mizu just offers a mysterious grin... as her caste mark continues to glitter.

02:10 <Trina> Trina lets out a deep breath and straightens. She feels curiously detached, the way a huge passionate argument or a storm of tears leaves one slightly emptied.

02:11 <Trina> "It's...OK, guys. I'm not hurt. I think it will be all right."

02:11 — Sophia glances at Bian, but stays silent. She does not appear happy about this, Trina's health notwithstanding.

02:15 <Bian> "So far, the faerie has done nothing to her but what he claims."

02:15 <PaleST> The other two look hopefully at the others.

02:16 <Sophia> "Is there something else we could offer you?" Sophia asks the not-quite-faeries.

02:17 <Sophia> "A dance perhaps?"

02:17 <Sophia> "It must get boring out here."

02:18 <Trina> Trina looks impatient. "C'mon, guys, I did my part. What are you so scared of?"

02:19 <Mizu> Mizu sighs, and steps forward. "I suppose there'slittle harm then."

02:21 — Bian lifts a hand to pause Mizu.

02:21 <Mizu> Mizu stops at the hand being raised.

02:21 <Bian> "Ravishing is a sickness."

02:21 <Bian> "I am sure that something else can be negotiated for my companion's virtues."

02:23 <PaleST> The two pouted. "That wasn't the deal." One spoke, annoyed. The other looked intrigued. "The golden dancers. It is said that they can steal the heart of those who behold their most famous dance."

02:24 <Anne> Anne still has her gun. And looks more inclined than ever to use it.

02:24 <Anne> "A dance? Seriously?"

02:25 <PaleST> One nodded enthusiastically while the other pouted. "I'm still hungry, the nightmares get boring without something else."

02:25 — Sophia offers Anne her hand.

02:26 <Mizu> Mizu puts on her sunglasses. She has a feeling this is a wise course of action

02:31 <Anne> "You know what..." Anne grimaces and hops up on the railing, glaring down at the three 'gods'. "The three of you are fucking idiots. -Idiots-. There's half a dozen Lawgivers on this ship, Stewards. We're on a -battleship-. And you're really going to try dicking us over food you don't even need? You're Gods. Gods of Luna, right? We're here to -help-

02:31 <Anne> your boss. And you're dicking us around like we're middle management, like we're not in the chain of command."

02:31 <Anne> "News for you; we ARE the chain of command. It begins and ends with us. Creation-Ruling Mandate, bitches, and if this isn't Creation it sure as hell isn't Yu-Shan and that's the only place divine orders trump ours when it comes to people. So you've offered us a deal. Let me offer you one back."

02:31 <Anne> "Go get your boss, if you have one who isn't Luna. If you hurry, we won't tell them what dicks you've been. And if the only boss you have is Luna, fine, let us through to see her. Because if you don't, we're going to kick your asses, use your skin to make covers for the steering wheels of this ridiculously huge battleship and then we're going to charge

02:31 <Anne> Luna for rescuing her because her servants were dicks."

02:31 <Anne> "Don't embarrass your God more than you already have."

02:32 <Anne> "Get the fuck out of our faces now."

02:32 <Mizu> Mizu is glad she's wearing the sunglasses.

02:32 — Bian hides her smile.

02:33 — Sophia can't help looking at Anne with adoration, even though she is a little concerned that this grandiose display will backfire

02:33 <Bian> "I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who was thinking that."

02:34 <PaleST> The two looked shaken by the diatribe. The more friendly one actually blushed. "The nightmares are what you will need to look for." She stated, quaking. "Beware of them, for they will twist you surely as the Wyld would if you are caught within one." They took off.

02:35 <Mizu> Mizu waits until they appear to be out of earshot. "And here I was going to lean in and whisper things best left unspoken into there ears."

02:37 <Anne> "Like my drill sergeant always said; why whisper when you can shout."

02:38 <Anne> "I'd say the odds of seeing those three again are..." she dons her iron sunglasses once more, "Once in a blue moon."

02:38 <PaleST> Kosche giggled.

02:39 — Sophia puts her arms around Anne and groans, "you getting Wyld-induced eye cancer from not having those would almost be worth it to be rid of those terrible rim shots."

02:39 — Bian lifts her hand to her face.

02:39 <Sophia> "That was a nice speech, though," she adds and kisses Anne's neck.

02:39 <Mizu> "So, Arrow points to here. I guess it's up to us to tell the story of the Rescue and Healing of Luna." Mizu frowns a bit as she looks around. "... The moon had forests on it, or so the myth goes..." She muses as she just looks at the surroundings.

02:39 — Trina sulks.

02:39 <Trina> "Catch me playing guinea pig again..."

02:44 <Mizu> "Well, if nothing else, it's a lovely memory we walk through. Sadly we will need to go likely where it isn't so pretty to find what we seek, I'm betting."

02:44 <Anne> "Hey." Anne gives Trina a serious look, briefly kisses Sophia on the cheek in gratitude for her girlfriend's prior kiss, then steps up to the Twilight. "Sorry I didn't think of pulling rank before this. Thanks for taking one for the team. Bian says you'll be fine in a while, yeah? In the meantime, I won't forget what you were willing to do for us." She

02:44 <Anne> clasps the other woman's arm. "Seriously, much respect."

02:45 <Trina> "Mmph," says Trina, but she seems to relax somewhat.

02:45 <Mizu> "So, since we frightened off our chance at a guide... who wants to take first guess on direction to go?"

02:45 <PaleST> The water beckons-the source of the smell of blood.

02:46 <Anne> "...Yeah, sorry about that." Anne scratches the back of her neck and looks a bit apologetic.

02:46 <Anne> "They pissed me off!"

02:46 <Sophia> "Yeah, me too."

02:47 <Anne> "Maybe I'll offer them some prayers or something as an apology."

02:47 <Anne> "Gods dig prayers, right?"

02:47 <Mizu> "... Normal ones do." Mizu confirms.

02:47 — Sophia chuckles, "they do."

02:49 <Bian> "They don't deserve your prayers."

02:49 <Bian> "Parasites."

02:49 — Bian lets a breath out through her teeth, and then focuses on the task at hand.

02:49 <Bian> "The water, then?"

02:49 <Anne> "...you know, if I'd just offered them prayers, we could have avoided the argument and kept a guide."

02:50 <Anne> Anne sighs and points a finger at her head. "Exaltation: Helping smart people do stupid things faster and far more destructively."

02:51 <Mizu> Mizu sniffs.

02:52 <Mizu> "I ... think the problem solved itself." She walks over to the water, and pulls an arrow out of her quiver to poke it with. Notably, she uses the blunt end you usually knock the arrow with for this
22:47 <PaleST> The lake beckoned from the midst of the valley.

22:48 <PaleST> The Endings Sidereal looked towards the center. "What do you suppose this is?" She sounded mildly unnerved.

22:49 <Trina> "A lake?"

22:49 <Sophia> "Hopefully what we came here to find," Sophia says, holding Anne a little closer as the sheer magnitude of what they're doing starts to hit home, "hopefully not something that will kill us."

22:49 → Kalikit joined (uid40010@b3a12376.tooting.f7109e70.com.hmsk)

22:55 <Anne> "If anything sticks it's head out..." Anne hefts her Behemoth assault rifle in her arms. But even she's intimidated by the sheer scope of the task they're undertaking. "Anyone have eyes on what's ahead? If not, I'll take point if the rest of you can cover me."

23:02 <Sophia> "The Essence patterns look safe," Sophia says, "nurturing even."

23:02 <PaleST> The water laps up against the shore. A scent of silver and iron lays heavy on the air, heavier as they approach the water, silver and red mingled together.

23:03 <Anne> "...okay, I can't think of a delicate way to respond to a statement like that other than 'what the fuck does 'nurturing' mean for Essence patterns'?" Anne's smiling a bit but it's the incredulous kind, like she gets when technobabble goes over her head.

23:04 <Trina> "Probably means it's not going to eat us."

23:04 <Sophia> "Like the surroundings are better off for being near that particular lake than any old lake. And like anything that were to jump in would be better off than anything that didn't."

23:07 <PaleST> The silence is almost total, the sound of silvery laughter and weeping occasionally carried to them on the sound of the waves of the waters.

23:08 <Sophia> "If I were to guess at what Luna sounded like, that would be it. But I'm not sure my guesses are good for anything."

23:08 <Sophia> "Should we approach?" She asks.

23:08 <Trina> "Well, we can't just turn around and go back, can we?"

23:10 <Anne> Anne nods once, hefts her rifle and starts moving forward, trusting the rest of the Circle will follow in her wake.

23:10 <Sophia> "No," Sophia says, takes a breath and starts moving forward, sticking close to Anne.

23:11 <Anne> "Still have no clue how jumping into that would be better than not jumping in but whatever," the Zenith mutters. "Thank Morena I've got people who understand it with me."

23:12 <Trina> Trina grips her sword tightly, wishing her magic was of more use here.

23:12 — Sophia just slides her finger across the ring on her finger and keeps a close look on their surroundings.

23:13 <Trina> Shorter than the others, Trina does her best to keep up.

23:18 <Trina> "Aarrgh...give me a second."

23:19 → Mizu (was FIW) joined

23:20 <Anne> "If this goes sideways, I hope you all get your asses out of the way," Anne says, speaking for those behind her but not taking her eyes off the lake as they approach. "Especially you, Sunset."

23:21 <PaleST> The water is soothing when they enter-yet sadness. A brief vision assaults them. "Young women. You are on your own without me, now. I hope what I gave you will be enough." A face-silver haired, old, yet finding peace. Unfamiliar to all-but the voice was his-Jiji. "I rest at long last. It is done."

23:21 <PaleST> The vision is gone.

23:21 <PaleST> And so is Kejak Chejop.

23:22 — Sophia frowns slightly. Is the Essence patterns of the lake unchanged?

23:22 <Mizu> One among the the girls freezes, one just stares a moment, then slowly closes her eyes as she puts one foot infront of the other.

23:22 <PaleST> Unchanged.

23:24 <Anne> "Uh. Can I have a volunteer from the audience to explain what that was?"

23:24 — Sophia glances questioningly at Mizu.

23:25 <PaleST> Another dream. A woman pulling up a golden toy, a child with a blurred face. The woman is unfamiliar yet her manner reminds strongly of Anne. "You'll be strong one day, little girl. You'll be a good guardian some day. Where did that White Shield go? Hey, little brother!" The vision fades as the woman stands and looks to a man with rather curly hair. He turns

23:25 <PaleST> with a smile. Bran?

23:27 <Mizu> Mizu has tears on her face as she speaks in a calm tone. "keep moving." She says softly. "These... are dreams. Of possible things."

23:27 <Anne> "...To quote our erstwhile neo-Sun: 'What'."

23:27 — Sophia nods. "Visions of what may happen, might have happened, will happen, have happened."

23:28 <Sophia> "visions anyway. Not harmful, possibly enlightening, possibly true."

23:28 <Trina> "Not to take away from the deepness of all this, but...how deep is this lake? Are we going to have to swim?"

23:28 <Mizu> "Welcome to the dreams of an Incarnae. One who explores the possibilities. and hte impossibilities." Mizu wipes her eyes. "And I suspect it's just as deep as Luna wants it to be."

23:29 <Sophia> "Yeah, that. And if not, as deep as the Wyld wants it to."

23:29 <Trina> "Well, if it gets any deeper..." Trina mutters.

23:30 <Mizu> "Oh we're already over our heads in more ways then I really want to count."

23:31 <Mizu> "I just hope we're in time."

23:31 <Anne> "...Are we supposed to breathe this?"

23:31 <Trina> "Hang on, I want to try something." Trina stops wading and closes her eyes.

23:32 <PaleST> Another vision. Sophia and a grown up Roxy, who is dressed conservatively. Roxy holds the orb, Sophia the rod. Anne approaches them. "Hey, Sunset. Been a few weeks. How did the mission go?"

23:32 <PaleST> "Acceptably. They accepted defeat but there's still some bad feeling. Just have to wait for the next generation..."

23:32 — Sophia glances at Anne, "do I sound like that?"

23:33 <Anne> Anne's just grinning. Then she blinks in surprise at the question. "Sound like what?"

23:34 <Trina> Trina is chanting as light rises around her, tinting the water rose and gold:

23:34 <Sophia> "Like..." She frowns slightly, "nevermind."

23:34 <Trina> "Madraí de Sí , éist le mo focail ! Madraí de na gaotha , éist le mo theanga ! Seas os mo mar aon ní amháin agus a sheirbheáil liom go dtí mbeidh idir an ghaoth tú ar shiúl arís!"

23:34 <PaleST> Light fills the water, little fairy lights rising from the water.

23:35 <Mizu> Mizu, for her part, closes her eyes, and listens.

23:36 <Anne> "That Roxy, though, wowzers."

23:37 — Sophia chuckles, "don't tell her that."

23:37 <Sophia> "Well, not yet anyway."

23:37 <PaleST> The lights take shape as eager puppies, more outlines of light around breezes who bound around Trina, yipping enthusiastically.

23:37 <PaleST> One licks her, she feels essence return to her.

23:37 <Mizu> Mizu once again starts forward, her eyes still closed, tilting her head this way, and that, as she listens.

23:38 <Anne> "What language was that? What's with the, er, puppies?"

23:38 <Trina> "Ahhh..."

23:38 <PaleST> They wag their tails, awaiting orders.

23:39 <Trina> "It was supposed to be one large one." Trina rubs her face.

23:40 <Trina> "No free rides. I get the message." Trina glares balefully at the puppies. "I hope you all can doggie-paddle. You'll have to keep up."

23:40 <Sophia> "I'm not exactly sure what they're good for."

23:40 <PaleST> The dogs float on the wind, walking forward.

23:40 <PaleST> Yip yip!

23:40 <PaleST> They're walking towards the voice.

23:41 <PaleST> One stays with the group and whines in fear.

23:41 <PaleST> A bubble of sorts wafts to them.

23:41 <Trina> "Like I said, it was supposed to be a wolfhound the size of a horse--what's this, then?"

23:42 <PaleST> The puppies who ran forward avoid it.

23:42 <Sophia> "Something that may tell us if this lake is as pleasant as we think it is."

23:43 <Trina> "Oh-oh. So you are good for something, after all."

23:44 <Mizu> "... Kosche? Do you have a prescription for horrible nightmares?" Mizu's still not opened her eyes... but she has dug out her folded up bow.

23:45 <PaleST> "I... wake up."

23:46 <Mizu> Mizu nods as she opens her eyes, staring at the floating bubble. "Then I guess we need to pop that thing before it festers further."

23:47 <Trina> Trina lifts her sword. "Sophia? What do you see there?"

23:47 <PaleST> It's gaining speed~!

23:49 <Sophia> "Wyld-energies. Other than that, the puppies we all see."

23:50 <Trina> "SANDSTORM-WIND ATTACK" Trina yells, as though she's on one of those dumb anime shows or something.

23:50 <Mizu> Mizu knocks an arrow. "Dreams and nightmares" She lets the arrow fly towards the bubble that is now rushing towards them. "And a voice calling out fuzzily ahead."

23:50 <PaleST> The bubble pops.

23:51 <Trina> Trina lowers her sword, blushing a little.

23:51 <PaleST> Laughter on the breeze. Affectionate laughter. Trina feels... as if someone approves?

23:52 — Sophia chuckles, "better safe than sorry, Trina."

23:52 <Mizu> Mizu lowers her bow, then shakes her head. "We've many more stories to go, I think, to get the center of what needs fixing here."

23:53 <Anne> "Uh, I have no idea what just happened."

23:53 <Anne> "Other than we go forward."

23:53 <Sophia> "Forward," Sophia agrees.

23:55 <PaleST> The wave of water hits them and there is a vision of Yukiko and Morena, shaking hands awkwardly. "Uh. So. Are you really...?"

23:55 <PaleST> "Yeah. Him and Bran."

23:55 <PaleST> "What."

23:55 <PaleST> "Yeah."

23:56 <Sophia> "Well, that certainly seemed realistic."

23:56 <PaleST> They see three more bubbles coming out at random angles.

23:58 <Anne> "Any guesses if I can just shoot them?"

23:58 <Sophia> "I don't think it'd do much. It'd be impolite if Luna's in there, though."

23:58 <PaleST> They'll have to move fast to avoid or destroy them!

23:59 <Trina> This time, Trina doesn't bother calling her attack. A lance of glowing energy erupts from the tip of her sword and arcs towards the closest one.

23:59 <Mizu> Mizu knocks an arrow. "Given I already shot one? I think you are safe to do so." Mizu takes the second closest and fires.

23:59 <Sophia> "Ah. Right. Sorry."

00:00 <Anne> Anne shrugs and shoots the third with her rifle.

00:00 <Anne> "I've got like 10 clips, girls and girls. You might want to save your ammo."

00:01 <Trina> "Yeah, but how fast can you shoot multiple targets?"

00:01 <Sophia> "Why *are* we shooting them?"

00:03 <Mizu> "... Boiling nightmares. Would -you- like to find out if you can survive them?"

00:03 <Mizu> Mizu once again starts forward.

00:03 <Sophia> "I'm actually rather sure I could. But I have zero need to test it."

00:03 <Trina> "Plus, the puppies don't seem to like them. Granted, puppy intelligence is not Mensa level, but..."

00:04 <Sophia> "We'll trust the puppies."

00:10 <Mizu> "Agreed. But we should also keep moving. The sooner we're to Luna, the sooner we'll be done with these bubbles."

00:11 <Anne> "So, shoot on sight. Check."

00:11 — Sophia nods. "And moving forward."

00:31 <PaleST> Three waves come and splash them. A terrifying visage of a... force of nature. The form that rises from the center of the impossibility is a body of crystal, dancing with five maidens, Morena in full glory as Unconquered Sun, a changing form who looks bemused and a little girl standing beside Mizu with green eyes. The little girl looks at them. "You'll find

00:31 <PaleST> me, won't you mamas?" Mizu kneels, looking distracted. "Tomo, who are you talking to?" "Nobody now, mama Mizu." She looks like she realizes something and turns to them. "Stop destroying the bubbles, they're-" It cuts out.

00:32 <Mizu> Mizu has -her- turn to look disoriented.

00:32 <Sophia> "I say we trust this new vision and stop shooting bubbles."

00:33 <Trina> "All right--who's volunteering to be the first one hit with one?"

00:33 <PaleST> Second wave. Anne and someone else she knows very well getting their hair done. "You're sure you can deal with being called a greenie, Anna-bell?" The woman asked. "You know I'll miss you if you get sent off south again."

00:33 <PaleST> "We'll see each other again."

00:33 <PaleST> A promise unkept.

00:35 <Sophia> "I will," Sophia says. She takes hold of Anne's shoulder, gives it a squeeze and steps forward towards the lake.

00:36 <Anne> Yeah, that second vision causes the Zenith to take a visible step backwards, her face briefly contorting with pain. Then she firms her stance, reaches behind and squeezes Sophia's hand. Then she heads straight in.

00:38 <PaleST> Third wave. "I wish I knew what to say to make her happy." An older woman looks down at perfectly manicured nails. "We let her have room, anything she could ever want. Am I doing something wrong? Does she hate me?" Tears are coming down her face.

00:38 <PaleST> "No, she doesn't hate you-all teenagers want to rebel and she has to find her own way. We just have to trust that she'll make the right choices. And then she'll see the gifts that aren't money." The man wipes the tears from Sophia's mother's face. "And know that we love her very much. You risked so much to carry her to term."

00:38 <PaleST> "Maybe if I weren't-

00:38 <PaleST> "Shhh. That's not your fault. Let's get you cleaned up. I'm sure she'll keep making us proud."

00:39 — Sophia is quite happy that no one can see the mix of emotions running across her face, but her stopping and shivering is quite noticeable.

00:40 <Sophia> A moment later, she steps forward again.

00:41 <Anne> "We're almost there, Sunset," Anne murmurs, sounding sympathetic and sad at the same time.

00:43 <Sophia> /me nods, but keeps going forward.

00:44 <PaleST> That is nine bubbles. Time to hustle!

00:45 <PaleST> They can see a silvery form. Almost there indeed!

00:46 <Mizu> "Better run."

00:46 <Sophia> "Run where?"

00:47 <Mizu> Mizu points towards the silvery form even as she starts doing her best to run in the water.

00:47 <Anne> "There." Anne once more takes Sophia's hand and follows after Mizu.

00:48 — Sophia walks at a more somber speed.

01:03 <PaleST> The bubbles gain.... almost all of them get out of the way-except Mizu. She gets caught in the way and swept along a few feet... (pause here!)

01:25 <PaleST> ...but only a few fight, Kosche and Mizu seen together, Kosche pulling a knocked back Mizu from the water. A sword is in Mizu's hands.

01:26 <PaleST> *only a few moments past,...

01:26 — Mizu coughs and sputters.

01:26 <PaleST> "You know what the Wyld is, right?" Kosche asks in a soft voice.

01:27 <Mizu> And looks paler then one should from just hitting water. "I know a lot of answers to that question." She stares at the sword she's still holding. There's tears in her eyes. -again-.

01:28 <Sophia> "What happened, Mizu?"

01:30 <Mizu> Mizu lifts up the sword quietly, staring at it. "I think... I think I just stepped backwards and forwards in time, without changing space." She points the blade forward once more.

01:31 <Mizu> Mizu then looks forward. "... But now... the way forward will open."

01:31 — Sophia nods, "time and space are separate, it wouldn't be unreasonable."

01:31 <Sophia> "And this is the Wyld after all."

01:31 <Mizu> "... I'll... talk more on what I saw, later. This is not the time nor place."

01:31 <Sophia> "Of course."

01:31 <Mizu> The sparkles in Mizu's eyes swirl even as the tears continue. She isn't sobbing, but she's crying alright.

01:32 <Trina> "If she's all right, can we keep going?"

01:32 — Sophia looks at Trina with a frown, "that those truculee talking?"

01:34 <Mizu> "... I'll be fine. The sooner we're out of the Wyld, the happier I'll be. There's... somewhere else we need to be just as much as here. And a place I need to visit soon."

01:34 <Trina> "What is that supposed to mean?" says Trina impatiently. "It's wet, it's weird, I've been attacked by boiling nightmares and licked by puppies. The sooner we get home, the better."

01:34 <Sophia> "Forward, then." Sophia says and reaches out to take Anne's hand."

01:34 <Sophia> "You're being rude to Mizu, and when I'm noticing, it's gotta be bad."

01:35 <Anne> "Well, when you put it -that- way," Anne says, chuckling at Trina's discontent. Though it could be the forced humor is more of a way to cope with her uncertainty in how to comfort Mizu.

01:35 <PaleST> They come upon the figure and one last bubble erupts, engulfing them all. In a moment-they no longer see themselves where they were. The doctor-goddess was beside them, looking around in great confusion. She's dressed in a sarong, detached sleeves with streams of blue and purple swirling down to the wrists. A young woman lays on a bed before them, sweating

01:35 <PaleST> in fever, and severely wounded. She's bleeding and she seems to be fading. "You came just in time. Are you sure you want to rescue a monster? A nightmare on the living world?"

01:35 <PaleST> She points at Trina. "What is it that drives you, bitten heart?"

01:36 <PaleST> "Whose agate lamp?"

01:36 <Sophia> "She's not a nightmare. Not really," Sophia says. "At least I really hope not."

01:36 <Trina> She appears taken aback for a moment, then confused, as if she's a having a hard time remembering the answer.

01:38 <Trina> Finally she says, "Creation. Both the place and the act."

01:38 <Trina> Her tone is precise, not passionate.

01:39 <Trina> A simple definition.

01:39 <PaleST> "Who helps you create?"

01:40 <Trina> "What I see and hear. Other Exalted. The Sun who Exalted me. And Amalion. Her most of all."

01:41 <Trina> There is still that curious quality of detachment in her voice, like a scientist doing a chemical analysis.

01:43 <PaleST> "She who loves you beyond reason." She lays back. "She... who loves you madly. You lost a part of that. Have a bit of mine." A softly glowing will o'the wisp rises. A puppy! It tackles her and starts licking, ticklish. And as that puppy's exuberance shows-a bit of warmth returns to her heart-and warms further, returning compassion-two dots of it.

01:43 <PaleST> The health goddess fussed and began treating her wounds. "We almost came too late." She spoke softly.

01:44 <PaleST> Kosche began assisting the goddess as well in the treatment, stabilizing the Incarnae.

01:44 — Sophia steps up to help as well

01:44 <Trina> Trina gasps as the puppy licks her.

01:44 <Trina> And then, perhaps not altogether unexpectedly, she starts to cry.

01:45 <Mizu> Mizu pats Trina's shoulder with her free hand.

01:45 <Trina> "I'm OK. I'm OK." Trina hugs the puppy.

01:46 <PaleST> The puppie whines and lays in her arms with a puppy smile and a wagging tail.

01:48 <Anne> "...To quote Morena again: What?"

01:49 <Mizu> "let the medicine people do medicine." Mizu says softly. "And I think someone's getting what was fed restored." Mizu sighs softly. "Soon, we'll be ready to step through the gates of the night... and with luck, step foot on the Silver Seat.

01:52 <PaleST> They are finally-at last-able to, as a trio apply the fulcrum's power. When they are done, there are no wounds. But the woman they heal smiles strangely and colors that should not be swirl in her eyes. "I think... we should get her to Creation pronto." Kosche said softly.

01:53 <Mizu> "That... would seem wise." Mizu looks about for, well, a door. Any door. And when she finds it she does something that likely looks silly: She stabs the lock and turns the blade.

01:53 <Sophia> "Since that'd be the end of her exile in the Wyld, I'll trust your judgement on this."

01:54 <PaleST> Kosche helps Luna up-she's stronger than she looks. "Anne, help me get her through this door?"

01:55 <Anne> Anne gamely swings her rifle back onto her back and uses both arms to help the sickly Incarna up alongside Kosche.

01:56 <PaleST> The woman laughed-silvery laughter that sent chills down spines and maybe made hair tinted different colors.

01:56 <Anne> "You okay th-whoa." She gets one look in Luna's eyes and blinks several times. "I'm pretty sure I haven't had any MDMA today..."

01:56 <Mizu> Mizu gives the door a shove... did her hair just turn greenish?

02:08 <Anne> "...I -just- dyed my hair back to its normal color, damnit!"

02:08 <Sophia> "Take the chance to try something new," Sophia says sounding distinctly amused as she plants a kiss on Anne's cheek.

02:08 <PaleST> The door opens to a new area. In they go!

02:10 <Mizu> Mizu tumbles on through... and makes a mental note to ask for something soon as they are somewhere reasonably sane enough to possibly find one.

02:11 <PaleST> They go from a lake to a rain forest. At first, all seems mostly dark. Three forms follow them through the door before it slams shut. Two of them take off in a terror. "I'll go find the ladder!" The third one stated and flew off.

02:13 <Mizu> "Did... did we just go from the deep Wyld to Creation in a single door?"

02:13 — Sophia looks around, trying to get a grip of the look of the Essence here.

02:14 <PaleST> It's a mercurial but not too disordered sort. It's not wyld but wyld-tinged. Just not to a dangerous degree.

02:14 <Sophia> "Not Creation proper," Sophia says, "maybe the Bordermarches. Maybe the Moon."

02:15 <Anne> "We're on the moon?"

02:15 <Anne> "Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!"

02:15 <Mizu> "um. I'm pretty sure we are, somehow." Mizu just stands up and stares a moment at the surroundings. then notices her bangs had changed colors. She looks over to the LUna that was helped through the doorway a moment.

02:16 <PaleST> She stands on unsteady feat. Now a he. Now... Luna's proving why they're called the Changing Maiden.

02:17 <PaleST> Luna looks down. "I'm home." Looks up. "I have to go to my castle. To summon them here."

02:17 <Trina> Trina follows, still cuddling the puppy. She looks around wide-eyed and openmouthed.

02:17 <Sophia> "Summon whom?"

02:17 <Mizu> "You... may wish to gather your strength first. I'm afraid we were not able to give you the fanfare such an arrival deserves for a reason."

02:18 <PaleST> She stumbled forward. "I don't need to be strong. I can sit in my chair and verbally invite them to their guest towers."

02:19 <Mizu> Mizu blinks as she realizes -who- she means.

02:19 <PaleST> Luna seemed to be growing stronger as she walked, the longer she was on the moon. Walking more steadily.

02:20 <Mizu> "... I'm really wishing I'd asked the old man about what was going on up here more firmly..." She sighs before taking up a spot a few steps back from the Argent hunter.

02:20 <Anne> "This is good, right?" Anne whispers to Sophia, hoping for confirmation.

02:21 <Sophia> "I think so. It's a show of strength from Luna, which is what we hoped for."

02:22 <Mizu> Mizu looks over her shoulder a moment, then smiles. "Depends on your defention of good. We are about to see, I think, a very, very upset set of fools back on the ground, one way or another."

02:23 <PaleST> The Silver Huntress led them down a pass. A man in silver dropped down and watched them wordlessly, eyes that of purely a hunter. He grasps Luna's hand and kisses that hand with a bow before leaping up. Seventy feet. He lands on a branch.

02:23 <Trina> "Wow."

02:24 <Mizu> "... Kosche? I have an answer, finally, to a question once asked." Mizu says softly.

02:24 <Sophia> "Yeah." Sophia says, taking a moment to look around again. "This is actually pretty amazing."

02:25 <PaleST> "The Silver Archer of the Pass. He was impatient. He usually stalks me." Luna stated in a state of further calm. More lively. There's laughter in her voice now.

02:25 <PaleST> "What question is that?" The gentle Gardener asked.

02:26 <Mizu> Mizu looks at her bangs which, surprisingly, are actually becoming more brown-tinged green then green-tinged brown. "... One asked in private. About what we were, and where we were. I think I have the answer, But um, I'm not sure how to say it without potentially causing you some severe upset.

02:27 <PaleST> "I don't think it will be more upsetting than my mother asking if I need anything and not knowing who I was." She stated evenly.

02:28 <Mizu> Mizu closes her eyes. "I think I can explain the why of that now. I ... think we're adopted. Both of us. And cousins at that."

02:29 <Mizu> Mizu shakes her head, then hurries up some to keep up with the others.

02:30 <Mizu> "It also explains something else." Mizu states with a dry tone that hints at some amusement.

02:31 <PaleST> Kosche takes some time to ponder this as they walk, coming along a... well, it's certainly a citadel, made of the stone around them, with silver gleaming in the stone and multiple colors-pink, blue, purple. Soft night colors. Roxy sticks to Sophia's side, making quiet distressed monkey sounds.

02:32 — Sophia reaches out to offer Roxy a hand and turns her head towards the shorter girl, "what's uP?"

02:32 <PaleST> "I never thought I'd be on the moon-all that stone, it's included with moonsilver."

02:33 <Mizu> "... The Trucelee mistook me for someone I'm not. At first I thought it was for one reason. Now? Now I think itmight be a different one..."

02:33 <Sophia> "I never really thought I would be either. How can you tell there's moonsilver? Not that that should really be that much of a surprise. What with the name and all."

02:34 <PaleST> She points out the glimmers. "That's also seeping." Indeed, it seemed to be very slowly seeping through the stone.

02:35 <Mizu> "... someone remind me, is raw moonsilver dangerous?"

02:36 <Sophia> "Right." Sophia says, noting the moonsilver, "and no, not particularly. Unless you do something silly like ingest it."

02:37 — Trina looks at the moonsilver with interest. "So that's moonsilver. It *looks* like it would be easier to work with then regular silver...

02:37 <PaleST> The come into a courtyard and a large throne. Five towers are apparent and Luna takes a seat on the throne. "Welcome." They waved their hands. "To the Silver Chair."

02:37 <Trina> "...but that would be an illusion, wouldn't it?"

02:38 <PaleST> "No, its natural form is liquid." The Argent Madonna stated with a smile. "It would please me to see things done with it."

02:38 <PaleST> "It's both liquid and solid. Depending on the treatment."

02:39 <PaleST> The goddess looked up in the sky. "He's still trapped." She sounded sad.

02:39 <Mizu> Mizu pauses, then bows towards Luna, politely. "Thank you." She pauses again as she looks about, then again notices her hair as it drifts across her field of vision. "... Remind me to find some hair dye until that goes back to normal. Assuming it will." She mildly remarks.

02:39 <Trina> "Oh, I would like to do many things with it!" says Trina excitedly. "Er...I mean, your Majesty."

02:40 <Mizu> Mizu just looks to Luna at that sound in her voice, then bows her head with the look of one who knows they have not -quite- measured up

02:45 <Anne> "Who's still trapped? The Sun?"

02:57 <PaleST> "Yes. The oaths are on my father. He cannot escape while he is the sun."

02:57 <Sophia> "That why things are moving so quickly for getting Morena to be the Sun?"

03:00 <PaleST> She looks a bit confused a moment. "I do not know this name. The Heir is nearly whole, yes."

03:00 <PaleST> "But then she will be a Solar no more."

03:00 <Anne> "Right. She'll be the new Sun."

03:00 <Anne> "...Wait, what happens to the old Sun when that happens?"

03:01 <PaleST> She smiles. "He will not be the sun any longer."

03:02 <Mizu> Mizu shakes her head. "A new day will dawn. The question only remains, what will it dawn over?"

03:07 <PaleST> She holds out her hands. "Mercury, Maiden of Journeys." She names off the constellations of the Golden Barque. "Venus, Maiden of Serenity." She names off the constellations of the Cerulean Lute. "Mars, Maiden of War." She names off each constellation. "Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets." She named each one-but as she did so, Mizu's chest and castemark glowed bright

03:07 <PaleST> green, her anima flaring strongly. And then Mizu knew shadow-and the rest saw her vanish. "Saturn, Maiden of Endings." She named the constellations and identical happened to Kosche. Each of the towers glowed-almost burned-with the light of the relevant maiden, the ground underneath them illuminated-they were on a great disc of the five jades. "Gaia, Mother

03:07 <PaleST> of 10,000 Dragons." The disc slowly lit up-and in the center where none stood-a form slowly took on definition until a matronly woman of brown-red hair and green eyes was there...

03:08 <PaleST> Elsewhere, Mizu felt hands on her shoulder. When light came, there stood Jupiter.

03:08 <PaleST> She wiped a hand over one cheek than the other.

03:09 <PaleST> "Do you understand now?"

03:11 <Trina> ..."Where are Mizu and Kosche?"

03:12 <Mizu> Mizu just smiles. "Welcome back." Mizu just laughs a little. "And I am allowed to say 'no' because I understand only some of it."

03:14 <Sophia> "With their respective Maidens?" Sophia asks, trying not to be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of Essence visible to her.

03:15 <PaleST> "You are, yes. You're not like others. Nor is Kosche. That is for a reason. As was the tragedy of your last life. Let us meet your comrades." She smiled brightly.

03:16 <Mizu> "... one question before that, if I may?" Mizu has a glimmer of amusement in her eyes. "Is my hair color new, or old?"

03:17 <PaleST> "Original." She answered and kissed her caste mark. "He wanted to protect you, your guardian. He never saw until the end the truth of his life."

03:18 <Mizu> "... I see." Mizu closes her eyes. "... Then let's go, there's a lot left to do. And not much time left to do it all in."

03:18 <PaleST> "The rest is up to you and yours."

03:19 <PaleST> The Maidens descended their towers and stepped out, free at last under the stars. Each was accompanied by a very confused young woman (in one case, a young man). Three of them embraced that other and they vanished.

03:21 <PaleST> The Maidens stepped forward to the Changing Maiden. "Queen of Heaven." They all bowed as one.

03:21 <PaleST> "Hush. That goes to most of you soon. I'm not fit anymore. I never was. I'll be the Nightmare Queen." Luna actually laughed joyously.

03:21 <PaleST> Saturn and Kosche looked remarkably alike, hair aside.

03:24 — Sophia smiles at Kosche.

03:24 <Mizu> Mizu quietly walks over, and gives Kosche a hug.

03:26 <PaleST> Kosche hugs back, shoulders shaking.

03:27 <PaleST> Luna chuckles.

03:30 <Mizu> Mizu then takes a step back, then quietly smiles to Saturn as well. "... I... fear I will need to ask favors soon for one thing I've never been the one to perform before." Mizu's voice quavers.

03:31 Kalikit → Morena

03:31 <PaleST> "What is that, dear?" The voice is similar enough to be rather surreal. Deeper. Still a gentle yet resonant voice.

03:31 <Morena> The Zenith blinks at the... Whatever that has approached her.

03:32 — Yukiko looks up from where she was bathing... "Don't you people ever knock?" she asks, waving a hand to conjure clothing from elsewhere. "Well alright then. Lead on, spirit."

03:33 <PaleST> Two men appear beside Luna. One is dressed entirely in gold, the other in five colors, with various signs. Both look very proud and happy to be there. One holds an excellent sword. The other has no arms but wears light armor. The truculee who fed on Trina tipped over and went kersplat on her face with a sigh of true exhaustion.

03:34 <Mizu> "... Adoptive he might be. but final rites for my old man." Mizu states softly, as she bows her head, and finally, lets the tears come.

03:34 <PaleST> "Please, please follow!" Said the truculee to Morena. "I have to lead you to your subjects!"

03:34 <PaleST> "This way, this way!" The other said to Yukiko, leading both to... a latter into the sky?

03:34 <Yukiko> With a shrug, she begins climbing the ladder.

03:35 <Morena> Morena looks up at the ladder, brushing her hair out of her face. "...I'm not even going to ask." And then climbs!

03:36 <PaleST> "I will assist you, Mokusei Mizu." The Maiden spoke.

03:36 <PaleST> They make surprising time and find gravity flipping halfway through.

03:38 <Mizu> Mizu simply nods her thanks as she is not in a state for words, even though she manages to not slump over.

03:41 <PaleST> Upon arrival, Yukiko and Morena are both shown to the courtyard where the women await them. The Maidens all bow and Luna grins and nods at her cheekily.

03:41 <PaleST> "Come close, heir of the sun."

03:42 <Morena> "...That's me." Morena steps close to the gathering of women.

03:43 — Sophia looks at the proceedings with rapt attention.

03:43 <Sophia> Her hand reaches out to Anne and holds her tightly.

03:44 <PaleST> The health goddess turns the coat into the disc. The man clothed in gold, stepping forward. "Do you swear to uphold the four fulcrums of excellence-bravery, kindness, moderation and dedication?" He asked.

03:45 <Trina> Trina watches, memorizing every detail. Someday, she will paint this scene huge on the wall of the world.

03:45 — Anne squeezes Sophia's hand tightly and tries to be cool. She fails entirely.

03:46 — Sophia leans close and whispers in Anne's ear, "it's OK to be impressed."

03:48 <Yukiko> "Whoa now. Who's the heir of the sun?" she asks, brow furrowing slightly. She looks confused... Confused, hurt, and a little... well... more confused. Seems like things are happening rather quickly. She looks less impressed and more... worried. As strong as she might be, it seems that everyone is attracting the attention of the Great Powers. And she's...

03:48 <Yukiko> just the messenger. But she squares her shoulders, taking pride in what she did. She still has a place amongst them for now.

03:49 <Morena> Not being good at these whole formal affairs, Morena merely nods. "I swear it."

03:50 <PaleST> "Will you rule Heaven to the best of your abilities and face its challenges to the best your strength can carry you?" The other man asked. "And to do well by those who rally under you?"

03:52 <Morena> "Yes, I will." Morena replies, this time with much more confidence.

03:56 <Mizu> Mizu remains silent, watching, and remembering. After all, there will be few things bigger then this to be added to the collections of secrets of the long night.

04:01 <PaleST> The fulcrums float into their proper slots, the sword becoming a token as well, the necklace around her neck glowing. "Morena, Chosen of the Sun-you are Chosen no longer. You are the Unconquered Sun, Queen of Heaven, heir to the Allfather. We, the hands of power crown thee and grant you that power-the hand of given might, the hand of inherited might-both are

04:01 <PaleST> the same with you and as in days of old, so do we still serve Sol Invictus!"

04:01 <PaleST> That necklace changed into a torc, her body and nature changing, too bright to behold by the Chosen. It was simply too beautiful to behold. Morena felt these changes-her soul itself reorganizing, her physical body dissolving-and when it was done, she knew exactly who she was. Why she had been chosen-and could feel a second pair of arms and hands, each of her

04:01 <PaleST> hands holding the true forms of the fulcrums. And the lightshow died down. Morena was The Sun. The Unconquered Sun-and yet... she still was Morena, too.

04:01 <PaleST> "I am Ouranos. The harvester. I have come to bid you well, my chosen daughter." Came a voice familiar. He looked much the same-yet not. Lessened, yet still great. A youth in a laborer's clothing. He went to Yuriko, sharing a brief kiss to her. "And this is to be my intended, now. A woman of two worlds and a love for each of them." He looked to Morena. "Enjoy

04:01 <PaleST> your own."

04:01 <PaleST> Luna held Gaia's hand. "I'm happy enough with my own lover." Giggle.

04:02 <PaleST> *necklace changed into a crown

04:04 — Sophia leans close to Anne again and whispers with a smile, "we've come some way from Jiji's kitchen, but everyone's still hooking up left and right."

04:04 <Morena> Morena, no, the Sun, looks down at her new arms. "Nice, very nice."

04:06 <PaleST> Morena could sense that she was more spirit than body, now and that she could discorporate at will and become flesh once more. Among many other things. Kosche ran up to her and hugged her.

04:06 <Anne> "If your definition of hooking up is gaining unimaginable cosmic power and extra arms." She tilts her head. "Gotta say, four arms opens up some -interesting- possibilities..."

04:07 — Sophia chuckles softly, "we can work on that if you'd like."

04:08 — Trina smiles. She already has the best one, she thinks.

04:12 <Morena> Oh, hey, Morena has four arms to hug Kosche with now! So she does. "Hey there, Kosche."

04:12 <Mizu> Mizu just shakes her head a little, at her friends. Then she looks to the newcomer, and tilts her head. She walks over towards Yukiko calmly. "I.. am afraid I missed your name, but welcome.

04:13 <Yukiko> "Yukiko Amagi. My family owns a small inn in Meruvia."

04:16 <Mizu> "Mizu. Welcome to the Silver Seat... and what is promising to be a most interesting dawning of a new day." Mizu offers her hand. "Come, come."

04:18 — Anne starts up a round of applause for the newly-minted Sun.

04:18 <PaleST> "I am Lytek, the Right Hand of Power, god of Exalted Might." "I am Parad, the Left Hand of power, god of Inherited Might." Both bow. "We are at your command, your excellency!"

04:18 — Sophia walks up to Morena while joining the applause. "Congratulations. I think."

04:19 <PaleST> Lytek points to Anne and Yukiko. "Come here, young ladies."

04:20 <Morena> "Uhhhh, thanks, everyone." Morena rubs the back of her neck with her upper right arm while her other three arms hold Kosche.

04:20 <PaleST> Kosche plants kisses on Morena and brushes hair from the new goddess's face.

04:21 — Yukiko blinks at that, and walks to Lytek dubiously. She's got a bit of a wild look in her eye, as if she can't process what just happened. The normally calm, controlled Yukiko is a little out of her element.

04:22 <Anne> In like fashion, Anne approaches. She's still trying for her calm, cool, collected look. It's only partially effective.

04:23 <PaleST> Ouranos follows Yukiko, placing a hand on her shoulder. Bran and Amalion are brought, escorted by the truculee, Both look very confused. Bran is brought to Yuriko, his back patted a tad hard in comradery by Ouranos. "First is the matter of those two. Please forgive those who have asked forgiveness." Both kneel to Morena humbly without even questioning it.

04:24 <PaleST> It was now up to Morena.

04:24 <Morena> She looks at both with confusion. "I... Forgive you...?"

04:25 <Trina> "Oh please, please," whispers Trina, unaware she is whispering aloud.

04:26 <PaleST> Black energy seemed to lift from them-once enemies of Creation, now enemies no more. Amalion went to Trina and picked her up, spinning them both around in joy. Bran looks like he has a load off his shoulders.

04:26 <Trina> Trina laughs joyously, but tears are falling from her eyes too.

04:27 <Anne> "High five, motherfucker!" Anne raises a hand for a handslap with Bran.

04:27 — Sophia looks happily at the various displays.

04:27 <Sophia> "Good start," she tells Morena.

04:27 <PaleST> An embrace. "Cat, oh my Cat. My beloved spouse. We cannot be ever parted now." The former demon ran a cool marble hand through Trina's hair.

04:27 <PaleST> Bran highfived Anne and laughed hugging her. "Twerp. But my big sister twerp."

04:29 <Trina> "Never," vows Trina through her tears. "Not till the last star loses its light forever, and not even then. I swear it."

04:29 <PaleST> "Anne Cavenaugh, Yukiko Amagi. Please approach and Amagi-o-sama, please produce the Crown of Thunders."

04:30 <PaleST> That was from Parad.

04:30 — Yukiko knew this was coming. Reaching deep into herself, she draws out the crown. It floats in her hands as she presents it. It was once hers. Or her past self's. Now it's time to be diminished, and pass on into the west. Wait. Wrong series. Now it's time to crown the true king of Gon... Of creation.

04:31 <Anne> Anne approaches, frowning ever so slightly. This felt so familiar for some reason...

04:32 — Sophia watches Anne with amusement and adoration.

04:34 — Yukiko clears her throat. "As one Age passes into another, so too does the crown pass down the line of rulership. May the crowned queen rule wisely and well, with peace and understanding. In the first age, a warrior was needed. Now, a woman of peace and wisdom."

04:35 <Anne> "...do you -know- who you're cr-oh fuck it." She just shuts her mouth, bows her head and tries not to feel completely overwhelmed.

04:36 <PaleST> Lytek and Parad held the crown, pulling it... apart? One was clear crystal and gold, the other of an opalesque tone and gold. "Both of you please kneel. The world before fell with a single queen. One person alone cannot be entrusted with Creation-thus. We have decided to render the Crown of Thunders into the Crown of Isis and the Crown of Demeter. Rule

04:36 <PaleST> wisely together, checking one another's power and heart. The Queen of Creation." The opal crown was placed on Yukiko's head. "The High Queen of Creation." The clear crystal crown was placed on Anne's head. "Rule well and know that these crowns are but symbols of a gift given in gratitude and thankfulness by Heaven. Use them wisely and responsibly."

04:37 — Yukiko whispers. "Just play along." she says, "It's pomp and ceremony. The critics gobble that stuff up." she says, before placing the crown on Anne's head. "Hereby do I, Yukiko Amagi, once-Queen Merela, relinquish the Crown Of Thunders to my heir, Anne." she says, before it's promptly pulled apart, her brain breaking a little.

04:37 <PaleST> Both gods kneel. "Hail to the queens of Heaven and Earth!"

04:38 <PaleST> "Hail to their consorts, the Consort Queen Sophia! The Consort Princes Bran and Ouranos!"

04:38 <PaleST> Bran was open mouthed in shock.

04:38 — Sophia suppressed a laugh and merely smiles.

04:39 <PaleST> "Holy shit, I hit on a queen. Holy shit I did that to two queens."

04:39 <PaleST> Bran seemed to be in shock.

04:39 Morena → Unconquered

04:39 <Anne> Anne eyes the Gods a bit mistrustfully, still expecting someone to leap out from behind a curtain and admit this is all a joke. Then she trades looks with Yukiko and says "Yeah, well, I hope you have a clue what to do because I'm pulling this out of my ass."

04:39 Unconquered → UnconqeredSun

04:40 <Sophia> "Don't worry too much about it, they seem like good people."

04:40 — Sophia says to Bran

04:40 <UnconqeredSun> The former Zenith claps for the new Queens and consorts.

04:40 UnconqeredSun → Conky

04:42 — Yukiko 's eyebrow twitches a little. "I'm not worthy." she says, clearing her throat. "Neither is it my place. My past self and I relinquished our right to rule." she says, looking to the others and stepping back from the crown a little.

04:43 <PaleST> "It is precisely why Anne was set over you-but you are still a queen until you find one more worthy." Lytek placed a hand on Yukiko's shoulders. "You are a different person than Merela."

04:44 <Conky> The artist formerly known as Morena thinks about how awesome having four arms is... But also how hard it will be to find clothes.

04:44 — Yukiko gestures at Mizu, Sophia, Trina... Even Bran. "Any of them would be far more worthy." she says.

04:44 <PaleST> Morena will have gleeful tailors.

04:45 <Trina> Trina shakes her head, smiling, and nestles closer to Amalion.

04:45 <Trina> She already has her crown.

04:45 <Mizu> Mizu raises an eyebrow. "If your previous self makes you unworthy, then I am, by far, more unworthy. Wear it well, m'lady."

04:46 <Conky> "Sophia is too close to Anne to work as a check and balance." Morena adds in. "Mizu has other duties and... Trina doesn't want to."

04:46 <Anne> "Well, thank Morena I don't have to do this alone." Anne looks genuinely relieved there's more than just her on the hook.

04:46 — Yukiko shrugs and tucks the crown away for safekeeping. "Our... My... her... time has long passed." she says with a shrug. "I have no desire to rule. Or I don't anymore."

04:47 <Sophia> "I don't think you really understand my position on this whole business, Morena, but I can promise you that I'll make sure Anne doesn't go on a crazy queenly rampage, crown or no crown."

04:47 <PaleST> Ouranos turns Yukiko's face to his. "You have me and Bran to help you as well. Bran isn't worthy."

04:47 <PaleST> "We will support you." The ancient god smiled to her.

04:47 <Yukiko> "But I'll help Anne until she's ready." she says, smiling and patting Ouranos on the shoulder.

04:47 <Mizu> "... Speaking of other duties..." Mizu sighs. "I don't suppose I should remind everyone that, as much as we will party tonight, that there's no way under Heaven that those who lead to this chain of events are going to take this lying down."

04:48 <Anne> "I don't suppose there's a way to keep them from finding out yet?"

04:48 <Yukiko> "Doubtful"

04:48 <PaleST> "The makers of the world are on the silver chair. The *true* ones. There was no mistaking it." Jupiter spoke out.

04:48 <Yukiko> "Something of this magnitude resonates through the cosmos"

04:49 <PaleST> The secret was spoken.

04:49 <Conky> "Well there goes any hopes for a nice vacation or something."

04:49 <PaleST> It felt like a tolling of a great and musical bell to Mizu.

04:49 <PaleST> And to Sophia.

04:51 <Mizu> Mizu just smiles. "We should get another few hours before they'll figured out exactly what happened. But hide it for long?" She shakes her head. "There are some secrets that cannot be kept, unfortunately.

04:54 — Yukiko looks on, moderately comforted by the presence of Ouranos and Bran.

04:54 <Anne> "Okay, so next up: What do we do about it? Unless someone left me out of a briefing, we're nowhere near in any shape to tangle with the opposition head on, not when they come looking for us."

04:55 <Anne> "Anyone have a favorite course of action to suggest?"

04:55 <PaleST> "Heaven." Bran stated simply.

04:55 <Conky> "So... Other than Lytek and Parad. These other gods haven't told me their names." The Unconquered Sun looks over all the non-Exalts that she had yet to meet.

04:58 <PaleST> "Mercury." "Venus." "Mars." "Jupiter." "Saturn." "Shield of a Different Day." "Amalion, the Ascending Manse." "Bran. Caw caw, motherfuckers."

04:59 — Yukiko nods to Bran. "First thing to do is clear out Heaven and get it running smoothly again. Shouldn't be too hard."

04:59 <PaleST> "I am at the service of the makers." He said humbly.

05:00 <Trina> Trina shakes her head, smiling. "Not with *us* on the job."

05:00 <PaleST> Bran looked to Anne with a smile. "It's what I've always wanted."

05:00 <Mizu> "We'll have time. Even if they find out with the dawn." Mizu states calmly. "It'll take them time to figure out a way out of their own infighting to strike. Besides..." She looks up at the sky. '... I think I owe a certain chosen of Endings a call about some field work."

05:01 <PaleST> Saturn actually chuckles lightly.

05:01 <PaleST> "She'll help you."

05:02 <Conky> "Ah, so these are the Maidens!" Morena smiles. "At least I have some fellow Incarna here."

05:02 <Mizu> "Of course she will. I'm not about to give her a -choice-" Mizu looks amused.

05:02 <PaleST> Each bowed and kissed Morena on the cheek. Same greeting: "Fiance."

05:03 <PaleST> Saturn wore the biggest smile of them all at this.

05:03 <Conky> Morena awkwardly scoots back, face now a bright red-gold. "I forgot about that part..."

05:06 <Anne> "Okay, so we clear out Heaven. Do we have any reliable recon on what's up there now? Usual defenses? Available arsenal, that sort of thing?"

05:07 <Yukiko> "Don't look at me. All I have is my sword and my armor."

05:08 <Yukiko> "I was a lone wolf up until I met Bran."

05:08 <Trina> "Mmm, rubble and a desperate, feral population, largely."

05:08 <PaleST> "If you can get to it, there's the machinery of the Aerial Legion." Ouranos pointed out. "Waiting for one of the Lawbringers."

05:09 <Sophia> "We can get recon, though," Sophia says with a glance at Trina, "we have some designs."

05:09 <Sophia> "Or that. That'd probably be easier."

05:09 <Anne> "Okay, I think we can make this work!"

05:10 <Yukiko> "I'll give you the crash course in being the queen of all cosmos."

05:13 <Anne> "I like crashing into things."

05:13 <Anne> "Or preferably through things."

05:13 <Anne> "Or blowing shit up."

05:14 <Yukiko> "Yeah, can't do that anymore."

05:14 <Yukiko> "Or at least, not as much. If you're going to be queen, you've got to act like one. People expect that. Just like being an idol."

05:15 <Sophia> "No you don't."

05:15 <Sophia> "Do whatever works for you. Don't let anyone define the kind of queen you want to be. And if you try actually ruling the world with no mandate but what they've given you, I'll stop you."

05:16 <Anne> "...I wasn't planning to blow up any good guys."

05:16 — Yukiko shrugs and steps back, letting Sophia handle this.

05:16 <Anne> "Just the bad guys. Promise!"

05:16 <Sophia> "I figured."

05:18 <Mizu> Where Mizu had been standing earlier, is a small notebook, filled with the notes on her recon of Heaven. What is intact, what isn't. where the various fountains were, and even where strong concentrations of the ferals had gathered up marked out and mapped. Mizu on the other hand, isn't to be seen.

05:19 <PaleST> Jupiter chuckled, picked it up and handed it to Sophia.

05:19 <PaleST> 5xp to everyone.

05:19 <PaleST> Bonus 15xp.

05:19 — Sophia takes it and gives it a brief glance while still keeping an eye on the conversation

05:24 — Yukiko sort of wanders off to be by herself for a bit. It's a lot to take in, and the young woman isn't entirely sure of her place in the grand scheme of things anymore.

05:53 <Yukiko> Her eyes are sort of glazed as she wanders off into the night.
22:19 <PaleST> The excitement had died down quite a bit, the gods were both... more approachable than they'd thought, though Ouranos was curiously quiet. He took Anne and Sophia aside. "You two need to return with Bran to Creation proper. You have deeds to do-Yukiko does, too but she has things that need doing first. Things she needs to understand before she returns. But

22:19 <PaleST> you three-you three are needed down there still. We'll be going into Yu Shan. I am so proud of you." He kissed both their cheeks. "So very proud of what you have accomplished-and you will still accomplish more."

22:21 <Sophia> "Why?" Sophia says after a moment's frowned thought, "how can you be proud of us when you haven't ever met us before?"

22:23 <Asura> ((Context?))

22:23 <PaleST> "Because I chose you. Because I waited for you all." He stated with a wry smile. "I will never be called the Unconquered Sun of old-but I am the Harvest Father."

22:23 <PaleST> ((Continuing from last session.))

22:24 <Anne> "I really don't know what to say," Anne says at last. She looks oddly embarrassed. "I'll...try to meet your expectations and not fuck it up."

22:25 <Asura> "...Stop fangirling." Asura says, folding her arms. "If we do shit for Creation, we do shit for Creation. It's because we got to, not because someone ordered us to."

22:25 <PaleST> ((Asura is not there, we're getting to her.))

22:25 <Asura> ((Bwargh. OK))

22:25 <Sophia> "You didn't though," Sophia responds, "we walked into a tent and spheres were broken, leaving us with the Exaltations."

22:26 <Sophia> "Don't get me wrong, I highly appreciate your part in making them, but I don't see how you were involved in our use of them."

22:26 <PaleST> He smiled. "But there were others outside that tent-worthy. Yet they seeked out you. It wasn't because you were closest."

22:26 <PaleST> "You were Chosen."

22:27 — Sophia frowns, "if you were the one to do the Choosing, your prison was rather less perfect than the Yozis imagined."

22:27 <Sophia> "Though, you being here proves that well enough."

22:29 <Anne> Now Anne really does blush.

22:31 <Anne> "So...wait, what are you going to do?" Anne asks, looking at Ouranos. "Do whatever you were doing before you got the mantle?"

22:32 <PaleST> "The Exaltations are both a part-and not a part of the Unconquered Sun," He explains. "I cannot decide for you what you do-that is my gift-you are all free. But what had touched Bran and changed a Zenith into... that. They put chains on them. And those who are now of death. It is possible, however that those of Death may be redeemed... but the Infernals. I

22:32 <PaleST> don't know. They're changed far more utterly than the Deathknights were. I do not understand why or how-but perhaps you may find a key I cannot. The mantle? Which one?" He smiled brightly. "I am a warrior."

22:32 <PaleST> "I will find a fight waiting in Heaven worthy of me."

22:33 — Sophia does not look entirely satisfied with Ouranos's answer, but let's it slide.

22:34 <Sophia> "Regardless, I agree with you. We should return to Creation, and soon. Incidentally, do you know how much time has passed since we left?"

22:35 <Anne> "If I come back and everyone's dead, I'm going to be pissed."

22:41 <PaleST> "Only a few days. To you-it's been longer, but that was the Maiden's plan. And a little help from Luna as well." He answered.

22:42 <Sophia> "Good," Sophia says. Then she looks around, "I take it you or one of the others can take care of transportation?"

22:42 <Anne> "Yeah, this has been great and all, and the Moon's rockin'. Really. But, uh, I wouldn't mind having some firmer ground under my feet."

22:43 <PaleST> He held out his hands and a golden chariot formed, room enough for three quite comfortably. It was almost a wagon.

22:43 <PaleST> "Does that seem helpful to you?" He smiled sardonically.

22:44 <Sophia> "Assuming it doesn't care about such pesky things like vacuum and interplanetary travel, yeah quite a bit."

22:51 <PaleST> "It protects its passengers." He assured.

22:51 <Sophia> "Let's go then," she says and reaches out to take Anne's hand as she steps onto the chariot.

22:52 <Anne> Likewise, Anne boards the chariot. Then she shrugs. "This can't be any weirder than any of the other stuff we've done so far."

22:57 <PaleST> Bran came over at the insistance of one of the truculee. She waved. "Hope we get to play someday!" The former raksha waved with a giddy, fanged smile.

22:58 <Anne> "Oh, sure! Someday." Anne fakes a smile while otherwise having a 'no way in hell' look on her face.

22:59 — Sophia looks at Anne with puzzlement, "what was that about?" She asks low enough to not be heard by the spirit, assuming it has reasonably human-like hearing.

22:59 <PaleST> Bran laughed and got on, too, giving Anne a one-armed hug.

23:00 <PaleST> The spirit flies off.

23:00 → Mizu (was FIW) joined

23:00 <PaleST> "Maybe Anne scared her? And that's play to her?" He suggested.

23:00 <Anne> "I'm just assuming that's one of the ones I threatened."

23:02 <Sophia> "Ah, right." Sophia smiles a bit, "you were quite spectacular like that," she adds and kisses Anne on the cheek.

23:02 <Anne> "No one's Ravishing my girl!"

23:03 <Anne> "...Except for me."

23:03 <Anne> "......And anyone else she's into, I guess."

23:03 — Sophia chuckles.

23:03 <Sophia> "It's just you for the moment," she says, putting her arm around Anne and her head on the Zenith's shoulder.

23:04 <PaleST> Bran waggled his eyebrows, full well knowing it's got a snowball's chance at the firepole.

23:04 <PaleST> The chariot took off-it's fairly windy but they have no chance of falling out.

23:04 <PaleST> Ouranos waved as they left. Silent.

23:05 <Anne> "So long, Dad. Or whatever I call you," Anne says in the ex-Sun's direction, though loud enough for only her to hear. Maybe Sophia and Bran.

23:06 <Sophia> "Call him by his name," Sophia suggests after rolling her eyes at Bran.

23:10 <PaleST> "I think he'd like either one." Bran muses.

23:12 <PaleST> Bran looked to the side. "Hey, that's your friend." He points at Mizu on the side.

23:12 <PaleST> "You're sneaky."

23:13 <PaleST> Mizu felt something heavy in her pocket.

23:13 <Mizu> "Yes, I am." Mizu blinks, and puts her hand in her pocket.

23:14 <PaleST> She finds what looks to be... a child's action figure? It's a tiny, metal robot of some kind. It makes a forlorn beep at her.

23:15 <PaleST> It's too heavy though to be plastic or cheap metal.

23:15 <Mizu> Mizu blinks. Mizu blinks again. "Someone's sneakier than me." She lifts the figure up into clear view as it beeps at her and looks it over carefully for a maker's mark or such.

23:16 — Sophia looks at it with her Essence Sight(s)

23:17 <PaleST> No sign of any mark, though it looks to be made of a metal unknown to Mizu.

23:18 <Anne> "You find more weird shit than anyone, Mizu."

23:18 <Sophia> "It's alive."

23:18 <Sophia> "A spirit of some kind."

23:18 <PaleST> It makes a warbling synthetic sound. Like a mewling kitten.

23:19 <Mizu> Mizu stares at it a few moments. She gently sets it on her shoulder. "I think I know what it is. I don't think I really want to know how it got where it did."

23:20 <PaleST> Its glassy eyes blinked. Wark.

23:21 <Mizu> "Shall we get you back home, little one?" She offers to her new shoulder-rider. "Since, I believe that was our intent."

23:34 <PaleST> The lights of the Blessed Isle waited below, Eagle's Landing below.

23:34 <PaleST> They land... in Jiji's yard?

23:34 <PaleST> From inside came Charity. "Big sis?" Bran asked, surprised. "You're here?"

23:35 — Sophia pulls out her smartphone and checks for reports of a golden chariot landing in Eagle's Launch

23:35 — Sophia looks up at the new woman's arrival.

23:35 <PaleST> There are none, only reports of massive parties and traffic stops due to them.

23:35 <Sophia> "Hi," Sophia says offering her hand to Charity, "good to meet you in the flesh."

23:36 <PaleST> And a strange celestial phenomena that brought all violent crime to a halt for the past three days.

23:36 <PaleST> Charity shakes it with a firm grip.

23:37 <PaleST> "A real pleasure to meet the one who joined hearts with the sweet girl who's like family to me." The Sidereal had the bluest eyes Sophia had ever seen. She looked about in her 40's, yet she was clearly very strong spiritually.

23:37 <Mizu> Mizu simply smiles to Charity a moment.

23:37 <Sophia> "I count that among my greatest accomplishments," Sophia says with a smirk.

23:39 <Anne> "Whoa, Charity! Hey sis, how's it going?" Anne bounces off the chariot and stops just short of barehugging the other woman. That kind of poise wasn't made for roughhandling.

23:44 <PaleST> Charity laughed. "Did you think I suddenly lost my sense of humor, squirt?" She bearhugged the young Zenith. "Let me see here..." She activated an ability to perceive essence. "Oh, you kids are strong and beautiful! Welcome back. There's a pot still on the stove-and Asura. She came here to wait for you, Bran."

23:44 <PaleST> "Thank Kosche for that one."

23:44 <PaleST> The pot is apparently what she meant.

23:46 <Anne> 'i'm not a squirt. You're a squirt." Anne grumbles in a good-natured sort of way.

23:48 <PaleST> "I always knew you were going to be special-just not exactly how." The woman stated. "Charity Flowers. It was once Caridad Flores but Meruvia's more friendly to more localized names."

23:50 <Sophia> "Sophia Beufort, but I'm guessing you knew that."

23:51 <Asura> ((I assume I'm at this place?))

23:51 <Asura> ((From inside the building))

23:52 <Sophia> "Should we step inside. And meet this Asura person?"

23:52 <PaleST> ((Yes.))

23:52 <Asura> Walking out from inside, Asura leans against the door. "So, you lot done with your adventures in Oz?" she asks. "Whatever it was, hope it was productive."

23:52 <Mizu> "Mizu." She introduces herself quietly as she looks at the building. She's... quiet as she stares at it for a few moments. then bows her head quietly.

23:52 <Sophia> "Who are you?" Sophia asks, trying not to sound suspicious.

23:54 <Asura> "Asura." she says. "Or Alexandra Meyers. But nothing says scary like the image of a deity that runs on anger. It's a nickname at the end of the day."

23:56 <Sophia> "Never heard of the original," Sophia says dismissively, "and your name tells me next to nothing about who you are."

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015

00:01 → Yukiko joined (uid104445@bb669edd.brockwell.f7109e70.com.hmsk)

00:02 <Anne> "So, is it Alexandra? Alex? Or Asura then?"

00:02 <Asura> "Doesn't matter, call me what you will." Asura says.

00:02 <Anne> "Anne Cavanaugh, by the way." The tall brunette takes a step forward and offers a hand to shake.

00:04 <Sophia> "Sophia Beufort," she says again, "I still want to know how you figure into all of this, what you want out of your life, and what you're prepared to do to get it."

00:05 <Asura> "Figure into all of..." Asura says, "Look, I'm still a bit new to the exalt business. I just want to do good by Creation, OK? That's it. No more, no less."

00:05 <Yukiko> "Glad you could make it, Asura." she says, smiling as she comes wandering back in. She seems a lot more... Herself than she was before. She claps her friend on the back, pounding only lightly.

00:08 — Sophia frowns slight at Asura and Yukiko, but nods.

00:08 <Sophia> "So, who owns this house now? Mizu?"

00:08 <Asura> "You got me. This is just where I'm staying for now until someone explains the grand world-saving plan.

00:09 <PaleST> Charity hefted a small stone. Holds it out to Mizu. It's a subtle little thing-a Stone of the Celestial Mandarin.

00:11 <Anne> "I think we're still coming up with the grand world-saving plan. If you have input, we're all ears."

00:12 <Anne> Anne proceeds to head into Jiji's old house, find a couch and flop on it.

00:12 <Anne> "Let's circle up, peeps, and go over what's changed and what we know."

00:13 — Sophia sits down in a chair next to Anne's out-flopped couch.

00:14 <Yukiko> "Where'd Morena go?"

00:14 <Mizu> Mizu quietly takes the stone, and just looks at it. Then shrugs. "... I... don't know. I suppose we'll have to find Jiji's will."

00:14 <Sophia> "We're the ones who went, she's still o the Moon."

00:18 <Yukiko> "Why did we leave before rescuing Autochthon?"

00:18 <Asura> "Who what now?" Asura asks, "What's an Autochthon?"

00:19 <Sophia> "There are things we should do in Creation, and because Ouranos asked us to."

00:19 <Sophia> "The Great Maker, the one who made the Exaltation you've gotten your hands on."

00:20 <Mizu> "... Because, there are things to do first or we'll get trounced." Mizu says blandly, gently patting the action figure on her shoulder.

00:20 <Asura> "Guess I owe him a bit." Asura says, "Fun upgrades and all." she notes.

00:21 <Sophia> "He's also a sentient being who has been held prisoner for millenia and whose body is being mined for resources by our enemies," Sophia continues blandly.

00:22 <Yukiko> "Yozi's, am I right gals?" she asks, looking around... "Is it just me, or are we an Amazon brigade now?"

00:23 <Sophia> "Hardly. Unless by 'Amazon brigade' you merely mean a group of women who want to change things in a possibly violent manner."

00:23 <Sophia> "In which case the answer is obvious."

00:23 <Asura> "Possibly! Who knows?" Asura says, "Doesn't matter too much."

00:24 <Mizu> "... and part of him is in the very room." She notes dryly. "Also, are you forgetting Bran that quickly. Shame on you all."

00:24 <Anne> "I'll admit, violence is the first thing I think of. Comes from having been a soldier." Anne folds her hands behind the back of her head as she leans into the couch.

00:24 <Yukiko> She grins. "Now who's ready to go kick some ass in Yu Shan?"

00:24 <Sophia> "The people who stayed on the Moon..." Sophia says.

00:25 <Yukiko> She gives Sophia a look. "So what are we supposed to do then?"

00:25 <Sophia> "Replace the government with a body that actually has the people's interests at heart, and undermine the Allthing's power base."

00:26 <Anne> "That's a good summary, as I understand it. It's important, it's encompassing and with the right plan we can get it done."

00:27 <Anne> "Some ass kicking may be required." She gives Yukiko a wink.

00:27 <Asura> "Yu-Shan is where now?" Asura asks, "I mean sure, I'm willing to do some fighting for Creation's good, but... What is that place anyway?"

00:28 <Mizu> "Top of the mountain in the center that nobody can get to. There's other ways that get there better. ANd it's bigger than it should be."

00:28 <Sophia> "It's Heaven." Sophia frowns a little, "maybe you should read a primer or something at some point."

00:28 <PaleST> "Well, you ladies are part of that primer." Bran pointed out. "She hasn't been exalted long at all."

00:29 <Sophia> "I suppose."

00:29 <PaleST> "You're showing it off." Bran looked amused.

00:30 <Yukiko> "Well, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a bureaucrat." she says, clapping her hands together. "So what part am I to play in this little 'rip out the government' scheme?"

00:30 <Asura> "Well gee, most of what I knew was, 'Person tries to rob someone, they get my boot up their ass'." Asura says, "Then my gang beats me up, tosses me out, I wake up running on hellfire and there we go."

00:31 <Yukiko> "Well I'm solar powered. So I guess we're even."

00:31 <PaleST> "I'm a god, now. That's awesome." Bran looks smug.

00:31 <Sophia> "Are you interested in doing other things that kicking asses and taking names?"

00:32 <Sophia> "Learning new things can be fun and rewarding."

00:33 <Yukiko> "Oh, I know a lot of stuff. I'm just best at kicking ass, taking names, and being a pop-star idol. If you need someone to sing a wicked rock-ballad, I'm your gal. Need someone so scared that they're pissing themselves? Come find me. You need someone to do magical paperwork? Yeah, not so much."

00:34 — Sophia perks up at the the pop-star bit, "I've been thinking about using music for this purpose."

00:34 — Mizu sighs. "Magical Paperwork." She looks distracted a bit. "I have a lot to do."

00:34 <Sophia> "How do you feel about lyrics that actually mean something?"

00:36 <Anne> "I sense a cunning plot..."

00:37 <Sophia> "Not terribly cunning. Not original anyway," Sophia says with a shrug, "there's a long history of protest songs of various kinds getting people together for change."

00:42 <Yukiko> "What do you mean, 'Actually mean something'?"

00:43 <Sophia> "I mean that most popular songs are pretty devoid of content. I don't think that's controversial."

00:43 <Asura> "Nope, it's not." Asura says, "Sure you can have a good tune and have it be fun, but... What does it add up to for meaning in the end?" she asks.

00:43 <Sophia> "But songs that in more or less obvious manners advocate for change or point out flaws or corruption in our supposed leaders are not very common."

00:44 <PaleST> "Art is for its own sake." Bran pointed out. "Dancing is dancing, even if it means nothing in particular-it may mean something anyway for someone."

00:45 <Yukiko> "Well, I can sing and dance as good as anyone." she muses.

00:45 <Sophia> "'Art for art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of the true, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful, that is the faith I am searching for,'” Sophia quotes.

00:46 <Sophia> "Better than most, I hope," Sophia adds with a smirk.

00:46 <Anne> "I think what Sunset's proposing is that we take dancing or singing that otherwise means nothing in particular and use it for the sake of the people of Creation. Instead of just its own sake."

00:46 <Anne> "...Or that. Whatever that is."

00:46 — Anne gives Sophia a slightly suspicious look, like she's not -quite- following the Twilight's thought pattern there.

00:47 <Sophia> "We want art that actually promotes thigns."

00:47 <Sophia> "No one's going to support a politician if the song blasting from every radio exposes him for the ridiculous fraud he is."

00:48 <Sophia> "Or positive things, about communities and mutual interdependence."

00:48 <Asura> "So who are we after?" Asura asks. "I mean, I can try to rally the people for protests if you like. Nothing violent, just... Y'know. Marches and all that."

00:48 <Sophia> "I mean, when I say it like this, it sounds pretty crappy, but I'm sure we could work it into a way that's palatable."

00:49 <Sophia> "The threat of potential violence can be worth a lot even if it's never used."

00:49 <Sophia> "You can get more of what you want with a kind word and a gun, and all that."

00:50 <Anne> "We do have a politician we like. Wouldn't mind seeing her be more successful."

00:51 <Anne> "In the meantime, though...both of you have more rough-and-tumble backgrounds, am I right?" Her gaze switches between Asura and Yukiko.

00:51 <Asura> "Mhm." Asura says, "Vigilantism was my thing for a time."

00:53 <Yukiko> "Define 'rough and tumble. I'll be honest, for the longest time, I was a rich girl. Had anything I wanted, including drugs, booze... Anything. Ground myself in real deep, hit my lowest point. Then for a while I was doing the whole motivational speaker thing. It was after one of those that I exalted and clawed my way back out. So not really rough and tumble

00:53 <Yukiko> until after I exalted and started kicking ass for God."

00:54 <Sophia> "Mmm, building up a proper alternative to the police force, or taking over the police force, would also be a worthy goal."

00:55 <Anne> "And/or removing whoever's in charge of it now..."

00:55 <Anne> "There's definitely some people out there who don't play with gloves on."

00:55 <PaleST> Bran looked thoughtful. "Asura, do you know the charm Beauty Without Malice?"

00:55 <Asura> "Nope." Asura says, "Why?"

00:56 <Yukiko> "And I've learned the trick of shoving my anima through the airwaves. If I'm giving a live performance, it'll hit everyone watch all at once."

00:57 <Sophia> "But do you want to use it like we... well I, talked about?"

00:58 <Yukiko> "To send a message?"

00:59 <Sophia> "To send a lot of messages."

01:04 <Anne> "...So, uh, what kind of music anyway?"

01:04 <Yukiko> "I can do that." she says, tummy rumbling

01:05 <PaleST> "It's a way to win hearts-of ordinary people. Chosen are able to resist it-any performance, it can tug on the heartstrings."

01:05 <Sophia> "But do you want to?" Sophia asks, pressing her.

01:05 <Mizu> Mizu just smiles and heads into the kitchen to start cooking something.

01:08 <Yukiko> "Well yes. Of course I do. It's not like we're doing it to hurt them. If we're doing it to save creation, there's no lengths I won't go to."

01:08 — Sophia frowns, "I'm not sure you understand what I'm asking."

01:09 <Sophia> "You're Exalted, you should not have to do things that you don't believe in."

01:09 <Sophia> "You should not do things because you think it's an unpleasant duty."

01:09 <Sophia> "You should find the third option."

01:10 <Sophia> "But if you think this is exciting and meaningful and that you'll have a blast with it, then I'd love to help you."

01:13 <Asura> "Well, whichever." Asura says, "Political rally, depose some jerk or another... I'll try to rally a few people. Got some business to take care of first though.

01:13 — Sophia frowns, but keeps silent.

01:13 <Yukiko> "Why wouldn't this be exciting and meaningful?" she asks, a little tartly. "It's not like my dream of someday earning a place at the side of Sol Invictus in a restored Heaven wasn't just yanked out from under me when someone else got Chosen and he had his power taken from him. I know it was the only way that you could find. But it's not like it's important

01:13 <Yukiko> that the dream that dragged me out of the depths of fear, madness, and addiction just got crushed.

01:15 <Asura> "...Hey." Asura says, walking up to Yukiko and patting her on the back. "You're doing good by him, OK? Any position at his side is more solidified the more you do now."

01:16 <Sophia> Sophia's frown deepens. "I appreciate that you've been through a rough patch and apparently had a dream of being queen of all there is, but he's the one who picked Morena to take over. If you don't like that, take it up with him."

01:16 <Sophia> "And if you don't want to help us with Creation, then go kill gods in Heaven."

01:16 <Sophia> "Or whatever you *do* find exciting and meaningful."

01:17 <Anne> "Jeez, Sophia, that's a bit blunt even for you." Anne gives her girlfriend a somewhat pained expression.

01:17 — Sophia sighs. "I'm sorry."

01:18 <Asura> "I think she meant as his right hand, not as the highest position there is in... I dunno, Creation?" Asura says.

01:18 <Sophia> "That's hardly the point."

01:19 <Anne> "Yukiko, I think most of us had other dreams, at one point or another. Me, all I ever wanted was to serve my country honorably and marry my fiancee. When I was taken down by the same friendly fire that killed her, both my dreams got knocked out from under me. So I feel some of your pain." The Zenith rises up a bit from the couch. "I can't tell you how

01:19 <Anne> you should feel. What I can tell you is that every day there are people in the streets and in homes who suffer. Who are dominated, controlled, who live without dreams because the people who rule this world honestly just don't give a shit."

01:19 <Anne> "That fires me up to make a difference. Maybe it'll fire you up too."

01:20 <Anne> "In the meantime, the Sun chose all of us. It's up to us to work together, to lean on each other and use each other, to deliver some of the righteous asskicking the Yozi and the Infernals have coming to them."

01:21 <Yukiko> "It's why I don't want this crown. It feels like a sop, something to make me feel better. I never wanted to rule. I'm not Merela. I'M NOT my past life, no matter how hard she tries to make me!" she says, growing agitated. "I just wanted to be there with him, to spread his word and maybe hit some people who wanted to hit him first." she grumbles. "I'm going

01:21 <Yukiko> to help. It's the right thing to do, and it's what he wants. I'm just processing what happened."

01:22 <Sophia> "Look, that crown means less than nothing.

01:22 <Anne> "Girl, I don't have a clue who I used to be," Anne says with a grin. "Don't really care. We gotta focus on the future if we're going to change it."

01:22 <Sophia> "It's an antiquated symbol from antiquated people."

01:22 <Anne> "The throne may have changed hands but I bet you what the Sun wants hasn't."

01:22 <Sophia> "Be yourself and do what you what to do."

01:22 — Sophia stops herself. "Or follow Anne's advice, that's probably better."

01:23 <Anne> "He wants a world of virtue. Of justice. Of righteousness. A world where kids can grow up free. Where all of us can be who we're capable of being, without being turned into resources to fuel an Exalt's engine."

01:23 <Yukiko> "So yes, I DO want to spread the word to all of creation. Unite them as one people. Throw down the Althing and cut open the Primordials and shove them down into the dirt so they can't traffic in human misery anymore."

01:23 <Anne> "Hell yeah!"

01:24 <Sophia> "Good," Sophia says with a smile."

01:24 — Anne holds up a palm in an unmistakable invitation to high-five.

01:24 <Yukiko> "But I'm not doing it for you, or for Morena. I don't accept her as Sol Invictus or the Ruler of Heaven. I'm doing it for my Sun, for the men I love, him and Bran both." she says, returning the high-five.

01:25 <Anne> "I knew Morena when she was some streetfighter who couldn't keep the hair out of her eyes and who blushed like a little schoolgirl everytime Kosche battered her eyes at her."

01:25 <Sophia> "Of course you aren't doing it for us."

01:25 <Anne> "Don't get me wrong, she's a great lady and I'm sure she'll grow into the gig but yeah, I'm not doing any of this for her either."

01:25 <Anne> "I'm doing it for them." Anne sweeps a hand out towards the walls of the house and all the peoples beyond.

01:26 <Anne> "You got someone to work for, someone to motivate you, that's awesome. I think we can accomplish awesome together."

01:26 <Sophia> "I'm doing it for their children and grandchildren, and the millions of generatoins to come."

01:26 <Yukiko> "So let's get to it!" she says, clapping her hands together. "You give me the messages you want me to spread, and I'll put my brain to writing songs for them."

01:28 <Sophia> "And along the way, we'll teach you to keep an eye on the world yourself and come up with your own ideas too," Sophia agrees with a smile.

01:33 <Yukiko> "And I can head to Yu Shan between times and kick some godly butt."

01:37 <Asura> "Well then." Asura says, "It seems it's settled. Push against the althing, and rally the people. When do we start?"

01:43 <Sophia> "Now, I'd suggest."

01:43 <Sophia> "None of this is time critical, but the sooner the better with everything."

01:43 <Sophia> "Rallying the people should probably be done in connection with the Sharing, though."

01:43 <Sophia> "And that might also be a good topic for the first song. Working together in close, independent communities."

01:44 <Yukiko> "Alright, I'll see what I can come up with."

01:45 <Sophia> "I can help if you'd like, I have a bit of musical training and a whole lot of talent. Same with writing."

01:45 <Mizu> MIzu comes out with a few leftovers she reheated, as well as some nachoes, and a few other snacky type foods.

01:46 <Mizu> "I don't know how well it's holding up, but I likely can make some pokes around the old routes of mine to see if I can get you on the air with a little less fuss and muss if you need it."

01:50 <Yukiko> "That'd be helpful. We need as much exposure as possible."

01:51 <Sophia> "I think we're also more than good enough to rush to the top of the charts very quickly in any case."

01:53 <Yukiko> "Top of the charts? Oh honey," she says grinning. "By the time I'm done, we'll blow the tops off those charts."

01:54 <Sophia> "That's not actually possible," Sophia says with a smirk, "but yes, we will."

02:04 <Yukiko> "Did you just tell me, a Solar Exalted, that something isn't possible?"

02:04 <Sophia> "Yes I did," she says, her smirk widening, "and I'd love to see you prove me wrong."

02:20 <Yukiko> She grins and cracks her knuckles. "I'll be on the air inside of 24 hours."
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21:17 <•PaleST> [media]
21:26 <•PaleST> In heaven, Amalion and the gods were preparing to enter heaven. Amalion held a hand to Trina. "Are you ready, Catty?" She asked affectionately. "Ready to win a new home?"

21:28 <Trina> Trina smiles back at her. "So long as you're there, it will be all the home I need," she says, but then she laughs wryly. "I had all these careful plans for what it would be like, when we entered here," she says.

21:33 — Yukiko grins a little as she stretches. "I know I'm ready." she says as she stretches. "I just hope it proves to be a decent workout more than a romp through wonderland."

21:41 <Yukiko> "How bad is it though? I've never been to Heaven."

21:42 <Trina> "Very bad," says Trina soberly, "from what I've been told."

21:44 <•PaleST> The golden-clad Lytek looked equally serious. "I and Parad hold our offices and some-but not much territory around us. It is very seriously bad. The abilities of your friend, Bran may come in handy at points. In time."

21:45 <Yukiko> "So what exactly are we facing?"

21:46 <Yukiko> "I mean, demons? Corrupt gods? What are we fighting?"

21:46 <Yukiko> "If anything"

21:46 <•PaleST> He gave a sigh. "There's three main dangers, in order of fixability... rogue gods, theiophages and gremlins."

21:48 <Trina> "Gremlins?"

21:50 <Yukiko> "Theiowhat?"

21:52 <•PaleST> "That's the ah. Corrupted elementals of Autochthon. Because of how he's wounded and that he's trying not to have those things in Creation, gremlins are... flesh monstrosities who destroy anything in their path. Theiophages are cannibal gods." Parad explained.

21:52 <•PaleST> "I will be able to help more, as my power just grew thousands fold from what it was." The colorful god explained.

21:55 — Yukiko cracks her knuckles and adjusts her beret a little bit. "So let's get started then... Though... Hmmm... Are we freeing Autochthon first, or clearing out heaven?" she asks. "I'm ready to get started either way."

21:57 <•PaleST> "While either is possible, it's wiser to start with heaven and clear out what we can of his workshop so that Ouranos and others may repair him. He's not a typical god. He's the machine god."

21:57 <•PaleST> Lytek offered.

21:57 <•PaleST> "It's also wise we get the hell out of here before it goes into the wyld." Parad spoke gruffly.

21:58 <Trina> Trina perks up at this thought. "Where is this workshop--oh. Oh yes, I've had enough of the Wyld for today."

22:00 <Yukiko> "Agreed. I'm not very fond of the Wyld either. Though we should give some thought to expanding Creation's borders soon."

22:02 <•PaleST> The wind puppy licks Trina's chin.

22:02 — Yukiko laughs at the sight. "Well come on then. Let's go get the puppy a new place to sleep.

22:02 <Yukiko> "

22:08 <Yukiko> "Lead the way, mister Lytek."

22:13 <•PaleST> Ouranos grasped Yukiko's hand and then embraced her. "I will lead you."

22:13 <•PaleST> Lytek chuckled and handed Amalion a... key? It is definitely a key, but one that seems to be made of marble. Amalion hugged Trina. "Catty, I will carry you through."

22:13 <•PaleST> And then the world shifted sideways. [media]

22:13 <Yukiko> "Does anyone else feel purple?"

22:14 <Trina> "Oooowh..."

22:18 <•PaleST> Heaven was like at twilight, the buildings largely derelict-yet even in their disrepair, there was something grand about them. In the center was a building made of many materials, neglected yet still glorious and beautiful. A manse of marble and starmetal rose nearby Yukiko and the maidens, like a fortress of kinds. Ouranos pulled Yukiko within. Trina

22:18 <•PaleST> herself found herself in the middle. Amalion's dress became that of something from many centuries ago, her face bare and hypnotically beautiful. And as she smiled, any who saw would fall in love-even if it was all over again. And she drew on a veil just after giving Trina a sweet, short-yet clearly passionate kiss. Hers was the smile of a happy lover. Only

22:18 <•PaleST> for Trina.

22:21 — Yukiko rolls her eyes. "Bedroom time is for the bedroom." she says, though with a slightly indulgent smile. "Let's get to work. Where are we going to start?" she asks the Maidens."

22:26 <Yukiko> "Is there any place in particular that would make a good base of operations?"

22:27 <•PaleST> "If we work together, the palace should not hold too much for rogue gods and only a handful of cannibals." Parad said grimly.

22:33 <Yukiko> "WHICH palace?" she asks, looking around. "Even in ruins, all of Yu Shan is a glorious place."

22:34 <•PaleST> The group pointed to a building of many materials. It's clear from the gleaming it did that it was extremely magical.

22:35 <Yukiko> "Ah... Hmmm... Is that the Jade Pleasure Dome?"

22:37 <Yukiko> "Well, whichever palace that is, let's get to it. No sense in wasting time. What are we likely to encounter there?

22:37 <Yukiko> "

22:37 <•PaleST> "Rogue gods and a few cannibal gods. They'll try to eat you, too." Lytek informed Yukiko.

22:38 <Yukiko> "Well that doesn't sound too bad. Anything particularly powerful?"

22:40 <•PaleST> "Both groups shouldn't be too much of a challenge, but that's because that's the ground we've been defending." Parad stated. "We've been able to make great strides since the great eclipse."

22:43 <Yukiko> "Awesome. Just you ladies sit back and relax and let me 'n' Asura handle this. You ready to bust some heads, Asubaby?"

22:45 <•PaleST> Parad and Lytek both drew weapons, taking position at her sides. "Don't forget-this is our home too, Lawbringer." Parad smirked grimly.

22:45 <•PaleST> "And that we may be of assistance to you." Lytek wore a smile of triumph as he prepared to assist her fighting.

22:51 — Yukiko hums and nods. "If you INSIST." she says as she readies her weapon. "Shall I knock and allow ourselves to be made known?"

23:01 — Yukiko draws her blade. As it leaves its sheath, her anima flares. An immense angelic totem rises above her as the sword glows with a powerful, holy light. "Let's clean this place out!" she shouts. A titanic flare of power comes from her as she strides forward to the front of the pack, intending to spearhead the assault.

23:01 <Asura> "Sure, sure." Asura says, "...Though really, Asubaby?" she asks, raising an eyebrow with a bemused look.

23:02 <Yukiko> "Of course. You're a real cutie, don't you know?"

23:05 <Asura> "Pfft." Asura says, "Well either way, LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" she calls out, her anima banner flaring to reveal wings about her that are made of brass guns, in the rough shape of bone-and-skin wings that one might expect from a bat. They're still brass though."

21:19 <PaleST> [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq90bvH51oI[/media]

21:23 <PaleST> In a house, in a heartbeat-the house felt curiously empty without Jiji in it and Asura, Anne, Sophia and Yukiko awaited there. The crown in Yukiko's hands felt both curiously light for its construction and heavy. It basically was begging to be harmonized to her, warm and inviting.

21:26 — Yukiko stares down at the crown, which she's set on a table in front of her. "No. I refuse. It's not my place, and I already gave it up. You know why I won't." she says with a growl.

21:28 <Sophia> "It's an ornamental hat with magical powers," Sophia says to Yukiko, "it doesn't mean any more than you want it to mean."

21:28 <Yukiko> "That's bullshit and you know it." she says, glowering at it.

21:28 <Sophia> "It's really not."

21:30 — Yukiko shakes her head. "It really *IS*. You know what this crown represents."

21:30 <Sophia> "Who cares what other people think it represents?"

21:30 <Sophia> "I know what those dusty relics said on the moon, it doesn't have to mean anything more than you want it to here."

21:30 <Asura> "So what DOES it represent. Or y'know, what is it supposed to represent anyway?" Asura asks.

21:32 <Yukiko> "And it feels like little more than a sop to my 'whining'." she says with a low snarl. "If I wear this, people will expect more of me than I'm willing to give. You know why I'm feeling the way I do. I'm not perfect like our oh-so-wonderful friend who is now the god of gods and lord of lords. *I'M* not the one who was deemed worthy, despite my dedication and

21:32 <Yukiko> striving."

21:32 — Sophia rolls her eyes.

21:32 <Sophia> "No one is perfect."

21:32 <Sophia> "And who cares what other people think?"

21:32 <Sophia> "Tell them what you want to give, and give that."

21:33 — Yukiko sighs and lays back to stare at the ceiling. "Fine. I still don't want it, and the moment I find someone more worthy to rule Creation, I'll give it up in a heartbeat."

21:33 <Sophia> "It's a hat. It doesn't give you any authority what so ever."

21:34 <Asura> Dopeslap. "Get over yourself." Asura says, "And I really do mean it. I mean, /FUCK/ girl you have power the likes of which people would kill for. You have the means to change the world, bend communities around your little finger and be a goddess among men. Stop whining about the fact that you're not /better/ and be content that you are miles beyond what most

21:34 <Asura> humans are."

21:34 <PaleST> Bran looked at Yukiko and at then at the crown. "You know, given that they split up the crown-you could imagine it may have different meaning and powers now." He pointed out. He put a hand on Asura and looked her into the eyes.

21:34 <PaleST> "You're still mortal."

21:35 <Asura> "True." Asura says, "Not like we're gonna live forever and can't die. But at the same time, all these fringe benefits and she's still complaining? Who says it's going to stop if she somehow DOES get the station she wants? What's to say she won't try to look higher up?"

21:36 <Sophia> "Of course she should aim higher. We all should."

21:36 <Sophia> "Settling is not for us

21:36 <Yukiko> "You have no idea what it's supposed to represent, do you?" *sigh* "I guess I wouldn't be so upset if it didn't feel... I dunno. Subordinate. I know the full story of the Crown Of Thunders. I carried it in my soul since I exalted. And this... it's not the crown of thunders. What Anne has? That's the true crown."

21:37 <Sophia> "It's. A. Hat."

21:37 <Sophia> "Whatever it meant 5000 years ago is entirely irrelevant."

21:37 <Asura> "We shouldn't settle, yeah. But saying that something in front of us, something already fantastic isn't enough? Where do we STOP wanting?" Asura asks. "Where do we be content that we can help the world, at what point do we try to stomp on our friends to get more power?"

21:38 <Sophia> "Um. We're never content and we never stomp our friends? That seems fairly obvious."

21:39 <Asura> "Those are mutually exclusive." Asura says, "If you keep on wanting more power, you will eventually find temptation in quick and evil paths to it. I've seen it happen."

21:39 — Sophia blinks at Asura.

21:39 <PaleST> Bran picked it up. "Yukiko. You really need to see something. I know you don't want to, but I think too that sometimes things aren't as they appear. I'm not as I appear to anyone but Sophia. And possibly Mizu and Kosche. I think... you'll be pleasantly surprised."

21:39 <Sophia> "Just because *some* people do that, there's no implication it's a law of nature."

21:40 <Yukiko> She sighs as she gets up to follow him. "You forget how much we know of each other." she says with a smile as she touches his face. "Can you promise me? Can you swear that I only need to give as much as I wish to the legend of this crown?"

21:41 <PaleST> "I swear you will be pleasantly surprised." He echoed with a wry smile.

21:41 <Asura> "It's there. It's a temptation that you need to learn to reel in before it consumes you." Asura says. "If you constantly pursue power, when will you draw a line in the sand? At what point will you say, 'I won't take this route'? If you say that we should always pursue power, then when does it destroy us?"

21:42 — Sophia frowns at Asura, "you have a pretty simplistic view of power, you know that?"

21:42 <Sophia> "Also an excesssively pessimistic one."

21:43 <Sophia> "Good people don't *have* to turn bad, particularly not when other good people keep eyes on them."

21:43 <Asura> "Power is power." Asura says, "I saw it destroy good people... Good relationships. We all have our limits, and pointlessly pursuing power without a thought of what you're going to do with it never helped anyone."

21:44 <Sophia> "Well obviously no one should ever pursue power for its own sake," Sophia says as if stating that Creation is flat, "you should get power to be able to do more good things."

21:44 <Yukiko> Sighing, she stretches up to kiss him gently. "Fine. I'll take your word for it." she says as she slips on the crown. "As for the line? Well we'll see what happens when I come to it."

21:45 <PaleST> Charity looked at Asura. "I am living proof it is not. I have a power to change the world utterly-but I am not the one to use it, so I do not. It is not yet time to."

21:45 <PaleST> "That is why there were Sidereals created alongside the Solars-to be the wisdom that accompanies power."

21:46 — Yukiko closes he eyes and concentrates slowly as she attunes herself to the crown.

21:47 <Asura> "Just be careful where your pursuit takes you." Asura says, "I was hearing, 'Power for power's sake'. Not, 'Power to do good'." she explains.

21:48 <Sophia> "You set up a simplistic question, pardon me for not giving a complete answer."

21:49 <PaleST> The crown.... vanishes. It glows very brightly and then a beret appears on her head. Her clothes look military in nature, with sigils and signs of militant authority. If a queen she was-then a general queen. She sensed a feeling of loyalty to the holder of the crystal crown, a duty and deference to people-yet the crown itself felt... a great love for the

21:49 <PaleST> people it would protect. And then...

21:50 <Yukiko> "Oh. Well fuck."

21:50 <Yukiko> "I'm sorry, you're who?"

21:50 — Sophia frowns, "Yukiko?"

21:53 <Yukiko> "Huh... Never had one of my artifacts talk to me before. I thought only Royal Warstriders could be sentient."

21:53 <PaleST> A small crystal on the beret was glowing faintly at intervals.

21:53 <PaleST> Like morse code, actually.

21:54 <Sophia> "Ah, it's actually fairly common in some circles." She holds up her ring-clad finger, "there's a demon bound into this ring for instance."

21:54 <Yukiko> "Awesome! So uh... what can you do?"

21:57 <Yukiko> "Sounds like fun! We'll probably be getting a work-out soon, so best you be ready. Let me know if..." she pauses... "I'm the only one who can hear you, aren't I?"

21:58 <Sophia> "Yeah, you are."

21:59 <Yukiko> She points to the Beret. "This is Warding Star. He's got some pretty nifty effects it seems, and they'll be a big help in the near future." she says, stretching. "Say Hello."

21:59 <Sophia> "Hi," Sophia deadpans.

21:59 <Sophia> "Anyway he can add us to the conversatoin?"

22:00 <Yukiko> "Oh, that was directed at him. He says he can talk out loud."

22:02 <Yukiko> "Anyways, it seems I'm a general now. Let's hope we don't need to lead creation against the Yozi's... Now... I think we were working on the messages to send through the songs?"

22:02 <PaleST> "Hello!" Came a synthetic-sounding, gender-neutral voice.

22:03 <PaleST> "It is my honor to serve my master, her circle and Creation."

22:03 <Sophia> "Good to have you with us, Warding Star."

22:06 <Yukiko> "Okay, so you're right, it's not so bad." she grudgingly admits to Sophia.

22:06 — Sophia chuckles, "I'm glad to hear that. And to hear you admit a mistake."

22:07 <Sophia> "And we were. Do have any thoughts?"

22:08 <Yukiko> "Whatever it is, the beat needs to be catchy. We can disguise the words all we like, but if the song is forgettable, we'll lose before we even start."

22:09 <Sophia> "There's a pretty wide class of music that's neither catchy or forgettable, but I agree with your basic premise."

22:10 <Yukiko> "I'm... not great with song-writing, I'll be the first to admit. But I am REALLY good at performing. if someone else can do the real work of working the messages into the songs and writing the songs, I can get it out there. I've been working on long-distance essence performances. That is, making sure the force of my supernatural charisma gets through to

22:10 <Yukiko> people watching me via long-distance."

22:11 <Asura> "Quite." Asura says, "Genre IS a thing that we want to consider." tilting her head at Yukiko she then says, "Sounds like you're the lead singer, really. I'll do my best to help though."

22:11 — Yukiko nods and grins. "I can always use a dancer and backup singer."

22:12 <Yukiko> "Bran, can you handle a drum set?"

22:12 <Sophia> "I can write," Sophia assures Yukiko, "but I'm not writing mainstream pop music. Not ruling out actually good pop, but seriously the crap people make."

22:13 <PaleST> Bran smiled wryly. "I can. I can also dance for the inevitable video."

22:16 <Yukiko> "Hey now. That 'crap' people make and perform put bread on my table."

22:16 — Sophia shrugs, "from what I've heard, it put a little more than bread on that table."

22:16 <Sophia> "And crap is crap."

22:19 <PaleST> A knock came at the door of the house.

22:19 <Yukiko> "Alright. You're the boss. You give me the songs and I'll make sure to put them at the top of the charts."

22:19 <PaleST> "Don't shoot and don't kill me, I am not with the crazy one!"

22:19 <Sophia> "Deal."

22:20 <Sophia> "I'll check the door," she says and rises to do just that, peering through the peephole.

22:21 <PaleST> It's the unfortunately named Beauty. A Deathknight of repulsive mien and a brilliant man, with a curious man behind her, not bothering to hide. No obvious weapons, no obvious armor.

22:22 <Sophia> "What are you doing here?" Sophia calls out.

22:22 <PaleST> "The Breath-Destroying Bodhissatva wishes to present a sign of her faith and good will." The Deathknight stated.

22:23 — Sophia of course has Judge's Ear Technique active.

22:23 <PaleST> "By presenting her ally to a strong circle of Solars, it is hoped that we might get off on a um. Better footing." She tells the truth.

22:24 <PaleST> "We got introduced badly, I admit." She said frankly.

22:24 <Flawless_Glory> The nab has a rectangular face with a prominent chin and a defined, sturdy jawline. His gunmetal, small with a penetrating stare, are set evenly apart below neat eyebrows. A Roman nose hooks over lips pursed in a constant sneer of contempt. His tar black hair is sheared close to the scalp, the cut ragged as if made by a knife in the mirror. The Abyssal's angular features are a reflection of his body and character- sharp,

22:24 <Flawless_Glory> dangerous, with a resentful strength hidden in the wiry cords of muscle that lined his body. For now, he says nothing.

22:24 <Flawless_Glory> *....man, not nab.

22:24 <PaleST> [media]
22:25 <Sophia> "And you swear you have come here with no ill intent towards any of us?"

22:25 <PaleST> "I swear, I come with no ill intent. We have the same enemy and we do not wish to harm Creation." That is both... true!

22:26 <Sophia> "And you, mr Ally?"

22:26 <Flawless_Glory> The man tilts his head to the side, smiling slightly. "I swear it. I bear you no ill will."

22:26 <Sophia> "Just a second."

22:26 — Sophia walks back into the main room and speaks too low of the people outside the door to hear.

22:27 <Sophia> "So, it appears we have guests. A Deathknight we had... reasonably peaceful dealings with before, and an ally of her boss who apparently wants to join us as a sign of good faith."

22:27 <Sophia> "I'm inclined to let them in, but I wanted to check with you. And tell you to be ready in case this is an ambush or something."

22:28 <Flawless_Glory> The man turns to his companion. "They don't seem to like you very much," He remarked, smiling without an ounce of humor.

22:28 <Flawless_Glory> "How did you say you had encountered them before?"

22:29 <Yukiko> "I don't trust creatures of darkness. No offense Asura. Bran. But I'm a little wary of those allied with deathly energies."

22:30 <Sophia> "But you do mean offense to Bran?" Sophia asks with a raised brow.

22:30 <Sophia> "And 'Creature of Darkness' just means 'someone Morena's predecessor was prejudiced towards.'"

22:31 <PaleST> "We were trying to convert a circle member of theirs to a Deathknight. We had no idea who they were, I thought that he was with the Althing, he was around two Infernals a lot."

22:31 <PaleST> The Deathknight admitted.

22:34 <Yukiko> "I just said I didn't mean any offense to Asura or Bran." she says with a frown. "But I've not had many good experiences with the creatures of death before."

22:34 <Flawless_Glory> The man nodded slowly, pursing his lips. "I suppose it's still better than arriving with no introduction at all."

22:35 <Sophia> "Ah, sorry, I misheard."

22:35 <Sophia> "And yeah, our encounter wasn't exactly flattering either. But I still think we should give them the time of day at least."

22:35 <Asura> "Mm." Asura says, "We trust her then?" she asks, "I have nothing to go on."

22:35 <Yukiko> "Trust for now then."

22:36 <Sophia> "No. But I don't believe they're here to harm us."

22:36 <Sophia> "Not short term anyway."

22:38 <Yukiko> "Well, may as well let them in."

22:39 <Sophia> "Alright," Sophia says and returns to open the door.

22:39 <Sophia> "Come on in," she says and steps out of the way with a polite smile.

22:40 — Sophia is a beautiful lithe-limbed woman with long, blonde hair tied in a casual pony tail and grey eyes that see much despite her polite exterior. She has bare feet and is dressed unimpressively in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

22:41 <Flawless_Glory> The Abyssal gives his host something halway between a nod and a bow, but motions for his companion to enter first. Skulls affixed to chains around his waist jostle as he moves.

22:41 <Flawless_Glory> *halfway

22:42 — Yukiko is a young woman of Coralian (Asian) descent, gifted with heartbreaking beauty. Long dark hair, piercingly beautiful eyes the same color as her hair... She's a sweet, curvy young thing dressed in... Yeah. Shorts and a T-Shirt, basically.

22:42 — Sophia glances at the skulls, "I assume those came from volounteers."

22:43 → Mizu (was FIW) joined

22:44 <PaleST> The woman wore a veil like Amalion's cover did, covering her hideousness but her voice was very lovely for all that. If you didn't look at the odd bulges, you could almost imagine someone beautiful underneath... almost.

22:44 — Asura is dressed in street clothes with dark hair and gren eyes, not much to be said beyond a rough look in general.

22:44 <Flawless_Glory> "Those came from those who foolishly broke with the Laws of the Dead. My nature is anathema to this world... thus I garb myself in familiarity to ease the discomfort. It can be disconcerting, I know."

22:45 <Sophia> "You can say that again."

22:46 <Sophia> "So," she says after closing the door between the Deathknights, "why are you here?"

22:47 <PaleST> "I am on loan to him, as is my... companion. I decided it was best to leave her at the headquarters in case that brown-haired friend of yours was here she calls juicebox."

22:47 <Sophia> "She's in Heaven at the moment."

22:48 <Sophia> "And 'on loan?'"

22:48 <Flawless_Glory> The man's smile didn't fade at the comment, in fact, it grew broader and more natural. "My eyes are up here," he quipped, giving the skulls another jostle. "Ah. Well, simply put, I am here to render my services to further this noble cause. We have a mutual interest in dislodging the powers that be."

22:48 <Sophia> "That's it?"

22:48 <PaleST> "We swore loyalty to Bodhissatva." She stated.

22:49 <PaleST> "We cannot be his knights."

22:49 <Yukiko> "Juicebox?

22:49 <Yukiko> "Dare I ask who or what is Juicebox?"

22:49 <Sophia> "They drink blood, the other one took a liking to Morena."

22:50 <Flawless_Glory> He cut in. "Yes, on-loan. I have goals and power of my own, far from here in the Underworld. Although Bodhissatva is focusing her attention on Creation, she is an... ally of mine. Since I cannot bring my own Knights without disrupting the delicate balance, they serve me. For now."

22:50 — Sophia looks to Beauty, "and what's your opinion on being on loan?"

22:52 <Mizu> Mizu steps in past the door. "... Oh, it's you." She says to the knight she does recognize. Now, if Beauty recongizes her with the change in hair color, that might be more striking. "That would actually be pretty amusing right now." Mizu isn't quite laughing, but the wrinkles at the edges of her eyes says she's considering it.

22:53 <PaleST> Bran stared down the pair with some grudging hostility. With dark, brown-black hair, piercing purple eyes and pale skin that glistened like crystal, he made quite the sight. He dressed in a punk rock band tee, jeans and rough boots with a sheen of green on them.

22:53 <PaleST> "If you are really taking down the Althing? Good. My cousin who lived with my family turned down their offer-they tracked her down and burned the house. I didn't exactly survive, though I did save the little ones. They at least... got out." She spoke with deep anger. Her brand of hideousness now makes a great deal more sense. It's burns. Her eyes go wide at

22:53 <PaleST> the entrance of Mizu.

22:54 <Yukiko> "I certainly wouldn't appreciate being loaned out. But then, I've got enough pride to swamp a cruise liner." she says with a quiet laugh.

22:55 <Asura> "Hm." Asura says, "Yes, we are. And family's your stake in this Althing-related conflict then?" she asks.

22:56 <Mizu> "Juicebox, Morena, is in Heaven, yes. She's learning the ropes of her new job. Maybe she'll be in a forgiving mood by the time she's done." Mizu smiles. "I'm so going to need to get a wig, aren't I? As for taking down the Althing... we should be having one more visitor before the end of the day to discuss some terms with."

22:56 <Asura> "That being?" Asura asks.

22:57 <Mizu> "Oh, just an assassin that was once hired to track down a group of newly exalted and force them to terms." Mizu grins. "I intend to offer her a job she can't refuse to... remove some key obstacles in security.

22:58 <Flawless_Glory> "I do have some other goals here in Creation, which I would be happy to discuss with you. It is nothing that will significantly alter things here, but it bears mentioning." The Abyssal states.

22:58 <Sophia> "It does."

23:02 <Flawless_Glory> "Underworld society is reliant on the prayers and sacrifices of the living in the forms of ancestor cults. This recognition by the living allows thost ghosts unwilling to reincarnate to better tether themselves. In exchange, they offer their wisdom to their descendants, and occasionally more direct service by way of summoning. These are the Old Ways. Veneration of the dead has fallen by the wayside, and many ghosts grow weak.

23:02 <Flawless_Glory> I seek to restore ancestor cults here in Creation. Aside from that, I have no aims or claims to power or territory here," He said, looking from face to face.

23:03 — Sophia shrugs, "I have no objection to that so long as the ghosts behave themselves."

23:03 <Sophia> "But I'm not really the most religiously-minded person in this group."

23:04 <Flawless_Glory> "A strengthened Underworld does help to serve your goals. I bring much to the table as an individual, but much more with a united Underworld behind me." He smiled at Sophia. "We Deathknights excel at ruling ghosts and other creatures of the Underworld. It's what we were made for, after all."

23:05 <Yukiko> "I would say that it is time for the dead to go into lethe." she says severely. "I'm not the most religious, but I'll be blunt. I do not trust the creatures of death. I've stalled one too many zombie apocalypses in my day."

23:05 — Sophia raises an eyebrow, "a united Underworld behind *you*? On what time scale do you expect to take over all of it?"

23:08 <Yukiko> "And I especially don't trust anyone who wants to rule over anything on their own."

23:08 <Flawless_Glory> He addresses Yukiko first. "Most will not. Those with sufficient willpower -will- remain, but not as intelligent creatures, rather hungry ghosts. As for zombies... they are mindless creatures. They would exist when created by necromancy regardless of ghosts." He turns to Sophia. "I am already a powerful lord in the realm. I control much, and have many followers. I am one of two who have claimed the title Deathlord... and the

23:08 <Flawless_Glory> other has sworn an alliance to support my cause."

23:09 <Flawless_Glory> *that realm, being the underworld

23:09 <Sophia> "How many sentient beings follow you?"

23:10 <Sophia> "And what level of following are we talking here, they follow the reasonable laws you make? Or more like jump at your smallest whim?"

23:10 <Sophia> "Let me cut to the chase, would they march on Creation if you told them to?"

23:10 <Asura> "Yes, that would be good to know. As much as I don't like... Y'know, deathly weirdness? It still bears mentioning that terms are good to know if this alliance DOES go forward."

23:10 <PaleST> "There are eight other Deathknights who follow my mistress." Beauty states. "And ah. If any of you would happen to have charms for changing appearance..."

23:10 <PaleST> "I would appreciate if my name wasn't horribly ironic."

23:10 <Flawless_Glory> "Now? Not very many. As I said, the dead grow weary and ragged without the veneration of the living. But thousands, nonetheless."

23:11 <Mizu> Mizu remains quiet a moment, then offers in a somewhat cryptic. "If the dead chose to follow him, is one thing. If forced, another." She finally says. "I do not presume to speak for the Heavens on this matter, it is not my place. But I can speak of secrets. There are things not being said." She pauses a moment to look at Beauty. "Hmmm. I might be able to make something work for you, but you might not like it very much..."

23:12 <Asura> "Nope." Asura says, "I've got nothing. Suppose I could /try/ on that front though."

23:12 <Yukiko> "Don't the Dead Exalts have charms of their own to fix their appearance?"

23:12 <Flawless_Glory> He snorts. "Of course they would, if I ordered it. I am a leader. Would I order it? No. I have no designs on Creation."

23:13 <Sophia> "You have no designs on Creation now," Sophia corrects him.

23:13 <Sophia> "And I don't like the idea of anyone having that kind of power over other sentient beings, or any lone being having the power to threaten Creation."

23:13 <Flawless_Glory> The Abyssal chuckled. "If anything, you're safer with me in charge. Many of my comrades are more... directly villanous. They would, and already have, led violent incursions into this realm."

23:14 <Flawless_Glory> "How would I threaten Creation any more than Creation would threaten me? Cut off the source of the worship that give the Underworld ghosts their life? Bodhissatva and I seek -harmony- with Creation."

23:14 <Flawless_Glory> "You may not like the idea of a feudal enterprise. I think democracy is foolish. And yet, I do not tell you how to run things here."

23:14 <PaleST> The Deathknight simply looked down, seeming embarassed.

23:15 <Sophia> "That argument is bullshit," Sophia tells Flawless Glory.

23:16 <Sophia> "If the people you rule would still want you to rule, they could vote for you."

23:16 <PaleST> "I'm very terrible with charms. I only am talented with sorcery and necromancy, though I highly prefer sorcery. It feels very familiar."

23:16 <Mizu> "... Sometimes we have trouble with various things. It happens." She offers to Beauty, and offers a hand. "I... can try to make my way stick to you but, it might be mildly uncomfterable and will take some time to do the job right. Oh, and your boss might not recongize you when I'm done."

23:16 <Flawless_Glory> "Leave my realm to me. I leave yours to you. Creation has its protectors.. and so do we. I have no desire to rule Creation, it is -anathema- to me. I have no desire to eliminate it, because there is no continued death without life, and the ghosts grow idiotic and aimless without mortal veneration."

23:17 <Sophia> "It's not your realm, it's the realm of everyone who lives there."

23:17 <Sophia> "And if you're oppressing them, that's not OK, and I'm not OK with helping you."

23:18 <Flawless_Glory> He snorts. "I thought I was dealing with professionals. There are many who like my rule. And many who don't. Deathknights are beings of power, and I have no unbreakable influence over sentient ghosts. They believe in our Ways, and -want- me as their leader."

23:19 <Yukiko> "And now begin the insults. I think it would be best if you left now."

23:19 <Flawless_Glory> "If my other knights and the ghosts of the Underworld truly viewed me coming into power with such distaste, there is nothing I could do to subjugate the entire Underworld."

23:20 <Sophia> "If the Exalts who name you leader didn't like you, that's probably true. But don't tell me you can't oppress a large populace, because it's relatively trivial for *mortals* to do."

23:21 <PaleST> "Everyone needs to calm down." Came an unexpectedly loud female voice.

23:21 <PaleST> "Now."

23:21 <Sophia> "Creation at least has a very long history of dictators and oligachies of various kind being assholes."

23:21 <PaleST> Kosche stepped forward.

23:21 <Sophia> "I think everyone is calm, Kosche, some of us are just also wrong."

23:21 <Yukiko> "I'm very calm. I'm also not the brash, arrogant fool... for once."

23:22 <PaleST> She gave them both very steely looks that are... rather frightening from someone who's usually gentle and quiet.

23:24 <PaleST> "Enough of the bickering. Insulting one another is going to get us nowhere. They came to help us and they know the situation in the Underworld a lot better than we do. Did he not just say that ghosts were lethargic and not too intelligent right now? Does that sound like people who can rule themselves or say what goes?" She asks the Solars pointedly.

23:53 <Yukiko> "It's not the present we're worried about." she says, the unnatural mental influence sliding off of her without even touching on her mind. "It is the future. Were we not just talking about how my desire for power could corrupt me?" she says. "And what about this one? Where at times those he would rule can lose their minds? I can certainly see the temptation

23:53 <Yukiko> there." And with that she clears her throat. "'Oh, they cannot take care of themselves. I had best do that. I know best after all.' And then in the future, if they wish to rule themselves? 'Oh no, I've ruled you for far too long. I really do know what is best for you. And how could they refuse the power any one of us has, much less the power in someone so

23:53 <Yukiko> closely connected to death?"

23:54 <Anne> Anne clears her throat and then says "Hold up a minute. Please. Us other folks too." It's a polite enough worded request but there's an edge of reinforcing magic as her Attitude Commands Respect. "Glory, can I call you Glory? I'm Anne. Anne Cavanaugh." She approaches and offers a hand to shake.

23:54 <Anne> "I imagine this conversation didn't go the way you expected it to," she adds with a small smile. "Me either. Truth is, we're in an occupied world. We're in the trenches here. The only reason our heads haven't been blown off is that the people who control the battlefield haven't quite noticed we're here yet. We live with the threat of death over our

23:54 <Anne> heads every day and it makes us a bit testy. That's not your fault and I'm not offering it as an excuse. Just a reason."

23:54 <Anne> "Now, here's the thing: All of us here have teamed up to overthrow those in power because no one else can, because they can do what they like no matter who it hurts. You come off as having the same capacity, if not intent, and it makes the girls a little nervous. We're freedom fighters, Glory, and we're in it for the principle of it, crazy as that might

23:54 <Anne> sound to you. I just figure we should be up front about that so you know who you're getting in bed with."

23:54 <Anne> "And you should get in bed with us." Anne hooks her thumbs in the belt of her jeans. "Creation is ruled, utterly, by mad tyrants empowered by madder and more tyrannical beings. We are the only game in town. We know. We've checked. There were a couple of other games too but they're playing on our side and you should too. Our coalition, this combination

23:54 <Anne> is our world's only chance."

23:54 <Anne> "And with all that said, we could use the help. We have magical bullshit aplenty but they have tanks and planes and mass media and millions at their beck and call. We can use anything you got, anything you can bring to the table, Glory. We need it to win it. Because without each other, all we're going to get is 5,000 years of more of the same. My folks

23:54 <Anne> and their folks and your folks don't have that long to wait."

23:54 <Anne> She offers the hand again. "So what do you say? Willing to think about it?"

23:57 <Sophia> Sophia's eyes stay fixed on Anne even after the glow of her Charm has worn off, and her smile takes on that peculiar nature that is exclusive to those well and truly in love.

00:05 <Flawless_Glory> He accepts the proferred hand. "You are expressing exactly the same sentiment I myself tried to. I want nothing more than to help overthrow the Yozi and their servants, and I am willing to work amicably to make that happen. But let me make one thing absolutely clear," He says, turning his head to look at each person in the room. "I -am- a creature of death. I can appreciate the passion you have to stick to your guns, and fight

00:05 <Flawless_Glory> for your ideals- but I cannot express how little I care about what you think regarding what goes on in the Underworld. I am offering to help because we have a common enemy, not because I am just jumping with joy to work with you. I will restrict my methods to what you think is acceptable in -your- territory, Creation. I do this out of a measure of respect for those with knowledge of a place I haven't been in a century, let

00:05 <Flawless_Glory> alone -ever-. If you don't want to help me in my own works? This is fine. Out of a desire to see our mutual foes brought low, I would -still- help. And I would still succeed, both in the Underworld and here, regardless of your protests or refusal to work with me. And when I say I have no designs on Creation? I don't. And I never well. We seek to exist in balance. If you can't trust me when I say that, at least for now, then

00:05 <Flawless_Glory> there can be no partnership here."

00:08 <Anne> Anne makes a point of emphatically shaking that hand. "Glad to know where you stand, Glory. Just so there's no misunderstanding. As for trust, I've always believed trust's a choice. I'm willing to extend that trust." She then makes a point of looking over the room, lifting an eyebrow to see if there's other points of view wanting to be heard.

00:10 <Sophia> "Would you object to us learning more about the people you rule?" Sophia asks as she slowly drags her eyes of Anne and lets her smile return to an ordinary level.

00:14 — Yukiko crosses her arms. "I have made my objections to this alliance known." she says, turning her back. "Do as you must, Queen Anne."

00:15 <Flawless_Glory> "The people I rule are benevolen, noble, and intelligent. They seek to exist in the Underworld and provide their wisdom for their descendants, as well as to work together under Deathknight leadership to create a functional Underworld society. Right now, due to the apathy of living mortals, they are little more than hungry beasts, unable, thanks to the watchful eye of myself and my fellow Deathknights, to slake their thirst as

00:15 <Flawless_Glory> restless ghosts in Creation. But they have too much willpower to simply pass into Lethe to be reincarnated. So we Deathknights remain and watch over their pitiful existance, trying to find a way to free them. We were made to be the Underworld's protectors, not to lead it in invasions. That is the tradition myself and Bodhissatva want to bring back. Harmony. I use my power to -prevent- the kind of darkness you fear."

00:15 <Flawless_Glory> *benevolent

00:15 <Flawless_Glory> "That is why I am here. To restore balance."

00:15 <Anne> "Huh. What does mortal apathy have to do with ghostly, er, sentience?

00:16 <Flawless_Glory> "The lack of veneration of the ancestors weakens the ghosts. They are unable to be summoned, for good or ill, and live a tormented and starved existence in the Underworld."

00:16 <Sophia> "While I appreciate your descriptions of the place, contradictory as it might be, I was talking about seeking them out and seeing their world for ourselves."

00:17 <Mizu> Mizu hauls in a rather large tea service set on its own tray. There's enough cups for everyone... with two to spare. "The same thing it has to do with gods going feral." Mizu offers as an awnser to Anne's question. "Extreme hunger does bad things to sentience, when it fails at killing the sentient, it seems."

00:18 <Flawless_Glory> "That is unwise. It is easy to enter the Underworld. Another thing entirely to bring Essence users -out-. I said myself that is why I did not bring my own loyal thanes. Too many could harm Creation beyond repair."

00:18 <Flawless_Glory> He shrugs. "Perhaps one or two of you could go. But it is not a risk worth taking, in my mind. You would not find the Underworld a pleasant place."

00:19 <Sophia> "I don't want to find it a pleasant place, I want to find out how you treat your lessers."

00:19 <Anne> "It's an interesting question, Sunset. But can we agree it's probably not a priority right now?"

00:20 <PaleST> Kosche took a seat and sipped on her tea quietly.

00:20 <Anne> "Relative to the statistically significant population of people we have the means to see aren't doing well right now, at least?"

00:21 <Sophia> "Yes. It's not urgent."

00:21 <Sophia> "But it is important."

00:22 <Yukiko> "Same. I do not, cannot trust you. Not without going against everything I have been working for. I will defer to Queen Anne only so long as I see no evidence of your..." she struggles to find a polite word to say, "So long as I find no evidence of your... ESSENCE... coming into the world and infecting it."

00:23 — Yukiko wipes away a bit of blood from her nose as she says this.

00:23 <Flawless_Glory> The Abyssal smiles. "I'm curious as to what you think would happen if you didn't like what you saw. When times aren't as trying and passage to the Underworld is... easier, I certainly have no issue with guests."

00:23 <PaleST> The Maiden fussed with the mantle around her shoulders. It looks like the colors of a sunset, beautiful and vibrant, embroidered with gold symbols that wind around it. The symbols are small, but clear but not of any modern-known language.

00:23 <Sophia> "That depends on the details."

00:25 <PaleST> "You know, Yukiko. That's an ironic thing to say." Bran looked deeply amused.

00:25 <Anne> "We have enough plates of trouble to feed everyone in the house and then some. I'm good with not borrowing more right now. So, Glory? And, er," she looks at any other Deathknights about. "Well, what do you guys know about the current situation of Creation anyway? What's your visibility to the enemy?"

00:26 — Yukiko chuckles. "It is, isn't it?" she says, leaning against Bran. "And you have no idea just how hard I had to work to overcome my feelings about those sorts of creatures. I think it helps that you're the most romantic, sweet guy I know."

00:27 <PaleST> "I was a Creature of Darkness, you know." He brushed the hair from her face and kissed her forehead.

00:27 <Flawless_Glory> The Abyssal's smile becomes more measured. "Take a look at my vestments and hazard a guess as to our visibility. As to the current state of creation, I know many... surface facts. The things that would be apparant to the common citizen. But nothing of the deeper intrigues currently unfolding."

00:27 <PaleST> "They know we're here, but not where precisely." Beauty stated.

00:27 <Yukiko> "I know." she says, kissing his cheek. "And I had to work every day to remind myself that YOU were not so bad."

00:31 <Mizu> Mizu shakes her head, then leans in to whisper to Kosche. "Good timing."

00:31 <PaleST> The Endings Sidereal held out a cup for a monkey to grab. Chu-chu!

00:32 — Yukiko lights as she futzes with her beret a bit.

00:32 <Sophia> "Do you have to be so obvious about it?" Sophia asks Glory, "what about, I dunno, a bit of gothy make up and some skull-style earrings?"

00:32 — Yukiko sighs, rather.

00:33 <PaleST> A little monkey decides to scrabble onto Yukiko's shoulder and chitter to her.

00:33 <Yukiko> "I think I will depart for the moment. Unless someone," she smiles and pets the little monkey. "Unless something can think of a compelling reason for me to stay in this room?"

00:34 <PaleST> "How about swinging to the kitchen for cookies and then we monkey around?" Said the Lunar monkey.

00:34 <Mizu> "Lilies, maybe. Or Deadly Nightshade." She offers, then, looks to Beauty. "After my other meeting, I'll see what I can do about... a disguise for you." She grins. "Missing out on me threatening a fellow Vizier with telling the Sun where to find her?" She offers "otherwise, eh, nothing pressing."

00:35 <Flawless_Glory> Glory arches an eyebrow. "Yes, it has to be somewhat obvious. Recognition of the aspects of death is part of why it works. This... goth look would not be suitable."

00:36 — Yukiko chuckles. "I'll get some snacks then. And I'm always up for watching Mizu give someone a good spanking." she laughs, starting to relax.

00:37 <Anne> "Well, I think we can help you out with some on the ground intelligence then, Glory. If you can help us out with a bit of extra punch. Assuming we can find a good weak point to put the chisel in and hit."

00:38 — Yukiko heads into the kitchen and makes some deliciously succulent treats for her friends. Well. Not Glory. Everyone else gets some though. Spiteful? A little.

00:38 <Flawless_Glory> "I have only very recently arrived. I must secure local lodgings, see to proper communication with my realm. Perhaps do some proselytizing. You have done much of the groundwork here- if you can provide me with intelligence, and tell me what is needed, I am happy to apply my abilities."

00:39 <Anne> "I think we can help with that. Mizu? Sophia? You both have some solid connections and abilities when it comes to finding discreet, secure locations, don't you?"

00:40 <Sophia> "I think Mizu's better at this particular bit. I can help with funding if it's necessary."

00:41 <Flawless_Glory> "We do not require much to sustain ourselves. Simple lodgings are fine. We do have some resources of our own."

00:42 <Mizu> "Hmm. I can see if a certain old supposedly 'haunted' manor overlooking a graveyard can be made available. If that would work, Glory?" Mizu sighs, then looks to Anne and Sophia. "Can I bother one of you two to pick me up a brunette wig in the near future?"

00:42 <Anne> "You realize you have the same hair color I did for the last few years, right?"

00:42 <Yukiko> "What do you need a wig for?"

00:42 <Anne> "Just dye it back."

00:43 <Flawless_Glory> The Abyssal smiles. "That would be more than sufficient, you have my thanks."

00:43 <Anne> "And it's nice of you to be modest, Glory, but I'd like to think about the future. Not what you need to subsist but what you'll need to thrive, if possible. To ramp up for the inevitable offensive." She grins and adds "You may be dead but that doesn't mean I want you or your guys to get killed."

00:45 — Yukiko clenches her jaw at that.

00:45 <Mizu> "I realize. i need to look like me for some contacts I'll need to make. As for dyeing it... I've had more luck getting rid of me glowing then getting it to change -back-

00:45 <Flawless_Glory> The man shrugs. "Whatever you think is appropriate. I will have nothing for the inevitable offensive other than my own talents until things change here. Then I can martial the might of my world."

00:46 — Yukiko rolls her eyes, as if to say that she doesn't mind people knowing precisely how little she thinks of his ability to actually martial the might of his world.

00:47 <PaleST> Bran squeezes Yukiko's shoulder and shakes his head no.

00:47 <Mizu> Mizu nods a silent thank you to Bran.

00:48 <Flawless_Glory> "I could extend my tendrils and work my particular talents at will in Creation, but I feel that stepping on those kinds of toes would be detrimental to our partnership. Unless asked, I'm restricting my purview to the revival of ancestor worship."

00:48 <Flawless_Glory> "I'll leave the subversion of nations to those who will be picking up the pieces when we win."

00:50 <Anne> "I'm sure you've got your own agenda and it's decent of you to admit to it. You know what you can do better than we do, though. What would you -like- to do as part of this coalition? Where do you see yourself having the best effect?"

00:52 <Flawless_Glory> "Applying pressure to mortals, individual or mobs. Intimidation, religious conversion, peruasion. Mortals look upon my visage and are eager to obey, either due to lust," He says with a shit-eating grin, "Or fear. I am also an excellent commander of soldiers."

00:54 <Flawless_Glory> "My particular talents are better for toppling a nation than changing it for the better. I can clog the arteries of a governent. If I had no boundaries to respect, I could simply reduce the realm to chaos. But that would ruin the world you're trying so desperately to save. So I will apply those talents where it is deemed appropriate."

00:54 <Flawless_Glory> "That said, if you find something too difficult to alter, you can always just tear it down and create something new."

00:55 <Yukiko> "So you control people through lust and fear?" she asks tartly. "And you intend to... to what? To force them to worship their ancestors?"

00:57 <Flawless_Glory> "I can inspire religious ferver through means other than strong-armed coercion or seduction. I am a priest, first and foremost."

00:57 <Mizu> Mizu makes a hmm sound. "I may have an idea or two on how to sound out where needs to be choked..." She sighs a moment. "To be fair, I've done worse already this -year-." She notes to Yukiko. "and could quite easily cause a lot of havoc if it was my intent."

00:59 <Yukiko> "As could I. But my charms do not work through fear and lust. They can... I have seen what the dead ones can do with their magic."

01:00 <Mizu> "oh, Mine can and have. And lead to people most likely dead. Their power, and those of the normal Solar, are equal. They are tools. How those tools are used describes the person. not vice versa."

01:04 <Mizu> "Just as a hammer in the hand of a carpenter can build a wall, or in the hands of a demolitionist tear a wall down." Mizu offers a cup of tea to Yukiko. "I know you don't like it, but please, peace, not forever, but at least, for tonight."

01:04 <Yukiko> She grits her teeth. "I will... Tolerate his presence then, as much as I am able."

01:05 <Anne> "We have to have our eyes on the end-game here."

01:05 <Anne> "And we need all the team we can get for it."

01:05 <Yukiko> "I have made my feelings known. if we cross a line once, when will we stop crossing them?"

01:06 <PaleST> 5xp for all.

01:07 <Anne> Anne sticks her hands in her pockets. The brunette in the t-shirt and jeans shrugs once and says "When we get to the finish line? I know, loaded answer. You ask a loaded question! For me, it starts with verifying we've actually crossed a line."

01:08 <Anne> "Glory hasn't gone around murdering people that I know of. If that changes, then maybe we have a conversation."

01:08 <Anne> "In the meantime, all of us have work to do."

01:11 <Mizu> Mizu quietly stands up and excuses herself to walk down the hallway as she pulls her phone out of her pocket.

01:16 <Yukiko> "I'll make sure to keep an eye on him."
22:48 <Palemask> The manse that arose in Heaven was new. Eyes watched from many places-but a few approached with friendly intentions.

22:48 <Palemask> Within, the Incarnae, two goddesses and two Chosen came.

22:49 <Trina> Trina laughs ruefully as she surveys her surroundings.

22:50 <Yukiko> (Give me just a moment)

23:01 — Yukiko wanders in, adjusting her armor. "What's up Trina? Haven't heard a laugh like that out of you in ages."

23:02 <Palemask> The sanctum was heartachingly beautiful, the decorations of crafters at work, creating beauty that glorifies love and the act of creation. A familiar form takes shape, a dress of shimmering cloth hanging off her shoulders, tasteful jewelry hanging from her head and shoulders, earrings of pearl in her ears. Dark hair, marble skin and dark eyes so deeply brown

23:02 <Palemask> that it looks black. She held a hand to Trina. Lines of beautiful henna were now on her skin, framing her curves in the perfect way.

23:04 <Trina> She reaches out to clasp it, smiling joyously as she always does when she looks at her consort, but when she speaks her voice is still a little wry. "I had so many plans for our grand arrival..."

23:05 <Palemask> "I know you did. I believe we can go forward with one idea. A smile goes a long way to making friends."

23:08 <Trina> "It certainly does. But I wanted to bring you here in a golden chariot with a retinue, as you deserve." Looking at Yukiko, she adds, "Also, I had expected to bring a few more supplies...and armor...along. Making friends is desirable, but it's good to have something in reserve for those who who decline to be befriended."

23:10 — Yukiko smirks a little. "I AM the little something in reserve." she says, flexing her fingers. "I'm Yukiko Amagi, Brass Tiger. I'm all the 'extra' you need." she laughs softly. "Don't worry Trina. We'll be fine."

23:14 <Trina> The young Twilight nods, studying Yukiko more closely. She is a slight, red-haired young woman with the kind of pale, freckled skin that, ironically, tends to suffer from sunlight. She does not look especially formidable, though her movements are graceful and she carries a long rapier in a simple black scabbard.

23:14 <Trina> "Brass Tiger?" she says. "I take it that you, like our friend Bran, are, mmm, seeking a transfer from the er, hosts of brass?"

23:14 <Palemask> The newly holy goddess smiles at Yukiko-and it feels just like falling in love all over again-that tender, aching feeling-yet the moment she works through it, it's more... like viewing a best friend she'd never met. The sister she never knew.

23:14 <Palemask> "No." Ouranos stated.

23:15 <Palemask> "That is one of the Dawn's original titles." He clarified.

23:15 <Palemask> "Epithets such as the Brass Spiders, Golden Bulls, Quicksilver Falcons-things like that."

23:17 <Palemask> *COPPER spiders

23:18 <Yukiko> "Sorry. Bronze Tiger. Was thinking about Bran." she says, blushing.

23:20 — Yukiko stretches and goes to look out of the window. "So now what? Go forth and convince the gods to return to their rightful places/'

23:20 <Yukiko> ?"

23:22 <Trina> "And fix everything that's broken, replace what's too ruined to fix...this could take a while," says Trina, though she doesn't sound put off by the prospect. Quite the opposite, in fact.

23:22 Palemask → PaleST

23:25 — Yukiko smiles as her eyes pass over the new goddess without flickering with desire. She simply doesn't feel that way. Her reaction to the smile is a very politely returned one though. "I'm ready any time." she says, adjusting her outfit. "What's the first step?"

23:31 <PaleST> "Getting to the Bureau of Fate." Jupiter stated.

23:32 — Yukiko grins as she goes to the door. "No time like the present then. Shall we?" she asks, opening the door. "Age before beauty." she says with a wink and a smirk.

23:32 <PaleST> She pointed to a direction. "About... a fourty minute walk."

23:34 — Yukiko nods and heads out, holding the door with a rock. "I'll take point then." she says, hand on the hilt of her sword. "Should I announce us in advance or shall we take them by surprise/"

23:34 <Yukiko> ?"

23:34 <Trina> The Copper Spider looks down at herself. She is clad in somewhat rumpled travel/working clothes, and she thinks regretfully of the half-finished suit of armor she has been carefully constructing, ring by ring and plate by plate, in her workshop.

23:36 <Trina> "I don't think we really have the element of surprise at this point." She gestures to the manse that has risen up around them.

23:36 <PaleST> Venus chuckled. "Just a moment there, lovelies. Amalion, would you have knowledge of a... private room to help these Lawbringers look their best?"

23:36 <PaleST> The former demon smiled again, brightly. "Oh, yes. This way." She waved to the pair.

23:36 <PaleST> There seems to be some sort of light... substance coming off the gods, Amalion more so.

23:38 <Trina> Trina follows, eyebrow quirking.

23:39 — Yukiko blinks as she looks at Amalion. "Uh... what do you mean? I look fine!" she says. She does, too. She's sporting her finest military uniform, covered by her powerful Celestial battle Armor. For most, she's a rather intimidating figure, the very epitome of a Bronze Tiger.

23:41 <PaleST> "Please sit. I will freshen your makeup and hair. And give a lovely outfit to my dear Catty and very much the same-fresh makeup, newly made up hair." She spoke warmly.

23:41 <PaleST> "What do you say about that, your eminence?"

23:43 <Trina> "An outfit?" Trina fights back a giggle. "You mean, like a ball gown?"

23:43 <Yukiko> "Makeup? Hair?! What's wrong with my hair!" she says, reaching up and putting her helmet down.

23:44 <PaleST> "Something like that." She stated softly and giggled at Yukiko's reaction. "Nothing, dear-I am just very experienced at beautifying."

23:45 — Yukiko grumbles a little as she submits to the prettifying. "You know we might be getting into some fights. And I don't want your hard work getting ruined."

23:53 <PaleST> There's seats, a large vanity mirror, a little desk with a good amount of supplies in it. Venus and Amalion actually work together to create a unique dress for Trina to try on. http://lafemmefashion.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/dresses_450x800/dress_images/productimages-3-17/21620-1.jpg

23:54 <Trina> "It's beautiful...

23:54 <Trina> But...

23:55 <Trina> "It needs something more."

23:56 <Trina> She reaches into her haversack and pulls out her Dancing Brushes. They swirl around her through the air in a complicated pattern.

23:57 <Trina> Then they swoop in close to her and begin to draw *on* her.

23:58 <Trina> The bodice takes on a golden glow and the shining satin fabric hardens till it rings when tapped. The skirt shortens, growing scales like a golden fish.

23:59 — Yukiko stares, and grins. "Why not get an amulet?" she asks. "It's far more convenient."

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

00:01 <Trina> The dress begins to shine like sunlight, a pure clear light that banishes shadows.

00:01 <Trina> "Because this is more fun."

00:02 <Trina> She revolves in her glowing armored dress.

00:02 <PaleST> Amalion giggles. "It certainly is."

00:03 <Trina> "*Now* let's try walking down the street in the teeth of a horde of cannibals."

00:03 — Yukiko rolls her eyes as her outfit vanishes. "But you can do the SAME thing with the amulet." she says, demonstrating. Her outfit begins to warp and shift through all the latest fashions.

00:03 <Yukiko> "...What about my hair?"

00:03 <Trina> "Ooops. We can't forget *that*."

00:06 <PaleST> The goddesses see to their hair-very classy, though splashes of the unexpected. Each find themselves with a +3 to their appearances up to seven.

00:08 — Yukiko preens a little. For all her protestations, the young woman is as much a peacock as any other girl. "Perfect. I think we're ready. Trina? Got any last minute adjustments to make?"

00:08 <PaleST> Venus ran a hand through blue hair and created a dress for herself. "My sisters will need seeing to and I know that Mars will fight my suggestions." http://lafemmefashion.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/dresses_450x800/dress_images/productimages-3-17/16802-4.jpg

00:09 <Trina> The Twilight gazes at the dazzling figure in the mirror, slightly stunned.

00:09 <PaleST> "I think similar will work for Saturn..." She puts a finger on her chin as the other four Maidens walk in, Mars somewhat rolling her eyes. "Venus, you never change."

00:10 — Yukiko chuckles and claps Mars on the shoulder. "It's not so bad. The faster you let it happen, the faster it's over with. And then the faster WE can move on to the more important stuff."

00:15 <PaleST> The war goddess waves and her hair is coiled into many knots and a red qipao. Red jade hangs from her ears, lined with an iridescent metal. http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/995387025/Long-sleeve-cheongsam-wedding-dress-red-qipao-bride-dress-Free-Shipping.jpg

00:16 <PaleST> "But that's your training dress so you don't kill your students." Venus pouts.

00:16 <PaleST> "Exactly." Mars states with a sly smile.

00:20 <PaleST> "Do you know what document I stand for, general?" The war goddess wore a smirk as she turned to Yukiko.

00:25 <Yukiko> "Sorry. Document?"

00:26 <PaleST> "The Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier. The Sun may be the ultimate leader-but it is the soldiers I look after." She stated. "Warriors who fight for their people."

00:34 — Yukiko blinks a little. "That's... Nice? I've never really battled as part of an army." she says with a smile. "Hopefully it won't come to that."

00:35 <Trina> "Just wait," Trina advises her. "Sophia and I should have our Golden Sun Guard up and running by the end of the year, if we can just clear out one of these factories..."

00:42 <Yukiko> "Then let's stop gabbing and get to work!" she says, drawing her sword. As the blade merges with her soul, her anima banner erupts around her, a flowing banner of power reaching into the sky, a beautifully angelic figure that towers over the group.

00:46 <Trina> Trina is already glowing brightly in her golden armor, and her caste mark glitters on her forehead. "Are we all ready, my ladies?"

00:48 <PaleST> Mars smiles wryly. "This will be a first."

00:48 — Yukiko looks to Mars. "What is?"

00:57 <PaleST> "All of us fighting together with the Exalted against gods in Heaven." She stated. "This is a fated moment."

01:00 — Yukiko snorts. "Fate is what..." she stops. "Err... Don't mind me." she says as she realizes what she was about to say, and to whom. "Let's go kick ass."

01:23 <PaleST> "But it is. Fate is truly what you make of it. There are multiple ways in which this can unfold." Jupiter told Yukiko with a chuckle. "But fate and Destiny are not the same thing, either."

20:52 <Truinibad> The Deathknight paced back and forth across the steps on the street corner. He was using the steps in front of the bank, an imposing white marble edifice, as a makeshift dais to speak to his assembled crowd. There was no more than a few score- certainly less than a hundred. But he had to start somewhere, and word would spread of his preaching would spread

20:52 <Truinibad> like wildfire, he was sure. "I have walked the streets of this city. Seen and spoke to its people. Learned its history, the stories of the long-deceased- those that made this nation what it is. I have come here before you, a humble servant of the dead, to issue a warning. But it is more of a plea," He pauses for a moment, stopping in his tracks to face the

20:52 <Truinibad> crowd. "For centuries untold, the spirits of the ancestors would grant their descendants the boon of their gathered wisdom. Those Most Righteous Dead, volunteering to stay behind in the Underworld to provide their aid to the family in times of need, were tethered to this world by the veneration and sacrifices of the living. Your ancestors weep for that past,

20:52 <Truinibad> with what little will they have left. You abjure the past, choosing instead to live in ignorance, dooming yourselves to repeat the mistakes of history. You denounce the Gods, choosing instead to live selfishly only for the world you can see, dooming yourselves to live without true purpose or direction. You turn your back on the knowledge of those centuries

20:52 <Truinibad> your senior, choosing instead to trust in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance, dooming yourselves to be manipulated by gilded tongues or mass media." Again the Deathknight pauses, closing his eyes as he lets the words sink in. Moments later, they open, and he points at a random man in the crowd. "You, sir. Tell me the name of a dead ancestor. A

20:52 <Truinibad> parent. Grandparent. Further back."

21:05 <Palemask> "Ah. Bado Gesha." The man stammered.

21:13 <Truinibad> Flawless drops to one knee, murmuring under his breath for a few moments. Wisps of dark energy coalesce around the man, and dark veins run through the previously pristine white marble.

21:18 <Palemask> A vortex of strange light called an old woman in a soldier's garb of three generations back. She floated, visible but a little... not all there. She looks around sluggishly.

21:22 <Truinibad> "You will find this is no parlor trick. Ask her anything you feel necessary, to prove she is a genuine apparition. Something I couldn't possible know. But be careful... the Restless Dead's faculties diminish without proper veneration. You may not like what you hear."

21:48 <Palemask> "Ah... what was my mother's favorite jewelry?" "That silly rinkadink bracelet your father's brother bought for him. He couldn't make money to save his life. Your mother was always the provider." She grumped. "that's Granna Gesha, alright."

21:51 <Palemask> People were talking together. Now was Flawless's chance.

21:58 <Truinibad> "Do you see? The Underworld, spirits of the long deceased, the Gods- all exist. All are real. But you've turned your backs to them! Without the support of the living, both Creation and the Underworld lose their balance. Failure to abide by the Laws of the Dead on either side of the equation spells doom for all. The restless dead grow weaker and ignorant

21:58 <Truinibad> without the support of the living, but are too willful to reincarnate. More will come, and not nearly as kind as old Granny Gesha," He said with a smile entirely devoid of humor. "Hungry, vengeful ghosts, robbed of their rightful sacrifices by a society too ignorant to understand its place in the world. They will come in the hundreds of thousands- children

21:58 <Truinibad> dragged away in the night, roads unsafe to travel, fields of crops failing. -That- is your coming era, should you fail to heed my warning. Change your ways, I beseech you, and follow my teachings. The Laws of the Dead held both our worlds in balance for millennia, and they will do so again if you change."

22:10 <Palemask> "What are the laws?" Someone called.

22:16 <Truinibad> The Abyssal smiles at the man. "They are quite impenetrable in their language and presentation, ancient as they are. But their meaning is simple... the Laws of the Dead revolve around one simple concept. Respect. Respect for those who came before, for those who stay behind to offer wisdom, for those who gave their lives for you. Remembering their deeds,

22:16 <Truinibad> their names, and offering them your thoughts and sacrifices. Proper burial rites, and so on. Long forgotten courtesy and tradition- nothing... harrowing."

22:40 <Palemask> They start asking how they can honor their ancestors best and how they might improve their lot.

22:53 <Truinibad> "In three weeks time, I will lead a march on the city green. There, we will proceed through the first rites, and I will initiate you into the proper ceremonies. In your individual homes, they are nothing elaborate... small altars, and offerings. But together, as a united people, we will make the spirits hear us, and let them know they haven't been abandoned.

22:53 <Truinibad> Until then, spread the word, and educate yourselves on the lives of your ancestors, so that you may call upon their wisdom when they are strong yet again."

22:55 → FIW joined (FIW@sorcery-bd4ql3.mn.frontiernet.net)

22:58 <Palemask> They cheer and head out.

22:58 Esbilon → Sophia

22:59 FIW → Mizu

23:05 <Palemask> The Deathknight had greeted everyone who'd come back from the moon and had gone and returned a few days later.

23:13 <Palemask> He found them at home at a rare moment of not doing errands.

23:17 *.net ↮ *.split ↔ Palemask and FlawlessGlory (was Truinibad) nipped out

23:22 <Palemask> What indeed had they been up to?

23:39 <Mizu> Mizu had been arranging a few things. But she also has a rather... thick stack of notes she's been reading through, as if doublechecking something. She has looked troubled. Very troubled.

23:43 <Sophia> With Anne out of the apartment, Sophia has returned to Jiji's former home for the company of her fellows.

23:43 <Sophia> She is currently lying on a couch going through an extraordinary amount of official-looking documents on her tablet.

23:43 <Sophia> She throws Mizu's notes a glance.

23:43 <Sophia> "Want to talk about those?

23:46 <Mizu> Mizu looks up form one of several notebooks, then sighs. "No, but I'm going to anyways." She sighs and rubs her forehead. "I was just making sure there was some chance that I was wrong about what I was finding while doing some research the hard way."

23:46 — Sophia puts down the tablet and sits up.

23:49 <FlawlessGlory> The Abyssal raps his knuckles against the front door three times, before folding his arms behind his back.

23:49 <Palemask> No such luck on Mizu's part. The particular collection she has is actually very chilling and would read like murder suspense novels if it weren't for two facts: it's not fiction and it's from the killer's perspective.

23:49 <Palemask> Down period, to be sure.

23:50 — Sophia glances at the door. "You want me to look at the door before you start telling?"

23:50 <Mizu> Mizu sighs as she stands up to get the door. "I'll get it. I'd rather as many were here for this as possible because this is likely gonna be something... not pretty to think about. For all of us." She walks to the door, and peeks out the peephole, before opening the door for Glory.

23:53 <FlawlessGlory> Glory smiles from ear to ear, bowing slightly towards his host. "Greetings... may I come in?" His smile was incredibly welcoming, and his teeth seemed to damn near sparkle. Everything about the man was beautiful in a masculine way, belaying his tainted necrotic essence.

23:54 — Mizu meanwhile just looks like she hasn't been sleeping well, Come on in, and take a seat in the living room. You are just in time.

23:54 <Mizu> *"Come on in, and take a seat in the living room. you are just in time."

23:56 <FlawlessGlory> The Abyssal raises an eyebrow. "In time for what?" He asks, entering the home.

23:56 — Sophia waves from the couch.

23:57 <Mizu> "I'm about to announce some things I found while doing some digging. You get to be included the finding.

23:59 <FlawlessGlory> Glory nods in Sophia's direction, flashing his toothy grin. "Lucky me." He sits down in a chair, hands folded in his lap. The 'man' is... oddly motionless.

00:02 <Mizu> Mizu sits back down after closing the door. "Well, maybe not as lucky as you'd wish. I'm afraid I have some really rotten news. It seems Exaltation has a nasty habit of driving us into various forms of madness that we don't realize happens to ourselves.

00:04 <FlawlessGlory> His grin doesn't fade. "You don't say? WeDeathknights have lived with the Black Miracles for centuries."

00:05 <Sophia> "What are you talking about?"

00:08 <Mizu> "Oh, this predates death knights even being a thing." She notes with a sour tone. "I found Jiji's journals. His -old- journals." She sighs. "He... gets very cryptic at times. Then doesn't even acknowledge that he did so. And it keeps happening. More often, and longer, as time went on. I asked Charity for her assistance in looking over what I had found to se eif this was just a Jiji thing or not..." Mizu pauses then rubs her forehead. "They

00:08 <Mizu> aren't. Apparently our big bad Godol wasn't always the paranoid jackass he is these days, other sidereals also have... odd habits they seem to not notice they develop, even if they are other very self-aware.

00:09 <FlawlessGlory> He tilts his head towards Sophia. "It's our Curse, unless you're referring to something different. The affliction that keeps us from this place, from truly living. It's what keeps us as stewards of the Underworld, rather than world-conquering champions. We must act as part of the world of the dead, or we, and the ones around us, suffer. Simply put, we are

00:09 <FlawlessGlory> not allowed to truly live. I couldn't take a lover, have a family, cultivate relationships or feelings of true joy without the Black Miracles reducing it all to cinders. It's why, when I say i have no intent of remaining or coming back to Creation when my work here is done, you can know I tell the truth."

00:10 <FlawlessGlory> Back to Mizu. "We have experienced no such curse other than what I speak of. Is it possible that this curse was modified by the Infernals, along with the exaltations that make up our number? In that case, our Black Miracles are an expression of what you've discovered. We are very familiar."

00:10 <Sophia> "So," Sophia says to Mizu, "some people are eccentric. People who are isolated physically, socially or intellectually more than most. Powerful people more than most. I get that the on-and-off thing is weird, but how does this spell anything beyond the eccentricities of the rich and famous?"

00:11 <Sophia> "Who's to say those things are remotely related?" She asks Glory.

00:11 <Sophia> "They seem entirely different."

00:12 <FlawlessGlory> "I wouldn't know. Which is why I asked if it were possible."

00:12 <FlawlessGlory> "All I can say is that you mentioned a curse befalling the Chosen, and I was aware of a curse common to exalts of my type. Thus, I thought it pertinent."

00:12 <Mizu> "Because it doesn't happen in 100% of the rich and famous." Mizu looks... distracted, as if she's not seeing the hear and now. Instead she closes her eyes and jots a note on a spare notepad about something. "... A curse. It's not impossible, but

00:13 <Sophia> "Gorol, Charity and Jiji are not exactly all either."

00:15 <Palemask> The clock ticks from the kitchen and then stops ticking.

00:16 <Mizu> "No, but if you start adding in several dozen exaltations of various names and faces..." She freezes as the clock ticking stops. "A funerary rite, a you of a different face. caste of blood to a caste of the sun." She finally says, and shakes her head.

00:17 <Sophia> "What?"

00:17 <FlawlessGlory> "Excuse?" The Abyssal asks, tilting his head.

00:18 <Mizu> She was speaking towards Glory as she spoke. Mizu just shudders. "I... Oh, right, he doesn't know." She sighs. "I see shit, it usually is somehow important shit. Why'd the clock stop?"

00:19 <Sophia> "The clock stopped?"

00:19 <FlawlessGlory> "This is not entirely uncommon. Clocks tend to stop around me."

00:19 <FlawlessGlory> "I am unsure why, but I think it is this... place... rejecting me. My essence."

00:19 — Sophia frowns. "That related to the aforementioned curse?"

00:20 <FlawlessGlory> He nods.

00:26 <Mizu> Mizu shrugs. "It could be, it could be osmething else, I have no idea."

00:27 <FlawlessGlory> Glory chuckles. "Trust me, I didn't for a moment believe you would."

00:28 — Sophia frowns at Glory, "don't underestimate Mizu's knowledge of things that are generally unknown."

00:28 <Sophia> "You're a champion of the dead, she's a champion of secrets."

00:35 <Mizu> Mizu laughs. "I'm... what I am. Let's leave it at that." She sighs, "So, yes, sI have reason to think that we're... 'infected', 'cursed'." She sighs. "In ohter news, I may have helped make a nice new chisel hole or two."

00:35 <Sophia> "Chisel hole?"

00:36 → FlawlessGlory2 joined (Android@sorcery-aettkl.fios.verizon.net)

00:37 <Mizu> Mizu just smiles. "I might have found someone willing to clear some... sticky troubles in our opposition's chain of command from the inside." She grins a little.

00:38 <Sophia> "Oh. That sounds very interesting," Sophia says with a small smile.

00:38 <Sophia> "Should I want to know?"

00:39 <FlawlessGlory2> "Anything to further the cause. Let me know if my talents could be of any use."

00:40 <Mizu> "Depends, am I allowed to have an extra special tier of hate for a gorup that would hold family hostage to keep someone working for them?" Mizu keeps the smile, but her tone says she's -sick- "Give me a few more days, and I should have a list of targets that have been softened." She sighs and rubs her forehead.

00:42 <Sophia> "You are," Sophia says with a slight frown, "but I'm not sure it's helpful."

00:44 <Mizu> "Crazy knife lady is working for me." She states as she holds up a business card. "The Fake-Kit's partner." Mizu shrugs, and sighs. "So, how what have you two been up to?"

00:45 <Sophia> "Rosaline Tepet's leading an inquiry into corruption in parliament. I've been reading transcripts and pre-session information."

00:45 <Sophia> "Also looking into who to push into the soon-to-be-vacated seats."

00:46 <Sophia> "Oh. And Anne and I bought a place to live. Which is why we haven't been sleeping here."

00:53 <Palemask> Charity came down, a plate with mugs of coffee on it that she offered.

00:53 — Sophia perks up at the smell of coffee and gratefully accepts a mug.

00:54 <Mizu> Mizu takes a cup and leans back to sip on it thoughtfully. Perhaps a bit lost in thought

01:00 <Palemask> She offers a cup to Flawless. "I do not think a bit of drink would inflict a curse on you."

01:01 — Sophia sips. "This is very good, Charity, thanks."

01:01 <FlawlessGlory2> "I certainly hope not. Many thanks," He says with a nod, accepting the cup.

01:07 <Palemask> She took a seat on the floor and placed a paper on the coffee table. She began to draw a symbol, linking stars. The Rising Smoke. She then drew other stars in conjunction with it. "Many years ago, I saw this conjunction. One I have never seen before or after." She drew a line. On the top half of the sheet she began to draw The Banner. The Lovers. The

01:07 <Palemask> Treasure Chest. Different stars in a wholly different conjunction. "These were what I saw when your group left." She turned the sheet over and drew another conjunction. She handed it to Mizu.

01:09 <Mizu> Mizu stares at the pileup of star charts a moment.

01:10 <Mizu> Mizu then coughs, softly. "Charity, are .. you sure?" Mizu is looking... "I mean, yes, but..." She frowns. "That shouldn't -work- but there it is."

01:10 <Sophia> "Can we get a commentary track for those of us who are not astrologers?"

01:11 <FlawlessGlory2> The Abyssal nods in agreement.

01:12 <Mizu> "... alright, some background then. You are aware that, to some extent, the stars reflect the loom of fate, the tapestrey that keeps creation... creation, yes? From there...We have two starcharts. One speaks of... corruption, destruction, and tradgety that would likely be enough to strike any one of us mute." She pauses. "The other... Is glory, upheaval in serenity and violence resolving to some goal successfully.

01:13 <Mizu> "Both of these alignments, normally, are..." She pauses to look for words.

01:13 <Sophia> "And these events are associated with which events?"

01:14 <Mizu> "The second, was our departure, heralding or forewarning of what we would bring home. The first, well, Charity, what -was- going on at the time?"

01:16 <Palemask> "It was... strange light from the moon that drove people to well... not excess, but many parties. There were extremely few crimes-no murders, no assaults. Days of... serene madness. I felt my power much greater during that time-thus why I survived what Kejack did not."

01:17 <Mizu> Mizu just frowns. "The thing is. These particular stars lining up like this..." Mizu frowns. "It's not a secret that we all tweak fate, sometimes severely." She looks over at the Abyssal. "He for example is pretty muchc ompletely outside of it." She then turns to Sophia "And you could bend the treads around you into so many snarls that it's not even funny." She sighs, and frowns again. "The paradox of what I'm seeing in these charts... is a

01:17 <Mizu> -mess-. Half of these stars conjunctioning should have had enough of a paradoxioal effect to... "

01:18 — Sophia sips coffee again as she waits for Mizu to finish that sentence.

01:18 <Mizu> Mizu frowns, as her eyes get a fuzzy look for a moment, then she facepalms.

01:21 <Mizu> "Calibration." She finally states. "We haven't had a Calibration in centuries, and everything is out of whack, and the paradoxial tangles are likely doing some fun things."

01:21 — Sophia blinks, "I've read stories about Calibration. Wasn't sure it was a real thing. What will actually happen?"

01:21 <Mizu> Mizu's eyes widen.

01:23 <Sophia> "Also, *when* will it actually happen?"

01:23 <Palemask> The clock began ticking.

01:24 <Sophia> "*Is* It happening?"

01:24 <Palemask> Tick. Tick. Tick. Tickticktick. Tick........... tick...

01:24 <Mizu> "fuck. I think we need to write a 'how to survive calibration guide." Mizu sighs. "Tradtionally? End of winter. Five days. Lot sof things go really wonky, particularly at night."

01:24 <Mizu> "... Um. Possible. Very possible."

01:25 <Sophia> "Right." Sophia starts rising, "you two," she says indicating Mizu and Charity, "can you start writing talking points?"

01:26 <Sophia> "You," she asks Flawless Glory, "I don't suppose you have experience as a camera man?"

01:26 <FlawlessGlory2> The Abyssal's nostrils flare. "Can't say that I do."

01:27 <Mizu> "On it. Biggest thing: Do -not- go outside at night." Mizu is grabbing a pen and writing.

01:28 <Sophia> "Right. Mizu, got an idea where Jiji might have had a camera and a tripod hidden?"

01:29 <Palemask> "Putting a kettle on the fire to boil can make it freeze. Flowers grow backwards. These are the least interesting parts of calibratiion. No stars. No moon, save for the three days in."

01:30 → Yukiko joined (uid104445@sorcery-ci2i6b.brockwell.irccloud.com)

01:30 <Sophia> "When I said make a list, I meant write an actual list. With safety tips beyond 'strange things happen'"

01:30 <Mizu> Mizu is already off at a dead run for more books. "Front closet. Top shelf, and fair warning it might not be new."

01:31 — Sophia walks swiftly, "I can cope with not new. So long as it's digital, it'll be OK."

01:34 — Yukiko grins. "If you need me to, I can record the video and make sure NOBODY goes out, or does any of the dumb stuff the video warns them not to."

01:34 — Sophia turns and notices Yukiko, "when did you get here? Nevermind. Yes, you should do this."

01:35 — Sophia takes out the camera and rests the tripod on her shoulder. "Any ideas for a room?"

01:36 — Yukiko shrugs, ever so slightly. "Could do it anywhere, if someone's got a little illusion magic." she says.

01:36 <Mizu> Mizu returns... from a different corridor then theone she walked down. "Basement should be fairly sane still." She muses, carrying a thick notebook of various safety tips for mortals during Calibration... and tips for celebrating it as a holiday too!

01:36 <Sophia> "That kind of magic is not trivial. Well, maybe to faeries, but that's besides the point."

01:37 <FlawlessGlory2> The Abyssal rose to his feet, placing his coffee mug on a coaster. "Well, good luck with that. I'll return... later."

01:37 — Sophia hands Yukiko the camera and tripod. "Could you go set it up, I'll condense the information into a script."

01:39 <Mizu> "Have fun, enjoy the non-cause-and-effect. Try not to kill anyone, it might backfire horribly."

01:41 — Yukiko nods and gets everything set up in a nicely furnished room. Plenty of ambiance for the video.

01:41 <Mizu> Mizu hands off the notes to Sophia and gets out of the way

01:41 — Sophia starts writing a clear, concise and viral-friendly script.

01:48 <Sophia> A short time later, the script is ready and she goes to Yukiko with a small stack of papers written in neat, easily-legible handwriting.

01:49 <Sophia> "I have a script, ready to film this?"

01:54 — Yukiko grins and nods. "You bet I am. This is... Well it's not NICE, but at least it's more relaxed than it could be. What cha got for me?"

01:55 <Sophia> "A script," she says offering it, "it contains a minimum of classical references, safety tips and interesting and relevant examples, very serious safety rules, and an expected end time."

01:59 — Yukiko nods and takes a deep breath. "Alright. I don't normally do this serious stuff. Any chance we could get Anne in on this too? it'd take a load off my mind."

02:00 <Sophia> "She's away at the moment, and with this thing starting, I have no idea when she can be back."

02:00 <Sophia> "And we need this done *now*."

02:00 <Sophia> "If you don't want to, I can make the video myself."

22:44 <Palemask> The camera is rolling.

23:01 — Yukiko snaps her fingers, setting the beat. From the area around her come her back-up dancers, the band, and everyone and everything she needs. Her mind reaches out into the non-space that her performances always come from. As the camera rolls, she pours heart and soul into getting Sophia's message across. To everyone who's watching her live, she reaches out to

23:01 — Yukiko them. and to everyone watching, it feels like she's talking to them specially, warming the heart and steeling the soul with her warnings. Be cautious. Be careful. She says as she dances to the beat, her feet taking her across the room as the camera pans to follow her. In a microcosm, she dances through the five stages of the sun, ending in the Eclipse... And

23:01 — Yukiko then into Calibration itself. From her dance, she imparts the knowledge and some of the skill needed to survive. She pours her heart into the performance, finishing with a flourish and a pose as the lights dim to blackness.

23:04 <Palemask> Five days. Five starless days.

23:10 — Yukiko phews as the camera clicks off. "Alight Sophia. that should just about do it. I reached everyone that I could."

23:22 <Palemask> Sophia's phone rings.

23:22 Palemask → PaleST

23:22 — Sophia picks it up, "Sophia Beufort," she says, a hint of the nervousness she feels at the new state of the world audible in her voice.

23:27 <PaleST> "There's hearings tomorrow. I could use some friendly faces in the back when we vet the candidates-I've got at least three seats cleared for those you think would be useful-if for council or witnessing this change."

23:29 <PaleST> It's Rosaline's voice.

23:29 <Sophia> "What exactly do you need from us? Audience participation is rarely a big part of parliament hearings."

23:31 — Yukiko gives Sophia an odd look.

23:32 — Sophia returns Yukiko's look

23:32 — Yukiko mimes 'who are you talking to?'.

23:34 <PaleST> "That's correct-but I believe you might have wisdom that one person alone might not." She pointed out.

23:36 <Sophia> "I'd be happy to come, Rosaline," she says, answering Yukiko's question in part at least, "and I'm sure I can also make my impressions known."

23:36 <Sophia> "What's the plan for the hearing itself?"

23:37 — Yukiko listens in without really TRYING to. She's just naturally curious, that's all!

23:51 <PaleST> "To have a number of worthy candidates as interim governance and then open the proceedings on the outgoing ministers." The woman stated. "They may not leave easily."

23:52 <Sophia> "You have the evidence and the authority to make them, though. Right?"

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

00:02 <PaleST> "We do, yes." She confirmed. "We have them dead to rights."

00:03 <Sophia> "So what kind of problems are you concerned about? Violent opposition?"

00:04 <PaleST> "Do you know how to tell when people are lying?" She asks, sounding a bit tired and amused.

00:04 <Sophia> "Yes."

00:05 <PaleST> "That will be quite useful in the hearing, then."

00:06 <Sophia> "So I imagine," Sophia says with a little amusement, "I have a few more tricks up my sleeves too that might be useful."

00:06 <Sophia> "So. You said three seats. Any suggestions on who I should bring?"

00:08 — Yukiko raises her hand.

00:10 <PaleST> Kosche touches Sophia's shoulder. "The Deathknight. I will sneak along. For security."

00:10 <Sophia> "Why?" Sophia mouths at Kosche.

00:12 <PaleST> She smiles. "The laws of the dead." She stated simply.

00:14 — Sophia nods, "actually, I think I know who will take the three seats. If you can get a fourth, Anne would probably like to come too."

00:17 <PaleST> "It can be arranged." Rosaline said after a pause. "I do believe that this will be an interesting election period coming up."

00:18 — Sophia chuckles, "certainly one of great change."

00:19 <PaleST> "I hope to see you again soon after the hearing-one way or another."

00:19 <PaleST> Click.

00:19 — Sophia puts down the phone, "she's in too much of a hurry to be polite. I am unsure if this is a good thing."

00:26 <Yukiko> "Who is she?"

00:26 <Sophia> "An ambitious MP who's not an asshole."

00:26 <Sophia> "She's invited us to a hearing."

00:33 <Yukiko> "Oh? Of what?"

00:34 <Sophia> "Exposing corruption among the old guard, and getting them kicked out of Parliament."

00:34 <Yukiko> "Well now! Isn't that just lovely!"

00:34 <Sophia> "That's the notion," Sophia says with a smile.

00:41 <Yukiko> "So what are we to do?"

00:42 <Sophia> "Sit and watch. Let Rosaline know if we notice anything of particular interest."

00:52 <Sophia> "Anyways," she says and pulls out her phone again. A few moments later, she's sent a message off to FlawlessGlory, inviting the Deathknight to join them at tomorrow's hearing before Parliament. And to wear something less conspicuous that full armor and actual human skulls.

00:55 <FlawlessGlory> The Deathknight, extremely unfamiliar with technology, fiddles around with the phone like an old man for about ten minutes before opening the text. He replies in the affirmative.

00:56 — Yukiko looks in on the text as she sends it. "Let me guess, he NEEDS to be told to not wear full armor and human skulls?"

00:58 <Sophia> "That was my distinct impression."

00:59 <Yukiko> "Oh dear..."

01:00 — Sophia writes back again: "Good. Maybe you could pick up a suit that someone's actually been buried in, or an undertaker's uniform or some such. There will be guards who will not let you in if you dress like you want to."

01:02 <FlawlessGlory> "I'll think of something."

01:03 <Sophia> "Great, see you then."

01:03 <Sophia> "Alright, not much else to do than get ready, then."
21:35 <Palemask> The museum has posted hours and a low admission price. On Jupiterdays, it's free to families and today is not a Jupiterday. The picture of its outside is lovely, a place of stone and cut topiary. There's a number and an email or four, where tours and information can be obtained.

21:35 — Sophia doesn't bother with the tour. She figures she knows most of what they'd say anyway, and can conjure up the rest between her Exalted mind and the smartphone in her pocket.

21:36 <Sophia> Instead, she pays the entry fee and wanders around a bit, not quite aimlessly, but not directly to the statue that is her goal either.

21:39 <Palemask> The layout is good, with surprising vantage points. There's various staffers, seemingly preparing for something. "Did you hear? There's a dig around Dari and they think they've discovered some interesting artifacts!" One whispered with excitement.

21:39 <Palemask> "Oh? I didn't hear that?" The other whispered back.

21:39 — Sophia activates Master of Small Manners and steps towards them.

21:40 <Palemask> "The courtyard's been filled with mist since..."

21:41 <Palemask> "Oh. Hello, miss. How may I help you?" The woman who'd been gossiping bowed her head in greeting, her cheeks flushing.

21:41 <Sophia> "Please go on," Sophia says with a smile that is impossible to refuse, "I'd love to hear more about those artifacts from Dari."

21:49 <Palemask> "One of our pieces is from Dari. Though it's not really known nowadays for it, the lion here spoke of it as Dari of the Mists. There was a hope that there were more in the area where the sculpture was found-and it finally was." The woman chirped. "It's mostly little things-toys and such, before electricity and technology with things like magic. It's

21:49 <Palemask> unimaginable what the ancients did."

21:50 <Sophia> "The lion?" Sophia asks puzzled.

21:51 <Sophia> "And when you say 'mostly little things,' she adds with a conspiratorial smile, "one is led to believe that there is at least one great thing."

21:57 <Palemask> "A scepter. Let me show you." She led the way towards the courtyard.

21:58 — Sophia follows eagerly, recalling the scepter of the dream she had the first night after her Exaltation

22:01 <Palemask> "There is an orb in a statuary. We've been running tests and the orb is much older than the rest of the statue. The rest is of a completely different material. Some kind of... mercury? Not quite mercury is used with the orb but mercury doesn't act like that. It has some anti-bacterial properties like silver." The woman yapped eagerly. "The pictures of the

22:01 <Palemask> two make them look connected!"

22:02 <Sophia> "Oh? That's fascinating. Why do you think they are connected?"

22:06 <Palemask> "There's similarities in their designs and decorations-I think it was either the same art movement or maybe... the same artist who created them." The doors loomed, the mist clearly visible through the glass doors.

22:06 <Sophia> "Are they very well preserved?"

22:09 <Palemask> "Oh, definitely. There's no sign of any deterioration, well. When they're washed off." She opened the doors and held one open for Sophia. "Here we go." The mist billowed in and immediately, a happy, serene feeling came over the Exalted.

22:10 — Sophia activates Temptation Resisting Stance and Integrity Protecting Prana.

22:10 <Sophia> Though sudden mood changes made the hair on the back of her neck stand up, Sophia could hardly deny how pleasant this new locale was.

22:14 <Palemask> There seems to be no attempt to change her or her mind, though the pleasant feeling fades. The mists make the sunny courtyard like a dream-the beauty of all the visible items outside becoming more apparent. Even the staff lounging around seem pleasant, relaxed and happy, looking regretful as they get off break but eager to do their jobo.

22:15 <Sophia> "This is a nice place you have here."

22:18 <Palemask> "It wasn't always this nice. I decided to visit the orb and make a wish on it, to make the museum a nice place to visit and work for people who do their jobs. It felt like... I still don't get the whole "I'm now a water-aspect" thing sometimes but it felt really nice, like a wish granted!" The woman sighed.

22:19 <Sophia> "Wait, you're dragonblooded?" Sophia asks with surprise, "I'm honored," she adds with a small bow.

22:22 <Palemask> The woman, now that Sophia is looking, has unusually dark skin, blue eyes and green hair. One of the greenies? "Since the solar eclipse."

22:23 <Sophia> "And you still work at the museum? Don't get me wrong, it seems like a great job, but aren't there big companies and governments eager to pay big money to hire Dragonblooded?"

22:26 <Palemask> "I love my job and I love working here. There's plenty of soldiers. One person staying with a museum isn't going to impact much of anything." She chuckled.

22:26 <Sophia> "That's great. So. Have you tried wishing on this scepter too?"

22:35 <Palemask> "It wouldn't work!" She chuckled. "Not for me, anyway." They came to a roped off segment. There was a large pedestal with a large, stone lion. the lion itself looked somewhat worn by the years, though the orb it 'rested' on had a Lunar aspect to it, clearly to Sophia's eyes. Next to it was a setup, with a scepter standing up out of it. It had a solar aspect

22:35 <Palemask> to it, though it was currently inert.

22:37 — Sophia opens her Second Sight fully and observes the two artifacts with the utmost interest and attention to detail.

22:52 <Palemask> The mist is definitely coming from the orb. The wish of the woman seemed to be written on it, granting pleasure for those who made the museum a pleasant place to work and visit-but not just pleasure. Well-being, health, sweet dreams and fertility as well. The staff was the stick to the orb's carrot. If people worked against rules or wishes of the holder,

22:52 <Palemask> they could be punished come nightfall-though this required an oath to the holder. Oaths made them work best, with punishment and reward. Yet a brief memory availed her: should she activate it and extract oaths, a marking on the left hand would appear and then she would be able to ride the senses of anyone with that marking.

22:54 <Sophia> "I'm sorry," Sophia says in a somewhat disturbed voice and turns to face the woman by her side, "I'm afraid I didn't get your name."

22:58 <Palemask> "Mari." She bowed her head cheerfully.

22:58 <Sophia> "Mari, do you have any idea what these two objects are?"

23:03 <Palemask> She sighed. "We don't know much about them. We've taken to calling the big statue the Guardian's Pearl. We just got in the scepter but we know they were created around the same time and by the same team, if not the same person. We also know the statue was not originally a part of the Pearl."

23:04 <Sophia> "You know that they are magical, right? Do you know what it is they *do*?"

23:08 <Palemask> "Well, we definitely know the orb is and we've guessed that the scepter is-just not exactly what. We usually try not to, but I had the feeling... a strange dream when the lunar eclipse happened." She flushed at that. "It was dangerous, I admit it. We never know when it's a weapon or something that might have terrible consequences."

23:08 — Sophia takes a quick look around for anyone else within hearing range.

23:09 <Palemask> Nobody. The rest have come off break.

23:10 <Sophia> "I haven't been as forthcoming as I might have been. You see, I knew about the orb and the scepter beforehand. I saw them in a dream. And like you, I am more than most humans."

23:11 <Sophia> She catches Mari's gaze and looks into her eyes with deadly seriousness, "those two objects are perhaps the most powerful tools of shaping a society that have ever existed. Letting them be freely accessible out here is a terrible, terrible idea."

23:15 <Palemask> She raised her hand to her mouth, utterly surprised. "What?"

23:17 <Sophia> "Exactly what I said. The Orb brings peace, happiness and stability, the Scepter enforces law and order through harsh punishments and gross violations of privacy."

23:18 <Palemask> "I can shut it down and speak to the director. That's terrible." She looked deeply troubled.

23:20 <Sophia> "Do you have somewhere actually safe to store items like this?"

23:28 <Palemask> "There's a fenced-in area in the basement, where customers aren't allowed to go."

23:29 <Sophia> "So, no. This is not the sort of thing that needs to be kept on the top of the closet where the kids can't get it, it's the sort of thing that needs to be kept under the same level of lock and key as the nuclear launch codes."

23:30 <Sophia> "I have the resources to offer that level of protection to them. But I'm not affiliated with the museum, and I wouldn't want to trust me with these artifacts either."

23:34 <Palemask> "Why not?" She asked curiously. "You seem to know a lot about them."

23:35 — Sophia sighs, "to be honest I would trust myself with them. But I shouldn't. No single person should be trusted with them."

23:36 <Sophia> "Do you think there's any way to convince the director or whoever is in charge of such matters to sell them to a private collector for a suitably obscene amount of money?"

23:38 <Palemask> She looks thoughtful. "That would work."

23:39 <Palemask> "But I get the sense that one person *can't* use them both."

23:39 <Palemask> Looking at the items-that's true.

23:39 <Sophia> "I could probably also scrounge up some other old artifacts to trade if that would be helpful to convincing him."

23:42 <Palemask> "That would definitely help, especially if they're historically significant." She said cheerily.

23:42 <Sophia> "You think he'll take a down payment while I figure out what I can get? I'd feel a lot better if these were out of the way soon."

23:45 <Palemask> "I'll have to talk to my aunt about that, she's in her office if you're interested." She offered.

23:45 <Sophia> "I am. Very."

23:45 <Sophia> "Your aunt's in charge?"

23:51 <Palemask> She nods. "She's also a chairwoman emeritus at Azure University, a patron of the arts and an author. This is her ah. Eating job. Of sorts. She's technically retired. Tadashii Hana." She named a prominent feminist author.

23:51 <Sophia> "I've read some of her books. She's good, though not as good as the papers seem to think."

00:01 <Palemask> "Please, follow me-ah. This way. It's kind of strange. My aunt's been... energetic of late."

00:02 <Sophia> "Since the Eclipse?" Sophia asks with some suspicion

00:07 <Palemask> She shakes her head. "Before that. She started wearing a new jewel since then."

00:07 <Palemask> "She never was into bindi jewelry before..."

00:09 <Sophia> "Hm," Sophia says, hiding the frown she would naturally have formed.

00:09 <Sophia> "Any new friends or associates from around that time?"

00:09 <Palemask> She shook her head. "Not that I'm aware of."

00:13 <Palemask> "This way, please."

00:13 <Sophia> "Sorry if I'm being too intrusive. I'm just naturally curious," Sophia apologizes with that exceptionally friendly smile.

00:13 <Palemask> She stopped a moment. "Oh, it's fine." She smiled. "The world's strange lately."

00:13 <Palemask> "Just a question-only one person can ah. Make a wish on these things, can't they?"

00:15 <Sophia> "They're not wishes so much as rules. And yes, only one person can attune to each."

00:41 <Palemask> "You should, so that someone else can't."

00:42 <Sophia> "They can, if I don't touch it for 25 hours, the attunement will lapse. But maybe it *is* for the best," Sophia says and reaches out to the scepter.

00:50 <Palemask> The scepter awaits her, the motes committed connecting it to her, binding it to her command-and Sophia is now connected to the scepter.

00:51 — Sophia examines the process as it happens, how her Essence melds with the ancient symbol of rulership. And how it changes once it is activated.

01:00 <Palemask> It feels physically lighter. She senses the basic uses of the item-how to accept oaths, how to set laws, various things. It feels less that something is caused by it and more that it contains a power. There is a connection to the orb and Sophia can sense Mari's earnestness and curiosity-and a strong compassion and conviction on preserving the arts and

01:00 <Palemask> workings of history. She is sincerely a good and decent person.

01:01 — Sophia turns to face Mari. "The connection between these two artifacts has imposed a connection between the two of us as well. Do you feel it?"

01:02 <Palemask> Mari nods. "I do. You're a very strong-willed and stubborn person. And there's a shining light inside you."

01:03 <Sophia> "I'm not stubborn," Sophia protests, "I'm just right most of the time, and unwilling to cave."

01:04 <Sophia> "The impression this leaves of you is rather more flattering though," she says with a somewhat sardonic smile.

01:07 <Palemask> Mari laughs. "Well, I try my very best at whatever I do. Let's go see my aunt." She leads the way.

20:44 — Sophia follows with slight apprehension. She has a pretty good idea what Mari's aunt is, but she's probably not the kind to use her powers for evil. Probably.

20:46 <Palemask> Mari lead the Twilight into the employee area, using a magnetic ID card to open the door and a pass code that a plastic cover blocked the sight of. She held the door and then went straight to the offices. There seems to be a number of this with binders around, labeled clearly. With her essence sight, she can tell that a lot are simply utility items or toys

20:46 <Palemask> in various states of disrepair from age and lack of proper upkeep.

20:48 — Sophia looks around curiously, but does not slow down. Unless there's something more important than an Alchemical Exalt who can let her bring those two artifacts to safety. Leaving them around like this? If the Infernals realized what it was, the fight might well be over before it even started.

20:54 <Palemask> One thing she notices are... small posts for climbing down, sized for a small animal like a cat or ferret. A very beautiful and large maine coon cat with a banded tail stared Sophia down, tail flicking. Mrow. The cat's voice was very purry and there was some essence-someone's familiar, perhaps.

20:55 — Sophia gives the cat a pleasant smile and a wave, but doesn't linger.

20:57 <Palemask> The cat showed her interest by licking at her paws. The young woman knocked at the door. "Auntie?" She called out.

20:57 <Palemask> "The door's open, Mari." A husky voice called.

21:10 <Palemask> The young woman opened the door and to ordinary sight, indeed, it looks like a 60-something woman with solidly grey hair, thoughtful amber eyes and a build and face of someone who keeps themselves in good shape. She's aged extremely well, to be sure. On the other hand, she inspires a vision of a gold-tinged image of Sophia in a dress of rich clothes and good

21:10 <Palemask> taste, even if it's got oricalcum as a part of it, holding the rod she has connected herself to, looking sober, but content. The visionary Sophia traces the lines of the artifact, though the shadows of her friends-particularly Roxy and Anne-seem to be helping her stand straight. In a moment, the vision is gone. It feels... like resonating? As if a part of

21:10 <Palemask> Sophia is resonating with the woman before her.

21:10 <Palemask> The woman seems entirely unaware of this, however.

21:11 <Palemask> "Well, you've brought a very interesting friend in today, Mari." The woman smiled slightly-this must be Hana.

21:11 — Sophia blinks in surprise.

21:12 <Sophia> "Yes. Hello," Sophia mumbles and steps forward, offering her hand, "I'm Sophia Beufort."

21:14 <Palemask> This woman carries a mercurial essence, like Roxy-yet it's fused with something else entirely unlike Roxy that makes the end result far more extensive: she is not human at all anymore. She shakes Sophia's hand warmly. "You a part of the noble family Beufort?" She asked curiously.

21:15 <Sophia> "Yeah. The duke and duchess are my parents."

21:15 — Sophia says a little awkwardly.

21:20 <Palemask> "Your parents do a lot of charitable work; what brings you here, vicount?" She asked.

21:20 <Sophia> "Countess. And please just call me Sophia."

21:21 <Palemask> "Sophia it is." She smiled wryly. "Almost had it."

21:21 <Sophia> "To answer your question..." She hesitates, "the lion resting its foot on an orb, and now that I know it's here, the scepter next to it."

21:42 <Palemask> The woman studies Sophia carefully. "You want to buy it. Convince me why."

21:44 — Sophia is silent for a time. On the one hand, she could do a lot of good with those powers. Systems could be put in place to make sure it didn't go out of control. On the other, she still thinks her first thought was right. They're too dangerous for anyone to use. At least on any real scale. Plus, that's what she told Mari, and going back on her word there is gonna

21:44 — Sophia look terrible.

21:45 <Sophia> "I don't want to buy them," she says, "I want them kept safely under lock and key. If the way to achieve that is buying them from you, I'd be happy to."

21:51 <Palemask> "Why do you want them locked down?" She queried.

21:52 <Sophia> "Because they're tools of controlling and guiding a population on a level that makes the worst tinfoilhats look like naive fools. Flouridation conspiracties has nothing on these two."

21:52 <Sophia> "And frankly, I don't trust anyone to use them."

22:19 <Palemask> The woman leaned back. "And you suspect someone's going to take these from my museum."

22:20 <Sophia> "Eventually, yes. You have a metaphorical nuclear weapon standing around out there."

22:33 <Palemask> She looked thoughtful. "What do you think of the ruling party?" She seemed entirely neutral.

22:34 <Sophia> "You mean their mooks in parliament, or the real ruling party?"

22:34 <Palemask> She smiled wryly. "You aren't one of them, then?"

22:35 <Sophia> "Nope. And no disrespect, but if they got their hands on what you have out there, I shudder to think of our chance of getting real help to the people of this city."

22:35 <Sophia> "And I don't think you could stop them if they tried."

22:41 <Palemask> "Admittedly, I'm more of an artist and humanitarian than a warrior." She sighed. "Mari, please sit."

22:41 <Palemask> "Aunt Hana? What's this about?" The young woman took a seat.

22:41 <Palemask> The woman tapped a gem in the middle of her head. "This was rather agonizing when I put it to my forehead. I don't even know quite what it is. I know this much." She visually *changed* before their eyes, becoming a beautiful form of android-like machine in pure orichalcum. Her face was still quite expressive, but her hair was of some sort of thinly shaven

22:41 <Palemask> metal (more oricalcum?) and there were various things 'installed' like the charms Sophia knew, which was precisely what Sophia sensed: installed charms, able to be switched out at a whim. "Even now, that's true."

22:41 <Palemask> The young dragonblooded looked utterly shocked at her aunt's true form.

22:43 <Sophia> "You don't need to fight, I know someone who can hide them very well indeed."

22:49 <Palemask> "And who has such trust?" She smiled wryly.

22:49 <Sophia> "The Shining Star Ascendant," Sophia replies with a smirk.

22:54 <Palemask> She looks confused. "The huge place nobody can get into and is a nationally protected location? How so?"

22:55 <Sophia> "It's dating one of my friends."

22:55 <Sophia> "Well, she is."

23:00 <Palemask> The woman looked even more confused. "What."

23:00 <Sophia> "The Shining Star Ascendant is also a goddess. A rather pleasant one at that."

23:04 <Palemask> Understanding crossed her face. "Well, gods can be rather strange, can't they?" The woman took a seat, tapping her fingers on the desk. "And you intend to just simply let the statue and rod stay there."

23:05 <Sophia> "Until we can build a more secure place."

23:08 <Sophia> "Or," she adds after a few moments of doubt, "until there's a way to use them safely *and* they're what is needed to overthrow the current management."

23:14 <Palemask> "What would you do to make them more safe to use?" She asked cooly.

23:15 <Sophia> "Binding oaths against abuse, an assured opt-out system, short term limits, stuff like that."

23:33 <Palemask> She looked thoughtul. "That's a good start, though it could take a good, long while to find a good oath."

23:33 <Sophia> "Or several. And using just the Orb is safer. It' sthe carrot to the other's stick."

23:34 <Sophia> "And the reason things have been more pleasant around here for a while."

23:44 <Palemask> "I wasn't happy with Mari at first, but agreed. The upswing in visitors has rather put the museum in better standing." She stated. "At least, financially due to the orb."

23:44 <Sophia> "If money is a problem, I'd be happy to help."

23:46 <Palemask> "What are you, Sophia?" She asked, a small smile on her face.

23:47 <Sophia> "Rich?"

23:50 <Palemask> She shook her head. "No. Not that."

23:51 <Sophia> "What are you?"

23:52 <Palemask> "An Alchemical. I have a letter that came with a very curious stone." She taps her forehead. "A very clingy one."

23:52 <Sophia> "Who did the letter come from?"

23:57 <Palemask> "Evelyn Bell." She named a rather gifted computer engineer at the Heptagram, who'd gone on vacation some months before and had vanished. "She sent a few to where she thought that they might do the most good. She'd joined a project and at first, Bell was thrilled to join what seemed a breathtaking merger of engineering and Essence manipulation, only to be

23:57 <Palemask> horrified by the project’s human trials—ghastly mutations, deliberate torture, vivisection. Horrible things. She was my student twenty years ago with one of my seminars. She must have been impressed back then." She smiled wryly.

23:58 <Sophia> "And keeping up." Sophia nods. "I'm a Solar Exalt," she replies, "of the Twilight Caste if either of those facts mean anything to you."

00:02 <Palemask> She turned and went to a bookshelf. She moved a few of the books and took out a manilla file. She placed it on the desk between them. "It does. You will want to see this. It's what's left after the manuscript it was based on was stolen."

00:03 — Sophia reaches down to take it and open it.

00:20 <Palemask> It's a translation and commentary of excerpts of a diary of a woman named Bright Shattered Ice. The wording sounds... incredibly familiar.

00:22 <Sophia> The familiar writing style makes Sophia almost lose herself in the book, and she spends rather longer than would reasonably be considered polite gleaning what information she can from this 'Bright Shattered Ice.'

00:26 <Palemask> Bright Shattered Ice was a scientist, philosopher and created a great deal of inventions, even covering an experiment she left on and hooked sensory devices into that awoke one day to state a very simple thing: _I am. I exist._ The narrative goes between remarkably factual and remarkably just fifteen degrees of sane in factual statements of terrible,

00:26 <Palemask> terrible sociopathy without any regard or knowledge of harm. And then back to extremely sane.

00:27 — Sophia blinks and returns her attention to Hana. "Thanks. Can I keep this?"

00:27 <Sophia> "And are there any clues as to where the original might have gone?"

00:28 <Palemask> "None. It was as if nobody was ever there. Nothing on security cameras, the night security didn't see a thing, either. Nothing else was taken or disturbed. Even the case it was in was still locked, unbroken. No sign of being picklocked."

00:29 <Palemask> *lockpicking

00:29 <Sophia> "When did this happen? And do you know of any black market people who might be able to secure it for a suitably obscene amount of money?"

00:31 <Palemask> She looked thoughtful. "This happened three weeks ago. The investigation of course, went nowhere. But I know someone who offered. We don't have obscene amounts of money-but if you could get it back, I'd love to finish translating it. It was quite incredibly difficult."

00:32 <Sophia> "If you give me the contact information, I'll try throwing money at it."

00:33 <Palemask> She took out a piece of paper. "You can keep it. It's not my only copy. This was not only in Old Realm but a rare variant of it and in code. Whoever wrote it was intensely private." She wrote a number and time opening. "Here."

00:33 <Palemask> It also had an address.

00:34 <Sophia> "Thanks."

00:34 — Sophia puts the card in her wallet and offers her own card back. "Here, in case there's anything."

00:35 <Sophia> "So. What do we do about those two incredibly dangerous artifacts you have out there?"

00:37 <Palemask> "I will close the exhibit immediately. But I suggest you take the more dangerous one. Let me guess: the rod, not the orb?"

00:37 <Sophia> "Indeed. It's also easier to transport. If still a bit awkward to carry around in public."

00:38 <Sophia> "And don't close the exhibit immediately, just pull it out of rotation after the close of business. Making a fuss is the last thing we want."

00:40 <Palemask> She nods. "Of course. Though I suggest you carry and leave with it." She gets up and touches her soulgem. It glows briefly and she looks human once more-a very excellent illusion indeed.

00:40 — Sophia nods, "I'd be happy to."

00:41 <Palemask> "And we have publicly stated before that we are still running tests on it. Have you decided any laws for it?" She smiled with a chuckle.

00:42 <Sophia> "Don't use it until there are good laws in place. And good laws take more than five minutes while in conversation with interesting people to make."

00:45 <Palemask> "Of course." She acceded with another laugh and picked up a pair of keys. "I'll be back." She told the truth. "Stay here."

00:47 — Sophia turns to Maia with a slight smile, "so, what do you think of all this?"

00:47 <Sophia> *Mari

00:48 <Palemask> Mari still had a wide-open mouth and then shut it. "I. I don't know." She admitted.

00:49 <Sophia> "You didn't know about your aunt?"

01:05 <Palemask> She shook her head. "Not at all! I mean. I suspected something happened. Maybe she won the anagathic lottery or something but. Not... this."

01:06 — Sophia nods, "I've seen people like her before, so I had my suspicion when you mentioned her being up and running again and wearing forehead jewelry. I'm just glad she's a good person."

01:07 <Sophia> "We're fighting a war here, and I'm sure your aunt is doing more for it than keeping our people informed of the past, important though that is, if you want to get more involved, talk to her. Or talk to me."

01:12 <Palemask> "I want to do more. I love this place, but..." She looked at Sophia. "I know there's some bad stuff out there too, isn't there."

01:13 <Sophia> "There's a lot of bad stuff out there," Sophia agrees."

01:13 <Sophia> "What are you good at, other that curating and sharing your passion for the museum?"

01:15 <Palemask> "I'm really good at restoring stuff and leading a group. Me and a few friends all got dragon, so we're slowly trying to teeach ourselves what we can and working together. We're thinking about doing something more than training." She spoke cheerily.

01:16 <Sophia> "Teaching yourselves what, how to fight?"

01:20 <Palemask> She nods. "And how to use our powers. It's slow going, we're really nervous about getting found out."

01:21 <Sophia> "I think I may be able to help you. With finding space to train, actual teachers, and maybe even a worthy cause that won't land you in hot water."

01:21 <Sophia> "I'll need to talk to some people first, though."

01:21 <Sophia> "It's not really my thing personally."

01:31 <Palemask> "That's okay. I'll be here, you have my aunt's card." She smiled brightly. "We'll figure this out, I just know it."

01:32 — Sophia chuckles, "and I like your optimism, just remember that it's not enough. And you should always have a plan for failing gracefully."

01:33 <Palemask> "Hope for the best, plan for the worst as they say." She says serenely.

01:33 <Sophia> "Have several plans for the worst, but yes. That."

02:01 <Palemask> Hana returned with the scepter. "It's yours, isn't it?"

02:02 <Sophia> "Mari suggested I attune to it before we left it, so I guess metaphysically it is."

02:03 <Palemask> "No,it's not that. You sound like her. The diary writer."

02:03 <Palemask> "Just like her."

02:03 <Sophia> "Maybe. I don't know. I don't know if the Sceptre was hers either."

02:04 <Palemask> "That's the part I burned." She stated evenly. "You never told me it worked by laws. She did."

02:07 — Sophia nods, "to be honest, I don't know exactly how they work. Only what I can glean from the Essence patterns."

02:08 <Palemask> "She didn't make them, but studied them extensively. She kept them and hid them when the makers were murdered. I can give you the specifics."

02:08 <Sophia> "Is it in this?" She asks, holding up the folder.

02:09 <Palemask> She shakes her head. "Nope. In my head only."

02:09 <Sophia> "Then yes, please."

02:21 <Palemask> She began to explain, about Dari of the Mists, of the mists that made it a popular marriage spot, of the

02:22 <Palemask> Solar who studied it and isolated different phenomena of the area into the relics.

02:22 <Palemask> She explained the operation of it and how the Scepter worked in a mortal's hands and how the Orb worked precisely.

02:23 <Palemask> "But in a Chosen's hand, the two who hold it are connected, strengthening one another's mental resolve as needed." She explained. "During the time Bright Shattered Ice had it, she had her Lunar mate hold the orb as an experiment-and the madness that sometimes came upon her was abated."

02:24 <Sophia> "Madness? Bright Shattered Ice's madness?"

02:25 <Palemask> "You didn't notice how she ah. Occasionally becomes sociopathic in the translation?"

02:25 <Sophia> "I did, I was just uncertain how much would be described, and if you were referring to her or her Mate."

02:26 <Sophia> "I've heard about this sort of madness before. There are some who believe it is endemic to the Exalted."

02:26 <Sophia> "If these can stave it off, that would make them exceedingly valuable even if their primary powers were never utilized."

02:27 <Palemask> She smiled. "Are you sure you still want to lock it away somewhere?"

02:27 <Sophia> "I don't *want* to, but I still think it's the safest way, and that the potential harm of failing to do so is worse than the potential benefit of not doing so."

02:31 <Palemask> "Well, then dear. You best get this one off to the Star Ascendant." She smiled wryly. "I will get the Orb to you in the morning."

02:32 <Sophia> "Thanks, you have a case for it or something?"

02:33 <Palemask> She went to a closet and rifled through it. She took out a brass instrument-a long trumpet case and set it on the desk, open. "Well, it's long enough." She stated.

02:34 — Sophia chuckles and fits the scepter into it. "So long as I don't stop at the bank, this should be fine."
01:21 <Palemask> Sophia got a call after coming home, Mari doing the talking. "The museum is now closed. My aunt has extracted the orb from the statue and has begun making a mockup that should fool people of it to place back into the statue." She explained. "So, we're ready for you."

01:22 <Sophia> "Great, I'll be by as soon as I can. Along with a few friends, if that's OK."

01:23 <Palemask> "It's perfectly fine, I'd love to meet them!" The Dragon Blooded enthused. "Just come by some time before midnight and we'll be good!"

01:23 <Sophia> "Alright, see you soon," Sophia says and puts the phone in her pocket before turning to greet the just-now-entering Anne with a smile.

01:24 <Sophia> "Hey, love, wanna go pick up a priceless artifact of world-shaking power?"

01:24 <Sophia> Her hand is resting on what looks like the case of a surprisingly long brass instrument

01:26 <Anne> "Is that a euphemism for a bra? Because that rack of yours is pretty damn world-shaking, if you ask me." Anne indeed enters in jeans, t-shirt and a smile. She sidles up before noticing the...case? One eyebrow goes up.

01:27 <Anne> "...were you being literal there?"

01:27 <Sophia> "Nope, though it is approximately breast-shaped." She nods more seriously, "I am indeed being literal."

01:28 — Sophia opens the case, revealing a long staff with an intricate, golden ornament at the end.

01:28 <Sophia> "It's a companion piece to this one, together they are the metaphorical carrot and stick that can guide a society towards greatness. And also completely take away their privacy and leave them vulnerable to the most heinous excesses of their rulers."

01:29 <Anne> "...so...what, did we steal that from the bad guys? That's totally something they made, right?"

01:30 <Sophia> "No, actually. It's something our own predecessors made."

01:30 <Sophia> "If the bad guys had made these, we wouldn't stand a chance. They've been resting unnoticed in a museum for years, and before that in a ruin."

01:32 <Anne> Anne heaves out a sigh and blows her brunette bangs out of her face. "I have a feeling I'm going to remember this conversation in the years to come and point at it and say 'This is where it all started to go wrong'."

01:32 <Anne> "Although let's face it, it's more likely someone else will say that to me while I defend my tyranny or something."

01:33 <Anne> "At least it levels the playing field. Alright, let's go get it. How'd you find it, anyway?"

01:33 <Sophia> "The Orb came to me in a dream the first night after I Exalted, I just never had a chance to go pick it up before today. They had found the sceptre in the mean time."

01:34 <Sophia> "And I promised the curator not to actually use them, merely store them in a safer place. I was thinking inside the Shining Star Ascendant, at least until we can build something that's *actually* safe."

01:36 <Anne> "Oh, so we're not going to use it to become the God-Emperors of Creation? I'm strangely comfortable with this decision. Let's go get the goods!"

01:36 <Sophia> "Roxy!" Sophia calls out, "we're going to the museum to pick up an artifact, wanna come?"

01:36 <Anne> "Hey wait. You dreamed about it?" Anne peers at her Twilight girlfriend. "...wonder if that means the Sun thinks you -should- be using it then..."

01:37 <Sophia> "Maybe, but I don't find that particularly compelling reason to actually do it."

01:37 — Sophia sighs

01:37 <Sophia> "It *could* do a lot of good, though."

01:37 <Sophia> "And there's another thing. Remember that endemic madness Mizu talked about?"

01:38 <Sophia> "There are records indicating that the problem is lessened significantly if the scepter and orb are held by a bonded solar and lunar pair."

01:38 <Palemask> Roxy padded in and drank down the rest of her coffee. "Good to the last drop. Yeah, I'll go." She rubbed her eyes.

01:38 <Palemask> "So, wait you have something to deal with my crazy?"

01:39 <Sophia> "Potentially."

01:39 <Anne> "No kidding!"

01:39 <Anne> "Hey sis," Anne says, grinning at Roxy. "You know anything about this magical mojomojo?"

01:40 <Palemask> "Yeah, a bunch. Raksi was a complete wiz at that. She was a hot shit lore keeper and a hot shit engineer for her day."

01:40 <Palemask> She points to her head. "Why do you think I hear voices?"

01:41 <Sophia> "Hopefully we can get her to take a step back in this manner," Sophia says, but frowns, "however, that will make it hard to keep these properly safe, since presumably we have to stay attuned to them to keep the magic from fading."

01:42 <Anne> "Because I embedded a mic inside the lining of your pillow and I whisper random tags from internet articles every hour or so just to fuck with you."

01:43 <Sophia> "You'd also need a speaker to do that, love," Sophia says with a faint smile and a shake of her head.

01:44 <Palemask> Roxy gave Anne a few playful punches to the arm. "Aaaaaanne!"

01:45 <Anne> "I never think these things through." Anne does affectionately muss the top of Roxy's head before planting a kiss on Sophia's cheek. "Let's hit the roa-arrrgh!" She mock rubs her arm and gives an appreciative nod at the Lunar. "You got some arm, kiddo. We should work out together sometime. I bet we could build on that muscle tone in no time."

01:46 <Sophia> "Yeah, let's go," Sophia says, closing the case and picking it up before leading the way to her car.

01:47 <Palemask> Roxy still looks very thin. "Yeah, you do that." She followed the lovers with a baleful pout that turned into a smile. That was happening more and more often. The ride there was uneventful, with some traffic but nothing much.

01:49 <Palemask> They arrive at the nice museum shortly. Anne recalls this as a field trip destination and the very enthusiastic tour guide who seemed very passionate about what she did. They'd had a fascinating Chiaroscuro glass knife that time and the tour guide had gleefully spoken of the prowess of the Brides of the Unnamed Bull.

01:49 <Palemask> Mostly, this is remembered because Bran had quietly took notes and made witty remarks about it all.

01:51 <Anne> "Oh my Gods, I haven't been here in years. This is -amazing-. I feel like taking a real tour. But business first."

01:52 <Sophia> "They're nice people, I'm sure they'd be happy to give you the full tour once we have the fate-of-the-world business over with."

01:52 — Sophia leads her companions towards Hana's office.

01:54 <Palemask> There's strange noises and Mari is waiting, a cute and perky Water aspect of deep blue eyes. "My aunt's inside if you want to talk." She hefted the orb, looking somewhat reluctant to let it go.

01:55 <Anne> "Hey," Anne says, looking over the Water Aspect. Then she smiles and offers a hand to shake. "Anne Cavanaugh. How you doing?"

01:55 <Sophia> "Hey Mari, this is Anne and Roxy, my girlfriend and my sorta-adopted-little-sister."

01:57 <Palemask> Mari shook their hands, Roxy looking thoughtful at the girl. "You were in one of the science fairs about four years ago with the weird rock experiment, right?"

01:57 <Palemask> "Yep, I'll never live that down, will I?"

01:57 <Palemask> "Not a chance." Both girls laugh.

01:58 <Sophia> "You know each other?" Sophia asks, pleasantly surprised .

02:02 <Anne> (afk)

02:03 <Palemask> "Not exactly. We knew each other by reputation only. Hotshot hacker and weird science girl were bound to share a few friends." The Dragonblooded explained.

02:04 <Sophia> "Still, better than expected."

02:04 <Sophia> "Roxy is the one who should probably take the Orb, if you're ready to let go of it, that is," she adds more somberly.

02:11 <Palemask> The orb went from the calm, compassionate Dragon-Blooded to Roxy, who studied it and then Roxy's own emotions and nature came open. Hunger. Hunger for success, competitiveness. The thrashing madness that was partly from paranoia, partly from solitude, partly from Raksi, partly from a shadow that still haunted her. It's difficult to unravel it all and it

02:11 <Palemask> seems a lot noisier than the calm ocean that was Mari. The silver spirit she sensed however had a thick strand of affection, love and dedication that was utterly unbreakable. Not even death, not even oblivion, not even the end of the world or any betrayal could fray it. True, unconditional love.

02:12 <Palemask> And it was glorious and beautiful beyond words.

02:12 — Sophia smiles at the vision of Essence and emotions that unfurls before her, and tries channeling some of her own calm back through the bond.

02:13 <Palemask> That storm calmed and the Lunar seemed to relax. "Oh, this thing rocks."

02:14 — Sophia smiles, "that's amazing. Just how does it rock?"

02:16 <Palemask> "You ever had a moment of vertigo and you start being able to pick up your balance and know what way's up and what way's down?"

02:16 — Sophia nods, "once or twice."

02:19 <Palemask> "Imagine being in vertigo for years and finally being able to see that."

02:19 — Sophia smiles, "I'm glad it's working for you."

02:19 <Sophia> "This sounds like more than I'd dared hope for."

02:43 <Anne> "...So, uh, someone fill in the lady who doesn't see the same lightshow?"

02:44 <Sophia> "It's like I said, it calms the madness. But more so for Roxy than I'd thought it would."

02:44 <Sophia> "I had imagined it only being preventive, but apparently it also works on existing conditions."

02:44 <Sophia> "The light show was awesome, thought."

02:45 <Sophia> "I wonder..." she muses and the begins to whistle a soft tune. As the tune picks up momentum, the lights in the closed-off museum start changing, drapes and covers start flapping and within minutes, light bursts forth from Roxy, matching the vision Sophia saw when the Lunar Attuned to the Orb.

02:56 <Palemask> Mari's mouth hangs open.

02:58 — Sophia smiles, "it was pretty amazing."

23:45 <Palemask> The display of light was still there for Anne to see and remark on-but from Anne, too there was a strand of light that led off elsewhere, to where, it was hard to know. But there was one, equally strong, just different-someone out there, ready to strengthen her. And she could sense that she could find that person-whoever that was.

23:47 <Sophia> "So," Sophia says with a smirk as the light begins to die down again, "we have a parliamentary hearing to go to. Anything we need to finish up first?"

23:47 <Anne> "...You know, didn't I see some dude when we were back in the...er, that one place? Vision wise?" Anne looks between Sophia and Roxy. "I got a feeling I've got the potential to have going on what you two chickies do."

23:47 FIW → Mizu

23:47 <Anne> "No, not necessarily," Anne says. The brunette looks uncharacteristically thoughtful.

23:48 <Sophia> "I know I did," Sophia replies to Anne's question, "it's a Solar thing."

23:50 Palemask → PaleST

23:50 <Anne> "It's not really something I spend much time thinking about, that's all. This whole inherited legacy thing, I mean."

23:51 <Anne> "Like, I'm not just Super Anne but I've landed in the middle of a gig someone else used to do."

23:51 — Sophia nods, "it has some actual perks, but mostly it doesn't seem too important to me either."

00:01 <Anne> "Well, let's focus on what's important then. You mentioned a parlimentary hearing?"

00:02 <Sophia> "Yeah, Rosaline's clean up campaign. We're bringing our friend from... well, our new friend, and Yukiko."

00:02 <PaleST> Mari was still staring at the pretty lights.

00:02 — Sophia turns to Roxy, "there weren't enough seats for you, but I figure you'd be bored anyway. I can try and arrange something last minute if I was wrong."

00:03 <Anne> "Can't she, I don't know, turn into a corgi or something and sit on your lap?" Anne grins.

00:03 — Sophia chuckles, "can you, and do you want to?"

00:05 <PaleST> "I'd rather look up new techniques in Python." The Lunar stated.

00:05 — Sophia chuckles, "I take it you won't be doing so as a python."

00:05 <PaleST> The Lunar cackled at that.

00:05 <Sophia> "And on most days, I'd do the same, but we have a world to save."

00:06 <Sophia> "I'll make the calls."

00:06 <Sophia> "Thanks so much to you and your aunt, Mari. Let me know if there's anything we can do

00:07 <Anne> "...A python learning python? So meta."

00:07 <Anne> "Is that the word? Is that really a word?"

00:08 <Sophia> "Technically, it's more of a prefix, but people have been using it as a word."

00:09 — Sophia decides not to actually make a call, and sends off quick text messages to FlawlessGlory and Yukiko, telling them when and where to meet up.

00:09 <Anne> "That's what I thought. Metaphysics are a thing but not meta by itself."

00:11 <Sophia> "That's now it used to be, but since people have been using meta as a word, it can sort of be a thing by itself."

00:11 <Sophia> "Language is fluid."

00:12 <PaleST> Mari giggled as Roxy crossed her eyes.

00:13 <PaleST> "Well, I guess you have a lot to look at, back home!"

00:13 <PaleST> Mari spoke cheerily.

00:13 <Sophia> "Yeah, sorry, it's a busy life."

00:14 <FlawlessGlory> The Abyssal fumbled with his flip phone for several moments before reading the text. He glanced over at the other Death-Knight accompanying him. "Is that what you're wearing?" He asked sardonically.

00:16 <PaleST> The woman shrugged. She wasn't taking off her veil any time soon.

00:17 <PaleST> The pretty one was in a zoot suit that had a small skull motif in its striping. It was hard to see unless one looked closely, though her tie was a white and grey patterned thing. She grinned under her hat, fangs out.

00:25 <PaleST> "We'll hold down the car. Can I eat any idiot who tries to steal it?"

00:26 <FlawlessGlory> "...One of you can drive, yes?" The man asked, dangling the key fob in the air. He was wearing, as Sophia had suggested, a suit taken from the recently deceased, along with some suitably gothic makeup. Black lipstick, excessive pale foundation, eye shadow... but rather than being garish, it was intriguingly angelic- much like a well-prepared corpse. Air

00:26 <FlawlessGlory> within a few feet around the Abyssal was stale, and his touch almost painfully cold.

00:26 <FlawlessGlory> He shrugs. "As long as no one is watching, enjoy your snack."

00:27 <PaleST> "Yaaaay."

00:27 <PaleST> Beauty sighed. "I can drive."

00:28 — Sophia has also gone for the bland, professional look, though she did pick a dark purple blouse to add a little color to the ensemble. The long case in her hand rather stands out, but since there isn't actually a weapon in it, it should be fine. She hopes.

00:30 <Anne> Anne joins her girlfriend in wearing a dress. Or at least a nice black skirt with a blouse of her own, not quite the same hue or style but close enough for them to 'match' without looking like they're in a uniform or something.

00:44 <PaleST> The building they'd been called to was one of two, one for offices of all the lowly grunts and the other for the reps. The red-haired woman looked fairly young and dressed to kill. He pants suit was black-like armor, with green lapels and a rose pin. The Black Rose, they called her. Not a hair out of place. Somehow, all present could imagine her hefting a

00:44 <PaleST> great sword, donned in heavy armor, leading armies. But not in this life.

00:44 <PaleST> Not in this world.

00:44 <PaleST> Her heels were to die for, to be sure. Manolo Blahniks.

00:46 — Sophia smiles to Rosaline, but goes towards her seat silently.

00:50 <FlawlessGlory> The Abyssal takes his seat without a word.

00:51 <PaleST> They were checked in, the woman checking them in blushing scarlet at the handsome Deathlord.

01:14 <FlawlessGlory> He met the woman's gaze and smiled, knowingly. Maintaining eye contact with the poor girl (she had no idea what she could be getting herself into), he leaned over to Sophia. "Who should I be looking out for here? Persons of note?"

01:15 <Sophia> "Those guys primarily," Sophia says with a nod at the front row where the accused were assembled, "they're the ones under investigation, and who'll quite likely be out of here on their asses when we're done. Also those guys," she says nodding at the press gaggle, "you know about the media?"

01:20 <FlawlessGlory> He pursed his lips and nodded slowly. "Information about developments in Creation filter down with the dead. So... somewhat."

01:21 <Sophia> "They're probably going to go with the story as Rosaline tells it, but if things get mixed up, we'll want to try and put them back on the right track."

01:24 <FlawlessGlory> He waves a hand outwards towards Sophia. "I am vaguely aware that she is on our side. But, who is she...?"

01:25 <Sophia> "A member of parliament whose judgement we trust, so far anyway, and who we're throwing what support we have behind."

01:25 <Sophia> "We'd like to have her be the PM after the next election."

01:27 <PaleST> The guilty were out there, some squirming in their seats, some still in terror, some trying to play it cool-all, Glory can see laid out before him. The chairs are in clear sight of Tepet Rosaline Ejava. A paper was set by Sophia. There was a sketch of three hand signals-true, false, mixed.

01:28 <Sophia> "Please, there is no need for such crude methods," Sophia's disembodied voice says by Rosaline's ear.

01:28 <FlawlessGlory> Flawless nods. "Understood."

01:43 <PaleST> The hearing begins. The evidence is brought before the collected crowd, each explained and their paperwork shown, proving that they were what they were. Recordings were played back. Some visibly sweated in their seats as names were named and a great deal of corruption was uncovered. One by one, each were called up and examined. Some were truthful, some were

01:43 <PaleST> not. Some were in between.

01:43 <PaleST> All trying to save themselves.

01:44 — Sophia is having a good time poking holes in their statements, guiding Rosaline along the path that will get the full truth out in the open.

01:48 <PaleST> One comes who is different finally. He is so carefully collected, it's hard to get a read off of him.

01:53 — Sophia looks carefully at the man, not just with her two eyes and sharp mind, but also with her Second Sight, open to the Essence of the world.

02:07 <PaleST> This man is an aberration that should not be, a walking blasphemy and blemish on the world, the fire within himself and the darkness that it spreads instead of light nearly terrifying to see. He is about as powerful as she-but for now, they match. And she can see his arrogance and emotional emptiness. It's like staring into the mouth of the abyss from which

02:07 <PaleST> there is no return. A cruelty that is just slightly more than a nothingness.

02:09 <Sophia> "Careful," Sophia whispers to FlawlessGlory, "this one is definitely our enemy, but also the kind we're not too keen on provoking. If Rosaline can take him down without us showing our hand, that would be by far the best."

02:09 <FlawlessGlory> "Is he like us?"

02:10 <Sophia> "Yes and no. He is aligned with himself and with the forces of corruption. He serves neither the living nor the dead."

02:14 <FlawlessGlory> He nods slowly. "I will watch him carefully."

02:16 <PaleST> The man is spiritually about the same power as Sophia, his virtues twisted and shattered to bits. He has few ties to the world-none that don't benefit him in some ways. He's slimy, almost disgusting too dig into. And his smile is just ever so slightly sadistic yet charming.

02:16 <PaleST> For only a moment-then it's placid and harmless like a scentless poison.

02:17 <PaleST> This man is a monster.

02:19 — Sophia leans over to FlawlessGlory again and quotes: "And here we must observe that men must either be flattered or crushed; for they will revenge themselves for slight wrongs, whilst for grave ones they cannot. The injury therefore that you do to a man should be such that you need not fear his revenge."

02:19 <Sophia> "We want him dead," she says in case that wasn't obvious, "and we want it in a manner that cannot be traced back to us, and won't cause too much of a stir."

02:20 <FlawlessGlory> "He would drop dead, here and now." He grins. "And I have nothing to fear from the dead."

02:20 <Sophia> "No, but we have plenty to fear from his living friends."

02:20 <PaleST> He gave his testimonial in a slow, deliberate, almost lazy way.

02:21 <PaleST> He seems to have no fear of repurcussions.

02:21 <FlawlessGlory> "If they had any idea what I had done."

02:22 <Sophia> "If you can do it, that's great. But maybe not while the cameras are rolling."

02:25 <FlawlessGlory> He replies to this telepathically, narrowing his eyes in concentration. "I would drain his essence and life-force from a distance, while I do nothing but remain sitting. He could potentially discover it was me... but what could he do while the cameras are rolling? Assault me? Begin raving at me, an unknown, like a lunatic? This is your endeavor. I will leave

02:25 <FlawlessGlory> the choice to you."

02:27 <Sophia> "This is useful. If I'd know you could do this, I wouldn't have been whispering. The problem is not with him, it's with the time and place. Him dying here will cast suspicion on anyone in the room, and we stand out. In case you hadn't noticed, mr black lips."

02:27 <Sophia> "Can you do it later? How close to him do you need to be?"

02:28 <Anne> "...and while we're at it, is it a trick you can teach?"

02:29 — Sophia realises that she's keeping her girlfriend out of things and takes Anne's hand gives her an apologetic smile.

02:31 <FlawlessGlory> "I can do it at any time from roughly... thirty yards away. There won't be a better time. We're one of many in this room- they could have suspicious, but it'd be all they had. It would appear to be of natural causes."

02:32 <PaleST> He sits back down and more suspects are interviewed. There's a lengthy process on determining. All interviewed are to be expelled from their positions immediately, with no possibility of ever running for office in Meruvia again in perpetuality. Most leave but he stays, temptingly in range...

02:32 <Anne> Assuming all this actual conversation is telepathic, the Zenith seems content to simply watch the proceedings. Intently. The format and organization as much as what's being said. This is exposure to a level of power she's never actually laid eyes on. And it will probably not be the last such occasion so she might as well learn something while she's here.

02:32 — Sophia takes a breath and leans very, very close to Anne's ear, whispering: "That man is a monster of the worst kind. Our friend here has a way of ending him, but I'm not 100% comfortable with doing this here and now."

02:33 <Sophia> "On the other hand, he is here now. We may not have a better shot later."

02:34 <Anne> "Especially if the man vanishes and reemerges with a face change and a fresh shot at us and ours." Anne presses her lips together and grimaces. "This is why the Gods created officers. I was enlisted, these sorts of things were never my call. But I suppose that's in scope for me now, isn't it."

02:34 <Anne> "Glory, how sure are you that you can get him?"

02:35 <FlawlessGlory> "Unless he storms out of here like a maniac, almost certain. And it's certainly possible he wouldn't even know it was me."

02:35 <Anne> "Ballpark me on how possible he won't know it's you. Can you?"

02:36 <FlawlessGlory> He shrugs. "I can't. I don't know how perceptive he is. But I -can- assure he'll be dead before it matters."

02:36 <Anne> "Sophia, think you can stop a cell from here?"

02:37 — Sophia pulls out her phone, "child's play. And if we don't care about stealth, I can fight him too."

02:37 <FlawlessGlory> "He will be dead long before he can dial a number and relay details about a man he knows nothing about."

02:38 <Anne> "Unless he runs, right? That's what I'm trying to level set here."

02:40 <FlawlessGlory> "I can be reasonably sure he'll be dead before he tries."

02:41 <Anne> "Alright." Anne nods once. Takes a deep breath. And then says "Let's do it in 5. Sophia, make sure nothing gets out. I'm going to claim the hallway and its guards. If he tries to make a break for it, I'm going to make sure he doesn't go far. Especially if Glory's able to sap him up a good bit first."

02:42 <Sophia> "Nothing at all, or nothing from him?"

02:42 <Anne> "Nothing from him. The more low key we can make it, the better."

02:43 <Anne> "You good for pulling the trigger, Glory? As soon as I'm ready?"

02:52 <Anne> Assuming assent, Anne ambles away from her seat looking for all the world like a lady hoping to find a bathroom. Once she makes it to the main hallway outside the meeting room, though, she flips out her wallet and flashes any posted guards her military ID. "Meruvian Secret Service. We have word that one of those being investigated in there is armed,

02:52 <Anne> dangerous and likely insane. We have people handling it from inside but if he comes out here, all of you need to be ready to shoot him the instant I give the word. Understood?" And Anne's statements are laced with essence irresistable to the average guard. (Using Authority-Radiating Stance to take command.)

02:55 <PaleST> The guards immediately accede to her command. "Yes, ma'am!" They salute her.

02:55 <PaleST> The man in question is looking annoyed, now.

02:56 <PaleST> He does not seem to realize he's dying.

03:03 <FlawlessGlory> Flawless Glory nods, and slowly squeezes his eyes shut as Anne walks past. The Abyssal breathes deep of the putrid, stale air hanging around him in a cloud. "You are the gaping maw. The chasm which all life fears, but must eventually succumb to," he murmurs under his breath, too quiet for anyone but him to hear through anything but supernatural means. The

03:03 <FlawlessGlory> Deathlord exhales, and opens his eyes, narrowing them on the target. Another breath- this one metaphysical, ripping the man's life force away from his mortal shell as if by sheer force of will.

03:13 <PaleST> The man coughed into his sleeve, looking pale and wan, even disoriented-but not yet dead.

03:19 <FlawlessGlory> The Deathlord smiles, tilts his head to the side, and continues to drink.

03:21 <PaleST> The man's head falls down. He is not breathing. For now, none notice this. The hearing continues-now with candidates coming forward and being interviewed, making sure they had nothing to do with the corruption.

03:21 <PaleST> A number have Sharing pins.

03:23 — Sophia uses Subtle Whispers to call to Anne, "our guy did his thing, you can stand down. Gracefully if possible, love.

03:24 <PaleST> One specifically smiles at Anne-all seem to be good, eager and honest candidates, though one is less than honest about their marijuana use, but intends to legalize it for a medical problem that they are using it as treatment for.

03:26 <Anne> Anne gives each candidate a smile and a nod as they enter the chambers. To the casual observer, she looked like someone waiting in the hall for someone. For the Sharing, of course, she was moral support. And now that she received Sophia's message, Anne taps her ear theatrically and seems to listen. Then she nods and looks at the guards. "Sounds like

03:26 <Anne> he's made a deal. The danger has passed. Thank you all for your cooperation. Return to your work."

03:26 <Anne> Given she never mentioned the candidate by name, that last bit should nicely throw anyone off from connecting her security concerns to a dead politician.

03:28 <FlawlessGlory> As the man falls dead, Glory's eyes shut again for several moments. The man's life force burned within him satisfyingly, and the sound of the man's soul careening into the underworld, screaming all the while, sent shivers of ecstasy down his spine. Finally, he turns to look Sophia. "It is done."

03:29 — Sophia smiles slightly, but makes no other comment.

03:30 <PaleST> Anne is able to take a seat as the meeting continues. With advice from Sophia on their honesty, they are sworn in as interim members of Parliament-independents, nominally-but allied to Roseblack's party. Counting all there and keeping in mind all that were still in office prior-Roseblack's party might just have a majority.

03:30 <PaleST> But time would tell over the next few vital weeks.

03:31 <PaleST> As people stood, the oaths were administereed.

03:31 <PaleST> And then the man fell to the ground. A man felt for a pulse. "He's dead!" Screams broke out.

03:31 <Anne> And Anne slides back next to Sophia and puts an arm around her girlfriend. Then she reaches past the Twilight and taps Glory on the shoulder. Once having caught his attention, she makes a fist with her hand. The invitation for a fist-bump is unmistakable.

03:32 <Sophia> At the scream, Sophia clutches Anne and looks around with obvious concern.

03:33 <FlawlessGlory> As the warmth faded from his core and the soul screams of the dead grew silent, only to be replaced by the very physical screams of the living, he smiled- a smirk entirely devoid of humor. The Deathlord knew he would enjoy meeting that one again in the Underworld. The grin was quickly replaced by a masquerade of concern as the Abyssal rose to his feet.

03:33 <Anne> Not trusting herself to be much of an actress, Anne just puts on a frowny face and looks seriously at the body on the floor.

03:40 <Anne> Anne nudges the Deathlord one last time, raises an eyebrow and once more offers FlawlessGlory her knuckles.

03:43 <FlawlessGlory> Without looking at her, he accepts the proffered pound and returns it, pantomiming an explosive force as a result.

03:45 <Anne> "I think I'm going to like this guy."

03:46 — Sophia smiles slightly and hugs Anne tighter.

23:48 <Palemask> Returning from the big event, the crew felt a sense of triumph in their dealings-like a big step forward was made. But a text arrived on Anne's phone. [You guys should hit the Sharing! Some real interesting stuff happening.]

23:49 — Sophia has opened the case she has been carrying around all this time and is looking thoughtfully at the staff contained within.

23:50 <Palemask> Its orichalcum tracery is warmly beautiful, a bit of pleasant heat wafting out.

23:51 <Sophia> "I feel terrible about this thing," she says softly, partly to herself and partly to whoever is willing to lend an ear, "it is at once too much power for any one person, and too much power to not use it for good."

23:52 <Sophia> "Is the risk of it falling into the hands of our enemy greater than the chance of us bringing about a better world? And is that risk greater or smaller if I keep it with me?"

23:52 — Sophia sighs

23:52 <Anne> "We've cleaned house. Things are well on the mend." Anne's looking satisfied, if a bit sober about it. "It took some drastic action but it's done. And we're better off than we were yesterday. C'mon you two, looks like something's going on with the Sharing we should check out." Anne glanced at the message and slipped her phone away. "I don't think

23:52 <Anne> you've really seen them, Glory, have you. Not sure you'll really relate to or connect with them but you might as well see a taste of the revolution."

23:53 <Sophia> "What kind of thing?" She asks without looking away.

23:53 <Anne> "...Yeah, I don't even really know what it does," Anne says, eyeing Sophia and the staff she's fondling. "But with the way the deck is stacked against us, 'too much power' is situationally a field leveler."

23:54 <Anne> "You want me to text Bran or whoever back and ask for more details? Are we busy?" The Zenith's smiling in good humor now.

23:54 <FlawlessGlory> The Abyssal arched an eyebrow and decided to gloss over the staff for now. "I will accompany you, if that's what you wish."

23:55 <Anne> "It wouldn't hurt for you to see people as they can be."

23:55 <Sophia> "Not particularly," Sophia says, looking up to smile at Anne, "I just prefer knowing what I'm going into. Particularly with Bran."

23:57 <Anne> Anne places a hand over her girlfriend's and squeezes gently. "Today got a little ugly. It's probably going to be uglier before it's prettier too. War's like that. The end result's going to be worth it though, if you can just see it through."

23:59 <Sophia> "It's not that," she says, "it's that this thing could end any chance we have of toppling the Infernals if they got their hands on it."

23:59 <Sophia> "But they don't know about it, so if we threw it in a deep, dark hole, we'd probably keep it out of their hands."

Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

00:00 <Sophia> "However, it could do almost as much good in our hands."

00:00 <Anne> "They already run the world. As a force multiplier, I suspect we'll benefit from it more than they will."

00:00 — Sophia sighs, "it's kinda like the One Ring, but without the turning-to-evil and betraying-you stuff."

00:00 <FlawlessGlory> "I know locations in my realm where such a thing could never be found, or if it was, never reached.

00:01 <FlawlessGlory> "

00:01 — Sophia shrugs, "not necessarily, there are more of them, so a multiplier should aid them more if this was a numerical thing."

00:01 <Sophia> "That would break its connection to Roxy, and it helps her keep her sanity."

00:02 <Anne> "If I have a choice between actual good with potential evil vs. not much of either, I'll take the first."

00:03 <Sophia> "OK," she says to Anne with a smile and then turns to close the case again, "but you have to make sure I don't abuse it 'for the greater good.'"

00:04 <Palemask> Sophia senses something curious.

00:08 <Anne> "I'll keep you on the straight and narrow, if you help me do the same." Anne sticks her hands in her pockets and stands there, looking confident. She then tilts her brown-haired head towards the car. "So let's go find out what's going on with the Sharing. We were an ugly surprise to the bad guys today. I'm hoping we aren't similiarly surprised here."

00:09 — Sophia keeps alert of her senses

00:15 — Sophia frowns slightly and picks up the case.

00:16 <Sophia> "Let's go," she says.

00:16 <Anne> At this point, Anne gets in the car and, assuming everyone else joins her, heads over to the usual Sharing meeting spot. Thumbing a text back to the effect of [On our way. But we're going to hit you, for being vague.]

00:17 <Palemask> [it's GOOD news.]

00:17 <Palemask> Was the reply.

00:18 <Anne> "Someone remind me to kick Bran's ass when we get there."

00:19 <Sophia> "I thought that was the two of you say hello," Sophia says with a smirk.

00:21 <Anne> "Only when he's being cocky."

00:21 <Anne> "...which is everytime you've ever seen him so I can see where you get the idea from."

00:22 <Sophia> "In any case, this appears to be a situation where you do not actually need help, love."

00:29 <Sophia> "I've been thinking about whether asking some members of the Sharing to swear on the scepter and the orb would be a good idea."

00:30 <Sophia> "The Orb in particular offers a lot of genuine benefits to people's lives and health."

00:30 <Sophia> "The staff could stop infighting and infiltration."

00:30 <Anne> "And the drawback is...the risk of enslaving them or something?"

00:31 <Sophia> "But that would also be asking people for loyalty tests, which is unethical."

00:31 — Anne glances at FlawlessGlory and grins.

00:31 <Anne> "I don't imagine you have much of a problem with it, eh?"

00:31 <Sophia> "Not exactly. If I don't do anything there's no risk."

00:31 <Sophia> "But it *lets* me do all sorts of things, like physically take over their bodies, or take a ride on their senses."

00:32 <Sophia> "I can also impose death-penalty laws retroactively."

00:32 <FlawlessGlory> The Abyssal smiles. "I would use it without a second thought. But this is not my realm."

00:34 <Anne> "So don't do that."

00:34 <Anne> "I can make you not want to, if that'd help."

00:34 <Anne> "...wow, that came out way more threatening than it sounded like in my head."

00:35 — Sophia looks up nervously at Anne.

00:35 <Sophia> "No, you can't."

00:35 <Sophia> "The staff protects my mind from all such magics."

00:35 <Sophia> "I mean I *don't* want to."

00:35 <Sophia> "Obviously," she hastens to add

00:35 <Sophia> "But I'm a single point of failure."

00:37 <Anne> "You sure it absolutely protects? I mean, I don't deny it's potent magical bullshit but I've got some guns on me. If it was made by Solars, you'd think a Solar could beat it."

00:38 <Sophia> "It protects against the most potent kinds."

00:38 <Sophia> "It's possible you could do it if you had an equally powerful and opposite artifact assiting you, but you don't."

00:39 <Anne> "...Well, how about you put it down, I head whammy you and then you pick it back up, that work?"

00:39 <Anne> "Yet another sentence that, in hindsight, could have been worded better..."

00:39 <Sophia> "Nope."

00:40 — Sophia looks up nervously, "which has certain other implications we should maybe talk about at some point, but which are not immediately relevant."

00:48 <Sophia> "It doesn't change my mind," she hurries to add, "it just makes the magic enforcement of changes to my mind not work."

00:49 <Sophia> "So, it make it impossible to talk to me, or even let me see through well-made arguments, it just stops the most blatant kinds of manipulation, and makes sure that I can change my mind conventionally afterwards."

00:50 <Palemask> The car awaited and traffic is light before they get to the community center.

00:52 <Anne> "...Well, that's worth some thought. Good talk." Anne glances at FlawlessGlory and smirks before pulling up outside the community center. "Long story. We're here at least. Come on in and meet some peeps. It'll do you good. Or at least give you an idea of where we're coming from."

00:53 <Palemask> There's a bit of a bustle in the campus as they find a parking spot. One of the people Anne met before came up-a very large man in a tartan-and waved. "Anne and company. Over here. We've had ten important guests come, with a tenth coming soon." He called out in a gruff voice.

00:54 <Sophia> Before they exit the car, Sophia leans over to kiss Anne deeply and earnestly for longer than is generally considered polite in public.

00:54 <FlawlessGlory> He smiles and follows wordlessly.

00:55 <Palemask> *an eleventh

00:55 <Palemask> ((Derp))

00:55 <Palemask> The big guy rubbed the back of his neck and blushed. "Uh, this way. Bishop Aniolrod's over this way."

00:56 <Anne> And meanwhile Anne is utterly and thoroughly smooched, to the point of forgetting she's in a car or that she has company. At last, when they break for air, the stunned Zenith says "...Wow, what's that for?"

00:57 <Sophia> "Peace of mind," Sophia replies with a warm smile."

01:00 <Anne> "Peace is the last word I'd use for myself at the moment. Not sure I have much of a mind after that, for that matter. But okay. We should, er, probably not keep them waiting. Or something. I don't know, Glory can probably hold down the fort if you want to blow out of here and-no, no, gotta focus. Stay on task. I need to get out of this car or else."

01:00 <Anne> A very visibly distracted Anne makes good on her word and clambers out of the car, looking a bit like she's barely escaped with her life.

01:00 — Sophia chuckles, "let's go, we'll have time enough for that later."

01:03 <Anne> "...Right, on to the Bishop!"

01:04 <Palemask> Big guy led them on. "What do you know of the Lady of Blessed Silence and Laughter?" He asked curiously.

01:12 <Sophia> "I read a couple of books on her as background material for a book I was writing at the time. It never came up though, you about to tell me that turns out to be useful?"

01:14 — Sophia sends Anne a worried glance, this is not a happy name.

01:14 <Palemask> He smiles slightly. "Yes. You're going to meet... a part of her."

01:14 <Sophia> "That does not sound like a good thing."

01:15 <Anne> "If the Bishop set it up, it's probably cool."

01:15 <Anne> "Though meeting religious icons is a little freaky."

01:20 <Sophia> "She's hardly your first."

01:21 <Anne> "It's different when you're talking about...I don't know, beings you actually worshiped when you were a kid. You weren't all that religious growing up, were you Sunset?"

01:21 — Sophia chuckles, "no, not at all."

01:22 <Anne> "How about you, Glory? Where'd you grow up, anyway?"

01:28 <FlawlessGlory> The Abyssal smiles his trademark rictus grin, a smile entirely devoid of humor. The smile of a person who didn't quite understand normal mortal emotions, and had to fake it the best of their limited ability... or more physically, a corpse with flesh hooks pulling at its lips. "In a castle. Long ago."

01:29 <Palemask> They came in where a lot of people were cleaning everywhere they could, the scent of lemon heavy on the air in a pleasant way. They went through the main throughway into a sideroom, where Bran was communicating in sign language with the ten people before him. All turn to the group as the big guy stood before the door. They range from very normal looking, to

01:29 <Palemask> a professional-looking older man with a slicked back grey ponytail to a young woman covered in tribal tattoos, a mohawk and punk style. The older man looked very well-aged and familiar.

01:29 <Palemask> Isn't that the CEO of Masters Limited who keeps trying to buy a soccer team?

01:30 <Palemask> For some reason, the club keeps turning him down.

01:30 — Sophia frowns slightly in surprise, but keeps her silence and holds up a finger to ensure Anne does the same.

01:31 <Palemask> Vlad Masters was his name. He was something of an engineer but liked to bankroll business ventures. In fact...

01:32 <Anne> "Why is he sig-oh." Anne shuts herself up before she starts, due to Sophia's cautionary finger.

01:34 <Palemask> Sophia's parents bankrolled him. He'd been a man with several inventions that were now common place in industrial and security industries. He'd paid his fortune forward since, but his misfortune had left him deeply in medical debt.

01:34 <Palemask> Well, when he'd started out.

01:35 <Palemask> Something about a mis-calibrated artifact that blasted him and left him near-fatally ill and in the hospital for two years.

01:35 — Sophia looks for a sign that the man recognizes her, but doesn't otherwise act on the memory

01:36 <Palemask> Vlad notes the group out and gives Sophia a fond smile. He motions to the others and makes his way. "Ah, some of my companions cannot speak but they can handle very quiet speaking like this. Super hearing to the point that loud noises are quite bothersome

01:37 <Palemask> "Good to see you, Sophia. How are your parents?" He seems very charming.

01:37 <Sophia> "They're well, Mr. Masters, they'd have sent their regards if they had any idea I might be meeting you."

01:45 <Palemask> He nods. "This-well. This is why I got out of the hospital in the first time, but I ran away at the time from the Althing. Sister Sule connected me with this motley crew but I never had interest in their aims. I just want to have a family and settle down. The woman I wanted..." He looks pained. "She's gone. A long time ago, but time heals."

01:46 <Sophia> "I'm sorry to hear that, but glad to see you're better now. And in good company."

01:51 <Palemask> "Oh, it's a lot easier now-but I will catch you up while Bran talks to them. We are all Scourges. All ten of us. We had visions of our patron, telling us what we needed to do-including joining this organization. It's... not bad. For a grassroots." He gave a snooty sniff.

01:53 — Sophia blinks.

01:53 <Sophia> "What else do you need to do?"

01:58 <Palemask> "Well, we are to use our resources to assist. You personally have an astonishing amount of money as I do-but perhaps my company's manufacturing capabilities will be of better use, as well as my skills in leading such an organization." He smirked at that. He's really digging this. "Let me tell you, I *thoroughly* enjoy the prospect of knocking down the

01:58 <Palemask> Althing. Someone really didn't want my invention to work."

01:59 <Sophia> "Someone on the Althing?"

02:01 <Palemask> He nodded. "It killed my best friends, nearly killed me."

02:02 — Sophia frowns, "I shudder to think of what a functional Althing would do to this world."

02:03 <FlawlessGlory> Flawless Glory frowns, but remains silent. He has little to offer the Yozi or their servants but death or disdain.

02:08 <Palemask> "My friends and I had theorized that there might be another plane-a sort of place for the dead. There's very old records for ghosts and we ran a lot of studies and found signs that our theory was correct-though I haven't had the heart to resume such research. Perhaps I should. I still have the schematics and notes." He mused.

02:09 — Sophia gives a faint smile, "you should talk to our new friend here," she says and indicates FlawlessGlory

02:15 <Palemask> Vlad studied Flawless. "Really, now.

02:15 <Palemask> "

02:17 <FlawlessGlory> He nods. "There is a place where souls not yet ready to reincarnate congregate as ghosts- the selfless dead." The Abyssal said, forcing a smile. "I am from there. My kind rule there."

02:19 <Anne> "So, uh, you're all aboard for Bran?"

02:19 <Anne> "No, you're here because your...boss said you should be?"

02:19 <Anne> The look on Anne's face makes it plain she's reconsidering this whole thing.

02:34 <Palemask> He shook his head. "The Althing is responsible for the deaths of the woman I loved and my best friend. I never even got to tell her how I felt-and I do carry a grudge. Everyone has their reasons. Pointing us just gave us the way we need to take our own revenge on those foolish clowns." He smiles bitterly.

02:35 <Sophia> "That true for all of you?"

02:35 <Palemask> "And to make up for what we do, for a good majority of us. Or find a way as Chosen that isn't crass decadence."

02:36 <Palemask> He points his thumb at the punk. "Does she look like someone's who will accept established authority?"

02:36 — Sophia can't help but look at the princess.

02:41 <Palemask> She's all of fifteen and looks very interested, even excited in a way that's... too much. Like she's having the time of her life or hearing the funniest joke, inane giggling bubbling from her. https://38.media.tumblr.com/8fde473392ee0c6af0d1ddf0e9b750a1/tumblr_mwz8ugP0Dj1sdcmc0o1_500.gif

21:11 <Anne> "Okay, so we've got a team of the bad guys working for the good guys as it turns out. And that's another major corporation that's in theory signed up and willing to support the road to victory. This is, uh..." Anne scratches her head and thinks the situation through. "And we've got the political situation shaping up. I'm starting to fumble at our next

21:11 <Anne> steps now."

21:11 <Anne> "We've made good progress on all fronts."

21:11 <Anne> "Do we try to draw the enemy out now?"

21:12 <Sophia> "Fighting is not a goal in itself," Sophia says cautiously, but her tone indicates that she share some of Anne's puzzlement.

21:12 <Sophia> "To fight and conquer in every battle is not supreme excellence, supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting," she quotes

21:13 <Sophia> "And while I appreciate that every day that passes with the enemy in charge is a day too many, open war will likely cause far greater damage than a moderate delay."

21:14 <Anne> "To stick with the metaphor, it feels like we've advanced on the battlefield and seized terrain the other side isn't paying much attention to. I guess the question is where to go from here. Keep seizing terrain until they notice and it provokes a response?"

21:15 <Sophia> "Intelligence, I think, we need to know what they're on about, and if any more can be turned to our way of thinking."

21:15 <Sophia> "A task that I believe our new friends are well suited to help us with."

21:19 <Anne> "You have an opinion, FlawlessGlory?" Anne says, asking the Abyssal after thinking the current situation over a moment longer. "Don't want you to feel left out of the decision making," she adds with a smirk.

21:26 <FlawlessGlory> "I cannot offer advice what knowing what the true motive of your cause is. Do you want to merely win and restore the balance of power between you and the Yozi along with their servants? Or do you want to a hegemony like theirs, but instead... benevolent?"

21:27 <FlawlessGlory> *create

21:27 — Sophia looks a little uncomfortable, "realistically, the latter."

21:27 <Sophia> "In principle, we'd like to turn power back to the people, but that doesn't seem to happen very often historically."

21:29 <Anne> "Or ever."

21:29 <FlawlessGlory> "Then you cannot continue to eat away piecemeal until they respond. I believe they will annihilate you, us, entirely once fully provoked. I doubt the death of the infernal, by my hand, will go unnoticed forever. Gather what power you feel you need, through subtle means, to strike the killing blow. And then act decisively. Don't trade blows. In that respect,

21:29 <FlawlessGlory> intelligence is key. You have to know where to strike."

21:29 <Anne> "I'm not even sure what that would look like, though that's the principle I'd like to see happen."

21:30 <Anne> "That's two votes for intelligence then. Great." Anne turns and looks at the Infernals with Bran who've signed up for the cause. "I think this is where you come in. The more you can tell us, or tell us where to find out more, the better our chances of keeping the body count down."

21:31 — Sophia nods, "we need to know who can be turned, who can be ignored, and who needs to die first."

22:03 <Palemask> A few seemed to 'speak' without either moving their hands or opening their mouths. <We will accept this burden. They have no idea what we have done.> One stated. <Sister Charlotte will remain where she is, Masters will act as your direct contact for your personal group while I'll act as contact for The Sharing.> That was the punk, who sounded quite

22:03 <Palemask> intelligent. And while she spoke, she giggled a bit.

22:05 <Sophia> "That's very reasonable," Sophia replies softly with a nod.

22:06 <Sophia> "Can you answer some of those questions now?" She asks Masters.

22:08 <Palemask> The man looked thoughtful, studying them. "Out of curiousity... how old are you?" He looks a little disturbed. He gives distinctly uncomfortable looks to the visibly young Charlotte and Roxy who was still with the group.

22:08 <Palemask> "Older mentally than I look." Roxy said, sticking her tongue out.

22:08 <Sophia> "Twenty," Sophia replies, "and I'm with Roxy on that one."

22:12 Palemask → STmask

22:14 <Anne> "Old enough to have served my country. Old enough to die for it." Anne shrugs as if that's the perfect answer to such a question.

22:16 — Sophia reaches out to take Anne's hand at the mention of death in the line of duty.

22:20 <STmask> Vlad sighed and looked thoughtful, lost for the moment in big-picture thinking. "Well, for one I think that levering the Sharing into a larger, more organized entity would be your best bet. The problem however is in what way. As a social movement, it could remain divorced from politics. As a political movement, you could back the newly powerful party in

22:20 <STmask> office. However, both of these approaches have downsides-as a social movement, there may be less sense of urgency and a lack of coherence. Even with a good organization, entropy hits very hard the larger a company gets, thus why my companies are actually part of a holding group, rather than one big corporation. Branching out into subsidiaries and focusing on

22:20 <STmask> various options and issues with small but mobile, flexible groups could give you a lot of options that aren't connected to the government."

22:21 — Sophia nods, "I don't see any particular reason the Sharing should support the Vermilion Party directly."

22:22 <STmask> "To be sure, restyling it as a political group gives you a more direct hand in deciding policy-kingmakers that make and break various bills, decisions-so on. But some who want improvement may not approve of this, if they don't agree with the soon to be ruling party or the apolitical may abandon the group."

22:22 <Sophia> "I suggest we keep it a social, but politically aware, movement and make sure the Vermilion Party's platform is one the Sharing's members will naturally feel inclined to support."

22:22 <STmask> "Certainly!"

22:24 <Sophia> "So long as they genuinely care, I think a bit of political diversity will be good on the medium-long term."

22:30 <Anne> "What you say makes sense," Anne says, mulling the comments over in the way she often seems to. Compared to her generally brilliant companions, the Zenith deliberately takes a bit more time so that she doesn't impulsively say something or leap into something without having thought things through. "Social movement it is. We still need to line up next steps

22:30 <Anne> though."

22:30 <Anne> "So if you and yours can get us intel on what we're up against, maybe clue us into the Most Wanted list of Who Could Be Friendly and Who Will Be A Threat, that would definitely help."

22:31 <STmask> He looked to the rest. "I can get names from the others-they've got some. Let's see... we have currently nearly half of the Infernals who would be willing to lend an ear or already take part. There's four willing to look the other way and one... well, we just don't know where she is. That's fully half of us. The other half..." He shrugs. "There's no telling.

22:31 <STmask> It's probably for the best you get them all. There's eight Solar akuma around Meruvia, with ten Lunars, five of which who are akuma. One vanished recently with those that weren't akuma-she's known as White Lily."

22:31 <Anne> "And in the meantime, we keep on keeping on, eh?"

22:31 <Anne> "White Lily's an Akuma?"

22:31 <STmask> "No, she was once working for the Althing but does no longer."

22:32 <STmask> "She took various contracts, but was not on retainer."

22:33 — Sophia nods. "Such lists would be a great help. Particularly if combined with advice on how to fight those who must be killed, and how powerful they are."

22:33 <STmask> "She killed the entirety of the Lunar akuma, along with four of the Solar akuma with help. We aren't sure yet how she managed it."

22:33 <Anne> "...Wait, why would she be ganking the people paying her?"

22:33 <STmask> He chuckled. "Perhaps someone changed her mind."

22:33 — Sophia blinks, "and how does she like her payment?"

22:34 <STmask> "Money makes the world go 'round-but apparently, something else meant more to her."

22:37 <Sophia> "Ah," Sophia says with a smile, apparently realizing something, "I think I know what that might be," she adds with a smirk.

22:37 <Anne> Anne gives her girlfriend a blank look, then shrugs and figures she'll find out later.

22:38 <Anne> "The Lunars sound interesting, though. Not just White Lily. The ones who aren't Akuma, there's a chance they can be flipped, right?"

22:38 <Anne> "Flipped back, I mean?"

22:38 <Sophia> "I think she's the Mate Malcolm went to seem" Sophia tells Anne wordlessly.

22:39 <STmask> "There are leads on where their exaltations went... I would suggest finding them before the Althing does. Akumahood is easier in the next life if the past one did it." He stated evenly.

22:40 — Sophia nods, "we'll make that a priority."

22:40 <STmask> "The ones that weren't escaped or ran with White Lily. There's no sign of what they're doing yet."

22:41 <Sophia> "Wait, those she killed were from the 8 solar akuma and 10 lunars you mentioned before?"

22:42 <STmask> He nodded. "That's correct. Leaving the loose former akuma and former employed and four akuma at their disposal-if they catch them. There's no reversing the state. You'll have to kill an akuma to free them."

22:43 — Sophia nods, "we'll do so then."

22:43 <Sophia> "So that leaves 4 solar akuma and no lunars in league with the Althing in Meruvia, correct?"

22:43 <Sophia> "What about the Infernals proper?"

22:55 <STmask> "That's correct. Before we move on..." He took out a picture. "If you would, this is... a friend's child. A runaway." He handed them a slightly blurry picture. "This is a young woman calling herself Seven Devil Clever. She'll probably be the first target. Her local haunts and Lunar status are known. She's very fond of killing akuma. The Infernals... there's

22:55 <STmask> fifteen hardliners. Five others are imprisoned. Insane to the point that the hardliners won't even let them out. Five others... we're not sure what they're doing. They're researchers. I'm not sure we want them to continue their research."

22:56 <STmask> The young woman looks perky and dressed in street styles, salvage. She's kicking someone in the face by jumping six feet off the ground, knocking the victim back.

22:57 <Anne> "I don't see any issue in picking her up, rescuing her, giving her someone more constructive to fight, whatever she wants to call it."

22:58 <Sophia> "Agreed," Sophia says with a grave nod.

23:01 <STmask> "Now with that out of the way... what is the Underworld really like?" He asked curiously.

23:04 → Mizu (was FIW) joined

23:10 <FlawlessGlory> "In a word? Different. The philosophers of my kind would like to describe it was a mirror of Creation, darkly crack'd. I feel that is an over-simplification. The frame is there, but its laws, its rules, its essence aren't merely sinister reflections of their counterparts. They subvert them entirely. It would be as odd and alien to you as this place is to me,

23:10 <FlawlessGlory> now. The living often describe it as a realm of evil- it lacks intent. I attribute this grave misunderstanding to its strangeness."

23:12 <STmask> "Fascinating! And the laws there? The people?" Sophia knows that look, she's probably seen it many times-a nerd presented with the object of their fascination.

23:14 — Sophia smiles indulgently and turns her attention to the punk, "it appears we'll be working together rather a lot now. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

23:15 <STmask> "Rania." She smirked as she said it.

23:16 <Sophia> "Do you have any plans for the Sharing?"

23:16 <FlawlessGlory> "The laws are similar in spirit. Protecting property and the rights of others, with some variation. Its people... they are driven. Ghosts with the willpower to anchor their souls were typically exceptional mortals in life. They have some great aim, burning passion, or unaccomplished goal that tethers them. Even the successful living are at times too stubborn

23:16 <FlawlessGlory> to pass on immediately."

23:16 <STmask> It means queen. "Oh, I'm planning on smashing fascists through superior urban renewal." She spoke casually.

23:17 <FlawlessGlory> "Tell me, if the souls of your fallen comrades numbered among its denizens, would you care to see them again?"

23:17 — Sophia chuckles, "a worthy goal if I ever heard one."

23:17 <Sophia> "What about actual smashing?"

23:18 <STmask> Vlad's face immediately goes to grief.

23:18 <STmask> "Yeah, sure. I'd love to toss around demon pigs with telekinesis." She smirks.

23:19 <Sophia> "But not against mortals?" Sophia asks, sounding encouraged by Rania's relative peacefulness.

23:19 <STmask> "Yes, please. Maddie and Jack." He stated softly.

23:20 <FlawlessGlory> "I could show you, bring them here for a time, if their ghosts remained. Now, even. But we should go somewhere private."

23:21 <STmask> He nods. "I would much appreciate that, sir."

23:26 <FlawlessGlory> "Lead the way. I'm sure there's a spare room here somewhere. Or we can wait until later in the evening, if you have pressing business."

00:22 <Palemask> "Why should I hurt them? They've done nothing for or against me. I just wanna build stuff when this is all over." The punk seemed to be telling the truth. "And occasionally kicking ass, but yanno. As a hobby, not a calling." She seems to be joking for the latter.

00:24 — Sophia smiles, "no reason, but there are a lot of idiots who aren't stopped by there being no good reason for their actions. Just making sure you weren't one of them."

00:26 <STmask> "I'll leave the sociopathy for the princess there. Most of us here take a middle path. Not getting attached to the world overmuch and freeing ourselves from constraints. We just hold our forebears chose the wrong constraints to focus on. We ain't non-violent, but hey. You win? Most of us will be." Rania stated.

00:27 <STmask> "We all made a solemn oath to Saturn and Adorjan."

00:27 <Sophia> "Oh?" Sophia prods Rania to go on.

00:30 <STmask> "We'll never work against Creation. We'll assist in rebuilding what has been damaged. We will do beneficial things to the world where we can. We will see to justice where we can. We will answer to the Incarnae and never let our comrades become this monstrous again." She spoke with great gravity. "And we will serve under the queen of creation and answer to

00:30 <STmask> her as her honor guard. Those that didn't get behind the oath? Well, there's a reason why so many of us are young or recently exalted."

00:31 — Sophia blinks. "Huh. That's quite an oath."

00:31 — Sophia glances at Anne, gauging the Queen of Creation's reaction to that revelation.

00:31 <STmask> "Adorjan too swore oaths on her true name to be loyal to the Incarnae, to obey the Queen of Heaven who would come. Now that she has..."

00:34 <Anne> "That's some pretty hefty stuff you're laying out there," Anne says, musing on what's been said. "What's in it for you? I could make a checklist out of the things you just said and none of seems to be in your boxes, just in ours. What do you want in exchange?"

00:34 <Anne> "Don't get me wrong, if you really want to do the righteous thing for righteous reasons, I'm all for it. But experience tells me there's usually another shoe to drop."

00:37 <STmask> "I got my parents and a kid brother. I don't want the world the way it is for them, even if I can't be with them like I am anymore." She stated bluntly.

00:37 — Sophia frowns, "why did they Exalt someone with a disposition like that?"

00:40 <STmask> The punk looked at her, tilting her head to and fro. "You know the Althing most times decides that right now, yeah?"

00:41 <STmask> "Sometimes they get... less reasoned picks."

00:42 <Sophia> "I see. I think.

00:42 <STmask> She shrugs. "I couldn't tell you much about them. I try to stay away from the Thing Infernal."

00:43 <Sophia> "I'd probably do the same in your shoes," Sophia agrees.

00:46 <Anne> "Huh." Anne sticks her hands in her pockets and shrugs. "Fine. That's fair. I'll take you at your word. That's the kind of world we're aiming at, you know, all of you. A world where someone's word is good enough, where you can feel safe getting someone's word and knowing that they'll follow through on it. So here's mine; you do right by the people of

00:46 <Anne> Creation and I'll do right by you."

00:47 <STmask> Vlad nods. "I would much appreciate that, sir." And heads off to #anotherroom

00:59 <STmask> The punk nods with a smile. "Yeah. I hope you're right."

01:34 <Anne> "Well, we might as well wrap this up then, let you guys get back to whatever it is you're doing. Let's trade contact information, though. And we'll get to work finding more. It'll take a real coalition to save the world and I aim to make one."

01:37 — Sophia smiles at Anne, "no one person makes a coalition, love, not even you."

01:38 <Anne> "Well, it's not going to make itself either, Sunset, so I might as well get it started!"

01:38 <Sophia> "We'll get them started," she responds and gives Anne a kiss on the cheek.

01:47 <Anne> "Couldn't do it without you, gorgeous girl."

01:47 — Anne kisses Sophia back, opting for the lips rather than the cheek.

01:47 <Sophia> "Or without the people we're looking to recruit."

01:50 — Sophia turns back to the Infernals, "any word on where White Lily, or any of the other Lunars have gone?"
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

00:38 — Yukiko grins as she stretches. "I feel like a new woman. Sorry for doubting how good this could feel."

00:42 — Yukiko chuckles as she looks to the maidens and her other companions. "You're sure we can do this right? There's likely to be stiff opposition, even for ones like us."

00:52 <Palemask> Saturn smiled wryly. "Oh, yes. That's true." The atrium's door was closed, Jupiter coming in behind the rest. Kosche was in practical clothes and boots, yet the sword she held in her hand seemed... disturbing to look at.

00:55 <Mizu> There is a swirl of green sparks that whirls about before falling in a shower as MIzu's form fades into existance... Mizu is wearing her jacket... but under it she's dressed surprisingly well. The sheathed sword at her waist is an odd addition perhaps. Of note, Mizu looks just a wee bit out of sorts as whatever just brought her there finishes. "... well, that works at least."

00:55 <Yukiko> "Well, I don't expect we shall have too terrible a time of it." she says, clapping her new friends on the shoulders. "Little romp through Heaven, put our friend on the throne, and away we go! Why, I'll wager we only get a bit of a work..." then a Mizu happens. "Hey-a there!" she laughs, waving in greeting.

00:57 <Mizu> "Hi. So, who's ready to see some cenutry or older traditions revived?" Mizu sounds... frazzled as she looks. This is -not- her normal at all.

00:58 <Yukiko> "I am... are you? you don't look well."

00:59 <Palemask> Kosche rested a hand on Mizu's shoulder, to help steady her.

00:59 <Mizu> "I'll be fine, I just had to help write a 'guide to surviving Calibration for the mortal soul' on a rather odd deadline. Can you say 'silly Mizu didn't look back enough'?" She sounds self-reproachful if anything.

01:01 <Yukiko> "I'm sure you did wonderfully."

01:01 <Palemask> "It's not supposed to be-but our return has untangled a few knots." Mercury spoke, bouncing from one foot to another, looking impatient. "So what was stuck, unstuck and the loom... what's the word for those machine things Autochthon used? Rebooted. Yes. It soft-rebooted."

01:02 <Palemask> "Asna will be happy to see us, I'm sure."

01:03 <Mizu> "Eh, SOphia and crew are recording it." Mizu smiles to Kosche, then looks a moment to Mercury, and Saturn, and even Jupiter. There's a look that crosses her face as if she wants to say something but no words really come out.

01:03 <Palemask> Jupiter looked incredibly amused.

01:06 <Mizu> Mizu takes a deep breath, then finally, sighs. "Well, that's gonna be a mess." SHe states. "And doubtfully the only one, I'm afraid." She looks keenly at Jupiter this time. "... I... found something that worries me. And should worry all of us."

01:06 <Yukiko> "What's that, Mizu?"

01:06 <Palemask> Jupiter went to Mizu. "Tell me."

01:08 <Mizu> "...I do not have a way to prove beyond the supicion granted by looking over my Elder's journals, and discussing the results of those findings with Chastity, comparing notes on the actions of those who are or have been Exalted." Mizu frowns as she then looks at her own shadow. "'What sneaks in the wrong disguise? Who has blinded the seer's eyes?'" She says, almost as a quote. "... Chejop, Jiji, was having bouts and periods of insanity.

01:08 <Mizu> Worse as he got older. times he'd get cryptic and not realize he was doing it, even as he realized it in those around him."

01:09 <Mizu> "... This pattern shows up through... several very old journals, but we have an even more present source of a similar change over time: the Althing, and its various exalts exibit similar, though not the same, tendancies."

01:09 — Yukiko tilts her head curiously. "Master Chejop never seemed unduly troubled to me."

01:10 <Mizu> "... troubled isn't the right word per se. Babling cryptically to his own journal would be a more accurate wording. With crystal clear, conice reasonings on either side of having done so

01:11 <Mizu> "... My conclusion is something I don't like: Something's tainted the exaltations themselves. And that..." she just looks to Jupiter a moment. "I'm pretty sure if -I- tried that, the loom would strangle me in my attempt."

01:12 <Palemask> "Like a curse." Jupiter spoke aloud. "A great curse."

01:13 → Anne joined (uid40114@sorcery-21gogf.ealing.irccloud.com)

01:16 <Mizu> "A bigger one then anything I could make myself. -maybe- if I had the entire five score fellowship, at their peek, with Lytek and your counter-signatures on the request." Mizu says this in a quiet, overwhelmed kind of way. "You have a knack for understatements?"

01:18 <Palemask> "It isn't something that came of this world if it insinuated itself so neatly. Perhaps once we have rescued the Great Maker, we will have some answers as to how that can be." Luna looks intrigued by it. "It may also explain why a number of my chosen aren't mine anymore."

01:23 <Mizu> Mizu looks down at her jacket pocket thoughtfully, but doesn't say more just yet.

01:25 <Palemask> The goddess of Secrets put a hand on Mizu's chin. "One thing at a time. Let's win back our home." Jupiter spoke for all to hear.

01:26 <Mizu> "... Indeed. Steps towards -that- are already in play. HOwever... early calibration, planned or otherwise, tends to mean I have a duty to attend to." She grins, just a bit.

01:28 — Yukiko holds up a hand as they walk. "Hold up. How could someone taint the exaltations? That doesn't make any sense."

01:37 <Mizu> Mizu shrugs. She has no awnsers on this one. Somehow she almost looks grateful for that

01:39 <Palemask> None of the Maidens or Luna seemed to have an answer, nor Ouranos.

01:40 <Mizu> Mizu then reaches into her pocket and pull out the -other- thing she had stopped to get before leaving the manse in Creation: Something that looks a -lot- like an action figure. She sets it on her shoulder.

01:42 — Yukiko tilts her head curiously. "What in the world is that?"

01:43 <Palemask> It beeps in a friendly wave and all present looked immediately shocked. "Minister Ketu-Rahu?" It beeps a confirmation.

01:43 <Palemask> Jupiter spoke that, looking shocked.

01:43 <Mizu> "Hitchhiker we picked up on the way creation bound."

01:46 Arynne → Trina

01:47 <Mizu> "It appears I'm doing quite well at surprisingly people. Oh. Minister Ketu-Rahu is your name? Nice to finally know it!" she smiles at her shoulder rider.

01:50 <Palemask> The rider displayed a smile emoji with a trilling beep.

01:57 — Yukiko shakes her head, looking VERY confused. "Well, just be sure to keep her... Him... It? Keep them safe, okay? There's likely to be a great deal of power getting tossed around."

02:00 <Palemask> "Little Rahu is a part of Autochthon, but for his size, he's surprisingly powerful. He's the ambassador to the Bureau of Fate." Saturn spoke up. "He is not easy to contain."

02:00 <Palemask> Elsewhere... gods were gathered as Trina walked forward, arm in arm with Amalion. Some looked terrified, some look incredibly grateful. Some looked angry-and some looked hungry.

02:01 <Trina> "Should I say something," Trina murmurs to her consort. "Or maintain a dignified silence?"

02:06 <Mizu> Mizu just smiles at the advice. even as she keeps her hand on the folded form of her bow that she unpockets. She's opting for dignified silence (And a potential big stick if needed.)

02:08 — Yukiko is, however, the biggest stick. Or at least, she's the most visible, her sword is out, and that means she's effectively totemic to the spirits as she marches down, her glory dimmed not one whit by the fact that she's spear-heading the arrival of several powerful Celestial Incarnae. She's proud of what she's doing.

02:14 <Palemask> "Speak as you will."

02:14 <Palemask> Amalion's words, encouraging and warm.

02:21 <Trina> The young Twilight stops, regarding the throng of eager, angry, scared, desperate folk.

02:21 <Trina> "The Chosen of the Most High have returned," she says, striving to make her voice sound regal, assured -- a Princess of the Earth's voice, rather than a starving artist. "We have come to help you rebuild what's ruined, mend what's broken and fill what's empty. Together, we are going to make this city beautiful again, shining and holy -- one where everyone

02:21 <Trina> will have all that they need."

02:28 — Yukiko smiles at Trina, before turning her gaze on those assembled. There's no word spoken, but the message is clear. Attempt to touch her, and there would be a reckoning.

02:39 <Palemask> Many backed off. A few fell to their knees.

02:42 <Mizu> Mizu just remains vigilant, and, is quite happy to let Trina and Amalion and Yukiko take the center stage.

02:56 <Palemask> A few bug out.

02:57 <Palemask> Then cheers break from the crowd.

Monday, September 28th, 2015

23:46 <Palemask> Cheering was breaking out from a thin crowd of lesser gods who had gathered to the sight of the procession, ready to fight.

23:47 FIW → Mizu

23:48 <Palemask> The elemental- and gold-clad gods led the way, shields on their arms, a fierce pride about them. They were retaking their home. Closer... the structure before them looked very much like a lotus, with the 'petals' different buildings.

23:49 <Palemask> The campus might have been well cared for grounds once, but not recently.

23:50 Palemask → PaleST

23:55 <Trina> "That must be the Lotus Dome we've heard so much about," Trina murmurs softly.

23:57 <Mizu> Mizu tilts her head. "Tis. You think it's a mess out here..."

23:58 <Trina> "...I should see what it looks like in there?" Trina finishes.

23:59 <Mizu> "At the -best- of times, the loom had a nasty habit of causing exalts to go scattering the first time they saw it. And second. And Third. Right now..." She shakes her head.

Tuesday, September 29th, 2015

00:00 <PaleST> "It's the home of the Bureau of Heaven. It looks good for how long we've been gone." Mars spoke gruffly. "But we'll see the damage when we come-ah, but you can get used to it best, Mizu. It may even feel homey to you niece." She smiled wryly.

00:17 <Trina> "So what should we expect?" says Trina warily. "Or is it too weird to even explain?"

00:18 <PaleST> "You will see the workings of fate." Jupiter stated simply.

00:22 <Mizu> "... Sidereals are known to adapt to it better, yes." Mizu adds, even as she looks towards Mars's non-explanation. SHe turns back towards the dome. "... I think this is about the point for a joke about 'spring cleaning.' but I'm fresh out."

00:26 <Trina> The young Twilight regards the compound rather glumly, suspecting she's about to face something that can neither be blasted with sorcery or cut with orichalcum or taken apart with clever hands.

00:32 <PaleST> They went first for the central building, which was the biggest. Ouranos battered the doors open.

00:35 <Mizu> Mizu takes a slow, deep breat of air. THen walks up next to Ouranos to help push the doors the rest the way open as she calls out, impishly. "HOUSECLEANING!"

00:36 <PaleST> There's immediate reaction.

00:37 <PaleST> SKREEEEEEEEEE CLACK CLACK CLACK-is that... metallic clapping?

00:39 <Trina> Trina lays a hand on her sword hilt. "Who goes there?!"" she shouts, doing her best to sound thunderous.

00:43 <Mizu> "easy. It's just the tenders. You'll meet them shortly." Mizu steps past the doors. "Oh, I forgot to ask, is anyone present arachnophobic?"

00:47 <Trina> "Not me."

00:49 <Mizu> "Good. You can ask the Great Maker of Things why he chose that form for them when we meet him." Mizu shrugs as she smiles to Ouranos. "Shall we see what kind of interesting weaving they've been up to in the last however long?"

01:16 <Trina> In spite of herself, Trina is fascinated by the thought of seeing the Maker's work up close. Everything she has read about the King of All Craftsmen in the Old Man's library has only whetted her curiousity.

01:32 <PaleST> The darkness at first is profound to their eyes, gentle whirring and squealing sounds coming from both near and far. The sound of constant movement was apparent, with naught else, even their heartbeats muted. It was like both sensory deprivation and ennervation at once, as light began to 'dawn.' The workings and surroundings began to be more and more

01:32 <PaleST> visible-and somehow, it felt utterly alien and familiar at once. Nearly overwhelming. The building was just too small to hold something quite so large, with what seemed to be fields and fields of strands being worked at. There was, on the ground, several snarls, quivering and lashing around with stray strings whipping out with an audible *snap* as it hit the

01:32 <PaleST> ground, leaving clear holes in the ground. "The Incarnae return." Came a voice... sort of feminine. "We've been waiting for you for a long time."

01:36 <Mizu> Mizu pauses. She's clearly speechless. Then gives a simple long, low whistle, even as she gives the nearest lashing snarl a healthy bit of room.

01:37 <Trina> Remembering the story about the young man who gets Saturn for a name-mother, Trina does too.

01:40 <PaleST> "And who are you?" Both Trina and Mizu hear whispered into their ears as twisting walkways shift and become visible as they move.

01:46 <Trina> "Uh...my name is Catriona Hayes. I'm a Copper Spider."

01:47 <Mizu> Mizu closes her eyes, then smiles as she figures out the best way to answer. "I have many names, for I have been many things. I Have walked these halls, though I wore another persona then." She opens her eyes. "I am the secret that hid in plain sight, that which went unnoticed by dancing along knowledge's edge. My old surname likely no longer fits me... I was adopted as Mizu of the Family Kotoba. Perhaps I'd better be named Mizu Himitsu, fo

01:47 <Mizu> r I truely am of Secrets.

01:59 <PaleST> "I am Asna Firstborn." A huge spider clacked its way to them, metal and jewels. "Meido. Catriona." It greeted. "The water is grokked."

02:02 <PaleST> Trina sees above them Mizu and an old Sophia, the other copper spider bearing a scepter and looking uneasy herself. Old Mizu waved at the group with a sardonic smile.

02:02 <PaleST> And then they were out of sight.

02:03 <PaleST> Everything in Trina's mind is screaming at her to leave, but she can defy it. For now.

02:03 <Trina> The Twilight swallows at the vision, feeling suddenly disoriented, as if she is looking down from a very high place into an abyss that is somehow...up.

02:05 <Trina> Unnoticed by her, the caste mark on her forehead, which has dimmed since entering the building, begins to sparkle again as her Exalted nature rises to reinforce her resolve.

02:05 <Trina> "I greet you, Asna Firstborn," she says, bowing. "It is an honor to meet you."

02:06 <Mizu> Mizu sighs. "... Why do I have a feeling that older me is doing that on purpose?" She then smiles and lets Trina handle the introductions even as she gives a half-bow herself.

02:10 <PaleST> "It is traditional that a Chosen may wave to their younger form, to assure them it's no illusion. Time and space are strange here. We have been waiting and have already received you. The gnarls were ripped out when the day dawned. We've been making excellent progress, though they are troublesome."

02:11 <PaleST> The spider swayed and danced in place, occasionally, tiny metal spiders dropping off the great automaton.

02:12 <Trina> Trina watches in fascination. "Are you an automaton or a god? Or both? If you don't mind my asking, that it," she adds hastily.

02:14 <PaleST> "I am both." Asna spoke. "But my fellows are both yet lesser and more."

02:14 <PaleST> "We are many and legion."

02:15 <Mizu> "You've done a very good job given the task you were left with. We appreciate it." Mizu stares at one of the snarls. "Though I'm afraid we will be causing you more work likely soon, in the process of putting things to rights."

02:34 <PaleST> "With those terrible snarls gone, we may be able to work overtime and get to an acceptable level of activity. We're lucky."

02:35 <PaleST> "We were barely able to do our work. That light coming on? That is from us clearing out another great deal of tangles of fate." The spider explained.

02:36 <Mizu> "... My understanding is one cause of these... snarls is when us Chosen use our abilities within creation." She frowns as she stares at the weaving a moment. "ANd given the kind of conflict that is in the near future, well..." She bows applogetically.

02:37 <PaleST> "You don't do it on purpose, Vizier." Asna spoke bluntly. "There are those who did."

02:49 <Trina> "What can we do...or not do...to help you, then?"

02:56 <PaleST> "Clean Heaven and get the Bureaus functioning." The spider spoke. "And reunite the Fellowship."

02:57 <Mizu> "... Working on it. It will take time, but working on it." Mizu smiles.

02:57 <Trina> "That's what we came here to do," says Trina with a nod.

03:00 <PaleST> "Spectacular. I can begin to give you estimated times of arrival once you have the nursery up and safe." The divine spider stated. "I already have one you are meant to have." It spouted off a town, address, family name and a gender: a girl.

03:01 <Mizu> Mizu blinks. and whispers a soft curse as she realizes what exactly is going on. She already has a notepad out of her pocket and writes things down.

03:07 <Trina> Trina's eyes narrow as she watches. "One you are meant to have...a new Exalt?"

03:08 <Mizu> "... not exactly. Someone who will exalt, when the time is right."

03:08 <Mizu> "... The Fellowship... used to, well, 'recruit' early. Made life easier on keeping things straight up here in heaven. ON the other hand, this means, well, kidnapping a kid.

03:10 <Trina> "Ouch. Maybe we could...just keep an eye on her?" Trina offers. "On the other hand...we don't know what her situation is. We might end up rescuing her, rather than kidnapping her."

03:11 <Mizu> "... The alternative is worrying about our opposition beating us to the punch." She notes dryly. "THank you, Ansa, I will do what I can to use this knowledge to the betterment.

03:12 <PaleST> "Sometimes they were placed where they would do the most good. It's hard to let go of family for duty." Asna notes.

03:28 <PaleST> "I highly recommend you do not stay here with the Lawbringer. Perhaps the next building over-the Bureau of Journeys."

03:29 <Mizu> "Yes, we should move along. THer'es a lot left to do... And there's an office I need to find while I"m here to dust out."

03:30 <Trina> "Yes, we need to get started on that cleaning-out-Heaven bit!"

03:34 <Mizu> Mizu nods to the Incarne. "You are more then welcome to come with." She notes, as if she could convince them not to if it struck their fancy, even as she started for the door.

Monday, October 5th, 2015

23:46 <Palemask> Saturn and Jupiter stepped forward to take Mizu's offer but Mercury, Venus and Mars went to work assisting the spiders directly. The Bureau of Fate's loom room still looked overwhelming and frightening.

23:49 → Trina joined (uid47865@sorcery-mv99lj.charlton.irccloud.com)

23:53 <Mizu> Mizu looks to Trina, and offers her hand in such a way that it looks that Trina is int he lead, even as Mizu points the way to the next building out subtly.

23:54 <Palemask> Saturn and Jupiter stepped forward to take Mizu's offer but Mercury, Venus and Mars went to work assisting the spiders directly. The Bureau of Fate's loom room still looked overwhelming and frightening.

23:55 <Trina> The Twilight smiles at Mizu's subtle courtesy and heads in the direction she indicates.

00:00 <Mizu> Mizu's expression remains neutral. And there's tension in her hands and stance even as it's onward to the Division of Journey's building.

00:01 <Trina> "Perhaps you should remain here, my love", says Trina softly to her consort. "This might get...untidy."

00:02 <Palemask> "I will assist the Incarnae here, Catty dear." Amalion smiled brilliantly.

00:05 <Trina> She sighs in relief. "Then I will see you soon..."

00:05 <Palemask> Amalion leaned forward and kissed Trina's cheek and went to assist the Maidens.

00:06 <Palemask> Kosche trod silently behind them.

00:08 <Mizu> Mizu pauses a moment, then nods to Trina to take the lead as she hangs back for jsut a moment to put a hand on Kosche's shoulder. "Everything alright?"

00:09 <Trina> There is a flash, and Trina's bright sword is in her hand, though it is only an additional luster to the glowing nimbus that surrounds her.

00:11 <Palemask> Mizu got a slow nod and slight smile from the Gardener.

00:12 <Mizu> Mizu smiles, and grins. "Let's get going before one of those threads decides its hungry for Chosen instead of floor." She jokes a little. At least, she hopes she's joking.

00:13 <Palemask> Mars seems to be slashing at one with a spear as they leave.

00:20 <Mizu> Mizu quietly shakes her head, then smiles, before tugging Kosche along to catch up with Trina. There was still mroe to do and more to dust out, after all

00:21 <Palemask> They come to what appears to be a ship wreckage, though the sails are somehow intact. Is this the Bureau of Journeys?

00:21 <Palemask> Yes. Yes it is.

00:24 <Mizu> Mizu tilts her head. "... oh dear..."

00:27 <Palemask> Underneath the ship is a huge, dead yet unrotting specimen of tremendous size, the ground still stained with ichor from it.

00:27 <Mizu> Mizu pauses as she stares at what the ship has -pinned- under it. "um..."

00:27 <Palemask> Someone crashed it to incapacitate it at least. You can see a way inside.

00:27 <Mizu> "Trina, I'm about to ask something stupid. What the hell is that?"

00:28 <Palemask> The ship, not the creature.

00:28 <Mizu> Mizu is clearly speaking about the critter. Which somehow fills her with unease.

00:30 <Trina> "That's..."

00:37 <Trina> She blinks, runs a tongue across her lips. "...that's Mardukth" Her voice is scarcely more than a murmur. "Mardukhth, He Who Holds in Thrall. They made him to be the strongest."

00:39 <Mizu> "... well... I..." she pauses and looks. "I'm goign to guess getting this goop on us is a bad idea. I'm guessing if he hasn't moved in the last few centuries we can depend on him staying put for a few more days."

00:42 <Trina> "He's dead. Long dead. So is his maker. They won the battle but they lost the war."

00:42 <Palemask> There's stains, but no goop visible. Though not rotten, the corpse is quite desiccated.

00:42 <Palemask> There's several holes drilled in the carapace.

00:44 <Mizu> Mizu simply nods, as she works her way around the stains, as she works her way up to the ship, Those holes do catch her notice, though.

00:54 <Palemask> There's buckets collecting what's left of the ichor, with holes bored in. It looks like it's being looted for thaumaturgy ingredients. But who? None of the gods, save the good doctor seem likely to be alchemists, so it must be someone else. A glimpse at the sails-that's skin frorm the great beast.

00:58 <Trina> "Oh, oh," mutters Trina, who's noticed the buckets and sails as well. "We have a mad crafter on the loose, do we? Well, other than me, that is."

01:01 <Palemask> There's signs as they enter that someone's using the beast to patch up the ship-enough that most of the repairs are actually done. The hull's solid, there's various places where fighting damages were clearly patched over with the primordial's bone, blood and sinew. It's disquieting but it seems very solid and that it'll hold up.

01:06 <Palemask> A voice called out. "Hold it right there! Who are you? What do you want of the Golden Barque? The captain's still alive and not about to give up anything!" Came an angry voice that sounded like it came from an old man.

01:30 <Mizu> Mizu looks over her shoulder a moment. "I am Mizu, of Secrets, and Things Untold. We are here at the Behest of The Lady of Journeys. Spring shall soon Dawn."

01:35 <Mizu> "And it seems, someone has been starting the effecting of needed repairs." Of note, Mizu -hasn't- put away her bow just yet.

01:42 <Palemask> "Of Secrets... so. You're here at last. I'm the captain of the ship. Captain Ruvia! About gods-damned time. You're not akuma, are you? Because I'm not about to go down without fighting if you think you young'uns can face the god who faced down the mountain and the beast upon it and lived to tell the tale!"

01:43 <Palemask> He hobbles into sight on a crutch of bone. It's covered with something like iridescent metal.

01:45 <Trina> "*You're* the one who killed Mardukth?" blurts Trina, sounding impressed.

01:45 <Mizu> "... I'm pretty sure my mom would have kicked my ass if I did that this lifetime." Mizu's ears twitch as she hears the crutch before she sees it. Then again, I suppose I should complete introductions. Captain Ruvia, I am Mizu, as I said, of Secrets. Miss Koshe of Endings, and Trina is of the Twilight Sun. I'm hoping I don't need to identify the other two with us...that'd be embarassing."

01:46 <Palemask> His eyes go wide and he has a joyous laugh. "You're back!" He actually starts shedding tears as he bows mildly and laughs, the chuckles equally sobs.

01:52 <Palemask> Saturn actually embraces the old god, rubbing his back as he wept in gratitude.

01:53 <Palemask> You can certainly see where that part of Kosche comes from.

01:54 <Mizu> Mizu simply smiles a little. "Yeah, I think we can safely say he faced the thing this ship is ontop of."

02:00 <Palemask> "My crew's mostly gone, but with some last repairs and a bit of help, the Golden Barque can sail Heaven's skies once more." Ruvia spoke happily.

02:04 <Trina> Trina sheathes her sword and rubs her hands together. "Tell me what you need to fix this," she says happily.

02:05 <Mizu> Mizu smiles and gives a slight bow. "I think my friend here might be the best resource I can offer the assistance of immediately, though I hope to have more help for all soon. Nothing happens instantly. Except when it surprises us."

02:09 <Palemask> Ruvia had a cheeky smile. "Young lady, you're my new best friend. Let me show you the materials I mined and what their properties are."

02:13 <Trina> "Delighted," says Trina. "I had no idea you could even *do* that with behemoth hide!"

02:14 <Palemask> "I had some inspired moments. When things wanna eat'cha, you don't range far from your stronghold." He stated. "So I improvised with..." He began talking about starmetal-included bone and sinew.

02:17 <Trina> She listens with the keenest attention, as one professional to another.

02:17 <Mizu> Mizu smiles a bit... she might even ask Trina to explain the details later as she looks to Kosche. "Shall we let our two crafters work out hwo to best repair and remake what is infront of us?" Mizu keeps her voice down as to not interrupt the conversation.

02:29 <Palemask> She nods. "We can go quickly to the Cerulean Lute next."

02:30 <Mizu> "... That works. Save the Violet Brier for last." She twitches her ears a little. "Though I have a feeling by the time we get there, we'll both be happy to have made it that far."

02:32 <Palemask> She nods and pats the hilt of her sword with a somewhat frightening smile.

02:34 <Mizu> Mizu smiles a little. "Not what I meant." She offers as she starts walking towards the Lute, giving Trina and the Barque master their space to discuss crafting things beyond Mizu's current understanding.
00:47 <Anne> So, the intrepid heroes out to save Creation are called up to meet up at the rather famously well known beach, La Gunda Atlantica, locally known as the LGA or the 'Lug'. It tends to draw huge crowds especially during good weather but the sheer extent of its sand provides so much room for sunbathing with an ocean breeze for coolness that there's plenty of

00:47 <Anne> space to set up a volleyball net, beach chairs or an umbrella.

00:49 FIW → Mizu

00:49 <Anne> Anne herself has turned up in a bikini embossed with Meruvia's colors. Although Sophia's seen them before, the Zenith's military tattoos are in full evidence on her left arm including what was apparently a group unit tat, a campaign tat and a surprisingly famous battle for someone inclined to take a snapshot and google it.

00:51 — Sophia is wearing a rather tacky bikini with a sunset motif, her blonde hair is done up in a neat pony tail and with the customary lack of clothing, the fact that Trina turned her back into the canvas of a vast mandala tattoo is obvious to all of the many people whose eyes are drawn to the Exalts' party.

00:52 <Sophia> Also, she brought a book.

00:55 <Sophia> "Did you use to go to the beach a lot when you were a child?" Sophia asks Anne as she looks around the vast expanse of water, sand and people.

00:56 — Trina likewise has a book, "20 Centuries of Art History" -- as well as sunglasses, a huge straw hat and enough sunscreen lotion to fill a small wading pool. She sets up a huge umbrella, like a giant fairy toadstool, over her beach blanket.

00:59 <STMask> With them is Kosche in a green two-piece, the lower part a skirt. It's very tasteful for a sunbathing suit. Amalion wears a black one-piece with an asymmetrical cutout panel and a simple veil of her own design that looks more like a An Tengese belly dancer's veil. Her steps jingle with little golden coin anklets. Bran was in teal swim trunks and beach shoes,

00:59 <STMask> looking ridiculously comfortable and hot for those into men.

00:59 <STMask> He had an astonishing amount of tattoos, including holly and broken chains.

01:03 <Anne> "Huh? Oh, all the time." Anne's just finished setting up the volleyball net. She gives a wary eye at the two Twilights in the group and looks dubiously at her net, then sighs. "Yeah, good memories here. Family, friends, we came here all the time."

01:03 <Anne> "Damn girls, had no idea all of you had so much ink. I'm a little jealous."

01:04 <STMask> Kosche has clear, unmarked skin and looks down at it.

01:04 <STMask> "Yay, I'm a girl during the day!" Bran joked.

01:04 <Trina> "Sophia convinced me I should try expanding my skills," says Trina modestly.

01:05 <Sophia> "You were there when I got mine, remember," Sophia says mildly amused.

01:05 <Anne> "Beat me at vollyeball and I'll stop calling you a girl," she quips to Bran. "So, the Doctor is supposedly around? Far be it for me to mix business with pleasure but a little networking never goes amiss. I wonder if there's anyone else famous around here..."

01:06 <Sophia> "It's a big place. And with out luck... probably."

01:12 <Anne> "...Hey Amalion. I don't think I've seen you in a while. How've you been? Up to anything interesting?"

01:14 <STMask> Bran snorted. The goddess's eyes crinkled with a smile. "Oh, yes. I have been helping Venus and Mercury with repairs and building replacements for what's too damaged to repair! It's quite exciting to design under the makers, I'm learning so much as well as finding my equals at last!" She sounded like she was very happy indeed.

01:14 <Sophia> "You're designing under them? I thought you'd be in charge of construction."

01:17 <STMask> "Venus is a master of pleasing, serene designs.

01:17 <STMask> " The ex-demon explained.

01:17 <STMask> "Two masters always have much to teach one another."

01:20 — Sophia nods at the reasonable words

01:20 <Sophia> "Still, I'd have expected a fair amount of clashing between strong opinions."

01:24 <Anne> "Speaking of clashing..." Anne tosses a volleyball up and down a few times for emphasis.

01:24 <Mizu> A speck on the horizon gets closer and closer. Soon it is obviously a rather decent sized pleasure yacht that drops anchor a ways off of shore, A few minutes later, a figure in a one peice swimsuit, on a surfboard, can be seen approaching the shore from the direction of said ship. It seems, Mizu doesn't know the meaning of 'think small' for party time?

01:24 <Anne> "...now that's just not fair."

01:25 — Sophia regards the ball pensively. "I wonder how to cheat at volleyball..." she muses just loud enough to be heard.

01:25 — Sophia looks up at the yacht and Mizu and Anne

01:25 <Sophia> "Do you want one?"

01:25 — Trina is watching Amalion fondly, glad to see her consort so happy.

01:26 <STMask> "Creation is a /gift./ Beauty benefits everyone and should." Amalion gushed.

01:26 <STMask> Bran whistled. "Wooooow. That's quite an upgrade for the working stiffs here."

01:26 <Anne> "...who doesn't want a yacht? It's a -yacht-."

01:27 <Anne> "And I heard you, by the way," Anne says, pointing an accusatory finger at Sophia without taking her eyes off of the surfing Mizu.

01:27 <Sophia> "I obviously can't win by following the rules, I have to cheat to make things fair," Sophia responds to the accusatory finger with a dazzling smile.

01:28 <Sophia> "And I'll keep that in mind for your birthday."

01:29 <Mizu> Mizu hits the beach with a grin as she picks up the board. "So. I borrowed up a surprise or five for a few days." She grins just a bit. THe green haired sidereal either has no body art, or if she does, it's hidden under the swimsuit that is likely the most conservative thing on the whole beach so far.

01:29 <Trina> "Maybe we should design a yacht next, Sophia...after we've finished our ten thousand other projects," says Trina with a grin.

01:30 <Sophia> "Only if it flies. I like boats well enough, but they're just not that exciting."

01:32 <Anne> "...a flying...boat?"

01:32 <Anne> "I'm pretty sure I saw that in one of my brother's video games."

01:33 <Sophia> "Yeah, video games love throwing those around because they can say 'screw you' to gravity."

01:33 <Sophia> "In reality, it's much more complicated. Should be doable, though."

01:34 <Anne> "So, we're in a video game."

01:34 — Sophia chuckles.

01:34 <Sophia> "How would you be able to tell?"

01:34 <STMask> Kosche giggled. "Any blade in my hands, even a boxcutter is Gentle Repose. I think we left the video games behind a while ago."

01:35 <Trina> "No, other people are in a video game. We're, like, programmers with the cheat codes."

01:35 <Anne> "Does that include a blade of grass?"

01:37 <STMask> Kosche looked thoughtful a moment. "Only in the Wyld."

01:38 <Sophia> "How does that make it a video game?"

01:39 <Sophia> "Video games come in all sorts of shapes."

01:42 <Anne> "So, since we're all at the beach and stuff, and we're rarely all together, I thought I'd ask...how are things for you guys? I mean socially. Real lifey. How's your families? Friends? You know, those lives we all had before we got tapped to step up our game."

01:43 <Trina> The silence from Trina is practically deafening.

01:43 <Sophia> "Good. To be honest, I think my relationship with my parents is better than it was before."

01:44 <Sophia> "I've lost touch with most of my Heptagram friends, but to be honest, that's not much of a loss. Not compared to you guys anyway," she adds sending an adoring look at Anne.

01:46 <STMask> Kosche's face and silence was just as telling and deafening as Trina's.

01:47 <STMask> Bran rubbed his neck. "Well, I'm trying to walk the straight and narrow and all.

01:47 <STMask> "

01:48 <Anne> "...Seriously? What, you guys just dropped everyone else? I'm torn between feeling flattered and a bit frightened."

01:48 <Mizu> Mizu pauses a moment, then sighs. "Trying to keep the social network up has been iffy." Mizu states. "I didn't have any real friends. And my mentor and father figure... well.." Mizu dead pans this last bit.

01:50 <STMask> "None of my old friends /remember/ me." Kosche commented.

01:50 <STMask> "My creations still love and fear me as their mother." Amalion spoke cheerfully. "As do my children."

01:50 — Sophia walks up to hug Kosche, "I remember you," she says softly, holding her friend close.

01:51 <STMask> Kosche hugged Sophia back a bit tightly.

01:52 <Anne> "I'd be creeped out by that, Amalion, if I didn't remember that a bit of fear is healthy for kids. Or at least normal. I'd be a little worried if they didn't." She winks.

01:52 <Trina> Trina lifts her sunglasses to regard Amalion. "You know, I haven't met any of your offspring yet..."

01:53 <Mizu> "Yeah, that... seems to be a sidereal -thing-." She frowns. "Whatever trick old man did to keep you gu ys able to remember us as, well, us, is not common." She grumbles a bit. "It makes some things difficult. But it has advantages as well, I suppose."

01:56 — Sophia lets Kosche go again and smiles at her friend.

01:58 <Anne> "Well, you make any new friends or family in the meantime, Mizu? Anyone you're knocking boots with or clicking heels with or whatever? Not that we're not all awesome here but I'd hope you'd find a little something more than us to keep your thoughts company at night."

02:00 <STMask> Kosche seems rather cheered up. Amalion smiled faintly. "They're all grownups but I can arrange for a reunion, both the children I created and the children you gave me as your past life."

02:01 <Mizu> Mizu just looks at Anne a moment, then shakes her head. "haven't had the spare time with all the things been going on. You know, getting a house back in..." She pauses to consider something. "ALso, I am hoping the heavens are forgiving of past life transgressions, and thus trying to keep a low profile there. Not been succeeding terribly well, but nobody's gone digging -too- hard yet.

02:01 — Sophia puts her arm around Anne at Amalion's words, resting her hand on her lover's belly.

02:02 <Anne> "Nothing wrong with focusing on the work. But in the end, you're not going to have the stamina to keep going if you don't have someone to keep going for, at least in my experience." Anne drapes an arm around Sophia's shoulders and squeezes affectionately, putting practice to her preaching.

02:03 <Trina> "I'd like that," smiles Trina.

02:03 <Sophia> "It's very well documented," Sophia chips in, "at least for most people."

02:22 <Mizu> "I'm sure I'll find someone in the few hundred years I have to look." Mizu offers. "Right now, I have a core of close friends, and enough troubles on my plate. And if I -really- end up needing an exciting evening..." She shrugs. "I know a few other tricks."
22:55 <STMask> Last time... Mizu had come in her fancy boat and everyone was bikinis...

22:55 <STMask> Especially the lovely Amalion.

22:57 <Anne> Anne has set up a volleyball net and has been quizzing people on their social lives...largely finding out that no one really has one now...

22:57 — Esbilon still keeps in contact with people at the university, but it's mostly through emails and the occasional video conference.

22:57 Esbilon → Sophia

22:57 — Sophia still keeps in contact with people at the university, but it's mostly through emails and the occasional video conference.

22:58 <Trina> When asked, Trina dodges questions about her biological family, insisting the company of her own kind and that of her lovely consort is society enough.

23:00 — Sophia regards the net with a slight frown.

23:00 <Sophia> "I'm not really sure about this."

23:00 <STMask> Bran jumps from foot to foot.

23:04 — Yukiko emerges wearing her favorite bikini, causing spontaneous nosebleeds in all that view her. Nah, just kidding, but she does look rather stunning in a clingy one piece affair.

23:06 <STMask> Bran appropriately wolf-whistles.

23:06 <STMask> And then ruins it by making wolf howls inappropriately.

23:07 — Sophia spares a glance and a shake of her head for Bran's antics

23:07 <Sophia> "You a volleyballer, Bran?"

23:08 <STMask> He nods. "Yeah, I'm alright at it."

23:09 — Yukiko strikes a pose and bats her eyelashes at Bran. "I'm glad you like it." she says, leaning forward slowly, then stretching backwards.

23:09 <Sophia> "Alright?" She asks with a raised brow, "that sounds uncharacteristically modest for you."

23:12 <Yukiko> "Hmmm?"

23:13 <STMask> He points at Anne. "She kicks my butt!"

23:15 <Anne> Anne's bikini is a two-piece that, naturally, bears the colors of the Meruvian flag. Along with the military tattoos on her left shoulder, she's practically a walking advertisement for joining the army. Especially since she's no longer walking with the cane she once used after the biological attack before her Exaltation.

23:15 <Anne> "You just need to suck less," Anne says in the friendliest, most helpful tone she can to Bran.

23:15 — Sophia chuckles, "good advice

23:16 <Yukiko> "Or maybe..." and what she says next is rather unprintable, so we'll leave it censored for now. "Anyways, he's good at a lot of OTHER stuff!"

23:17 <Sophia> "Oh dear," Sophia says deadpan, glancing between Yukiko and Anne, "there are two of you know."

23:19 FIW → Mizu

23:19 <STMask> "There's enough of me for my sister and you, Yukiko." He went over and hugged the idol. He's of course, covered in chain and ivy tattoos.

23:20 <Yukiko> "oh MY!"

23:21 <Mizu> Mizu is wearing a very conservative one piece. Her green hair is left loose at the moment as she just grins at those around her. "Seriously, though, who here has had free time for society functions that weren't related to -something- they were up to in the last month?"

23:21 <STMask> She can recall every broken chainlink, every bit of ivy.

23:22 <Anne> "Yeah, I'm going to file that under TMI and pretend I never heard any of that." Anne then grins at Mizu. "Well, you're here now, free time or not. So!" She turns and looks at the group. "Who's up for a round of volleyball?"

23:23 <Sophia> "With you, I'm willing to try most of anything, but I do not have high hopes for this activity," Sophia says, turning back to her girlfriend and revealing the mandala-tattoo on her back to the rest of the crowd.

23:24 — Yukiko waves a hand. "You ladies go on ahead without me, unless you need an extra player. I'd rather watch everyone ELSE play." she chuckles.

23:25 <Anne> "I don't know, Yukiko. Rumor has it, you're a pretty athletic girl. Which may mean you're my -only- competition in this group." She gives the rest of the Exalts a dour look.

23:26 — Yukiko clears her throat a bit. "I am... Kinda. I mean, I'm pretty athletic, but it's mostly in terms of dancing and fighting. Not... sports."

23:27 — Trina pushes her sunglasses up to admire her handiwork.

23:27 — Sophia holds out her rather stick-like arms and wiggles it a bit, "that puts you an order of magnitude or two ahead of me."

23:28 <Mizu> "I think I'm the resident bookworm relatively speaking so... I might have a -slight- edge on Sophia. Maybe." She laughs a little. "Still, what's a little humiliation between friends?"

23:28 <STMask> Bran took station at point. "Three-four, Anne?"

23:32 <Anne> "Sure, why not. You can serve first. I hear you're pretty practiced at that." Anne throws Yukiko a playful wink as she toss the ball over to Bran.

23:33 — Sophia looks somewhat helplessly at Anne, "what do I do here?"

23:34 — Yukiko watches for a moment. She wants to join in, really she does! But she knows her competitive streak would get the better of her...

23:34 <Anne> "...okay. Um. You stand...how about right there. If the ball comes your way, you want to try knocking it back over the net on their side. You can also bump it over to me or someone else on our team. The trick is you can't catch it or hold it."

23:35 <Sophia> "OK," Sophia says with a nod and follows Anne's instructions. She tries to take a ready stance, but it looks a bit silly.

23:36 <Anne> "Let's see. Sophia's with me. Bran, you pick whoever you want. And we'll match until everyone's in play. We've got Mizu, Trina, Amalion, maybe Yukiko if one of the others doesn't want to play."

23:36 <STMask> Bran catches the ball and hold it on his palm. "Okay. Amalion and Mizu." He smiled wryly.

23:37 <STMask> The goddess titters at that.

23:37 <Anne> "Aw, you're going to make Trina have to kick her girlfriend's ass? Because she's going to, on my team."

23:38 <Mizu> Mizu shakes her head and just grins a little. "I'm more worried we'll knock the ball so hard it bounces off of some of the stray stuff overhead."

23:39 <STMask> "A good rule for this one. No magic, okay?" He laughs.

23:39 <Sophia> "I don't think any of us are *that* good at hitting balls."

23:39 — Yukiko snickers noisily

23:42 <STMask> "I dunno. There's definitely more bounce to some balls than others." He stated.

23:46 — Trina looks alarmed. "Look, I--"

23:46 — Sophia looks to Trina, "come on, we can be terrible together."

23:47 <Sophia> She says with an encouraging smile.

23:48 <STMask> "Mizu, why not switch with Trina. Let her play with Amalion." He suggested.

23:51 — Trina wriggles uncomfortably on her beach blanket. The truth is, she hates the thought of how badly she is sure to play, and hates even more that her incompetence will be in full view of Amalion.

23:51 <Mizu> "works for me."

23:51 <Mizu> Mizu switchs sides of the net. There's a mischevious little bit of a twinkle in her eye

23:54 <STMask> He smiled wryly. "Are we ready then?"

23:56 <Sophia> "As we'll ever be, I think."

23:57 <Anne> "Come on, get your gorgeous butt off the blanket," Anne says to Trina. "If Sophia can do it, you can do it."

23:57 <Anne> "...I mean, Sophia's setting a great example."

23:57 <STMask> "Serve!" He baps the ball up to Sophia, starting it off nice and easy.

23:57 <Anne> "You're going to do amazing, Sunset." She plants a kiss on Sophia's cheek.

23:57 — Sophia has to scamper hurriedly to get to the ball after that particular distraction

23:58 <Sophia> She barely manages to get it back over the net

23:59 <STMask> Amalion baps it back over to Anne. "Oh, my! I haven't played this one. Did I do it right?"

00:02 — Yukiko giggles as she watches. This is kind of fun to wath!

00:02 <Yukiko> *watch

00:05 <Anne> "You did it perfect!" Anne yells, leaping into the air...and, catching it at the net, she spikes it! "For setting me up!"

00:06 — Sophia hurries to get up from the sand and move back in position, "I live to serve, my queen," she says with amusement, she's better at this than she'd have thought.

00:12 <STMask> Trina's able to at least pop it up high. "Oh man." He chuckled.

00:13 <Mizu> Mizu just seems amused as she gives at least one good smack onto the ball

00:19 <STMask> Bran laughed as he launched it back over the net. "How long has it been since we've played?"

00:19 — Sophia scampers to set it up for Anne again.

00:26 <Anne> "I don't know. Two years ago?" Anne grins approvingly at Sophia's setup and launches it right into Bran's defenses. "That remind you?"

00:29 <STMask> "Bwuh-" It bounces off his head and back to her. "Ow."

23:14 <STMask> The yacht was skimming over the waters, the sun shining down brilliantly. Everything seemed so much brighter and new lately under the day. Out a ways was a larger yacht, though it was hard to tell who was on there... except one of the sails had the seal of House Sesus.

23:17 — Sophia picks up a pair of binoculars and takes a closer look at the Sesus yacht.

23:18 <Sophia> "A popular occasion for a bit of sailing, it seems," she muses.

23:18 <Trina> "Mmm...I was just going to say that everybody seems to be out today!"

23:18 <Sophia> "Well, the weather *is* really nice."

23:19 — Yukiko is relaxing nearby, without a care in the world.

23:20 <STMask> There's a few people there, including a man doing some sunbathing and a number of teenagers. Perhaps cousins. There's a few women as well, drinking on the boat. More nearby, Bran is rubbing Yukiko's shoulders expertly, hitting just the right spots.

23:21 <Yukiko> This would be why Yukiko is relaxing so much. Bran's a sweet guy, and she sighs happily with every touch.

23:21 — Sophia gives the Sesus's an extra look, seeing if anyone atches her eye before putting down the binoculars. It's really not nice to pry like this.

23:23 <STMask> There's two people canoodling. Well, that was certainly an eyeful Sophia probably didn't need.

23:23 — Sophia shakes her head and returns the binoculars to their holder and turns to regard her fellow passengers

23:27 <STMask> Kosche is reading a book on medicine-specifically a book on epidemiology. Her hair is still up.

23:30 — Sophia considers her old friend for a moment, then goes and sits down next to her.

23:30 <Sophia> "You looking into bringing an ending to epidemics?" She asks, only half jokking.

23:35 <STMask> "Well. Ah. No. I miss veterinary school sometimes." That's right... she was studying to be a vet doctor, wasn't she? "But I've been studying some on my own to catch up on human medicine and so on, too. I still love medicine."

23:35 <Sophia> "So you read epidemiology for fun?" Sophia asks with a smirk

23:36 → FIW joined (FIW@sorcery-1qt0t8.mn.frontiernet.net)

23:36 <STMask> "Yes. And usefulness-we might not die from it, but we can still get sick."

23:36 <Sophia> "And mortals *do* die from it," Sophia adds somberly, "we shouldn't discount their lives."

23:36 <STMask> "And there's sickness in the refugee camps of the folks coming from the West."

23:37 <Sophia> "Don't you want to end epidemics?"

23:37 <Sophia> "How bad?"

23:37 FIW → Mizu

23:38 <STMask> She smiled as she and Sophia spoke together but grew more serious. "Sickness is a part of life. The major illnesses? Yes, I would love to. And... it's pretty bad. There's hundreds sick. That might not sound like much now but the crowded conditions are a hotbed for incubation and spread."

23:39 — Sophia nods somberly.

23:39 <Sophia> "Does sickness *have* to be a part of live? Wouldn't everyone be better off without it?"

23:40 <STMask> "Not necessarily. Imagine if someone created a new sickness, or a new virus evolved. It would be a virgin field epidemic."

23:41 <STMask> "And sometimes... it's just their time."

23:41 <Sophia> "Only if we gave up on innoculations," Sophia counters.

23:41 — Sophia frowns deeply at that, "is that you speaking, or Saturn?"

23:41 <Maia> "Uh, I'll be the voice of ignorance," Anne speaks up as she peers out at the Sesus yacht curiously while speaking backwards to Sophia and Kosche. "But why are people in the West refugees here?" She glances back at the girls, and anyone else near by with a slightly sheepish look. "Typical Meruvian, sorry. I have no idea what's going on in the West."

23:41 Maia → Anne

23:43 — Yukiko listens in, humming to herself.

23:59 <STMask> Kosche blushed. "Ah. Well. F-for the situation, there was a series of earthquakes and tidal waves. Hundreds dead, countless homes lost. For me... it just. I feel like yes, it would be nice to have nobody sick ever again. But there's just too much chance for something to go wrong. What's a good bacteria to have? How do we differentiate between flora of our

23:59 <STMask> bodies that are beneficial and that which is harmful?"

23:59 <Sophia> "If it kills us, it's harmful."

00:00 <Sophia> "Are you seriously defending Malaria, HIV and Smallpox?"

00:01 <STMask> "Absolutely not! And not HPV, either. But there's still a lot we don't understand about sickness."

00:01 <Mizu> Mizu steps in quietly. "No, she's noting how near impossible it is, on a grand scale, to differentiate between that and the stuff that normally exists in your gut and blood and some other places you'd rather I didn't make you think about being bacteria infested spawning grounds." She gives Kosche a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

00:02 <Anne> "Is this one of those 'everything has a right to live, even those things that live at the expense of others' kind of things?"

00:02 <STMask> Kosche shakes her head no. "It's more 'we sometimes can't tell the difference between what helps and harms.'"

00:03 <STMask> "And the difference can mean you'd eat normally and die of starvation anyway."

00:03 — Sophia frowns at Koche and Mizu."

00:03 <Sophia> "I'm not saying we wipe out *every* microbe ever."

00:04 <Sophia> "I'm saying we should end diseases that cause terrible damage to people across the world."

00:04 <Trina> "Look, have you ever had stomach problems after taking a strong antibiotic?" Trina chimes in. "I have. Medicine can be a real blunt instrument for something as complex as the human body sometimes. Think about it."

00:04 <Sophia> "And arguing that it's better people die of disease so they won't eat the food the survivors otherwise could is as immoral as it is wrong."

00:05 <Mizu> "IT's a noble cause, I'm not disagreeing. I'm noting that doing that on a global scale... has issues of it's own."

00:05 — Sophia stands up and looks at the others like they just admitted to approving of murdering children.

00:05 <Sophia> "Stomach problems? Issues?"

00:05 <Mizu> "actually, I have another way to put it. Sophia, can you pick out all the grains of sand on the shores that were once part of a diamond?"

00:05 <Sophia> "I'm talking about hundreds of millions of lives here. Every year!"

00:06 <Mizu> "That's the kind of targeting problems your talking about."

00:06 <Sophia> "It's really not."

00:06 <Sophia> "Smallpox was eradicated without harming anyone."

00:07 <Sophia> "Tuberculosis is pretty much the same."

00:07 <Sophia> "Cholera."

00:07 <Mizu> Mizu looks at Sophia a moment.

00:07 <Sophia> "Plague."

00:07 <Mizu> "Tuberculosis instead mutated to become immune to the drugs we used to treat it."

00:07 <Yukiko> "She's got a point you know."

00:08 <Sophia> "Because *we* weren't the ones to combat it, *mortal* doctors were."

00:08 <Mizu> "And, ahem, I have some news for you if you think smallpox is completely gone off the planet."

00:08 <Mizu> "Read: the shit people do behind closed doors, is... well...

00:08 <Sophia> "You are entirely missing my point, Mizu."

00:09 <Mizu> "No, I'm grasping your point. I'm noting that while I approve of the general idea? You aren't the first to have it. Not by a long shot."

00:09 <Sophia> "That's not what you're saying."

00:09 <Sophia> "And I'm the first Twilight Caste to have it in quite a while."

00:12 <Mizu> Mizu sighs, as a dark green spider drops off of her hand and scurries out of sight. "Not disagreeing, in the slightest, to the fact youa re the first in quite a while with that idea."

00:13 <Sophia> "Sooo, eradicating malaria, net good?" She asks, looking around to see if people have stopped being child-murderes.

00:16 <STMask> "I'm not knocking immunizations or any of that." Kosche sighed.

00:17 <Trina> "Nobody is. We're just saying, Be Careful."

00:18 <Sophia> "Be careful of what? Saving lives?"

00:18 <Mizu> Mizu looks as the spider comes back and fades out... then hrms as she reads over the... rather large report it had been dragging with it. "Unintended side-effects are... actually a hallmark it would seem of Twilight medical improvements. We gain much but sometimes, well...Yes, be careful. And if you are goign to wipe it out, make sure you get all of them. I'm not happy to know some of the secrets I -do- know about the medical profession... or

00:18 <Mizu> should I say, what happens when it moves into Mars's domain." "

00:20 <STMask> "Do you remember the anthrax scare about twenty years ago, with powdered viruses getting sent through the mail?"

00:20 <STMask> "That kind of thing can wreck what you're trying to do."

00:21 <Sophia> "How the hell does that relate to anything?"

00:21 <Sophia> "We're talking about diseases that cost millions of lives. Even if every bit of white powder sent in that period had had Anthax in it, it would barely have reached the thousands."

00:22 <Sophia> "I'm assuming that you're talking about people no longer being immune to a disease because it's removed from circulation?"

00:22 <Sophia> "Besides, it'd be much neater to make humans generally immune to a disease than actually wiping it out.

00:22 <STMask> Kosche looked rather helpless and looked away, clearly conceding the point.

00:22 <Sophia> "I'm not a fan of hunting down every last mosquito on the face of Creation."

00:23 — Sophia frowns at Kosche, "are you actually agreeing with me, or do you just want me to shut up so you can get back to your book?"

00:24 — Yukiko is distinctly not getting involved.

00:25 <Mizu> Mizu sighs. "She's recongizing when breath is wasted on trying to explain something to someone who's already made up their mind."

00:26 <Sophia> "Because I think I'm right!" Sophia exclaims, clearly exasperated, "I don't understand how you seem to think people dying in the hundreds of millions is acceptable."

00:26 <Sophia> "How is this not a no-brainer?"

00:28 <Mizu> "Let's see, for starters, do we know everything -else- this particular parasite keeps in check? Do we know what will fill in the gap in the ecosystem if we do eradicate it? What happens if someone, say another Twilight, makes a version of the thing that goes around the immunity that was manufactured, how do we deal with it then?"

00:29 <Sophia> "One: I haven't looked into that yet, but obviously I would before actually moving on this. Two: See One. Three: How are we in a better position to handle that now, than we would be then?"

00:29 <Sophia> "Regarding One: Most diseases are specific to one species, diseases spreading across species is very rare, so in most cases, this will not be an issue."

00:30 <Sophia> "If it is, making humans immune to the disease is unlikely to upset the ecosystem excessively."

00:30 <Mizu> "Because, as it is, while much slower being dealt with, humans do adapt. In fact, that's one reason we have another problem, believe it or not."

00:31 <Sophia> "I have no idea what that's supposed to be an argument for."

00:32 <Mizu> "The fact that hwo are we better served sometimes by -not- screwing with things?

00:32 <STMask> Kosche seemed to shrink at the accusation, looking both overwhelmed and intimidated by the Solar.

00:32 <Mizu> "Because sometimes when we do, the end result is something far worse. One of your own examples of 'things we wiped out', is sadly on that list."

00:33 <Sophia> "What is this thing that's worth a hundred million lives per year?"

00:33 <Mizu> "what's saving a hundred million lives per year now, if we end up creating something that has the potential to wipe us all out?"

00:34 <Sophia> "Why are you hypothesizing that I'm going to do that?"

00:34 <Mizu> "Because of your own examples, Sophia."

00:34 <Sophia> "Or are you saying we should all just lie down, lounge around on a yacht and never do anything to help others?"

00:34 <Sophia> "Which example?"

00:34 <Mizu> "I believe one of your examples of 'success' was Tubercolis, yes?"

00:35 <Sophia> "Yes. Which went from hurting a lot of people because we couldn't fight it. To hurting a few people because we can't fight this new form."

00:35 <Sophia> "Can't fight it now being the point."

00:37 <Mizu> "Because we 'wiped it out', but really didn't. As I said, if your going to do it, do it completely. But be aware that there is no such thing as an action without consequence. And, as much as you are goign to glare at me for it, one of those things is that Death happens." She sighs. "And sometimes there's good reasons for deaths. Sometimes there are confusing reasons."

00:37 <Sophia> "In industrialized countries, TB deaths are *nothing* compared to what they were a hundred years ago."

00:38 <Sophia> "Yes. And I'm saying we should change that."

00:38 <Sophia> "But apparently, you have some insane attachment to human suffering."

00:40 <Trina> "No, but the fact you don't see how 'be careful' applies to completely extirpating *anything* is worrisome, Sophia."

00:41 <Sophia> "I'm not sure what you mean by 'be careful' in this context."

00:41 <STMask> "That's not really fair, Sophia and you're catastrophizing your viewpoints to make any disagreement with you an endorsement of Bad Things." Bran stated evenly. "When that's not what they're saying. They're pointing out things to watch for and consider as you plan. It's also a little too soon to declare the death of expertise. Isn't your friend nearly a

00:41 <STMask> doctor? Even if it's an animal doctor?"

00:42 <Mizu> "... No, not an attachment." Mizu sighs. "Okay, Sophia, you refuse to accept hypotheticals, You refuse to take evidence of past mistakes possibly becoming future disasters. So nothing I can say is going to shift you anyway. So instead, I'm goign to give a story instead. A story of a possible now that didn't happen. Will you at least hear me out?"

00:43 <STMask> "There's a parasite that infects snails. It drives them to go into the light and behaviors it wouldn't do otherwise as a part of this parasite's life cycle-it causes one of the eyestalks to grow and bulge noticeably, which draws a bird, who plucks out this stalk. Easily harmful, right? Yet the snails who get that parasite live longer than those that don't."

00:43 <STMask> Kosche spoke quietly.

00:43 <STMask> "Strange, isn't it?"

00:44 <Sophia> "I'm talking about catastrophes, not catastrpohizing it would be dishonest. Not wanting diseases that kill hundreds of millions of people to end *is* endorsing bad things. And *obviously* anyone who isn't a complete and utter idiot would watch and consider things before taking actions that will affect billions of people and perhaps the very Essence of

00:44 <Sophia> Creation. Not sure what Kosche's choice of profession has to do wiht anything."

00:44 <Sophia> "Yes, very strange. Utterly unrelated to Malaria."

00:44 <Mizu> "So, Sophia, what if one of those who died was, if they hadn't, destined to, say, deliver a dirty nuclear bomb to Eagle's Landing?"

00:45 <Mizu> "or start a war that killed a factor of ten greater then the disease does?"

00:45 <Sophia> "..."

00:45 — Sophia stares blankly at Mizu.

00:45 <Mizu> "You can claim them hypotheticals. I wish I could."

00:45 <Sophia> "Literally *anything* can be justified in that manner."

00:46 <Sophia> "If you *know* of any such person, stop them!"

00:46 <Sophia> "Don't argue that I sit on my ass and do nothing."

00:46 <Mizu> "...Ahem."

00:46 <Mizu> "... we did."

00:46 <Sophia> "Good."

00:46 <Mizu> "which is why we're having this argument"

00:46 <Sophia> "Is it an integral part of stopping them that a hundred million people die every year?"

00:47 <Sophia> "Or could you maybe just, I dunno, shoot them with that fancy bow?"

00:47 <Mizu> "Because there were side effects. Unforeseen. Even by those of us who are good at foreseeing. Thus why we aren't telling you -don't do it-. We're telling you 'be careful and be more mindful then we were.'"

00:49 — Yukiko is just listening. She really doesn't have too much to contribute, so she lets these two talk it out.

00:50 <STMask> "My caste was once called Gardeners. Those with the shears who would trim the thorns and flowers not meant to be. The hunters of corruption. Before... before Jiji died, he was teaching me some things about being an Endings. We were doctors, we were the watchmen. And we were also the assassins of fate. As they say... who watches the watchmen?"

00:50 <STMask> Kosche grew incredibly calm.

00:51 <Sophia> "I'm all for assassinations."

00:51 <Sophia> "Arguing that pandemics are necessary to kill individuals seems to me an absurd point of view."

00:52 <Trina> "Umm...does anyone see a contradiction here?"

00:52 <Sophia> "In what?"

00:52 <Mizu> Mizu puts a hand on Kosche's shoulder, in understanding.

00:54 <Mizu> "... I used a person as a more relatable example. That was a mistake.

00:54 <Mizu> Mizu sighs.

00:54 <STMask> Kosche touched Mizu's hand lightly.

00:54 <Trina> "You want to wipe out disease and save thousands of lives...but you're all for assassinations? Plural? So it's OK if lots of people die, so long as they're people you think deserve it?"

00:55 <Sophia> "Millions of lives. Billions of lives. But some people are going to kill even more if they're not stopped."

00:55 <Mizu> "How do you assassinate an idea? A country? An ethic that has gone horribly wrong?"

00:55 <Sophia> "If killing them is the best way of stopping them, I'm for killing them."

00:56 — Sophia sighs.

00:56 <Mizu> "... blandly put, sometimes, our jobs -suck-. And they will occasionally be cross purpose. Sometimes... a plauge is better than an arrow to the heart for the end results. I don't claim this light heartedly. It sucks. It really does."

00:56 <Sophia> "I'm sure there are occasions where killing a million to save a billion is what you do."

00:57 <Sophia> "But that's not what I'm talking about."

00:57 <Sophia> "I'm talking about standard, everyday diseases that are just out there."

00:57 <Mizu> "and how did they get there?"

00:58 <Sophia> "Are they still necessary?"

00:58 <Sophia> "And is there *anything* meaningful we can do without messing up all of your precious plans?"

00:59 <Mizu> "... you... obviously haven't been listening."

00:59 <Mizu> "Did I ever say no, don't do this?"

00:59 <Mizu> "I said 'be careful', 'here's some things to think on'

01:00 <Sophia> "And I've agreed with that three times or so."

01:00 <Mizu> "Because, for all I know, malaria is outcompeting something far worse in the same ecological niche. and gods forbid that be true and we do this."

01:00 <Mizu> "No, you haven't. You just say 'yes, I know, BUT this is killing big numbers.' and continune on without actually adjusting course in the slightest.

01:01 <Sophia> "I'm not actually doing anything right now."

01:01 <Sophia> "What exactly would you like me to adjust right now?"

01:01 <Mizu> "Bringing this up again in a month, after you actually look into all these possible side effects instead of glaring at us like we -want- to see huge numbers dead? We don't.

01:02 <STMask> "There was a judge having a good day. He visited a lady friend and felt merciful that day, so when a particular man stood before him in justice, he granted him a work release. Out of gratitude, this particular man did a great deal of good for his city. This would have happened. But a Sidereal placed an emetic into his drink, causing the judge to have a bad

01:02 <STMask> time with his lady friend and coming in a foul mood. So when this same particular man stood before him, the judge threw him into prison, where he educated himself. When he came out, he invented a process that saved millions of lives and spoke out against corruption all his life, ensuring a doctor who'd cure a form of cancer will live."

01:02 <STMask> "All because of a judge

01:04 — Sophia sighs

01:04 <Sophia> "We're not having the same conversation."

01:05 <Mizu> "Metaphors don't work well."

01:06 <STMask> "There are things that are inevitable. Not all are pleasant-or unpleasant. There's plenty of sicknesses that simply are."

01:06 <Sophia> "If you can tell me any *facts* rather than anecdotes and allegories, I'd appreciate it."

01:09 <STMask> She points to the yacht out yonder. "He lives because someone sickened and died and because someone suffered unjustly. Because of the timing, not only will he be your ally but he will literally cure cancer."

01:09 <STMask> "He is fact. He is also unaware of those facts."

01:09 <STMask> "He will also help us bring the Althing to an end."

01:10 <Mizu> Mizu blinks. "... I like hers better than mine. I have a few case studies in my study I can grab for you the next time I'm there, Sophia, that will be relevant."

01:11 <Mizu> "If anything, the old man collected those like flies in a spiderweb."

01:11 <Sophia> "That's excellent," Sophia says to Kosche, "but how many people like him have been killed by disease?"

01:11 <Sophia> "How many great crimes have happened because those who could have stopped them died, or because those they loved died, or because it weakened their victims?"

01:12 <STMask> "There's a woman whose life would have ended today, but her murderer is in bed with the flu."

01:12 <Mizu> "You ask for facts, then throw hypotheticals at us."

01:12 <Anne> "So if I'm following the analogies, human history is like a big boat and we're all sailing in one direction. Making a course correction to avoid a seal may mean having to make a whole lot more course corrections, some of which could result in us hitting an iceberg?"

01:12 <Sophia> "Apparently, Mizu and Kosche would rather we just stay in bed all day."

01:13 <Sophia> "I'm not throwing hypotheticals at you, I'm asking if you know these numbers."

01:13 <Anne> "Nah, I think I'm getting it. They're just saying it's complicated, more complicated than a single simplistic solution. Yeah?" She glances at the ladies for confirmation.

01:13 <Sophia> "And I'm saying of course it is," Sophia reiterates with a sigh.

01:14 <Trina> "That's what *I'm* hearing."

01:14 <STMask> Kosche nodded. "Anne's got it right but there aren't easy numbers. Well, that I can spout. Mizu?"

01:15 <Anne> "Yeah, so here's the flipback. Okay, so solving things like disease will take more than a single simplistic solution. Maybe they'll take a hundred. Or even a thousand. Which is a lot more work. But I think that's one of the things we're up for, right? To save millions and billions, that's work worth doing, no?"

01:15 — Sophia bites down a bitter retort.

01:15 <Anne> "The biggest issue with steering a big ship and course corrections is how much more work can be required. But if you have pilots on the wheel, it's work that can be done. It's only an issue if you lose your pilots."

01:17 <Mizu> Mizu closes her eyes. "Great crimes due to people being sick, depends on your defention of great crime. But, let's just work with murder." It takes her a few moments of doing some mental math. "Throughout? Within a 20% margin of error, About one Googol worth. Of which 75% directly lead to another event that saved more lives then were lost in the orgininal event, and 20% were break even endevours on lives lost."

01:18 — Sophia just shakes her head.

01:20 <Anne> "I'm not sure I'm following you, Mizu. What I'm hearing is that the current world where we have pandemics has resulted in a world that's better off than one without pandemics. Yeah?"

01:21 <Mizu> Mizu grumbles and rubs at her head. "Yes, And I now seriously want an ibuprofien. Because ow."

01:21 <Sophia> "Let's kill all the people, that'll cut down on crime," Sophia grumbles.

01:22 <Mizu> "... You wanted a -net gain- in lives saved, yes? That's what you got, more times then not." Mizu sighs as she heads for the bathroom and the medicine cabinet.

01:22 <STMask> Kosche took out a phone and dialed. It rung and a person answered groggily. "Sorry, wrong number. Are you okay? You might like to visit a doctor." She hung up.

01:25 <Sophia> "Did you just help a murderer get well because you think I'm being an idiot?" Sophia asks Kosche.

01:25 <Anne> "But that's almost by accident. It's like...a bike. If you ride it with no hands but pedal hard enough, fast enough, you can basically kinda steer it without hands. Work hard enough and it'll mostly course correct."

01:25 <Anne> "But you'll always be faster and better able to steer if you put your hands on the bars."

01:27 <Mizu> "... Well, to be fair, that's what we've been doing pretty much since the Maidens got exiled, from my understanding of things, Anne. That's why I'm very specifically not saying that this is a bad idea. Just one that needs some caution and that, yes, a singular solution may or may not end up with some side effects and to be wary of them."

01:28 <STMask> Kosche shook her head. "No. The man will become the greatest detective who will ever live. He would have died of a particular sickness if he didn't wake early today to get an appointment to see a doctor. He will catch three killers before they go on to far, far worse. He will exalt as a Twilight."

01:29 <Anne> "There we go then."

01:29 <Anne> "So we go into this expecting that one shot solutions won't be 100% effective. Follow up is needed."

01:30 <Anne> "Especially if we have people with insight into the future to tell us the downstream, no?" She winks and grins playfully at Mizu and Kosche.

01:30 <STMask> "Him and Zenigata will be important allies in keeping peace and investigating crime in a post-Althing world." Kosche smiled.

01:30 <Sophia> "Zenigata?"

01:30 <Mizu> "and don't be surprised if you have to backtrack sometimes." Mizu sits down with a soda, and takes her two ibuprofien. "... Hey Kosche, have we figured out a better way to kill a headache yet?" she finally mutters.

01:30 <STMask> "The police detective who exalted while chasing Malcolm. He's an Eclipse."

01:31 <Sophia> "Ah. Right."

01:31 <STMask> Kosche took a moment to put pressure on particular points on Mizu's head and hand.

01:32 <STMask> The headache cleared up a good deal.

01:32 <Mizu> "... okay, I should have asked that question about a year ago..."

01:32 — Sophia gets walks up to Anne and places herself in the other's arms, finally smiling again after her visible annoyance at the previous discussion.

01:33 <Mizu> Mizu is looking a general deal more socialable.

01:33 <Anne> "No curve ball's too much for the pair of us to hit, Sunset," Anne murmurs to her girlfriend, clasping the other woman to her and smooching the top of her head.

01:34 — Sophia holds Anne's hands and murmurs in agreement.

01:37 <Mizu> Mizu chuckles and gently puts a hand on Kosche's "I think that's our cue to give Serenity its due?"

01:38 <STMask> "I have been a back alley doctor to Dragonblooded for a very wide variety for injuries for a good amount of years." Kosche spoke cheerfully. "One of my many talents is some mild pain relief. Oh, sure." She looked up and blew a kiss to the sun. "Where to?"

01:41 <Mizu> Mizu grins quietly, and just shakes her head as she leads to somewhere else on the boat. Perhaps the kitchen, to give the two some obviously needed space.

01:45 <Sophia> "Do you see much of Morena these days, Kosche?" Sophia asks when Mizu has gone away.

01:47 <STMask> "There has been a lot for us both to do." Kosche admitted softly.

01:48 <Sophia> "Are you still together?" She continues softly.

01:50 <STMask> "That's..." She went pink. "A little personal. I mean, we-we-" The Endings Sidereal was flustered.

01:51 <Sophia> "Sorry," Sophia says with a smile, "I didn't mean to pry. Just checking that you're OK."

01:53 <STMask> "Yes, thank you. I'm okay. It's really exciting to see the Maidens get back to work and to slowly bring in the other viziers. Our next step is probably locating the next inheritors of soon to be available exaltations from akuma and sympathizers."

01:54 — Sophia nods, "I find it rather amazing that you can even do that."

01:54 <Sophia> "But it's important work to be sure."

01:58 <Sophia> "So," Sophia asks, resting her head on Anne's shoulder and looking up at the taller woman, "you have any ideas that'll make your friends freak out?"

02:00 <Anne> "I feel like taking the fight to the All-Thing already. How's that?" Anne winks playfully but there's just enough seriousness in the glint of her eye to make one wonder.

02:00 <STMask> "I think if you gave the order? We would have the support and forces you'd need." Kosche stated.

02:00 <Sophia> "I get you," Sophia agrees, "I just don't know how to fight them effectively."

02:01 <Mizu> Mizu returns, now carrying a tray of sandwhiches "Would assassinating the troublesome figures that would likely keep me or Kosche from sneaking up on their leader be a good start?" Mizu asks

02:02 <Sophia> "That sounds like a good start."

02:02 <Sophia> "I'm not much of an assassin, though."

02:02 <Mizu> "No, but I called someone who is."

02:03 <Sophia> "Huh. Good."

02:03 <Sophia> "Do we need to do anything for them in return?"

02:04 <Anne> "I just feel like I'm punching at shadows. I don't know where my blows are aiming, because I haven't really felt like I'm connecting yet. I don't want to pick a fight I can't win but I feel like I'm on the path to spending years at this without necessarily something to show for it. Something big, I mean."

02:04 <Mizu> "... Other than maybe forgive them for past choices that put them in awkward situations, made for reasons that border on blackmail and emotional torture?"

02:05 <Sophia> "That sounds like something I can forgive."

02:05 <Trina> "We may not be assassins...but I bet we could provide something to make the job easier," says Trina to Sophia. If there is irony in her tone, considering the previous conversation, it is very faint.

02:05 <Mizu> "Good. Because the person I contacted... remember fake-Kip way back when? It was his contemporary."

02:05 <Sophia> "We've been at this for months, and we've freed the Incarnae and turned an entire fifth of the Infernals, love," Sophia says and kisses Anne's neck.

02:05 <Sophia> "That sounds like pretty amazing progress to me.

02:06 — Sophia nods gravely at Mizu.

02:06 <Sophia> "And we could indeed."

02:07 <STMask> "More like two fifths or more, given my supporters." Bran piped up.

02:07 <Mizu> "It's... a lot to do." she sighs a moment. "Hey Sophia, I don't suppose you know of a good book sorting system that can handle 'possible future tense', do you?"

02:07 <Sophia> "Not entirely sure what you mean."

02:08 <Mizu> "... Old man left me with a pile of books. Some of them were on the past. Some the very distant past. Some ... are on possible futures. Hypotheticals based on facts."

02:09 <Sophia> "I think the one I use can be extended to cover it. I'll take a look at it later."
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