Come Winter's Light - Character Sign Up

Okay. One big problem here: you cannot, in 2e, purchase new out-of-caste. The merit in 1e allowed just five-not seven like what you have. Please fix this.


“Don’t you pull that bloody gun in here! I just redid the bloody interior!”

Name: Malcolm “Wheels” Black

Caste: Eclipse Caste

Concept: Celestial Wheelman With Issues

Motivation: Have his name known across every nation in Creation.

Intimacies: +The Car (His Baby), +Money (Cha-Ching!), +Inspector Koichi (Worthy Opponent), + Showmanship (Gotta Look Good!), -Cops In General (Wankers), - Parents/Black House (Hidden Resentment), - Mobsters (Silent Contempt)

Anima Banner: A whirling mandala wheel spins dizzyingly behind the Solar’s head, wreathed in golden smoke and sparks.

Anima Powers: See Exalted Core

Experience: 30/30

== Attributes ==

(Physical) (6)

Strength **

Dexterity *****

Stamina **

(Social) (8)

Charisma *****

Manipulation ***

Appearance ***

(Mental) (4)

Perception ***

Wits **

Intelligence **

== Abilities == (Favored: Martial Arts, Integrity, Presence, Awareness, Dodge)



*Martial Arts **** (+1 Solar Hero Style)





*Integrity ***

Performance **

*Presence **** (+1 Fast-Talking, +1 Negotiation)

Resistance **



Craft (Air/Fire) **


Lore *




Athletics **

*Awareness ***

*Dodge ****





*Linguistics ** (Native: Meruvian, Known: Tengese)

*Drive ***** (+1 No-One’s That Crazy)


*Socialize ****

== Charms ==

Martial Arts: 1st Martial Arts Excellency, Solar Hero Style (Fists Of Iron Technique, Thunderclap Rush Attack)

Presence: 2nd Presence Excellency, Irresistible Salesman Spirit

Resistance: Ox-Body Technique

Dodge: 1st Dodge Excellency, Shadow Over Water

Linguistics: Sagacious Reading Of Intent

Drive: 1st Drive Excellency, Daredevil Driving Technique, Sky-Skidding Maneuver, Invincible Sun-Engine Reinforcement

Socialize: Wise-Eyed Courtier Method, Mastery Of Small Manners

== Backgrounds ==

Artifact *** (Glorious Authority Raiment)

Artifact * (Orichalcum God-Kicking Boots)

Contacts ** (Meruvia Organized Crime)

Resources ***

== Virtues == (Limit Break: Foolhardy Contempt)

Compassion **

Conviction ***

Temperance **

Valor ***

== Flaws ==

Enemy (Inspector Koichi) (2)

== Metaphysical Stats ==

Essence: **

Personal: 16/16

Peripheral: 23/34

Committed: 11 (Glorious Authority Raiment – 5, God-Kicking Boots – 6)

Willpower: **********

== Combat Stats ==

Join Battle - 5

Attacks –

Clinch – Speed 6 – Acc +9 (+10 /w Solar Hero Style), +2B/L, Def -, Rate N/A, Piercing

Kick - Speed 5 - Acc +9 (+10 /w SHS), +5B, Def -2, Rate 2

Punch - Speed 5 - Acc +11 (+12 /w SHS), +2B, Def +2, Rate 3

God-Kicking Boots – Speed 5 – Acc +13 (+14 /w SHS), +9B/2, Def -0, Rate 3, Martial, Overwhelming (2)

Dodge DV: 6

Parry DV: 4 (Kick / Kick /w SHS), 5 (God-Kicking Boots, GKB /w SHS) 6 (Punch / Punch /w SHS)

Dodge MDV: 8

Parry MDV: 6 (Socialize/Presence /w Charisma and Suit) 5 (Socialize/Presence), 4 (Investigation)

Soak: 2B/1L (Natural), 7B/6L (Glorious Authority Raiment)

Hardness: 2B/2L (Glorious Authority Raiment)

20/20 spare points

3 – Willpower 8

2 – Contacts 2 (Meruvia Organized Crime)

1 – Presence 4

1 – Awareness 3

1 – Socialize 4

4 – 1st Dodge Excellency

4 – Irresistible Salesman Spirit (Presence)

4 – Mastery Of Small Manners (Socialize)

30/30 EXP

2 – Performance 2

3 – Athletics 1

2 – Athletics 2

2 – Craft (Fire) 2

3 – Integrity 3

10 – Ox-Body Technique

8 – Sagacious Reading Of Intent

Note: Glorious Authority Raiment - Art 3, 5/6, 3/3, No Mob/Fat penalty, +2 to Presence/Socialize (so long as Charisma is involved), +2 to Resistance vs poison/disease, never gets dirty/torn, can shift to any relevant high-class outfit.

Background: Wheels’ story ain’t exactly original. In Meruvia’s upper class, you can pretty much say young guns looking to make something of themselves are a dime-a-dozen. Malcolm Black ain’t that much different. Hotshot kid, born with a silver spoon in his mouth; his parents being some of those lucky folks what managed to schmooze their way into a fortune. Truth be told, he isn’t exactly sure what they do or did – given that the amount of attention they paid him was about enough to make sure they got into the society pages as ‘good parents’, before dropping him with some nanny.

No, he’s not bitter.

So, take for this recipe a poor upper-class kid with inattentive parents, a helluva huge allowance (to keep him out of their hair), few ways to express himself, and a whole lotta free time in front of him. Mix well. Then stuff the discovery of fast cars into that.

Yeah. He discovered cars. But oh-ho, he didn’t just discover any cars, oh no. He discovered racing cars. Tuners. Muscles. Exotics. He discovered street racing. And he got good at it. He got real good at it. He got real good at other things too, once his driving got the attention of some important folks. Turns out, people will pay you to do crazy stunts in cars, while delivering stuff. Or distracting people.

Hey, it was fun? And yeah, he got good at that, too. So good, in fact, that one Inspector made it his goal in life to bust the smug sonofabitch. Not that Malcolm minded, funnily enough – he actually thought it was kind of nice to have someone paying genuine attention to him. And that Inspector loved paying attention to him, oh yeah – he loved paying so much attention they ended up in a high-speed pursuit that damn near killed them both. Or it might have, and still hasn’t took yet.

See, Lytek might have marked the calendar that day. One Exalted as a Dawn, one Exalted as an Eclipse. No prizes who as what. Good news is the kid got away. Bad news is now he’s on Meruvia’s Most Wanted, with his forehead glowing like the Sun, no fething clue as to what he is or what he can do (besides being able to pull off some awesome tricks), and the only people willing to give him a break are the same guys who might shoot him for a bounty if he screws up.

...yeah, he kind of needs help.

Personality: Wheels' general approach to life can be summed up pretty succinctly in a sentence used to describe another guy. He's hot shit, he knows he's hot shit, and acts accordingly. It's a sad truth, but he's an arrogant sonofabitch and prone to grandstanding at the worst times - generally getting away with it because he is at least half as good as he thinks he is. If he really was as good as he thought he was, he'd be absolutely insufferable - the terms 'spotlight whore' and 'attention span of a blind lemming on amphetamines' come to mind.

Still, scratch the surface a bit, and there are (hopefully) redeeming features. Mal's had few real friends or people close to him to see what's under the glitz and swagger, and he's tended to hang on to the few who did. Despite his upbringing, he can really be a sweetheart; he's always been generous with his affections, trying to do better than his parents. He'll take you out clubbing, partying, cover the tab for the really good champagne and be the best wingman you've ever had. If you're a friend, he'll go to the wall for you even if it's a dumb idea - moreso if you've covered his ass. He just has a tendency to do it in a loud and splashy way.
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Name: Joseph Makatozi

Type: Moonsilver Alchemical

Alias: Joe Mack

Concept: Smuggler and wannabe curmudgeon

Intimacies: His boat (Reminiscence), Difficult Jobs (Pride), Money (Hell yeah), Local Cops (grudging respect), Government Agents (Corrupt Jack-booted thugs), Professional Criminals (useful idiots... smugglers don't count; we're different), Real Criminals (Contempt)

Anima: A spinning propeller (reduce the speed of all actions by 1, minimum 3)

Caste: Dexterity 5 (6), Appearance 3, Wits 4

Favored: Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Perception 4

Other: Strength 3, Manipulation 2, Intelligence 3


Melee 3, Athletics 2, Awareness 2 (Cops 1), Dodge 2, Larceny 3 (black market 1), Stealth 3 (driving 1), Integrity 2, Resistance 2, Survival 1, Drive 3 (boats 1), Lore 2


Resources: 3

Familiar (Little Bastard): 3

Contacts: 3

Artifact: 4


Dedicated Slots (5):

Second Dexterity Augmentation (2m/suxx)

Fourth Dexterity Augmentation (+1 Dex and Dex limit)

2x Strain-Resistant Chassis Modification (four -1 HL)

Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier (5m, hide all Obvious Charms)

General Slots:

Fluidic Impeller Drive (2m, normal speed and movement in water/liquid, 4x Dash distance)

Optical Shroud (3m, invisible if moving slowly

Optical Enhancement (Microscopic Lense {2 suxx to Per rolls to examine details}, Telescopic lense {clearly focus up to a mile with no penalties}, Flash Shutters {protect from bright lights}, Light-intensification Filters {See in extreme low-light},

Second Wits Augmentation (2m/suxx)


None currently


Valor 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Compassion 3

Essence: 2

Pools: Personal 13, Peripheral (37 - 12 attuned)= 25

Willpower: 7

PDV: 6 DDV: 5


Resources 4: Smuggling is a good living, but it carries expenses.

Familiar 3: He's had Little Bastard for more than 7 years, and there's no telling how old the ugly old thing was before that. He's a smart cat, and devoted, but goodness is the thing ugly. He looks like any normal (if atrociously ugly) cat, with his dull fur, missing ear and eye, and kinked tail--but those who look closely into his good eye will find a pattern amost like circuitry.

Contacts 3: He's not the most well-connected, but he knows a few "fixers" who can do repairs on the cheap or find him jobs.

Artifact 4: (Reaper Beamklaive) A deal last year went bad when the recipient decided that a messenger was also a witness. Joe Mack was lucky to escape with his life and even more so to get out with his boat--finding out he still had the package was an added bonus. Of course, he has no idea what the thing is, except that it's moonsilver, but no doubt the it's extremely valuable.

Joe Mack grew up on the water, living by the sea and fishing or boating when he wasn't working or in school. As time passed, he ended up knowing all the coves and camping spots and good fishing spots around Eagle's Launch, and then one day somebody offered him a little money to pick something up at one place and drop it off at another, no questions asked.... and thus a career was born.

His parents, mostly on the money he made for them, were able to find an easier job elsewhere and support themselves in semi-retirement, but he was having too much fun. Sometimes he carried guns, sometimes what he was pretty sure were drugs, sometimes people. He assumed they were criminals, but all he knew was that they were paying to be brought out to a ship without having to get on at the docks, and he was carrying.

There were a few close calls, here and there, too. Like the time he was supposed to carry a terrified young girl to some rich bastard's yacht and "accidentally" took her right up to the docks in front of the guard, or the time he was carrying some kind of moonsilver scepter and the guy taking delivery decided to kill him so he couldn't talk. But he had fast wits and fast hands, and he was able to get through. He's still got that scepter, as a matter of fact, sitting on a shelf on his houseboat at home.

His most recent job is the one that has him worried--and the one that's got him ready to call his old friend and sometimes fellow-smuggler Malcolm. It's some kind of gem, covered in a pattern of extremely fine fibers, of some metal he can't identify. He can't tell what it is, although he knows several things it isn't. What's more important to him, though, is that the target of his delivery is dead, and her apartment was tossed about as thoroughly as a place can be tossed. Even that isn't as frightening as the charred handprint on the wall, the one that looks for all the world like the haze of flame he once saw around a Dragon-Blooded. If Dragon-blooded were sent simply to toss some woman's apartment, whatever they were looking for must be the kind of thing a lot of people would kill for.

*Joe is a man of average height, with dark hair and grey eyes, his face tanned by wind and sun. He moves with a natural grace--in fact, with an ease and precision of movement that's a trifle unnerving--and seems as at home on the moving deck of a ship or boat as he is on dry land. He usually wears jeans and a T-shirt.*

*When the shit hits the fan, Joe looks a good deal different--as in, his skin seems to be liquid silver. Sand-sized crystals speckle his frame, and an arc of gemstones goes around his head. At his side---or often enough, in his hand--is a scepter of some kind, of the same silvery metal, that may or may not have a blade of pure essence sticking out of it.*
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XP: Craft 5 (7), World Within a Picture Style (8), Occult 5 (7), All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight (8), 40 banked
Experience Expenditures:

+17 XP (Dec 13, 2014): 17

+35 XP (Jan 26, 2015): 52


Essence 2 to 3: 16 XP

Charm Slot (Dedicated) x 2: 8 XP
  • Name: Biàn Fēng

    Caste: Artisan

    Motivation: Render Creation Unrecognizable


    Patient, empathetic, and quiet, Biàn could not be further from the classical “Raksha” if she tried. In many respects, she come across as very human, being of a polite but firm disposition. She keeps her statements short and factual, and rarely rises to the bait when others attempt to get a rise out of her. Those who know her casually even describe her as a bit singleminded—if not outright boring.

    Those who know her well describe her very differently. Raksha are predators, and Biàn is no exception. The calm she shows normally is the calm of a jaguar watching prey move near its tree. She is unhurried, but when the time comes, she acts suddenly—taking abrupt action or flying into violent tirades. While she is not easily roused to anger and is quick to forgive slights against her, those who truly manage to earn her displeasure have discovered she’s capable of shocking cruelty befitting her heritage.

    As of the start of the game, she has few friends. Mortals are too easily controlled to really be friends, and exalts are too dangerous to keep close. But perhaps it is time for her to find more exalted contacts in the world.


    As most faeries, Biàn is supernaturally beautiful, but it would be hard to say precisely where that beauty rests. She is tall, but only somewhat. Thin, but not excessively so. Soft in the face and pleasantly tan of skin, but her mugshots achieve no acclaim. She is endowed in her hips, legs, and chest, but not so much as some others. Her black hair shines bright and falls straight, but it only falls as far as her shoulders, kept straight or in a practical ponytail. About her only notable trait is the bright blue tattoo of an eye she keeps on her forehead, but even that is a curiosity as best. By any list of attributes, one might only call her above average.

    And yet, there is something about her. A presence that grips the heart. Humans who gaze upon her feel a surge of emotions rise within them more complex than just lust. Anger, frustration, and excitement all run in rivers, mixing together into a nervous energy. They feel the need to act: to wage a war, climb a mountain, build a monument, or compose the greatest work there ever was, and with it to proclaim their affection.

    She does little to encourage such feelings, dressing herself in a modest fashion. Her work is hard enough without every man and woman who enters her office making a fool of themselves.

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