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Fantasy Come little children, play with me.........

Levi x Hanji zoe

The sinful skeleton
It was just another day in your calm, enjoyed life, Another day of play and enjoyment, another day to not think, to not cry and live as carefree as a bird when that night as your parents just left your room and said their sweet goodnights, You hear something just a very faint whispering in your room but its so faint. You can just barely hear what it says but then you hear it and it charms you in someway and somehow that makes you get out of your bed with your favorite blanket or stuffed animal in your arms and be whisked off to another world with other children. A place you will never grow and never die, Unless you run into the few monsters their.

This is what the voice said: Come little children, come with me

Safe and happy, you will be

Away from home, now let us run

With Hypno, you'll have so much fun

Oh, little children, please don't cry

Hypno wouldn't hurt a fly

Be free to frolic, be free to play

Come with me to my cave to stay

Oh, little children, please don't squirm

These ropes, I know, will hold you firm

Now look to me, the pendant calls

Back and forth, your eyelids fall

Oh, little children, you cannot leave

For you, your families will grieve

Minds unravelling at the seams

Allowing me to haunt their dreams

Do not wail and do not weep

It's time for you to go to sleep

Little children, you were not clever

Now you'll stay with me forever






1. No fighting

2. Don't argue or spam up the thread

3. I would expect good grammer!, this one is mandatory because i have been in a RP with someone with bad grammer and i quit after three post's so just please.

4. Ages can be from 5 to 9 years old, NO OLDER.

5. Each child will have something of value with them, that will be their way back home, Like a key of sorts if they can find where to use it

6. ONLY, join if your going to be active. Anyone not active after two days will be kicked from the Rp and not allowed to re-join.

7. NO swearing, This is a Rp with small children!

8. I will be playing the only monster so no forms for that.

9. You would want to have at least three characters because people WILL die in this Rp, so do not start complaining if one of your characters are killed.

10. I will not deal with jerks, Instant boot for those people.

11. Finally have fun and this is the codeword: Come little children.

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