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Realistic or Modern College Wars

Antlered punk

Punk Rock Loser

Please put effort in to this







Looks 1 paragraph

(Real pictuure no anime or drawings)

Personality 1 paragraph




(jock, punk, etc)



Writing Sample

(First day in their house)






5. (maybe)






5. (maybe)

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Name- Olivia Haverly

Gender- Female


Height- 5'6

Weight- 120 pounds

Looks 1 paragraph- Olivia has long, brown hair and bright blue eyes. She also has full lips and generally clear skin.

She tends to wear natural makeup, though often has winged eyeliner. Olivia is considered 'beautiful' by society, though in all honesty she'd rather be judged on her character than her pretty face.

Olivia is almost always wearing skinny jeans and a band shirt or a skater dress.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-31_0-7-30.png.137abcc8f8d9985a5e790eacff2aee2e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-31_0-7-30.png.137abcc8f8d9985a5e790eacff2aee2e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality 1 paragraph-

Olivia is socially awkward in most situation but she tries to be outgoing and friendly; which can prove difficult for her as she is easily irritated. She is decently intelligent but she procrastinates rather than studying, so her grades aren't as high as they could be.

Likes- She likes reading, listening to music (not the top charts, she prefers Twenty One Pilots and Fall Out Boy, more obscure, but still heard of. Olivia loves a lie in and napping whenever possible.

Dislikes- Getting up in the morning and trigonometry.


(jock, punk, etc)- Ex emo kid, she's a pretty regular student

Major- Law

Year- 1st

Writing Sample

(First day in their house)

Olivia had gotten almost no sleep last night and she was barely keeping her eyes open as she hauled her suitcase across the floor into her new bedroom, it was spacious which honestly was a pleasant surprise, the only things keeping her awake were the coffee in her left hand and 'Shake it Off' blasting at full volume in her headphones.



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Matthew Cui

When we tell little white lies, we become progressively color-blind. It is better to remain silent than to mislead.~ James E. Faust

no slide
Sorry, Matthew Cui

||Name|| Matthew Cui

||Gender|| Male

||Age|| 20




Matthew stands at a height that is quite normal for people his age. His face and skin is pale considering there is only two reasons he leaves his own dorm, the first being food, the second being health reasons. In fact, the only light that touches his face is the light that comes from his phone and laptop. He has thin framed black glasses. He is not scrawny nor is he really buff, he is somewhere in the middle - closer to scrawny if there was a chart so he probably won't be winning a fight with anyone. His eye color is green, passed on from his grandfather with his parent's eyes brown. He has black hair, which usually is rather long due to his refusal to leave his own dorm. Actually, you are probably going to see a vending machine falling on top of someone before you see him leaving his dorm.

His apparel mainly is composed cotton t-shirts and blue jeans since that is the most comfortable for him. He has some shorts in the closet which are barely used as well as two different pairs of glasses - in terms of style.
Is unavailable at this time


+ Being not interrupted

+ Quiet

+ Looking at other people's work

+ Seeing the world from his dorm

+ His dorm

+ Familiar Places

+ The occasional visitor/'friend'


- Large Crowds

- Noise

- Going outside

- Looking at his own work

- Unfamiliar Places

- Unfamiliar People

- Delta Phi Epsilon

- Sunlight




Information Studies

Digital Design




He seems to be a cold and analytical person - at least in his Group chats he uses to communicate. He is rather frank, along with the addition of his cold attitude he can be considered a cruel person due to his lack of regard for others emotions on a topic. If he does have a clue about their emotions then he would be even more 'cruel' to get his message across to the person he is talking to - most likely via internet. This doesn't change, even if he is talking to 'friends', so he is a person you can count on to tell you the truth, even if you don't want it.

He is also insanely annoyed when someone ends up walking in his dorm without a knock, and annoyed at himself for not locking the door. However, he always ends up leaving the door unlocked. He also may look pale at the sight of a person in his room, who he didn't know was there because he was working or studying, simply because they probably scared the living daylights out of him. What can scare him more than that is simply crowds of people - main reason he has group chats.

Please call again Never

||Writing Sample||

He walked into the gates Braxton University, it had one of the best 'study groups' although they call themselves a fraternity.The only downside would be the Delta Phi Epsilon, which is somewhat mild if you take away their blaring parties they have almost every night - which unfortunately isn't a total exaggeration. He had a cap on his head, having the symbol of Braxton University on the front, the sun was way too bright for his liking. He didn't have a single ounce of School Spirit - if of course that could be measured - The main reason to shield his eyes. He glanced at the despicable sunlight glaring at him. This would probably be the only sunlight he would see until he had to go for a exam, or at least one that he couldn't take online and turn in to his professors. which was much to his liking. The University had given him the special permission to send them his homework and projects digitally due to his Enochlophobia and his grades.

He walked into the actual building to see what would be his dorm number was, his baggage straggling behind him. Once finding his dorm number, he quickly made his way to his dorm before the hallways became crowds the size of oceans. A cold chill went down his spine in more than mild fear of crowds. He looked down the hallways of the boys' dorm until he found the general hallway. (ex.200-300).

He finally arrived at his own dorm,the fear of crowds ending up causing much more anxiety and stress than usual. The room wasn't really empty considering that the university provided the bed and he already sent his desk here. He put his baggage on the side taking out his laptop to save the emails that he reserved from his teachers into the computer. He then started to type his group chat adding the emails of students he knew and respected... which is saying a lot from the individuals that he placed on that list. However, it was mainly composed of those in the Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity 'Well.. got back here, anyone up?' He typed in the chat room before laying back in the chair. Once again...even at his 3rd year here, leaving the door unlocked.


- NPCs


- NPCs

||Favorite Song||


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Breelynn Watson








150 lbs


Bree has a slender build, not athletic at all and is considered tall. Her make up is always done, even if its smudged from the night before. She has blue eyes and her hair is as it is in the picture, usually worn in a down-style, boho waves type of do. Her clothing style is also Boho. She likes tanks and long flow-y skirts with scarves and lots of rings and necklaces.


Bree is what is widely known as a (for lack of better word) bitch. She's perfect for the sorority because she is almost the exact definition of "party until you die, and screw everything else". She's very self-absorbed and only really cares about getting high, dancing and being surrounded by a fast paced atmosphere full of people who think like her. Bree cares about her grades only enough to barely pass so that she doesn't get ejected from the sorority and college. Even though Bree isn't the nicest girl in the house, she's definitely not one to go around bullying or picking fights; she's just not known for being sugary sweet, compassionate for other people's feelings, or backing down when she feels she's being challenged.


heavy, heart numbing dubstep/electronica music, most uppers (drugs), dancing, laughing, sleeping almost all day. getting high/drunk and painting


talking about her future/grades, whiny people, party-killers.


bonefied hedonistic party girl


Liberal Arts (painting)



Writing Sample

"Oh My God, I've finally OD-ed and gone to heaven." Bree's mumbled words were completely unheard as she walked through the front door to the Sorority house and into a crowd of moving students. The music was deafening but right up Bree's alley and she felt her hips begin to sway as she made her way across the floor. Rush week was over, and Bree had made it into the sorority. This was the first party of the year and everyone, including herself was wearing masquerade-like masks in celebration of all the new members to each of the sororities and fraternities that were invited.

A smile played across her perfectly glossed lips as she took a cup of mystery liquid from a nearby table and took a large drink. She clenched her eyes as a mixture of Vodka, Rum and God knows what else assaulted her throat and landed hard in her stomach. Across the room she could see her "big sister, a Sophomore, drinking and flirting with a male member of one of the fraternity's known for having mostly members of the college's football team in it. She met eyes with Bree for a moment and raised her glass as if to give Bree her blessing to have fun.

"don't mind if I do~." Bree thought and returned the gesture as she finished her cup and let herself become lost in the thrumming bass that reverberated through the house. It wasn't long before the night was lost to her and forever remembered as another night that she couldn't remember. The first of many to come.

Favorite Song:


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Blair Velasquez



Gender| Female

Age| 19

Height| 5'5"

Weight| 117 pounds

Appearance| Blair is slim and is only 5'5" but feels as if she's too tall and skinny. Her skin is slightly tan and her hair goes past her shoulders. She constantly changes the color of her hair. She won't keep the same hair color for more than two to three months. She has deep dimples on both her cheeks that could be seen when she smiles or just talks. Her hair is originally brown but could be many different colors (pink, blue, blonde, purple, green). As of right now, her hair color is the one shown in this picture to the right.

Blair's choice of clothes is the laid back/ casual styled kind of look. She is never seen in skirts or dresses, those totally not being her forte, and is mostly seen in skinny jeans or joggers.


Personality| Blair is pretty confident in herself and adventurous. She likes trying out new things and would take risks. She can be a bitch most of time, as people call her, but that’s just naturally the way she is, though she tries to change her ways sometimes. Blair tends to hold grudges against people, though she does so unintentionally and she enjoys being sassy. It's rare that she's ever a total sweetheart to someone but if she liked you enough she would be. She's somewhat of a rebel; she likes to break the rules. She can get a little reckless during parties, especially when she's drunk. She doesn’t stop herself from drinking and loves to have a good time.



+Profanity…Like a lot




+Colored hair

+Sarcastic Remarks




-Bratty/preppy people

-Uptight people

-Bright colors


Role| Popular and rebel

Major| Fine/studio arts

Year| 2nd

Favorite Song| [media]

Writing Sample

Writing Sample|

Blair dragged her luggage behind her down the hallway of the girls' dorm building with her earphones in. She was listening to 'Wicked Ones', her all time favorite song.This year is making it her second year at Braxton University and also her second year in Delta Phi Epsilon, the best sorority ever in Blair's opinion. The sorority was known for it's wild parties and she couldn't help but smile at the thought of more parties to come this year. Blair planned to attend each and every one of those parties and it's her mission to have as much fun as she can. She knew the girls in this sorority loved to party and that the boys of Pi Lambda Phi were going to be absolutely pissed with each party. She could hardly wait for the first party of the year. Blair lightly pushed past a couple first years without muttering an apology and went to the door of her dorm room. Glad to see no one in there yet, she collapsed on the bed closest to the window and closed her eyes, listening to the lyrics of the rock song playing in her head.



Juli Amberscott






5'10 1/2


132 lbs

Looks 1 paragraph

Juli is a tall brunette with bright green eyes and a small spattering of freckles. Her round, taped glasses and her Batman '66 t-shirts give her the stereotypical "I'm a nerd" look. She's never seen without her notebook or a pencil behind her ear. Juli's favorite pair of shoes, a pair of Batman sneakers, almost never leave her feet. Her hair is usually down, but sometimes she shows up with the occasional ponytail.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Brown_hair_green_eyes_girl.jpg.a5a3d363e6531b7591445ea60111a839.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83300" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Brown_hair_green_eyes_girl.jpg.a5a3d363e6531b7591445ea60111a839.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Personality 1 paragraph

Juli is normally upbeat and friendly, preferring to talk things out before fighting. She's a bit of a know-it-all about anything Batman, whether it's The New 52, Batman '66, or anything related to the Boy wonder, Robin. She can't help but correct people about her all-time favorite hero when they get a fact wrong, which makes her rather awkward around new people. She's afraid that if she comes off as too brash, she'll lose a potential friend. She absolutely hates it when she sees other people get bullied and is always willing to stand up for them, even if it means getting herself hurt along the way. She tries her best to take a walk in other people's shoes, which is why she doesn't judge a book by its cover. She's very rough-and-tumble and she's not afraid to get messy.








+Watching Batman '66 (With Adam West and Burt Ward)

+Watching Teen Titans

+Nerdy Boys/Nice Boys

+Climbing Trees



-People getting Batman Facts wrong


-Scary Movies


- Alcohol

-Prissy Girls






Creative Writing


Freshman (1)

Writing Sample

Juli sat down on her bed. "Alright," she said aloud, pulling out a piece of paper. "Find room: Check!" she pulled out her pencil from behind her ear and put a checkmark by "Find Room." "Unpack and Decorate: Check!" she looked around and smiled. Her area of the dorm was covered in Batman posters and her dresser was erm... full-ish.... "Man, I really need some new shirts." she sighed and went back to her list. "Snack:" she pulled out a small package of M'n'Ms and popped a blue one in her mouth. "Check!" She put her list down and flopped backwards so that her head nearly hit the wall. She sighed again at the thought of her new College. Braxton.



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