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Fantasy Coldwynn Academy Of The Gifted

Xerna Fugioto

"Call me Zee if it's too hard for ya!"

  • tumblr_mv3nwy41A71rfqtsro1_500.png

    Age || 15

    Gender || Female

    Species || Inugami

    Height || 4'10"

    Weight || 99 lbs.

    Grade || 10th

    Dorm Mate ||

    || Pet ||


    "His name is Break and we go everywhere together."

  • [/media]

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Stamper said:

Xerna Fugioto

"Call me Zee if it's too hard for ya!"

  • tumblr_mv3nwy41A71rfqtsro1_500.png

    Age || 15

    Gender || Female

    Species || Inugami

    Height || 4'10"

    Weight || 99 lbs.

    Grade || 10th

    Dorm Mate ||

    || Pet ||


    "His name is Break and we go everywhere."

  • [/media]

  • Nice one!
Name:Kazuichi Senji

Age (14-21/ Older if teacher):16


Personality:Kazuichi is shy and bad with people he tends to avoid talking to others. He normally talks through his big sister he can't seem to speak his mind when he wants to and is easily persuaded into doing things he doesn't want to. He can be brave when the moment calls for it but it's normally short lived.

Magical Power (Explain in detail! one primary power and a slightly weaker secondary):Boost the ability of anyone he chooses and their physical abilities. His second ability is the ability to cancel other abilities but it's not that strong and only works on his right arm.

Weakness:He has less then no physical abilities and can be easily beaten or scared by a stronger opponent. His power to power up people can't be used on himself.

Pet (Can be a standard pet, or a magical one, nothing extreme like a giant dragon, keep it simple):None

Bio:Kazuichi and his older sister Naomi were orphans living on the street till they met a strange woman who said she'd love to be their mother after Naomi tried to steal from her. She also said she could she great potential in them and wanted to help bring it out. Her name was Mary and she took them backmto her lab and began helping them bring out and train their powers. Kazuichi enjoyed reading the huge selection of books she had. He one day found a book about the academy and showed Mary and Naomi they both thought it was a great idea and Kazuichi and Naomi decided to join it.

Dorm Mate: (leave this empty, will be edited when the right dorm mate is chosen)

Appearance (a picture if possible):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/547a18919bd1ce8825d80a6b1389f5b6.jpeg.8218a8f9cf671166c8198c87c7c8cc0d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75815" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/547a18919bd1ce8825d80a6b1389f5b6.jpeg.8218a8f9cf671166c8198c87c7c8cc0d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes:Reading, Peace and quiet, Watching a cool fight, Strong people

Dislikes:Having to fight, Naomi when she's mad, Being useless, Being a coward.

Personal Goal (if they have one):Become stronger.

Other (Add a theme song or something):someday i'll be big enough so you cant hit me - YouTube

Name:Naomi Senji

Age (14-21/ Older if teacher):17


Personality:Naomi is the excat opposite of Kazuichi she is never afraid to speak her mind or pick a fight. She also tends to revert back to her street attitude and get into a fight over it. She is an overprotective older sister guarding her little brother a bit too much at times.

Magical Power (Explain in detail! one primary power and a slightly weaker secondary):Naomi can create and build up power inside herself and release it in a blast through her hand. But at a very short distance almost like a pile bunker.

Weakness:Naomi can get ahead of herself and get herself into more then she can handle. And she won't back down even if the enemy is clearly stronger.

Pet (Can be a standard pet, or a magical one, nothing extreme like a giant dragon, keep it simple):None

Bio:Naomi and Kazuichi lived on the street as orphans then they met Mary. Naomi began training and getting into fights with punks in the town her temper and protective nature for Kazuichi getting her into them. Kazuichi later found a book on the academy and she decided to join.

Dorm Mate: (leave this empty, will be edited when the right dorm mate is chosen)

Appearance (a picture if possible):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_nrqzcyXwA11uab773o1_500.jpeg.cd5ea197de3ff76433a3bc58c3ace6f8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75816" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_nrqzcyXwA11uab773o1_500.jpeg.cd5ea197de3ff76433a3bc58c3ace6f8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes:Fighting, Boxing, Her little brother, Winning

Dislikes:Reading, School, Know-it-alls

Personal Goal (if they have one):Become the strongest in the world.

Other (Add a theme song or something ) :Riot - YouTube




  • 547a18919bd1ce8825d80a6b1389f5b6.jpeg
    9.6 KB · Views: 39
  • tumblr_nrqzcyXwA11uab773o1_500.jpeg
    159.7 KB · Views: 43
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Nenma Takashi] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6341-gozothor/ said:
@Gozothor[/URL] forgot to add it.
No Problem dude!

You may now join in on the roleplay! if your having trouble understanding what is going on ask in the ooc chat or pm me or @Gozothor =D

Happy Roleplaying!
Verhiron said:
Character Sheet:
Name: Kristine Dylan

Age (14-21/ Older if teacher): 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Flirty, Shy, Good Kisser, Hopeless Romantic, Strong, Good Singer

Magical Power (Explain in detail! one primary power and a slightly weaker secondary): Fire and a weak healing power

Weakness: Ice

Pet (Can be a standard pet, or a magical one, nothing extreme like a giant dragon, keep it simple): A dog named Cookies

Bio: A girl with red hair and a big imagination. Falls in love easily and kisses very well.

Dorm Mate: (leave this empty, will be edited when the right dorm mate is chosen)


Likes: Puppies, deep voices, Theater, writing, males

Dislikes: Kitties, Blood, Ice

Personal Goal (if they have one): To Get married and have two kids

Other (Add a theme song or something):



Headmaster: @Gozothor

Teachers (4 Spots Available):

More Coming Later...
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Nice one!

Just one thing. Could you read over the rules, there is a certain word you need to include at the end. Once that is done feel free to join in.

Happy Roleplaying!

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Name: Victor Mesa

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Respectful, loyal, calculating, cunning, cautious, hunger for knowledge

Magical Power: Augment- Victor augments all aspects of his body to superhuman levels. Things like speed, reflexes, tenacity, strength, senses etc. No other abilities.

Weakness: He is still just human and even with increased tenacity or "defense" he will still be killed by everything that can kill a human being. Just harder to do so. Using Augment for extended periods of time can rip his body apart from the inside out so he only uses it in short bursts to minimize the damage.

Pet (Can be a standard pet, or a magical one, nothing extreme like a giant dragon, keep it simple): None

Bio: Raised by military heroes, Victor's mother and father were practically legends in the militaristic world. Individually they would be considered heroes to their countries and in a pair they were considered unstoppable. Naturally the expectations for Victor were quite high and his family intended for him to live up to the Mesa name. He was drilled in the arts of combat as soon as he could walk on two feet effectively. Military tactics, strategies, discipline, respect, espionage, higher academics, everything was expected to be perfect. Victor preformed all of these under fear of his parents. For every mistake, a beating. For every misstep, a punishment. For every failure, a scar was added to Victor's body. Victor had no mother and father but two commanders he lived with at all times. He never knew the love of a family and the government was glad for it. Victor was the perfect soldier. Under his parent's guidance, he was running high risk military operations by the age of 14, which was also when he killed his first person.....followed by 32 more. Unflinching and unbreakable, Victor was brought up as a candidate to artificially have magical and physical augments placed into his person. With no hesitation, Victor accepted and the operation was a success. Victor was already a nigh unstoppable soldier at 19, but now he was truly one man army. To train his ability, he was sent to the Academy and was expected to return with promising results.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Appearance :

Likes: Victory, dogs, guns, knives, and the rare few he considers friends

Dislikes: Failure, his parents, garlic, traitors, idiocy

Personal Goal: Earn the respect of his parents. He wants them to call him "Son" at least once in his life.

Edit: hahaha seriously? Alright apple.
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shadowz1995 said:
Name: Victor Mesa
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Respectful, loyal, calculating, cunning, cautious, hunger for knowledge

Magical Power: Augment- Victor augments all aspects of his body to superhuman levels. Things like speed, reflexes, tenacity, strength, senses etc. No other abilities.

Weakness: He is still just human and even with increased tenacity or "defense" he will still be killed by everything that can kill a human being. Just harder to do so. Using Augment for extended periods of time can rip his body apart from the inside out so he only uses it in short bursts to minimize the damage.

Pet (Can be a standard pet, or a magical one, nothing extreme like a giant dragon, keep it simple): None

Bio: Raised by military heroes, Victor's mother and father were practically legends in the militaristic world. Individually they would be considered heroes to their countries and in a pair they were considered unstoppable. Naturally the expectations for Victor were quite high and his family intended for him to live up to the Mesa name. He was drilled in the arts of combat as soon as he could walk on two feet effectively. Military tactics, strategies, discipline, respect, espionage, higher academics, everything was expected to be perfect. Victor preformed all of these under fear of his parents. For every mistake, a beating. For every misstep, a punishment. For every failure, a scar was added to Victor's body. Victor had no mother and father but two commanders he lived with at all times. He never knew the love of a family and the government was glad for it. Victor was the perfect soldier. Under his parent's guidance, he was running high risk military operations by the age of 14, which was also when he killed his first person.....followed by 32 more. Unflinching and unbreakable, Victor was brought up as a candidate to artificially have magical and physical augments placed into his person. With no hesitation, Victor accepted and the operation was a success. Victor was already a nigh unstoppable soldier at 19, but now he was truly one man army. To train his ability, he was sent to the Academy and was expected to return with promising results.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Appearance :

Likes: Victory, dogs, guns, knives, and the rare few he considers friends

Dislikes: Failure, his parents, garlic, traitors, idiocy

Personal Goal: Earn the respect of his parents. He wants them to call him "Son" at least once in his life.
Hi, sorry for late reply, have been away recently!

Just read over your character sheet and it looks fantastic!

One problem, could you please read the rules again, there is a word or phrase i would like you to add. Other than that feel free to jump into the RP when it feels right!

Welcome to Coldwynn Academy!

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