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Other Cold


A cold hearted bastard
It’s cold. I don’t know when it got so cold, all I know is it keeps getting colder and it doesn’t show signs of stopping. Everyday I feel my body tremble and shake, my muscles tensing and seizing in great spasms to warm myself, but it doesn’t work. They’ve all left me to die here. They’ve locked me away in this tower and I’ve got nothing but the clothes on my back and my own mind to keep me company. It whispers to me thoughts I don’t want to withhold, thoughts that they would likely kill me for wallowing in. Thoughts of aggression, confusion, anger, sadness, loneliness. Thoughts I would rather die than think of. If only they knew what I thought, but they don’t. Instead, they leave me to die slowly because I had enough. I stood up and they threw me down.
It’s getting colder. I try to warm myself in any way possible, but the bitter air penetrates any clothing I am wearing and wraps around me like a snake around it’s prey. They’ve all changed suddenly. Their shapes warp as I stare at them. No longer were they what I remembered them as being, instead they came to stare down at me, their once warm and loving faces turned a deep color, their teeth sharp and jagged with rows upon rows of the pointy things lining their throats. They stare at me with an amused glint in their eyes and they laugh at me. I resist the urge to cry out, only allowing silent tears to fall down my face. They don’t see, they will never see, and they will never care.
It’s very cold now and I don’t have much longer.

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