Coffeeshop Soundtrack [Inactive]


Untapped Potential

[Hey guys! So I know I'm late on starting this but it's now time to begin! The role of Max is still open so if anybody becomes interested they can jump in. Also, please wait for all of the roleplayers to make their first posts. Afterwards, it'll be free posting from there! Have fun!]

[@BubbleDiamondz @oOBubblesOo ]

The toes of Poppy Noel's worn-in black lace-ups scuffed against the pavement of the streets of New York City as she bounded out of the subway station as fast as her short legs could carry her. She had been living in this city for almost a year now and was convinced that it was the greatest place in the world, but she knew that if she didn't hurry she was bound to get distracted. That kind of thing happened a lot when you were Poppy. She had been compared to a curious golden retriever in numerous occasions, despite her long billowing dark locks that flew behind her as she moved.

At last, she had reached her destination--Chloe's Late Night Coffee and Hookah. It was a little place sandwiched in between a burrito shop and a boutique, and it also happened to be where she spent most of her evenings. Chloe's wasn't a normal coffee shop. It opened for business at seven pm and ran its course until three in the morning. Poppy loved it--she found the unique to be adorable, and totally New York. After all, this is the city that never sleeps--why should coffee shops not be able to have nightclub hours?

She burst through the front door, relieved that it was only 6:50. Poppy almost ran face-first into Chloe Oliver, the namesake and owner of the coffee shop/hookah bar combo. The woman was in her early fifties and used to be a filmmaker. She had worked with everybody from Leo to Brad, and had been successful enough that she could retire by the time she was forty-eight. Poppy wasn't sure why anybody would retire from such a star-studded job, but she wasn't going to complain. Thanks to Chloe, she was able to pay her rent. Well, most of the time anyway.

Poppy greeted Chloe in her normally breezy "I know I'm a pain in the ass but you know you love me" kind of way before heading back to the time clock. She plucked her punch card from the wall hanger and swiped in routinely until she heard a nice beep. Once she was finished, she headed back out front and grabbed an apron off of the set of hooks that was nailed to the wall right next to the huge hookah-and-coffee menu boards. It was 6:55 now, which meant that her coworkers would hopefully be arriving in the next five minutes. Still, Poppy was confident she could run the place solo if needed. They never got super busy on most nights. She watched Chloe go into her office with her Macbook and immediately got to work on fixing herself some blueberry-flavored hookah to enjoy while she waited.

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Julian Greene had tuned out the world and it's disgustingly entertaining society and was listening to some Panic! At The Disco, as he held onto the pole waiting for the subway to stop. As it did, he swung around the pole and hopped off onto the landing,

weaving through the surging crowds of people to get to his occupation this evening.

He bustled through people, humming to one of his favorites. He saw what he was looking for from a distance and

looked down at his phone. It read the time 6:55, and he slid his phone back into his pocket, jogging through the

crowds now. Reaching Chloe's Late Night Coffee and Hookah, he swung open the door, instantly being hit

with a refreshingly light breeze of air conditioning.

He saw Poppy behind the counter and realized he was first to arrive. "Poppy the flower," he called her by her nickname

as he nodded and grinned cheekily, timing in. He then headed back to grab an apron and put his headphones away into his

pocket, heading back out towards the counter. He caught Chloe as she disappeared into her office and called a

warming, "Hey Chloe," before arriving at the counter.

He ruffled Poppy's hair, walking past her and picking up some straws to use as drumsticks, the counter his

drum set as he tapped it rhythmically. He did a series of drum solos before finishing loudly and proudly. He grinned widely and triumphantly and waited for the rest of his not-so-prompt coworkers to show up.


Naomi's brows were knitted together as she burst into the coffee shop, the bell on the door giving out a loud ring.

backpack was strapped against her back, and her clothing was for the mild weather of New York during the spring.

She pinched the bridge of her nose, desperately needing a smoke. She slowed her pace down as to not disturb the others of the cafe.

Naomi found a couch with no one on it, or near it for that matter, and she sat, taking off her backpack.

The forgetful and disorganized girl was working as an assistant at a company with good pay,

but unfortunately, she had forgotten to go to work today. She thought it was her day off.

There was a call from home, and she simply told them that she had the day off, and she was fired over her cell.

Her last paycheck of $1,000 a month was going to be mailed to her.

She sighed, calming herself down gradually. The girl pulled out her laptop.

Naomi started to write fervently on the small MacBook she used for her travels.

She wrote in parks, cafés, and places where it was just unusual, so she decided it'd be okay to write now for today,

Her fingers drummed against the keys, taking a pause, thinking of a scenario that no one would expect. She held back a smile.

'Her heels clacked on the dirty, weedy sidewalk of the upper east side of New York. She was big. Real big, a celebrity even,

A pair of sunglasses was worn upon her face, blocking out her striking brown eyes in hope no one would recognize the young woman.

After a long, painful but quick stride in the black heels, she had finally made her way to her home, a penthouse that overlooked the city.

Her modeling agency had given it to her at the beginning of her career, but she was now done with that modeling company.

She kept it for sentimental value, after a few payments so she'd receive the deed. Now, she just paid an expensive rent.

The girl, that went by the name of'

She stopped there. She thought of a name. Her eyes flickered around.

'Chloe's Late Night Coffee and Hookah'.

She smiled as she began to type again in the relaxing dim lighting of the room.

Naomi would just think of a random last name.

'The girl, that went by the name of Chloe Weyland, kicked off her heels, leaving them on the shiny white marble floor that had grey and black swirls in it. She pulled off her sunglasses and walked into the living room, setting the dark pair of lenses that hid herself from society on the table.

Lifesavers, they were. Sauntering over to the semicircle-styled wall, she sat on the white leather chair that looked over the city.

Her black, wooden desk separated her from the rest of the city, not counting the rounding windows.

She opened up Safari, and looked up Twitter. She sighed in, and an array of hate, love, and defense for her was there.

With more followers than the Kardashians, she had a reputation.

Her slim fingers typed in a status.

'In a city that never sleeps, I sure am bored,' she typed with a sigh.'

She paused, thinking of more to write, and how to continue on with this.

What twist of fate would she bring to this story?


The clinking of the sub way along the long worn tracks was a common white noise among New Yorkers. Especially Max, when writers block hit him like a brick with a note attached saying 'Ha, you can't do it' leaving only a sinking feeling in his stomach. Today around 11:30 pm it him hard. Ideas bubbling like a boiling of pot of water. That's the second he grabbed his laptop and booked it to Chloe's. Always been there for him when inspiration hit in the dead of the night.

Chloe's is always open when the inspiration hit, even if it was dark and kinda sad. It felt good though, finally having something typed up with the thoughts flowing out. But a nice cup of coffee or cherry hookah helped.

The subway came to a halt jerking him forward bit at him forward. Max walked out looking at his watch then the people. "Midnight" he muttered looking around at the drunks and crazies wondering around. He kept his eyes focused walking out of the station and arriving. The warmth and scents were a better compromise then the stench of urine and spit in the subway.


The low hymn of the city echoed throughout the streets, the occasional car flying by, disappearing out of sight within moments. The city lights seemed to brighten the whole sky, making it difficult to spot the stars that were painted across the dark void. Grant was among one of few New Yorkers, strolling through the strangely empty, quiet streets. As quiet as it'd get in a large city such as New York, anyway. The silence was hard to come by, and was a treat every city slicker savored. A rush of semi-cool air blew in the night air, and smelled of gasoline, body fluids from the subways, and something else he could not place. It smelled like home to him.

Grant had always enjoyed walking when the city was asleep, when the sky was dark. He liked the feeling of knowing everything was resting, along with it's people, and he was wide awake, walking through the dark streets. Most nights were like this; walking and walking until he tired, studying new scripts, or just keeping himself busy and awake. It wasn't 'healthy', he knew, but he could never get to sleep. He was a night owl, as his family had always described him. And he was. He had a bad habit of drinking coffee during the late hours, too, to keep his mind clear and awake, even though he knew he'd regret it in the morning. Why did he do this to himself?

The moon shone brightly, shining it's white light down onto the city. It was nearly full, and a few stars, planets as well, could be spotted through the cloud of pollution that always seemed to hover in the sky. The leaves of the row of trees rustled with the wind, waving it's branches towards a few night walkers, which included a few homeless, drunks, and just a mix of people either heading to work, home, or getting out of the city. Grant was left in complete silence as he walked to his favorite coffee shop ─ Chloe's Late Night Coffee and Hookah. He'd been going there for four years, and fell in love with the place ever since.

Chloe's Late Night Coffee and Hookah was a safe haven for him to study in the wee hours of the morning, served with a hot cup of black coffee, his favorite. It was a unique coffee shop, and offered something not many offered; a refuge for the sleepless and restless. Grant would study, and do so in comfort. Of course, there would always be other people visiting. After all, not everyone could sleep, now could they? No, not him. He regretted it very much in the mornings, but he could never bring himself to skip out on going to Chloe's. It was a place where the wide-awake were sheltered, and he just happened to be one of the wide-awake.

Grant eventually arrived at the familiar building, lit up by the street lights lying around the corner. A small smile spread across his face, and he walked inside, the doorbell ringing as he stepped a foot in. He had been carrying his case of scripts and different things he needed to study in his right hand, gripped with a confidence. He, unlike most people, enjoyed studying; something about losing himself in the papers and scripts made him happy. Much like a bibliophile, as he's heard. Studying, instead of reading, was a way to make all thought and worries vanish, out of mind, even for a while. It was odd and strange, but he couldn't help himself. No, he couldn't give this up.

Sitting himself down on the black, empty sofa, he balanced the case on his lap. Now comfortable, he popped the case open, displaying it's piles of papers lying within. Grant
would study some, he decided, and order the usual once he began feeling sleep catch up with his body. He reached for the different piles of scripts, and poured himself into studying. For a while, he lost himself in the scripts for a new TV show he'd be guest starring in, and forgot the outside world. It was a feeling he's come to know and love. When he'd come in, he noticed a few of the regulars; Naomi, Poppy and Julian. He acknowledged their presence with a nod toward their direction and a small, lopsided smile, and focused on the scripts. Just another night.


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