clumsy af- Mu Yeol{Completed}


gogo dancer




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n a m e

Lee Mu Yeol

a g e


g e n d e r


s e x u a l i t y


e t h n i c i t y

South Korean

o c c u p a t i o n

Employee at a clothing store


h e i g h t

5'11 (180cm)

w e i g h t

148 lbs

h a i r  c o l o r

Brown (Originally black)

e y e  c o l o r

Dark brown


p e r s o n a l i t y

Mu Yeol is a mass of destruction that loves everyone. If you get to know him further, you'll realize he's a good kid with no bad intentions. Maybe you can even 'forget about it' when he breaks one of your things on accident.His sense of humour consist of teasing others, and making fun of things like tv shows, movies, songs, etc etc. He would never make fun of someone he personally knows unless they have a negative relationship because that's just cruel. He tends to be completely oblivious to romantic hints. He never seems to notice someone likes him unless the feelings are mutual. He usually thinks they're just being friendly. Sadly... this has turned into many heartbreaks of females, and males. How depressing... How can you tell if he likes you? You can't. He acts like he usually does around you. 


l i k e s




-Different types of meats


-Amber Liu

-Music in general

-Working out


d i s l i k es


-Being rejected

-Being made fun of






h o b b i e s

{Karaoke}{Breaking things}{Tripping over whatever}{



f e a r s



b i o g r a p h y

Mu Yeol was born in Seoul, but only lived there for a short time. He was given up for adoption when he was born. His parents weren't in their right mind, and couldn't take care of a child. A white family from the US ended up adopting him around two months later. Everything was well. They ended up getting another son, who like Mu Yeol was Korean. Everything was well until he began to realize that he didn't look like his parents. This topic didn't bother him too much, but it made him not want to invite anyone over. He barely talked about his parents. He didn't want kids at school to find out his secret. He had always wondered what his real parents were like. This caused him to move to South Korea when he was nineteen. He spent a year trying to find them, only to find out that they weren't mentally stable, and that he had a brother he didn't know about. To be honest, he got over this quickly. He didn't really care anymore because he now knew. Instead of moving back to the US, he decided to stay in South Korea, living on a visa (he renews it every two years). He actually lived with Sung Min since he first came to Korea. They have nothing, but friendship though Sung Min easily gets annoyed with the younger boy. 


o t h e r

He loves karaoke even though he can't sing for shit. 

On My Own by Amber Liu is his theme song for sure. (that song is so beautiful). 


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