Clover Hills

Matthew Hendrix (Beta Male-Winslow)/Angelica Buckeye (Omega-Winslow)
The beta was unaware that Squeaky had gotten into a bit of trouble or that Squeaky was now awake after semi-nap and had seemingly scented him and by extension the omega who was now leaning against him so as not to fall. Another wolf came forward, stopping at the man's rumbling growl before shifting. " seems that Rose and Sam have left the pack...Rose seems to have taken what limited healing resources she had with her when she left."

"Wonderful, so now we no longer have a useful healer," said Matthew. "Sam spent all his time in town with human females instead of doing his job as a hunter. Let him get killed then by a bus." When the wolf just stared blankly at him, the male rolled his eyes. Stupid purebloods, he thought. "Nevermind." The beta walked over to the stairs and began walking up them, supporting the omega by her arm as she couldn't very well get up the stairs herself since she couldn't walk very well and made his way towards Bella's room.

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
mention: Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Bella finished her part of doe and walked out from her room, locking door behind her. Then she saw Matthew walking towards her with Angelica. "You found her." Bella walked to Angelica and hit her to face. "Do you even know what you did." She snarked to her. "Where is my mate?"
Matthew Hendrix (Beta Male-Winslow)/Angelica Buckeye (Omega-Winslow)
"Ann found her though the scout I sent out got killed apparently and from what the hunters I took with me said, there's more blood and possibly more wolves who have lost their lives as a result of that loner," said Matthew. "I don't have the slightest idea where Probably torturing the loner for all I know." And I fail to understand why you made that bitch your mate when she wants to kill you still probably and has visions of grandeur, he thought to himself.

Seriously? Angelica shook her head as she was suddenly hit, the woman stumbling back and if not for Matthew's grip on her arm, would likely have fallen backwards. The words about Ann being the woman's mate were news to her and she looked at Matthew who seemed rather annoyed, judging by the way his face had hardened. Well, at least the pair were somewhat united in their utter dislike of Ann...probably for different reasons but that was besides the point. "Your mate dared threaten our property and hit her," Matthew growled. "The omega also apparently cut open one of the hunters Ann took with him...given he's bleeding in the foyer."

"It's not my fault if Michi is stupid enough to go into a bathroom that has a hole in it," Angelica said. Utter dislike and scorn for her assistant was evident in the woman's voice, Matthew turning the woman to stare at her. It took Matthew by interest, given the woman hadn't really spoken any harsh words towards her assistant which had only been given the rank, in Matthew's mind, because the girl was with life. They might need to put Michi somewhere else so she didn't try to bond with her pup or pups when they were born. It was bad enough Levi held a bond with his mother thanks to the alpha's late brother.

"You idiot! The hell with your assistant, you could have caused injury or death to those pups under your care! What is your issue with the other omega slave?"

"She's too friendly with Faith and thinks they can be friends...always prancing over to her..." The woman's words were cut off by the beta knocking her to the floor which was followed by Matthew kicking the woman in her stomach.

"I'm beginning to think we need to cut her food intake down more," said Matthew. "Obviously what we've been feeding her is giving her enough strength to break a wall down and put pups in danger. Perhaps cutting it down to a third or fourth what the other omegas get will suffice. But that is a problem..." He meant Michi's relationship with Faith.

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
mention: Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

"That isn't problem, we give her part of food to Michi. But what i want to know what is going on with Michi and Faith. Tell me." Bella ordered, staring angry to Angelica. "Find out where my mate is, and bring her to cave. You don't need care about open wound, we will burn it shut at cave."
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Matthew Hendrix (Beta Male-Winslow)
"He was cut across his throat," Matthew said, "but alright..I will attempt to find your wayward mate." The man cast a look down at the woman. "Don't get too comfortable...once your public punishment is dealt with..." he left the phrase there, knowing the woman would be able to piece what would happen, the male turning and walking down the stairs to head to the first floor. Really...this was for pathetic people. The wolf whom the omega had cut open was still standing there, the beta not caring about the blood on the floor. "Go into the cave. Your wound will be sealed shut there," said Matthew. He then walked outside and went looking for the wayward fallen alpha...someone Matthew believed shouldn't even be allowed her title. Bella might be off her rocker and borderline insane....or maybe the correct thought was she was insane...but Bella hadn't gotten her pack killed. The beta sighed as the cold air hit him and headed off into the snow once he caught the faint scent of the alpha's rather odd choice of a mate.

The beta walked for some time through the snow, not even bothering to shift into his wolf or even half form as he just let the cold air sting his face with its bitter touch. When he finally caught Ann's growing scent coming towards him...or rather coming towards the pack house, he stopped and waited with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans. "Ann...the alpha wants you in the cave," Matthew called when the woman was somewhat close enough to hear. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Angelica Buckeye (Omega-Winslow)
Angelica shivered at Matthew’s words, his comment about Ann torturing Tobias echoing in her head. The woman looked up at Bellatrix as she demanded to know what was going on between Faith and Michi. “I don’t know. She, she forgets her place and thinks she can be friends with higher rank...not listen when I say that not how pack work. Faith...she seem to encourage...encourage behavior mistress. When...I don’t understand it. She..Michi get happy and speaks...acts like duckling following mother to Faith mistress.”

Angelica shook her head, unable to explain much of Michi’s and Faith’s interaction. She could only say what she had observed on the few times Faith might come to slave room and Angelica saw Faith when trying to teach pups. The woman did her best to avoid the lead guard’s attention. Veltsu VI Veltsu VI
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Gabriel Haven (Alpha Female-Haven)
Gabriel stared down at her phone after ending the call with her mother. She then called the pack's house and left a voice mail, saying that Sierra had sent her a text that she was leaving the pack and looking for Hannah and her child. The woman left the pack in charge of Suzu as she was the oldest and that she would be in town for a bit but would return by evening. Hanging up, she powered her phone off and slipped it into her pocket before heading for Clover Hills, unknowing that Derek had also left the pack as well and wouldn't be returning. Why did her mother want her to notify them if Hannah showed up in Clover Hills? It wasn't Gabriel's fault the woman had just up and left her pack defenseless. If the woman had to guess though it had something to do with taking down another pureblood...she'd never liked the Winslow family when she'd heard of them with her siblings. Old Winslow had been was his succeeding generations that bothered her and gave her chills.
Astaroth 'Ash' Smallclaw - Omega - Haven Pack

Whimpering at Suzu, who told her she should stay in the bed, she grimaced as she looked at the potion. Suzu would probably notice if she avoided drinking it though, so she was quick to swallow it down, shivering. Hearing scratches at the window, she frowned and, against Suzu's wishes, staggered over to it. Smiling shakily when she saw Amora, she attempted to open the window, taking a few tries before she could get it right. She wanted Amora close, even if she was certain there were two of her companion right now

Leviathan 'Levi' Lunala - Pup - Winslow Pack

Beaming up at Faith, curious, the pup watched her for a moment. He was toddling, but since she wasn't paying any attention to him, decided to make her look at him. As he often liked to do to his mother, he hit at Faith's leg, snarling softly. That usually got his mothers attention, so he assumed it would work now. And the Alpha had liked him growling, so why wouldn't this new wolf? He continued to growl at her, hopeful.

Artemis Lunala - Omega - Winslow Pack

Peering at the pup as she whined and growled, looking unhappy, Artemis nuzzled the little one as Fern tucked herself even closer. She didn't mind, she wanted to be a comfort for the unhappy, injured pup. She wanted Fern to be happy, and warm, and safe. And if that was only done by using Artemis as her bed, then that was fine. She'd curled with Levi more times than she could count, but her pup seemed focused on Faith for now

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI Cosmo Cosmo Cosmos Cosmos Cheryl Cheryl ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion
The male had managed to shower and change his clothing before taking his post outside the doors of the Twin pines for his shift as the bars door man.
He had made it through the mundane tasks of checking identification and stopping rowdy patrons. Now he sat at the bar having switched with another staff member as he enjoyed a smoke and a small glass of whiskey with an ice cube.
His head was down facing the hard varnished wood of the counter top until a crumpled and worn envelope slid into his view.
He looked up to see William and realized by the hand writing it had to have been from the basket Angelica had given.
He sighed as his hand rested over it and then brought it back to himself as he opened it...and after finishing his drink...began to read.
Amora had continued to whine loudly and scratched the window for quite some time before she heard footsteps and at first quietened dow, before seeing Ash's head and bounding up happily, leaping through the window once it was open and toppling the other female over, laying on top of the human form she was licking the others face happily, tongue lolling out like an overexcited puppy dog and tail wagging frantically.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Cosmos Cosmos
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Cheryl Cheryl
ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion

Bella taked hold of Angelica's arm and dragged her to pup's room. She opened door and yelled.
After getting both females out from pup room and locking door again, she turned to Michi.
"Angel here told me that you forgets your place at pack. Don't think that being pregnant means that you aren't omega anymore. I could anytime sent you to sleep with hunters and warriors, but that could at worse case mean that you loose your pup."


WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Cosmos Cosmos
Mary Goldback

Walked to kitchen and taked out one cup and poured hot water from teapot to it. As she left she smiled to kids and headed then back towards infirmary.​
Astaroth 'Ash' Smallclaw - Omega - Haven Pack

Squeaking as she was toppled over, the sudden change of position making her head throb anew, Ash whined up at the other. She didn't mind Amora licking at her face, happy to see the other too, but her head really hurt and she'd rather not be on the floor when Suzu came back. Not that she had much choice, seeing as her partner was currently pinning her down, licking her face. The Omega whined again, fingers petting the other's pelt

Artemis Lunala - Omega- Winslow Pack

Whimpering lowly as the Alpha yelled her name, Artemis had to take a moment to carefully extract herself from around the pup, hopefully without disturbing her. Again slowing her leaving, she licked Levi on the head as she passed, before scampering out of the room as told to. She'd taken enough time to leave as it was, and she didn't want to get told off further. She shifted as she left the room, back into human form, and cowered in front of Bella as the Alpha started to tell Michi off. She, smartly, stayed quiet, no matter how much she wanted to comfort Michi as she was being told to by their Alpha.

Cosmos Cosmos Veltsu VI Veltsu VI ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion Cheryl Cheryl scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Angelica Buckeye (Omega-Winslow)
The woman winched as she was dragged back towards puppy slave room, flinching as alpha opened door and shouted for Artemis and Michi. When both females would come out, Artemis taking her jolly good time, the omega noted, Bellatrix locked door and began shouting at Michi. Of course she was brought up, the woman's eyes darting towards and between the two other female omegas in the pack. As Michi was threatened with the same punishment, Angelica tensed but didn't say anything in the other's defense.

Gabriel Haven (Alpha Female-Haven)
Reaching the town of Clover Hills, the alpha female made her way through the area, looking for something to get her mind off what she had been asked to do and the treat her mother had given her. The woman's face lifted as she heard chatter around her along with loud music. Looking at the door and at the sign above the door. Twin Pines. The woman pulled out her license and handed it to the bouncer before walking into the bar.

Entering the bar, the woman stopped as she scented another of her kind within the establishment. Following the scent the woman made her way to the counter and took a seat, at the door. The woman did a double take before chuckling to herself when her phone went off. Pulling it out, the woman stared at the phone as she saw a message from Derek. The male said he was also leaving not only Clover Hills but also the pack along with a loner named Kallen. Seeing the man’s last name made her sigh and put her forehead briefly against the wood as she turned her phone off and put it in her purse. She hadn’t realized she had taken it but was likely just thinking on automatic.

“Well,’s been a while. Wasn’t expecting to find you in this town.” VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
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Faith Aguilar
Lead Guard - Winslow - Pup room - Interacting with: Cosmos Cosmos WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys - Mentioned: Veltsu VI Veltsu VI

As Faith listened to Michi try to make her think differently about how pups communicated, she began to watch the children with a different perspective. Michi's persuasive talking made Faith start to smile at their innocence. "Hmm..." folding her arms, she was about to give in to enjoying seeing the pups in a new light when one bat at her leg suddenly. In shock, Faith took her leg backwards and looked down at the little culprit with wide eyes. It was the same child that she had noticed earlier on. Perhaps he was trying to get her attention for some reason? She didn't think that pups could be so aggressive, so she had the feeling that he was quite the dominant to have the courage, or ignorance, to attack a person like herself. The initial surprise died down and she felt a bit of curiosity about him.

"Well, it looks like this one wants to fight." Faith crouched down to get closer to him to ask, half to Michi, half to the pup, "What's your name, pup?". She knew that most dominants in the pup room would become hunters or fighters, and she wanted to see if this one would get the role as one.

However, when Bella burst into the room without warning, Faith righted herself in a split second to try and pretend as though she hadn't been talking with the pup, not wanting to show her softer side to the Alpha. She pursed her lips as she watched, what she assumed to be the mother of the child, scurry off and see Michi be forced out of the room. Eavesdropping on the conversation just outside of the room, Faith hoped that she wouldn't be punished harshly for her stepping out of her place. Faith wondered how Bella could've known that Michi was acting too confident for an Omega, but she simply looked down at the pup before her eyes drifted off once more into the distance.
Matthew Hendrix (Beta Male-Winslow)
The cold wind continued biting into the beta’s skin and going through his clothing, despite tevlayers he had on. The bet closed his eyes as the woman did not respond and began walking again from where he had stopped. Perhaps the wind had taken his words away. The beta moved in front of the wolf and stared at her. “Bella requested me to take you to the cave,” Matthew said. “It’s possible Angel won’t be the only one punished today...Michi might or might not be joining her.” He would leave that up to Bella what was or was not done concerning Michi if Angel’s words about Michi and Faith could be trusted. As to whether the other omega lost her children or not...they could be replace by having Artemis bred when in heat...or even Michi. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Gabriel Haven (Alpha Female-Haven)/Tobias
The male turned his head to the side as he heard his name being called, sliding the letter back into the envelope and slipping it into his pocket. “Gabriel. Last I heard you were in Canada.”

“I came here a month ago with my son. Was not expecting for there to be a few purebloods here, let alone the Winslow family. How they got to be so cruel compared to Old Man Winslow...” The woman shuddered.

Tobias’s mouth tightened into a thin line as did his features at hearing mention of Winslow and signaled William for another drink. Gabriel ordered a glass of champagne and when it arrived, sipped the drink. “It’s been a few years.”

The woman smiled. “We were on the cusp of adolescence, at least you were...and I still beat you at that triathlon across our land.”

He took a sip from his glass as he listened to Gabriel reimenesce. “You fell off the log.”

“You pushed me...and then fell off a couple steps later.” Gabriel smiled into her glass as Tobias stared at her before chuckling. “So you’re living here then. What happened to France?”

The male took another few sips fro his glass. “It’s complicated. Why are you here?”

“My father got into some debts and sold me to pay them off. I left a week later, traveled a bit and met Riley.”

Tobias frowned into his glass. Is her situation like Angelica’s in a way? I don’t know a lot about her. He looked at Gabriel as she looked at him, speaking his name and held up a hand. “It’s nothing. So, is Riley here?”

The woman’s face fell. “Hunters got him. Short while later I find myself disowned for leaving the guy I was sold to and nine months later I’ve got the sole heir to Cohen and a member of Haven to raise. We lived in a park for the first four years of my son’s life. Wasn’t expecting to take over the pack Hannah left.”

Tobias hadn’t heard from Hannah after they’d taken down Azarias and he had feared the worst about Angelica. “I see. So why are you in a bar when you have a kid?”

“The Council, or I should say my mother somehow getting my number and calling me out of the blue. The usual threaten deal. Plus Sierra left the pack to go find Hannah and they do not trust me. Derek just texted a few minutes ago and said he was leaving as well with Kallen. Seems like I am losing my pack after only a month or two of taking it over.”

Tobias’s grip tightened on his glass. The Council. “What did they want?” Trying to control his tone and anger.

“To alert them if Hannah came back and a reminder they can dispose of me and this pack if I don’t comply. I didn’t appreciate the call or the threat. My son’s in good hands...with Azrael. Adolf’s exiled boy.”

He nodded. It was easy for the purebloods to know each other with their being so few left alive but even he didn’t know every member of every family. The two purebloods drank in silence, occasionally chatting with each other in non-sensitive issues until the woman excused herself, the male pointing to the restrooms in the back. VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
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Michi had continued to chat and watch Faith interact with the pup with a warm smile, "Levi, that's his name he's Artemis pup, a dominant as you can probably already tell-" she began to continue with the small talk before Bella suddenly stormed in, her name being yelled stung her overly sensitive ears, all her perception were increased in the pregnancy and that hurt a lot more than normal, whimpering a little her eyes turned to a terrified gaze, freezing up, as she slowly wandered over, as fast as she really could this far into a pregnancy, she cowered at the words being said by the alpha, her eyes staring down at the floor and hands trembling a little, her mouth opening a little as though to speak, "A-Alpha…. I-…." she stuttered, she noticed Artemis taking a while to leave, hopefully if nothing else her stuttering would by the other some time, as the door was fully locked she suddenly felt an overwhelming wave of loneliness, that she'd been separated from the little world she'd built for herself in the pup room. At the mention of the punishment she only panicked more, her chest felt as though it was tightening and squeezing against her lungs.​

How did Bella know about her and Faith?…. They'd kept it secret…. Or at least they thought they did, it just didn't make any sense!? A-Angelica might have mentioned something?…. It was then she noted the alpha had actually stated the girl had told them, her eyes saddened a little, she never understood why the girl hated her so much, she always tried to be friends, she always tried to cheer her up as best she could i-it just!-…. She could slowly feel her senses getting overwhelmed again, her pupils flickering between being retracted and dilated as she tried her best to fight against the instincts, the small kicks of the pups obvious against the shirt, slowly nd before she could even stop it, a growl escaped through her lips in a gression towards the alpha.

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI scorpiodragon scorpiodragon Cheryl Cheryl WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

Amora contineud to lick at the other until tilting her head curiously a the whimpering, getting concerned she allowed her weight to shift so it wasn't as much forced onto the other, the hands stroking through her felt made her gaze soften as she panted loudly, her eyes staring curiously and deeply into the others.
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Angelica Buckeye (Omega-Winslow)
The omega kept her head down, the woman continuing to remain silent. Doing her best not to think of the punishment that she was likely to deal with in front of the other omegas along with whatever her owners had in store for her. She could her Michi’s stuttering and then glanced up at Bella, unable to move away in case the alpha went off and attacked the other. What surprised the woman though was that Michi began suddenly growling at Bellatrix. The woman shook her head and pressed her forehead to the floor to stop the ill feeling towards the other’s stupidity. The woman seemed to realize the other was going to get it now. Angelica had to think of her own safety now and neither of her owners were likely to forgive her leaving much less attacking a pack member.
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Matthew Hendrix (Beta Male-Winslow)
When the woman didn’t seem to acknowledge the beta at all, he shook his head. One of his wolves, who had gone off at the beta’s temper moved towards the male. “A....Beta. I found hunter...did not venture further.”

Matthew turned his head towards the hunter. “Who killed them?”

“Loner sir,” the wolf said, lowering himself to the ground as Matthew turned towards the hunter.

“Really? Go get my boy and take him to cave. Knock on door and tell him you’ve been sent to escort him.”

“Yes sir,” the wolf said before turning and scurrying off.

Matthew rolled his eyes as he heard the hunter slip in his haste to move away from the beta and turned back to Ann. The male made no further attempts at conversing with the crazed wolf, instead he crouched and scooped up some sno into his hands to make a snowball and chilling his bare hands in the process.

The brown hunter ran back towards the pack home, through the door and up the steps towards the second floor. Shifting as he got to the second floor, the wolf man grabbed a fuzzy robe and slipped into that before making his way past the alpha and the three female omegas and towards Matthew’s room where he knocked on the door. “Boy, your master wishes you to be accompanied by me to cave,” he called through the door. Veltsu VI Veltsu VI Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Justin was wearing his dress as he heard knocking from door and voice of one of hunters. He had eated his daily breakfast and had taked dousage of medicine that Matthew had ordered him to take. He shyly opened door to see hunter and how Alpha female walked past him with 3 omegas. He didn't say anything, just nodded.


scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Cosmos Cosmos
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

Bella let out own growl to Michi, to mute stop her, before leading omegas to cave, past hunter who was at front of Matthew's door. There she put Angelica to pillory.
"Do you want go to next to her?" Bella asked from Michi.​

Fern watched as the wolf around her got instructed to leave, and the young puppy was suddenly engulfed with the chill of the cold air that she had previously been protected from. With a small whine, she curled up into a circle, watching as the door closed and made a slight clank. Ears folding back, she peered to the other pups in the room, seeing if they were equally as alarmed at the disappearance of the others. It didn’t seem to be so, and so she stood, shaking her pelt as she did so, and scratched the small door flap, that didn’t move as it was locked, with a few whimpers. She wanted someone older to come in and play.

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Random Hunter
The hunter didn’t comment on the boy’s state of clothing, having gotten used to it and so led the boy to the cave where he saw the beta had still not arrived. He watched as Angelica was put in the pillory after her wrists and ankles were derived of the cuffs, guiding both Justin and Artemis to front of gathering crowd. The hunter knew Matthew wanted all omegas to watch punishment. Mentioned Artemis WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

Angelica Buckeye (Omega-Winslow)
The woman was taken downstairs and through the second slave room where Ann’s cult was, the woman paying them no mind. They deserved to die as well. She tilted her head at the ancient contraption, what she thought were the stocks...hardly her fault for people in movies about knights getting their information wrong. Regardless she was put into it once the cuffs were removed from her wrists and ankles which was a relief, her arms couldn’t support that with straining her muscles in her shoulders, arms and back.

She blinked as Bella questioned Michi if the other wanted to be put in it as well. The woman quickly discovered she couldn’t move her head much or even her wrists. Well this was uncomfortable. The omega could see the cave was beginning to fill with wolves...both in wolf and human form...her eyes darting around at the wolves. Seeing both Artemis and Justin led to the front, she didn’t see either Matthew or that beta female that Matthew had spoken of as being in the pack to her. Even the wolf she’d...her wolf...had slashed open across their throat was there, the woman sighing to herself as the man snarled at her. Veltsu VI Veltsu VI
Leviathan 'Levi' Lunala - Pup - Winslow Pack
Giggling up at Faith as the other finally took notice of him, he gave a tiny growl. He wanted her to pay attention to him! But then she had turned and stood straighter as the woman from before came in, and the pup whined when he saw his mother leave. For a moment it seemed like he was going to run after her, but seemed to decide that it wasn't worth his time. His mother would be back, she always was. Instead, he clutched back onto Faith once Bella and the other's were gone, growling playfully again.

Cheryl Cheryl

Astaroth 'Ash' Smallclaw - Omega - Haven Pack
Relieved when her partner took some of her weight off of her, Ash whined softly at the other. She needed to get back on the bed, before Suzu returned. Still, she'd much prefer to be down here, petting Amora. Never mind that there was still two of her partner in her eyes, or that she'd hit her head again against the floor, she was just happy where she was.

Cosmos Cosmos Veltsu VI Veltsu VI

Artemis Lunala - Omega - Winslow Pack
Staying out of the argument, and thus keeping her mouth shut and her eyes aimed down, Artemis followed the Alpha to the cave, shivering. She hated it down here, and noted all the other wolves around, as Angelica was placed in the pillory. She hated to think of what would happen to her, but knew she herself would be forced to watch, to learn what it meant for an Omega to try and run away from the pack, as she assumed Angelica had.

Flinching as a random wolves hand was placed on her shoulder, pushing her to the front beside Justin, whom hadn't really liked her last they'd met, she stayed perfectly still. Her scent showed how terrified she was, along with the quivering of her body. She wished she'd had a chance to grab clothes before this, because she was sure she was being eyed up by some wolves around her. Which... was never good.

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI scorpiodragon scorpiodragon Cosmos Cosmos
Matthew Hendrix (Beta Male-Winslow)
Once the cave was pretty much filled with every member of the pack, the crowd parting for the beta as Ann and then Vivian as well followed him into the crowd. Leaving them where they were, the beta made his way towards the front, his three hunters having already come into the cave before him on Matthew's order. The beta reached Justin and Artemis, slinging an arm around each of them and putting his head in between the two omegas, his eyes calmly lighting on Angelica who flinched as Matthew's gaze met her own. "Enjoy the show you two," Matthew spoke to both Artemis and Justin. "Try looking away or running to hide...and I'll leave you both here in cages yourselves for the rest of the winter...and in this state...that's a long time." The beta chuckled to the pair before letting them go and making his way where he could watch Angelica be punished and wait for Bellatrix to say the punishment was over so they could punish her themselves. Both omegas, indeed all four technically, should know that Matthew wasn't joking and would carry out his threat to them. Moving to the side where he had a decent view of the punishment, he signaled one of the hunters to start a fire...they couldn't seal up the bleeding wolf's throat if they didn't have something hot enough to cauterize the wound. Mentioned: Justin Veltsu VI Veltsu VI Ann & Vivian Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Artemis WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
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Michi's lips had flickered shut as Bella gave another growl back, she couldn't move she couldn't think- if she did anything she could feel her body shifting, she could tell that if she let herself feel anything more she wouldn't be able to control it any further. So without another action she silently followed along with artemis, getting serrated as she followed Bella up near the stocks, the small and frail looking girls bulging stomach clear against her small frame, a few beads of sweat rolled down her forehead as she squinted trying to focus on not shifting, her body felt hot and stinging, every inch of her being was screaming in her mind to shift but she had to resist, she didn't even acknowledge Bella's words, she coudln't.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys Veltsu VI Veltsu VI scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Justin nodded to Matthew and rised his eyes to look Angelica

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Cosmos Cosmos
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

"So you don't even answer, you join with her then." Bella then taked hold of pregnant girl and put her to pillory next of Angelica. Top part of pillory had small silver needles that would hurt if person at pillory resist or tranforms. After securing both omegas and taking off Michi's and Angelica's clothes, Bella then turned to pack.
"This is public punishment to our slaves. Angel here escaped from pups room, leaving pups in danger of getting injured from her escape way and forcing us to close their bathroom. Michi hadn't seemingly learned what her position is and even growled to me." Bella then walked to rack where was multiple different tools of torture, picking up silver lining whip. "From those reasons both omegas gets 25 slashes and Angel will get extra punishment afterwards."
Bella then lifted whip and slashes to Angelica's buttocks and then right away to Michi's buttocks.​
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