Clover Hills

Azrael Marshadow (Omega-Winslow)
Azrael snorted as he moved over the snow, pausing in his steps to scent the air again. Turning his head towards the territory's edge, he continued in that direction, picking up his pace through the territory towards where his other pack members were located. Letting out another howl, he made his way towards them and soon the scent of a loner that he assumed the alpha had been talking about. His howl told Astiel, Conner and Eliza he was coming towards them.
Styx Kagore - Warrior - Winslow Pack
The branches and foliage caught on Styx's fur also, scratching his face slightly as he ran head first into some of them. Still, it didn't even make him falter, running after her. This was fun. He could smell the scent of fear on her, and he was excited. They weren't really too far from the pack now, by his guesses, and with that in mind he made his plan. He pushed himself faster, now properly trying to catch her, and pounced, pulling her down with ease and standing over her with a snarl, triumphant.

Of course, once he was sure she wouldn't be bolting too soon, he started to shift, until his gleaming emerald eyes peered at her from a human face, which held the same scars as his wolf form, "Well, wasn't that fun?" He grinned, laughing.

Astiel Stormchaser - Warrior - Haven Pack
Lifting his head as he heard a familiar howl, Astiel frowned as he recognised Azrael. What was he doing out here? Looking for them maybe? They had been gone a while... Tilting his head back, he howled in return, a more human sounding voice due to his form, but hopefully useful none the less. He'd have preferred Eliza or Connor do it, but they both were busy carrying the loner, and talking to each other.

SadSnake SadSnake scorpiodragon scorpiodragon Cosmo Cosmo ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion Raider dog Raider dog
She let out a small "Ack!" As she was hit, soon falling down under him, getting the air knocked out of her. She closed her eyes as she was snarled onto.. she was terriffied, shaking in his paws. Managing to open one eye as the wolf mysteriously talked, to see him reveal himself as humain. She then closed it again and let out a small whimper. "G-get...a-a-away..." She started to squirm in his grasp, her voice breaking down as she started to tear up.
Rose "Sunny" Blackwood
Rose, after wandering for a while, found herself in unknown territory. She looked around for any signs of movement, visably afraid. she could smell the scent of others like her but she saw no-one yet so she proceeded to look around. she kept one hand clasping the strap of a small yellow backpack she held on her back and with her other hand she brushed a stray hair out of her face and adjusted the adorable link hat she had found and kept as her own one day while travleing. the girl absolutly adored the legend of zelda franchise and carried a small DS and of course its charger along with every Legend of zelda game for DS in her backpack along with the basic neccesities (i know i spelled that wrong >_<). once in what seemed to be a backyard she piped up "h-hello? anyone here?" she called out shyly looking around.
Styx Kagore - Warrior - Winslow Pack
Humming, pleased, as she begged him to go away, he shook his head, enjoying her terrified squirming and the tears in her eyes, "No, I don't think so. Come on little one, lets go meet the Alpha. You'll be such a nice gift for her." He purred. He stood up, pulling her up after him, and keeping his grip tight on her wrist. He let her keep hold of her toy, deciding that to get rid of it would scare her even more. Humming to himself, and glancing at her occasionally, he walked straight to the Winslow Pack House.

SadSnake SadSnake
Azrael Marshadow (Omega-Haven)
Azrael stoppped as he heard a howl, somewhat human sounding which told him at least one wolf was in human form. Studying the howl, the wolf sneezed as he detected Astiel’s voice. The wolf moved along through the snow, slipping and tumbling into a snow drift that was higher than he was tall. The wolf struggled out of the snow drift, coughing and shaking out his pelt before pushing onwards. He arrived a bit after that in front of his pack mates. “Suzu and Ash need medical help. Ash’s loner mate apparently snuck into infirmary and bit Suzu. There’s blood and Alpha is on her way home. She sent me to retrieve you lot.” Astiel WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys Conner Cosmo Cosmo Eliza ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion

Eliza nodded in understanding, looking over at Astiel with a slight worried expression. As Azrael turned up, Eliza pushed the loner back up to stabilise herself, allowing his weight to lean on her again. “She bit suze?” Her eyes grew fiery. “I’ll be damned if she will get away with that- that’s my mother, and suze never hurt anybody. That’s not fair,” Eliza felt herself clenching her teeth, hurrying her speed. “I’ll see to suze,”​
Amelia was in a nightmare. She was certain of it now. The gloom forest...the weird wolfman dragging her along...the feeling of dread that loomed over her... it was certainly just a dream. She was forced to walk a few feet behind the predator, trying to free herself from it every few seconds by pulling on his hand. She would just close her eyes, and wake up...she did so, closing her eyes. But no bedroom appeared infront of her when she reopened them. just the same forest and the same wolfman. She held the arm of her toy tightly, wishing the nightmare would be over soon..
Styx Kagore - Warrior - Winslow Pack
Ignoring her tugs against his hand, Styx continued to drag her after him. One of the cuts on his face, from a branch that had hit him in the face whilst chasing, was bleeding a little, but he very much didn't seem to care about it. It would just be another small scar to add to his collection. Pulling her into the Winslow House once he finally reached it, he grinned, pulling her as he called out, "Alpha? I have a gift for youuu!" He singsonged gleefully. He was still unaware of what had happened with Angelica, and may or may not get told off for not being here, but he didn't know about that yet. All he knew was that he'd brought her a present.

Astiel Stormchaser - Warrior - Haven Pack
Astiel stayed quiet once he'd howled, but nodded as Azrael explained what had happened. He knew the other couldn't see it, but it was more of a nod to himself than anything. He understood Elizas anger though, no one harmed Suzu. Astiel had a fond spot for her also, seeing as she was his best friends mother and she'd helped him in more ways than one. He followed her quietly, glancing at Azrael, "Has anything happened with Ash's mate?" He asked, wondering if the loner had been locked away to keep others safe for now.

ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion SadSnake SadSnake scorpiodragon scorpiodragon Veltsu VI Veltsu VI Cosmo Cosmo Raider dog Raider dog
Azrael Marshadow (Omega-Haven)
Azrael turned his head in Eliz’s direction as she spoke, the blind wolf stepping back. “That is the alpha’s decision but we should hurry. The alpha seemed rather upset as it was before hearing of Ash’s loner mate.” He turned and headed towards the pack home, keeping slow to help others keep up. “She is locked up in infirmary with Suzu and Ash. I told Ash if her mate escapes, I will not step in if Ash is in trouble.”

William “Bill” Cohen-Haven (Pup-Haven)
Bill was having fun making a snow angel when the alpha’s son and possible heir to the pack heard the crunch of paws on ground and the scent of a loner in the backyard. The child rolled over and pushed himself up to come to a sitting position. “AMANDA!” The child shouted for the hunter, mama having taught him to yell for a pack member after joining. Amanda Veltsu VI Veltsu VI Rose xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx
Rose "sunny" Blackwood
Rose continued walking around until she saw others (bill) and she froze in her tracks, trembleing, her one hand holding her backpack strap, the other holding the brim of her link hat as she stood there trembleing wondering what they will do to her, the young girl looked terrified as she watched for this girl known as amanda
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Amelia look down at the floor. She was cold. Her legs and body were hurting all other from the scraps. She was covered in snow, shivering quietly. Her tears merging with the melting snow. Her toy was in the same, pityful state as well. And that's how she stood in the home. Any hope absent from her eyes as she was carried to an "alpha"....she just hoped it would be over soon.
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Fern’s Eyes glittered upon the arrival of Matthew, someone else she had grown to adore in her little time within the pack. Tail wagging, she listened as he and Bella conversed, her head turning from watching Bella speak to Matthew before turning to settle back at Bella’s neck, a slow yawn escaping her neck. The woman’s steady heartbeat travelling into her ears was making her sleepy. Sensing a gaze burning through her back, she shook her head in the direction, seeing Matthew proposing a question to her somehow. She knew it was to her given the name he had been giving her. Cocking her left ear, she dragged her eyes in his direction, letting out a low groan as if to show her distaste for the room they were in.

Then, it seemed the friendly woman was talking to her now, and Fern looked upwards towards Bella, tail slowly wagging. When she was tickled again, she felt herself joyously wriggle, letting out a sigh of bliss. This place was considerably nicer than the outside she had been to before. A high pitched whine escaped her throat as Bella stopped tickling her, and her eyes snapped towards the closing door. The man had left, but at least she had the woman still. Burying her head back into her neck, she closed her eyes, ignoring the man that entered once more. What was everyone always moving? It was exhausting for her little eyes to witness.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon Veltsu VI Veltsu VI

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
SadSnake SadSnake

Bella taked box to her free hand, when she heard Styx's yelling. "Take her, i go look what is with Styx." Bella said to Matthew, giving Fern to his arms and heading then down to front door. When she get to downstairs she saw teen girl and Styx. "Now what we have here?"

Amanda / Red

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Mary Goldback
xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx

Amanda looked to way where Bill yelled and saw young girl with backbag. "Hello, who are you?" Amanda asked kindly, trying to smell if there was others nearly, after scenting that girl front of her was werewolf.​
Amelia kept her eyes down as she heard the voice of a women. Feeling herself wincing and stumbling, only staying standing because of the wolfman holding her hand. She just wanted to lay down and cry.. but she was only able to do the latter. "Pl...please..." Her plea was only a breathy whisper. " go..."
Rose "Sunny" Blackwood

Seeing the woman was not violent she spoke in a naturally soft sweet voice "Im rose, who are you, and what is this place?" she asked adjusting the adorable link hat on her head and hoisting up the yellow backpack with a small shy smile, the girl was also wearing a skyward sword shirt (ill include pic of hat, backpack and shirt) she was still quite afraid but she tried not to show it, being alone as long as she has, she knows she has to be strong at times



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Rose "sunny" blackwood

Rose Looked down and nodded, admitting she was quite cold and pulled her link hat over her ears to keep out the cold and she shivered a bit, she didnt have much but a DS with some games, a bottle of water, her link hat, and a small messily made weapon for self defense, other than that she didnt have really anything, the girl brushed her hair behing her ears revealing they where red from the cold, as well as her cheeks and nose and her feet where numb from only having hightops and socks (of course) on her feet "so, what is this place?" rose asked shyly
Amanda / Red

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Mary Goldback
xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx

Amanda leaded Rose to where her girls where playing, as Red has played so excited that snow around her was actually melting. "You are at our home, we are one big family." Amanda told to Red, as she wasn't sure if girl knew what werewolves where or if she has turned already. "Red, this is Rose. She's little cold, could you hug her?" Red gived one big smile and Hugged eagerly Rose after hugging for moment she separeted from girl. "My name is Led and this is my sister Maly"
Styx Kagore - Warrior - Winslow Pack
Pleased that his prize was still begging and crying, he grinned at his Alpha. He pushed the girl forward a little, moving his hand to grip her shoulder instead of her hand, "A present for you, dear Alpha." He returned, humming, "Found her wandering the forest. Gave me a lovely chase, didn't you little one?" He peered at the child, smiling excitedly. He looked from the child to Bella, hoping she'd be pleased with the girl he'd brought her

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI SadSnake SadSnake
Rose "Sunny" Blackwood
now warm she smiled "nice to meet you girls, as you know im rose" she said a tad more comfortable and she removed her link hat and put it on red with a giggle "now your link hehe" she said allowing her to wear the hat for a bit with a grin, this is one of the reasons her nickname was sunny, she was usually bright and happy so people called her sunny since she was bright and her hair was blonde and her eyes where hazle adding to the sunny nickname though she decided not to tell them her nickname just yet.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
SadSnake SadSnake

Bella teared away girl's clothes and smelled them. "Submissive, old enough to not go in pup room." She then taked hold of her head and bited to her shoulder. After licking some of blood she let girl go. "I give you to first time, Styx. Oh and if you go to Cave, Michi is there, getting punishment. Don't touch her."

Amanda / Red

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Mary Goldback
xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx

Amanda walked back to where she was watching over pups. "Do you want play with us, Lose?" Red asked, smiling widely and taking hold of Rose's hand. leading her to snowpile that had moat with water.​
Rose "sunny" Blackwood
she shook her head "im sorry, i cant , i dont have any warm clothes" she admitted with a sad sigh gently tugging away and going to siit on the couch and covor with a blanket taking out her DS and playing legend of zelda, she was unsure if she was considered one of the pack or just passing through but what she did know is that she would make the best of the time she had here so she shyly went to bill who she saw earlier " there something i could eat? i havn't eaten in quite a while" she asked softly, her stomach growling as if proving her point.
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Matthew Hendrix (Beta Male-Winslow)/Angelica Buckeye (Omega-Winslow)
Matthew stared at Bellatrix as she handed Squeaky off to him, the beta then turning and following her with his eyes as she left the room, saying she was going to go see what Styx had brought home, if anything. "What the hell am I supposed to do with this?" questioned Matthew as he held Squeaky away from him like she would explode at a moment's notice. "Get out Faith," he snarled in the other's direction, watching as the woman hurried out of the room and shut the door behind her. Perhaps he should banish the female so she couldn't contact Michi ever again and have a reason to kill her. "Angelica!"

The woman turned as one of the runt submissive pups moved closer to the female, flinching at the beta's tone with her. "Sir?"

"What do I do with this?"

"Hold it...tell it a with it." The woman looked down as Matthew glared at her as if the woman had spoken something abhorrent to him. She looked down at her lap as the pup clambered onto her, Matthew turning back to the pup he'd been given. It made her hope her feeling was right about the pup or pups growing within her weren't Matthew's...he'd probably be a horrible father like all the rest of the men here.

"I'd rather be doing other things," grumbled Matthew, looking back at Squeaky as if this were the pup's fault and then over at Levi who didn't seem to notice his mother had not returned. "Artemis is not returning here to the pup room and Michi is demoted."

"Demoted? Master," she added hurriedly which Matthew ignored.

"She will no longer be your pup assistant. Can't have her forming a bond with her brood like Azarias making that mistake with Levi," said Matthew. "So you will have your room back and Artemis and Michi will remain on-in-slave room on first floor."

Angelica stared at Matthew, grabbing the toddler's hands and shushing it as it began to wail. "Is that allowed master?"

"Yes as I'm the one who gave her to you as i thought it would help. Therefore I can demote her and this room was intended to be for you alone. Get me a book." He could read to Squeaky...maybe it would go to sleep and he could punish his slave.

The woman nodded and moved the toddler off her before getting to her feet and flipping through the books until she pulled out Giraffes Can't Dance, a board book that was appropriate for little hands...and hopefully the pup wouldn't chew on it since it didn't seem to have a human form and she knew the other puppies didn't have wolf forms. "What is this?" he questioned as Angelica walked over to him. Unlike Bellatrix, the man recognized her humanity and didn't make her crawl everywhere. Then again, he also recognized she wouldn't be able to move if she didn't walk and they had to move again.

"Some book. Never read it but don't have to worry about the pup messing with it...unless it chews on it..."

"So treat the pup like its a dog."

Surprised, the woman nodded. "Basically master. At least around the books." Matthew stared at her before walking over and dropping Fern on the mattress before sitting down.

"Shut those damn kids up or you won't be having any pups..." Matthew warned. "Squeaky that's mine and your...mother's. You don't touch what is mine," he said to Squeaky. "Same goes with my boy girl in my room next door." Ignoring the sudden choked laugh of the woman as she struggled with herself to not react to that statement he listened as Angelica did her best to get the pups quiet and then opened the book, pulling Squeaky by her neck towards his lap where he set her and threatened to cut her teeth out if she bit him before beginning to read...hardly believing he was doing this. Fern "Squeaky" ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion

William "Bill" Cohen-Haven (Pup-Haven)/Gabriel Haven (Alpha Female-Haven)
Bill watched as the pup stared at him and then looked to Amanda as she came forward and began speaking to the child, trying to figure out where it came from and why it was trespassing in the territory. He watched as Red and Mary went over to the child and then Amanda leading the pup over to Red and Mary who were playing in deeper snow drift as the child got to his feet and brushed the snow off. He was not expecting the girl to approach him and asked if there was something to eat. "You aren't pack," said Bill. "Mama no feed strangers." The fact that his mother had prepared food for the injured loner that had come into their territory was unknown to the child. This was soon solved though when his mother came walking through the hallway into the living room, following the sound of voices, having come in through the mudroom where she'd left her winter coat and boots.

Gabriel was highly pissed off. Both with the fact that a loner had come into the territory, Sierra and Derek had left the pack, and now with Ash's loner mate having attacked one of her pack members and an elder at that. On top of this, it didn't seem that Azrael had found Eliza, Conner or Astiel yet either as they weren't home. She was not expecting to see another loner, and this one a pup, standing at her front door "William come here!"

The child turned and ran towards his mother, his steps slowing as he saw the angry look on his mother's face. "Hi mama!"

Gabriel gave her son a smile and ruffled his hair before putting her arm around him. "Who are you and what are you doing in my territory?" she questioned the pup. Rose xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx
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