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low fidelity

𝗆𝗈𝗏𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘶𝘴
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[div class=charactername]HEARTLESS.[/div]
[div class=covercontainer][div class=coverpost]

The rumble of a motorcycle engine rumbles against the back alley’s brick walls. In the early morning light, the streets of Heartbeat City are dim, cast in a gentle blue light before the sun finally rises. Many say that instead of the city never sleeping, its heart keeps beating. The stacks of steam and smoke, keeping people’s homes warm, contributed to that effect. Autumn was slowly settling in with a bitter cold felt down to the bone. Tires squeal to a stop, and a rather tall young woman steps off to examine the various posters papering a wooden utility pole. From a missing persons flyer smiles the face of a young man, gone for five days by now, and Yin stares back. After a beat, she slips out a small black notebook from her pouch, and writes down his name onto a list.

Ten people missing within the last two months.

Yin frowns, eyebrows furrowed in visible distress; in her mind's eye she sees each face, each of them another life that she couldn’t protect. There is hope yet, but for now, the young hero mounts her motorcycle once more and continues on her patrol.

"Heartbeat City has been a beacon of hope for years, providing our world the best of the best! The world may be a dark place, but our bright lights continue to shine!"

Later in the day, the shining sun shook off most of the early morning chill, beaming down without so much as a cloud in sight. They were in the heart of Heartbeat City, amidst its civic center, with City Hall and the surrounding plaza decked out in a garish display of reds and blues. Citizens flooded the area, packed in behind the metal barriers, and cameras of news channels pointed at them from every angle. Towering above the crowds was a large stage, complete with more brightly American curtains, a few of the city and state's congressmen sitting in seats, and the mayor himself situated at the podium.

Jonas Von Closen was, simply put, an average man. Tall, but not too tall. Not too old, but not too young either. A regular, friendly face, with a neatly styled comb-over and a crisp navy blue suit. He was a people's man; handsome, agreeable, with an authoritative air that said "Yes, I'm the man in charge, but you don't have to worry about that too much."

Maybe that was why Yin disliked the man, deep in her gut. For now, however, the young woman kept her cool. The mayor's speech was met with much anticipation, and she could see the curiosity on the faces in the crowd. Rumors were flying around left and right these days, and Yin found it dizzying to keep up with. Talk of police corruption, of prejudiced laws in place, workplace discrimination; these were things she knew were true, but would likely be ignored. Many saw Heartbeat City as a futuristic city of their dreams, a marvel of incredible superheroes, amazing technological advancements, an enormous playground where the city never sleeps. Day to day life, however, was far more mundane. The glamour of it soon fell flat once you looked a little closer. And look closer, Yin did. Her patrols and assignments were meant to kept the elite safe, the knight for their ivory towers. She had been naive, keeping old money and grey faced politicians protected. A golden cage is still just a cage. Nowadays, of course, she still did her job, but Yin took the time to patrol through the neighborhoods of the less cared for. Were her efforts making a difference? She would like to think so. But, when it came to events like this, Yin could feel the bitterness like bile at the bottom of her throat.

The mayor seemed to be a nice man, and that was what made him dangerous.

"Citizens of Heartbeat City, I want you to know that I am a man committed to change. That's what nature is, isn't it? Always changing, always evolving. We know very well from experience just how disastrous sudden changes can be, though. Our city is not perfect, nor is any other city in the world. But, we are looking at these problems one at a time. Our policemen, congressmen, firefighters, politicians, anybody who can lend a helping hand is involved in continuing to improve what we already have."
His voice rang clear above the crowd, whose chatter soon hushed. Whether it be on the numerous virtual billboards around the city itself, or on the televisions, phones, and computers in the homes of citizens watching, wherever you would turn, the mayor's speech could be heard. His message was broadcast loud and clear. When the mayor spoke, he made sure that the people listened.
"I want you to know that I am listening. Your concerns, your questions, your comments, I hear them, and I care about what you all think. There have been rumors of corruption within our police force, and I do not take these kinds of allegations lightly. After conducting an internal investigation, which I was personally involved in, we have concluded there are no more such problems within the force."

At this, the noise from the crowds rose sharply - reporters raised their microphones, the news cameras continued to record his every word. "Have the accused police officers been fired?!" "What were your conclusions? What did you find out was happening?!" "How can the police force and the local government investigate itself?!"

"Please, do not worry any longer! These problems are being fixed, and Heartbeat City will continue to be protected by both our committed local law enforcement and our courageous heroes-"

A dull crash could be heard as a few metal barriers dropped, and a young reporter rushed up to the edge of the stage, a microphone in hand. Her voice, while smaller, could be heard over the mayor's microphone.

"Mayor Von Closen! What about the reports of numerous missing persons within the last few months? Are you going to reassure the public that this is being looked into?!"

Security moved in to pull her away by the time the chaos calmed down a few decibels, and Mayor Von Closen cleared his throat loudly.

"I have heard such talk about many missing persons within the last few weeks. So far, there have been no such official reports made yet, and so we cannot conduct a formal investigation. That is all I can say on the matter. However, this ties into a point I have been wanting to make. Not only is this to keep Heartbeat City updated on local happenings, but I wanted to take the time to commend the dedicated work our heroes have been doing. If you would please, Achilles."

Yin blinked at him, but said nothing as she stepped forward, closer to the podium. Whatever this was, she hadn't known about it.

"Your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed, miss Xiao Huo, or better known as the city's number one hero, Achilles." Von Closen smiled, and Yin briefly indulged in the idea of punching his lights out. He raised a hand, and pinned a bright red ribbon to the front of her hero outfit. She suppressed a grimace. "To thank you, we would be honored to appoint you as the city's official hero of the public in this time of uncertainty. Please, if you could, perhaps a small speech?"

She was surprised to see the crowd's earlier mood was gone, and instead smiling faces in awe looked up at her on the stage. Yin knew she was the most popular hero, but likable? She wasn't too sure about that. A beat passed, and the woman stood at the podium, reflected onto screens around the city.

"Well, Heartbeat City knows how to keep me on my toes, because I had not been expecting this." Yin paused as the crowd laughed, and continued. "Thank you for this great privilege. I hope I can continue to make you all proud, and keep our city safe." Her voice was low and gruff, with a slight rumble not unlike a tiger's purr, but she cracked a smile to finish it off and the lights of photographers flashed to capture the moment.

Whoever around the city had seen this moment now knew, just as well as Yin did, that a bright red target had been painted on her back.

[div class=coverphoto][/div][/div][div class=charactername][/div][/div]
hover over the pic.
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[div class=container][div class=header][div class=hbox][div class=namebox][div class=gif][/div][div class=name]luther
[div class=extra]guitar god[/div][/div][/div][div class=icon][/div][div class=info]mood: pissed
outfit: crocs and undies
location: home, daffodil hotel
with: x
tags: @

[/div][div class=body][div class=scroll][div class=dialogue]"Sorry fella, you can't stay here."[/div]

Rusty frowned at his dame of the night as she spoke. The woman was a bit on the husky side, but gave a good lay, and he was about to cozy up in her circular bed when she suddenly began ushering him out without his pants on.

[div class=dialogue]"Whaddaya mean, I can't stay? It's three AM and I'm fuckin' naked!"[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"I'm married, dipshit."[/div] She tossed his clothes at him in a pile. Rusty crinkled his brow and wiped his nose. The missus, whose name allegedly was Toffee, blew cigarette smoke into his face. [div class=dialogue]"You're an alright fuck, but you're broke, so I'll stick with my man for now."[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"You didn't tell me you were married!"[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"Out."[/div] Toffee pointed at the door to her bedroom. Rusty groaned, attempting to retort once more, but she pushed him out of her bedroom with his ass out. Thank the heavens her man wasn't home, though how soon he may arrive was a mystery. Rusty quickly squirmed into his all-too-tight pants and far-more-breathable sleeveless t-shirt before running out the door, deciding to put his boots on in the elevator.

Despite the troubles, it felt good to get laid again, though Toffee was significantly older than him. Most people who were actually twenty-eight had already settled down with whatever they were given, but chicks in their mid-forties? Restless. In search of something new. Often divorced. And Rusty looked like excitement.

At least, that's what he liked to think.

In reality, Rusty looked desperate. Predatory types, like Toffee, enjoyed the way he twitched, the way he oozed weakness and loneliness and desire. He'd be a fun one-time thing, and then you get the sadistic joy of watching him walk out of your life, dejected, like an orphan. Now he was tipsy, and had to skulk home in the depth of night. In an odd way, he hoped a mugger would come along and re-align his jaw.


[div class=dialogue]"Fuuuuck youuu!"[/div] Rusty shouted at his TV. An old, thrifted piece, one of those flat-screens from the 2010s. People with enough money could have TVs the size of their wall, but Rusty was not the sort. He sat in his lime-green crocs and boxer shorts, inhaling a beer to, ironically, stave off last night's hangover.

He was watching the mayor's speech. The mayor. What a bullshitter. At this point, he'd rather see the Hellhounds Gang run this shitshow of a city. There was something so filthy and corporate about him that made the Billy Idol "Rebel Yell" in Rusty's blood come to a boil. His clean-pressed suit and well-kept hair. If there was anything Rusty Martinelli disliked, it was these piss-dribbling morons who thought they were God's gift to man because daddy owned a trust fund. His beer bottle emptied, he threw it hard at the wall, narrowly missing his TV set.

[div class=dialogue]"Suck my cock, Mayor Von Poser!"[/div] He cracked himself up with that one. [div class=dialogue]"Go to Hell and take your dog Achilles with you!"[/div] Rusty only wished he could be there and really just wring the mayor's neck. After all, there could, in theory, be four of him. Mayor Chickenshit might be able to fight off one Rusty Martinelli, but four was a much taller order. [div class=dialogue]"Go broke and die!"[/div] In his madness, Rusty accidentally slipped on the bathroom towel he was using as a living room carpet, promptly landing on his face with a loud THUNK.

Hopefully Toffee wasn't this guy's wife. Rusty grimaced at the idea of sharing dick space with Jonas.

He must've been making a lot of noise. His next-door neighbor, that BITCH Henrietta, was banging on his wall and telling him to keep it down. The woman was so old, Rusty was amazed she could even hear him anymore. It didn't help that their political and social ideas were vast opposites. Henrietta seemed like the kind of old crone who still called gay people "queers" casually. Henrietta acted like she wasn't sure why black kids and white kids were attending school together. Henrietta came off like she still thought death metal was a war on Christianity.

He almost felt bad for that Achilles chick. She was probably mentally unstable, or poor, or both, and good ol' Mayor Trashfire was stringing her along to do his bidding. But, at the same time, she was more than likely just as much part of the problem as she was a victim of it.

Rusty quietly wondered when the world might end.

♡coded by uxie♡


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[class=variables] --color: red; cursor: url('http://i.imgur.com/ZOrzC.png'), auto !important [/class] [class=container] width: 530px; height: 300px; display: flex; margin: auto; flex-wrap: wrap; [/class] [class name=container maxWidth=450px] width: 300px; height: 100%; align-items: center; justify-content: center; [/class] [class=left] height: 300px; width: 220px; padding: 15px; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 13px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=name] font-weight: 900; text-align: center; border-bottom: 4px solid var(--color); width: 120px; display: block; margin: 10% auto; font-size: 18px; position: relative; [/class] [class=imgContainer] width: 100%; height: 90px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin: 10px auto; [/class] [class=img] width: 90px; height: 90px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 50%; filter: saturate(70%); [/class] [class=tag] display: inline-block; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color); height: 15px; font-size: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; [/class] [class=right] width: 280px; height: 300px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; overflow: hidden; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding: 10px; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=leftTagContainer] width: 100%; height: 100px; [/class] [class=scroll] width: 100%; padding-right: 50px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; [/class] [div class=variables] [div class=container] [div class=left] [div class=imgContainer] [div class=img style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f8/e1/e9/f8e1e91a017b6ca9a4892b310e8db807.jpg')"][/div] [div class=img style="background-image: url('https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/197531209847406592/664653060227727399/image0.jpg')"][/div] [/div] [div class=name]DINA ABARA.[/div] [div class=leftTagContainer] [div class=scroll] [div class=tag]location[/div] heartbeat city
[div class=tag]interacts[/div] n/a.
[div class=tag]mentions[/div] achilles.
[div class=tag]tags[/div] low fidelity low fidelity
[div class=tag]outfit[/div] here. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=right] [div class=scroll] Standing amongst the crowd of citizens stood a figure clad all in black. Their face blank, almost bored as they listened to the mayor give his speech. Mentally she rolled her eyes. Like many she didn’t believe the mayor’s words for a second. Though she would admit that she was impressed with the way he managed to answer questions without really doing so. Dina knew that he could probably care less about the fact that superpowered individuals were disappearing at such an alarming rate. It was no secret about how the public felt about them. And with corruption deep within the justice and political system, crimes against them were swept under the run. Honestly Dina couldn’t find it within herself to care either way. It made her job all the more easier. Even though she made sure to never leave any evidence behind during her assignments, it was a bonus that no one bothered to try and look into just what had happened to her victims.

A small smile managed to appear on her face as a familiar figure stepped up to address the crowd. To others it may seem that she was smiling because of admiration, but that was definitely not the case. Her smile was that of a predator, something intense and dark. Dina focused her attention on the local hero of Heartbeat City, Achilles. While they had never met Dina had done her research on her. It was easy when she was such a public figure. With her new official position as the city’s hero, Dina knew that they would cross paths eventually. For a moment she thought about just how much she’d be paid to take down a hero such as Achilles and found that while the money was worth it, she would enjoy the thrill of the fight just as much. She wondered if the hero knew that she would be hunted. But even if she didn’t realize, the target was already placed on her back and Dina’s aim never wavered.

Dina clapped politely when she finished giving her speech before turning on her heel and walking off. One look at her watch let her know that it was time to prepare for her next mission. Dina disappeared into some empty alley. Placing a hand on her neck, the young woman tugged down the collar of her shirt. After pressing a small, barely there button at the base of her neck. The skin of her face shimmered for a few moments before changing completely. Black slitted eyes opened and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth split into a feral grin. Things were going to be getting a lot more interesting. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
coded by shady.
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It's all a facade.

The twenty-two year old leaned over his fire escape, his thoughts wandering. He usually found himself awake early like this after a sleepless night. Being out in the air and taking a breather while overlooking the city helped to clear his thoughts. The sunrise over the city was probably the most relaxing thing about living in Heartbeat, but once people's days commenced, the chaos came with it. It was when his hero work started that his thoughts were especially chaotic with all that had been going on in the city as of late. Lucas furrowed his brow , then flicked the joint between his fingers absentmindedly, the ashes making a graceful free fall to the street below. His hand casually rose the joint to his mouth, his lips meeting the tip and then a brief inhale followed. His hand descended and the man blew the smoke into the air, watching it sort itself out through the mist. Lucas let out a sigh, the calming light that hung over the city this morning was just a facade for the world. No matter how long the facade persisted, the crime and corruption that existed in the city wouldn't just disappear. There had to be change. The man looked down at his joint that was basically finished by that point, causing him to suck his teeth and ash it out, flicking it down into the darkness below.

Hours had passed and Lucas found himself in the heart of the city, a sizable crowd already forming there. He kept his hands stuffed in his pockets and his eye toward the city hall where the mayor would be speaking to citizens soon. The man seemed nice enough, but like many politicians probably put on a mask to appease the people and keep himself in his comfy seat of power. Constantly promising change without ever really bringing any. Lucas approached the crowd, taking his place with the people and watched in anticipation as the mayor came to the podium. Once the man began to speak he began spewing out words with practically no meaning. Speaking as if he's answering questions when he was in fact posing new ones for the people to wonder. Lucas shook his head, not really surprised with the lack of clarity in the mayor's words. Lucas' interest was peaked however, when a reporter threw a question concerning the people that had been turning up missing lately. It was an issue that had been on his mind constantly lately since it seemed no one was willing to inquire about it.

"Yes half-mayor, half-amazing, what do you have to say about your own people turning up missing..?" he thought to himself.

Unfortunately the mayor just deflected, giving a half-assed response to what he felt was one of the more pressing issues. Following that however, the mayor brought up a hero, Achilles of all people. He squinted his eyes slightly, watching the woman approach the podium and give a couple words. She seemed genuine enough, as did some other heroes, but Lucas himself couldn't stand having his every move watched by the public. At least with helping citizens on his own terms he could avoid all of the politics of being a hero in the limelight. Lucas clapped as the crowd did, wishing to be respectful for the words of Achilles at least. An idea then came to the man, prompting him to navigate his way through the dispersing crowd. The mayor refused to speak on the issue of those disappearing, but perhaps the number one hero could enlighten him. Lucas made his way to the front of the crowd, hoping to approach Achilles and have a word with her.
[/div] [div class="header"] Lucas Wise [/div] [div class="tags"] Location:
Heartbeat City
Mentions: Achilles
Tags: low fidelity low fidelity
[/div] [/div]
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[class=image] position: relative; background: url(https://i.ibb.co/8g8FvMw/jood2.png); background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 50%; height: 200px; box-sizing: border-box; transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class=name] font-size: 15px; font-family: Times New Roman; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; margin-top: 5px; color: #a71e1e; transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class=caption] font-family: Oswald; font-size: 14px; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; opacity: 0; color: #fff; text-align: center; transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class name=image state=hover] transition: 0.5s; filter: grayscale(100%); [/class] [class name=caption state=hover] opacity: 1; transition: 0.5s; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); [/class]
[div class=image][div class=caption]
don't give a damn
'bout my bad reputation !
[div class=name]jude cienfuegos
mood :: annoyed as hell
location :: daffodil hotel
interacts :: daniel, & rusty
tags :: jones573 jones573 Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy
"I swear, he's such a little two-faced weasel. Like, I'm not surprised, but don't you wish for once that someone in charge would try to do some good!? Te lo juro, es una desgracia."

Sat back on the couch was Jude, spending another of her evenings at the Daffodil Hotel with Daniel. She basically lived there by now, and Jude was getting closer and closer to actually considering it a home. There were times where she wouldn't show up for a couple of days, and yet, she'd find herself crashing for the night once again. Plus, it was nice being needed as the cold weather settled in. It was a bit humiliating, but she could warm up the janky old heater to a cozy working temperature each night, which helped with the cost of staying there.
Now, the two sat watching the TV screen before them, and she couldn't hide the disgust on her face as the mayor spoke. Every question dodged with some bullshit excuse, all smiles and charm, but nothing to back it up. Just another politician looking to make their lives worse. It was moments like these that made her feel more justified in her vigilantism. If men like this were meant to be role models and leaders, then all hope was lost. Jude wasn't exactly a shining beacon of hope and good herself, but at least she was trying to do make change, and help the people who had no way of fighting for themselves.

Her angry comments were soon interrupted when a rather ancient old woman hobbled into the common area they sat in, with her own angry comments instead. "That little fuckin' delinquent next door is causing a damn racket, can someone please tell him to quiet down?" Henrietta barked, and turned around to hobble away without waiting for a response.

"Jesus, it's that guy again. Le dire que se calle, no te preocupes." She reassured Daniel before he could get up, and followed the old woman back up to her floor to see what the problem was. Technically, she didn't work for the hotel, but Jude figured she might as well make herself useful. Plus, she was probably better suited to handle the rowdier tenants anyways. Jude could still hear some ruckus from Rusty's room as she marched down the hall. Henrietta had already returned to her room, slamming the door loudly. The ginger waited a moment before giving his door a good couple of heavy bangs.
"Hey! You're not the only one here, so fuckin' keep it down!"
coded by luna.
"I think I met him once, at some fundraising thing," Daniel told Jude about the mayor, leaning on the couch in the common area. "He seemed.... Fine. I'm sure he's just doing what he thinks is best," he tried to defend the man.

But then the mayor announced that their police force was somehow free of corruption after having investigated itself, and Daniel scoffed.

"Okay, yeah, that's bull- oney," he agreed, correcting himself. It was easy to get in the habit of swearing when Noah wasn't around, and he was trying to avoid it.

"Gracias," Daniel said to Jude when she got up. Honestly, she probably didn't even need to go- Henrietta only wanted to complain, and rarely cared about the results- but she'd already left. Secretly, he was pleased that she'd taken the initiative. She kept insisting she was interested in staying much longer at the Daffodil, but...

He frowned when the reporter asked about the missing people, thinking about some of his residents who he hadn't heard from as recently as he might have liked. He usually tried to not be overbearing, but maybe he should have it looked into. He'd ask Jude her thoughts once she got back.

Interacting w/ low fidelity low fidelity
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location : rooftop near speech
mood : frustrated, surprised​
[/div] vdsfsdasdfsddsfasdfadsfasdnhffasdfasdfdasdfaaaaav


The flickering light of the candle was the only thing Nori could see in the room. It danced around, twirling like a ballerina, eating up a little more darkness with each pirouette. It was so dark. Her whole world was the little fiery dancer and the wafts of jasmine and lavender hitting her nose, everything else lost in the rampant sea of darkness. This was her haven, her little chamber, the only place she could focus.

...And the only place in her small apartment that didn't have windows. She dropped down onto the cold shower floor, crossing her legs under her as she sat and leaned her head onto the small pillow she'd shoved in the corner. Taking a deep breath, Nori closed her eyes and focused on the floating notes of jasmine still mixing in the air. Muffled voices filtered in through the door, the live broadcast of Mayor Closer's speech playing in the next room over. It wasn't distracting enough so that she couldn't focus, but it gave her something to use as a reference. She mumbled out a groan thinking of the 30 minutes and countless trips back and forth it had took her to get the sound right.

Clearing her mind with a last shaky breath, she took one last second to remember that she had learned.

"I am a... of change."

"Disastrous... not perfect..."

"Lend a helping hand."

And pain. No voices, no comforting jasmine, no pillow behind her head. A deep, rumbling pain, pushing her up and pulling her down, smothering her whole body and strangling the air out of her lungs. She waited, her chest fighting to keep breathing steadily as her eyes flicked around beneath her eyelids, seeing only black. And then there it was -- an itch, creeping up her arms, making her want to crawl out of her skin. The speech. I want to be near the speech. On top of one of those buildings nearby. Speech, speech, speech...

In her mind's eye she could see the candle snuff out, and then just sun. Blinding, unforgiving sun, washing over everything, stinging her eyes as she took a cautious step forward. Nori wiped her eyes, squeezing them shut to rid her vision of the sun's glare, and when she opened them... she saw empty space. Nothingness, and then concrete, and then people. Half an inch of ledge and a 14 story drop. She staggered back, clutching a hand over her mouth to stop the dizziness pounding her head from making her hurl up her breakfast. Slowly, she lowered herself down onto the concrete top of the building, focusing on the warmth radiating off of it as she gained her bearings. After a moment, she inched closer, the mayor's voice still loud and clear, being projected over the electronic billboards that seemed to find a perch on nearly every building.

"There have been rumors of corruption within our police force, and I do not take these kinds of allegations lightly. After conducting an internal investigation, which I was personally involved in, we have concluded there are no more such problems within the force."

"Are you kidding?" Nori laughed out, unconsciously grasping at her throat. "I don't even get how you can investigate yourself. Absolute asshole." She whispered, wringing her hands in her lap. She couldn't help but notice the strapping young woman next to him -- more importantly, she couldn't help but recognize her. In fact, just seeing Achilles in person brought a bit of a flush to her cheeks. The woman was maybe the one person in Heartbeat City that she could muster up a shred of respect for, but she looked like a lapdog, standing next to Van Closer like that. Nori watched the parade of lies and bullshit with a grimace twisted onto her face, but it quickly turned into disgust and shock when Closer slapped a tacky, gaudy excuse of a thanks to her chest. "Disgusting!" She growled, her eyebrows knitting together as she squinted at the scene. The longer she looked at the ribbon and Closer's chimpanzee face, the more angered she got. She jumped up, turning to pace, and nearly staggered off the back of the building. On the roof with her was another woman, one who was peering down at her from icy eyes.

"The fuck you looking at?"

[/div] [div class=sub][/div]
[div class=container]
font call outhellohello
[div class=img1] [div class=mentions][div class=scroll] [div class=tag]mood[/div] decent
[div class=tag]location[/div] outside apartment
[div class=tag]outfit[/div] same as sidebar
[div class=tag]mentions[/div] mentions Yin
[div class=tag]tags[/div] @
[/div][/div] [/div] [div class=namecon] [div class=instruct]click
[/div] [div class=role]good kid[/div] [div class=name]chuck.[/div] [div class=nameo]chuck.[/div] [/div] [div class=body][div class=scroll][div class=dialogue]"Yeah, I'm watching right now."[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"Look at that asshole!"[/div] Preia said, over the phone. Chuck snorted a bit, sprawled out on his couch with the TV on. His smartphone was clenched between his cheek and shoulder, his dog sitting on the floor and snoring loudly. Bulldogs, huh.

[div class=dialogue]"He doesn't seem that bad."[/div] He says, turning the volume up just a bit on his TV set. [div class=dialogue]"I mean, he's talking about making change, that's good."[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"Chuck, I love you."[/div] Preia started. She was a classmate of his, and they'd gotten close over the years. They weren't dating, probably never would be, and Chuck was okay with that. He wasn't really sure if he'd start dating at all, at least until after med school. The work had him swamped, and squeezing in emotional obligations would make everything even more difficult. [div class=dialogue]"But you're so DUMB. Look at this guy, he's so full of shit it's coming out his ears."[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"I mean,"[/div] Chuck paused a moment, [div class=dialogue]"the whole thing about the cops being 'there to help' seems like kind of a lie. But like, what's he supposed to do, trash the entire police force? He's the mayor, people will throw a fit."[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"If I was mayor, I'd just wipe the slate of the police force, dude."[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"See like, you say that, but I dunno how easy that'd be, I don't even know if the mayor CAN do that..."[/div] Chuck put the phone on speaker and set it on a table, not a big fan of how it caused sweat to collect on his cheek. [div class=dialogue]"Man, Achilles looks rad, though."[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"She does. Honestly she should just dump the mayor already, it's clear she doesn't wanna be there."[/div] Chuck laughed a bit at Preia's comment, as Achilles never really looked like she wanted to be anywhere. [div class=dialogue]"She's so hot, dude."[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"You say that about every girl superhero. Last time you came over, Navy Seal was on the tube and you yelled for like, two hours about her thighs."[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"Listen, I'm a vegan, but that's a cut of pork I'd eat."[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"Gross!"[/div] Chuck laughed, still half paying attention to the mayor's speech. [div class=dialogue]"I get they haven't submitted any reports about it, but like, if people are disappearing you can totally investigate it, right?"[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"I think so. The guy just doesn't give a shit."[/div] Preia stated matter-of-factly. [div class=dialogue]"I bet they're all dead or something, this is fucked."[/div]

[div class=dialogue]"Come on, that's ridiculous. There's a better chance they're all smoking weed in Acapulco right now."[/div] Chuck sighed, and the two classmates chattered over the speech until it ended. Preia hung up with a joke about ass eating that made Chuck wrinkle his nose. He knew enough about India to say that they had an averagely sexual culture, but if Preia was the only thing he had to go by, he'd assume it was a country of only horny people. Horny, angry people.

Yawning and stretching, Chuck gave Beavis (the dog) a kiss on his forehead. Beavis answered with a grunt. Chuck wanted a coffee, and also had some grocery shopping to do. Quickly he threw on a sweater and some other things, and stepped out of his apartment.
⠀♡coded by uxie♡

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[div class=bumblebee]
[div class=mood][div class="moodhover hidden"]
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♗ location. City Hall[/div][/div]
[div class=outfit][div class="outfithover hidden"]
♗ outfit. hiraeth[/div][/div]
[div class=top][/div]
[div class=interactions][div class="interactionshover hidden"]
[div class=pic][div class="pichover hidden"]

tags |
low fidelity low fidelity
erzulie erzulie
[div class=textcontainer][div class=text]"The crowd seems to be quite a peaceful bunch today, don't you think?"
The ironic remark made the young female brunette next to Gabriel glance back at him, a bit startled by the young man's sudden appearance by her side. He was a strikingly tall blonde, with refined features and a warm, humorous twinkle in his blue gaze. She squinted slightly, noticing a bit of bruising gracing his cheekbone, tinting his otherwise clear skin, but she brushed it off as quickly as she had seen it. Hearing his accent, the young woman guessed that he was a foreigner. She instinctively clutched her holoclip pad and adjusted her too-short business skirt as she faced him to speak.
"Wha--oh, yes, yes - of course," she answered back catching his drift, stammering slightly, giving out what seemed to her to be an awkward laugh. "Yes, aha, very orderly." She went back to looking on at the clamoring crowd from the sidelines, trying to focus on the mayor and his speech. She clutched her holoclip pad even tighter, kicking herself mentally for her social awkwardness. Mister Von Closen had told her she needed to work on that if she wanted to keep this job.
The two of them continued on watching along the sidelines the mayor for a few minutes as his ramblings of change echoed off the great walls of City Hall. The young brunette bit her lip, her expression displaying silent mounting frustration. Despite his eloquence, the mayor could not remedy the level of bullshit the speech contained - which wasn't surprising, since the piece was written by him at his request, despite her insisting endlessly to leave it to professionals. And naturally, the finished product was less than spectacular; the young woman wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow's headlines would detail nothing but how the polls on the mayor's already flighty popularity crashed to nearly zero overnight. Of course, the young brunette wisely kept these thoughts to herself, feeling that she would rather die than dare to voice these opinions to anyone, especially the mayor, who only liked to hear good things.
"Is that a holoclip pad K7?"
The young woman blinked again at the seemingly random question, surprised at being interrupted and at his spot-on guess. "Uhm...yes," she answered hesitantly, hoping he wouldn't ask the next obvious question of where she could've gotten such a prestigious version of an elite device that was months away from being released into the market. Out of nervous habit, she pulled at her too-short business skirt once again.
"Perks of the position, then?" the young man inquired on nonchalantly, pulling a lighter and a cigarette from his black overcoat pocket and lit the latter. "Not a surprise; Van Closen is known to be quite a generous bloke - at least to those who benefit him."
This time, it was harder to pretend the astonishment away. She wasn't a very confrontational individual by nature, but this time, she had had it. She turned to face the young man, demanding to ask who he dare he thought he was and what kind of business he dared to think he---

---and was immediately met with a badge containing a small license card right in the face. "Gabriel Luther Mikhailov," interrupted the young man charmingly, a smile on his face. "Private investigator by profession, and currently working with Heartbeat City's police force on the latest reports of missing people. Seeing as you're quite close with the right people, I've thought it appropriate to approach you and see if you had any additional information to share?"
"Oh," was all the young brunette's responded with, the information seemingly taking it's sweet time to sink in. The young detective gave her another winning smile and placed a small business card in the palm of her hand. "Just give us a bell if you hear anything regarding the cases," he told her reassuringly. "I'm sure Von Closen would be chuffed to have that whole business resolved as quick as it can, yeah?" With that, Gabriel turned and went on about his way, taking care to not get sucked into the tumultuous void that was the crowd of unruly journalists and photographers.
He was about to leave before a surprising turn in the mayor's speech caught his attention, and before he knew it, the popular superhero Achilles, or Yin, as he personally knew her, had graced the stage.
Instantly, the uproarious mood that had permeated the atmosphere earlier was gone, replaced by a sort of silent awe, with the exception of a few stray photographs going off. Yin clearly wasn't expecting it. Gabriel cracked a smile at her quip about her obvious surprise. Unlike the mayor's gallivanting stream of verbal expression, her words were naturally few, but Gabriel knew she had meant them. No matter their differences and divergent opinions that were often the causes of occasional disagreements, Gabriel believed in Yin. She hated the spotlight and the popularity that often came with her superhero career, but in Gabriel's eyes that was precisely what made her the perfect superhero ideal; her humility and kindness only adding to the greatness.
But Gabriel was no fool; even he could see that having Yin, or more accurately, Achilles stand right next to the mayor with a shiny red ribbon pinned on her hero's costume like a loyal lap dog receiving her gold star, could send the wrong message to many. Now, whether or not it was a deliberate, calculated move done by the mayor was debatable, but Gabriel knew it was far from a long-shot. The mayor, characteristic of any veteran politician, was masterful at keeping up appearances. It only took a matter of time before Gabriel amassed enough reliable evidence to take the bastard to court for all the corruption he had managed to let seep into Heartbeat City. But that was a whole other matter already.

The event drawing to it's close, Gabriel was gearing up to leave when suddenly, he was rudely pushed back by a firm force. He nearly doubled down from the pain, his jaw clenching to keep himself silent. Gabriel steadied himself, clutching his side, glaring wildly around to catch the culprit. He caught the sight of a slim figure clad in all black walking away in an unwavering manner from the crowd, out of the Hall and outside, heading for a nearby alleyway.
Almost instantly, Gabriel felt that familiar gut feeling, his instinct telling him that something was afoot. And as usual, Gabriel couldn't help himself but follow his instinct to it's end. Last night's bruises will hold out, he thought in an effort to reassure himself, starting his way towards the outside, towards the figure, towards danger itself, no doubt.

[div class=titlebox][/div]
[div class=title]gabriel l. mikhailov[/div]
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[div class=credit]code::yousmelldead[/div]
[class=variables] --color: red; cursor: url('http://i.imgur.com/ZOrzC.png'), auto !important [/class] [class=container] width: 530px; height: 300px; display: flex; margin: auto; flex-wrap: wrap; [/class] [class name=container maxWidth=450px] width: 300px; height: 100%; align-items: center; justify-content: center; [/class] [class=left] height: 300px; width: 220px; padding: 15px; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 13px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=name] font-weight: 900; text-align: center; border-bottom: 4px solid var(--color); width: 120px; display: block; margin: 10% auto; font-size: 18px; position: relative; [/class] [class=imgContainer] width: 100%; height: 90px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin: 10px auto; [/class] [class=img] width: 90px; height: 90px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 50%; filter: saturate(70%); [/class] [class=tag] display: inline-block; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color); height: 15px; font-size: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; [/class] [class=right] width: 280px; height: 300px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; overflow: hidden; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding: 10px; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=leftTagContainer] width: 100%; height: 100px; [/class] [class=scroll] width: 100%; padding-right: 50px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; [/class] [div class=variables] [div class=container] [div class=left] [div class=imgContainer] [div class=img style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f8/e1/e9/f8e1e91a017b6ca9a4892b310e8db807.jpg')"][/div] [div class=img style="background-image: url('https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/197531209847406592/664653060227727399/image0.jpg')"][/div] [/div] [div class=name]DINA ABARA.[/div] [div class=leftTagContainer] [div class=scroll] [div class=tag]location[/div] heartbeat city
[div class=tag]interacts[/div] gabriel.
[div class=tag]mentions[/div]
[div class=tag]tags[/div] low fidelity low fidelity
[div class=tag]outfit[/div] here. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=right] [div class=scroll] As soon as they stepped foot into the alley she was aware of it. Dina’s only reaction was to continue walking, pretending to scratch her neck in order to press the minuscule button against it before pulling her collar back up. The person could have been some stranger who had decided to cut through the alley in order to get where they were going but Dina wasn’t about to take any chances. She prided herself on always being alert and in tune with her surroundings. The young woman took a moment to look down at her wrist watch. She had important places to be and things to do. Perhaps she should take care of this stranger and be done with it. She had walked deeper into the alley. No one would see a thing and by the time they, Dina took a quick sniff of the air, he finished screaming she would be long gone. No, she was getting ahead of herself. It had been far too long since she’d felt the thrill the hunting her prey and watching as they attempted to plead for their lives or even better, fight for it, a whole three days in fact.

Dina finally came to a stop, turning on her heel abruptly to face the person following her. She stood still, her stance relaxed to the untrained eye but she had all the likeness of a predator observing its prey. Dina crossed her arms over her chest as she took him in. She was greeted by the sight of a rather handsome man, at least by society’s standards. Tall, most likely around six foot or six foot one inches. Dina couldn’t get an accurate description on his build due to the nature of his clothing. Dina knew that this couldn’t be some random person who had decided to follow her. So she would assume that he was either another mercenary or some type of law enforcement, or perhaps even hero. She eyed him closely and found no visible mutations on him.

“Going my way?” Her voice was naturally husky, some would even say seductive if not for the wariness her presence usually caused. Dina raised an eyebrow as she made a show of looking him over slowly before locking eyes, her gaze intense as it always was. “I couldn’t help but notice that you’ve been heading in the same direction as me. Need a little help?” She tilted her head ever so slightly while slipping her hands into her pockets. She had no weapons on her at the moment, or rather no traditional weapons. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
coded by shady.
[div class=container]
font call outhellohello
[div class=img1] [div class=mentions][div class=scroll]
[div class=tag]location[/div] near city hall
[div class=tag]outfit[/div] [div class=outfit][/div]
[div class=tag]mentions[/div] nori
[div class=tag]tags[/div] dazzling dazzling
[/div][/div] [/div] [div class=namecon] [div class=instruct]click me
[/div] [div class=name]Wren.[/div] [div class=nameo]Wren.[/div] [/div] [div class=body][div class=scroll][div class=dialogue]"this is some dialogue."[/div]
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wren wake up.

The blurred voice started to become clearer as the shaking became rougher.

“Wren wake up!!”

A small yet slight chubby and damp finger was repeatedly shoved into the females' eyes as she slowly opened them her vision beginning to focus. She started to become annoyed when the small finger continued to poke at her face. Grabbing the hand with her own she opened her eyes a groan being released from her mouth. She felt the crack of her lips separate and tasted the bitterness that was included when her tongue swiped over her teeth. She slowly craned her neck and her icy blue eyes connected with soft hazel brown ones and they slowly shut quickly being replaced with a big toothless smile from a young boy.

“Finally!!” The boy shouted. “You’re awake, thought you were in some magical slumber cast upon you by the evil Zarbanon and I had to come save you!”

A small chuckle escaped her lips before she sat up stretching her clenched muscles, she ruffled the boys' hair before looking outside of the small apartment the sun warm on her skin and shining into her eyes.

“You didn’t eat breakfast without me again did you, Avery?” She asked as she removed the covers from her body throwing her legs over the bed her feet coming into contact with the cheap rug on the floor.

“Nope! I just watched old gameplays is what they were called on the PlayStation T-30RZ.”

She had a warm smile on her face as she watched the boy rambled on about what video game he saw some very old gamer play. She got out of bed going over to the small kitchen rummaging through the cabinets and the fridge grabbing anything she thought would make a delicious meal.

“Hey Avery, shut yer trap an’ tell me what you’re in the mood for?” The response was silent which confused Wren and opted her to turn around.

“Avery are you-“ he was no longer behind her.

“Avery? Where are you?!?!

Her voice started cracking and the room around her began darkening.


She began panicking before her eyes landed on her brother standing in between their deceased parents, all of their eyes black and empty.

“Come on Wren join us. You know you want to...we know you still feel guilty for our deaths especially mine. Do you still feel awful for pulling the plug on me? Do you still feel like it’s your fault?”

The room around her became darker, the air thinking making it harder for her to breathe.

“Stop this Avery!! Stop it right now!!”

“Stop what big sister? Your guilt of you killing me?? It was you!! You killed me big sister!! It’s your fault!!”

Wren was gasping for air their eyeless faces being covered by black goo with sketches of horrific smiles on their faces. All Wren could do was watch as the darkness consumed her.

It is my fault.

She jumped awake sweat covering her forehead and chest. She jumped again when hazel brown eyes connected with her icy blue ones. Only they weren’t Averys.

“Rory...” She mumbled.

“You were having another nightmare again Wren...you’re drenched in sweat and everything...”

“Fuck...I’m sorry...I was dreaming about them again.”
She looked down at the blanket covering her torso before getting out of bed.

“Did you eat yet?” She asked him while walking to the bathroom.

“Yup and I made you some also”

“Thanks, I’ll eat it when I get out, you should get ready for school.”
She told him as she closed the door getting ready for the day.

She was walking down the street heading to the elementary school with Rory.

“Hey, so my teacher wants to talk to you about my participation in the class or whatever...”

Wren chuckled, her fingers were gliding across the screen on her phone as she scrolled through the news feed.

"She knows I'm not yer parent but since I'm yer guardian I guess I have no choice but to go. Why aren't you participatin' in the class? It can't be that borin' ." Her Scottish accent smooth like butter.

"I don't know...I guess I'm just not interested in the shit we're learning or she's a fucking lame teacher."

A laugh escaped her lips this time as she continued walking with the ten year old. She asked him the usual questions any older sibling would ask and make him embarrassed to answer before sending him off to school.

She began walking down the street continuing to look at her phone until she bumped into a citizen standing in the crowd of people facing city hall.

"Yo watch where you're going!"

"Sorry, las geez"
She scoffed before stopping seeing news reporters and citizens standing listening to the speech given by the mayor. Wanting to get a better view without being blocked off, she walked down an alley making sure she wasn't in any persons' view before creating an electric platform before standing on the surface using her powers to float up from the public eye to get a better view of the speech. Slipping her hands into the pockets of her long black trenchcoat, she listened to the speech her expression not changing.

Accusations. Police Corruption.

Listening to Von Closen discuss or hop around the topic of police corruption, Wren knew damn well that the police will remain corrupted no matter what mayor was in office.

Missing People.

Wren has been seeing reports, downloaded files about missing people recently and heard the same repetitive response from the police on television.

We're putting our best men on the cases and we will bring the missing people back to their families safe and sound.

Each time she heard those words her eyes automatically rolled out of annoyance. This is why she became a vigilante, to actually do the work the law enforcement ignores. Her attention span of the mayor was cut short when she looked about 35 degrees to her left to see a girl with her hand over her mouth almost as if she has a panic attack and was about to pass out. That wasn't a concern for Wren but their eyes met before the female began talking. The question a snarky one, she could literally taste the anger and bitterness in the words.

The fuck you looking at?

The question was unfazing to Wren, it wasn't the first time she has been asked that especially in said tone. Removing her hands from her coat pockets, the electric platform she was hovering on was lowered onto the roof where the girl was standing only roughly 20 feet away from her still cautious of who she was.

"Look here kid, I don't know what yer deal is but might want to cool it on the shitty attitude towards strangers...especially superpowered ones..."

Wren scanned the female up and down categorizing her as a non-threatening person yet still remaining cautious of her character. All she wanted to do was spend the day alone peacefully and now she might need to add kicking some ass on the agenda.
⠀♡coded by uxie♡

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tags |
erzulie erzulie

location |
outside of City Hall, in a nearby alleyway.

♗ outfit | hiraeth
[div class=textcontainer][div class=text]
Gabriel took a small pause to take a smoke of his cigarette before answering, not in the least surprised that the figure had noticed so early on and had stopped to face him. What had been interesting to him was when they did, it was revealed the figure was a woman - and more dangerously, an attractive one at that. Despite her lax stance, the young detective's keen eye did not miss out on the sharp predatory gleam in the woman's dark gaze. It was evident that the woman was taking him in not as a citizen would another fellow citizen, but as a predator would it's prey. Which made him suspect that she probably did it for a living - seeking out and hunting down prey - all for the right price, of course.

Gabriel had to give it to her - the woman was a remarkable actress. His lips slid into an easy smile, looking down for a moment before going back up again as the woman spoke, her tone dripping with flirtatious sweetness, feigning all the civility and politeness of an English lady. A lesser man would've been too utterly captivated to notice the intensity in her gaze and how each word was laced with passive-aggressiveness, warning that lesser man to watch out. Well, two can play at that game sweetheart, thought Gabriel rather devilishly as he prepared to speak, his expression, tone and British accent as smooth as alabaster stone.

"Oh, don't mind me," he said good-naturedly. "I didn't mean to startle you; as you can tell I'm not quite from around these parts. More of a tourist if you will." He gave her charming smile, gesturing to the left of the street, continuing. "'Was just heading down to the local corner shop there until I saw you disappear down this dark, dank alleyway, dressed like a classic villain and I just couldn't help myself. As a detective myself-" He proceeded to shrug passively, finishing. His gaze met hers, matching it in intensity, all traces of that good humour gone. "Can't resist a good mystery."

[div class=titlebox][/div]
[div class=title]gabriel l. mikhailov[/div]
[div class=side][/div]
[div class=bottom][/div]
[div class=credit]code::yousmelldead[/div]
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