• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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A vacation was the very last thing that Griffin wanted to do right now.
Spending the day in his loft apartment with his piano and a bottle of scotch sounded so much more pleasing at the moment. The plan didn't work out though when none other than his best friend, Ethan, showed up on his flat with cruise tickets. A fucking cruise. It could be worse. Maybe the ship would blow up or sink and he'd drown. That would cure the case of the blues for sure. "
There is no way in hell I am going." Griffin spoke sharply, his hand pressing on the back of the door shutting it almost fully but was stopped by Ethan's foot crammed into the gap. "The last thing I am allowing you to do to yourself is sit in this god awful flat. What is that smell?" Griffin rolled his dark eyes, running a shaky hand through his tangled locks. The apartment did have a stench to it...It had been a little over a week since she had torn Griffin's heart into two. She being the evil bitch Madeline. Ethan pushed his way into the room, taking one quick glance at his best friend before flinging the door open making Griffin take a hasty step back. "Oh fuck this. Don't even pack, we can buy you some clothes. We're leaving." Griffin frowned, his eyebrows pressing together in a furrowed line as his chapped lips parted. "Now Griffin."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Once Ethan had something in his head it was nearly impossible to try and change it. Like this cruise, for instance. Griffin pulled the black baseball cab lower on his head, allowing his Ray Bans to press deeper into the bridge of his nose. Why the fuck would Ethan chose a cruise? Griffin was pretty sure the bloke couldn't even swim, so if they went down he was really fucked. The brunette let out a small sigh, keeping his eyes down as his hands pressed down in the pockets of his slim blue jeans. The last thing he needed was someone to recognize him and ask him questions. He could hear them now. Running away from Madeline? Can't take the news of Madeline's new fiance Robert so Griffin Grant flees. Sad, pathetic, heartbroken Griffin Grant. The feeling of a hand gripping his shoulder, Griffin let his head rise slightly eyeing the male to the right of him. "Are we getting on now...or?" Griffin spoke quietly, his body now turning towards Ethan. "I don't really know how these whole boat things work." Griffin blinked, pulling the shades off of his face as he angrily stared at his best friend who was now laughing. "You are bringing us on a fucking boat and you don't know what the deal is? How many days is this?!" The brunette exclaimed, his free hand coming up to his face pressing his thumb against his chin. This was going to be a disaster. "Dude calm down, it's only like 14 days or some shit like that." Fourteen bloody days. Not four. Not six. Not even a week. But two. Two fucking weeks. Fantastic. "Two wee--" Griffin was cut short by a woman coming over a speaker asking everyone to take a place next to the markers with the letter of their last name.

Griffin whipped his head around to finish his statement but quickly let his lips press into a firm line as he watched Ethan rushing over to the marker with a large 'P' on it. Placing the glasses back onto his face, Griffin walked slowly towards the markers on the side of the dock. The faster that he got onto the boat, the faster he could get a beer. Food would be good too. The male noted silently to himself, the small grumbles coming from his stomach. Yeah, food would probably be good too. The tall male stopped when he found the marker labeled 'G'. Eyeing it one more time he awkwardly stood next to the marker, looking over towards the woman who was speaking about life vests or something like that rather.

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Mental note : Tighten these damn sunglasses the moment a screwdriver reveals itself.

Those glasses in question kept slipping each time Rebecca looked down at her phone to check those pesky notifications. Her "sister from another mister" Madison was blowing up her phone after the two separated for the boats version of role call. Each message was either critiquing the life-vest-demonstration for lack of enthusiasm or a random meme. At least she was getting it all out of her system now, while they were still docked. Unfortunately the internet wasn't available in the middle of the ocean.

"Damn, bootylicious at 6 o'clock, but don't make it too obvious!!"

Becca couldn't help but choke at the message her friend just sent her. Leave it to Madison to flag down all the "hottest" men within a 2 mile radius, even on a damn boat. She rolled her eyes, glancing in Madison's direction. Her constant flirting flustered Rebecca to no end. It was a major source of second hand embarrassment for her, and she swore that made Madison even more forward. Sure enough, Madi was making some not-so-subtle gestures towards the area just out of Rebecca's sight. Becca shook her head, lecturing her friend with a single glance, but turned around nonetheless.

There was only one person behind her; A tall figure leaning against the wall, cap tilted downward despite wearing tinted sunglasses. It was like he was blending into the shadows, obviously trying not to be noticed. His features were almost indistinguishable, but that antisocial scowl was unmistakable. Rebecca caught herself squinting at him to get a better look. She quickly turned around, a cough escaping to mask her awkward staring.

"Yeah right. This dude gives me major cabin-in-the-woods vibes. Not in the mood to get murdered, but thanks." she replied.

"He can take me to his cabin any day... ;)"

And with that, Rebecca made a dramatic show of pocketing her device, keeping eye contact with her best friend the entire time. Despite her glare, she couldn't help a dry smile tugging at her lips. Madison somehow made attendance mildly entertaining, maybe that's why Rebecca loved her so much.

The presence of another made Griffin groan inwardly, his dark eyes moving towards the small woman now standing in front of him. Why was she looking at him? Did she not realize how beyond awkward it was to stare at someone? The frown pulled lower on his lips, his eyes watching the girl squint as if she was trying to get a better look. He tilted his head up, his eyebrows now completely pressed together. Was the girl mental or something? He parted his lips to speak before quickly pressing them back together, the sound of the awkward cough stopping him from speaking. Yup, the girl was absolutely mental. Shaking his head, he closed his eyes for a moment. Of course the only other person with the same letter of his last name had to be a short awkward woman. Fucking brilliant. The vibration coming from his pocket made Griffin snap out of his thoughts, his hand coming down swiftly to grab the phone.


She is fucking into you.

Jump on that! Get over that bitch with a new, sexy little one."

An estranged noise caught in the back of Griffin's throat, his head now snapping up in the direction of his best friend Ethan who was grinning like a madman. Ethan had lost his fucking mind. The last thing Griffin needed was another woman in his life. Somewhere deep in the back of Griffin's mind he knew that this was the reason why Ethan had dragged him here. Ethan was worried about him, it was obvious by the hundred texts a day and the constant showing up at his flat. Though, Griffin just wanted to be left alone. He needed to process all of what happened with Madeline. He needed to understand what he did wrong for her to just up and leave...with another guy. Another sharp buzz came from his phone making his hand tingle slightly.

"Her friend is right next to me

they are equally hot, mine may be hotter.

you need to man up and ask her for her room number or i definitely will

"There is no way in hell I am fucking doing that. " Griffin spoke sharply, his hand now gripping the phone tightly before snapping his head up. "God damnit." The brunette groaned as he had just realized that he spoke out loud. He had a problem with doing that, especially when he was frustrated. It was a bad trait of his. His free hand came up to his mouth, pressing his thumb and index finger on each side of his cheek slowly pulling his fingers down. Maybe the girl in front of him wasn't the mental one. Maybe it was just him. It was as if the world was literally ending. He stared in disbelief as he watched his best friend start to walk in his direction, a girl walking with him in sync. Was that the friend he was talking about in his text? Griffin was going to kill him. They hadn't even made it on the fucking boat and Ethan already had his hands on a plan. "Wow! You are even cuter from close up! " Ethan exclaimed, his lips pursing into a smile as he looked over his newly formed friend, Madison. "This is my mate Griffin I was telling you about, he needs to unwind." Ethan spoke, his almost black eyes not looking Griffin directly in the eyes. No way, Ethan wasn't stupid. He knew if he directly looked at Griffin right now he would more than likely end up with a black eye.

To her horror, Rebecca watched as her friend turned to mingle with a stranger beside her. Madison didn't seem phased at all, in fact, she had the audacity to roll her eyes at the gesture. Rebecca huffed, crossing her arms as the two snickered to each other. It alarmed her how the two paralleled each other. If there was another Madison out there, Rebecca was starting to lose faith in humanity. Madison held her signature scheming look, which sent alarm bells ringing. Rebecca could spot that dangerous expression from miles away. She wasn't sure whether to feel relieved that she wasn't taking part in the mischief, or fear for her fucking life.

The outburst from the man behind her made her jolt. Rebecca practically flew five feet into the air before whirling around, wearing an expression similar to one that would be appropriate if one was witnessing the occult exchanging Christmas presents. A mixture of utter confusion, concern, and slight disgust. They made eye contact, and for an excruciatingly awkward moment there was only silence. Then he cursed, and Becca broke. As she watched his hand press against his mouth, she softened, and couldn't help the smirk slowly spreading across her face. Her eyes crinkled, letting out a sarcastic chuckle. Okay, if the brooding wallflower could manage to embarrass himself in front of her, maybe there was SOME hope for the human race. Unfortunately, that optimism didn't last long.

"Wow! You are even cuter from close up!"

Rebecca immediately turned and flashed a revolted look. She lifted a finger in the air, opening her mouth to let out some choice words before Madison pinched her side. That shut her up alright. Rebecca rubbed at the sore spot, wearily eyeing the didactic glance Madison was shooting her. Madi didn't seem the type first glance, but she could give one hell of a lecture. Becca surrendered, readjusting her stance to greet the new stranger. She still glared distrusting daggers at the man, but her pout was no less threatening than a baby. "Isn't she?" Madison cooed, wrapping her arm around her friend. "Go on girl, introduce yourself! He won't bite~"

"Rebecca." she stated, extending her arm and shaking the mans hand. She was the first to pull away, retreating to the comfort of Madison's half embrace. Why did she feel like she was a child being introduced to her parents coworkers? Rebecca didn't want to mingle with these people! Not when there were plenty of better things to do in the comfort of her own room. She suppressed the urge to grab Madison by the shoulders and yell "Mom, I want to go home!!" Instead, she politely shut her mouth, passively partaking in the interaction.

She watched as he turned to Madison. "This is my mate Griffin I was telling you about, he needs to unwind." The emphasis on the last word left an uneasy feeling swirling around in Rebecca's stomach. She glanced at the man in question, looking about as "get me the fuck out of here" as she felt. "Griffin" she acknowledged, testing how the name rolled off her tongue. She withheld from extending her hand this time. Something about tearing that murderous glare from the attention of his mate onto herself gave off the same appeal as a bear trap. If his friend was as much of the male equivalent to Madison as seemed to be, she didn't who to feel more sorry for. Griffin, victim of the matchmaker, or his friend, who was probably going to end up in a ditch for playing matchmaker.

The feeling of two set of eyes on her made the hairs on the back of Rebecca's neck stand up. She looked back to see the two grinning like devilish accomplices, rapidly glancing between her and Griffin. She gulped. Oh. Oh no. Not like this. Suddenly the feeling of impending doom flooded her system. She felt like a deer in headlights. She shot a testing look at Madison, who just smiled innocently. Then a series of expressions flashed across her face. Flashing through the five stages of grief in a matter of seconds looked exhausting. As quickly as the panic set in it was replaced with hardened recollection. Rebecca pursed her lips, stealing a steely peek at Griffin. She wondered if he was picking up on the same mischievous plan their two friends shared, but the thought of questioning of his take on it killed her curiosity faster than adulthood ever could. She prayed he was dense, and this would all blow over as soon as they walked away.

"Oh, and Ethan?" Madison drawled, using her spare hand to fish for something in her pockets. Rebecca took in a sharp breath, helplessly watching as she pulled out a familiar sticky note- one she had given her friend in lieu of her absent minded nature, an attempt to make sure she could always find her way back. "Here's our room number, so you'll know where to find us" she winked, nudging her friend and nodding towards Griffin. It was in that moment Rebecca decided God was a cruel deity for not allowing man the ability to spontaneously combust at will.

Ethan was dead.

He was fucking dead. Griffin snapped his head towards Rebecca, hearing his name leave her lips made his head spin. This was all a horrible plan. No way in hell was this going to help him "unwind" as Ethan just so cleverly put it. This was doing the exact fucking opposite. Griffin's chest felt tight, as if he was going to blow up at any moment. Apparently Madeline had also left him with anxiety when she decided to leave him for some other asshole. Griffin parted his lips, his tongue pushing on the side of his cheek as he stared at Rebecca for one last time before looking over to the woman who was now allowing people to board the ship. Griffin was a track star in high school, he could definitely get the fuck out of here. His thoughts came to another halt by the now rather tight grip on his shoulder. Griffin frowned, his eyebrows locked in a furrowed state as he noticed his best friend now standing next to him with a death grip. Ethan wasn't stupid, he knew the 'let's get the fuck out of here' look that was oh so familiar on Griffin's face.

Griffin watched as Madison pulled the sticky-note out of her pocket. That was never good. Ah fuck, there it was. The god damn room number. "Ethan don't you dar--oof." Griffin clutched his chest, rubbing his palm in the center of his sternum trying to shake off the quick blow of Ethan's elbow to it. Ethan grinned happily, taking the sticky-note from Madison the grin on his face turning into a wide smile when the girl winked at him. "Oh we will most definitely find you." Mortified. Griffin was fucking mortified. The last thing he needed was to attempt to befriend a female or even fucking look at one. "Becca, it was so nice to meet you. We are going to have a blast on this cruise." Griffin took a step back, his frown not leaving his face as he stayed quiet watching as Ethan leaned in pressing a playful kiss on Madison's smooth cheek. The brunette rolled his eyes letting a small snort out as he watched. Typical Ethan. "We'll see you two soon." With a wink, Ethan had grabbed onto Griffin's arm, tugging the lanky male towards the check-in station before slipping inside of the boat.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"What the fuck Ethan!"

The shout was barely audible as Griffin walked side by side with his friend to their rooms. The last thing Griffin needed was someone to hear him shouting, then people would come up with so many titles for their next magazine article. They were on the end of the boat on the 4th level, which was nice because it was the least packed. "Griff, you need to relax. You are acting like a fucking sad puppy." Griffin stopped in his tracks, pulling the shades off of his face to get a better look at his best friend who stood casually in front of him. "Get it together. Go get changed and meet me back in the dinning hall. We have first seating. Don't wear the damn hat for hell's sake." Griffin watched his friend trudge down the hallway, entering his own room and out of view. The brunette sighed, fumbling with the key that was given to him before he unlocked his own room and stepped inside of it. He pulled the phone from his pocket, eyeing it for a moment before tossing it onto the large bed in the corner of the room. 14 missed calls, 22 missed texts was not something he wanted to deal with at the moment. Griffin pulled the cap off of his head, eyeing himself in the mirror before running his hands through his hair. Maybe he should shower, there was stubble growing on his face which was completely out of place for him. He was always in neatly pressed clothes, his facial hair was also trimmed nicely. He looked like a hot mess. Literally.

Griffin took a quick shower, trimming his facial hair slightly so it looked neatly kept. The rugged look was what he was now going with. He pulled on a long-sleeve button up, his fingers fumbling with the buttons while he left four at the top undone. He completed getting dressed with pair of slim fitting black jeans, a pair of brown leather gucci shoes, and his rolex. Good enough. The male went to reach for the black baseball cap before stopping himself. No hat. No fucking hat. Griffin knew if he brought it, Ethan would end up throwing it overboard and that was not happening. With a few loud thuds on the outside of his door, Griffin sighed before opening the door to an overexcited Ethan. He was wearing a ridiculous Hawaiian shirt, half buttoned with a pair of khaki shorts and some flipflops. "Mate, what the hell are you wearing? You do realize its going to be like 100 degrees right?" Griffin frowned, shrugging his shoulders before closing the door and locking it with the small gold key. He didn't ever wear anything but long sleeves and long pants, even in California's heat so this wasn't going to be a big deal. "Did you prefer me to look like a complete moron like you? What are you even wearing?" Griffin let one of his eyebrows raise slightly as he let the corner of his lips purse up slightly as he taunted the man in front of him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Griffin walked down the long hallway with Ethan, his hands pressed down in his pockets as he nodded to Ethan. Ethan was a talker...hell the man even talked when he was sleeping. So it was just easier to give him little nods every now and then so he acknowledged that you were listening. If not Ethan would start his conversation over again. People were passing them in the halls, Griffin's heart racing slightly as he felt out of place without his cap or sunglasses. Nobody really seemed to recognize him, which confused the brunette but he was thankful. Maybe Ethan was right, maybe he really did just need to get away and step out of the lime light. "Mr. Pierce." Griffin eyed a woman who was now shaking hands with Ethan. Wait-what the fuck. Griffin's eyes squinted slightly watching the bill exchange between the two in a simple handshake. Was that a hundred dollar bill? "Ethan...What did you do." Griffin spoke softly, his hand reaching up to grip the back of Ethan's shoulder. If the damn man had buttoned the stupid Hawaiian shirt up all the way Griffin could have properly choked him. "Mr. Grant, right this way." Not wanting to make a scene, Griffin dropped the grip from Ethan's shoulder as he followed the woman over to their table. It was placed in the back which was nice considering that they could have been right smack dab in the middle of the dinning area. There were only four seats at the table, unlike all the other ones which had at least eight or more. Griffin gave the woman a tight smile before pulling the chair out and taking a seat. Ethan followed suit, smiling at the woman one last time before taking his own seat. "Not bad right? I got us the best seat in the house! We will be at the same table for all the meals on the boat." Griffin nodded his head slightly at his friend's exclamation before eyeing the waiters going to each table. He needed a beer.

"Ladies! Ladies over here!"

The shouts coming from Ethan made Griffin blink, turning his head towards Madison and Rebecca who had entered the dining hall. That's what the hundred dollar bill was for. That mother fucker. In a flash Griffin was on his feet, the napkin tumbling to the ground. He had to get the hell out of there, now. "Don't you even think about it Griff." Ethan smiled cheekily as he waved the two over to the table, coming to his own feet. "You son of a bitch." Griffin groaned as he eyed the two girls coming towards them. Griffin wasn't into public confrontation, it gave him anxiety. Thinking it through, Griffin pulled out the chair to the right of him for one of the two girls. It was the least he could do. They probably thought he was a complete sociopath. Clearing his throat he tried to clear the awkwardness about him. Madeline completely broke the once fun charismatic male. She left a shell of a man who was fragile and was easily spooked. Pathetic. Griffin sighed at the thought. Yeah, he was pathetic. His eyes snapped over to the waiter who was almost to their table, his hands gripping the back of the chair that he pulled out for one of the girls. If that waiter didn't come over with a beer in the next ten minutes Griffin was going to find one himself.
Rebecca just blinked, staring at the spot where Ethan had jabbed Griffin in the chest with disbelief. She felt her left eye twitch. This was it, this was how she was going to die. Either her best friend was going to drive her to legally change her name and squat at one of the cruise's exotic destinations or she'd die trying. Probably at the hands of one of those scheming little shits. The rest of the conversation blurred, voices melted together as Rebecca internalized her will. She dully noted the boys leaving her field of vision, but that didn't phase her little mental shutdown. Once they were gone, her eyes lazily drifted towards the railing. Before she could calculate the swimming distance between jumping overboard and landing on shore, she was forcibly snapped back into reality when two strong hands gripped her shoulders. Becca tilted her head up slightly to meet the gaze of her best friend, grinning as if she was just invited to a wedding.

"Oh, I have so much to tell you."


For the thousandth time, Rebecca adjusted her dress in the mirror. She liked dressing up every now and then, but when traveling Madison, Becca has to beg to wear her own t-shirts.
The two eventually settled on a deal that morphed into their usual routine. Throughout the day, she was free to rock all the cheesy tourist shirts she wanted, but at meals and events, she was a slave to the terrifying fashion fairy. Still, Rebecca couldn't pretend she didn't enjoy the make overs at least a little bit. Madison somehow always knew what would look best on her, while sticking to styles she could at least mostly enjoy. No, letting Madi take the reigns of the wardrobe wasn't the problem. The fact that so many all-out worthy events were stacked on top of each other on this damned cruise was. It was a rare two weeks where Madison could put her in basically anything, and she could tell the woman was enjoying it. She remembered how Madi had fluttered around the room before eventually deciding on the dress Becca currently wore. It was modest enough, a simple ivory halter-top that flattered her olive skin- or at least, that's what Madison always tell's her. It had a cut in the back, the straps meeting at the center and forming a little bow. Madison had joked that whoever would take her home would be able to unwrap her like a little present. Rebecca did not like that joke.

You're so lucky, almost every color looks good on you- Oh, stop it. I could've done worse!" Madi grinned, swatting at Becca's hands to keep her from adjusting the dress again. That was true, she was always very thankful her friend respected her fashionable boundaries. "Maybe, but not all of them." Madison nodded, wrinkling her nose. "Yeah babe, magenta really isn't your color." Becca rolled her eyes, but eagerly agreed. She leaned back in her chair as she watched her bestie settle into her own dress, a glittering v-necked empire dress that looked about as breezy as any beach dress should be. She barely had proper time to admire her grace before Madison started pushing her out onto the balcony. Becca scoffed, but allowed herself to be kicked out of the room. "Dude, what are we doing out here again?" she pressed. Her eyes scanned across the water, the faintest streaks of pink littered the sky as the sunset died. Her and Madi had just been out there earlier when the boat set sail. They had unpacked and watched the sky turn colors as the buildings faded into the distance. They really had lucked out with being able to afford this spot. The walls on either side made the little area feel more private, sure you could hear your neighbor's laughter alongside you if they were out there at the same time, but the voices added to it's coziness.

Alright sweetheart, sit down. I'm doing your makeup out here." Before she could protest, Madison guided her into a chair. "But you did yours already, and it took you like an hour!" Becca whined. She really didn't want to be late for dinner. Cruises always had the best food. "Takes me way less longer when it's not myself. Now, shut up and close your eyes so we can get started!" With a last glance to the sea, she obliged. This part was always the most relaxing, the live wave-crashing just turned it up a notch. Madison was the best at this kind of stuff. It always made Rebecca wonder if she would consider making a career out of it. Personally, she could never have the patience or keep her hands so steady as to work as delicately as Madi does. She only paused to check an occasional buzz her phone. Figures she'd already made some friends on this trip. Before she knew it, they were finished, and for her patience Rebecca was rewarded the grand prize: A mirror. She smiled down at her reflection. "Thanks, Madi. Though I think I'll carry a cap around to hide from people we know." she marked wryly. Madi shrugged in response. "Go ahead, paranoid." Okay, that was weird. Normally Madison didn't indulge in her sarcasm. Then, she saw it. Though she had tried to hide it, a knowing glint flashed across her eyes. Becca squinted at her friend, something told her she might actually need that cap later into the night.


Rebecca wrung the red "COAST GUARD" cap as she walked down the hallways alongside her friend. Something about her confident strides, her since of direction, made Becca's stomach churn. Once they started deviating from the general direction of their assigned dinner table, she knew something was very wrong. Still, she didn't dare question it yet, and stayed silent as Madison lead the way. It wasn't until it was tragically too late when all the pieces clicked together. Ethan's call knocked the wind out of her, and Becca turned to lock eyes with that moody motherfucker himself, Griffin. There was a stiff beat. She watched, unmoving, as he pulled out a chair. She squared her shoulders. Becca then clenched her jaw, giving her friend the stink eye. "Bitch." Madison cooed "Aww, I love your cute nicknames for me!"

Rebecca snapped her attention back at the table. Suddenly, she felt herself being dragged in it's direction. Madison had grabbed her arm and was now guiding them over. Rebecca stubbornly planted the cap atop her head, using both hand to pull the bill down and cover her face. If that didn't show everyone her distaste for the situation, she didn't think anything else would. She tried not to think about which thought terrified her more. The possibility they were all actually dense enough to miss it, or that nothing might ever make it clear to them. Her internal pity party was cut short when the dragging stopped. She lifted her head to find herself face to face with Griffin. Ethan and Madison were already seated across the table from them. She prayed this wasn't a permanent seating arrangement. Despite the height difference she glared threateningly up at him. "Dont--"

She caught herself, biting back her words. For a split second she couldn't understand why, then noticed how tightly he was gripping the back of the seat. Her eyes trailed upward, eyeing his tense posture, hardened frown, and hollowed eyes. It confused her how despite their direct eye contact, it still looked like he was looking right through her. She felt a tinge of guilt. What if this guy was as equally appalled of the situation as she was? What if they were both just caught in the middle, stuck between two rocks named Madison and Ethan respectively. She pursed her lips, still unsure of where this dude's intentions lied. May as well, for the time being, give him the benefit of the doubt. If he makes some sort of move, she'll can go back to making his life hell. For now, just turn down the bitchiness level, Becky.

With a slight shuffle, she regained proper posture. "Just.. Yeah. Dont. Thanks." with a small huff, she tilted her head away from him and took the seat. Wow Rebecca. Real smooth. At least you managed to rid yourself of all that malice. Becca cleared her throat. Fuck, how does one properly convey "we're cool, but touch me and I'll punch you" without sounding like an ass?? Oh wait, that probably wasn't possible. She stared straight ahead, trying to calm herself by thinking of all the ways she could get back at Madi for this shit show. Oh, how sweet justice can taste.


"You two are honestly perfect for each other. Fuck."

The girl was literally just as mental as Griffin apparently. Griffin watched Rebecca pull a bright red cap onto her head as if she wanted to disappear. It was amusing to say the very least. It was nice to know that she felt just as uncomfortable as he did but that didn't make it any better. It almost made it worse. Now he was a sociopath and unlikable. It was almost as if Rebecca was throwing a fit to her mother, the thought made the corner of Griffin's lips pull up ever so lightly. The corners of his lips dropped instantly when he was shot a look from the much shorter female now in front of him. Was she mad because he pulled the chair out for her? Griffin eased up his grip on the back of the chair, removing his hands completely as they dropped clumsily by his side. The stare she had on him felt as if her eyes were piercing through him. The whole thing made him feel uneasy, but the way she was staring made it worse. He took a hesitant step back, his eyebrows pressed together once more as he kept his eye contact with her. What the hell was she staring at? Oh fuck. Maybe she recognized him? He opened his mouth to speak but quickly clamped it shut when the girl spoke. Just don't, thanks? "Won't happen again." Griffin grumbled, rolling his eyes lightly at Rebecca's attitude before taking the seat next to her.

This was not going to be his vacation, there was no way in hell he was going to be with this...grown-ass child-woman. That was what Rebecca was. A grown-ass-child-woman. She wanted to pout and huff and make noises of disgust? Two could play that game. Griffin had two older sisters, he was a fucking pro at that game. "Well then..." Ethan's word cut the tension like a knife cutting a very tough piece of meat. Griffin flinched at the sound of Ethan's voice, eyeing Rebecca's cap once more. Why the fuck was she allowed to wear a cap but he wasn't? Absolute sexism at it's finest. Griffin leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapping on his knee under the table in a nervous habit. He watched as the waiter finally reached their table, the mans smile way too wide for his face. "Ah! Welcome! Welcome! We are so happy to have you all on board with us! My name is Louie and I will be with you for the remainder of the trip!" Griffin frowned at the hyped up male, the smile on Louie's face was making his own jaw slack. How the hell did someone smile that wide for more than a second? "Every night this will be all of your table! We meet here at 8 o'clock for dinner, okay?" Oh, so this wasn't going to be a one time thing with miss mom and her grown-ass-child-woman? "Kill me." Griffin spoke so softly that he barely felt the words leave his throat. "Louie! Okay, my man! We need some drinks!" Griffin didn't let his brown eyes wander from Louie before his lips parted once more, "Beer." If Louie didn't wipe that god damn smile off of his face. "And a child's menu please..." He finally let his eyes wander over to his right to Rebecca. "With crayons." An estranged laugh came from Ethan's throat as his hands pressed on the table making Griffin turn his attention back to him. "Ha! You're a funny one Griffin...." Ethan let out another laugh making Griffin press his back harder on his chair. "He's kidding....please just bring a pitcher of beer. A big pitcher."
Madison snickered at the sight of her best friend struggling so much against her and Ethan's attempts to push the two together. She was a bit sadistic when it came to Rebecca's love life, but only because the girl made it so damn easy. She barely had to do anything! Just sitting those two beside each other was dinner and a show. This vacation just got so much more interesting. "Oh come on sweetie, don't you like our new friends? Look at that, they're being so polite!~" She nodded at the pulled chair. Rebecca narrowed her eyes at her and scowled. "That's not what's bothering me." she spat, eyeing the pair in front of her. Those two knew damn well what was bothering her. She nodded in acknowledgement at Griffin, and the table was silent for a moment. Her savior, the waiter named Louie, came by and eased her tension. Cruise workers had it rough, and Becca was always sure to make herself easy clientele. His attitude was infectious, and soon she was smiling again as if she was none the wiser of her... distinctive seat mates. Her shoulders drooped at the mention of this permanent seating arrangement, but her smile didn't falter. She wasn't going to let this set back deter her from enjoying dinner. She loved food too much.

"And a child's menu please..." She snapped her head to the side to look at him. "With crayons." Oh, you motherfucker. Rebecca was so offended, her brain almost forgot how to function. It didn't help that Madison ooo'd with a slacked jaw, eyes flickering between the two like she was watching a movie across the table. The corner of her mouth twitched, and Becca choked on a laugh. She pressed a hand against her face. Absolutely not! She refused to even give him the satisfaction.

Rebecca sharply sucked in a breath. She held it, biting back every comment racing through her mind. Who the hell did this fucker think he is? She was NOT about to be degraded by the man who emotionally skipped puberty. It's like his mental state got jammed in it's emo teenager phase. That was almost funny. Oh my god, stop! She quickly tilted the bill of her hat downwards, blocking Griffin from her view. She tapped her fingers on the table once, ridding herself of pent up energy, before glaring daggers at Madison. Her friend just looked down on her with a shit-eating grin, making a subtle gesture that looked like she was brushing off her hands slowly. Oh, she thinks she's so clever. Rebecca's father was a linguistic freak, studying every language under the sun. When he took up American Sign Language, the two picked up a couple of signs. They both very well knew what that gesture meant. Serenity. That cocky little bitch. It wasn't nearly as subtle, but she hoped being turned away drew less attention towards her. In the smallest movements she could muster, Becca mimicked the gesture, put a palm to her chest, and held out a fist with her thumb to the side, then moved it in front of her knuckles. Serenity my a-s-s.

Rebecca faltered when she felt Louie's eyes settling on her, waiting to hear her drink order. Madison perked, opening her mouth undoubtedly about to ask for liquor but Becca beat her to the punch. "Waters for the the rest of us, please." She smiled sweetly as he walked away before returning Madison's shit-eating grin. There was no way she was going to let her drink tonight. If she had to suffer, she'd make sure Madison was sober for it. The girl just pouted.

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He had successfully done his job for the night.

Griffin couldn't help the tugs of each corner of his lips as he watched Rebecca tilt the cap lower onto her head so he was completely out of view from her. Maybe this vacation wasn't going to be so hard. Women apparently enjoyed fucking him with so maybe it was his turn to fuck with them. The brunette leaned smugly against the back of the wooden chair, a slight smile playing on his lips. Maybe this was just what he needed. Ethan eyed his friend for a moment before looking back at Madison who was making signs with her hands, Rebecca then replying. "Hey uh-" Ethan's mouth shut quickly as a foot came into contact with his bare knee. The black haired man turned his head quickly in Griffin's direction, his eyes wide as his right hand came down to attend to his kneecap. A 'what the fuck' was moved silently out of Ethan's lips before Griffin shook his head ever so slightly. Did he mention that his grandmother was deaf? She was the one who had actually taught him the piano when he was a young boy. Griffin was very diverse and could teach music to the deaf. Griffin let a small shit-grin take over his lips as he eyed Ethan. Griffin tilted his head so he could see Rebecca order water for the rest of the table. Water? Really? "So what do you ladies do for a living?" Ethan spoke up once Louie left to grab their drinks, his hand coming up from under the table as he looked at Madison and then over to Rebecca. "You two must be pretty close if you plan on spending two weeks with each other on a boat."

The tall glass of beer was placed in front of Griffin, making him look over his shoulder at Louie who was now passing out the waters to the two girls and the other tall beer to Ethan. Griffin let his fingers gently grasp the glass, his brown eyes watching the foam slowly disappear from the top before he lifted it to his lips to take a sip. "My mate and I, we do music." Griffin rolled his eyes ever so slightly at the exclamation from Ethan, taking another swig of the beer before placing the glass down. Ethan was now leaning against the table, the grin wide on his face as his elbows now pressed into the table. "Boyfriends?" Ethan questioned, turning his head towards Madison before looking over at Rebecca. What the fuck was this? 20 Questions? "Girlfriends?" Okay Ethan, that was enough. Griffin let out a sigh, closing his eyes for just a moment before reopening them to see a man staring at him. The brunette frowned, his eyebrows pressing together slightly as he watched the man now talking to a woman beside him as if he was asking a question. Fuck, did they recognize him? Griffin let his teeth dig softly on the inside of his cheek as he watched the two across the room. Without his cap he felt naked, he needed his...cap. CAP!

In one swift motion Griffin reached up, his hands hastily grabbing the red cap off of Rebecca's head and slamming it down on his own. The last thing he needed was someone to recognize him and it be a big thing. He just wanted to be Griffin on this trip. Not Griffin Grant. Not the famous song-writer and music producer. Not the pathetic man that Madison Daily left a day before their wedding. Just Griffin. "
I'm sorry. Please don't yell." Griffin spoke quietly, his hand now tipping the cap down slightly on his face.
Rebecca drummed her fingers, observing the dinning room idly. Ethan's voice drew her attention back to the table, but Madison was the first to speak up. "Damn straight! We've lived together for years. We're practically married, isn't that right, babe?" she grinned, fluttering her eyelashes at her. Rebecca's hand stilled, though she couldn't help but crack a grin. "Nice try, but you'll never get a proposal out of me." she snickered. Madison just shrugged, "Overrated anyways. Go on then honey, tell them what brings home the bacon." Rebecca's smiled dropped, pouting slightly. With a mere grunt, she silently pointed to the "COAST GUARD" lettering on her cap. Madison scoffed. "You're joking, right? You can't seriously be trying to pass off your life-guarding shtick as your career, are you?" she turned to Ethan smugly "Becca might rock the Baywatch babe outfits on the side, but in reality Miss Paperweight over here is an architect! You should--" "Ahem!" Her cheeks burned from the interruption, but Rebecca determinedly met Ethan's gaze for clarification. She shook her head. "I don't even have my license. Calling myself an architect would be inappropriate- uh, not to mention illegal." she started drumming her fingers on the table again. "Architectural Technician," she stressed. "I'm basically still just interning." Madison waved a hand, "Nonsense, you're a wonderful draftsman Becky! Though, your room is a constant mess. Papers everywhere!" she wrinkled her nose. Rebecca just laughed, it was true. "As for moi, I'm just..." Madison paused for dramatic effect, "A humble tattoo artist!" she beamed. Rebecca nodded, Madison didn't nearly come off as humble but she was undoubtedly talented. "We both design some pretty permanent stuff." her eyes twinkled as she watched her friend. Their professions didn't share many similarities, but that one was the most endearing to her.

When the drinks arrived, the two wearily eye'd their glasses. When was the last time she had water for dinner? Rebecca was almost starting to regret her order, that was, until she met Madison's gaze. Go on, her eyes seemed to tell her. They burned, just waiting to watch her suffer. You did this to us, are you suddenly changing your mind? Rebecca adjusted herself, taking a grasp on her glass. She wasn't about to give in. She took a dignified sip before lowering it again away from her, listening to Ethan. She perked at his question, brain tingling with opportunity. She quickly spoke while Madison was still occupied with her drink. "Boyfriend!!" she blurted out, albeit a bit louder than she meant to. "I'm so in love... with my boyfriend." Madison nearly choked on her water, lowering her cup to stare at Becca. She stared right back, challenging her to call her bluff. "Seriously Becky? You do this every time," she snorted, a dangerous glint in her eyes. Fuck. Madison turned to Ethan, grinning devilishly. "Mathew Alexander, Rebecca's middle school sweetheart. Over the summer, he moved away, so they never properly broke up." she clarified. Rebecca's left eye twitched. "What can I say?" she remarked dryly, annoyed that her friend foiled her 'perfect' escape plan. "Guess I'm just really committed."

Before Madison could respond, the conversation was cut short when Griffin ripped off Rebecca's cap for himself. She yelped at the sudden motion, staring up at the man in utter disbelief. "I'm sorry. Please don't yell." His pleading whisper caught her off guard, fumbling to form a response. Despite nearly giving her a heart attacked, he looked more anxious than she did. She blinked, scanning him one last time before turning away and shaking the tangles out of her hair. "Alright," she determined "but next time at least ask."

An architect and a tattoo artist.
That was quite the duo for sure.
"Jesus christ! That is fucking amazing! So, did you let Madi over here give you a tattoo of a building you drew up?!" Ethan was excited to say the least. Hell, the mans back was covered in tattoos and he had

a plan already for his arm. "When we get back you have to tattoo me!" Ethan let out an excited laugh, shaking his head at the two before taking a sip of the beer that was placed in front of him.
I hope you girls don't drink water the whole time, it's a vacation don't forget!" Griffin frowned as he stared at Ethan, his eyes turning back over towards Rebecca for a moment.
Did she even like water? It seemed like she despised it. He raised his eyebrow curiously at the blurt of a boyfriend, a small tug on either side of his lips. She was lying, but why?
For a small girl, she sure was interesting there was no doubt there. "Wow, well I know Griffin could use some of that
commitment." Griffin snapped his head towards Ethan, now
giving the man a scowl before pushing himself down in the seat. Why did he have to go there? Was it seriously necessary?

The whole thing happened in a second. The cap. The man staring. Rebecca. Griffin's head.

Griffin nodded his head slowly at Rebecca's voice, his eyes squeezing shut as he took in a small breathe before peaking his head up. "Griffin Grant?" God damnit.
Taking the cap off his head, he set it on the table his brown eyes now coming into contact with the man who was staring at him from across the room. Griffin watched as Ethan went to speak before
he shook his head, a smile now forcing itself onto his lips. "You've found me." Griffin watched the man laugh, wife in tow behind him with a wide grin.
"We are so sorry to hear about Madeline and yourself!" The wife had chimed in, making Griffin groan inwardly. Why did people act like they actually knew and were apart of his life?
That was the worst part of being famous, everyone really thought they knew you. "It's all behind me now. I hope you guys have a gre--" "Come on Griffin, while your here you need to play us a song!"
Griffin bit down on his tongue as the man cut him off. They hadn't even gotten their meals for christ sake. People didn't understand that he was a person too.
"Oh no, I can't. There isn't even any instruments to..." Griffin trailed off as he watched in horror as a piano was rolled into the dining area, as if they were waiting
for a fucking cue. The tall male eyed Ethan who was muttering a soft 'sorry' to him. Griffin shook his head before sighing, the fake smile straining against his lips. "Alright, one song."

The black yamaha piano that was now placed in the center of the dining area looked inviting, making it easier for Griffin to make his way over to it.
He ignored the clapping that now echoed the dining area, only being able to hear the taps of his shoes against the floor. Music was his comfort, something he turned to for any
emotion he was going through. People were probably going to bitch that he wasn't playing an upbeat tune, but that wasn't how he was feeling. It wasn't something
he could just turn off like a switch. The tall man made his way around the front of the piano, letting his fingertips of his right hand run down its back before he reached the bench seat, pulling it out so he
could fit comfortably. "I hope everyone is having a great time so far, I know I am." Griffin let his tongue flick over his bottom lip as he looked down at the piano keys, his fingers brushing them lightly before he looked
back up with the same strained smile. "This is called, If I Fall" Griffin cleared his throat before he leaned himself back, both hands now stretched out for a moment before his fingers moved to the piano keys. It was as
if he was back in his flat by himself, his eyes now closed as he moved his fingers from memory. The song was raw and unfinished but it was something he had been working on for
a week or so now. The best part about piano ballads is that they didn't always need words to go along with them. The music could speak for itself, at least Griffin's could.

He lost himself in the keys, his shoulders moving with his fingers as he finished up the song. The smile that was once forced on his lips turning into a real one, his dark eyes opening finally
to look down at the keys. With a few more flicks of his fingers, he closed the song his eyes not leaving the black and white keys. "That must have been for Madeline." And the joy was over.
It had been ripped out of him instantly with the woman's remark. What was seriously wrong with people? Maybe Griffin was too emotional? Fuck it. Griffin rose from the bench, bending slightly over at the
applauding people in the dining area. He felt sick. No literally, fucking sick. The brunette stood quickly not looking back at Ethan or the girls before taking off out of the dining room.
He slammed the doors open, his feet now in a run as he made his way to the upper deck of the large boat. Thankfully no one was around, maybe because it was dinner time. Griffin let his hands grasp the railing as
he let his head hang over, spilling the contents of his stomach out over the side. Madeline had yet again got the best of him, just hearing her name made him sick. "Get a fucking grip Griffin." He pressed his forehead against

the cool metal railing, his knuckles white from holding onto it so tightly as he squeezed his eyes tightly shut. He had to get it together, if not the war inside himself was going to kill him.

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