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Fantasy 「ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ?~★」(closed)


apricot princess
code// just-peachy
played by pasta
played by just-peachy!

A witch lives alone in a lonely cottage in the middle of a swampy forest, isolated from humans. He spends most of his time locked in the house, creating and experimenting with various potions and elixirs, as well as working with other ingredients; Whether it's to add certain non-human aspects to clothing or creating a medicine that heals large wounds over a period of 2 minutes.

In a city nearby, a man in his late teens works as a housekeeper and a repairman under a 60-something-year-old red-neck boss. He finds his life to be pretty miserable, having to do the same thing everyday, only to hate it after about a week.

At some point he finds himself lost in the middle of a swamp-like forest, and he arrives at a small cottage. He finds a rather unusual looking person standing at its porch. He approaches the man and asks for directions and somehow the two end up fooling around. This eventually develops into an oddly toxic and unhealthy relationship that exists for the sole reason to benefit the worthless repairman and the lonely sorcerer.
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Mood: Frustrated ↪ Location:Swamp
Chon Heechul
Do You Really Love Me?
The same five songs that Heechul downloaded on his phone kept playing in his ears. The radio didn't work; And even if it did, he'd have to hear a different set of five songs that he wouldn't have liked to hear once over anyway.

He was driving through a swampy area and after seeing what seemed like the same tree following him, he grew frustrated. It was beginning to get very tedious having to circle around such a dull and monotonous forest. He wasn't even sure if he was any where near a building or road.

Eventually he stopped at a random lot that wasn't completely covered in trees and he let his head drop in between his hands and onto the steering wheel. He let out a long and heavy sigh before unbuckling his seat-belt and getting out of the car. After taking a good look at where he was, he realized that he stopped in the assumed parking lot of a rustic-looking house. It took him a while to notice that he'd passed the same building a couple of times, as it almost completely blended in with its surroundings.

The house itself looked out of shape but the man that came out of it looked oddly bright; It was unsettling. Desperate for a way out of this place, he approached him and asked for directions. "You live here right? Do you know a way out of this swamp?" he asked, sounding kind of worn out. It felt as if he was driving for hours and having finally stood up, he felt weak.

He took a good look at the man and took note of his appearance. He looked to be his age, but then again, he could be wrong. His face looked fairly innocent, but his instincts told him to stay on guard. His hair was a dark brown or black color and was rather curly and messy; But the kind of messy that seemed intentional and not at all grubby looking. Heechul almost got lost in his image. He felt a bit inferior to him, feeling a bit ugly-looking. He wanted to hide his face from him, despite the fact that this man may not have cared. pasta pasta
code// just-peachy
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////\\\\/////\\\\\////\\\\////\\\\////\\\\ go forward
Mood: Interested ↪
Location: Swamp
Chon Heechul
Do You Really Love Me?
Heechul turned to look where the man pointed and had to stop himself from showing any sign of annoyance. How could the roads possibly get any worse than they already were? He didn't want to stay over at some strangers house, especially in the middle of an ominous and unfamiliar swamp. Be that as it may, he didn't want to go through another eternity of turning around, backing-up, and driving in circles. He didn't want to find out what lurked among the trees at night; It already looked scary enough during the day.

Heechul noticed the man's bleeding thumb and was quick to react. "What happened to your hand?" he asked, wondering if he had even noticed the cut or felt the pain.

"Yea, thanks," he replied, glancing down at his jacket and back at him, "Home? Work maybe? Depends on when I make it out of here. Hopefully soon." He became shy and uncomfortable when he noticed the man looking at him, "Heechul." He was reluctant to lift an arm up to shake his hand, not knowing if that was necessary or not. He kept his arm to his side.

He wondered if it was the best option for him to go into this stranger's house. The situation wasn't the same as a typical job offer that was arranged beforehand; This time it was upfront and random. He could have just left already once he got directions to leave. And yet he was still speaking to this stranger. But, he'd get paid. "I'll see what I can do," he said nonchalantly, "And I'll accept the payment." pasta pasta
code// just-peachy
  • v
////\\\\/////\\\\\////\\\\////\\\\////\\\\ go forward
Mood: Interested ↪
Location: stranger's house
Chon Heechul
Do You Really Love Me?
Heechul was a bit concerned when the man hadn't responded to his question about his bleeding appendage. But when he was lead inside the strangers home, he simply ignored it and assumed that he'd take care of it later.

When following behind, he saw a bit of what he was expecting its interior to look like, as well as some other out of place decorations and knickknacks. It looked oddly cozy and warm with its out-of-date style. When his eyes landed on the action figures, he got the impression that a small child was living with his grandmother there. This man was a combination of both: Seemingly calm, careful, and patient enough to be able to knit at least half of a blanket, but yet still having the feeling of childhood nostalgia that lingered for quite a while. He snickered at the thought, finding it amusing that such a combination of traits could exist inside a single person.

He was brought to the bathroom where he was greeted by a broken sink and a shower with plants hanging down from its curtains. He wasn't sure how to feel about this place. The feeling of foreboding still remained at the pit of his stomach and it seemed to get worse when he entered this man's house.

He hadn't even responded to his question about the tea and the stranger had already left in a hurry. In the back of his mind, a small part of him had the strong feeling that he was going to get drugged or poisoned. But it was just that: A small thought that he paid no mind to. It remained back there and he allowed himself to put, at the very least, a bit of trust in this stranger. He hadn't done anything worth being killed over right? He was sure of it. Or maybe he was just trying to make excuses for his lack of skepticism.

He approached the sink, looking down at it with a look of concern plastered on his face. He removed the drain plug and scoffed; It was obvious that he had dropped a few things in the drain. Soon after, he was given a cup of what was claimed to be green tea. He took the cup from him, "Thanks." He instinctively took a small sip and he felt himself relax a little. He wasn't sure why, but he wasn't worried.

It didn't take long for Heechul to finish his work on the sink. All he really had to do was empty out the pipe and screw it back again. The man could've done it himself if he had a wrench and a long stick of some sort. But of course he wouldn't say anything since he knew he was getting paid for his services.

He left the bathroom and stood awkwardly by the living room area, watching the stranger lounge on his sofa. He was waiting for his pay, but the sudden calm that came over him assured him that he wasn't in a hurry. He let himself rest his body on one of the couch's arms as he took another sip from his drink. The once foreboding feeling that he felt before seemed to float into thin air as this new, calmer feeling took over.

The two of them made small talk. "My parents basically got me the job when I was in high school so that I'd get time out of the house and learn how to manage money," he started, "It's not too hard. Most people just come to me with issues with their appliances. Come to find out that a lot of them just drop a bunch of shit in their drains." He took a playful jab at the stranger.

"Hey, what happened to your hand earlier? Aren't you going to patch it up or something?" he asked, feeling more confident in speaking to him now after drinking from the cup. He lightly swished around the drink by swaying the cup back and forth very slightly. pasta pasta
code// just-peachy



a person who claims or is believed to have magic powers; a wizard.​
Mi Ji Ho
Ji Ho smiled as the man spoke about his job, the interest practically glowing on his face. But soon it diminished and was replaced with a scowl. "Hah hah. Very funny," He said sarcastically as he scrunched up his nose. "I couldn't help it! They fell in... and piled up over time. Besides, I have no handy skills what-so-ever," He whined as he fell back on the couch.

He frowned at the mention of his injured finger. He held it up to his face and examined it. The blood had clotted up and dried, making his disgust decrease. "I don't know," He muttered before letting his hand fall. "I probably cut it or something... and it doesn't look too severe, so I'll survive." He paused for a few moments. "But I suppose cleaning it would be the best thing to do," He muttered. He was silent for a few moments before getting up off the couch. "I guess I'll clean it then... With my fixed sink!" He was pleased with his fixed sink as it had been far too long since the thing last fully worked. Plus, he never invested on a repairman before; it was a pleasant surprise.

Ji Ho twisted the nob attached to the porcelain sink and watched as warm water poured out. He used a mixture of soap and water to clean the wound. A hiss escaped as he felt a stinging sensation. He didn't realize the cut as deep enough to inflict pain. Sighing he pulled his hand out of the water before twisting the nob to turn off the water. He wiped his hands on the white hand towel, being careful enough not to further harm his injury.

Being away from Heechul had given him more time to think about the situation. How was he suppose to bind this person without them knowing? It didn't seem like it was all that possible and didn't help that he had no clue what he was doing. All he knew was gain their trust and stay confident. He gripped the sides of the of the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. This could only end horribly; it could even cost him his life. "What am I doing?" He thought with a frown.

He lingered in the bathroom for a few moments before walking back into the living room. "So," He began as he laid back down on the couch. "Why do you work here?" He asked as he moved his knitting supplies to the white coffee table beside the couch. "I mean, you could use your talents elsewhere? Right? Like at some fancy hotel... instead of some swamp." He pulled a hand through his soft curls with a soft smile. "But the people that own this place are good people... They do beat snobby hotel owners."

code by pasta pasta
hover on the pic​
[class name=bodytext]font-size:10px; color:grey; line-height:12px;[/class][class name=heading]color:white; font-size:25px; text-style:bold;[/class] [class name=yeoone]color:transparent; height:288px; transition-duration:0.8s; z-index:-1; font-size:11px; text-align:center; padding:0px;[/class] [class name=yeoone state=hover] background-color:rgba(198,196,195, 0.4); text-align:center; padding:0px; font-size:11px; color:#fff;[/class] [class name=background]background-color:#fff; height:185px; margin-left:160px; position:relative; bottom:190px; width:200px; padding:0px; color:#A3A1A0; font-size:11px; line-height:10px; text-align:justify; overflow:hidden;[/class] [class name=background2]background-color:transparent; margin-left:100px; position:relative; bottom:435px; width:150px; padding:10px; color:#FFF; font-size:30px; text-shadow:4px 4px 7px #A3A1A0; line-height:30px;[/class]
[div class="yeoone"]
mood: curious
location: Ji Ho's house
[div class="background"]

Heechul chuckled at Ji Ho's defense; He really was like a child. It wasn't just his choice of decoration that showed this side of him after all. His laugh gradually devolved into a soft smile when he saw him get excited over his new bathroom sink.

When he saw his legs disappear from view as he walked up the stairs, it didn't take long for him to get bored and look around. His curiosity got the best of him and he found himself walking around the living room area. He first approached the shelves and lifted a hand towards the elegant china. Its surface was cold but that was expected from touching porcelain. He looked at the action figures next to the china and didn't bother to touch them. He'd probably notice if they were out of place. He turned back to the couch and picked up the half-knitted blanket. "Who even knits anymore?" he thought. He assumed that he never bothered to finish and most likely won't get back to doing so anytime soon as he moved on to the next attraction on his little tour of sorts.

Unfortunately for him, he decided to take a little detour: the kitchen. It looked just as weird as the rest of the house. He helped himself to look through the drawers and found a few things that he would expect to find in a swamp; Weird things.

Heechul continued rummaging through and found a book. He tried his best to remember where it was and how it was placed inside the drawer before taking it out and flipping through. Writing filled the pages, both handwritten and printed. He read a few sentences before realizing what he was holding in his hands. Not long after he heard Ji Ho's footsteps from upstairs. He took his time to put the book back in its proper place before slowly closing the drawer and returning to his place in the living room.

The issue was that he both physically and mentally couldn't be scared enough to react. He simply sat there thinking "What is this place" but in the same manor as someone that comes across something that strikes curiosity and interest rather than fear and intimidation. He couldn't even be worried, scared, or even angry.

"I'm sure they are. But unfortunately, there aren't really any 'fancy hotels' around where I work. The classiest we have around there is a well furnished, two story house. But those are pretty uncommon anyways," he explained before taking another sip of his drink. Despite his newfound knowledge of the possible danger that he was in, he continued to sabotage himself by drinking the unfamiliar drink. pasta pasta
[/div][div class="background2"]CHON HEECHUL[/div][/div]
code // just-peachy
It was a lot easier to bound someone than he originally thought. He felt a little disappointed; there was much in a change of how he felt besides the chain connecting him to Heechul. Now that it was the afternoon, the witch felt it was ok to call for the repair man. He still had to pay him anyway. He made a potion to wipe away all imperfections just for that purpose; the gift of everlasting beauty. It wasn’t money, but it surely was equivalent to it.

The previous night, he had fallen asleep before he was able to pay the repairman. It gave him the opportunity to introduce to the world of magic.

Music softly came through the small radio placed in the kitchen. One of the few objects of technology Ji Ho had from the nonmagical world. The swamp hippie danced to the music that was distorted by the amount of static the radio was producing. The music put him in a trance as he swayed, and soon his was being ripped from it as he remembered why he was there in the first place.

He leaned over the counter and flipped through through the leather-bound book. His slender fingers trailed down the page as he read, stopping as soon as it reached the small section. “Call for them?” He licked his lips as he tilted his head. There wasn’t anything more to it? No magic chant you have to say before it?

“Come to me,” He whispered as he pictured the male in his head. Slowly he opened one eye and looked around. “Did it work?” Only time could he answer his question. He just had to wait and see if Heechul would show up or not. In the pit of his stomach, he felt nervous.

Ji Ho knew the other would be angry with him; maybe even try to kill him. “You’re alright,” He intoned continuously as shut the large book and placed it back into the draw. Defense wasn’t exactly his strong suit. He could throw objects at the attacker with his mind but couldn’t exactly use any spells to harm the person. His ability to resurrect himself and other living things was the only power stopping him from dying. Even then, when he’d wake up from being dead, he was weak. His only chance of survival would be running away.

The hippie glanced over towards his cat. The cat’s eyes read as disappointed, causing to scoff. “You're supposed to do this,” He muttered as he covered his face with his hands. “And it’s not like I’ll make him do everything for free… I’ll pay him - somehow.” The cat just continued to stare as its tail flickered. “Nothing will happen... “ He reassured himself as he adjusted his oversized sweater.
southside. southside.
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JPG File
date: 3/30/18
rating: ★★★★☆
dimensions: 70x70
size: 81.4kb
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Mood: furious
Location: Ji-Ho's cottage
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His old boss let out a hearty laugh as he and Heechul conversed and made small talk. A dull puff of smoke escaped his mouth with each word, laugh, and breath. That evening, Heechul was hanging out with his boss. Their relationship was nowhere near professional. He hated to admit it, but he was essentially his only "friend". He was a grumpy old thing, never really leaving his house's vicinity. His hobbies included people watching, smoking, and constantly calling his worker during random times of the day.

"So what took you so long to get here boy?"

He explained briefly what happened to him in the swamp, leaving out some bits and pieces; He mentioned the stranger, his house, and appearance leaving out the fact that he found a book of spells in the guy's kitchen drawer. He tried his best to ignore it, wanting to forget it immediately, but some part of him wished it were real.

——————————————— The young adult took the next day to sleep in, as his shift was starting in the afternoon. Which really meant that he suddenly decided to sleep in for the hell of it. He was exhausted and couldn't really remember why. Not only that, but there was a sharp, itching pain on the side of his neck. He took a moment to feel it and scratch at it a few times before giving up and falling back asleep.

He woke up about two hours later when he got out of bed to get ready for work. It was when he went to brush his teeth that he got a good look at himself in the mirror. He moved his head around trying to find a good position to get a good look at whatever was causing the pain. It looked to be about the size of a quarter, almost like a tattoo that was somehow burned into his skin. He tapped the area and winced. He soon forgot about it when he went to take a shower.

He grabbed his keys and slipped on his two-toned windbreaker before leaving his apartment and starting his truck. But as soon as he shut the door to the vehicle and set his hands on the steering wheel, he felt a strong urge to revisit the swamp. Unlike his first experience driving through it, this time he knew where he was going.

He stormed towards the cottage and helped himself inside. With the way he swung the door open, it very much could have fallen right off of its hinges. Trying to restrain himself only made it worse for him, but his stubbornness caused him to persist, only making him more angry. Ji Ho was obviously the one to blame for this and all he knew to do in the situation was to be angry. He lashed out at the stranger, "What the hell did you do to me?" pasta pasta
code // just-peachy
smoke puff - mi ji ho
The moisture in the air attacked his skin and left it with a dewy film over his clear complexion. He pressed a hand against his sticky skin before sighing. It seemed the cottage was getting hotter as his anxiety increased. The abode's muddy scent became stronger with the heat. He eyes were trained on the door as he waited for Heechul to arrive. Taking a deep breath, he reached out for a small radio he had purchased at some thrift store. It was one of the only human pieces of technology he owned. He pulled the antenna to its full length before turning the small channel changer. Static emitted out of the box, but soon it was replaced with soft music. He lowered his head to expect the radio; his curly hair fell in front of his dark orbs.

The calm mood of the cottage shifted as soon as the door was swung open. The music no longer helped sooth the witch's nerves; by now it was just white noise. He shot up from the worn down chair, his eyes widening as they landed on Heechul. "Nothing bad," He answered immediately. His voice wasn't the coolest sounding; it had more of apprehensive tone. Bonding wasn't necessarily a grave matter to do to someone, but it could mentally harm the victim. The words wouldn't move past his lips to explain what he had done. His slender fingers pulled at the loose strings of his sweater as his mind raced.

He repeated his previous statement before taking a few steps back. A sudden surge of confidence tainted the witch mind. The jewelry he wore protected his thin frame. "And besides, you can't do anything about it!" He huffed as he fisted his pants. "You're stuck with me." His mother had never explained to him how to handle the aftermath of the magical deed. That may have been because she never had to deal with a stubborn human.

"I'm a witch; you're my servant. I'm the cat; you're the mouse." He paused for a few moments. "You should be honored. I could give you almost anything." The witch was unaware that everything coming out of his mouth sounded crazy. He wanted the man to stay and treat his loneliness, but it seemed he was saying things that would drive the human away.

The fluffy cat that was sitting on the counter reached out and batted Jinsol. It was like she was scolding him for behaving the way he was. He ignored the white cat and continued to think of things to say. "It wasn't even my original intention," He whispered to himself before moving to take his seat. The floorboards creaked at his sudden movement. His once confident stature diminished as he flipped through his book. He believed fear was a weakness, so he tried to cling to his dying confidence. "Even if you try to leave, I'll just make you come back." southside. southside.
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Mood: furious

Location: Ji-Ho's cottage
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Ji-ho's outwardly calm response only fanned the flames of Heechul's anger. Every word that came out of his mouth made him more outraged. He wanted to kick something over, break something important to him. Maybe he would feel at least a fraction of what he felt.

He stormed over to the kitchen and went rummaging around for the book that he saw the day before. Throughout his search he knocked things over and threw out whatever unfamiliar, witchy-item that wasn't what he was looking for. In the heat of the moment, he let his selfishness get the better of him. At that moment in time, nothing mattered but him and his own issues. He wanted to get rid of this god-forsaken curse as soon as possible and never come back again.

He eventually found the book he was looking for laying on the counter and leaned over it, aggressively flipping its pages. He came across a page that seemed to relate to his situation and carried the book over to Ji-Ho. He shoved the book into his abductor's face, "I can't read it. Fix this, now," he spoke firmly, with conviction.

Heechul didn't realize until then that he had never been this close to the sorcerer. He got a good look at his face and his once enchanting looks now irritated him. He scowled.

He wondered why he even came to the woods in the first place. If only he didn't meet this guy. If only he didn't end up in the swamp. If only he had taken a different job in a different area. If only he had a different job! Hindsight was his enemy at this point, and he was starting to hate his poor decision making just as much as he was starting to hate this stranger.

The brand on his neck suddenly flared up and he groaned out of pain. A part of him felt a bit fearful after his episode but he shoved the thought to the back of his mind. pasta pasta
code //
code // just-peachy
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smoke puff - mi ji ho
Ji Ho watched in horror as the repairman began to rummage through his things. Enchanted items were being thrown around like worthless rag dolls. He broke from his frozen state to collect him magical belongings from the wooden floor. Priceless artifacts that he risked his life to gather from the depths of the swamp. It did, in fact, lead him to devise a plan; once he had Heechul wrapped around his finger, he'd make him help him replace the damaged articles. But he didn't know if he'd even survive his current situation.

Tears threaten to spill from his dark eyes as he laid his stuff on the table. His stomach was tied up in knots, and the lump in his throat prevented him from speaking. Fear got the best of him, and he was unable to confront Heechul. Quickly he dusted away the tears before they could even fall down his face. He didn't want to seem weak since he was at an advantage with his powers. It was like he forgetting that Heechul couldn't do anything to harm him.

He loathed when people spoke down to him. He felt stupid, like a child who didn't know better. It fueled his anger and played with his confidence levels.

He stared at the book for a few moments before glancing back up at Heechul. The witch didn't want to break it to him that the bond isn't unable to be undone. "You don't know what you're doing. It's not even the right page," He seethed before roughly grabbing the leather-bound book. The sudden burst of confidence only lasted a few moments before his retracted into his metaphorical shell. He hastily flipped through the textured, water-damaged pages as he searched for the right one.

For a moment, he glanced up when he heard the repairman groan. He glanced back down at the book and ignored the pain Heechul was in; he assumed it was just apart of what was going on. He reached the correct page and placed it down on the table. "There," He said as he pointed to one of the numerous lines. "It cannot be undone." He paused for a moment and began to feel guilty. "But, it's a back forth thing... I can give you whatever you want." He took a few moments to take in the taller's appearance. "Like fix that," He muttered, referring to his skin. The witch could see it was an insecurity for the male. southside. southside.
Chon Heechul
The repairman
© southside
mood: exhausted

location: ji-ho's cottage

tags: pasta pasta
Heechul had no words for how he felt. He didn't know what to say to Ji-Ho's response. Of course he didn't know what he was doing. After all, he really was just a plain, regular human. The most understanding he had of any of this magic shit were the fairy tale books that were read to him as a kid.

He only got angrier when the stranger snatched the book from his hands. In the back of his mind he knew that it was stupid to get angry over something as petty as that--considering that it wasn't even his book--but at that moment in time, practically anything could set him off.

Heechul leaned towards the book and squinted his eyes as if he were an old man about to whip out his reading glasses. He read the lines of ink on the page and he felt his heart drop. "How can something like that not be undone? Can't witches just decide to end the contract? There's always a way to counter these things," he thought as his mind raced.

The last words he heard Ji-Ho said set him over the edge. He felt a twinge of empathy for him as he was trying to make him feel better. But his insecurities were the least of his problems now.

He hesitated before speaking and decided to just leave. He decided that maybe if he just left that it would solve his problems, especially after the scene he caused. It was a stupid way to react and probably one of the worst ways to fix the situation. Even though, he'd at least want to try to find a way out of this than to submit to the demands of this stranger.

On his way out of the cottage he felt himself slip and all of a sudden he passed out. He soon found himself lying on a couch with his head pounding. He had so many questions. "What happened?" he asked. He was too exhausted to even muster any more than that.

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