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Pivotal Moments


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Our lives and our worlds are made up of many individual moments, some trivial and some vitally important. These are the moments on which everything hinges, that moment when you make a choice that can save you or doom your world.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]A shadowy group known only as The Serpent Society has been traveling the Multiverse in search of these “Pivotal Moments” which they use to usher in despair and destruction to all the Earths they visit.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Their reasons and identities are shrouded in mystery and there are few among the pantheon of Heroes who can stop them.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]But that has not stopped two heroes from trying. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The soul survivors from two different worlds they have banded together to put a stop to the evil Serpent Society and their plot to destroy the Multiverse.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]They are Barbara Gordon aka [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]THE BATWOMAN[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] and Barry Allen aka [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]THE FLASH.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Each of them have their reasons for fighting the Serpent Society and they are working tirelessly to find a way to bring them down.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Recently they have made a breakthrough. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]They have found a way to track the Serpent Society through the Multiverse. They use this knowledge to find the Society in new Worlds and do their best to prevent other Earths falling to the same fate as their own.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]But time is not on their side, the Serpent Society is merciless and tireless in their quest to “Feed the Serpent” and they will let nothing and no one stand in their way.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]MAIN THREAD || CHARACTERS[/SIZE]

Secrets of the Society


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The Serpent Society are actually future versions of Flash/Batwoman who have lost their way due to some as yet unknown event. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]They fall in with an entity named Oroboros who convinces them to “feed it” and bring about the end of the Multiverse all together. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]For Ouroboros is an Ancient Creature known as the World Eater that is said to bring about the End Time when it devours all the worlds in existence until only Death remains.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The Flash/Batwoman are promised peace at last and a way to be free of their failures and regrets.[/SIZE]
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Barry Allen

There was a crack of sound as the duo left the speed force. The sound was deafened by the roar of the cars on the freeway above the two, Barry looked up, then around and instantly recognized where they were. More importantly, he recognized the city skyline in the distance. In the same instant of time, Barry both felt joy and sorrow. Barry looked over at Barbara and pointed to the west, "We're under Highway 30, that way leads toward both Metropolis and Gotham." Then he pointed to the skyline of the city in the distance, "Thats Central City. I'd recognize her any where, no matter how different this Earth might be." Every time they went to a different Earth, Barry felt the same desire to go find Iris. Just to see her. Her eyes and her smile were always the same, even if everything else seemed to be different.

Barry grimaced, the grimace that gave away the fact that his wants and desires were again beaten by the more pressing matter of figuring out what the Serpent Society wanted to do on this earth, and how Barry and Barbara could find a way to prevent this Earth from meeting the same fate as their own two worlds. "Alright Barb, where do we go now? Should we get civilian clothes and head into the city to see what major differences there are?" After Barry and Barbara had teamed up, Barry had abandoned his usual plan of running to Gotham and finding whatever version of Batman was there and using them to help him. Barbara, in Barry's opinion, was just as good as Bruce was back home. He always made mental comparisons of the two in his head, and found it ironic that on her Earth, Bruce was just the playboy billionaire everyone thought he was. Because she was so much like Barry's Bruce, he left the plans up to her.

[SIZE= 12px]@nerdyfangirl[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Barbara waited a moment as her legs wobbled as her equilibrium was stabilized after her dizzying trip through the Speed Force. Despite the convenience of the travel it always left her feeling that little bit off center and vulnerable - mostly because it was among the few times when she was self-consciously aware of the fact that the miracle giving her the ability to walk was as fallible as any other form of technology and it did not like going through the time space continium. That it continued to work at all was a testament to Lex Luthor’s genius - which was galling to admit.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]But as soon as her body stabilized she shoved the unproductive thoughts to the side and focused on Barry’s suggestion. The city skyline in the distance was vaguely familiar - Barry had a tendency to be drawn to Central City in an almost metaphysical sense. She envied him that sense of belonging - Gotham might always hold a place in her heart but she would never feel the same sense of yearning for it that Barry did his City. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Central was also a far better city to look up information in, the people on the whole seemed less abrasive and paranoid than her own native Gothamites. Plus the Flash’s presence tended to be something more openly talked about than a Bats. Heck she still never got over the fact that in some places they actually had a Museum dedicated to the Scarlet Speedster. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]It was baffling to the Gotham Knight but no less useful, especially when they needed to lay low and get a feel for the land before they tipped their hand to the Society or their counterparts.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“ I say we grab some civilian garb and head for Central. Maybe hit up the Library or the Museum, whichever we find first. I want to get a feel for the superhero presence here without potentially causing a fallout with the local capes. If ya can grab me a wheelchair this time, the implants are buzzing a little in my head and I want to get the chance to look over ‘em before I gear up. Just bring an extra bag to store ‘em in or something. “[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]She said rubbing the small nodes attached to her head, they were hidden at present by her cowl but they were definitely still buzzing despite the fact that they had been outside of the Speed Force long enough for them to have regulated themselves.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13.3333px]@DrCompton[/SIZE]
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Barry Allen

"Sure Barb, sounds good to me." Barry stealing was one of the things Barry hated doing, but knew was [SIZE= 12px]necessary for the two of them at this point. Barry was gone from Barbara's sight in a second, all that was left was a strong gust of window, and a split second of harmless electricity. As Barry zoomed through Central City he first went into a clothing store at the mall and picked out an outfit for himself; jeans, a plain t-shirt, and a Central City Stars baseball cap. Along with the whole stealing factor, Barry also hated 'shopping' for Barbara. He was never sure if she liked the outfits he picked out. Also asking what her sizes were was one of the more awkward conversations the two of them had. Barry had managed to find a plain t-shirt, jeans and the necessary undergarments. Barry couldn't help but grin when he found a Gotham City Knights baseball cap in one of the stores for her. The shoes Barry had gotten for the duo were pairs of red and blue all stars. While at the mall, Barry also took a plain black backpack so the two could put their extra stuff into it.  When Barry had zoomed in and out of the hospital and grabbed one of the wheelchairs at the entrance of the emergency room, he felt extra bad. The wheelchair was one that Barbara could wheel herself if she wanted too, colored black, on the back of it were the letters "CCDH ER"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]It had taken Barry 4 seconds to return to Barbara. "Okay, I think I got everything in the right size this time." He grinned when he pulled out the Black and Yellow Gotham Knights baseball cap, "Look what I managed to find at the mall." Barry sat her bag down into the wheel chair he'd taken before looking at the golden Flash ring on his finger. He popped the button, and a second later was dressed in the normal street clothes he'd managed to take, his Flash suit safely tucked into the ring. Fully dressed now, Barry turned away from Barbara so she could dress there. Barry stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans and just stared at Central City, "I wonder if this would have been my Earth if I did everything right." He said it more out loud to himself than he did toward Barbara.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]@A Nerd Named Rae[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Watching Barry disappear in a flash of lightning was always an interesting experience. Despite her dual experiences of life she had never been much for socializing outside of Gotham. Her clearest memories were working with Katie, although she still had a sense of the life where Katie died and she had a whole adopted family of her own.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Those memories of her first life were like a fairytale dream most days, things she remembered in the dead of night when sleep alluded her. The lasting impression she got from them was the ability to trust Barry and the feeling of loss and anger at the Society.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]It could be disorienting at times - the sense of the angry orphan she knew herself to be and the reformed party girl she could have been. It didn’t do to dwell on that for long though and she was grateful when Barry return seconds after he left. He gave her something in moving forward to focus on and she appreciated it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The quip about sizes and the gift of the cap brought a smile to her face as she began the process of removing her armor and suit. Most of which actually went into a “ring” of her own. A locket that had once belonged to Katie that she used to store her shrunken armory. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]She had been fascinated by the process when Barry had shown it to her, it certainly made being mobile and unrecognizable easier, even if it didn’t really cut down on her suit up time in general.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The braces however went into a bag, after being unhooked delicately. She had always gotten the idea they had not originally been made to be detachable - for good reason - but a woman with braces was just too noticeable. Especially braces as distinguishable as the ones Lex Luthor had created. So instead she slipped them off piece by pieces, moving them onto her lap. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Gonna have to put ‘em in the bag there hot stuff while I work on these jeans.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]She drawled in amusement. She took a kind of subtle pleasure on messing with Barry, it reminded her of bantering with Dick or Dinah in her first life. Not that there was the attraction there, no Barry was a married man and Babs had never been a home-wrecker.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]With the braces off she could move to the jeans. They were a bit tricky to manage when her legs were dead weight but she refused to ask for help with this part. She was a grown woman she could surely dress herself.  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]After finagling the jeans on and letting Barry handle putting their extra gear away she was settled back into the wheelchair breathing evenly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]After a few seconds to regroup she was ready to hit the city. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Alright we’re gonna need to get a cab first, we’ll start with something to eat then we’ll hit up the Library or the Museum. I’ll act your out of town cousin here to see the sights.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]Barry blushed noticeably when Barbara told him he'd have to put her braces away, while she had no pants on. Barry also knew that it'd take her a few minutes to get her pants on without the braces on, and he also knew that she wouldn't ask him for help putting her pants off if the world was literally on fire around them. Barry did the respectable thing and averted his eyes as he carefully placed her braces into the bag. The last thing he wanted to do was accidentally mess them up some how. "A cab huh? That might be a little tougher, since we'll have to call for a wheel chair cab. Unless you're going to let me actually pick you up to put you in the cab this time." Barry smiled. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]With that, Barry grabbed the wheel chair and started to push her toward the city. They'd have to at least find a street first anyways and get out from underneath the overpass and away from the highway. He took up a jog, careful not to go any where close to full speed. To Barry, it felt like he was going on a light walk, though he was going about the speed that a track athlete running the first lap of a 1600 meter race, "Let me know if I start to get carried away Barb." With that, Barry kind of went into his own mind, looking around as they got closer and closer to recognizable parts of the city. Then Barry felt his stomach growl, "Hm. Im in the mood for a Big Belly Burger, what about you?" Barry looked down at his partner as they jogged, Barry not realizing that he was starting to get faster.[/SIZE]

@A Nerd Named Rae

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]As the wind picked up around them and the wheels of her new chair started to squeak she couldn’t help but give an exasperated snort. Subtly, the bane of all Speedsters. Still a part of her did enjoy the feeling of the wind, it wasn’t that different than racing through the city with Katie/The Kids/Dick/Dinah, for a moment the images flashed as clear as day in front of her eyes and she felt her hands tighten on the armrests and her breathing sped up as she choked out a quick warning. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“S-stop! S-slow down Barry.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]She was gripping the armrest tightly and breathing out through gritted teeth. She felt shakes starting along her body as she fought off the dizzying feeling of the flashback. Her emotions roiled beneath her skin and she fought a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]It didn’t help that a part of her mind wanted to retreat back to the old techniques that Dinah had taught her, reinforced by images of a stranger saying similar things to a stone-faced girl scowling in his office. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]All of it swirled in her head, memories of lives she had lived, she hadn’t lived, she would never live again. It made her want to puke. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]And it made her want to just shut down, turn it off, make all the emotions go away. Turn to drugs, drinking, fucking, anything to make the memories shut up to make the feeling stop. But that wouldn’t help, going numb never did. Beating the living shit out of people until she was panting and covered in blood didn’t really help either but it was at least an active coping mechanism. At least it meant she felt something.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]But she wasn’t Batwoman now, she didn’t have that focus that laser sense of purpose that made all the rest of it go away. Batwoman/Shadow it didn’t matter the name, the purpose, the Mission, that was the one constant. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]But without the suit the constant was shaky and Babs was left battling conflicting desires and too many emotions and she hated it. Hated it with a burning bile that made her wish she hadn’t been paralyzed so she could move, pace, go to the nearest dojo and work her issues out through her body.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The trapped feelings of legs that wouldn’t work not without the braces only made her more upset. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]So she sat, hating herself for the weakness. Hating the prick of tears and the ragged breaths. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]At least the wind stopped, and she was grateful and angry at once. Nothing like running from your problems with the fastest man alive.[/SIZE]


As soon as Barbara asked for Barry to stop, he did. Instinctively, he reached around in front of her to both give her a small hug to try and comfort her, and too stop her from falling forward and out of the chair. Barry gave her a small squeeze with his arm, trying to reassure her. Barry was normally good at reassuring people, but for whatever reason he'd never been good with word's around Barbara, especially when it came too trying to calm her down. It felt strange to Barry to be so completely useless to someone on an emotional level. Heck, he'd even been Bruce's confidant on his Earth, and he still considered Bruce to be the most emotionally distant person Barry had ever met. Barry released his arm from around Barbara and stood up, and placed his hand on her shoulder instead. "Sorry Barb." He squeezed her shoulder lightly before pulling it away, "Got caught up with myself."

Barry took this moment while Barbara recovered and looked around, he knew where they were for sure. He didn't want to take a cab, he knew it'd add some time, but it definitely wouldn't be enough to detract from their goals seriously. In his head, the map of Central City popped up and he plotted their course, how fast he'd go, how long it would take them to eat, and how long it'd take them to get from Big Belly Burger to The Museum. This was all Barry guessing that this world was the exact same as his Earth, and so far it had been. Barry recognized every store front on this street. Barry looked down at Barbara, "Let me know when we are good to go Barb, I'd like to walk. I like this Earth very much." He almost told her that it felt right, but he didn't want to admit it himself, he couldn't get attached to another Earth, "I did the work in my head, I figure we can get to food and the museum in probably 40 minutes if I walk."

@A Nerd Named Rae

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